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Touch Friendly Forum Design? - Printable Version

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Touch Friendly Forum Design? - Marcus von Cube - 02-28-2016 05:26 PM

I'm reading this forum mostly from touch enabled devices. There is an annoying mismatch between the size of my fingers and the dimensions of the "go to first unread post" icon left of the thread title.

Can you replace the tiny arrow with something considerably larger, please?

RE: Touch Friendly Forum Design? - walter b - 02-28-2016 07:28 PM


And while we're at it: in each subforum, the arrow goes to the first post not yet read in a thread Smile; in the forum overview, however, the arrow marks a subforum read Confused; please (tell MyBB to) find a more coherent UI. TIA.


RE: Touch Friendly Forum Design? - d b - 02-29-2016 06:23 AM

Marcus; As has been said on another subject entirely: "I feel your pain".

I spent parts of January and February scraping through Greece, Albania, and central Italy with an Iphone. I'm here to tell you; communication could have been better. The problem was not only the finger / touch screen mismatch but it's inability to store passwords reliably and connectability too. At least Deutsche Telekom worked.

I'm sure that Dave will look at this, but with a new not-too-well designed device coming out every day or so; MyBB may not be able to keep up with every "not ready for prime time" bauble that comes (unready) to market. I thought Apple was supposed to be immune but I was ready to throw mine into the Adriatic, or Vesivus!

If only the "tech" world had the work ethic, or maybe- devotion to usability - that you and Pauli have, much angst could be avoided. I noted your latest lightning fast build. You guys are what the computer industry should be. -db