The Museum of HP Calculators
HP Forum Archive 10
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This is an archive of the HP forum, which is for discussion of HP calculators including usage, repairs,
sources of replacement parts, general information etc.
Message Index
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(Compressed "Threads Only" Listing)
- HHP RAM for 71b - back up battery, Kim Holm 0 responses
- Preliminary list of my user library programs available, Gene 0 responses
- eBay Leaves A Lot to be Desired, Nick Nicholas 7 responses
- Nice DVD, Dave!, Dave Mabry 0 responses
- 71b Finally, Joe Edwards 4 responses
- HP-67 (soft) display trouble, Daniel Conde 1 response
- RAM cards for the 48gx, Joe Edwards 1 response
- HP48 plot to HPGL device?, Chan Tran 0 responses
- 71b CMT EPROMS, andy 0 responses
- 82161A Tapes?, Diego Diaz 0 responses
- HP-97, Mark Monica 6 responses
- ...for beginners, Pyerre 0 responses
- new *hp* calculators, James Stephens 4 responses
- 7 card star trek for 67/97, Malcolm 7 responses
- HP21 bacteries, Fabio Bertella 5 responses
- 41->71 Translator and the FTH41ROM LEX file, andy 7 responses
- fast, andy 3 responses
- HP41c slot problem, Wolfgang Batrla 1 response
- 'rescue' updates, Christof 8 responses
- 48gx buying info - questions, Joe Edwards 1 response
- 48S died, Mike Rivera 6 responses
- how do i do a matrix transpose, zenon 2 responses
- E-Bay question - Past Auction Search, D. Hanson 2 responses
- my HP25 is now white!!! help, Rodney 1 response
- HP 49g, Joe Dirt 6 responses
- hp-25 pressing 1 displays 3?, Rodney 0 responses
- Re: HP 41 Battery Pack, Steve 0 responses
- Solve/Integrate Algorithms, Patrick 3 responses
- HP 55, Erik Madsen 0 responses
- how do i give a 25c a bath?, db(martinez,california) 6 responses
- Hrastprogrammer's emulators for the 48gx, Joe Edwards 2 responses
- Yet another 41CX Display Problem..., Spice_Man 4 responses
- HP 41 Battery Pack, Howard 2 responses
- 41C Display "Memory@@@@@@", Kris 11 responses
- so why did hp display from the left?, hugh 10 responses
- hp 71b, Joe Edwards 18 responses
- hp49g repair, Philippe 2 responses
- powering the 9114B Disk drive by AC only ... thoughts?, gene 5 responses
- HP 41-CX no power up, Bruce G. 4 responses
- 15c "clicking and popping" keys, Joe Edwards 7 responses
- HP-67/97 to HP-41 translator Update, Bill Hemphill 1 response
- Packaging of HP 49G, Nick Nicholas 2 responses
- Expensive Dual X-Memory, Dave Mabry 22 responses
- Woodstock (HP-25) battery packs, Robert Burnham 3 responses
- HP 85 Questions, RHahm 1 response
- series 80 manuals (Vassilis, any help?), Christof (US) 3 responses
- Where can you buy N cell battery packs for the 41c?, Steve 4 responses
- How does HP allow things like this on ebay?, Gene 5 responses
- Ebay prices seem fair to me., Mike Rivera 0 responses
- HP41C faulty, Graeme 7 responses
- 9114 substitute question, andy 0 responses
- HP10BII or 17BII, Bo K. Engelbrecht 11 responses
- HP41CX Number format - comma to decimal, WT Guthrie 1 response
- 34C's going at a premium, Sambonator 7 responses
- HP-25 problem, Robert Burnham 7 responses
- HMS "bug" again, HP11C, Scott Coburn 7 responses
- HP 48GX version, Silvio 3 responses
- RPN Calculator Simulator in BASIC, Gordon Dyer 0 responses
- Loud Clicking on a 48G+, Gray Wilson 6 responses
- Which one should I go for: HP 32sII or HP 42s, Bent Rosnes 21 responses
- 42's bug?, R Lion 6 responses
- HP34C Repair, Ulrich Viebahn 1 response
- Whither HP-10C?, Patrick 6 responses
- HP-71b lex: CUSTUTIL “Customization Utilities lexfile", Alain (Canada) 1 response
- HP-67 Diagnostic Prg SD-15C, Daniel Conde 3 responses
- HP-41 Advantage, Monte Dalrymple 2 responses
- Museum CD/DVD, Joe Edwards 3 responses
- A good sign for new HP Calculators, JaSon 5 responses
- Hp-28S insights book, Scuba Diver 2 responses
- 48G and 38G Manuals in PDF ?, Roberto Flores 2 responses
- Getting into the 39G, M@ G 1 response
- Variants of HP-32SII, Patrick 5 responses
- 41 cx LCD question, Joe Edwards 8 responses
- HP 17BII, Henry Kolesnik 3 responses
- HP97 thermal rolls, Malcolm 5 responses
- hp 20s RNG, John 1 response
- HP 17B II, Henry Kolesnik 6 responses
- 41CX Finance Module?, Mike Rivera 9 responses
- HP-49 speed, Tony Thimet 6 responses
- HP41 Card Reader, Howard 3 responses
- CMT 128k ram module for 71b, andy 0 responses
- 41cx advantage module DEAD?, Joe Edwards 4 responses
- searching info on computer museums and forums, sabrina 10 responses
- HP 49G Screen Cover, Nick Nicholas 2 responses
- HP 28S screens, Scuba Diver 2 responses
- Reproduction of HPmuseum information, Anonymous 0 responses
- ebay ti price scam?, db(martinez,california) 16 responses
- Slowing up of 48GX, HP48 user 0 responses
- Somebody using this prg?, R Lion 0 responses
- HP 18C Battery cells, Guido Muriel 1 response
- HP 12C Manual, Scott 2 responses
- HP-41C and Columbia, Sauro Mauro 1 response
- Ebay photo, link but no credit, A Friend 0 responses
- HP-11C / HP-15C docs, Patrick 3 responses
- HP 48 Insights Part II, Daniel Diggelmann 4 responses
- How much is an HP-15C worth?, N. Stevens 12 responses
- Half nut HP-41C ?, Dave Mabry 1 response
- HP 15c, Joe Edwards 3 responses
- HP calculator emulators for HP Jornada 720, Nenad Vulic (Croatia) 4 responses
- How much is an HP25 worth?, Chan Tran 5 responses
- ???41cx = 42s????, Joe Edwards 31 responses
- HP-11C test, Michel Beaulieu 5 responses
- HP-9895A manual, Achim 0 responses
- 15C User Mode, Charlie S 2 responses
- Did HP use SP (synthetic prog.) in any of its 41 apps???, Bill Wiese 3 responses
- HP45 charger (82002A), John Cadick 3 responses
- hp85 secured files, andy 5 responses
- HP 11C won't display, Steve marsh 0 responses
- Another Uncredited MoHPC Photo on EBay, Spice_Man 1 response
- HP PPC ROM, Steve 1 response
- 41c series PACs, Joe Edwards 0 responses
- 41cx to 41cx over HP/IL?, Steve 8 responses
- Classic series display problems, Spice_Man 0 responses
- HP calc emulation, Joe Edwards 2 responses
- HP48gx programming, Pierre Brial 3 responses
- A little HP-71B challenge, Ex-PPC member 3 responses
- batteries again, batteries again 8 responses
- HP-49G display scratches ... sorry, I know it's a new calc :-|, Juergen Rodenkirchen (GER) 3 responses
- HP-41 rechargeable pack, Michel Beaulieu 4 responses
- 19BII Screen Update, Nick Nicholas 5 responses
- SSS: "Small, Skinny Scientific" (calculator), Paul Brogger 1 response
- email address for , andy 3 responses
- is there a self-test procedure for the 10B?, barry 2 responses
- Out of warranty exchange of HP 32sii, Nick Nicholas 7 responses
- Off Topic. Dark Side wonderfull calculator, Daniel Sancho 4 responses
- Help with 82240B Printer repair, william Beitzel 0 responses
- HP-67 Variation not mentioned before, Michael Meyer 3 responses
- hp85 Tape Gummy Wheel, andy 6 responses
- HP97 gummy wheel repair update, Malcolm 0 responses
- HP41plot barcode, Peter 6 responses
- Polynomials solver for 42: WANTED, R Lion 2 responses
- Re: Help with 41 program, R Lion 0 responses
- HP 41CX shut down, Brent 3 responses
- Help with 41 program, R Lion 8 responses
- Best 41CV reassembly pictures ?, Bob 8 responses
- 41c/v/x halfnut vs. fullnut, Joe Edwards 1 response
- 41c/v/x PPC and Advantage modules, Joe Edwards 8 responses
- good old big enter keys, Eric 1 response
- HP-25 weird behavior, Dan F 3 responses
- 9121 discs, Andy 4 responses
- HP-41 CT 4100 Port Extender, Gordon Dyer 1 response
- hp 41 c repair, alan e grunewald 0 responses
- HP-41 / 42 style RPN challenge, Gene 13 responses
- My New Hp10Bii is CRAP!!!!, Ron Ross 13 responses
- smoking hp85, andy 4 responses
- calc precision, mapet 4 responses
- HP-67 lateral PCB, Daniel Conde 0 responses
- Uncredited MoHPC picture, Jürgen (CH) 3 responses
- HP-71B / HP-IL troubles, Gene 0 responses
- Problem with 82143A (HP 41) printer, Gunnar 2 responses
- HP-65 card reader, John Nelson 1 response
- hp 67 card reader repair, Eduardo Molinet 9 responses
- PPC ROM, Patrick 1 response
- Another uncredited MoHPC picture, Ex-PPC member 4 responses
- 71b memory question, andy 3 responses
- Kubla Khan and the 75d, Andy 1 response
- 41c/cv/cx batteries, Joe Edwards 5 responses
- Decoding newer serial numbers, Holger Weihe 3 responses
- new "oldest" HP86B?, Christof 3 responses
- HP 41CX vs HP 42s, Alan Claughan (South Africa) 15 responses
- hp keys, Steve (KY USA) 1 response
- more docco needed, Christof 0 responses
- A little classical RPN challenge, Ex-PPC member 26 responses
- Hepax Mem2 / HP67CX, Emergix 0 responses
- Gold on HP Partsurfer? (Sorry - no!), Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 0 responses
- Is this Dave's HP-35 pic on ebay?, Gene 2 responses
- 41 display cleaning, Randy Sloyer 10 responses
- Back issues of Datafile available, Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz 0 responses
- Another Price War, Pyerre 4 responses
- Why get Emu48CE for free when you could buy it? , RP 0 responses
- 42s REGS Variable Missing, Kris Collins 2 responses
- Advice needed: 29C Problem, Don Davis 1 response
- 75D manuals and IO, Christof 5 responses
- hp deskjet 672c printer, Linda 0 responses
- HP-30?, Eaglevu 4 responses
- Help with 33e and 28s, Renato 3 responses
- HP 21 display is just red dots., Geoff Harmer 3 responses
- hp 41c/v/x calculator, Joe Edwards 9 responses
- HP 15C, Nimber Format, Terry Monaghan 1 response
- How to print to HP 82240B printer for HP 41CX, Nick Nicholas 6 responses
- What processor?, Matthias 1 response
- Built in in HP Jornada 820, Matthias 0 responses
- PPC Paris and JPCROM for the HP-71B, J-F Garnier (France) 8 responses
- HP75D doesn't work with power adaptor, Lucien Gisclong 3 responses
- Why are 42S's so desirable ?, Bob 23 responses
- Downloading ROM functions, Steve 6 responses
- ROM/RAM editing program for HP-41, Jeff Davis 0 responses
- HP: Why give up on RPN? , Joe Edwardsa 6 responses
- How do I open my 15c?, Larry K 1 response
- 20s scientific calc., Joe Edwards 3 responses
- A museum in Munich/Muenchen, Nenad Vulic (Croatia) 8 responses
- 48g+ or 48gx, Joe Edwards 8 responses
- HP-19BII- manual, William Otero 0 responses
- PC emulator, William Otero 0 responses
- "N" cells, Luis 1 response
- Australian PPC Technical Notes, John Smith 1 response
- Hp color copier 150 driver!, Emmanuel 3 responses
- 42s Double Speed, Kris Collins 1 response
- HP-45 school project, Michel Beaulieu 5 responses
- HP Part numbers Crossreference, Richard Freeman (Australia) 9 responses
- Is this a good/reasonable price?, Silvio 7 responses
- HP 9S and 9G are available..., Stan (Sg) 0 responses
- Screen contrast on HP 19BII, Nick Nicholas 6 responses
- HP41 programming., Howard 4 responses
- hp 48gx really not going to be discontinued?, lokhin 1 response
- Battery/Charger usage, Silvio 4 responses
- 41C repairs needed in Germany, Randy Sloyer 2 responses
- Port Extender for HP 41, Klaus (ger) 6 responses
- Sadness about Space Shuttle Columbia loss, Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) 10 responses
- Sunny UnDelight, AshP 6 responses
- About the unpoliteness of User48, R Lion 21 responses
- Restoration and Adoration, Juan J 1 response
- Re: request for advice on posting ebay negative feedback, db(martinez,california) 7 responses
- HP-67 <-->TI-59 card reader repair, Michel Beaulieu 3 responses
- Creaky 41CX, Steve 5 responses
- hp75 CMT EPROM, Andy 0 responses
- Help with HP-20S needed, Holger Weihe 8 responses
- Maybe?, Bird 0 responses
- HP 41C Petroleum Fluids Pac, Guillermo Garcia 1 response
- Battery charger, Howard 2 responses
- Museum Pic on E-Bay..., Tony David Potter 16 responses
- Quadratic equasions, Howard 2 responses
- OT: Does anyone have the Commodore S61 manual?, Gene 10 responses
- 67 <--> 41, Michel Beaulieu 1 response
- HP-67 "circle computations", Michel Beaulieu 0 responses
- Best episodes, Renato 0 responses
- Tech help repairing an HP-41 card reader, Dave Mabry 6 responses
- hp41cx slow in USER mode, andy 5 responses
- HP48GX Emulator Windows Problems, gordon 0 responses
- Working Lifetime of LCD Displays, Nick Nicholas 5 responses
- HP-48G+ with RAM extension & increased speed, Juergen Rodenkirchen (GER) 9 responses
- A glimmer of hope, Robert 5 responses
- HP-67 Keyboard, Ernie Malaga 2 responses
- What happened to the red dot 35?, Dave Mabry 5 responses
- HP-67 card reader - To David Smith, Michel Beaulieu 4 responses
- HP's Latest Calc, Katie 9 responses
- Looking for Stephan Mettauer and Adrian Godwin, Dave Hicks 1 response
- HP 41 CV (STO) ....2nd, Bauscher; TLT (Germany) 20 responses
- soft key 41cv, Steve (KY USA) 3 responses
- HP 41 CV storage (STO) problem, Bauscher; TLT (Germany) 3 responses
- Is the 48GX discontinued ?, Bob 5 responses
- HP 35 Battery pack , Jan (Switzerland) 1 response
- My calculator, Milan Atanasovic 1 response
- Repair for HP 41CX, Linda 5 responses
- HP 42s vs. 48gx/49g/TI83+, Joe 18 responses
- Wife/Spouse quotes..., Andy 1 response
- HPIL 82973 CARD and Pentium PC, Fabio Albonico 1 response
- Warning, Matthias Wehrli 1 response
- ebay picture alert - 9 days to go, A Friend 2 responses
- 82240B IR Printer, Gordon Dyer 2 responses
- Same model calculators manufactured in different countries, Nick Nicholas 3 responses
- question about Storage, db(martinez,california) 2 responses
- HP-97 capacitor, Michel Beaulieu 5 responses
- HP12C for PocketPC, Chris Randle (UK) 21 responses
- Storage Damage, Kris Collins 3 responses
- HP-97 card reader, Michel Beaulieu 2 responses
- HP 97 calculator, Debbie Scheibner 1 response
- HP 82941A BCD-Interface, Peter Mueller 1 response
- HP-30S = Second Generation TI Two-Liner, Joerg Woerner 6 responses
- ebay: 12c manual on CD? Museum or HP site copy?, Gene 3 responses
- MLDL2000 Update, Meindert Kuipers 14 responses
- Corrosion Cleaning Fluid, Kris Collins 2 responses
- User base estimate, Jose Ignacio Gutierrez 0 responses
- Help with Geocaching Triangulation problem - what is the best calc for this?, Mark Gessner 1 response
- Plotter HP 7580B, Ulli Sprenger 0 responses
- Unreasonable Calcualtor Prices, Katie Wasserman 10 responses
- 17Bii and 19Bii, Martin 6 responses
- late, but another unattributed MoHPC picture on ebay, gene 0 responses
- 41C card reader writes but won't read, Dave Mabry 10 responses
- HP41 functionality for a PC... (SW) , Andreas Terzis 5 responses
- Prices of HP Calculators, Nick Nicholas 2 responses
- Need 17BII Manual, Daniel 2 responses
- connecting to a PC -via modem?, Christof 4 responses
- HP-35 on ebay, Joe 4 responses
- clarification of 'microcode' term - not really applicable to HP calcs, Bill Wiese 17 responses
- Database, Matthias 2 responses
- HP-15C faceplate repair, David Erdman 12 responses
- Speed on the 41 family, Silvio 5 responses
- HP 200LX Memory, Larry Stipe 5 responses
- HP-27S needs helps !, Pyerre 3 responses
- Now it's official: HP has issued a Press Release on the 9G and 9S., Michael O. Tjebben 33 responses
- Using High-capacity NiCad/NiMH cells in Vintage Calculators, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 17 responses
- HP-71X: HP-71B MicroCode Emulator for HP-48GX (Preliminary Info) , HrastProgrammer 3 responses
- HP67 charger, Howard 0 responses
- Help with 49G, Roberto Flores 0 responses
- HP-41C with silver trim, Gordon Dyer 9 responses
- HP71B Planet LEX files, andy 0 responses
- HP 3ie, Marco 3 responses
- Identifying 82120a components, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- Converting HP-97 Programs to HP-41, Bill Hemphill 8 responses
- Tones on the HP48GX, Maestro 1 response
- A public "thank you" to TomD and Jürgen, Dave 5 responses
- Non English Language Versions of Calculators, Paul Sun 3 responses
- RPN Simulator Modules for TI-59 ?, Pyerre 2 responses
- variables in other directories, Jeffrey_G 3 responses
- HP Basic, Jeff 10 responses
- Re: HP 15C - broken key?, Bob Fourney 5 responses
- a non-HP RPN calculator, Guillermo Castarés 7 responses
- Where can I find "N" cell batteries?, Steve 10 responses
- Will freezing temps hurt my calcs?, erik 14 responses
- Using the RS-232 HP/IL Interface, Steve 14 responses
- Spice battery flex circuit, Renato 8 responses
- Batteries for 82120, Renato 4 responses
- I didn't understand this e-bay announcement, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 8 responses
- HP omnibook2100 monitor Driver, Jose 1 response
- HP28C/S: Hardware I/O basics, Christoph Giesselink 0 responses
- Re: Ebay feedback question, Pocketcom Mania 1 response
- RAMBOX-ROM-File for 41CX, Simon Strach 2 responses
- HP 82055A Charger, Ken Delano 5 responses
- "The quality will remain..., Juergen 2 responses
- Practical "challenge" for the 42S, Karl Schneider 3 responses
- TI Laugh from the Past, Michael Meyer 9 responses
- model 9820a, john 1 response
- Internal HP 48G User's Guide ?, John Smith 3 responses
- Re: pi sin() on HP-32S?, Tomas 2 responses
- Looking for HP-95LX connectivity Software, Erwin 3 responses
- Is there still a "club"?, Matthias Wehrli 6 responses
- "Hybrid"HP15C lives and Rebuildin HP41broken posts, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 1 response
- Day-Of-Week (DOW) in the HP48 series - challenge?, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- Just plain silly eBay records, Randy Sloyer 0 responses
- A New Challenge, Katie Wasserman 12 responses
- OT: Name Chg: Raymond Hellstern -> R. Del Tondo, Raymond Del Tondo (Germany) 14 responses
- HP 15C Quadratic Equation II, jb 2 responses
- HP-20S CIRCONIX, George 1 response
- Just to share happiness, R Lion 2 responses
- HP-15C faceplate logo / emblem?, Bryan 1 response
- Displaying calcs, Larry Smith 0 responses
- HP-29C, Larry Smith 1 response
- 17Bii is Algebraic with Hierarchy? , Glen Kilpatrick 5 responses
- The HP Cable Table by Joe Horn, Glen Kilpatrick 3 responses
- HP-41 Card Reader always runs, Chris Murphy 1 response
- Strange HP48GX keyboard, Patrick Rendulic 3 responses
- dismantle 48 series, Mike 4 responses
- HP-75 EPROM Programming Info Needed, Mike 1 response
- hp-95, Mike N 5 responses
- HP handheld (old) calculator 41cv, bob 1 response
- HP-200LX serial cable, David Ramsey 6 responses
- Re: HP41 - PC Gateway & Emulator, Renato 0 responses
- A little HP-15C challenge, Ex-PPC member 14 responses
- Re: Petroleum Fluids Pac unt conversion, Juan J 0 responses
- Re: HP-41 internal upgrade. ????, David Smith 0 responses
- HP-71B HP-IL Interface Module Versions, Gordon Dyer 3 responses
- HP41CX scary moments (or: There is a Poltergeist with my calculators), Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 5 responses
- Re: EXCEL2002 Forensics, Gordon Dyer 1 response
- HP42S programming (text editor), Christof 4 responses
- 16C 68 bit index reg: what for?, Alexander Supalov 0 responses
- HP-41C/CV/CX display contrast, Don Davis 7 responses
- Re: Another eBay price record?, Pyerre 5 responses
- Re: 41 emulator, John K. (US) 1 response
- Replacement batteries for 82120A, Randy Sloyer(US) 14 responses
- Re: Another eBay price record?, Michel Beaulieu 5 responses
- HP41C on the Shuttle, Chris(FLA) 12 responses
- Web clock display link, David Smith 2 responses
- HP-41CX Extended memory and card reader, Chris Murphy 2 responses
- Re: HP 42S Owners Manual of the future..., Tom (UK) 1 response
- Re: HP 42S Owners Manual, Howard 1 response
- Re: I don't believe it, Paul Brogger 0 responses
- Re: HP-41 internal upgrade. ????, Andreas Müller(GER) 1 response
- You should not be able to, Mike 3 responses
- hp-41 molecular weight calculator, Geoff Leargent 0 responses
- Re: I don't believe it, Frank 0 responses
- The other eBay price records..., Daniel Sancho 1 response
- 41-CV repair help, Jim Kimes 2 responses
- Re: 41 emulator, Jim Kimes 1 response
- HP 15C memory, Awni Hallak 9 responses
- Re: Another eBay price record?, Eddie Mabilllard 3 responses
- Re: Pile of 48GX found, GE (France) 0 responses
- Re: Quality of new HP48GX?, Christof 0 responses
- Re: fixes for HP-45 and HP-55 simulators, Peter Monta 0 responses
- Re: Another eBay price record?, Christof 0 responses
- Re: prices & gossip, christof 2 responses
- I like the new HP10B-II, Bill Wiese 1 response
- Re: Try agreements first, Don Davis 4 responses
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