The Museum of HP Calculators
HP Forum Archive 13
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This is an archive of the HP forum, which is for discussion of HP calculators including usage, repairs,
sources of replacement parts, general information etc.
Message Index
All Messages
(Compressed "Threads Only" Listing)
- HP-10 NIB??? on eBay, Gordon 0 responses
- Dump ROM of a HP17BII?, Marc 1 response
- Accu packs, Matthias 3 responses
- 49g+ screen flash, Helge Gabert 2 responses
- HP-95LX Demo - Screenshots, Mike 1 response
- HP-33S, Matthias 6 responses
- HP-15C (11C/34C/42S/etc) Arguably Useful Mini-Challenge, Valentin Albillo 33 responses
- Buying HP48GX or HP49G+???, Mark 1 response
- Business Pac for hp48GX, Marc 1 response
- Re: HP 49G+ ROM version, Ernie Malaga 5 responses
- !7bii+ vs other HP calcs, Brent 13 responses
- HP 41, 67 and 97 fuel tube for reader, Michel Beaulieu 6 responses
- HP-48* Question?, Roy Haller 1 response
- Are older 12c's as high quality as 15c's?, Josh P 1 response
- Looking for good working Hp-75C, Adam 1 response
- Curious auctions on ebay, Emmanuel, France 14 responses
- HP-75 Flashing dashes and then goes off, Adam 1 response
- HP-85B internal information?, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 6 responses
- HP49G+ EMULATOR, Luis Suarez 1 response
- HP & SHARP [LONG, IMG=230 Kb], Valentin Albillo 12 responses
- HP-9G, rsenzer 3 responses
- OT: Sharp PC-1270 - An interesting non-HP, Mike 2 responses
- hp75 VisiCalc external display question, andy 7 responses
- request for help with my 48sx on key, db(martinez,california) 1 response
- OT: Manuals wanted on Sharp PC-1250A, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 15 responses
- ICQ contacts, Matthias 0 responses
- HP 49G+ ROM version, Brent 1 response
- HELP!!! HP-75C flashing dashes and dots, aam Morey 4 responses
- HHP Portable EPROM for HP-41, Jeff 1 response
- HP JUNK! Scanner (printer.....) etc., Michael Meyer 18 responses
- Two different designs of the 82120A rechargeable battery pack, Jon 4 responses
- Strange HP48GX Undo behavior, GE (France) 1 response
- Green LED's?, Katie 17 responses
- Strange handling fees, Matthias Wehrli 5 responses
- 49g+ at Walmart, David Brunell 0 responses
- Basic, Pierre Brial 11 responses
- DEMO HP-95LX Demonstration, Jeff 1 response
- How long do i leave HP-75C charging?, Adam 1 response
- HP-IL mass storage - opinions needed, Pavel Korensky 8 responses
- HP49+. SD memory card, Hugh Wong 3 responses
- Voyager Question for Valentin Albillo , Brian Smith 11 responses
- TI-59 ROM, HrastProgrammer 15 responses
- HP-65 (67) clutch fix-- and a thank you., Michael Meyer 0 responses
- HP-75 CMT-FOXCONN EPROM, Jeff 0 responses
- Burning an HP-75 EPROM, Jeff 0 responses
- Milwaukee Area HP Users?, Jeff 1 response
- HP-65 and HP-41 magnetic cards, Emmanuel, France 4 responses
- Giving an HP48GX, Frederic 21 responses
- manual, Sanjeev p 1 response
- Repair of HP-48G, Rob 1 response
- Help repairing a Digital Cassette Tape, Philip 5 responses
- Need to contact with Chris Catotti, e-mail didn't work (NT), Diego Diaz 0 responses
- HP-49G+ -- A Look Inside . . ., Paul Brogger 8 responses
- HP42S=Hp17Bii but different ROMŋ, Marc 4 responses
- HP-49G+ anomaly with 'CR'., r. d. bärtschiger. 4 responses
- Calc for imaginary numbers & matrix operations, Joe Edwards 7 responses
- Looking for Bill Drylie, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 2 responses
- HP42, Sheileen 1 response
- Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard, Harald 1 response
- Please HELP !!! My W&W-RAMBOX II crashed - I lost its soft operating system !, Werner 13 responses
- HP-41C HP-15C & complex numbers, Vincent Weber 78 responses
- FOR STATS HP-67 RULES!, Trent Moseley 1 response
- HP-41 back sticker difference, Michel Beaulieu 5 responses
- HPIL sniffer - Pavel plze contact me, Giuseppe Marullo 0 responses
- The End Of Days with Arnold Schwarzenegger , Mike Burns 12 responses
- Posible HP-49G+ bug using DOLIST., r. d. bärtschiger. 1 response
- 15C Display Repair, gifron 9 responses
- Weird HP-48G problem, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 10 responses
- Hp12c Platinum, Pierre Brial 6 responses
- HP17Bii+, Marc 0 responses
- HP 15C 33S 42S 48GX, J Martinez 1 response
- TI-30 Manual Humor from 1976, Ben Salinas 9 responses
- new hp49g user needs help, Grahm Satterwhite 2 responses
- .raw to text, karl gruber 2 responses
- An HP-XX2050 parody, Michael Meyer 1 response
- Parity in calculators, Jim 0 responses
- Quality of 1982 15c vs. 1988 15c, Jim B 5 responses
- 33S situation is getting ugly..., CME750 19 responses
- what is your favorite (YOUR OWN) RPN program?, bill platt 47 responses
- HP 15 C, Stefan Granat 3 responses
- Differences?, Matthias 6 responses
- Does anyone know if the 19Bii+ will be out in time for Christmas?..., Jim 4 responses
- HP 41 ROM pac keyboard overlays, Jerry Pfile 2 responses
- Problem with HP49+, conn4x, Hugh Wong 1 response
- 33S MANUAL HAS DISAPPEARED!, Steve Ramsey 12 responses
- Statistics bug?, Alan Dalkey 20 responses
- HP-41 printing to 200LX via IR, Mike (Stgt) 2 responses
- SANDBOX: the Sequel, Ángel Martin 1 response
- Have got icon of MoHPC for Window's applications? [No text], Tizedes Csaba 0 responses
- HP49+ , HP48, HP49, Hugh Wong 2 responses
- HP 33s, Dave Falkenberg 9 responses
- Looking for HP Journal article, james (UK) 15 responses
- 10B with problem, CalcKidd 1 response
- HP33E, Paul Marin 6 responses
- HP42S or HP49G+, Marc 9 responses
- 32E Error 9, Ron 1 response
- Volunteer(s) for scanning needed - again, Gene 5 responses
- Miller-Rabin Primality Test for HP-42S, Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 5 responses
- RAM = RAM ?, Matthieu T. Vandamme 7 responses
- HP41 Bank Switching question, Meindert Kuipers 2 responses
- 48GX stack too big?, Dave Shaffer 3 responses
- HP Series 80 Software, Robert Hahm 0 responses
- 32Sii 2 var eqn solver not working, 2 responses
- 32S Won't Power Up, gifron 4 responses
- HP-IL story continues..., Pavel Korensky 8 responses
- No Division -I'd like to see this calculator, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 3 responses
- MIT Chemistry Course Accepts HP-42s But not HP-32SII, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 15 responses
- linux 82240A Emulator, Brian Perkins 1 response
- ### Please vote: Which is YOUR FAVOURITE CALCULATOR ? ###, Statistics 48 responses
- 48sx and 41cv app pac manuals, art blick 2 responses
- HP Calculator, K. Ethiraj Reddy 6 responses
- Humor: Eavesdropping at KinHPo ..., Valentin Albillo 3 responses
- HP 48GX: where's the Order command?, Bill in Dayton 1 response
- Long term storage of calcs., Graham Wilson 4 responses
- HP 49G+, Andreas Archenti, Stockholm 4 responses
- Need HP 15c, Joe Edwards 3 responses
- (42S) Why an AIP & no AFP?, Sean McNamee 3 responses
- Was Re: Therapy: Please repeat after me . . ., Valentin Albillo 10 responses
- To Arnaud and Luiz, Juan J 1 response
- Just found this new 35S prototype;), Thomas Radtke 18 responses
- AT&T Information Systems, Morey 0 responses
- HP95LX/200LX IR reception, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 4 responses
- HP-75 power adaptor, Adam 4 responses
- Calculators used in firefighting, Renato 2 responses
- HP 17BII Plus, Post a New Message 3 responses
- Hp 42s newbie Q:, Sean McNamee 2 responses
- Hepax Rom Box on ebay, Emmanuel, France 5 responses
- Pioneer model question?, Mike Brady (San Francisco, USA) 5 responses
- Help with HP-42S, Steve in Seattle 19 responses
- HP33S Manual Is Here!!!, Katie 37 responses
- New cells for the 41Cīs battery pack, Jon 1 response
- HP-IL Sniffer, Giuseppe Marullo 11 responses
- Warning: HP-49G+ display may get damaged, Ernie Malaga 14 responses
- Help with HP-97S needed, Holger Weihe 7 responses
- Does 48G have a "CAT" (49G+) or "CATALOG" (28C/S) -like feature?, Paul Brogger 1 response
- HP41CV Display fading out, Dave Aune 0 responses
- 49g+ first impressions..., harryb 41 responses
- HP 85 unsecure, Franz Vida 0 responses
- 11C Problems, John Rodriguez 3 responses
- Can 49G do cramer's rule, Fred Miller 5 responses
- 48G memory expansion, is it possible?, spencer 5 responses
- HP21 batteries, Bill 6 responses
- HP-IL mass storage, Pavel Korensky 6 responses
- question about 41c peripherals, jimc 7 responses
- strange hp 34c on ebay, anyone knows what it is ?, pascal 3 responses
- HP-41C Video interface PAL/NTSC?, Giuseppe Marullo 10 responses
- ugrade from 1.18 ->1.22?, Gitte 4 responses
- 17BII - place and date of manufacture, bmclaurin 5 responses
- How long should I charge the batteries, Arnaud Amiel 3 responses
- 82120A assembly questions, Bill Smith 4 responses
- Simulations, Walter 7 responses
- 32Sii 99 digit PI program, 7 responses
- OK, I am missing something?, Scuba Diver 9 responses
- eBay for runaways;-), Raymond Del Tondo 3 responses
- HP 49G+ My Disappointment, Joe Edwards 25 responses
- 15c or 32s, which is better?, Jim B 32 responses
- HP ICs' spare cross ref. guide, Albert 0 responses
- Convert from .bin to .rom, Poul Kaarup 4 responses
- hp28 mention on smithsonian site, ned 0 responses
- 32s Manual, Phil 0 responses
- Cheap chinese junk, Dom Dinis 6 responses
- hp 15c , glenn sasser 8 responses
- Clonix 41 module proyect, 2x upgrade., Diego Díaz 17 responses
- New HP-71B emulator with HP-IL, J-F Garnier 6 responses
- Replacing the CPU board on fullnut HP41, Vassilis Prevelakis 1 response
- Bug or feature?, Jostein Trondal 4 responses
- Cardreader behavior, Stephan (CH) 8 responses
- HP42 Malfunction, Paul W 4 responses
- HP 15c, sb 1 response
- Business as usual at HP ?, DanO 6 responses
- off-line, Vassilis Prevelakis 1 response
- Tips for re-building Screw posts in HP-75D, Jeff 1 response
- What will 33s have that 32sii doesn't??, Justin T. 18 responses
- Dead HP97, Michael Schuetz 12 responses
- New photos, Matthias 0 responses
- RPN - why 4 registers?, adam 1 response
- Sandbox ROM, Poul 14 responses
- Oops. Ebay seller links to wrong museum pic..., Gene 0 responses
- hp 49g adapter, steve 4 responses
- Pioneer, Stefan granat 1 response
- What's the most reliable, best built HP Calc in the last 25 years?, Brian S 21 responses
- 48 or 49 constants edit, Ed Look 0 responses
- Emmanuel at, Jeff 6 responses
- Removing rubber feet on 15c, hpnoid 2 responses
- HP12C, Vince 2 responses
- Aaaah...wistful thinking . . ., Faithful HP User 1 response
- New Battery Technology Available, Michael Meyer 6 responses
- HP-34C back cover swap ;-(, Michel Beaulieu 4 responses
- HP-34C charger terminal, Michel Beaulieu 5 responses
- Internet programs for HP48/49/49+ calculators, Yoann Désir 0 responses
- HP-12C stunt-scientific?, Eric Lundgren 3 responses
- How do I check what version rom my 49g+ has?, Samantha 5 responses
- How the FETCH S&X instruction really works ?, Pavel Korensky 11 responses
- Record for 'dead' 49G+, Iqbal 4 responses
- HP 12C vs TI BA II plus, Luc (Vietnam) 9 responses
- HP-41 wand module code printing, Michel Beaulieu 8 responses
- HP 12C w/o serial #?, Sandinista 0 responses
- HP 22 - Batteries, Peter S. Dworkis 3 responses
- 32E - three or four chips?, Michael Meyer 5 responses
- 34C weights, james (UK) 4 responses
- Recent HP Sitings, Ben Salinas 0 responses
- Programs name : i don't understand?, Frederic 27 responses
- Anyone with a 49g+ serial >cn334...??, JohnW 9 responses
- 49G+/SD card: Epilogue, Ernie Malaga 1 response
- 49G+ & 48GII, CalcKidd 10 responses
- Bad HP-48SX ON/ATTN key, Al Kimball 0 responses
- How to Arrest Corrosion of 41CV battery , bill platt 7 responses
- Batteries_SR44, bill platt (les Estats Unis d'Amerique) 2 responses
- HP48GII available on HP's website now, Gene 6 responses
- 128MB SD card $20 after a $10 rebate, Gene 4 responses
- HP-71B/RS232 Handshaking with Computer, Jeff 3 responses
- HP-71B And FORTH/ASM ROM, Jeff 2 responses
- SD card on 49G+, Ernie Malaga 23 responses
- woodstock keyboard repair, hugh 0 responses
- 49G+/Mac: Next Question, Ernie Malaga 5 responses
- 49G+ -- FACTORS Has Bug?, Paul Brogger 8 responses
- Looking for Christof Harper, R Lion (Espaņa) 0 responses
- HP48/49 graphics, Francesc Casanellas 4 responses
- Sorting on a 12C, Katie 7 responses
- HP-41CV vs. HP-41CX: 12KB vs. 24KB, Chris Catotti (Florida) 1 response
- HP 32S vs H 32SII, John Beckwith 59 responses
- HP-28S Battery Door, John Limpert 3 responses
- Hp 48gII Has arrived at HP SMB, Hp Calc Lover 2 responses
- Does the 49G+ belong in this **MUSEUM**, GE (France) 36 responses
- New site, Matthias Wehrli 4 responses
- HP49g+ for $129.99?, Brian 2 responses
- Conn4x with HP49G+, David Motto 3 responses
- New bug?, Paul Fox 12 responses
- HP49g+ questions, Brian 13 responses
- a change that will come because of the 49G+?, Gene 2 responses
- Carly Fiorina meets Bill Hewlett, DanO 13 responses
- Have a new 49G+ in my hand..., CalcKidd 57 responses
- HP49G+ Improvements?, Brian S 3 responses
- "Rookie" question, Jerry Pfile 1 response
- HP-85A to HP-85B Conversion (82972A), Mike 0 responses
- Need recommendation on a RPN calc, Gene J (Chicago) 7 responses
- HP components, LUIS 3 responses
- Calcpro are a bunch of toe-nails, Paul Fox 7 responses
- From 'Perfect Enough' by George Anders:, DanO 1 response
- Connecting 49G+ to Mac, Ernie Malaga 13 responses
- HP 29C keyboard repair?, Victor Koechli 7 responses
- 'Gummy wheel', Phil Jonker 2 responses
- HP49G+ ,Embedded formulas , Andreas Archenti, Sweden 2 responses
- HP49g+ Funny price mistake, Eric Lundgren 1 response
- HP News, Brian 0 responses
- Keyboard layout history, Arnaud Amiel 2 responses
- HP-95LX question, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 5 responses
- HP 49G vs. HP 49G+ Prices, Ed Look 5 responses
- Anyone have problems viewing the Symbolic Trig Integration training aid?, Gene 3 responses
- HP-41CX to PC connection, Jon 47 responses
- WHAT is this ? HP-41 / HP-IL rarity @ Ebay, Tom Sleeves (UK) 2 responses
- Temporary email before the new one, Emmanuel, France 0 responses
- Eurpoean sellers..., Matthias Wehrli 7 responses
- HP 38C, Paul 3 responses
- "HpMad", Brandon Del Bel 6 responses
- HP-34C "PR error", Frederic 12 responses
- 41CX schematics, Michel Beaulieu 3 responses
- HP-41CV without serial number!, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 3 responses
- So what's the lowest prices for an HP49G+?, Namir Shammas 7 responses
- HP-41CX fullnut noise!!!, Michel Beaulieu 7 responses
- What's the black conductive stuff in Pioneer keyboards?, Paul Brogger 2 responses
- HP 25C keyboard repair, Victor Koechli 4 responses
- Where can I get a 49G sliding cover?, gifron 2 responses
- HP41CV / CX interfacing with MCUs [LONG], Giuseppe Marullo 2 responses
- 49g+ stunt calc in photo (long), Eric Lundgren 2 responses
- 41CX LCD viewing angle, David Brunell 5 responses
- HP 49g+ Warning, Michael 4 responses
- Is this the "great" 49g+ we've been waiting for?, Eric Lundgren 4 responses
- 3421 Control Module for HP-41C, Jeff 5 responses
- PPC-ROM Ebay prices down again, Malden 16 responses
- "RPN LIVES ON"? I don't think so..., W. Bruce Maguire II 27 responses
- HP-41CX fullnut strange issue, Michel Beaulieu 7 responses
- 49G+ on HP's site now ... and so are 55 Training aids on how to use it, Gene 9 responses
- Aurora FN 1000 photo, db(martinez,california) 12 responses
- HP-41CX, Gary 4 responses
- Question about the Create-a-Calc contest, and 33S Info, Tony David Potter 1 response
- How to refill inkjet cartridge?, Larry 4 responses
- CRT has a strange disease, Marc 7 responses
- HP48GX Banned from Exams, Don Queen 2 responses
- Fry's Availability of New HP Calculators, SV 3 responses
- Teaching with a 32SII and a new RPN user (hopefully), Juan J 10 responses
- HP number?, Matthias 1 response
- HP Algorithms, eclectic_echidna 0 responses
- HP9100B parts and information, Jools Smyth 0 responses
- eBay bargains, Randy 10 responses
- HP28 question, Colin Lambert 2 responses
- HP-49G+ finally shipping, Ernie Malaga 2 responses
- Sparcomīs Drive95, Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 2 responses
- There is such calculator?, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 1 response
- Calling Captain Zener!, james (UK) 0 responses
- HP-41cx Question?, MB 2 responses
- HP-49g+, First Impressions, Jim Chumbley 3 responses
- College Course using HP-42S, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 1 response
- HP 49G+ pre-order available from HP, Alexander Castro 20 responses
- Kettleware, Ernie Malaga 5 responses
- An HP48/49 CAS question, Valentin Albillo 7 responses
- Thermal paper, John Dundas 2 responses
- rom fix for 49G, Eric Lundgren 1 response
- Batteries?, Mike Brady 4 responses
- Price on ebay, Matthias 28 responses
- HP-49G Plus on eBay, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 2 responses
- 33S in December ?, CME750 1 response
- Help, 48G+ serial pins got pushed in., Matt Kernal (US) 5 responses
- HP-71 Math Pac Manual, Ángel Martin 3 responses
- Harmonic Analyser, Dr. John Hennessy 0 responses
- in london, christof (UK for a bit) 2 responses
- Reverse Engineering HP Solve [long], Patrick 18 responses
- HP-49G+ shipping?, Ed Look 1 response
- Libraries for hp49g, rortiz 2 responses
- Wanting Info on Monroe "Educator" Mechanical Adding Machine, Paul Brogger 2 responses
- hp71 32k CMT Ram Module troubleshooting, Andy 0 responses
- HP41CV cardreader, Karel Marchena 1 response
- HP49G Connectivity, Neil Strickland 21 responses
- A never changing ETA, Willem Maat 1 response
- HP-41 MCODE re-entry question, Ángel Martin 0 responses
- Funny story, Pavel Korensky 5 responses
- Just received my 49G+ ...already having 2nd thoughts, Layne Carruth 7 responses
- N eed good HP-67 picture, Namir Shammas 20 responses
- Sound Card Driver HP a282n, Rich 0 responses
- ROM on HP49G+, Rick 1 response
- Re: HP-Meeting in Allschwil , J-F Garnier (France) 1 response
- Display on HP-25C shows 000000īs, Matti Övermark 5 responses
- Thibaut, where are you...? (Letter for Thibaut Cousin), Tizedes Csaba 1 response
- So...who here will be buying a 49G+?q, Gene 17 responses
- HP-25 Prog Cose Puzzle, Gordon Dyer 2 responses
- HP48/49, converting units, Francesc Casanellas 1 response
- Missing the Point, db(martinez,california) 14 responses
- Another Misuse of Dave's Images on eBay, Mark Hardman 0 responses
- HP-01Calculator watch., HENRY SOLAN 2 responses
- Added Feature on the 48gii???, Ben Salinas 1 response
- HP32->HP48, Pierre Brial 2 responses
- Emulated HP-41 ROM pacs... at last!, Diego Diaz 8 responses
- Samson Cables update, Eric Lundgren 7 responses
- performance of 48g vs 49g, Eric Lundgren 4 responses
- hp71 CMT eprom burner, andy 0 responses
- SD cards for the HP49G+, Eric 10 responses
- deleting variables, 19BII, Jim 2 responses
- 49G+ Shipping Rom Version, Tom Cox 0 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- Paul's HP memories contribution, Eric Lundgren 0 responses
- Instruction manual for HP 20s, Richard Clarke 7 responses
- hp49 g algebraic programming, Ortiz R. 4 responses
- HP-71 Development Utility, Jeff 2 responses
- HP-15C, Eric Lundgren 6 responses
- simultaneous eqns. on 32sii...anyone?, Eric Lundgren 4 responses
- Accuracy of 33s, JaSon 0 responses
- Contacting problems with Jim Chumbley, Matthias 0 responses
- How does one access files on the HP-75 Visicalc & Text Formatter modules?, Tom Sherman (Maine) 2 responses
- Where in the World is the 49G+ or the 48GII?, Jack N 14 responses
- 32Sii BROWN vs. 32Sii BLACK, NH 8 responses
- HP-10C pouch, Michel Beaulieu 9 responses
- HP 48S and G learning, Michel Beaulieu 1 response
- What is that annunciator? (33S), Tizedes Csaba 7 responses
- HP-Meeting in Allschwil, Matthias Wehrli 3 responses
- I feel some hope for new kbds..?, eric lundgren 4 responses
- MLDL2000 for HP41: Update, Meindert Kuipers 4 responses
- Jornada X25 Linux prototype : has anyone seen on sale ?, Pascal 4 responses
- Reading HP9800 tapes, Jean-Louis Dornstetter 6 responses
- invalid card data at my hp48g , kalimero 12 responses
- what does the + give a 48g?, Eric Lundgren 10 responses
- HP15C 'Stuck' in User Mode, Melody 2 responses
- 33s color scheme is good, Eric Lundgren 13 responses
- RAMBox for the HP-42S, Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 4 responses
- Problems with La Poste, Emmanuel, France 7 responses
- Calcs in production, Pierre Brial 5 responses
- RPN vs. AOS: *GOOD* examples [LONG], Valentin Albillo 2 responses
- HP, if you are watching. , Eric Lundgren 0 responses
- 33s - ALG is default?, Eric Lundgren 17 responses
- Prelude to a 49g+ computation, Eric Lundgren 6 responses
- Basic statistical functions on HP-32SII, Ed Look 9 responses
- Has Hewlett-Packard hit bottom yet?, DanO 2 responses
- HP48GX newcomer, Eric Lundgren 6 responses
- Batteries and such, Patrick 4 responses
- The HP-33S and those evil MBAs, Dave Hicks 6 responses
- Taylor polynomials on HP49G, Jostein Trondal 1 response
- Paypal scam, 6 responses
- Mach number: RPN vs. AOS comparison, Karl Schneider 14 responses
- Mach number - RPN vs. Algebraic, Valentin Albillo 20 responses
- HP48gx, Eric Lundgren 4 responses
- YAEA (Yet Another eBay Auction, Daniel Sancho 2 responses
- Hp 41CX, Andreas Archenti, KTH Stockholm 2 responses
- New HP Calc, Lance Apollonaire 1 response
- Other calculators with RPN, JAL 1 response
- When does HP 49g+ come to Brazil?!?, Sebben 0 responses
- 49G+ webshop retailers in europe?, Jostein Trondal 3 responses
- HP-38G printing, Michel Beaulieu 3 responses
- I'll answering, just on sunday! (If you are answers to my HP-10C ad...) [NO TEXT]), Tizedes Csaba 0 responses
- (HP-32Sii) and HP-33S, the latest calculator from Carly (for the mentally retarded), NH 47 responses
- 41C Shuts Off, Bruce Butler 2 responses
- Luis Viera where are you?, Charles L 3 responses
- HP-48G II available in Switzerland, Juergen (CH) 0 responses
- No RPN calcs. anymore??, Arun 39 responses
- HP 82162A repair drive belt, Ron Gardner 1 response
- The ENTER key, kbd density 49g+, Charles L 6 responses
- Monroe 1330/HP 46,81, David Brunell 0 responses
- regression - logarithmic curve fit, pieropiero 1 response
- 49G+ Equation Library, Ed Look 5 responses
- Module storage boxes, Matthias Wehrli 3 responses
- 41 MCODE Question, Ángel martin 4 responses
- HP49G+, Victor Carreon 1 response
- 32sii - Should one be careful? , John 3 responses
- HP75 EPROM Buring, andy 3 responses
- Tilt/click keys on new calcs, Charles L 0 responses
- hp 33s and memory, Marcel Pelletier 3 responses
- User keys of the 49G, Charles L 5 responses
- Which Glue?, Arnaud Amiel 7 responses
- To take apart a HP-01, Erik Wahlin 1 response
- (deleted post), deleted 2 responses
- Favorite Calculator, Mike 47 responses
- HP 42S - How to program?, Dave 3 responses
- HP41C Story, CME750 3 responses
- Sharp Elsi Mate EL-5001 worth anything?, chris 10 responses
- Architectural data corp./Data Dimensioner Calculator, chris 2 responses
- Interesting quote about old (calculator) times at HP, Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) 0 responses
- IBM CE Terminal vs. HP-41 !, Gordon Dyer 2 responses
- hp49g+ manual - I can't believe it!, Frank B. (Germany) 11 responses
- Corrosion in HP67 battery compartment, Neil Strickland 6 responses
- What I'll suggest for my father?, Joe Panico 4 responses
- The folly of dual data-entry modes, DanO 7 responses
- screen reolution, joe 1 response
- 32sii Memory upgrade, charles 6 responses
- Networking Drivers, qim 1 response
- Is the IR printer Still in production, Andy 5 responses
- HP Journal in The Museum, jose goncalves (brasil) 4 responses
- Commodore & Sharp calculators, 28 responses
- HP 41cx mem and math module, Phil Jonker 3 responses
- HP-30S Discontinued?, Tom 4 responses
- Sparcomīs Drive95, Thomas Otterbein 2 responses
- HP-33S, George Rose 29 responses
- HP 42S'es on EBay?, CaptainMorgan 7 responses
- Classics calculators working with charger, Jon 4 responses
- Connectivity, Neil Strickland 0 responses
- External charging cradle for 41/97, dbrunell 1 response
- Classic calculatorīs repair, Jon 2 responses
- 32SII Programming (General?) Question, Ed Look 12 responses
- Programming Equations, TMC 1 response
- HP-95LX Palmtop Maintenance Kit, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 2 responses
- HP67 magnetic-cardreader, Harry 3 responses
- HP82973A INT54 driver and HP3421A, Ellis Easley 2 responses
- Pictures taken during Wlodek's visit to Powell's, Paul Brogger 6 responses
- Improvement on HP-45., r. d. bärtschiger. 13 responses
- HP-67 Display: Big Trouble -> HELP!, Albert 1 response
- HP-49G+ update Problems, HELP!, r. d. bärtschiger. 5 responses
- NCEES Calc Policy and Foxy Ole' HP, Todd Stock 5 responses
- HP 28S ROM image, Neil Strickland 6 responses
- 33C <clear button> repair, DG 7 responses
- 49G+ PC EMULATOR, Luis Fernando Suarez 5 responses
- Hp 38S II vs. 48GX, Cora Stewart 14 responses
- Has the HP12C improved in chip speed over the years?, dave brown 5 responses
- Questions about 32SII and 18C variations, Thomas Radtke 8 responses
- 48G display flicker, Ed Look 4 responses
- HP-41CX Pricing, Garrett Moore 1 response
- Opinion request, Stan 3 responses
- Reminder of Portland Meeting, Dave Hicks 6 responses
- 10BII, 2 responses
- hp42s defect beeeeep, Michael 5 responses
- 41cx US Govt sticker on back, Paul 3 responses
- HP seems to have lost its Way, DanO 7 responses
- 49G+ manuals, Brandon Del Bel 0 responses
- -41CV fading display, Jim 2 responses
- HP-34C, spice calc's, what about "2 disease", Norm 5 responses
- 1E-100 and HP-16C, HL 0 responses
- 9114 drives, christof 1 response
- Infrared interface for 42s, andrew 8 responses
- Voyager series, Joao Santos-Silva 4 responses
- HP82973A HPIL PC Card, Philip 4 responses
- Dead HP31E, Peter Martin 7 responses
- 41CX with dead extended memory, dbrunell 5 responses
- Gorilla Glue, gifron 7 responses
- ...and the winner is.... (about 48's screen colours), R Lion (Espaņa) 5 responses
- HP48GX, missing alarm beep, Thomas Otterbein 9 responses
- HP49G+ vs. HP49G, pausing, F. Casanellas 6 responses
- [OT] BIG VERY BIG virus attack, R Lion (Espaņa) 4 responses
- Wow. Old BIG commodore desktop programmable on ebay, Gene 13 responses
- HP49G PC link, Neil Strickland 1 response
- HP 49g+, Ben Salinas 45 responses
- HP 9100B, whatīs it worth?, Matti Övermark 4 responses
- Rechargable batts for a HP25C, but how?, Matti Övermark 4 responses
- To buy calculator, Alexandre 0 responses
- Allschwil Meeting, Meindert Kuipers 2 responses
- My HP-12c seems to be dead...., Luca Passaggio (Switzerland) 9 responses
- HP 48GII, Doug 1 response
- HP-97 Blues... any advice?, Michael Meyer 8 responses
- HP49G+ ARM CPU flavor???, Bill Wiese 0 responses
- How to repair the aluminum plate on voyageur?, jimc 5 responses
- HP82161 tape drive problem, Pavel Korensky 6 responses
- Does HP-42X work on the new HP-49G+?, Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 2 responses
- HP-12cPlatinum "Closeout"?, Paul Brogger 3 responses
- NCESS Exam - Would you have time to enter the Q's??, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 21 responses
- Confusion, Andreas Stockburger 1 response
- HP49G+ sd-card size, Juergen Rodenkirchen (GER) 4 responses
- HP48SX Sticky ON/ATTN button., Randy East 5 responses
- Help!!!, BSCobb 19 responses
- Meeting in Portland, OR, Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz 6 responses
- HP-49G+ ROM...., Speck 1 response
- HP 11C Calculator, Phyllis 1 response
- 28C Memory upgrade ?, Roberto FLores 1 response
- HP49G+ where to buy?, Chan Tran 3 responses
- HP-38C aand HP-97, Jerry Pfile 2 responses
- Random number generated on a 32sii, Charles 4 responses
- New HPs keyboard quality, Victor Koechli 16 responses
- Dead HP35?, PeterL 6 responses
- Plagerized HP-85 ad? - ( Not exactly! ), Mike 2 responses
- value of 10 c, norm 2 responses
- Horse Racing 11C, 1 response
- TI Converts an HP fanatic, Steven Kutoroff 44 responses
- PocketPC 2003 and the HP48 emulator, Marcel 0 responses
- HP-41 Unit Management System, Angel Martin 9 responses
- How to replace battery of GRiD card?, John Smith 0 responses
- HP-bar-code generator, Michel Beaulieu 5 responses
- HP49G repairs---what's the situation?, Mark Ordal 10 responses
- 1600 mAh 1.2 V NiMH Batteries for an HP-25C, Albert 10 responses
- HP-48S v. HP-48G, whoru 4 responses
- Copying the standard Pac cards, quemazon 2 responses
- HP 85B Schematics wanted, Dave 0 responses
- Meeting info, Allschwil, Matthias 17 responses
- Reparing half-nut 41CV , Tracy Vermeyen 8 responses
- Old HP calculators in stock, Jon 6 responses
- HP49g+ has equation library?, Charles 3 responses
- Dust on HP-42S Window, Tom Scott 4 responses
- 17bii/19bii utpn awol, hugh 1 response
- HP 35 Servicemanual, G.Schneider 3 responses
- HP 48gx, Kevin Liebzeit 1 response
- HP 15c HP-42s or HP 41cx, Krystal 21 responses
- Killer Dash...?!, Tizedes Csaba 1 response
- HP-41 wand module, Frederic 2 responses
- HP-49G+ Power consumption, Daniel Diggelmann 3 responses
- A suggestion to those who did not receive their parcel, Emmanuel, France 2 responses
- Let's go to the moon, its '69 again :o), Norm 9 responses
- Meeting at Allschwil, Emmanuel, France 12 responses
- HP-41 Rom image, Emmanuel, France 0 responses
- HP-97 Printer, Howard 1 response
- Is there any info about the Voyager series hardware?, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 10 responses
- BTW, when we are talking about ROM modules,, Pavel Korensky 10 responses
- HP 20 Build quality???, Joe Edwards 8 responses
- 12C: How to switch number of digits ?, Andreas Stockburger 3 responses
- 12C 3v battery, tom 1 response
- Latest on the HP Create a Calculator Contest, Ben Salinas 7 responses
- The New HP calcs, Andy 0 responses
- User programmable ROM module ?, Pavel Korensky 17 responses
- Trading on Meeting in Basel, Daniel Diggelmann 5 responses
- I repaired my 15C back plate, bill platt 1 response
- Zapping NiCd cells, Renato 0 responses
- HP45 self-tests?, barry 7 responses
- HP-49G+ keyboard issue, Daniel Diggelmann 3 responses
- HP 71b Metal-back vs Plastic Back: Robustness, Neil 3 responses
- HP Conference in Orange County CA - 9/20-21, Guy Ball 7 responses
- HP 82164A, Jeff 3 responses
- 11C non-painted logo, Quemazon 3 responses
- 12c rubber feet, Mike 1 response
- hp86b hpib dip switch setting, Andy 0 responses
- What is this on eBay??, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 6 responses
- Custom HP-11C?, Patrick 5 responses
- Aurora FN1000 available at Fry's, Mike Sebastian 7 responses
- If you think the 33s is ugly..., Ben Salinas 2 responses
- Another HP calc. on eBay using hpmuseum pictures!, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 2 responses
- HP 49G+ calcs for sale in the US?, Joe Edwards 8 responses
- hp85 printer belts, andy 2 responses
- RPN Calculator List, Robert 2 responses
- HP97 keyboard, Chan Tran 5 responses
- HP 49G+ now available, Juergen (CH) 32 responses
- Why did HP stop building the HP 15 and 16c?, Joe Edwards 3 responses
- hp85 trouble, andy 6 responses
- TVM program for HP20S, Chan Tran 19 responses
- Using disposable batteries in a 82143A printer?, Emmanuel Verbeeck 2 responses
- A graphic display for a HP-42 *hardware* emulator?, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 23 responses
- HP-15C or 11C i found, Frederic 5 responses
- hp 48s calc with 48sx manual (vol 1), Neil 4 responses
- "A user's comments on two HP-42S emulators", Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 2 responses
- HP 42s ROM Dump, Richard Garner 0 responses
- I want to sell a spare HP-15C but I don't know how..., Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 8 responses
- Module list, Matthias 3 responses
- HP 9114B Battery Problems ???, Chris Catotti (Florida) 7 responses
- TVM accuracy revisited, Tommi 3 responses
- HP DEKJET 610CL Printer -- does not print, Harsha 1 response
- HP-45, Jon 6 responses
- HP-55 Calculator & Carry Case, Jon 2 responses
- hp95lx, mike1646 0 responses
- My good luck: a 10C, John 18 responses
- HP prod support- 49g+, Charles L 0 responses
- hp35 is magic, hugh steers 8 responses
- HP-25 internal Power Circuit Charger, Albert 3 responses
- HP 41 worth more as collection?, Quemazon 3 responses
- Graphics with HP48SX in programs - HELP!, Tizedes Csaba 3 responses
- CSIM (HP-35 emulator) ported to Palm OS (again), Jonathan Purvis (New Zealand) 2 responses
- Inexpensive batteries on eBay, Patrick 4 responses
- HP printer paper supplies (HP 82240B), Patrick 6 responses
- HP-11C Solutions Handbook Errata?, Patrick 26 responses
- QPI for the HP-42S, Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 7 responses
- Recap of HP calculators emulators for PDAs, Vincent Weber 6 responses
- Gamma function differences?, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 3 responses
- ebay partial refund question / poll. RSVP, db(martinez,california) 3 responses
- HP-01 spareparts, Hans Pind 0 responses
- windows driver for hp82240 printer, luciano fernandes 2 responses
- New HP Calculator, Garry 39 responses
- HP110/ 150 Systems, Kinkaide Devereaux 1 response
- Port X-Tender, Kin Kaide Deveraux, New Orleans 3 responses
- Luxury, Kin Kaide Devereaux, New Orleans 2 responses
- TVM calculations (again), Thomas Radtke 7 responses
- Strange serial number to HP48G+, Iqbal 0 responses
- 82033 Battery Pack replacements discontinued, Philip 3 responses
- Strange blue outline in eBay picture, Patrick 8 responses
- batteries, need more batteries!, christof (NoVA US) 4 responses
- Posting from wireless PDA, Mike 2 responses
- HP 32S display screen dust, jsrlnd 3 responses
- HP48 SX and 48 GX, Charles Miller 6 responses
- Recommended Reading (absolutely off topic), Hans Brueggemann [GER] 1 response
- 32s, D 2 responses
- batteries, Robert 6 responses
- HP41 key press delay (for NULL), Vassilis Prevelakis 1 response
- Spice troubles, dbrunell 3 responses
- Algorithmically refined..., eclectic_echidna 18 responses
- How Do I switch back to N. American Notation??, Raf 9 responses
- Limit on number of static routes, Eric Ashbaugh 1 response
- Anyone w/a dead 15C that can decap/peel chips w/ ROMs??, Bill Wiese 17 responses
- Anyone w/a dead that can decap/peel chips w/ ROMs??, Bill Wiese 0 responses
- High Price for an HP42s, Richard Garner 1 response
- A spare black screen 48GX, R Lion (Espaņa) 5 responses
- Strange recurring HP41CX at $440 on eBay, Sergio 13 responses
- 9810 Power Problem?, Katie 12 responses
- Emmanuel at, Jeff 14 responses
- 3056DL software for the hp85 and the hp3421a, Andy 0 responses
- buying HP calculators, Phil Jonker 1 response
- that HP42sx thing again, christof (NoVA US) 10 responses
- -+*/ -> /*-+, tony 10 responses
- Pioneer Cases, Patrick 2 responses
- Looking for magnetic-backed cardstock, Andy 6 responses
- HP48GX Websites, James 4 responses
- HP 41 rubber feets, Frederic 12 responses
- HP 59309A HP-IB Digital Clock, Vassilis Prevelakis 2 responses
- HP-17BII+, Tom Cox 14 responses
- 41CV turns off after 30 seconds, Matt Kernal (US) 5 responses
- Buying a Used HP, Dave 25 responses
- PE exams, calculators, NCEES - PLEASE READ!!, John Cadick 4 responses
- Eigenvalues on 42S?, Steven Soto 12 responses
- 49 blues, Harry 3 responses
- 48GX /SX Observation, Ted 1 response
- Calculators vs Adding Machines, Katie 21 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- 41C ROM versions, Randy Sloyer 9 responses
- 41C & 15C, Vincent Weber 11 responses
- 19c record on ebay?, Gene 3 responses
- 12C Platinum: Better/Worse than Original?, tomk 5 responses
- copying 9815 tapes, db(martinez,california) 0 responses
- NCEES Banning of 48GX, 49G, TI83, TI89, Etc, John Cadick 2 responses
- Math(s) class is a calculator tutorial , bill platt 16 responses
- HP15C, Hans 3 responses
- HP Calculators in movies ??, Norm 37 responses
- HP33S, Iqbal 18 responses
- Old other HP products, Pierre Brial 9 responses
- This Will Boost R & D, Sales of Scientific Calcs, J.C. Randerson 35 responses
- Hpcalc info Updated, Frank 0 responses
- Any Interesting HP 3421A applications out there?, Tracy Vermeyen 14 responses
- HP48 Calcs banned from NCEES FE & PE Exams, Stephen Sester 0 responses
- HP 3421A actuators, Tracy Vermeyen 2 responses
- HP 48GX Expansion cards, Arthur Coons 3 responses
- question re: 12C HP, Debi 5 responses
- HP 32E Display Question, Harry (Germany) 4 responses
- 48 series memory cards, unspellable 3 responses
- Voyager Back Metal Plate Repair, bill platt 4 responses
- Pics, Pierre Brial 1 response
- The RPL family, jose goncalves (brasil) 0 responses
- Meeting in Basel - Youthhostel, Christoph Klug 0 responses
- Classic KBs over current 49g, Charles L 9 responses
- El-Cheapo Wally-World Four-Banger, W. Bruce Maguire II 18 responses
- 33s Search on Google Gives 1-page Results List, Paul Brogger 3 responses
- Switzerland is the source for new HP calcs, Juergen (CH) 10 responses
- Why so many "Will ship to USA only" sellers on eBay ?, Emmanuel Verbeeck 11 responses
- HP-41 Durability, bill platt 13 responses
- Pioneer calcs: Gaps between keys and faceplate cutouts, Neil 3 responses
- HP's new calc page, charles 9 responses
- HP 15C Manuals over $100, Mitch 2 responses
- HP41 Card Reader, Colin Lambert 3 responses
- 9810 Magnetic card options, andy 18 responses
- Back on line & new articles !, Valentin Albillo 4 responses
- HP29C documentation and data, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 10 responses
- Paypal Accounts May Be Deleted If Inactive (Hoax?), Victor 22 responses
- HP-55, Howard 0 responses
- hp 80 keys don't respond well, Irfan 2 responses
- Recovering a HP97 printer, Jose Goncalves (Brazil) 3 responses
- HP 71B - plate below hp logo, Neil 3 responses
- Question for HP-48GX Experts, John Smith 6 responses
- Did anyone notice this {HP33S}, Naim 4 responses
- Pioneer keyboard (esp. HP-42S), Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 1 response
- OT: SAT Pictures of the blackout, Vassilis Prevelakis 5 responses
- HP Journal for the Integral PC, Vassilis Prevelakis 8 responses
- Handbook download - where?, Tizedes Csaba 1 response
- Buying FN1000, Paulo Costa 1 response
- Help Please - HP32SII Fractional Display, Chris Thomson 3 responses
- OK, we know what's, what's right, bill platt 19 responses
- I was working on, Norm 10 responses
- HP-67 for $760, Nick 3 responses
- New HP32Sii Platinum Model, Renard 0 responses
- HP-42S With 32K, Tom Cox 10 responses
- Pampered Texas Instrument Calculator users, Max 5 responses
- HP11C LCD Display "Corrosion", Daniel 0 responses
- End of Evolution (long), Ernie Malaga 15 responses
- new hp 17bII+ on eBay, Juergen (CH) 2 responses
- HP82494 HP71B Survey Module, Stefan Hauschild 6 responses
- ACO lives again??, Tom (UK) 2 responses
- New HP33S & Pontiac Aztec Design Philosophy, Danny 0 responses
- 48GX /SX, Andrey 7 responses
- 8051 as HP-41 module?, Ben Moss 12 responses
- Are 1970s sales brochures worth anything?, ben 3 responses
- rpn discussion, Paco 0 responses
- just don't buy one, bill platt 5 responses
- Texas Instruments RPN calculator, Graeme W. 10 responses
- We should be happy, L Martin 1 response
- Round off (beautiful...), Tizedes Csaba 1 response
- Restoring the 'ole click to a "classic", Michael Meyer 3 responses
- My self centered "but objective" opinion, Ron Ross 1 response
- HP41C halfnut serial numbers, David Smith 2 responses
- New HP calculators, Dave 6 responses
- New HP 33s and so forth, Charles 8 responses
- 33s and 48gII Info, Jeff 49 responses
- Another picture thief on eBay, Andrey 2 responses
- Can we bring ebay prices down ?, Renato 21 responses
- simple math, Don Alexander 7 responses
- HP-71B/HP-41CX on same HP-IL Loop, Jeff 2 responses
- Symbolic math, Tizedes Csaba 7 responses
- TVM inaccuracy, Thomas Radtke 8 responses
- Does this 82162A work?, David Ramsey 5 responses
- Ebay - HP-12C #ABA, Howard 6 responses
- Start collecting something else, Victor Koechli 5 responses
- Hp future calculator, Pierre Brial 2 responses
- USB to serial connectors and HP calculators., Cameron Downunder 0 responses
- HP-41C LCD , Terry 5 responses
- Wanted: Hp Xpander connectivity cable schematic, Sean McNamee 3 responses
- HP-01, Gene Marsh 1 response
- 15C: Original Packaging or Repackaged, Mike 9 responses
- 41c y^x, hugh 3 responses
- 12c/12c Platinum programming differences, Don Shepherd 6 responses
- Pioneer Display, gifron 4 responses
- Bermuda Triangle... Help, Mister Fox Mulder!, Emmanuel, France 0 responses
- A new fanatic?, Christof 4 responses
- HP32SII - Keypad Labels, Tony 9 responses
- HHC2003, John Cadick 0 responses
- HP-97 Card Reader - Reads but won't Write (Photos), Mike 1 response
- Deceptive eBay Auction, Patrick 1 response
- Meeting V, Matthias Wehrli 7 responses
- computation challenge, hugh steers 12 responses
- HP-97 display question, Mark Monica 2 responses
- HP12C - Internal Rate of Return, David L. Taylor 4 responses
- Familiar 97S Data, DougT 0 responses
- HP32SII Emulator, D.W. 4 responses
- How to change dots <> commas in HP-32E?, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 6 responses
- And the winners are.... ?, Matt Kernal (US) 24 responses
- CP/M on an HP-86/87XM, Mike 7 responses
- HP15C batteries, Tony 3 responses
- HP-80 Questions, Michael Barry 0 responses
- Technical Mac HP48gx connectivity problem with USB to serial converter, Cameron Downunder 0 responses
- Xpander battery compartment, Sean McNamee 11 responses
- STAT PAK for HP-48GX, Thomas Cox 3 responses
- F and G, John 5 responses
- HP41CV basic statistics question, Andrew 2 responses
- JYA just mentioned ROM 1.20 for the 49G on c.s.hp48, Gene 3 responses
- Roll-on adhesive use, Michael Meyer 1 response
- just got HP12C-Plat. spam from HP, Bill Wiese 4 responses
- HP95LX HELP !!, Rick VanHuss 4 responses
- HP-41C or V?, Michael Meyer 2 responses
- HP 12C, Joe 2 responses
- Whatever happened to the "Logic Dart" HP product?, Gene 7 responses
- eMail from eBay, Ellis Easley 9 responses
- HP-91 How rare?, Michael Meyer 9 responses
- What do you think of my HP buying prices?, Emmanuel Verbeeck 27 responses
- norm, take note, db(martinez,california) 9 responses
- Just wondering??, Naim 3 responses
- PPC ROM on eBay, Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 9 responses
- HP41CX - hard reset, Richard McDonald 2 responses
- HP 41 cv "Memory lost", Juergen Schneider 1 response
- 19c, Don Alexander 3 responses
- Dead HP41CX, Ben Moss 3 responses
- HP35 New Model , Scott Elesandro 14 responses
- 97S Test connector outlay, Erik Wahlin 1 response
- HP-19C Help needed, Renato 11 responses
- HP49G+, Monte Dalrymple 6 responses
- Testing an HP41CX, Ben Moss 6 responses
- HP 37E repair., Harry (Germany) 7 responses
- MY HP-67 CARD READER AGAIN, Jon 3 responses
- Meeting, Matthias 0 responses
- HP 29C, Kevin Tupes 0 responses
- "n" function in HP 12C, Luc 4 responses
- New HP 49 Plus, Richard Garner 18 responses
- HP41CV gone crazy..., Marx Pio 1 response
- HP-97 Power Supply, Gordon Dyer 6 responses
- HP-35 production lot, 0 responses
- HP-9120A belt, David Smith 0 responses
- Cheap 41CV on eBay, gifron 4 responses
- HP-41 programming question, Axel Poqué 8 responses
- Enron Hewlett Packard Finan Calculator HP-12C, Howard 5 responses
- hp41c negative battery, hugh steers 3 responses
- Display for the HP-15C, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 1 response
- HP42S: scary moments, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 3 responses
- damaged hp?, seth hendren 10 responses
- Invalid card data, mapet 5 responses
- HP42S Programming question, Harry (Germany) 7 responses
- repair hp 27S calculator, Bob Plachta 1 response
- HP-71B Strange Behavior, Jeff 6 responses
- LED failure, Matthias 19 responses
- HP-41CV - Card Reader, Frank V 2 responses
- Re: HP-41 Programming Challenge, Axel Poqué 20 responses
- What to do with new HP-25, G Evans 14 responses
- Woodstocks ??, G Evans 4 responses
- Looking for Susan Wechsler, Heather Mackenzie-Campbell 1 response
- I am confused... Hey, Norm, this may be of interest, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 3 responses
- Characteristics:HP 9871A printer, Jack T.Lee 4 responses
- 15C Keyboard Test Error, gifron 6 responses
- HP41 Battery question, Harry (Germany) 20 responses
- eBay insane price!, Michael Meyer 2 responses
- HP-110 Plus and Machine Language, Jeff 1 response
- Xtreme Newbie Question, V 2 responses
- Meeting IV, Matthias 8 responses
- HP-01 watch band, Erik Wahlin 1 response
- HP iPAQ PocketPC going to the moon, gene 3 responses
- 33S picture?, Arnold 0 responses
- Advice on HP 25 Charging, G Evans 3 responses
- Zenrom Manual for Dennis, Christoph Klug 1 response
- Museum and MLDL2000 proto pictures online, Meindert Kuipers 0 responses
- Ernie, please read., Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 6 responses
- $590 ebay auction using MoHP pictures, gene 3 responses
- 09877-10002, Doyle Bullock 0 responses
- HP 42S ROM-versions, Harry (Germany) 6 responses
- HP 9825A, Scott 5 responses
- Need HP-25 troubleshooting tips, G Evans 19 responses
- 41 Blanknut, Andrey 2 responses
- Any information about HP-15C hardware/firmware?, Nelson M. Sicuro 24 responses
- HP 11C Error 3, Phill higgins 1 response
- Update: 13 digit precision on HP-15c (from Palmer Hanson), Gene 1 response
- HP41 Programming challange, Harry (Germany) 22 responses
- Display Full Mantissa 41CV, bill platt 7 responses
- About that HP37E I am trying to fix, Harry (Germany) 5 responses
- HP-48GX display indicators, Axel Poqué 10 responses
- HP41 Bank Switching & HEPAX Question, Meindert Kuipers 5 responses
- Re: 2 articles about it, Robert Blaschke 0 responses
- Difference in CX roms?, Sean McNamee 8 responses
- HP-42S Emulator??, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 18 responses
- HP Power Calcs, Valhalla 2 responses
- Xpander auction ending in 1 hour, Scott 15 responses
- Math pac vs. Advantage pac, Sean McNamee 5 responses
- eBay and Classified Adds here, Valentin Albillo 0 responses
- zenrom manual?, db(martinez,california) 1 response
- NORM's CORRECT!, Trent Moseley 8 responses
- HP 71B and the 82162A, Wayne W Wayenberg 4 responses
- Hp 41c Keyboard, 41Jeff 0 responses
- SPICES KEYBOARD, Jon 5 responses
- New RPN calculator, Roland. 5 responses
- Problems with HP41C, hugo (belgium) 12 responses
- Hp-85 on ebay, Sean McNamee 0 responses
- How about chatting?, Sean McNamee 1 response
- Can anyone comment on the Lygea HP15C emulator?, Emmanuel Verbeeck 8 responses
- RamBOX, Matthias 14 responses
- non-calculator collections, Sean McNamee 28 responses
- HP-25 manual revisions, David Smith 1 response
- Who knows more about this?, Matthias 13 responses
- hp calculator batteries, Jennifer Seelye 2 responses
- I think I did not understand this auction's subject, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 8 responses
- CMT-300 multimeter for HP-41, Bill Jensen 0 responses
- Another 41cx Q:, Sean McNamee 9 responses
- 11C - 2 Sellers same pic, M. Anthony 0 responses
- HP71B: two questions, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 7 responses
- Two questions on 41cx programming, Sean McNamee 4 responses
- New pictures, Matthias 0 responses
- The 13 digit capability of the 15c (From Palmer Hanson...former TI PPC editor), gene wright 3 responses
- we need more HP-34C posts, Norm 11 responses
- Semi-blanknut 41CX, David Smith 3 responses
- HP 25 -> HP25C, Victor Koechli 2 responses
- [OT] Babelfish automated translations :-), Valentin Albillo 1 response
- 12c Platinum Perpetuity challenge, tony 67 responses
- Meeting III, Matthias 25 responses
- MLDL2000 now working as MLDL!, Meindert Kuipers 7 responses
- RPN via Visual Basic, OJM 0 responses
- hp 41 c, Franįois Riverin 3 responses
- HP 28S Fast Mode, Victor Koechli 2 responses
- Some interesting documents (2), Valentin Albillo 7 responses
- Today I took the HP41 to class, and..., Harry 19 responses
- Help! Can one store a table of values as a 15c array?, glynn 5 responses
- To Kill the Flying Goose, Pierre Brial 6 responses
- Great photos of the Xpander, jose goncalves 3 responses
- What is an HP 82972A for the HP-85?, John 2 responses
- MLDL2000 Specification Update, Meindert Kuipers 5 responses
- 12c: How do you change from "," to "."?, bruce 2 responses
- HP 17bii+ picture!, Jonas Lööf 19 responses
- Whatever happened ... ?, unspellable 1 response
- HP-41CX lock-ups, Axel Poqué 19 responses
- Blank-Nut On eBay?, Mark Hardman (LED) 8 responses
- Calculator Logic Systems (long), bill platt 4 responses
- News from Mr Packard, jose goncalves (brasil) 6 responses
- hp 45, bill platt 4 responses
- HP-41 fullnut keyboards, Jon 1 response
- HP Keyboards, Thomas Cox 5 responses
- Best thing about the HP12cp, Michael Barry 1 response
- User RPL IDE, Randy Sloyer 4 responses
- Re: Emulators, Raymond Del Tondo 1 response
- Emulators, V 3 responses
- Re: HP-38G, Ron Ross 1 response
- Re: HP-38G, Raymond Del Tondo 0 responses
- HP-38G, Fréderic 2 responses
- Buggy 11C, Mitch 7 responses
- 41 & 71 file suffixes for the site I'm building, Emmanuel, France 2 responses
- Cringely Comment on HP, Les Bell [Sydney] 3 responses
- Where to Find Trans41, Mark Hardman (LED) 1 response
- Bought HP Xpander at sale today, Scott Seelye 3 responses
- LIF disks: volume label changing and related stuff, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- 3468B DVM, 41Jeff 5 responses
- MLDL unit for 41 ??, Sean McNamee 10 responses
- SPICES keyboard label, Jon 2 responses
- HP 17Bii, V 13 responses
- wow. HP-11c @ $285 what's the highest?, gene 16 responses
- probably HP-41c Halfnut on ebay, gene 2 responses
- Are HP 32Es cheaper than other spices?, Harry (Germany) 4 responses
- OM-D30V: Anyone remember these disks?, Mike 3 responses
- What battery for 11 C?, Dave Beverstock 7 responses
- are Algebraics more Valuable?, bill platt 4 responses
- HP48GX screen replacement, Ohneil 7 responses
- 17b emulator, Brendo 1 response
- Ebay purchase - good deal?, Sean McNamee 4 responses
- Which H-P Do I Take Camping?, Paul Brogger 16 responses
- HP41 emulators, David Smith 7 responses
- May be a stupid question..., Pierre Brial 10 responses
- HP 41C - Bombers Edition, Tracy Vermeyen 7 responses
- New HP Calculators, Richard Garner 72 responses
- HP-85 start-up error, John 1 response
- HP 11c, In need of help! 10 responses
- What the hell is a Mint Calculator?, V 7 responses
- HP-31E's thin Owner's Handbook, Valentin Albillo 9 responses
- Continuing: from another post, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 1 response
- Remember the "Fee avoidance guy", Mike 3 responses
- LIF disks: I could use some help here...Dan? Guys?, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 22 responses
- MLDL2000 update: bad news and good news, Meindert Kuipers 1 response
- Quiz !: Evaluating polynomials [LONG], Valentin Albillo 10 responses
- HP 17Bii , V 1 response
- Anyone using HP 12C Platinum?, eric 1 response
- Looking for suggestion on calibration of a HP-3421A, Renato 11 responses
- Want to Know Where HP is Heading?..., Trent Moseley 6 responses
- I am designing a calculator, Wilneed Heart 0 responses
- Opening a Spice machine, Randy Sloyer 28 responses
- The manual of the Aurora FN1000 (again), jose goncalves (brasil) 3 responses
- Meeting II, Matthias 4 responses
- Does anybody have information on a 30 series power supply?, Harry 8 responses
- To those who believe that I am a crook, Emmanuel, France 17 responses
- Battery terminals on the HP-35?, Karl Schneider 7 responses
- Hp 41cx self test, Pierre Brial 2 responses
- eBay Auction - Read The Fine Print, Tony Copley 10 responses
- Anyone have the ROM image for the SKWID Barcode modules?, Gene 1 response
- HP15C, Thierry 3 responses
- An HP-65 ebay set to watch, gene 10 responses
- HP-34 C, Jon 3 responses
- "2 disease" information, Jon 4 responses
- 42s manuals, Jason 1 response
- My First e.Bay "burn", Scuba Diver 17 responses
- July, 4th. Fireworks...., Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 4 responses
- Printer Paper, Howard 2 responses
- Replacement for the 32s, Matthew Jones 2 responses
- HP42S beeps all the time, John Robinson 8 responses
- Computing Before Computers Book, Gordon Dyer 1 response
- HP-30S, Thomas Cox 1 response
- 82120A Battery Pack, 41Jeff 4 responses
- General Voyager display question, jimc 11 responses
- Intergation algorithm, rick cameron 8 responses
- 41CV Card Reader Repair Problem, John Smith 12 responses
- email problem with Emmanuel, Matthias 9 responses
- hp 21s manual - Scarce commodity?, Neil 3 responses
- New site with HP-42S programs..., Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 10 responses
- HP 48G Series Advanced User's Reference Manual, Mike Judy 3 responses
- Links to most 41c module rom images?, Gene 10 responses
- reparation, ricardo pascual 2 responses
- A few interesting links ..., Valentin Albillo 6 responses
- HP of old times - recruitment ad for marketing engineers, Renato 1 response
- HP of old times - ad at 60s Scientific American Magazine, Renato 14 responses
- What's this?, Matthias 4 responses
- Charger for HP-29C, er 4 responses
- Re: HP41 - PC interfacing and Free Advertising, John Smith 0 responses
- Double X-Memory, Matthias 3 responses
- What about a collector's meeting, Matthias 20 responses
- HP's Fall 03 Line, Park 0 responses
- address No. 2, Matthias 2 responses
- Speed, bill platt 12 responses
- Using HP-IB For Mass Storage, Mark Hardman (LED) 1 response
- Consider this..., Juergen (CH) 0 responses
- Questions for a 33S Beta Tester, Tony David Potter 2 responses
- address of NutEm, Matthias 1 response
- Pic of the Aurora FN1000, Joerg Woerner 5 responses
- a VHS movie -- Pirates of Silicon Valley, Norm 0 responses
- Compaq-HP support, Simon 1 response
- converting magnetic cards, Juan Luglio 5 responses
- Classic Battery Covers, John Robinson 1 response
- HP 32Sii - How do you open it for cleaning?, Kent Harbert 6 responses
- Details on Christoph's 16K custom module?, Gene 9 responses
- Hp Calculator, Hard Choice, AC 16 responses
- pricing on CPU in new HP calcs (Sunplus SPL...), Bill Wiese 3 responses
- Trigonometrics in financial applications, Valentin Albillo 17 responses
- HP41 Custom Module ???, Randy Sloyer 20 responses
- Spices: Internal check for ID # and the "2" disease, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 1 response
- Calculator stores in Germany/Austria?, Eduardo 3 responses
- Questions about the HP71B, jose goncalves (Brasil) 4 responses
- 19BII keys, Scuba Diver 0 responses
- 82163B, Malcolm 7 responses
- HP-12C Platinum's CPU, Valentin Albillo 11 responses
- Old HP (and calculators) will never come back, Renato 3 responses
- I BOUGHT A 12C - LOOKS LIKES A CRAP, John Smith 4 responses
- On undiscontinuing products, Ernie Malaga 6 responses
- John Denver song immortalized, Norm 0 responses
- Re: [OT] Message to Bruce Horrocks, Jordi Hidalgo 1 response
- Rubber Feet for Voyager, Bill Weinman 9 responses
- HP 12C Question, Mike 2 responses
- New Calculator - 33S, gifron 1 response
- KBD faceplate protection: bringing back an old issue., Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 7 responses
- Help--Hp Calculator, AC 17 responses
- configure of HP 12 C Platinum, Luc 1 response
- Woodstock logo transplantation, Juergen Rodenkirchen (GER) 2 responses
- HP 28C undo, Ted Hill 2 responses
- HP 12C, Marcy 1 response
- I just found a 10C - woohoo! , JimC 7 responses
- HP 41G, Guillermo Castarés 24 responses
- Hp41 Program question , Greg Atkins 21 responses
- HP 49G & printer, unspellable 1 response
- HP Think Jet Printer Cartridges, Tracy Vermeyen 1 response
- I must be going crazy, bill platt 2 responses
- Tradeoffs: dynamic register/program allocation vs. Simply More Memory . . ., Paul Brogger 10 responses
- Module codes, Matthias 2 responses
- Re: Paranoid: Here is a scary auction, David Smith 1 response
- HP-41CV KEYBOARD, Jon 3 responses
- Not so Big difference..., Ernie Malaga 1 response
- Re: Paranoid: Here is a scary auction, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 0 responses
- HP-65 helped discovering the Feigenbaum number, Juergen (CH) 32 responses
- MLDL2000 update, Meindert Kuipers 2 responses
- Oil Paintings Oil , tianyu 1 response
- it's simple: hands off..., Hans Brueggemann [GER] 0 responses
- Re: Paranoid: Here is a scary auction, Ernie Malaga 0 responses
- 12c wonīt die , or will it ?, Renato 14 responses
- Help needed: HP-12c Display, Renato 1 response
- help with 12c serial#, hugh 7 responses
- HP71B battery door for DB(Martinez), Art Litka(FLA) 0 responses
- Custom module, Matthias 2 responses
- HP34C "2" disease, flashing, voltages, schematic - long, Ellis Easley 38 responses
- Creative "DOA Guarantee" definition, Mike 0 responses
- Success!!!, Paul Pickett 1 response
- It's VINYL, you MORON!, David Ramsey 16 responses
- Online Tracking of Calculator Prices - User input needed, Mike 6 responses
- a financial scenario using a 17/19BII, Justin 6 responses
- 10B, Stan(Sg) 5 responses
- Norm and guys: about Spices, "2" disease and..., Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 8 responses
- Wierd HP-87 Problem, Mike 5 responses
- HP 41CX "restoration", B. Turner 7 responses
- Truth in advertising..., jimc 12 responses
- Dealing problem ..., Matthias Wehrli 10 responses
- 41CY, Holger 8 responses
- HP55, Howard 3 responses
- To Ellis, D.Ramsey, D. Smith: HP97 card reader flat flex cable - old thread, Renato 4 responses
- HP-45 Charge, David E 6 responses
- Opinions on P41CX -The HP-41CX Emulator for Palm, gene 8 responses
- HP-41 CX, Jon 15 responses
- What, nobody likes Paul Simon ?, NH 6 responses
- HP42S Face Plate, Brendon Hutton 4 responses
- 12C or 12C Platinum...that is the question, Joe 3 responses
- eBay item linked to Museum image., James M. Prange 10 responses
- Hey Luiz ... electrolytic spice caps, Norm 5 responses
- HP-41 Bar Code Reader, Chris Catotti (Florida) 5 responses
- Bad Technology Week......, Michael Meyer 15 responses
- Just a few Thoughts on Times Past, Trent Moseley 6 responses
- Repairing HP-41 keyboards, Michael 7 responses
- HP-34C missing led, Jon 7 responses
- 12C and its financial algorithms, Eduardo 7 responses
- copying hp 85 tape to another tape , NORM 5 responses
- HP Marketing Strategy, Bob 36 responses
- New unused HP-42S, Thomas 4 responses
- hp32sii rom, Axel Bodemann 13 responses
- Likely cause of the display problems, Karl Schneider 2 responses
- HP-IL problem, David Ramsey 13 responses
- Funky Spice Display, DougT 2 responses
- interchanging 34c commas and dots, Tim Willis 17 responses
- (long) Storage Register Math in 48GX, bill platt 3 responses
- HP-75C battery repair, Alain Jacques 1 response
- Brainf*ck on the HP41, Mike (Stgt) 4 responses
- Instructions here on how to use the HP-80, gene 0 responses
- Collection photo (very large, 1M), David Ramsey 26 responses
- HP 48SX quit, unspellable 7 responses
- Thank you! to Julian Miranda (and to Dave Hicks), Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) 4 responses
- Matrix Trilogy [LONG], Valentin Albillo 5 responses
- HP 12C Platinum - a mystery, Luc Chanh Truong Vietnam 5 responses
- About displays, Julián Miranda (Spain) 7 responses
- 9830 ROM advanced prog II, Achim 0 responses
- HP12-Platinum's Sunplus SPLB20D CPU..., Bill Wiese 0 responses
- Woodstocks: ACT chip compatibility? (again), Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 3 responses
- 9g lamers, hugh steers 9 responses
- Emmanual Compes - I need your help, Donald Leonard 0 responses
- Charging NiMH batteries, Tracy Vermeyen 10 responses
- "Constructing" a Pioneer's battery cover, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- HHC2003 HP Calculator Conference 9/20-21/2003, Jake Schwartz 0 responses
- Calculator Case , Iqbal 0 responses
- Platinun Ũ Classical Voyagers: new LCD images, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 4 responses
- RUBBER KEYPAD under SPICE calculators, Norm 15 responses
- Depends on the definition of NICE, Mike 3 responses
- The superb HP-15C (adding to archived post), Karl Schneider 7 responses
- 15C History, Ted 8 responses
- fascinating... (31E, spice), Mr. Spock 8 responses
- Different bezel on new 17BIIs?, Scuba Diver 3 responses
- slooow 49g, Eric Lundgren 2 responses
- Re: 16C Cheap?, Calckidd 3 responses
- (long), 1/3AAA 1 response
- HP's Low-End Competition, Paul Brogger 17 responses
- have info on new CPU in HP12C Platinum..., Bill Wiese 2 responses
- Nimh N-cells, 41Jeff 2 responses
- CPU of HP 12 C Platinum , Luc Chanh Truong 0 responses
- HP41 barcode Wand, Meindert Kuipers 4 responses
- 32sII numeric integration, Eric Lundgren 1 response
- LOVE THIS FORUM!, Trent Moseley 10 responses
- test, 1/3AAA 0 responses
- 41CV corrosion puzzle, bill platt 29 responses
- Lietz Part ID Needed, Mike 6 responses
- Why?, Mike 0 responses
- Re: 16C Cheap?, David Smith 29 responses
- Solver Software, Earl F. Levin 1 response
- HP-15CP ?? HP-32P ?, NH 3 responses
- plotters/hp41's, Geoff 13 responses
- Re: 16C Cheap?, Raymond Del Tondo 1 response
- Mystery HP-67 cable, Patrick 4 responses
- MLDL 6E O.S. source, Donald Leonard 4 responses
- HP N-size battery charger, Tracy Vermeyen 3 responses
- Voyager cases direct from HP?, Patrick 5 responses
- 9815/9825 tape drive, Achim 1 response
- HP Management Idiots Make *Another* Bad Decision..., Wayne Brown 5 responses
- HP 41 X module, Howard 1 response
- selling a HP 35 in good condition, Ingmar Tengler 5 responses
- 9830 ROM Modules, Achim 0 responses
- Mr. Hicks how about a screen saver, Norm 18 responses
- Public thanks!, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- What's CPU of HP 12C and HP 12C Platinum, Luc Chanh Truong 3 responses
- Battery questions, Luk 7 responses
- manual book hp12C, Igi 2 responses
- TL 891 MinLibrary tape storage, Yaniv 1 response
- RPN/RPL - What?, Jack 27 responses
- Hi !! Gene, HP 12C vs 12C Platinum, Luc Chanh Truong 0 responses
- Black screen on 48GX, Scuba Diver 2 responses
- Am I too sensitive?, David Ramsey 13 responses
- Swapping 9825 Keyboards - Possible?, Mike 1 response
- hp48sx RAM module: what type of battery?, andy delano 4 responses
- hp85 hpil question and hp85-->hp75, andy 0 responses
- HP41C: successful transplantation (no more high consumption), Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 3 responses
- Heard any rumours about upcoming financial calc?, Justin 1 response
- Change from 17b to 12c Platinum, Bart De Keyser 4 responses
- how this italian spells relief, db(martinez,california) 0 responses
- Another version of "mint", Scuba Diver 1 response
- Repairing a 9114 drive - Tutorial, Mike 5 responses
- HP-71B, John Kercheval 20 responses
- $$$ Make money with your calculator junkyard, Norm 3 responses
- PPC MLDL Project, Jeff 4 responses
- $$$$$$ Nobody wants HP-15C anymore $$$$$ ??, Norm 5 responses
- My Dyslexic Agnostic Insomniac HP-67 is misbehaving again..., Michael Meyer 23 responses
- HP-51S Posted, Ben Salinas 2 responses
- 42s dispaly, jr ...Italy 1 response
- Woodstock Slide Switchs, Trent Moseley 1 response
- Metakernel install on 48gx, David F 2 responses
- How widely available is the HP 12C?, Stan (Sg) 3 responses
- Matrix Convolutions, Valentin Albillo 16 responses
- $66 already? This HP-22S may be going places on ebay!, Gene 0 responses
- HP-45 VS HP-67, Frederic 6 responses
- HP95lx prototype pictures and short commentary, Edwin Herdman 1 response
- Dave, a guy bought your CDRs, printed and is selling a copy of HP-15C manuals on ebay !!!, Emmanuel, France 8 responses
- Another 12c platinum bug from c.s.hp48, Gene 2 responses
- Leather Case for Voyagers, Grant Goodes 7 responses
- I email HP about need a 41CX..., Michel Beaulieu 43 responses
- 9114 power requirements, andy 1 response
- Want something to laugh?, Raymond Del Tondo 1 response
- hp 15c, GS Leong 14 responses
- hp web site - may be it's just me but..., Tom (UK) 0 responses
- Excitement about my new HP34C, Larry Corrado, USA (WI) 54 responses
- Do you want your HP-32sII back???, Paul Brogger 0 responses
- HP45 , Viet Vu 2 responses
- I have an HP-01(complete)... what is the value?, Michael Miller 4 responses
- Did You See Carly on Kudlow & Cramer: MSNBC?, Trent Moseley 3 responses
- Predictions on where this good-looking HP-70 will end up on ebay?, Gene 6 responses
- IS 48G+ discontinued ??, Norm 15 responses
- MBA Bashing in this forum, Mark 5 responses
- HP Calculator Webzone, Martin 2 responses
- 12c Platinum in Investor's Bus Daily, RB Jones 2 responses
- Need source for HP ScanJet 3C files , bowdoin davis 4 responses
- Ir ... I have an HP Ir question ... , Randy 7 responses
- Re: To José..., jose goncalves 0 responses
- HP41C: High current consumption, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- PC/MCA and PC/ISA How do I know which I have?, bowdoin Davis 1 response
- Memory cards for 48 series, unspellable 6 responses
- HP collectible on Ebay, Ellis Easley 1 response
- Question about HP-9114 disc drive, HrastProgrammer 1 response
- PPC Rom Manual Addendum, james (UK) 5 responses
- 11c Voyager, Ted 15 responses
- Am I going nuts???, Naim 2 responses
- BatteryLife_your record, bill platt 2 responses
- Hey Dave! HP Museum Bandwidth Theft, Mike 11 responses
- HP41CY???, Ellis Easley 12 responses
- Connecting 2 HP41 thru HPIL, jose goncalves 12 responses
- $$$$$$ WOW !! $$$$$ HP-15C, Norm 24 responses
- HP12cP available at EduCalc: US$... <8-O, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 4 responses
- HP 32S versus HP 32Sii, NH 24 responses
- OK, the HP12cP, what _is_ it?, JasonG 10 responses
- Repair questions, David Ramsey 32 responses
- Need guidance! HP12cP: where to buy? , Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 5 responses
- HP 200C Audio Oscillator, Joe McGerald 2 responses
- HP12C Platinum Observations, Stan (Sg) 25 responses
- David Assembly Manual, Jeff 1 response
- Have you seen this??, Iqbal 6 responses
- HP 10 keyboard "pop", Scuba Diver 8 responses
- HP41 and tone generator, Ted 9 responses
- HP 49G Keyboard and future HP 49g's, Nick Nicholas 1 response
- HP85 bus signal levels, Vassilis Prevelakis 0 responses
- HP laserjet 4 Plus, Martin 0 responses
- difference between 3468a and 3468b, andy 2 responses
- Question for Dave Hicks, forum search, Erik Wahlin 1 response
- HP 80 Series Software, rhahm 1 response
- HP-67 CARD READER REPAIR, Jon 8 responses
- HP 42S & 82240B Printing Test?, Gregg 3 responses
- HP 38 G problem, George Rigas 1 response
- A request, Ted 5 responses
- Woodstock ACT Instruction Set, Michael F. Coyle 11 responses
- HP-41cv PRGM key not working, Tracy Vermeyen 2 responses
- Slightly and significant changes, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- Manual for the HP21S, jose goncalves 1 response
- HP 41CX halfnut, Ted 16 responses
- 12c Platinum on MSNBC, RB Jones 5 responses
- You should see this... Voyager related!, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 6 responses
- Does anybody want an HP-35 emulator for Palm?, Jonathan Purvis 5 responses
- 82143A repair manual, Monte Dalrymple 0 responses
- NBC: tongue in cheek?, Ellis Easley 1 response
- 82161A HPIL tape drive - possible source for tapes, Ellis Easley 9 responses
- HP12c Plat and trig/log/etc, WigglePig 0 responses
- What is the key consumer noticable for HP ?, Bob 7 responses
- HPLX Codenames, Mike 6 responses
- HP41CV Extended Function Module, Todd Templeton 7 responses
- HP41CV Help/Advice, Steve Gosselin 1 response
- HP41CV Display, Howard 1 response
- Help needed - Woodstock external battery charger, Renato 3 responses
- HP12C Platinum on, J.Manrique Lopez de la Fuente 16 responses
- Would someone check an HP41C halfnut, please? (and a new image), Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- More info on 41c card reader problem, Steve 0 responses
- Halfnut dismantled (with images!), Vieira, Luiz C.(Brazil) 6 responses
- hp 65 reader, Greg 0 responses
- Disposable HP RPN, Tom Cox 3 responses
- The Complete Voyager, Patrick 21 responses
- Matrix Reloaded, Valentin Albillo 17 responses
- HP 12C Keys don't work, Stan (Sg) 18 responses
- Viewpoint about RED LED calcs and batteries ..., Norm 14 responses
- scratches on LCD screens, Ellis Easley 5 responses
- Opening (and repairing) a halfnut, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 4 responses
- CD audio won't play , Dave Trost 5 responses
- Problems rebuilding a 41c Card Reader, Steve 5 responses
- Programmables Available Today?, Patrick 32 responses
- harvesting email addresses here for spam?, db(martinez,california) 21 responses
- HP-82161A cassette type?!?, Frederic 9 responses
- BIG Collection, Gordon Dyer 9 responses
- P41CV for PALM Devices, Daniel Diggelmann 5 responses
- 12c Platinum on TV?, RB Jones 0 responses
- 41CV Gone Wild!, gifron 11 responses
- HP-25 Repair , Bernhard Emese 0 responses
- Battery pack for HP29C?, Steve Inselberg 1 response
- What to use with Alcohol when cleaning PCBs?, Paul Brogger 6 responses
- Ok. Help for idiot (me) with HP-49 on PocketPC, Gene 1 response
- O.T: Pun for Today, Paul Brogger 1 response
- deskjet 6122, qim 3 responses
- Pioneer (17B,17BII,27S,42S) ROM image download?, Christoph Giesselink 4 responses
- Whither HP-11C Solutions Handbook?, Patrick 18 responses
- atan, hugh steers 0 responses
- HP15C emulator for the PocketPC , Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) 4 responses
- HP 85 gummy wheel repair, hugh steers 15 responses
- compaq presario 2500 (2505EA) with windows 2000 has no proper video drivers!!, Carlos 1 response
- HP19C & HP29C, Howard 2 responses
- Ebay, Howard 21 responses
- HP25C survives ROM transplantation; donator is kept frozen, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 4 responses
- Hearing HP-IL, Renato 18 responses
- HP-97 printing problem, Juergen (CH) 10 responses
- Unobtainium or Neverexistedium ?, GE (France) 7 responses
- HP41-CV, Dan Coll 4 responses
- HP-71B-Programming ROWDRV (Display driver), Alain (Canada) 6 responses
- HP17BII wanted, inmasan 1 response
- Hello Mr. Sus, Mike (Stgt) 0 responses
- From hp12c platinum owner's handbook, J.Manrique Lopez de la Fuente 6 responses
- Finance and Statistics Pacs for HP-71B, Wektor 0 responses
- HP 25 Display, Charles 7 responses
- HP15c - HELP, Mitch Linne 10 responses
- HP42 S - Latest Generation?, Brendon Hutton 12 responses
- HP-48GX <==> Macintosh: help, please!, Simon Lockyer 4 responses
- Voyager Logo Transfer, Patrick 21 responses
- More eBay Madness!, Todd G 20 responses
- HP41 Brain Transplant (CV vs CX), Michael Fink 4 responses
- 12c platinum again - from comp.sys.hp48, Gene 9 responses
- 41CV Repair Service, John Smith 10 responses
- Decoding new serial numbers, jose goncalves 7 responses
- Key Click, Howard 1 response
- Using HPIL/RS232 converter and PC, Harold Climer 3 responses
- HP-41 CV Charger?, ValHallA|SW 19 responses
- Looking for LCDLEX source file, Alain 2 responses
- Re: HP 41 battery/port connector, ValHallA|SW 0 responses
- Re: PDF files (yes, the Reader is a different story), James M. Prange 1 response
- 41CV Gone Wild!, gifron 14 responses
- Re: a matter of degrees of tickle, Christof 0 responses
- Two versions of the HP-17BII ?, jose goncalves 8 responses
- Recalibration of HP-01, Thomas Reins 6 responses
- HHP EPROM, Kim 11 responses
- Why Adobe is a good thing, Bill Platt 0 responses
- Re: Inventions . . ., Bill Platt 1 response
- Announcing the new HP-10U!, Ernie Malaga 17 responses
- Re: PDF files (yes, the Reader is a different story), Bill Platt 14 responses
- HP 41C fixes?, Paul Pickett 14 responses
- HP 48gx scatterplot?, Karen Gibson 4 responses
- Infra red, Nacho 1 response
- Need some 9114 drives & batteries? On ebay..., Gene 0 responses
- It was 20 years ago today..., Patrick 10 responses
- Design Submitted, Ben Salinas 7 responses
- Due to popular demand, Mike Hicks 0 responses
- TI-1786 & the Datamath Museum, Trent Moseley 12 responses
- Re: HP-21 Circuit Diagram Schematic, Gordon Dyer 0 responses
- Re: HP-28S -- Are Connecting Pins Mushroomed, Glued or ???, Paul Brogger 0 responses
- 9114A vs 9114B disk drive, Jon 3 responses
- HP-01 Repairs, Randy Sloyer 1 response
- Re: Navigation cards for HP 48 series, Frank Travis 0 responses
- Re: just ugly, Chris(FLA) 10 responses
- I'm Jealous D.B., Norm 0 responses
- Re: Nuts about HP41's, Johnny Billquist 0 responses
- Re: Commodore SR4921 manual, Katie 0 responses
- Re: Coyote ugly, Christof 0 responses
- Re: Why II, que?, Frank Wales 7 responses
- If you need an HP 19Bii , CZ 0 responses
- No more insulting the coyotes and raccoons, Norm 1 response
- Freeware RPN Windows Calculator, Patrick 2 responses
- Serial number question, Eric Davis 2 responses
- Is RPN dead?, Paul Pickett 24 responses
- Re: HP 41 battery/port connector, David Smith 0 responses
- Help with 9114A disk drive?, Peter Buff 6 responses
- Online Photo Album - Update, Mike 1 response
- HP41 MLDL2000 website update, Meindert Kuipers 0 responses
- Re: Inconsistent results #1: 12c vs. 12c Platinum, hugh 1 response
- Stack Holding in Continuous Memory Calc, Katie 5 responses
- Re: HP-48g, Daniel Kekez 0 responses
- to mike and ellis, db(martinez,california) 0 responses
- Re: Shockingly new HP41CX !, Mark Ordal 1 response
- Re: Did the 34c precede the 41c?, Gene 1 response
- Schematic and Woodstock Data, Michael F. Coyle 9 responses
- Re: You're correct. 12cp Date instructions wrong on back, Ellis Easley 3 responses
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