The Museum of HP Calculators
HP Forum Archive 14
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This is an archive of the HP forum, which is for discussion of HP calculators including usage, repairs,
sources of replacement parts, general information etc.
Message Index
All Messages
(Compressed "Threads Only" Listing)
- Is legal to do this in Ebay?, John Macy 6 responses
- Hp 18c Versions, Neil 0 responses
- hp-21 key malfunction, Marc Pepin 1 response
- Reading HP 150 floppies, Derek Jones 5 responses
- New - HP33C Simulator - BETA, Mike T. 18 responses
- RE: hp 17BII, Peter 2 responses
- HP 49g+ serial number CNA-452, J.C. boco 2 responses
- HP-42S fail message, John 4 responses
- Speedup on 41 CX (and newer CV), Peter 0 responses
- Rechargeable Batteries, Howard 6 responses
- All the dodgy replies, Arnaud Amiel 8 responses
- Battery Holders, Marv 1 response
- 32sii Silver more reliable? / and other rants, Eric Lundgren 0 responses
- servicing 15c keyboard, sig 1 response
- HP-16C limits?, VPN 9 responses
- HP-97 reverse engineering progress, Eric Smith 3 responses
- What is the price for an HP-42s?, Marcus von Cube 2 responses
- ELI-488, Gonzalo Fernandez 0 responses
- x-memory vs novram, fulcrum 13 responses
- BCD Division, Mike >t 5 responses
- Getting U.S. to compete with overseas labor, Frank Travis 20 responses
- Use Ipaq as 19BII Financial Calc, Gus 2 responses
- Keep the batteries in the calc, Arnaud Amiel 12 responses
- Reading 9845 tapes in HP-85, Chuck Guzis 2 responses
- MLDL2000 progress, Meindert Kuipers 2 responses
- New scam type (off topic), Thibaut 1 response
- HP calculator for sale, Freddy 7 responses
- Old vs. New HP 12c, Peter 14 responses
- HP-80 working like new, Mike Barry 2 responses
- HP17BII+ Questions , Eddie Shore 5 responses
- How to help QONOS to be released, Marc 1 response
- HP-16C Programing, Trent Moseley 9 responses
- Solver function, Knut Boye 1 response
- Close to a record for a TI calculator! (ebay), Gene 26 responses
- David Assembler Overlay, Ángel Martin 3 responses
- HP 82161A Digital Casette Drive, Argenis 0 responses
- Old Software found - OT, Bob 29 responses
- 33s PC interface, Klaus 5 responses
- Victory! or - 10.000 pages later, Peter 1 response
- web site upgraded, Matthias 1 response
- A Woodstock/Spice hardware design mystery solved, Eric Smith 6 responses
- Looking for ..., Sean 18 responses
- The first graphic RPN calculator emulator was made by Apple in 1983 !!, Pascal 7 responses
- Calculator timing problem (49G+), Abilio Marques 3 responses
- hp41 ppcrom, ln 12 responses
- a preserved era, Eric Lundgren 0 responses
- HP 12c, Peter Dimopoulos 3 responses
- Dodgy reply to my Ad on this forum, Arnaud Amiel 2 responses
- 33s: section properties for rectangular composite bodies, Eric Lundgren 2 responses
- News flash: Fiorina to IBM, Ronald 3 responses
- HP41 Card Reader can read/write HP-71 cards, Vassilis Prevelakis 6 responses
- Euro2005 Calculator Conference in Finland!, Veli-Pekka Nousiainen 0 responses
- Limited edition 12cp?, Gene 3 responses
- HP-33 User's Manual, Trent Moseley 1 response
- HP 82161A Digital Casette Drive, Argenis Tovar 2 responses
- HP-97 batteries, PekkaPärsson 1 response
- HP 11 Display, john 2 responses
- Hp41 securities and standard an ppc rom modules, fulcrum 3 responses
- breaking the limits of the 33s with a compiler?, Klaus 16 responses
- Forum Archive - Message for Dave Hicks, Gordon Dyer 0 responses
- HP's new CEO, Jim Creybohm 29 responses
- Emu42PPC now available with VGA support, Christoph Giesselink 6 responses
- 2nd slot on HP-46, Frank Boehm 3 responses
- [OT] RPN Calc for Motorola mobile, R Lion 2 responses
- Voyager key click, i^4 1 response
- ArcCosh(x), MS33s 1 response
- Help with HP42S program input, Dannyg77 5 responses
- HP-71B Development ROM from Erik Wahlin, Patrice 0 responses
- Repairing a weird HP12C, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 3 responses
- HP-19C key trouble, laget 2 responses
- NoVRAM Module and MCODE, Jeff D 1 response
- HP-33S user opinion, KC 1 response
- Scientific Functions for the 12CP - Which should have been added?, GWB 17 responses
- hp41 overlay, fulcrum 1 response
- hp28s a row doesn't work, fabio 3 responses
- Expensive ISA card, Martin Reardon 0 responses
- Inside my 93, Arnaud Amiel 6 responses
- 17bII+ , Eric Lundgren 2 responses
- OpenRPN contact?, Thomas Okken 3 responses
- Help on printing circuit boards, Artur -Brazil 3 responses
- C for HP320LX, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 1 response
- E-bay auctions: the best way to collection?, Giancarlo 12 responses
- Change the Name of this Forum?, Tim Wessman 2 responses
- HP Integral PC Info, Andre Koppel 18 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 5 responses
- HP 33s - Equation Solve, Dan 2 responses
- Calculator Idiosyncrasies, Michael Barry 9 responses
- HP 9825B printer connection, parallel port, Stephan 1 response
- HP-32S vs. HP-32SII, Karl Schneider 2 responses
- HP-67 battery advice needed, Thomas Okken 6 responses
- SAT Test HELP needed!, VPN 0 responses
- HP 42S plotting capability?, Denis 2 responses
- HP41 NoVRAM, Christoph Klug 1 response
- Did the "Correct' function disappear after the HP 41, Gordon 5 responses
- HPIL via USB : a propose for emulators, Claudio 46 responses
- Handheld Calculator Power Supplies, John Limpert 4 responses
- Daily use of a Classic, Michael Barry 18 responses
- Allschwil 2nd meeting, Mike (Stgt) 0 responses
- 41CV keypad, Rob Cook 1 response
- Battery charger & tester, generic (ot), doofus 0 responses
- HP-80 Battery, Michael Barry 6 responses
- HP-55 Prototype, Ronald 8 responses
- HP-20S, Marc B. 49 responses
- Help with X and Y register!!, Denis 11 responses
- HP-35, -80, -45, and -55 emulated on PC, Mike (Stgt) 0 responses
- HP41C Users' Program Library Europe, Charles 4 responses
- Emu41 - Advantage - CCD compatibility, Claudio 7 responses
- Got my HP Caclulators Discs yesterday, Eddie Shore 0 responses
- KARL S. /thoughts for the EIT, Eric Lundgren 7 responses
- 42S Programing Problem, Trent Moseley 7 responses
- Spice chargers, Stephen Vater 3 responses
- 15C back label, Arnaud Amiel 2 responses
- We can't complain..., Eric Lundgren 11 responses
- 33s - If SQRT( ) must be INV of SQ( ), Eric Lundgren 0 responses
- Interfacing HP82161A to HP-85 , Johnsay 1 response
- Sorry, its off topic, but does walmart sell the 49g+?, Harry 4 responses
- HP33S bug subtracting degrees from minutes?, John P 2 responses
- eBay Descriptions, gifron 1 response
- Opening the HP-71B, John Pierce 10 responses
- HP-IL analyzer for the HP-71B??, Vassilis Prevelakis 5 responses
- how calculator works (aritmethics), Diana Ramírez 9 responses
- 41C Quad Memory, Carlos A. Monje 3 responses
- 48GX (R) & 48G AURM 4th Ed. erratta, sbirdasn 4 responses
- HP320LX Manual, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 2 responses
- Finding unknown variables (OT), Frank 11 responses
- two expensive 41cx, A. L. 17 responses
- hp49g+ "automatic" overclock upon "On", Eric Lundgren 2 responses
- Keyboard problem HP 41, Peter 1 response
- HP-41 Remainder, Michel Beaulieu 3 responses
- Unexpected Rounding, D Davis 4 responses
- Flashing star on 12C, D Davis 2 responses
- Mouldy calc, Arnaud Amiel 0 responses
- Mouldy calc, Arnaud Amiel 11 responses
- HP 19II, Howard 0 responses
- attaching a routine to the 'ON' key?, Eric Lundgren 5 responses
- Clonix & NoVRAM FAQ, Diego Diaz 0 responses
- Euro2005 or STaK 20th Anniversary, Veli-Pekka Nousiainen 0 responses
- Love Bytes, VPN 11 responses
- Identifying calc type in RPL, valentino ducati (switzerland) 11 responses
- HP 9825A, Stephan 4 responses
- hp49g+ bug? Combinations, sums, and equivalence, Eddie Shore 6 responses
- HP 32SII silver bezel, Alexandre 3 responses
- HP41 Flags, Gileno 3 responses
- Free42 1.2 released, Thomas Okken 8 responses
- Decimal Position on HP-15C, Cecylia Escarceg 3 responses
- Updates from OpenRPN, Hugh Evans 4 responses
- Couldn't resit to post this, 6 responses
- "coburlin": That's Outrageous!, K 36 responses
- normal distribution hp40G, Tho Nilewi 3 responses
- Recent eBay 16C selling price, Karl Schneider 0 responses
- Reduce a 49g+ to 4 stack?, Eric Lundgren 2 responses
- ERAMCO SYSTEMS ESCR-RSU-2 SOFT SELECT (The End), Emmanuel, France 2 responses
- difference between 32S and 32SII, denis 5 responses
- Programming on HP48GX, Iqbal 2 responses
- Value of HEPAX module?, Paul 5 responses
- Pental, John Limpert 10 responses
- manual de una hp 20s, franklin 3 responses
- ERAMCO SYSTEMS ESCR-RSU-2 SOFT SELECT, Emmanuel, France 4 responses
- hp 33s bugs, James Stephens 3 responses
- HP 820 Jornada, Matthias 0 responses
- HP Create a Calculator Contest 2005, Ben Salinas 0 responses
- O. T. : International Biographical Centre, Nenad (Croatia) 5 responses
- HP 41C is acting up, Tracy Vermeyen 1 response
- HP-12C , Mike Willis 2 responses
- HP29C - DSZ ISZ Question, Mike T. 5 responses
- What does the HP20S function "yx" do???, Eduardo Abril de Fontcuberta 7 responses
- Emu48PCC v1.01 published, Christoph Giesselink 0 responses
- New DVD/CD Set Version in the works, Dave Hicks 25 responses
- New hp49g user needs help, Erik 2 responses
- HP41 half nut internal swap??, Chan Tran 4 responses
- cranky HP95, David C. du Four 1 response
- Ipaq problems, Jim 3 responses
- HP71: Any suggestions to learn FORTH ?, Jos 7 responses
- Preserving HP-41 Battery Contacts, Brian 4 responses
- Series 80: HP 82940A GPIO Manual, Vassilis Prevelakis 2 responses
- Free42 for PalmOS now does skins, too, Thomas Okken 0 responses
- maximizing keyboard label contrast, Hugh Evans 4 responses
- M essage to Patrick about SOLVE Algorithm, Namir 0 responses
- I find it interesting., joan cardenas 15 responses
- Re: 82002A Battery Charger voltages, db (martinez, ca.) 0 responses
- 82002A Battery Charger voltages, Pyerre 5 responses
- HP 33S Battery Life, Ed Look 0 responses
- RAW and PGM files for HP-41, Michel Beaulieu 4 responses
- an HP-42S program listing to "raw" conversion script, Thomas Okken 4 responses
- HP 500 memory card, Katherine 0 responses
- Compare 48G/GX and 48S/SX , Dan Kalish 15 responses
- Is this unreasonable or what?, Katie 17 responses
- HP 41CV -> HP 41CX halfnut, Artur 6 responses
- Series 80 - Prog ROM Module clone update, John 3 responses
- HP-41CX, HP-IL and HP3468A Multimeter, Chris Catotti (Florida) 1 response
- 28C ISOL - what's wrong?, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 4 responses
- Simultaneous Equation Solver HP 33s, JJJ 16 responses
- A replacement 49g+ rec'vd..., Eric Lundgren 1 response
- 41CX serial #'s -- halfnut/fullnut, Karl Schneider 1 response
- Replacement Rec'vd for 49g+, Eric Lundgren 0 responses
- SD Card Directories, SuperSack 1 response
- Secant Formula, Matt Swanson 1 response
- Free42 with skins, Thomas Okken 20 responses
- hp 9825B 9885M disk problem, Jim Butch 0 responses
- Improved Keyboard Hp49g+ serial, Will 4 responses
- Humidity computer, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 2 responses
- 15C 0,00 ?, Bob 7 responses
- "Transparent " display on my 32S, Alexandre(Brazil) 9 responses
- Hungry HP42S, Marx Pio 6 responses
- HP 32SII , Larry 4 responses
- HP 49G+ low battery warning, even after replacing..., Kate 2 responses
- The School of Engineering - University of Auckland BANS HP + Ti calculators, Anthony deFen 7 responses
- HP solver has some bugs , will 11 responses
- lowercase subscript HP 49G , Mike 2 responses
- HP48 and the Nikon F5 camera, Chan Tran (USA) 5 responses
- HP 16C serial number, Denis 3 responses
- Help with Searching all Archives, Peter 3 responses
- HP10C 'Bug' ..?, Mike T. 20 responses
- hp49g+ problem with lim function, Chris (Edinburgh, UK) 4 responses
- hp 9825 Disk System Cartridge, Jim Butch 0 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 11 responses
- New Trigonometric Functions Program for the HP-12C, GWB 3 responses
- Wanted: 82167A B or D IL Interface Cable for a 82161A Drive, Bill 0 responses
- HP-67 stuck card reader motor, Allan 2 responses
- Datafile V24N1, Bruce Horrocks 0 responses
- Still Keyboard problem with HP49G+? , Broesen 3 responses
- HP 33s programming, Alexander Thorp 16 responses
- Open HP32SII, Broesen 7 responses
- PC IrDA -> HP 48G HELP, estres 0 responses
- Search & Speed HP41, Peter 2 responses
- 48G scare, Ed Look 0 responses
- HP49G+ How do I save text?, Kate 2 responses
- HP-67 display trouble: Help!, Albert 2 responses
- Check your batteries!, Dave Shaffer 1 response
- Rad vs Deg accuracy, Rick May 4 responses
- Triangle 32SII - Bill Platt, Norm Pageau 1 response
- hp-SOLVE in the 33s, Eric Lundgren 8 responses
- Triangle program hp32sII, Norm Pageau 2 responses
- HP-41C how to determine if it's halfnut ?, Pascal 11 responses
- Contact to HHC Australia, Matthias 5 responses
- HP-16c Manual, Jim Hannah 8 responses
- hp49g+ and SYSPRL Programming, Eddie Shore 2 responses
- derivative of a function at a point, John LIttlefield 19 responses
- 32s dust, Pete 1 response
- Measured data transfer PC->HP48SX, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 1 response
- Any recent/newly minted PEs' here?, Eric Lundgren 12 responses
- OT: any opinions on Casio FC-100V ?, Iuri Wickert 7 responses
- My HP-27S would not shut off, help!, Davin 13 responses
- HP-32sII after HP-33S, Canada 3 responses
- Reapir scratched 41 window, Peter 2 responses
- HP xPander on Ebay, speck 0 responses
- Another example of passing off of MoHPC pictures on ebay, Noname 1 response
- HP48gII, OzarkMtbr 6 responses
- HP 33 survey programs, Mike 3 responses
- "Completed Voyager" redux: the HP-10C, Karl Schneider 6 responses
- possible explanation for 49g+ missed keystrokes, Eric Lundgren 6 responses
- HP-21 trivia, Eric Smith 26 responses
- HP15C, Bernardo Vargas 3 responses
- Printer Red Eye 82240B, Romain DAILLY 0 responses
- calculators allowed at school, Mike (Stgt) 33 responses
- HP41C programming, Michael Sayers 2 responses
-, John Smitherman 0 responses
- 48gx = 48g +96k ? = 48g+ +32k?, Eric Lundgren 2 responses
- HP28 Commas and Points, Steve 4 responses
- RPN and the HP 38G, Charles 3 responses
- typical 33s programs, Eric Lundgren 7 responses
- 33s target of PEs / high school?, Eric Lundgren 5 responses
- AC Adapter for HP 9114B Disk Drive, Mutsch 4 responses
- The thinniest HP41?, Marx Pio 1 response
- HP-41: The Ultimate Alarm Clock, Geir Isene 3 responses
- Fraudsters, David Osborne 5 responses
- Update for 49g+ o/s?, Eric 3 responses
- To remove engineering library from 49g, Eric Lundgren 6 responses
- hp's and pda's, Eric Lundgren 1 response
- cranky HP95, Dave du Four 0 responses
- W&W RAMBOX Manual Needed, Jeff D 0 responses
- Any HP48GX software for Personal data storage and retrieval?, Antoine M. Couëtte 3 responses
- stat 1 module, Earl Calder 2 responses
- USA Made Hp 12c with "Popping" Keys, Neil 3 responses
- HP 11C R and C oscillator values, jean baptiste minazio 1 response
- 71b math rom question, hugh steers 5 responses
- Add programs for 49g+, Arcturus 1 response
- To reassign keys on the 33s, Eric Lundgren 5 responses
- 33s initial impressions, Eric Lundgren 4 responses
- error message , Bobby Tan 5 responses
- HP32sii doesn't lie flat., Stephen Walker 11 responses
- HP-48gII, ozarkmtbr 1 response
- HP49+ SD slot - please someone put me out of my misery, Steve Dimond 12 responses
- Hp-33S clear stack, Michel Beaulieu 2 responses
- HP 33s application manual, James Stephens 2 responses
- New page on my website, Matthias 11 responses
- HP-41 in Space - World Spaceflight News, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 9 responses
- HP15C Advanced Functions Handbook, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 3 responses
- HP-11C floating display format, Craig Skinner 5 responses
- 15C auction, Chris Woodhouse 3 responses
- 82180A Ext Func/Mem ver. 1A?, Diego Diaz 2 responses
- 49G+ suddendly died. what to do?, Andrea 12 responses
- HP-65 in space with Apollo-Soyuz , Bill (Smithville, NJ) 1 response
- Data Acquisition with HP-41CX, CapPs 25 responses
- 25C repair tip, Gordon 2 responses
- For Gene - RE TI BA II+ Professional, Eddie Shore 3 responses
- Emu42PPC and Emu48PCC VGA mode pictures, Christoph Giesselink 2 responses
- HP-67 tantalum capacitor, Albert 1 response
- hp 49g key keys not responding inop broken do not work, jared hansen 0 responses
- VPN new ISP, new everything, HW failure, Veli-Pekka Nousiainen 4 responses
- psc1315, v c jain 1 response
- Unit conv. on 49g+, Eric Lundgren 2 responses
- 660lx question: Any storage archive of programs/games?, Gene 4 responses
- 49g help, matt 4 responses
- 41CV doesn´t turn on , gonzalo fernandez 0 responses
- HP-71B news, J-F Garnier 4 responses
- Interesting HP41 Wand Repair, Meindert Kuipers 0 responses
- 25C needs to be warm for registers to work, Gordon 5 responses
- non-functional calculators wanted for reverse-engineering effort, Eric Smith 0 responses
- 12C for 11C and 15C fanatics, Mvdn 23 responses
- HP-21 and HP-25 now working in Nonpareil simulator, Eric Smith 0 responses
- Looking for HP 41 CY, Peter 0 responses
- The best you can do with a HP6S, Marx Pio 14 responses
- Question about SOLVER, Namir 0 responses
- Question a, Namir 3 responses
- RAMBOX and HEPAX manuals, Jeff D 6 responses
- Solid Black lines, Andrew 1 response
- Duplex of nics?, Jimmy Smith 1 response
- HP-42S "No Variables" message, Thomas Okken 4 responses
- asin(acos(atan(tan(cos(sin(7)))))), Valentin Albillo 6 responses
- Note to Simon Bridger re: SOLVE in Free42, Thomas Okken 0 responses
- HP41CV, Tony Kelly 1 response
- PRx on HP-41CX, Michel Beaulieu 4 responses
- hp 12c's painted keys, GS Leong 6 responses
- IL and Printer service module, Ronald 1 response
- loops, VGreen 3 responses
- Cleaning HP-15C aluminum bezel - how to?, GWB 4 responses
- The Devil you Know vs the Devil you Don't, Ron Ross 1 response
- HP 10C problems, Artur - Brasil 0 responses
- HP48G+ screen flickers, Larry 1 response
- stop the Carly-bashing, Don Shepherd 34 responses
- Thermal Printers for 41 series, GS Leong 4 responses
- 41 cx time, GS Leong 7 responses
- Carly just resigned or let's do another attempt revive the calc business unit ;-), Mutsch 21 responses
- HP25-C, Louis 1 response
- Some 49G+ Limitations, John Smitherman 11 responses
- Beep problem hp 41 repair, Peter 3 responses
- HP 48SX minor battery leakage repair, Jerry Giacoma 0 responses
- domain of a function, John Littlefield 5 responses
- hp 11c , john littlefield 2 responses
- copy trouble, adi 1 response
- Trouble integrating on 49g+, JaSon 10 responses
- HP-48G "Invalid card data", Jan (CH) 2 responses
- HP49G, David Youse 11 responses
- How to connect a plotter HP9862A with HP9815?, Thomas Falk 3 responses
- need motherboard manual, silver 1 response
- 3x3 matrix operations for the HP-12C, Kalevipoeg 6 responses
- batteries for 48G+, 49G+, 48GII, Eduardo Costa 6 responses
- Surveying Programs - HP 33, Ken 2 responses
- 48G+ or not for calculus, Jeff F. 15 responses
- Basic trig functions for the HP-12C, GWB 19 responses
- HP75 Battery, Daryl Cheshire 1 response
- HP OmniGo 100, Adam 5 responses
- Sucessful repair of HP32SII, Ara Knaian 1 response
- Anybody Looked at "gumstix"?, Paul Brogger 3 responses
- Last Clonix/NoVRAM units shipped., Diego Diaz 3 responses
- HP48 diagram/tree for function location, Angel 3 responses
- MLDL2000 new specs and manual, Meindert Kuipers 4 responses
- HPIL Video Interface 82163A vs. B, Mutsch 14 responses
- HP 45 Serial Number, Charlie 2 responses
- 42's Keyboard layout drawing, Marx Pio 10 responses
- HP48G+, Eduardo Costa 10 responses
- re: Verilog or VHDL emulators for H{16C - some comments (about microcode), Bill Wiese 0 responses
- correlation programs for HP 49, Luigi Galletti 2 responses
- More updates for Free42, Namir 0 responses
- Hp 49g: tranferring files, Dennis 2 responses
- HP 39G+, your thoughts?, Eddie Shore 6 responses
- "V41" for Mac?, Gilles Esposito-Farese 1 response
- batteries for 11c, dennis thompson 1 response
- \->keytime (49g+), Eric Lundgren 2 responses
- workhorse calc, Eric Lundgren 2 responses
- New 49G+, John Smitherman 1 response
- Where Carly First Failed, Les Bell [Sydney] 33 responses
- Help on 42S ROM - Help Luiz!, Artur 3 responses
- Remove lint from HP-41 display, Mutsch 3 responses
- HP D220M Windows 98 drivers, Todd Manuel 0 responses
- The seemingly attentive 49g+..., Eric Lundgren 1 response
- Verilog or VHDL Emulator for HP 16C?, Bennett Smith 9 responses
- JF Garnier, Patrice 1 response
- HP 65 program tips, Ralph 3 responses
- Non-operating extended memory in my HP41CX, Bartolome Dagdagan 4 responses
- keyscan for 49g ...and g+?, Eric L 4 responses
- HP 39g+, K Ramesh 2 responses
- My 15c has shaky keys, James 1 response
- Numbers, JP 2 responses
- HP 35 Version Red dot How many still "alive" ?, Ronald 9 responses
- Repairing plastic, Frank J 1 response
- Password game for both 32SII and 15C, GWB 3 responses
- Non-working Wand, Juergen (CH) 17 responses
- Faded display on HP15-C, Larry 14 responses
- Decisions..., Fubar Vikinghelmet 9 responses
- HP-41CV Keyboeard Problem, Daniel Diggelmann 5 responses
- an ebay question, db (martinez, ca.) 7 responses
- New graphical game for the HP-42S - Okie Dokie!, Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 5 responses
- HP 48GX and windows XP, Mike 4 responses
- HX4700 & Simulators/Emulators, Giuseppe Marullo 6 responses
- HP 41CX display failure, Jim Stewart 1 response
- ROM's for Clonix and NoVRAM, Jeff D 3 responses
- djammer, Bruce Horrocks 0 responses
- Electronic version of Datafile, Bruce Horrocks 1 response
- HP-IL interface cases, Wilson (Bill) Holes 6 responses
- HP11C broken resonator, Jean Baptiste M 4 responses
- MIRR Program for 17bii+, Walter 7 responses
- HP 45 problem, Kevin Kane 10 responses
- HP-21 battery drain, Michel Beaulieu 7 responses
- 41CV Problems, Ron 5 responses
- For Diego Diaz, g. fernandez 0 responses
- faulty 41cv memory chip, g. fernandez 8 responses
- Note to Matthias, Namir 2 responses
- HP42s memory upgrade, Michael 25 responses
- Custom Programming vs. Pre-packaged programming, Eddie Shore 3 responses
- Accurate TVM for HP42S, Tommi 2 responses
- Math Skills, gsleong 42 responses
- HP 33S help, Clay Smith 20 responses
- HP41CX doesn't turn on, Ralph 6 responses
- 41C 82104A card reader, Vinny Colucci 0 responses
- 20s manual?, Steve M. 4 responses
- HP41 CCD-Module Matrix files, Christoph Klug 5 responses
- HP 15c Sky rocket price, Rafael Magallanes Quintanar 30 responses
- Need HP-34C Parts, Steve 2 responses
- HP-41 ebook (1979-2004, 25th Anniversary), Emmanuel, France 9 responses
- Hi! ^^ My name's Marina, Marina 10 responses
- HELP with hobbit, john francis 3 responses
- changing significant digits on 20s, An Tran 1 response
- HP 71B to PC Software, Nick Nicholas 0 responses
- Can you identify this?, Steve (Australia) 13 responses
- Gauss-Jordan Pivot, Kevin Havre 1 response
- HP-41, 1979-2004 ebook, Emmanuel, France 17 responses
- HPCC website, Matthias 18 responses
- 9821A calculator, Gerry 1 response
- Disassembling dusty HP27S, Erwin 3 responses
- Long Live the HP-42S !, Valentin Albillo 23 responses
- tough 41s, Steve (Australia) 0 responses
- Free42 conduit crash, Thomas Okken 4 responses
- HHC2005 Announcement! 9/17-9/18 2005, Gene Wright 3 responses
- MLDL2000 all tests OK, Meindert Kuipers 6 responses
- HP 9810A problems, Stefan 1 response
- Free42 version 1.1 released, Thomas Okken 7 responses
- Skins for Emu42 and Emu48 for Pocket PC, Jeff O. 3 responses
- GAMMA on the 17bII+, Bob Wang 0 responses
- Omnibook CD Drive - Drivers?, mahoobley 2 responses
- 48SX hangs when ON is pressed, JoseCuervo 1 response
- Disassembling dusty HP27S, Erwin 4 responses
- HP 11C, Cathleen Ax 3 responses
- My Hp33s impressions, Ron Ross 3 responses
- Major scam on MoHP classified ads, Luis 3 responses
- Black-Scholes on 17bII+ using Taylor series VERY ACCURATE!, Bob Wang 0 responses
- HP 21S Manual, Nick Nicholas 6 responses
- Black-Scholes on 17bII+, accurate to 5th decimal place, Bob Wang 4 responses
- Hp48GII, Andrea 12 responses
- New record prices for HP Calculators, John Pierce 4 responses
- Bringing back the HP 15C - why not, mvdn 3 responses
- HP65 and HP67/97 factory cards, Paul O'Hare 1 response
- Emu42 campaign and Emu4xPPC compatibility to WM 2003 SE devices, Christoph Giesselink 2 responses
- HP-35 accessories, NeilV 5 responses
- hp42s rom, Paul Andrews 5 responses
- HPIL-RS232 interface, Jon 1 response
- More bad news on the 17bII+ (Long), Bob Wang 10 responses
- Greetings and more, Valentín Albillo 8 responses
- HP 01 calc/ watch repair, Sam 3 responses
- Where are these units made?, Matthias 5 responses
- Another HP41 MLDL2000 Update, Meindert Kuipers 6 responses
- L() and G() unsupported on NEW HP17BII+ (Long), Bob Wang 14 responses
- Speaking of Commas, Hans Schmellenkamp 1 response
- comma & period, Les 1 response
- 49g+ comma in display, Joe 6 responses
- HP-14B, Hummam 1 response
- Production Dates, Walter B 1 response
- HP 01 calc/ watch setup, Sam 1 response
- HP-82164A & wire, Jon 2 responses
- HP 32s & 48gx, Monty Hall 35 responses
- HP cases, Tony 0 responses
- HP 41 module 82500B-A22, Hans Bloemen 2 responses
- Help! I am getting scammed, Aleph Mobius 4 responses
- PI Screen Saver (off topic), Mike H 1 response
- Beta testers wanted for new forum software, Dave Hicks 15 responses
- Source for plastic battery holders, Dan 4 responses
- HP and their strategy on RPN, Mvdn 15 responses
- HP 71 - serial interface, Karel Kupka 2 responses
- HP 27s keyboard problem, Nick Nicholas 4 responses
- Math Societies, Eddie Shore 7 responses
- Repair HP15C Sticky Keys, Tony 1 response
- HP-41CX New-in-the-Box, Praxitelosk 4 responses
- HP48GX woes, Mcmillian 2 responses
- 9825B/T schematics, Achim 2 responses
- 620lx replacement adapter voltage?, Gene 10 responses
- Question about Russian RPN Calculators, Namir 10 responses
- Any Inside Photos of HP 12C Platinum, Dave 4 responses
- Help Luiz, Please.., Rick 4 responses
- Can someone help me with today's Dilbert?, Paul Brogger 5 responses
- HP 12C -- Stuck Key, P. Simon 2 responses
- old vs. new "equivalent", Jay 5 responses
- micro focus object with HP-UX 11i, TIIB 1 response
- chinese umbrella factory,promotion umbrella,advertisement umbrella, Tan 4 responses
- experimental pocket pc calculator, hugh steers 1 response
- WARINING (PSA): unusual replies to HP classifieds, Mike 17 responses
- HP42c, Al Wilson 2 responses
- Programming Help 48GX, Rick 6 responses
- HP-IL RS232 Interface & Windows, Jon 2 responses
- HP11C, Fred Rumak 4 responses
- GPS Software, Matthias 2 responses
- HP 2100A question, Dylan LeFevre 1 response
- Strange Jornada 680, David Ramsey 1 response
- $2,000,000 calculators for sale. Scam or optimism?, Mike 5 responses
- MLDL2000 Update, Meindert Kuipers 5 responses
- HP-67 ROM 1818-0551 broken, Eddie C. Dost 0 responses
- Wishing you all the best 2005!, Eddie Shore 11 responses
- HP41C vs HP67/97 mag cards, Robert 4 responses
- CMT-300 and CMT-200, Mike 1 response
- Pioneer Keyboard Fixes -- they ARE possible, Paul Brogger 3 responses
- Spice "2 Disease" -- Any Treatment?, Paul Brogger 3 responses
- HP14C ROM Emulator for HP28SX, Ramon Camiruaga J. 0 responses
- casio fx3600p, phil 78 3 responses
- HP-42S & 32S Compatibility, George Rose 2 responses
- Special Functions Library Available, Eddie Shore 3 responses
- Morse code with a CX, Giuseppe Marullo 5 responses
- 041229 Help requested for data exchange between computer/laptop and HP48GX via USB port, Antoine M. "Kermit" Couëtte 0 responses
- Interesting 41C customization, Katie 1 response
- hp28s, peter 3 responses
- Egad! I dropped a stapler on my 12C!!!!, Barry 15 responses
- OT--MPC Computer Bowl: Fresno State 37, Virginia 33…yeah!!!, Fred Lusk 0 responses
- Does anyone know how to open a Sparcom "Drive 95"?, db (martinez, ca.) 4 responses
- Rom HP41, gileno 0 responses
- HP-41 CX ED command on CV, Mutsch 7 responses
- HP82164 HPIL-RS232 connection to PC, Nick Nicholas 1 response
- FYI: Pictures of Power Supplies here..., Hans Brueggemann [GER] 2 responses
- Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas!, Eddie Shore 17 responses
- Basic HP Calculator, Eddie Shore 34 responses
- HP PSC 1210 all-in-one - scanning, Karen Miller 0 responses
- HP-41CV clearing malfunction, Tom Storino 3 responses
- HP35 serial number, Frank Boehm 1 response
- HP71B: how to copy LEX files from card to memory?, Hans Brueggemann [GER] 2 responses
- (O/T) Interesting article on Apples graphing calculator, Jim Creybohm 1 response
- 49g+, Abel López 3 responses
- Replacement NiCads for HP82033A battery, Tracy 1 response
- Happy Holidays - I have five $5 rebate coupons for the TI BAII Professional - first 5 responders!, Gene 4 responses
- Any Inside Photos of HP 12C, Dale 1 response
- Have you noticed..., Matthias 12 responses
- personally to Gene Wright, Veli-Pekka Nousiainen 0 responses
- American AC adapter/charger in Europe, Rodolfo Canet 4 responses
- hp 15C blinking * , ralph perez 3 responses
- HP-49g units simplifications, Michel Beaulieu 7 responses
- Plan of my website, Emmanuel aka xeq41, France 10 responses
- 48gx, bob smith 2 responses
- HP 97S Please Help.., Dennis 5 responses
- power jack on zd7160us, Tom 1 response
- 9810 service manual, marais 37 responses
- Hp-45 timer, Pierre Brial 0 responses
- HP-41CX & 41CY, Jon 6 responses
- Library to ram card for Hp 48sx/gx, JDH 0 responses
- Survey routine for GX, Rick 1 response
- assembler programmer's reference manual, Klaus 5 responses
- i need help powering up hp48sx, ross denys 3 responses
- Free42s Update from Tom Okken, Namir 5 responses
- hp 17bII & hp91 test , Julius 1 response
- HP48/49 screen capture; any guidance?, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 10 responses
- HP 35 Battery Pack, Neal Bunrham 1 response
- HP 33C, Patrick 1 response
- Voyager keyboards - Rattle effect, Frank 5 responses
- Who is Dr. Robert J. Glaser?, Matthias 3 responses
- HP 12C CPU Question, Jeff 0 responses
- Off Topic: Link to Book on Probability, John Smitherman 1 response
- Help for a friend with a HP 48 Gii, Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) 1 response
- 67 display failure - npn transistor array replacement, marais 10 responses
- wayback machine, Mike H 3 responses
- Emu41 versions for HP 95/100/200LX and Portable Plus, J-F Garnier 2 responses
- Allschwil Report 2004, Matthias 15 responses
- HP-67 read/write head, Jon 4 responses
- Free42 1.0.13: printer emulation, Thomas Okken 4 responses
- HP simulation on communicator 9500, Luca - Switzerland 2 responses
- alg48 remove, Gergely 6 responses
- The Joy of Keystroke Programming, Ben Salinas 21 responses
- FLASH NEED UPDATE, Marcel MAIER 2 responses
- HP 82104A Card Readers (HP41), Dave Allen 2 responses
- Origin of RPN, db(martinez,california) 5 responses
- HP49G+ connectivity kit: my own experience, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- HP-67 w/melted Battery Compartment Door, Paul Brogger 4 responses
- HP 34C and HP 48GX questions, Nick Nicholas 2 responses
- HP48SX time capsule!, Mike 8 responses
- HP-67 self-test??, Derek 1 response
- Math Skills Survey Shows U.S. Lags Behind, bill duncan 25 responses
- Which HP98xx desktops used std non-HP CPU??, Bill Wiese 3 responses
- Looney Auctions, Les Bell [Sydney] 6 responses
- several ways downloading SW to 48S/GX?, Valentino Ducati 3 responses
- HP49G and HP49G+ emualtor, Harry 4 responses
- an HP-IB card 27209 , Patrice 1 response
- How to solder, Matthias 20 responses
- member of hpmuseum?, Perry Smith 5 responses
- HP 67 card reader, Derek 5 responses
- only to US!, Matthias 39 responses
- HP82713A - What's is this for ?, jose goncalves (brasil) 3 responses
- e^A where A is a Matrix, Harry 34 responses
- HP 41 Time/PPC Mod operations, Derek 2 responses
- Which HPs have RPN ?, Martin 14 responses
- 48SX/GX Co-op Module, Ron 2 responses
- Almost as silly as a $28k grilled cheese, eBay watcher 3 responses
- HP82210A in a 48GX?, Sean 4 responses
- Weibull Program for HP41C or 48GX?, Hans Schmellenkamp 1 response
- ROW- behaves differently in the HP49G, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- Personal Triumph, Ed Look 6 responses
- Weak printing HP97 printer, Ronald 8 responses
- Dust removal - Voyagers, Margaret 9 responses
- Series 80 Programmable ROM module clone - update, John 7 responses
- Carry Flag, flexten 1 response
- Allschwil postprocessing (modified), Mike (Stgt) 5 responses
- HP 48g11 Ascii transfer to PC, Stuart Sprott 2 responses
- HP-41CV & PPC ROM on Ebay, Derek 9 responses
- HP49G+: Nested Menus, Eddie Shore 6 responses
- HP 9815A or 9815S?, Ken 5 responses
- 41cx doesn´t recognise 319 registers, Gonzalo Fernandez 2 responses
- "" working OK?, Simon Lockyer 1 response
- j^j and the HP-33S, Karl Schneider 3 responses
- HP 82104 A, gileno 0 responses
- rpn emulators, db(martinez,california) 4 responses
- My best greetings to all participants of the Allschwil meeting!, Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 4 responses
- HP-49G+, Thomas Cox 6 responses
- machined housing, Jeff Brower 9 responses
- HP-41cv PPC Rom?, Derek 3 responses
- Ebay item # 5733875807 : CCD Module for HP-41C/CV/CX, Florian Gaillard 3 responses
- How to open a 10b? I have the user manual! My 10bII dissapointment, Geir 3 responses
- HP 67 printer port, Gilles C. 2 responses
- HP-32SII Bargain or what, Mike 3 responses
- One more slice of PI, GWB 11 responses
- HP49g+ and SD/USB file storing, kfg 3 responses
- You think ebay calculator buyers are nuts?, Mike 5 responses
- HP 48 G, Peter Torrione 4 responses
- HP 9114A floppy drive, David Osborne 11 responses
- HP-67 Power Adapter replacement?, Derek 1 response
- NCEES policies for 2006 ?, Norris 8 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 3 responses
- Dear HP..., . 6 responses
- CCD OS-Extensions: how to toggle Alpha mode, Marcus von Cube 7 responses
- Where to find zebra connectors for HP-41, Miki Mihajlovic 1 response
- OT: dictionary, Mike (Stgt) 0 responses
- HP41 MLDL2000 proto's arrived!, Meindert Kuipers 12 responses
- Public Thanx, Mathias, Donald Leonard 7 responses
- Vector Issues (49g+), Tim Wessman 9 responses
- HP 71B-CMT 128K Module: which ports?, Marcus von Cube 2 responses
- HP49g+ Keyboard, Eddie Shore 24 responses
- 41 Auto shut-off, Ulrich Heller 4 responses
- HP-41C high freq. beep, Erik Wahlin 5 responses
- "Cheap" HP 32SII, Ronald 8 responses
- Flash memory, Gary 3 responses
- HP-42S + 82240: what do NORM and TRACE modes do?, Thomas Okken 3 responses
- Hp 17BII NEEDS URGENT HELP, Will 2 responses
- hp48gx screen 7 place stack, George Rose 2 responses
- Small update to 42s2html, Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 0 responses
- broken screen, Lawrence 1 response
- low level format?, asnyder 1 response
- 41 translation module for the HP-71B, Joao 3 responses
- Thank Goodness for MoHPC, Fred Lusk 7 responses
- HP20S Manual Wanted, Walter B 3 responses
- Meeting Allschwil 2004, Matthias 2 responses
- Where to buy an HP49+ ?, Bob 6 responses
- Transposing a matrix on a 48GX, McKinley Lewis 2 responses
- HP48G Serial comunication, Ulisses Neto 1 response
- RPN demo with PC simulation HP-41, Mike (Stgt) 0 responses
- Precision of HP 30S, Markus Sigg 4 responses
- NCEES new "approved calculator" list, Karl Schneider 11 responses
- HP Calculators Rant, Nick Nicholas 13 responses
- HP-34C repair, Fred G 8 responses
- HP: Thank's for the HP-49G+, Erwin 12 responses
- HP9825 Calculator, Marie-Helene 1 response
- HP-85/87 Programmable ROM module - clone version coming soon, John 2 responses
- Arithmetic operators don't work on my 32SII, Simon Lockyer 5 responses
- Oldie question...HPX V1N4 Space Shuttle Lander game, Gene 3 responses
- RPN, SVPAM, AOS EOS etc.., Michel Beaulieu 12 responses
- HP-41 viewscreen?, Michel Beaulieu 8 responses
- HP27S - dumb way to enter negative exponents?, Gene 1 response
- CAS vs Plot, Mike (Stgt) 4 responses
- Serial communication HP 48G, Neto 1 response
- HP 21, Martin Hvidberg 20 responses
- 41CV Display problem, Mike 1 response
- NEW calculators quality., Will 3 responses
- Placement of chips in HP 34C, Hans-Erik Lehndal 8 responses
- HP-48GX strange corrosion problem, JeffD 9 responses
- Graphing calculator form factor opinions, Hugh Evans 5 responses
- Urgend to Hrastprogrammer, Matthias 1 response
- Keyboard Layouts, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 4 responses
- A Possessed 32sii, Ben Salinas 3 responses
- HP-9G adding angles, Mary 2 responses
- HP 41C repair, 0 responses
- HP 17bII+ stats bug, DSS 0 responses
- hp 32sii programs on hp 42s, LH Chan 2 responses
- HP 41C Batteries, Willis Wilson 3 responses
- Transferring files between HP 41 and PC using serial interface, Nick Nicholas 11 responses
- hp41cv repair question, Andy 3 responses
- Good physical condition, Naim 1 response
- Private ROM on HP-41, some observations (long), Miki Mihajlovic 5 responses
- free42s matrix inverse, hugh steers 5 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 2 responses
- Suggestion to extend tests for Free42, Namir 1 response
- eBay, where else?, Massimo (Italy) 11 responses
- Warren Furlow's Pccom with Novram, Emmanuel, France 0 responses
- Imaginary numbers in 33S equation mode, RB 9 responses
- HP48GX - HP49G+ = ? missing , George 14 responses
- Calculator for the blind, Tom(UK) 11 responses
- The End of an Era, Jeff O. 6 responses
- HP33E user´s manual, Emilio Garcia-Conde 1 response
- Calcs on display - what lighting?, Peter Khor 11 responses
- What is the GPIO interface HP 82165A, Thomas Falk 1 response
- EBAY DICTIONARY, Matthias 3 responses
- Free42 matrix-matrix division bug, Thomas Okken 10 responses
- Free42 functionality, Vincent Weber 23 responses
- Templates for the HP48GX, Nick Nicholas 3 responses
- Solver in the HP 200LX, Nick Nicholas 3 responses
- louder keys in a 17BII, karl 1 response
- P form factor concept, Hugh Evans 7 responses
- HP-97 printer gear, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 5 responses
- HP 32S II Not Turning On, Chipster 1 response
- HP-01 Simulator, Valter 4 responses
- HP 67 displaying all 0's, Marco 4 responses
- Free42 1.0.4: better SOLVE and INTEG, Thomas Okken 10 responses
- HP-71B & HP-75C/D module list?, Matthias 13 responses
- Breaking Private on HP71, Forrest 10 responses
- 41CV keyboard cleaning, andy 1 response
- How to UNPRIVATE a program in ROM on HP-41?, Miki Mihajlovic 7 responses
- HP-01 Repair/Service, Jerry Hayes 2 responses
- HP-33C with 9V supply?, J-F Garnier 1 response
- Free42 1.0.1, Thomas Okken 13 responses
- 9845, marais 5 responses
- HELP! with H P 41CV problem, Elza 3 responses
- practical joke, William 6 responses
- Disassembling 12k ROM on HP-41, Miki Mihajlovic 4 responses
- Nasty Way to Crash a Voyager, Katie 3 responses
- Free42 version 1.0 released, Thomas Okken 23 responses
- US Supplier for n-cell rechargeables?, Gene 8 responses
- HP41 Short form exponent question, Gene 8 responses
- Mobile Internet access for graphing calculators, Mike (Stgt) 1 response
- chowchow for HP-42S, Mike (Stgt) 3 responses
- Programming HP12C, Don 2 responses
- Strange CD reading problems, >~\\\\\`> 2 responses
- HP9825A, Larry Guzan 1 response
- hp49g+ connectivity, John Carter 2 responses
- HP41C Class 3, flexten 1 response
- want something ........., Cannondale 2 responses
- HP28C, Van-Trang Nguyen 2 responses
- If US Presidential votes were counted with an HP...vs...If votes were counted with a TI..., Gene 14 responses
- 48gx infrared printer, johann 4 responses
- HP CBT modules online for the 39g+, 10bII, 17bII+ and 12c platinum, Gene 2 responses
- HP49+ keyboard problem solved ?, Francesc Casanellas 3 responses
- more ebay madness!, bill platt 17 responses
- hp designjet 10 ps blue color problem!, Jadranko 2 responses
- HP49G+ questions, Francesc Casanellas 1 response
- The Liquid Gold Of Carly...., Hans Brueggemann [GER] 2 responses
- HP 12c's made in Malasia??..quality comments?, will 2 responses
- HP41 Emulator -- Bluetooth Module, Vassilis Prevelakis 2 responses
- How bright is your HP33E, Ronald 8 responses
- Why 'metal' labels instead of grabbed serial no.?, Emmanuel, France 5 responses
- HP6S Programmable... at e-bay! d8-D, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- I wish I was a millionnaire ... (off topic), Pascal 9 responses
- HP-34C construction question, Ed Look 1 response
- Image copyright infringement, Noname 1 response
- FE in the morning, need help with 33s!, shane 5 responses
- Another eBay craziness, Raymond Del Tondo 3 responses
- Comparison between the new 12c and the old 12c, Will 8 responses
- Feature request: PREVAL should support matrices, Eric Guo 2 responses
- Tech Design in the Media, EdLook 2 responses
- A "shell" that runs on different brands of calcs., Madskillz, 4nic8 6 responses
- HP Calcs in the Media - HP-48's and the X-Prize (Space Ship One), Peter Khor 2 responses
- HP-41's in space, Jim Creybohm 1 response
- solar powered programmable, hugh steers 7 responses
- Newest hp-12c quality issues, Will 2 responses
- 7470a plotter gummy wheel question, andy 2 responses
- C compiler for HP calcs (offtopic?), Paul 20 responses
- hp4600-takes long to print graphics, Edward Chinmook 0 responses
- Finally, I have HP-15C, Pavel Korensky 8 responses
- Brown HP 41 ?, Ronald 4 responses
- Palm/CE use as HP48G, George Leger 4 responses
- HP42S + HP82240 information needed, Thomas Okken 10 responses
- Emulators, Mike (Stgt) 29 responses
- HP-97 wihtout battery pack?, Wolfgang 5 responses
- L-form factor Concept, Hugh Evans 27 responses
- Emanuel Verbeeck is a thief, Tony 12 responses
- HP41CX Copper Interconnectors, J.W. 7 responses
- Memory Failure, Ed Look 5 responses
- Casio 115, A Better FE Calculator Alternative For Those Short On Bucks, J.C. Randerson 11 responses
- HP-95LX Info for those who need it, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 5 responses
- New Allschwil meeting date !, Raymond Del Tondo 24 responses
- HP41CV self tests, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 1 response
- HP-15C, Art Miller 0 responses
- HP41 ROM Checksum, Meindert Kuipers 4 responses
- Are there any HP calculators used in German schools?, Mike (Stgt) 2 responses
- HP 49G+ keypad fixed?, Jake 22 responses
- HP-33s variable programming, Michel 5 responses
- HP 32SII key noise, John Smith 5 responses
- 38G, Frank Eichel 5 responses
- HP27S Inherent problem with the equation solver, Bruce Cohen 1 response
- 19bII no power, Mike H 13 responses
- Quiz of the day, Juergen (CH) 15 responses
- 48G Series - Are there two different screens?, Barry 7 responses
- hp calc and RPN spotted, Arnaud 0 responses
- Is Square Trade a scam?, Vassilis Prevelakis 1 response
- HP41C -> RAW -> HP42S, Mike (Stgt) 4 responses
- Funniest picture in an HP Calculator Digest, Gene 1 response
- Is this guy honest ?, Pascal 9 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 0 responses
- Connecting HP48G, G+ to Win XP, Ed Look 5 responses
- HP-41C Financial Decisions Pac , Luis 3 responses
- HP 33s Updated Manual, Chuck Westen 10 responses
- hp-01 leather strap&glasp(gp), Ron 0 responses
- HP 41-C series parts, Larry 0 responses
- HP Voyager keyfeel, joebob 7 responses
- hp12c presentation edition??, marais 2 responses
- Q: CASrelease w/o LGPL license, Mike (Stgt) 2 responses
- floating Decimals HP 12c, Marge 5 responses
- Sinking keys in HP Classics, Bo 7 responses
- Updated HP-41 module list, Matthias 6 responses
- 48SX storage, Mike S. 2 responses
- Deluxe Leather Case for Voyagers, Chris W 5 responses
- hp 71b sighting: Movie "Real Genius", andy 2 responses
- need some advice, Jim 0 responses
- HP 21 Calculator repair!, Christine 1 response
- (deleted post), deleted 5 responses
- HP-32SII Viewing Angle, Jay Lucas 4 responses
- TTF files @ HPCC, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 7 responses
- HP-3393A Integrator, Michael Umbricht 1 response
- Charger confusion, Charger 0 responses
- O-Rings for HP9825, Andre Koppel 1 response
- "New" 17BII+ L() and G() strange behaviour, Vincent Weber 13 responses
- Deluge of fake buyers in response to advert on MoHPC, John 9 responses
- The power of the 49g+ over the TI-89, Ben Salinas 10 responses
- HP 49g+, Pascal Jerney 4 responses
- Programming a Clonix Module with Laptop, Gary Owen 16 responses
- Using LIFUTIL, John Pierce 5 responses
- hp-9815 Tape Drive problem, Jim Butch 4 responses
- HP-41c(V/X) memory testing..., WigglePig 8 responses
- 32S probably dead, David Ramsey 2 responses
- What is the Drive 95 for the 48series?, kirsten 1 response
- HP-42S rest to mfg conditions, Rick Noyes 15 responses
- 32s keyboard flex problem, ned 5 responses
- HP-85 ROM Pin Configurations, JeffD 3 responses
- HP-67 card reader, Jon 2 responses
- beta test, Scuba Diver 0 responses
- probability, KC 19 responses
- Emulator of 9820A?, bill platt 4 responses
- Printer for the42S, Warwick Granowski 1 response
- NiMH in HP battery packs, Bo 8 responses
- CCD-OSX alpha bug?, Gene 17 responses
- HP-41C Flags, Dave Moss 1 response
- HP 33C PR error, Ronald 9 responses
- HP 38G: Aplets, Adrian 1 response
- Calc-41, Matthias 15 responses
- Has any one bought a HP49G+/HP17BII+ lately?, Eddie Shore 5 responses
- Voyager Hexadecimal tests, bill platt 4 responses
- Copying a ROM to HePax Ram without HP-IL - how?, Gene 3 responses
- New emulation on PIC, Klaus 0 responses
- HP 12c Manual Revisions, bill platt 2 responses
- The Guid Book, Nelson Buque 1 response
- Congratulation!, Mike (Stgt) 6 responses
- different magnetic cards, Ronald 3 responses
- Isn´t it crazy?, Matthias 3 responses
- Cartridge iinstallation, Tony Guggino 1 response
- Charger for 67, Mike H 2 responses
- Anyone has remote control software for the 49G+?, Chan Tran 10 responses
- Emulators from HP, Mike (Stgt) 0 responses
- HP28S:how to display on 4 lines ?, Jean-Pierre 1 response
- SPAM... from HP? Again???!!, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- File type, Peter 2 responses
- HP-12C bug, Kalevipoeg 4 responses
- DEL. SERV. 1 Module for HP-41, Miki Mihajlovic 2 responses
- Another HP33s Difference, John Smitherman 15 responses
- HP-28S, ambro 1 response
- HP17bii Trigonometry, Charles 5 responses
- Upgrade card for 41CV, Mike H 2 responses
- how does an ultrasonic cleaner works with calculators Randy, karl 5 responses
- is the 17Bii compatible with HP 82240B, karl 5 responses
- Meeting in Allschwil, Matthias 21 responses
- HP49G+ Programming Software, Chan Tran 1 response
- sequence on HP39G, katana 2 responses
- 32 - 20 - 33, Arnaud 7 responses
- HP TECH SUpport, Joe 1 response
- Hard Leather Case for hp 48 series, William L. Drylie 3 responses
- Hp 48gII battery life, Ken 1 response
- Responses to sale ad - hmmm, Don Davis 6 responses
- probability, Jim 5 responses
- New List, Matthias 17 responses
- Cool! I'm going to Paris next week, Mike 14 responses
- HP48G, Paul Marin 1 response
- HP 16-like calculator for J2ME phones and other computers, Gunnar Degnbol 2 responses
- HP48 garbage collection, Chan Tran 9 responses
- Should we invest in HP stocks?, Chan Tran 1 response
- OT: Spaceship One claims the $10 Million X-Prize!, Gene 6 responses
- HP41 half nut internal swap??, Chan Tran (USA) 3 responses
- ERAMCO ESMLDL, Matthias 1 response
- HP 48 sighting, db(martinez,california) 1 response
- hp 12c serial numbers, Charlie O. 0 responses
- As the 42S , is it possible to have a 17BII with 32K?, Karl 1 response
- Undocumented HP-41 Coconut opcodes, J-F Garnier 2 responses
- strange opening at back of an HP 46, jan 3 responses
- Kenko FX-82LB breaks $1 price barrier, Norris 17 responses
- HP48SX/GX vs. HP49G+, Jeff 21 responses
- Mouse (cusor) freeze-up, James Wert 3 responses
- HP 12c battery 1.5volt vs. 1.55volt, robdi 8 responses
- More NCEES restrictions on the way, Norris 5 responses
- HP 15C, 35 responses
- solving problems with the HP-15C, Iron Horse Tamer 13 responses
- HP15 Statistics problem, Mark Balcom 2 responses
- 17b or 27s style "solver" app for 48GX, bill platt 1 response
- 35, Version 2, Raised Dot, thebullcabinet 1 response
- Long live the HP-28S on my Ipaq !, Vincent Weber 6 responses
- Vectors addition on HP28S, JuanMi 2 responses
- HEPAX manual, Juergen Rodenkirchen 22 responses
- Can't toggle 15C user off?, Saragrace Knauf 11 responses
- Is the radian a more "natural" unit than the degree?, Tom Sherman 5 responses
- Normal Distribution on 17BII, Ray 3 responses
- Back from the HHC2004 Conference , Namir 35 responses
- Relaunched, Hugh Evans 4 responses
- HP48GX how many years will it last?, Karl 6 responses
- 39G, Anthony 20 responses
- HP-97 flex cable replacement, Michel 2 responses
- ERAMCO - ESCR-RSU-2, Artur 1 response
- back of my hp 12c is bent, Archie 4 responses
- Uploading ROM´s for HP41, EMU41, CLONIX, NoVRAM..., Christoph Klug 2 responses
- Memory expansion on GX, Ric Manohar 8 responses
- HP-41 three column program listing, John Pierce 5 responses
- time function, tom ryan 7 responses
- How do I transfer to ports 1 or 2 using Conn4x?, Bob Poole 1 response
- Unknwown ROMs for HP-41, Emmanuel, France 3 responses
- Recommendations for 11C/15C/42S emulation, Jerry D 5 responses
- [LONG] User-friendly complex-number calculations, Karl Schneider 1 response
- How to run self-test on HP 1000cx & HP 200Lx?, raze 1 response
- HP-97 printer, Michel 3 responses
- HP-85 repair help!, John 0 responses
- Normal Distribution and Black-Scholes for HP 17B, 17BII, NEW 17BII+, 19B, 19BII, Bob Wang 0 responses
- Carly's Strategy Of "Getting a Bloody Nose", Hans Brueggemann [GER] 1 response
- Clonix, NoVRAM vs MLDL, Juergen Rodenkirchen 3 responses
- 19BII manual, Gavin Coppin 7 responses
- Third party book(s) on 49G+ ?, Bob Poole 6 responses
- HP-95LX Documentation, Karl-Ludwig Butte 10 responses
- HP49G+ vs HP49G, RMSe17 6 responses
- Adding notes to HP49G+, Tony 1 response
- HP 12C, German 1 response
- HP-97 (Diagnostic) Program Question , Olaf 3 responses
- HP-85 Feet, Jeff D 2 responses
- Looking for Ben Ong, John Robinson 0 responses
- Ok, here's what I did with NoVRAM ROM burning, Gene 11 responses
- Another OpenRPN Update, Hugh Evans 11 responses
- HP-48GX crackling keys, Isabel 6 responses
- MLDL2000 for HP41 Update, Meindert Kuipers 8 responses
- Meeting in Portland Powell's after HHC2004, Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz 2 responses
- spam from HP about 12C-Platinum, Bill Wiese 9 responses
- Ok. Have NoVRAM - what are first steps?, Gene 7 responses
- HP-19BII Batteries size, Albert 2 responses
- HHC2004 Speaker and Topic List - Still time to come!, Gene 1 response
- HP 15-C Help, Chuck 10 responses
- HP 48SX calculator, Diane 2 responses
- Exchange 17BII+, Bob Wang 3 responses
- Just bought 17bII+ and Let and Get are back!, John 8 responses
- HP32Sii - information, Artur - Brazil 5 responses
- HP97 Card Reader Repair, Martin 2 responses
- HP "Create-a-Calculator" Contest, Mike H 7 responses
- Barcode rom for the Clonix?, Gene 3 responses
- HP41 ROM, Randy Sloyer 2 responses
- HP 33S CPU speed, Ed Look 20 responses
- Update of software library?, Peter Niessen 1 response
- hp15c built in constants?, bill 6 responses
- HP 15C Problem, Curtis Quist 9 responses
- RPN calculator for J2ME phones, Gunnar Degnbol 4 responses
- HP 17BII Emulator for Mac OS X, acpoot (MEX) 1 response
- HP2215 - IPAQ, Jerry Noble 0 responses
- EMU42 on Dell AXIM X30 - Benchmark, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 4 responses
- traverse/inverse programs for hp 33s, karen 2 responses
- NoVRAM HePAX questions (for you guys who have them already), Gene 6 responses
- HP-10BII, Thomas Cox 1 response
- Developers, Mike (Stgt) 4 responses
- HP 11c chg batteries, not working, janedibber 18 responses
- New Casio Financial Calculator, Phil 8 responses
- faulty hp-20s keyboard , L.H Chan 2 responses
- HP 55 Manuals, 5 responses
- Disintegrating HP-41 pouch, Juergen (CH) 12 responses
- Need HP-19BII emulator, Arts (MEX) 5 responses
- HP-48SX On-Off Switch Malfunction, E 2 responses
- Manual info on GMAC module, Ronald 4 responses
- Spanish (HP?) words, Bram 13 responses
- For Eric Smith, Klaus 3 responses
- Possible source of cells for 41C battery pack, John Robinson 1 response
- How to engineer a perfect calculator in the 21st century, Joerg Woerner 12 responses
- Honest Sellers, Richard Parfitt 1 response
- NCEES calculator update, Norris 3 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 4 responses
- problem in nnm, Rusario 2 responses
- old sharp calculator commercial, JaSon 2 responses
- 2 decimal points, theo baal 1 response
- HP 10 B, stefan granat 1 response
- 17BII and 19BII indefinite loops ?, Vincent Weber 0 responses
- Is HP Calculator Keystroke Programming like FORTRAN??, Ed Look 40 responses
- Using a HP 110+ Notebook as a Display for the 41, Ray 7 responses
- concerning 'calculator selling ' , Erwin 17 responses
- HP33S, Richard 7 responses
- HP12c vs. TI BAII+, BrianH 2 responses
- converting units, Brady Wilson 8 responses
- what about the overhead fot HP48, Karl Fred 1 response
- HP 3390A Integrator, John Limpert 4 responses
- HP33E user's manual, Erdal TAN 0 responses
- 41cx blanknut, Darren Tschida 2 responses
- Emulators from HP, Fred 3 responses
- MIRR calculation on hp200lx hp17b hp19b, rei vilo 0 responses
- 41 Series Battery Shield, thebullcabinet 3 responses
- HP 29C stolen, Milton Holladay 2 responses
- New Tapes Available for the 85, 9815, 9825, Katie 3 responses
- HP Mag Cards - Only chewed once! , Mike 0 responses
- Digital ALPHA SERVER 400 4/233, sesse 10 responses
- vertical program help, kyle 18 responses
- Battery probelms with HP-19B, Ed Cruz 1 response
- Workaround for 33S ->HMS bug, Norris 12 responses
- New software now available on site, Vassilis Prevelakis 2 responses
- HHC2004 - coming? If so, let them know!, Gene 6 responses
- Idiosyncrasy of the 33S (revised), Mike 19 responses
- hp-65, Riton Mac Fly 14 responses
- 33S "positive button" feels??, KC 1 response
- Adjusting HP 10 and HP 25C, Ronald 18 responses
- New RPN Calculator?, Bill 11 responses
- HP12c, brian 5 responses
- Made In USA, brian 1 response
- 'new' HP17BII+ - some mistake?, Tom (UK) 4 responses
- ->HR <-> ->HMS, Gileno 5 responses
- Blanknut, Darren Tschida 3 responses
- HP-41 as Insulin Dosage Computer, Bo Kristoffersen 8 responses
- Which Model PDA's runs EMU-42, Bill (Smithville) 6 responses
- HP-45 calculator, Uwe Homann 10 responses
- September gossip?, Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 0 responses
- help for Hp 12 C calculator, Atiyeh 1 response
- 49g+ keyboard fixed?, 49g+ keyboard fixed? 3 responses
- How to test HP 80,55,65,45,97, etc..., raze 0 responses
- HP-33S polar-coordinate bug -- another manifestation , Karl Schneider 3 responses
- HP32S 50th edition?, John 4 responses
- I shall move..., Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 0 responses
- como desmontar la HP-25, Jaume 3 responses
- converting register to program mem, Klaus 21 responses
- Instructions, Stacey Bower 1 response
- USER notation, Stacey Bower 2 responses
- HP 20 S Calculator, David 10 responses
- 82143A Printer, Dane K. 14 responses
- N-Cell NiMH Charger, Darin Ingimarson 4 responses
- HP 41 EPROMs Modules, Johannes Mueller 9 responses
- The Ipaq PocketPC - the last and ultimate HP calculator ?, Vincent Weber 8 responses
- convert fractions to decimals?, Buried Alive 2 responses
- Community Interest: OpenRPN 49G+ Replacement ROM, Hugh Evans 8 responses
- HP33 - Any plans to fix decimal problem, Jeff 8 responses
- Field case for the new HP 33S, Masao Kinoshita 0 responses
- HP35 Startup, George Stilley 12 responses
- Sin(Pi) in Radians, Mike 33 responses
- HP-15C counters, Bram 8 responses
- 15C all functions work, but can't self test, Todd Bloss 4 responses
- HP49G+ Conn4x errors, Matthew Beech 3 responses
- HP-97 free transistor, Michel 4 responses
- Qonos, JH 1 response
- Identify a HP-41CX, Darren Tschida 1 response
- Campaign for Emu42 (& Emu48 for Pocket PC) successful!, Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 2 responses
- HP48GX on button broke, Dennis de Held 5 responses
- 41C won't power up, Ron 2 responses
- HP 12C Help!, mitch kleinman 2 responses
- Looking for Neil Hunter-Blair, Emmanuel, France 0 responses
- New Datafile article, Valentin Albillo 0 responses
- difference?, Matthias 2 responses
- HP 17BII, damien 2 responses
- HP38G manual from where?, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 3 responses
- Pushing OpenRPN Along, OpenRPN 1 response
- "speed" of 11c, Bram 5 responses
- Basic Operations, John Limpert 1 response
- HP-IB interface for 9820A 9830A, Vassilis Prevelakis 3 responses
- HP 49G+ Emulator, Richard Garner 7 responses
- Another hp42s program question, Tom White 11 responses
- HeavyCalc Upgrade (not HP), Norris 6 responses
- woodstock/97 plastic keyboard conditioning, andy 3 responses
- HP97 printer head replacement by 82240A head?, marais 10 responses
- HP33S and Complex Division, Fubar Vikinghelmet 1 response
- Writing in C with your HP 49g+, Emmanuel Verbeeck 0 responses
- 9825T ROM failure, Achim 9 responses
- HP-41 emulation?, Klaus 7 responses
- Economist Article: Losing the HP way, Vassilis Prevelakis 11 responses
- NoVRAM bug reported (and corrected!!), Diego Diaz 0 responses
- HP-42S and 32KBytes RAM, AlexD30 6 responses
- HP Series 80: commands in various LEX files, Vassilis Prevelakis 5 responses
- req: HP 33s programing, Lee 1 response
- (deleted post), deleted 0 responses
- Campaign for Emu42s, Richard Garner 6 responses
- HPL, Alberto 1 response
- Forgotten Fundamentals: the HP-33S, Karl Schneider 7 responses
- Eprombox Eramco conversion, Ronald 1 response
- What is this?, Matthias 1 response
- HP-10 Handheld Printing Calculator , Glenn Crowell 2 responses
- Last calculator standing, Arnaud Amiel 15 responses
- New learning modules now online for 9s, 9g, 12c, 12cp, and 10bII calculators, Gene Wright 2 responses
- 32SII?, Bram 2 responses
- BASIC HP9816, Alberto 2 responses
- So, who's coming to HHC2004 in San Jose? I am!, Gene 7 responses
- How much is a HP 12C worth?, Aleph 1 response
- Need: VERY detailed close-up pic of teal green HP10B, Gene 1 response
- source code hp49g+ data collection software, rafiq chai 2 responses
- HP9810: printer and card reader required for function?, Thomas Falk 17 responses
- 9810, David Ramsey 7 responses
- HP 95LX/100LX/200LX and alternate I/O, Dave Shaffer 3 responses
- HP 82104A Card Reader for HP 41 - Repairs, Dave Allen 6 responses
- Clonix or NoVram, mark murphy 5 responses
- HP11C self tests, Carlos Genders 3 responses
- IQSIM new, Klaus 9 responses
- HP 48SX dosen't turn on, Umberto 19 responses
- shortening hp42s program, Tom White 17 responses
- connector of old Floppy drive, Andre Koppel 2 responses
- HP33s another bug?, JuanMi 23 responses
- 32sii display, Andy 1 response
- HP-85 emulator, John 3 responses
- HP49G+ I/R-Problems, Andre Koppel 4 responses
- HP45 keyboard repair, Paul Marin 2 responses
- Hewlett-Pacard 9825, Robert 4 responses
- HP 49GX floating comma, Hans Schmellenkamp 4 responses
- APPLY command, Matteo Miglioranzi 3 responses
- HP49G+ Bug?, Eddie Shore 1 response
- FE helpful tips, f15e 9 responses
- HP97 printer idler gear, Chan Tran 1 response
- Undocumented functions of HP 49G, Jan 3 responses
- HP 15C , Nam Dang 2 responses
- HP12C Platinum ALG mode reset, jorge newbery 1 response
- Campaign for Emu42! (& Emu48 for Pocket PC), Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 17 responses
- Printer repair, David Ramsey 8 responses
- HP-85B, Jeff 1 response
- Help needed with a matrix, Karl-Ludwig Butte 5 responses
- surveying calculator, Dave R 12 responses
- HP 15C, Ed Yousse 4 responses
- OpenRPN Java demonstration development, OpenRPN 0 responses
- German help needed!!, Diego Diaz 6 responses
- Warning: False picture in Ebay HP80, Ronald 1 response
- HP_95LX How can i transfer data from win XP?, Salvador 1 response
- What's the deal with 4xCOS120, f15e 6 responses
- 15c user mode, Kathryn 1 response
- Please Help!!!!!!!!, f15e 2 responses
- Hey Martin Cohen, f15e 0 responses
- IQSIM Homepage, Klaus 3 responses
- Any news on HP19Bii+ ?? , Remi 0 responses
- HP-42S emulator for Pocket PC?, Don Davis 9 responses
- HP97 powers on and nothing works., Kadambi S 10 responses
- HP200LX Lease with Advance Payments, Bob Wang 5 responses
- Displaying HMS on 42S, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 2 responses
- HP-48G/G+/GX, Chris 9 responses
- Loading HP-41 RAW/P41 files into HP-42X, HrastProgrammer 10 responses
- 41CX PAC Module Check, Mark 1 response
- Simul. Solve w/ HP 33s, f15e 24 responses
- HP33S HMS Conversion Bug, Dave A 7 responses
- Floating point didacticism, Rodger Rosenbaum 7 responses
- Help with HHC 2004, Namir 3 responses
- Tape drive problem, David Ramsey 11 responses
- 17bii programming, hugh steers 2 responses
- hp34c compatible charger?, marais 5 responses
- Java-RPN Cell Phone Calc, Marx Pio 0 responses
- 71B and Emulators, kim 3 responses
- Hp 33s Survey Programs, Jon R. Parton 0 responses
- HP-01, Yvon Logelin 1 response
- What's you're favorite HP Calc and Why, John 42 responses
- Fry's has HP49G+ for $109.99, martin cohen 6 responses
- Battery for HP 21S STAT/MATH calculator, AJ 1 response
- "Open Design" Fantasy idea., Steve A 10 responses
- OpenRPN link buttons, theme, and logo, OpenRPN 0 responses
- Peeve with HP33s and other HP's, Daniel 12 responses
- HP33s, HerClau 2 responses
- RPN and Micro-Computer Assy Programming, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 2 responses
- 82143 Batteries, Thomas Caphorn 3 responses
- Classics losing power..., Arnaud Amiel 6 responses
- hp33s and factorial timing, Marcel Pelletier 5 responses
- xThink Math Journal Released!, Steve S 0 responses
- Anouncing: IQSIM-Project, Klaus 5 responses
- 33s solving symmetrical quadratics, bill platt 1 response
- CCD OS/X update, Raymond Del Tondo 0 responses
- HP 45 Problems, Charles 1 response
- I have a question about "Word Size" and Memory, Bill Platt 36 responses
- HP12C, Lary Murray 1 response
- how to open HP 48 GX, Jesse Nemec 2 responses
- HP-41C can't execute "Packing", Bob Klvana 1 response
- People become crazy about HP15C, Walter B 15 responses
- Spam from for sale section, John Nelson 7 responses
- Strange problem with HP-22, Blaine Manyluk 6 responses
- How to remove permanent marker from calculator?, Mike Tjebben 5 responses
- 33s Solver: Hints: it's quirky, and learn ALG **EDITED**, bill platt 3 responses
- HP33s bug in polar conversion, Steve A 37 responses
- HP Integral PC, Andre Koppel 2 responses
- My website (HP-41, TI-57, Graphoplex 620d, HP Portable +, ...), Emmanuel, France 6 responses
- Difference circuit board HP 35 Type 1 and 2 ?, Ronald 0 responses
- MLDL2000 Update, Europe meeting, Meindert Kuipers 6 responses
- HP 35 type 2, Ronald 15 responses
- Old Manual Sony 3.5" Discs, Mike 0 responses
- What's so special about a low density 9114B disk?, Mike 3 responses
- Announcing *fix, OpenRPN 0 responses
- New Surveying Equipment w/49g+, Tim Wessman 0 responses
- HP calc patents (list), Klaus 1 response
- How to open HP 49G?, Jan 3 responses
- Special Driver for 9114B disks?, Ray 4 responses
- Why the 15c should not come back, bill platt 15 responses
- Old RPN Calculator joke, Steve 4 responses
- Engineer vs Physicist joke, Tom (UK) 1 response
- 82143A printer help, Mike H 3 responses
- HP 86 Questions, John Nelson 8 responses
- TI-95 Emulator for Windows (Slightly Off-Topic), HrastProgrammer 17 responses
- Interesting HP41 module on ebay, Tom (UK) 2 responses
- Deskjet 930c, Lea Bar-Ad 1 response
- HP-42S Saturn Address lines?, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 3 responses
- Hp 25c falure, alsaudio 1 response
- HP-35 display anomaly, David Ramsey 7 responses
- OT: didactic little quiz & Restaurant at End of Universe, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 1 response
- A *very* didactic little quiz: Some comments, Valentin Albillo 10 responses
- HP-41CX - 4th port, Cyril RABIH 6 responses
- HP Repair, Aaron 1 response
- HP 33S display, Rick 1 response
- Problem with 48GII, Iqbal 1 response
- hp 28s, claudio 23 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- Thinkjet printer 2225B, Ray 12 responses
- HP 9915A, rhahm 5 responses
- 95 LX battery problem, alan DT 1 response
- Sim45-Hardware Emulation, Klaus 6 responses
- Math Journal Beta Reviewed, Steve S 0 responses
- HP-55 Battery door repair, Jeffrey Davis 1 response
- HP-97S Question, Mike 6 responses
- A *very* didactic little quiz, Valentin Albillo 41 responses
- HP 25C, Louis van der Meer 3 responses
- maybe HP really should bring back the 15C :-), westridge_cz 9 responses
- HP-41X/42X/71X emulators ported to HP-49G+, HrastProgrammer 0 responses
- In reply to a for sale ad, alsaudio 5 responses
- HP86 sold thru HP museum ad, spammers, Fritz Bjornsen 4 responses
- Display of HP-48SX, Lorenzo Montani 0 responses
- 22s key malfunction?, Craig 1 response
- Can't we get rid of this J.C. Randerson ?, Jean-Edouard 12 responses
- Memory Modules, Hans Schmellenkamp 1 response
- Very Interesting S/N, thebullcabinet 4 responses
- spammers, alsaudio 5 responses
- printing width, H.Revelson 0 responses
- Restorating silver lines on clasic calculators, Ronald 6 responses
- 71B RAM, Bill Smith 4 responses
- 12C Keyboard error, Tom 1 response
- HP32SII Solver Bug, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 10 responses
- HP-95LX connection to Win XP, Jeff 1 response
- LCD screen fade on HP-11C , Brett Nicol 7 responses
- SPICE series case disolving, Steve B. 2 responses
- Some Regulars are Mentioned in Here, bill platt 5 responses
- HP-86/87 Uploading floppy images, Vassilis Prevelakis 0 responses
- hp39g infrared transfer with computer, g 4 responses
- HP49G+ "Cue Cards", Eddie Shore 2 responses
- NoVRAM (Cloned HEPAX) files uploaded., Diego Diaz 3 responses
- Spend a week with Formula Entry, bill platt 32 responses
- HP48 - Motorola MC68HC08 SCI, Mauricio Jaramillo 6 responses
- Pocket PC emulators?, Michael (AU) 6 responses
- Grease in on/off switch HP45, Ronald 6 responses
- Series 80 software, rhahm 3 responses
- HP 110+, Ray 7 responses
- 42S XFCN question, andy 1 response
- Rechageable batteries for HP-41, Atomic 12 responses
- 12c to 15c conversion kit, OpenRPN 20 responses
- 82104A Card Reader (revision 1F) bug?, Brian Ayling 3 responses
- Spice series ROM self-test reverse-engineered, Eric Smith 7 responses
- MathJournal On Sale Soon, Steve S 0 responses
- Source for old Sony Manual Disks, Mike 0 responses
- HP-41 Buying Tips, Mike 9 responses
- Hp33s Survey Programs, Jon R. Parton 0 responses
- Sales vs Engineer joke, Tom (UK) 72 responses
- Solution times for matrix problems, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 17 responses
- HP-IL 9114A or 9114B?, Ray 7 responses
- Coming soon - HP-86 emulator, John 5 responses
- birthday paradox, multiple matches, Jim Kimes 1 response
- Hp33s Survey Programs, Jon 2 responses
- Hp49g+ screen Broken, Leonessy 0 responses
- Take this job and shove it! (O/T), Cameron 14 responses
- Spice series: how to determine circuit board type based on serial number?, westridge_cz 0 responses
- Array-less CCD also available, Ángel Martin 1 response
- HP-65 brochure, RMillán 3 responses
- HP 12C Projected Obsolescense , Michael Roback 8 responses
- 12C Production Runs + Market Commentary, MIchael Roback 1 response
- ?? on HP-82240 printers, barry 1 response
- Short & Sweet Mathematical Challenge #7, Valentin Albillo 26 responses
- Strange matrix results for HP-71B Math ROM, J-F Garnier 4 responses
- HP Series 80 Emulator, Andre Koppel 6 responses
- TI PPX Volume 1 Number 1-5 anyone?, Gene 0 responses
- HP42S PPC EMU, Marx Pio 0 responses
- New HP Financial Calcs Junk ??, Michael Roback 11 responses
- HP33s, Clif 1 response
- Converting 42S programs to 33S , Rick 2 responses
- My special HP-41 birthday present :-), Raymond Del Tondo 20 responses
- Re: HP PSC 750 and WinXP, ali 1 response
- FAO Valentin Albillo, Bruce Horrocks 0 responses
- Unhappy transformer on HP-85 Power Supply, Andy 0 responses
- JPC on EPROM for 71B - help, kim 1 response
- 48GX repair, Chris Woodhouse 0 responses
- HP-35 repair, Jason 5 responses
- saturn processor pin assigment, Mauricio Jaramillo 1 response
- Math not button-pushing, bill platt 15 responses
- HP Tape for HP 82161A, Artur 1 response
- HEPAX Modules by VM Electronics, Frederiksberg, Denmark, Chris Catotti (Florida) 1 response
- Calc won't run on batteries, David Ramsey 4 responses
- Opinions wanted., Ron Ross 36 responses
- Connect 48G(X) to USB?, Mike H 1 response
- Scam emails from Classified Ads, Charles Perry 4 responses
- iPAQ 2210 Internet Connection Sharing via Bluetooth, Ivan 1 response
- how to run keyboard test on HP-19BII?, westridge_cz 2 responses
- [OT] To Valentín Albillo, RMillán 0 responses
- What the size of his 15C??, Marx Pio 2 responses
- HP 12c keyboard repair, Pierre Brial 8 responses
- Looking for HP-42S ROM image, Thomas Okken 1 response
- HP41C - Emulator - Console, Michael Kaiser (Germany) 0 responses
- Beware of richard.m.parfitt, soundinvestments 3 responses
- Observations on my new 12C, Chris Woodhouse 2 responses
- Having 4 HP48GX, Karl 8 responses
- Charry Leather cases for Pioneer, Mike H 3 responses
- Can [(hp)] calc do that???, Marx Pio 12 responses
- programming challenge for HP-12c, Don Shepherd 24 responses
- HP 97, G de Haan 5 responses
- HP19BII+ Business Financial Calculator, CalcKidd 4 responses
- HP41 and EPROM, Chris Gegg 1 response
- Symbolic input forms 49G+, Helge Gabert 4 responses
- hp9830 HPIB interface, andy 2 responses
- How do I answer this?, Chris Woodhouse 97 responses
- [OT] A simple question on trading, Valentin Albillo 8 responses
- Bring back the 15C Petition, Ion Abraham (New Mexico USA) 0 responses
- Quadratic fit without linear algebra (32SII) - NOT only for statistics lovers - LONG, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 0 responses
- HP49G+ Filer6 problem, Michael Kaiser (Germany) 1 response
- HP41 MLDL2000: design is ready, Meindert Kuipers 2 responses
- ICQ?, Matthias 0 responses
- NoVRAM (Cloned HEPAX) production started., Diego Diaz 21 responses
- Unit step u(x), Harrington 18 responses
- To Karl, Statistics, bill platt 5 responses
- HP 41-CX problem, sreen9 4 responses
- hp 49G+ character array, Harrington 1 response
- Pioneer repair results, Mike H 0 responses
- 71B MathROM bug list ?, Valentin Albillo 6 responses
- Hypothetical HP 15CII or 34S, westridge_cz 26 responses
- Hypothetical HP 15CII or 34S, westridge_cz 13 responses
- Ownership History of HP-11C, Mary Smith 6 responses
- How to open up an HP-28C, John Nelson 1 response
- bring back HP15c, John 1 response
- Database for HP-41 modules, Matthias 11 responses
- ERAMCO MLDL @ Ebay, Jean 25 responses
- HP11C ghosting of digits, Stephen Lay 1 response
- What makes a good eBay seller?, Emmanuel Verbeeck 11 responses
- HP-02?, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 8 responses
- Backgammon for the HP-67?, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- HP48 Simulator for Psion 3c & 3mx, Gordon Dyer 0 responses
- Why did HP get rid of stack clear?, Tom 12 responses
- I want to put graphic in my program??, Harrington 3 responses
- My Find, and a Display problem (long), Speck 2 responses
- 49g+ Keyboard, Pepe Roca 1 response
- 16c vs 12c program problem, John Nelson 13 responses
- HP48GX final production, Karl Fred 3 responses
- HP82162A IL-Printer slow, georg 3 responses
- HP 33s unique features?, Ed Look 15 responses
- Gmail Accounts Anyone? (Offtopic), Ben Salinas 10 responses
- Graphic in 49G+(free body diagram)??, Harrington 0 responses
- Value of a HP-41C Option 001, Blanknut , Ronald 2 responses
- Your Benchmarks please for on-going test: Comparison HP 95 LX (512K) against Psion 3C (2M), Bruno Geuth 12 responses
- 49G+ Surveying Software, 0 responses
- Laplace tranformation, Harrington 0 responses
- Very impressed with Casio's ClassPad, Marx Pio 18 responses
- who knows, Harrington (USA) 5 responses
- How to Find Older Postings (Jan to May), Jim Chumbley 1 response
- HP PSC 750 and WinXP, Sandi 1 response
- HP-71B Basic Made Easy Book, Jeff 5 responses
- IR Printer 82240A repair, Miki Mihajlovic 5 responses
- HP 33s, Andrey 8 responses
- solving linear systems on a 48G+, Henrik 9 responses
- Bericht voor adolph van der jonk, Erwin 1 response
- HP 30S On Belgian TV news, Bruno Geuth 2 responses
- 41C Accessories, John Panagotopulos 21 responses
- Storage NiCad Batteries., Ronald 7 responses
- 33s Memory is 12 kB not 31, bill platt (les Estats Unis d'Amerique) 6 responses
- HP-16C sim update (I've implemented the most-requested functions), Cameron Paine 5 responses
- Hp45 microcode, klaus 0 responses
- HP34C on tv commercial, marais 28 responses
- Writing notes into HP49G+, Andrew 5 responses
- HP15C emulator or simulator, Silvia 4 responses
- programming, harrington 0 responses
- USB connector???for HP 95lx connectivity cable???, Bruno Geuth 2 responses
- HP 41CV or CX? how can I tell, Peter Benton 7 responses
- geometric progression, Jim Kimes 18 responses
- ebay games pac too expensive!, Gonzalo Fernandez 5 responses
- 15C Emulators, John Nelson 14 responses
- HP 95 LX: Connectivity pack, Bruno Geuth 0 responses
- HP 82153A Optical Wand barcodes?, Brian Ayling 1 response
- A New Small HP-15C Challenge (Prize awarded!) [LONG], Valentin Albillo 4 responses
- Where did HP build the 95lx in ''91???, Bruno Geuth 1 response
- Programming astronomical data, Michel Beaulieu 20 responses
- HP-38G Questions, Michel Beaulieu 1 response
- Auction for an 11C or is it a 15C?, Chris Woodhouse 11 responses
- Data on SD card?, Standa(CZ) 1 response
- HP Tech support for HP 95lx, Bruno Geuth 1 response
- Serial number logic, Bruno Geuth 1 response
- HP-80, Bram 4 responses
- hp 48 prog and 49G+, harrington 6 responses
- For Those who loves the 16C, Marx Pio 1 response
- HP-IL Thinkjet printer., Ray 5 responses
- HP48GII, Iqbal 5 responses
- Programming Question!!!, Harrington 6 responses
- 49g+ slower than 48gx, helge gabert 0 responses
- HP27S/17BII: How to sort saved equations?, Jens 3 responses
- Hi! New to HP calculators. NIB HP 42s for $249. Good deal?, Ryan 0 responses
- HP 41C Battery Contacts Repairable?, Mike H 6 responses
- HP 33S Turn off Thousands Separator, Sammy 6 responses
- OK, this is just plain silly, Jim Creybohm 8 responses
- How to open a HP27S / HP17BII ?, Jens 3 responses
- Help with HP-25, Jamie Cox 1 response
- Tapes for HP 82121A , Artur - Brazil 2 responses
- Calculator Logic Systems, Part Ia, bill platt (les Estats Unis d'Amerique) 1 response
- Stolen auction? (slightly Off-Topic), Mike 18 responses
- HP41 rechargeable packs - another query, james summers (UK) 2 responses
- Any way of porting .txt files to the HP49G+?, Eddie Shore 2 responses
- Graphical software running RPN macros, Cristiano 0 responses
- Hp42 xfunction, Fulcrum 1 response
- RPN Calc for mobile, zaff 0 responses
- HP 33s - Dead or Alive?, Philbert 53 responses
- 48GII and 49G+ Clock Accuracy?, Chan Tran 1 response
- HP48GII, Naim 5 responses
- Programming a Matrix(hp49G+) ?, Barry 3 responses
- Survey & Announcment: Which CCD module fcns are most wanted, Raymond Del Tondo 5 responses
- ZENROM anyone?, Meindert Kuipers 3 responses
- Three new TTF files (HP33S LCD characters included...), Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 6 responses
- Hp 15c keyboard, j.serra 7 responses
- HP9815 paper??, marais 8 responses
- Taking the 16C out of float mode, Joe Edwards 9 responses
- 49G+ programming features, Standa(CZ) 4 responses
- 41C mCode routines, DavidMY 2 responses
- HP-85 Boot Up, Jeff 1 response
- HP-41 doesnt see any plug-in modules, Miki Mihajlovic 1 response
- HP28C/S pdf's, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 1 response
- HP 16c logo needed, Joe Edwards 22 responses
- ATTN: Bill Platt - trying to email you, Bill Wiese 0 responses
- stat pac for Excel, Jim Kimes 8 responses
- HP 15c Advanced Functions Handbook, Joe Edwards 3 responses
- Yet another Emulator... sort of, Chris Woodhouse 3 responses
- Communication between HP49G+ and HP 41 via IR, kalle neccka 0 responses
- New additions to the Series-80 site, Vassilis Prevelakis 0 responses
- HP 25 not working, Marcos de Escobar 2 responses
- To all the nay sayers!, Chris Woodhouse 72 responses
- Metal overlays for HP-41, Matthias 8 responses
- hp41cx tape reader, tommy erdei 0 responses
- HP67 battery, Billie Abraham 2 responses
- ZEPROM (for HP-41) at Ebay ?, Ray Colle 7 responses
- having problem , harrington 8 responses
- Problem with program conversion?, Iqbal 2 responses
- CT 4100 Port Extender (HP-41), Angel Martin 4 responses
- 48sx ram card to pc, Jim 2 responses
- Re: Feigenbaum number , Valentin Albillo 5 responses
- HP15C will HP do it again?, Karl Fred 7 responses
-'s intersting Update, Tim Wessman 29 responses
- Looks like the HP-41's been arround the block..., Ray 0 responses
- Which HP, Joe Edwards 14 responses
- HP49G+, is it good in Statistics?, Karl Fred 4 responses
- I'd like to know what you think. (TTF related, long), Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- promgramming??(built in func), Harrington 10 responses
- Creating NiCD pack for HP-41, Cococollector (Germany) 5 responses
- NiCd AAA on 49G+ or 48GII , Leucas 5 responses
- Bring Back the HP 15C Update!, Chris Woodhouse 0 responses
- HP49G+ & HP82240A IR-Printer, Michael Kaiser (Germany) 8 responses
- 33E with bad keyboard, Chris Woodhouse 2 responses
- RPN Mode, Harrington 0 responses
- HP 41 emulator problem, Jim Kimes 9 responses
- Some new TTF fonts, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 1 response
- Slow HP48GX, Rick 6 responses
- LCD replacement on 11C,12C,15C,16C, Chris Woodhouse 8 responses
- Using linear regression to find the intersection of two lines, martin cohen 1 response
- Bit fiddling on the HP33s, martin cohen 0 responses
- solve 3x3 system on 33s, martin cohen 1 response
- hp 2410, kelly 1 response
- HP 2410, kelly 0 responses
- programming !!!, Harrington 4 responses
- Hypothetical HP 12CII, 15CII and 16CII, Chris Woodhouse 4 responses
- Let's talk calculator condition, Mike 14 responses
- HP-16C sim Pocket PC testers wanted, Cameron 6 responses
- HP-49g Kernel, Michel Beaulieu 4 responses
- Feigenbaum-number, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 3 responses
- RPN with Alarm Clock - HP ???, Joerg Woerner 1 response
- Dead 41C - Slight Progress!!!, Joanne 1 response
- Auto OFF on HP-41, Miki Mihajlovic 1 response
- Hypothetical HP 15CII, Chris Woodhouse 16 responses
- HP45 Keys, Paul Marin 3 responses
- Thank you Mark Hoskins !!!, Wilhelm Loidl 0 responses
- HP41 MLDL2000 Update, Meindert Kuipers 1 response
- HP49G+ to HP48GII, Rick 7 responses
- HP 97 Fixed number format question, Mike 2 responses
- Microbaud Developments Machine Language Interface, Jeff 0 responses
- big jump in counting, Bram 3 responses
- Guillermo, Raul Lion 2 responses
- Why RPN?, Ignorant Student 40 responses
- HP34C, Italo Foradini (Brazil) 2 responses
- 49G+ Bugs in ROM 1.23, helge gabert 7 responses
- HP9100 schematics, John Larkin 4 responses
- New Website, Matthias 3 responses
- Dead 41C - Help..., Joanne 17 responses
- Specialty Calculators, bill platt 1 response
- 12 C Q (comma vs decimal), Karl Zachmann 1 response
- Wish list for the 33SII (long), Bill P 22 responses
- Cleaning an hp48 keypad, andy 4 responses
- Short & Sweet Math Challenges #6 [LONG], Valentin Albillo 39 responses
- HP 15C complex mode, John Gerlach 3 responses
- 15C calculator stuck in "user", Steve Brooks 1 response
- What is the CAS? , Karl Fred 2 responses
- HP-34C Pr Error, LAGET 3 responses
- Offopic: Douglas Adams and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ben Salinas 29 responses
- Enhanced HP-41C, Juergen (CH) 5 responses
- HP 97 problems, Wilhelm Loidl 14 responses
- Faulty HP33S, Ken Emmens (Auckland, New Zealand) 3 responses
- 33S featured in Engineering Times, Norris 0 responses
- Can emu48CE BEEP on a PDA?, Jake Schwartz 1 response
- Why NOT??? Shoot this idea down, Ron Ross 21 responses
- Why??? Why a 33s and not a real 42SX, Ron Ross 14 responses
- voyager keyboards, hugh steers 7 responses
- 12C, buy new or search for an older one?, Matt 16 responses
- HP 33s Serial Number ?, AL 5 responses
- Norm will like this, db(martinez,california) 4 responses
- HP 25 repair, Marcos 3 responses
- OLD HP corporate statement, Joe Edwards 10 responses
- I'm rescinding my positive review of the 17BII+, Scuba Diver 5 responses
- 32SII Program Question, Charles Perry 2 responses
- 33s bug list, Dave Olson 1 response
- HHP Portable EPROM, Jeff 1 response
- old times, Bram 16 responses
- Programming speed on 48GX, Naim 10 responses
- Do nothing at $20005 (HP-42S Assembly programming), Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 1 response
- +/- key on RPN calcs, Bill P 9 responses
- HP33S at Walmart ?, Bob 5 responses
- HP 200LX self-test Plis, raze 1 response
- 33S: nCr weirdness, KC 10 responses
- Leather Case For Voyager Series - HP 15c etc, JDH 0 responses
- Silicone grease beneath the sliding switches on classic models, Miki Mihajlovic 2 responses
- Rechargeable N cell batteries and chargers?, Gene 1 response
- Libraries in What Port, Helge Gabert 7 responses
- 41 Rechargeable Battery Packs, james summers (UK) 2 responses
- Disk Drive (9114) battery pac: Refresh, replace or retire?, Cococollector 6 responses
- A new set of TTF files is about to come..., Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 4 responses
- Dead 67 & Woodstock ACT chips & Prevention, John Garza 8 responses
- Programming calculator brand new?, Michel Beaulieu 8 responses
- 49G+ Display, Helge Gabert 8 responses
- 15C Display bleeding , Pio 4 responses
- 33S: new programming strategy, KC 3 responses
- HEX PAX, Thomas Cox 3 responses
- 15C backplate lifting up, Mike Head 2 responses
- Expander Module & TabletPC's ??, Steve S 3 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- HP 15C, R Eierman 4 responses
- problems with photosmart c200, calin b 4 responses
- 33S ALG features Overview and Fun, bill platt (les Estats Unis d'Amerique) 3 responses
- HP48GX , Roger 8 responses
- hp48gx downloads., Johann 3 responses
- HP Deskjet 5850 color inkjet , Nick 0 responses
- Turtle/Hare benchmarks for the new HP-71X running on HP-49G+, HrastProgrammer 6 responses
- sequence Graphing, Harrington 0 responses
- Dead HP-67, Imran Farooq 13 responses
- Hp48gx Problem, Roger 6 responses
- More HP 33S algebraic bugs? Try these.., Matt Kernal (US) 2 responses
- HP48gx vs HP49g , Joe Edwards 4 responses
- 33s Slip Case, Trent Moseley 8 responses
- Overclocking HP49G+, Marc 2 responses
- Fast Discharging Batteries in HP11C, TomG 3 responses
- The AUR is in hpcalc now!!, Raul Lion 4 responses
- Minus-sign on HP34C, Cococollector 3 responses
- HP33S question: Poll - Try this in algebraic mode, Gene 17 responses
- HP 33S Program question, Mike 7 responses
- Charging Batteries, Wayne Stephens 1 response
- HP 11c, Dave 2 responses
- Transferring LEX,BASIC and TEXT files from SWAP, Jeff 1 response
- what could be the problem with this??, Harrington 0 responses
- Another Slice of PI, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 3 responses
- HP calculator user websites: Mortality planning?, Gene 4 responses
- HP-41Z update available., Ángel Martin 9 responses
- HP-67 Interface & Display Segment, Imran Farooq 8 responses
- Bring Back The HP 15C, Chris Woodhouse 27 responses
- Calculator Confustion....What I need vs. what I want, Joe Edwards 22 responses
- surveying on eBay, RABIH Cyril 2 responses
- is it possible to connect a Piccard2 to HP48?, marc 0 responses
- Deep Pi - 42S - Some Results, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 14 responses
- HP 33s Keypad, René Stäbler 9 responses
- HP-41: Data Transfer to PC via modem?, Cococollector 8 responses
- Complex Square Root on 33s, Bill P 4 responses
- 48gx Sparcom Cards?, Johann 1 response
- Hp 48gx software, Johann 2 responses
- HP 48gx Advanced User's Reference, Joe Edwards 5 responses
- RPL- PC Editor , Harrington (USA) 1 response
- OffTopic: I need a SHARP Manual, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 3 responses
- David, Once again, someone is using your pictures on ebay., Emmanuel, France 2 responses
- hp48gii bug? (lengthy), Dwight L. Myers 3 responses
- Woodstock capacitor values?, John Garza 10 responses
- HP 49g has a CREAKY case, Joe Edwards 5 responses
- HP 48 SX or GX, Joe Edwards 5 responses
- HP-41 Brain Transplant, Paul Goertz 4 responses
- Self-Healing LCD, bill platt 6 responses
- Slide Rule Days, Trent Moseley 0 responses
- Deep Pi on the HP-41cx, Mark Taylor 6 responses
- A bit of PayPal in the news . . ., Paul Brogger 0 responses
- My 33 has gone wobbly, Kirk 4 responses
- IPAC 4155, Ann Akers 0 responses
- Deep PI - On a 42S, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 14 responses
- HP9810 schematics on museum CD?, marais 3 responses
- Cassette tape supply?, Klaus 1 response
- Programming Question, Harington 17 responses
- 48GX AUR languages, Jose 10 responses
- HP 32SII ailments, Andrew 2 responses
- 41C and 41CV won't power up..., Ron 4 responses
- is *live*, Hugh 4 responses
- How to teach children RPN, Ben Salinas 10 responses
- List entry in the 33s (long), Bill P 8 responses
- Inprt with HP49G+ ???, Robin 1 response
- New 33s productions?, 1 response
- MIB HP41CX no more?, Tom (UK) 1 response
- HP-34C LED display, Imran Farooq 11 responses
- 48gx question, Johann 11 responses
- Ti to HP, Johann 2 responses
- HP-38G questions, barry 1 response
- nigerians answering FS ads, barry 9 responses
- 32S Serial number (or lack thereof)., Wayne Stephens 4 responses
- HP-10C Simulator for Mac OS X, Britt 2 responses
- HP-67 batteries, Miki Mihajlovic 2 responses
- This forum in your PDA (Avantgo), Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 4 responses
- HP 65, laget 2 responses
- Different MEM number for newer 33s?, Paul Brogger 17 responses
- 42s and 15c, V. Taylor 6 responses
- HP 41 Bar Code Language, Cristiano 4 responses
- Robot Arm Programming HP-42S??, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 9 responses
- HP 33s for non-engineers, Dave Olson 10 responses
- Nonpareil release 0.44, Eric Smith 7 responses
- Why a 33s instead of a 43s?, Joe Edwards 19 responses
- HP 42S printer annunciator, Forrest Switzer 2 responses
- HP 41C emulator for HP48SX, Osvaldo 1 response
- HP42S LCD Character Set TTF will be updated, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- HP-16C sim has new UI features, Cameron Paine 11 responses
- hp 28s, hp48 sx, hp 48gx, elgar 8 responses
- How to open a Spice Serie?, Matthias 3 responses
- HP 41 Emulator, Rick 1 response
- unknown opcode in Voyager ROM, Eric Smith 7 responses
- HP case mfg., Hugh 2 responses
- can't get printer disk to work, Michael H. O. Fox 2 responses
- Linear Programming, Guillermo Castarés 11 responses
- It's a mug's auction, Julian Bucknall 9 responses
- HP-16C sim now has keyboard support, Cameron Paine 6 responses
- HP-33s, Geoff 7 responses
- German Website Help, Steve S 6 responses
- Revised HP12c platinum solutions book now online, Gene Wright 1 response
- OpenRPN Updates, Hugh 0 responses
- Worldwide HP-33S for $59.99 !, Emmanuel Verbeeck 3 responses
- HP41 MLDL2000 Update, Meindert Kuipers 1 response
- The new TTF files are here!, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 8 responses
- OFFTOPIC: New E-mail Address, Ben Salinas 2 responses
- HP 41CV Weirdness - Sort of Long, Wayne Stephens 4 responses
- HP 48GII as a 42S?, Bill P 15 responses
- New TTF files - I'd like to hear from you, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 7 responses
- HP 48GII and 49G+, Joe Edwards 13 responses
- New HP-16C "tribute" web site., Cameron Paine 34 responses
- Classic Battery Packs and Voltage, Charles 1 response
- HP-48GII on sale @ $77, Eduardo 6 responses
- Fix That Calc, Chuck Westen 1 response
- HP 41C - Converting From Radians to Degrees, Mark McLean 14 responses
- TI Programmer Battery, john taylor 4 responses
- HP 32S II trade in for HP 15C, Veli-Pekka Nousiainen 1 response
- Voyager cases, james summers (UK) 3 responses
- HP 82106A memory module, cesar 2 responses
- Could someone do a couple HP 33S calculations..., Roy 3 responses
- DC Power Supply, Wayne Stephens 13 responses
- Keyboard after reassembling, Michael Reinold 7 responses
- HP 33 First impression, Kamyar 2 responses
- HP Xpander, Artur - Brasil 3 responses
- Nonpareil on Windows!, Eric Smith 0 responses
- hp41 vs hp42 memory, fulcrum 17 responses
- Latest HP 49G+, Jack Neely 3 responses
- TI 84+, Jim Creybohm 5 responses
- Speed on hp 48GX, Naim 5 responses
- HP-33S i n Canada, Michel Beaulieu 1 response
- Looking for a highres scan of Redeye PCB, Frank Boehm 0 responses
- announcing "deep pi", hugh steers (the other hugh) 6 responses
- Jan Lucasiewicz Lives!, Pio 6 responses
- hp41 programming questions, fulcrum 5 responses
- HP-41 card reader producing strange sounds, Miki Mihajlovic 1 response
- HP-41CV battery pack, Paul Kronfield 9 responses
- hp41 integration, Fulcrum 7 responses
- HP-33S arrived!!, Fubar Vikinghelmet 4 responses
- Batteries and Broken Spring Tabs, Howard 0 responses
- HP34C - Jon Ibarra, Wayne Stephens 4 responses
- 33S at, sjthomas 1 response
- 41CV to 48G+, Robert Tomlinson 4 responses
- HP-41CX Needs help, Raymond Beehler 5 responses
- vectors multiplication, Dennis 2 responses
- HP45 battery pack, Paul Marin 1 response
- Calculator Support at HP website, Brent 2 responses
- hp-45 crystal 784kHz , Tom von 4 responses
- HP 41 rechargeable batteries, Mark Monica 11 responses
- Density of Encoder strip for HP 600c, Eugene Lugovoi 0 responses
- Help with indentifying this rare model, raze 9 responses
- HP 33S NCEES - PE EXAM ..CAUTION , INSIDER 11 responses
- spare brain required, hugh steers 6 responses
- 32S vs. 32Sii, Wayne Stephens 10 responses
- OpenRPN board goes live, Hugh 10 responses
- HP85 parts, Mark Myers 0 responses
- HP25 repair, Lars 2 responses
- hp33e display fault, Dave chadderton 7 responses
- HP-12C Programming, Graham Fraser 4 responses
- HP 12C, Scott 1 response
- 33s's Available at HP SMB site, Hp Lover 41 responses
- OpenRPN CPU opinions, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 12 responses
- HP-38C ROM bank switching, Eric Smith 7 responses
- HP82240A vs HP82240B IR , Miki Mihajlovic 12 responses
- RESET button STUCK..., Fernando Volpato 1 response
- Nonpareil 0.42, Eric Smith 5 responses
- 33 cogo, B 13 responses
- i don't understand, troy 1 response
- hp25 on/off switch, thaddeus boruta 14 responses
- Cleaning an HP 32S, Dennis Brunnenmeyer 2 responses
- Tubing need, Michel Beaulieu 0 responses
- PLED/OLED display (OpenRPN), Hugh 2 responses
- 33s Preorder, Rob 1 response
- Let your geek flag fly, Massimo (Italy) 0 responses
- RCL 20 - Nice little thing, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 6 responses
- hp serial number codes on later models, Charlie O. 2 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 5 responses
- OpenRPN - A Dissenting View, Steve S 21 responses
- Exploded batteries, Lance Pierre 3 responses
- hp12c, Mike 3 responses
- Keyboard opinions (OpenRPN), Hugh 26 responses
- HP-32SII for sale!, Fubar Vikinghelmet 7 responses
- hp28 emulator, Jake 3 responses
- 48SX ROM version?, unspellable 5 responses
- Enter key in WRONG PLACE!, Ron Ross 2 responses
- 49g+ lithium battery, Troy 1 response
- Early 41C Keyboard, 41Jeff 1 response
- Buying a hp41 white overlay mint, Fulcrum 3 responses
- HP 9s, John Smitherman 0 responses
- HP 48GX Calculator, raze 4 responses
- What impresses my about the 33S, Eddie Shore 5 responses
- Slight change in HP Serial Number coding, Matt Kernal (US) 6 responses
- would HP still be making good calculators if they were a japanese company., bill platt 5 responses
- HP-41 HEPAX poll (for the NoVRAM module), Diego Diaz 7 responses
- Are older HPs date code based on Fiscal year?, Roy 1 response
- Calculator Designs, David Yerka 1 response
- Thoughts on OpenRPN - Long and Rambling, rsenzer 4 responses
- Announcement: OpenRPN Project, Hugh 33 responses
- 38E Batteries, Wayne Stephens 10 responses
- Where is the 33S, Norman Seislove 6 responses
- I wish..., Fubar Vikinghelmet 6 responses
- Program Development Link still available?, Chad Wagner 2 responses
- Nonpareil 0.32, Eric Smith 1 response
- Nylon balls for HP65/67/97 card readers, Tony Duell 2 responses
- A Good Newsreader?, Veli-Pekka Nousiainen 7 responses
- Which glue to put labels back, Arnaud Amiel 1 response
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- Another 33 review, Kirk 9 responses
- 41C Keyboard Overlays, Wayne Stephens 18 responses
- 41CX alpha mode challenge (help!), Paul 19 responses
- UWyo Bookstore: HP33s, $56.75 + Tax + Shipping, J.C. Randerson 0 responses
- 10 dollar "rebate" with HP calculators, Arnaud Amiel 0 responses
- Feedbak issue at ebay, Chris Catotti (Florida) 3 responses
- New "Inside 9G" Handbook, Norris 0 responses
- HP33s Are All Gone!, J.C. Randerson 7 responses
- Help with a 41/42 program, Raul Lion 18 responses
- 33S Availability, Ron 1 response
- Very very early 42s?, Raul Lion 1 response
- (deleted post), deleted 16 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 2 responses
- Spice series extra RAM, Eric Smith 5 responses
- HP110+ Memory additions, Jeff 0 responses
- Hyperterminal, Naim 1 response
- 28S Programming, John Morast 6 responses
- Has anyone lost any messages?, Dave Hicks 2 responses
- "NEW" Calculator Disappointments, David Yerka 25 responses
- HP-48 AUM Download ??, Steve S 4 responses
- List of all Models ever made ?, Andreas Stockburger (Germany) 16 responses
- Nonpareil release 0.30, Eric Smith 8 responses
- 33s First Impressions, J.C. Randerson 22 responses
- Hewlett-Packard F2216A HP33s, John 2 responses
- HP-9114 Floppy disk replacement, John Pierce 2 responses
- 19BII - Keyboard Test, Ron 1 response
- HP41 editor, Fulcrum 5 responses
- 82162A printer, Graham 7 responses
- (HP-33s & HP-49G+) ENTER key size & position -- It's insidious . . ., Paul Brogger 1 response
- HP-41CV - problems, Artur 7 responses
- 41 card reader repair, sjthomas 0 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 2 responses
- HP-67 Key Strokes, David P Smith 12 responses
- HP 48 Calculators-Serial Numbers and Keyboards, Warren Lavery 8 responses
- New ROM for HP-49G, zaff 1 response
- HP95LX palm - manual and price, Tizedes Csaba 1 response
- 17b Leather Case, Alvaro 0 responses
- 41C ROM question, Kathy 1 response
- Adv Hepax price to go down... ;-) , Diego Diaz 9 responses
- HP to PC, Andre Schan 2 responses
- SENDPGM Rom ???, Bill Holes 0 responses
- edit 48 programs with computer, Chad Wagner 2 responses
- MLDL2000 Update, Meindert Kuipers 15 responses
- Anyone knows what happened with the hp knowledge base? (nt), Raul Lion 2 responses
- HP41 ROMs, Bill Holes 7 responses
- Anyone use an HP-IL modem with a 41?, Jim Creybohm 1 response
- Background of Pioneer Case on E-Bay??, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 1 response
- PB D'impression, ouakti 1 response
- Another microcode simulation in development, Eric Smith 22 responses
- debug 4, Chad Wagner 0 responses
- HP49G+ USB file transfering?, Cliff B 2 responses
- Evo N800v, Erik 0 responses
- 12c replacement parts, Michael Klos 0 responses
- Installing Emu48, Steve S 0 responses
- hp 33s programming, marcus channell 4 responses
- ROM dump for emu42 , V. Taylor 3 responses
- Does anyone have 16C S/N 2236A03277? , Cameron Paine 1 response
- Why are the shift keys labelled f and g?, Arnaud Amiel 5 responses
- HP49G+: How do I sent text strings to the Picture screen?, Eddie Shore 1 response
- HP25C died??, Walter B 8 responses
- Late April joke, Daniel Diggelmann 4 responses
- Help with 42S Programming, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 2 responses
- Memory Lost 41CV, Elio 3 responses
- re: hp 49g+ cogo, sylonn carr 1 response
- HP41CX 24hour time format, Mike 5 responses
- Sharp PC-E220, bhakosha 2 responses
- Casio FX-880P, bhakosha 3 responses
- HP 41CV turn on, Chuck Westen 1 response
- Did someone forget?, Dave 5 responses
- OGS Drilpro Module, Graham 4 responses
- 18C, RTC trouble, Thomas Radtke 2 responses
- Is this HP16C worth worth a new 49G+?, Al Borowski 12 responses
- Cynox vs Klotz vs...?, Steve S 3 responses
- HP82169A HPIL/HPIB Interface, Gonzalo Fernandez 1 response
- HP 41CV, Linda Osborn 2 responses
- HP200LX rs-232 interface with survey equipment, Terry Ingram 0 responses
- looking for information on a Casio OH 7000 G, Overhead calculator, Dave Falkenberg 3 responses
- HP-41CV, Axel Wingen 2 responses
- HP 10B, fran 3 responses
- ELI-41 ???, Giuseppe Marullo 4 responses
- HP 48 Libraries Disappearing, Helge Gabert 9 responses
- eBay Seller "whochee?", Steve S 2 responses
- hp 49 for $450????, Bill Lee 55 responses
- HP 82240A Infrared-Printer, Michael Kaiser 6 responses
- 33s Modifications???, Doug Clark 27 responses
- Eric Smith - I Need Your Help - HP41C, Wayne Stephens 12 responses
- Where to find HP-48GX RAM / ROM??, Steve S 2 responses
- TI Blasphemy, Hugh 3 responses
- Vectors on 15c?, Ron Jones 2 responses
- Calculator, Nancy Hintz 3 responses
- 41CX Features., Ray 6 responses
- HP-70, Maria 2 responses
- Museum via WAP, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 2 responses
- 42s programs by D'Zign, Chad Wagner 1 response
- Any watch collectors here?, Who cares 5 responses
- HP42S: [GTO][.] in PRGM mode, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- would someone mail me a 28C ROM?, Javier Goizueta 1 response
- Trans41, Ray 7 responses
- Does the new 33S have the same accuracy as the 30S?, Roy 3 responses
- HP75's schematics, Claudio 9 responses
- PRIDE - a semiconductor ROM for the HP41 on ebay - seen this before?, Gene 2 responses
- HP-71B developed before HP75C ?, GE (France) 4 responses
- Spice series - keyboard repair (long), Holger Weihe 1 response
- HP 33s, Joe Edwards 6 responses
- HP 48 User guide, Oleg 3 responses
- 28s / 48sx similarity, Charlie O. 1 response
- PMT function..., eclectic_echidna 5 responses
- Lex files PC <-> HP75, Claudio 4 responses
- HP-41C Card-stock Paper keyboard overlay, Chris Catotti (Florida) 10 responses
- HP trade-ins, Tom (UK) 5 responses
- Oh, it's slanting! [OffTopic], Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 4 responses
- linear eqauations on 15c, JaSon 3 responses
- HP12C Article, OJM 6 responses
- HP 49G +, Ilbehr 1 response
- Need help with my HP-17BII, Selma 2 responses
- HP-34C Display Looks All Matrix-Like, Joe D'Andrea 1 response
- Viewing TEXT75 files, Vassilis Prevelakis 1 response
- RPN Program for Eigenvalues?, Ángel Martin 2 responses
- Contrast adjustment on a 42S, Ángel Martin 1 response
- Keyboard problem with 32SII, Henry Nurse 1 response
- Why Not Emulate a New Calculator Design? (Long Again...), Steve 35 responses
- HP41 "Terminal Blocks" - where, Jim Creybohm 2 responses
- 15c values, bill platt 6 responses
- HP 48 TV Remote Control, db(martinez,california) 12 responses
- hp 34c continuous mem, Herbert Markle 5 responses
- Reality, Emulation and New Calculators (Probably Long), Steve 17 responses
- Another eBay craziness, Juergen (CH) 4 responses
- installing and using libraries 49G+, Dan 7 responses
- HP-71B Libraries?, Matthias 2 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- 48 Application Card "DLG", Ron 1 response
- Compare HP 48G/GX, 49...?, Steve 6 responses
- hp12c, adam wlodarski 1 response
- IR wavelenghts, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 4 responses
- Fixing an HP 32SII, Boyd Zander 2 responses
- hp71 death, please help! , t-bone 2 responses
- HP-41 Extended memory , Jon 15 responses
- the guilt of ownership, Chris 4 responses
- HP 42S Book, Dennis 1 response
- CALCULATING MANY DIGITS OF PI, Gene Wright 32 responses
- world's ugliest 15c about to die?, Charlie O. 4 responses
- HP2225B Printer cartridge, Jeff 1 response
- hp 16C, Dan 5 responses
- Emu41 update, J-F Garnier (France) 2 responses
- hp71 death, please help!, t-bone 1 response
- Need 15C advice., eclectic_echidna 15 responses
- hp12c problem, Kipp Butler 4 responses
- buying 49g+, hugh steers 4 responses
- SPORT Ident for HP48 - link, Tizedes Csaba 0 responses
- Life expectancy of Pioneers?, Warren Lavery 14 responses
- Introducing... The HP-41Z !! (Kinda long), Angel Martin 24 responses
- HP 17BII+ Black-Scholes using SOLVE, Bob Wang 0 responses
- HP 17BII+ Black-Scholes using SOLVE, Bob Wang 1 response
- hp12c instruction manual, gwen charles 6 responses
- HP Vintage Algebraic Surpasses RPN, bill platt 7 responses
- Spain (OT), bill platt 7 responses
- HP12 Platinum Processor Speed, Andy 7 responses
- 12C with NO Serial Number, Bill in PA 4 responses
- 33s - Second Impressions?, Warren Lavery 10 responses
- HP41 Emulator Application Card for HP48GX, Garth Wilson 9 responses
- Pioneer Cases - where did the ugly plastic ones come from?, Gordon Dyer 2 responses
- best method to remove a 67 back label, Andreas 8 responses
- HP 82240B printer - need Manual and info, Ken K 1 response
- thinkjet print, Dane 0 responses
- HP33S price in Europe, Andreas 2 responses
- HP-21S Quick Reference Card scanned, Gordon Dyer 3 responses
- 82104A Card Reader repairs, Brian Ayling 0 responses
- HP12C decimal point conversion HELP!, Andrew Clark 5 responses
- decimal point conversion, Andrew Clark 2 responses
- Does anybody knows what is 3421 Control module (HP #82500B-A24) for HP-41, Miki Mihajlovic 4 responses
- HP-65 card reader, Jon 8 responses
- NoVRAM (Cloned HEPAX) site update., Diego Diaz 7 responses
- 28s Display Question, John M 17 responses
- HP 25 bugs, any details ?, Pascal 4 responses
- HP-71B inside the TOPCON HA-3????, Jeff 4 responses
- HP-28COM, Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 0 responses
- HP-48SX HP 82211B Solve Equation Card on an HP-41GX?, Chris Catotti (Florida) 1 response
- HP 97 advice please !, Vickie Sublett 14 responses
- HP 10 Stat problem, Mona 23 responses
- HP 48G Screen Problems, David 1 response
- Flashing asterisk on HP11C, Kristin Nelson 1 response
- suggestions for HP-34C disassembly, Patrick Woolsey 4 responses
- HEPAX "cloned"... at last!!!, Diego Diaz 11 responses
- How to change batteries on HP 21, raze 2 responses
- Did I miss something?, Jim Creybohm 14 responses
- hp01 wrist calculator, matteo giongo 1 response
- Forth on a 41-CX, Giusepe Marullo 12 responses
- HP-33S SURVEYING PROGRAMS, George Rose 0 responses
- 33S: why all the memory?, Warren Taylor 9 responses
- Mini Data Cassettes, Matthias 0 responses
- Where can I find Keyboard overlays for HP48 GX ?, Antoine M. " Kermit " Couëtte ( France ) 7 responses
- 17B display question, Graham Nott 4 responses
- 33 CURVE SOL. PROGRAMS, BD FOX 7 responses
- Alarms on 17/49, Eddie Shore 0 responses
- Calcualtion help, David 10 responses
- Bad HP42S keyboard, Iuri Wickert 3 responses
- calculus refreshers, free textbooks online, bill duncan 1 response
- .rom and .bin again..., Giuseppe Marullo 9 responses
- Any fast data exchange between any of HP48GX , HP49G and PC ?, Antoine M. " Kermit " Couëtte ( France ) 10 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- HP-16C...on a CX, Giusepe Marullo 18 responses
- Search in archive, Michel Beaulieu 1 response
- HP-71B KEYBOARD IS Lex file, Jeff 4 responses
- Custom made 12C, Holger S. 2 responses
- 33s Rmdr Bug?, Shaun Greaney 8 responses
- SURVEY SOFTWARE, hank cross 0 responses
- Is it the time to buy the HP49G+ ?, Artur 16 responses
- The 71B/Turtle and the 49G+/Hare: The Harder 2nd Half [LONG], Valentin Albillo 27 responses
- TI-89 Titanium, Ernie Malaga 3 responses
- Need help with 48GX, Juliet 4 responses
- The 71B/Turtle and the 49G+/Hare: Results & Comments [LONG], Valentin Albillo 9 responses
- Handmade calculator., eclectic_echidna 22 responses
- HP 28S: How to Resuscitate?, Matt Kernal (US) 4 responses
- HP-41cx, Dave Rauch 1 response
- LCD contrast on halfnuts, Miki Mihajlovic 5 responses
- Reverse Mortgage Calculations, Bill Beall 2 responses
- recharging NiMh cells, Luis 2 responses
- HP33s 255 byte equation limit? , bill platt 4 responses
- HP 33S Survey Stakeout Software, Brad 1 response
- Making Modules for the 41..., JasonG 11 responses
- Mystery Ancient HP Memory Modules, Alex 3 responses
- HP49G+ replacement came today, Eddie Shore 3 responses
- Hp 42s Replacement (hp 33s?), Craig 6 responses
- First(?) HP 33s bug, Ben Salinas 21 responses
- 17B equation need, David 0 responses
- HP48GII with speed modul, Marc 1 response
- Days between dates calculation, Hunter 3 responses
- 49g memory dump, Troy 1 response
- *Unused* HP-21 apparently dead - Please help!, Jorge 5 responses
- Securing modules in a 41..., JasonG 2 responses
- Matrices on the 33s, Ben Salinas 2 responses
- Has anyone else noticed the constants on the 33s?, Ben Salinas 4 responses
- Normal Distribution for HP 17BII, 19B, 19BII, Bob Wang 0 responses
- Normal Distribution for HP 17B, 17BII+ posted, Bob Wang 5 responses
- Rubber feet glue, Frederic 5 responses
- HP82240A print to PalmOS, Gileno 0 responses
- Menu on HP48G, Rick 4 responses
- HP 65 - a (possibly) not so common writing problem, Helder Crespo 1 response
- HP33s-Where to buy?, Stefan 9 responses
- 33s THANKS HP!!!!!!!!!, Bill 8 responses
- Rechargeable Battery Packs, George 5 responses
- Anyone bought a Russia RPN Calculator?, Namir 8 responses
- HP 33s - VIEW, Wayne Stephens 7 responses
- Programming help and the 33S, Rob 8 responses
- Running speeds, Tizedes Csaba 0 responses
- Clear case HP41CX ???, Iqbal 4 responses
- 33S: already a collectable!, Massimo (Italy) 25 responses
- HPs are great but don't you just love "Mechanicals", Mike 4 responses
- Re: P.S., 15 bytes for a ANY number on 33s, Brent 6 responses
- Calculator Auctioning--A real Horse Race to the finish!, bill platt 11 responses
- hp49G connectivity kit transfer problems, Denton 1 response
- Calculator Crime Report, Norris 6 responses
- What the heck is this?, David Ramsey 7 responses
- 040228 Any way to " CORRECT " the HP48GX Time module internal clock ?, Antoine M. Couëtte 9 responses
- E-book for the HP-41 25th Anniversary, Emmanuel, France 2 responses
- HP-42S Addendum Card *UPDATE*, Fred Lusk (CA) 0 responses
- The "Perfect" Grade School Calculator?, Paul Brogger 32 responses
- HP48SX- Opening Case, cord 3 responses
- Help please - HP-32 and 82143A printer, Jim Creybohm 9 responses
- In talking to HP Customer Support..., Eddie Shore 3 responses
- HP49G+ included in Mars Rover Opporunity????!!!, Namir Shammas 0 responses
- HP 33S - Batteries, Wayne Stephens 4 responses
- Mathematics on the HP-33s..., Mikel 6 responses
- Announcement: Xpander Web Site, David MacCuish 1 response
- HP 33S affects HP 32SII prices, Naim 3 responses
- HP-37E "low" battery, Michel Beaulieu 1 response
- HP33S!!! Maybe ITS MARKETING GENIUS!, Ron Ross 55 responses
- Replacing batteries in 32sii, BrianL 6 responses
- 49G problems, Troy 4 responses
- There are still deals out there!, bill platt 9 responses
- HP 33S - IT'S HERE !!, Wayne Stephens 4 responses
- More HP33s from WAL-Mart, Namir Shammas 5 responses
- New HP19BII+ should have..., Marc 1 response
- HP82240A, gileno 0 responses
- Sticky right shift key on 48G, Paul Marin 1 response
- Any inside photos of HP 12 C Platinum?, Jeff 0 responses
- 82054A , Rick 0 responses
- HP 85A PC, Elton Matheson 0 responses
- The Turtle (HP-71B) and the Hare (HP49G+) [LONG], Valentin Albillo 18 responses
- To Karl Schneider, about 15c solver, R Lion 2 responses
- HP41/67 cards..., JasonG 1 response
- Using HP-41 IR module with Card Reader?, Mike Mander 3 responses
- HP 49 G Key board problem, Rennel 15 responses
- Black-Scholes on HP 17BII, 19BII, Bob Wang 4 responses
- 49g+ Cube roots, Kellie 15 responses
- HP-41 xmem on drive, Michel Beaulieu 3 responses
- HP33S Arrival!, Art Litka 8 responses
- EMU41 on Linux?, Bill Smith 1 response
- Calculator collectors, Iqbal 1 response
- replacement for 41CV, Cloyd 11 responses
- Voyager series, Joao Santos-Silva 1 response
- Buttons don't work on 32SII, Ron Z 7 responses
- Escape sequences:Thinkjet..., Jim Rudnick 1 response
- hp67 power supply, J Lustig 2 responses
- hp Laserjet 4mv printer, Rodrigo 2 responses
- HP-41C For Sale , Dave Nyman 1 response
- HP-65 card reader only reads cards, Michael Reinold 2 responses
- Dust in HP 12C Display, Jeff 0 responses
- Daily Comics, Massimo (Italy) 4 responses
- The doors are open [OT?], Arnaud Amiel 1 response
- HP42S bug?, Iuri Wickert 4 responses
- HP 41-C Petroleum Fluids Pac, Vickie 9 responses
- 17bii Let and Get L() and G(), bill platt 8 responses
- hp 12c quality, Post 0 responses
- 49g+ auto power off, James Stephens 7 responses
- Scanning advice needed !, Valentin Albillo 20 responses
- 32SII versus 11C, Boyd Zander 32 responses
- comma mode, innes hood 3 responses
- HP 33s and memory, Brent 1 response
- One question for HP 33S owners, Naim 1 response
- Loud sound from buttons on 49G+?, Eric Hansson 6 responses
- hp33s Missing RPN, Colin Lambert 2 responses
- HP75 82718A Expansion Pod, Johannes Mueller 2 responses
- hp33s: hard-to-read decimal point?, ben 4 responses
- User flags on 49G+., Eddie Shore 1 response
- WTB HP 34C, Lou Elias 1 response
- Re: HP-85 Refurb - Print Head Belt, Steven Kutoroff 5 responses
- land surveying programs for 33s, hank cross 1 response
- surveying programs, hank cross 0 responses
- How to pay in UK pounds?, Eric Smith 14 responses
- HP 82973 revision A, Miki Mihajlovic 3 responses
- HP Jornada 565 broken glass, Guillermo Ramirez 0 responses
- YAEA (Yet Another Ebay Auction) with infos and images...., Daniel Sancho 1 response
- (deleted post), deleted 2 responses
- 33s equation writing advice requested, danzw 2 responses
- Dead 1987 HP-41CV , Hans Brueggemann 3 responses
- HP-11C, comma/decimal point setting, Vernon Weisman 1 response
- Problem with 49G+ update, David Ramsey 7 responses
- HP Designjet Plotter 300 series..not pen plotter, Suzy 0 responses
- HP 42s still worth it ?, Tom K 4 responses
- HP32S disassembly, Tom Walker 2 responses
- HP 33s, Is it Compatable with other HP Programs, Dave 2 responses
- 33s & Walmart, Bill 32 responses
- A little HP-15C Quiz for the weekend, Valentin Albillo 13 responses
- 33 Forensic?, Arnaud Amiel 6 responses
- 19B language options?, Evan Koblentz 1 response
- Received Walmart 33s, Rob 0 responses
- HP-87 EDISK query, John 0 responses
- Any one know of a web site dedicated to HP17 and/or 19?, Eddie Shore 0 responses
- HP-41cx, Dave 10 responses
- HP 17 Calculator manual, Ron DeBellis 1 response
- HP33s, Nick 8 responses
- HP42s - Print via Infrared to PC, Robin 6 responses
- HP key fonts, Hugh 2 responses
- 33s and educalc, Dane 0 responses
- HP 39g+ announced, Ben Salinas 1 response
- HP-41CX how to deal with NiHM, Giuseppe Marullo 0 responses
- 33s Long Term Questions, Bill 3 responses
- Trying to contact Ted, Jon 0 responses
- RAM Card for 48GX, gifron 2 responses
- Hr & Hms missing on certain models, Terry Ingram 8 responses
- 41CV Halfnut display problem, Paul 0 responses
- HP-12C, Bernardo Vargas 2 responses
- SandBox Sequel ROM, Ángel Martin 6 responses
- Slightly twisted 32SII case, Mike Mander 9 responses
- Right/left riemann N trap (hp49g+) , adam 0 responses
- Double Xmem module for HP-41, Miki Mihajlovic 3 responses
- HP 17B Calculator, Ron DeBellis 1 response
- HP9845B problem, mirko 3 responses
- [OT] Orginal Odhner 239, Jonas Lööf 0 responses
- Do you own a HP zd7000's series?, raze 0 responses
- Help needed installing MathXpander, Karl-Ludwig Butte 3 responses
- Lost Dog, db(martinez,california) 5 responses
- HP42s RPN Scientific Calculator, Aleki Pongi 6 responses
- HP 67 Standard Pack, Charles 1 response
- Another Triva Question or Two, David Smith 4 responses
- HP-33S this week, Michel Beaulieu 153 responses
- is the 131*80 pixls display funcitonal?, marc 0 responses
- HP41 bus analyzer, Meindert Kuipers 11 responses
- HP-65 Card Reader "Gummy Wheel Problem", Dr. Carl P. Loller 6 responses
- RPL challenge -- area between two curves, Karl Schneider 18 responses
- New Rom for 49G+, u_of _i _ee 2 responses
- Walther Mechanical Calculator, Mike 6 responses
- Fast ROM image upload, Christoph Giesselink 0 responses
- The occasional buying tip, Kobayashi 1 response
- Triva Question, Bob 1 response
- CASMSIM release 0.22, Eric Smith 0 responses
- It's not too late for this perfect Valentine's gift, sjthomas 1 response
- HP-85 Refurb Questions, Steven Kutoroff 2 responses
- HELP! I need Head Cleaning Card for HP41 Reader , Colin Lambert 2 responses
- 11C prices reaching a new level..., Randy Sloyer 4 responses
- Help: HP 28S kills Batteries ?, Andreas Stockburger 0 responses
- HP 33S, Shawn Cobb 1 response
- faulty HP 25, sylvain, Nairobi, Kenya 0 responses
- HP 25 faulty, sylvain 3 responses
- HP 9114 and the HP 1650/1651 Logic Analyzers, Grant Goodes 4 responses
- 82163B HPIL Video interface, Jim Butch 2 responses
- Questions RE HP49G+ and HP17BII+, Eddie Shore 9 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- HP110, HP-41 EMU and HP-71B EMU, Jeff 6 responses
- HP-41 Emulator, Wilson (Bill) Holes 4 responses
- HP11C Display, Phil Hecksel 1 response
- HP 33 S NEWS???, anonymous hp user 15 responses
- ASTRONAV software, HP-41X and other things ..., HrastProgrammer 15 responses
- Display problems with the HP-38C, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 1 response
- Did anyone see this???, Iqbal 1 response
- Some Lectures, zaff 1 response
- HP 15C, curious, John 3 responses
- (semi off-topic) Sharp PC-1600 beeping, Emmanuel Verbeeck 2 responses
- PPC ROM auction, Matthias 1 response
- Sony Ericsson P800 [Enter] Emu48E [+] HP-41X [+] => HP-41 with me all the time :-), HrastProgrammer 6 responses
- Got the 2003 HP Annual Report..., Michael F. Coyle 16 responses
- HP-82973A software, Michel Beaulieu 3 responses
- HP-01 Lore, William Smith 4 responses
- HP-41 XROM nr. list, Diego Diaz 3 responses
- HP110 Portable and Portable Plus Software, Jeff 8 responses
- HP 11C , Tom 1 response
- HP Palmtop 200LX, Gene Mannella 4 responses
- screw hp-15c and 10c, George 12 responses
- HP 42s RPN beeping, Raze 4 responses
- HP67 Card reader, Charles 2 responses
- HP85 Emulator / Viper, Mark Myers 7 responses
- HP41 Card Readers repairs, Charles 2 responses
- rom dump of a 32Sii, Marc 5 responses
- HP9114A Disc Drive Problem, Jeff 5 responses
- hp 41cy turbo, RABIH Cyril 13 responses
- CSIM for Palm OS now supports HP-35, HP-45 and HP-55, Jonathan Purvis (New Zealand) 11 responses
- HP calculator keys, Jeff 6 responses
- Anesthesia Solution Book, Ljad 2 responses
- Sevice ROM for HP-41, Matthias 2 responses
- HP48GX black screen????, George 2 responses
- Prices on ebay, Matthias 4 responses
- XROM numbers, Matthias 4 responses
- Learning to Program in RPL, Wayne Stephens 5 responses
- HP-41 Clonix Low Power module clarification., Diego Diaz 0 responses
- model HP-19B II, Joe Turai 3 responses
- More eBay follies, David Ramsey 2 responses
- RPN: Just for Engineers?, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 7 responses
- Overhead for HP48, Marc 3 responses
- 1st and last issue of PRISMA journal?, Juergen (CH) 2 responses
- THINKJET PRINTER-Serial, Jim Rudnick 1 response
- Any news on the HP19BII+ ?, CalcKidd 0 responses
- W32/Mydoom.@MM on my PC and what about yours?, Emmanuel, France 1 response
- Palm OS5.3 simulator & Power48, Pierre Brial 0 responses
- Why the 33S is so long in the making, An anonymous HP User 6 responses
- Before CORDIC, GE (France) 6 responses
- PDA / HP-41 Hybrid Hardware? (Just wondering . . . ), Paul Brogger 0 responses
- 9825T memory, Achim 0 responses
- Calculator restoration - removing smoke odor from HP-12c, John L Shelton 8 responses
- Voyager series (HP-1xC) internals question, Eric Smith 13 responses
- Y to the x functions, Mark Berg 24 responses
- Follow-up concerning problematic seller, Pascal 1 response
- HP41CX Application pack, Hans Zingl 0 responses
- HP 38G : Variable Isolation, Jan (CH) 0 responses
- Looking for HP19BII, Baba D. Bah-Traore 2 responses
- My start at creating a CAS system and Synthetic math, Ben Salinas 2 responses
- If you think HP calculators are overpriced on eBay ..., Vassilis Prevelakis 16 responses
- hp 41cx keyboard problem, Nunez 5 responses
- Need HP95LX manual, tienwong 0 responses
- HP-IL converters, john 2 responses
- calculator chip list, Eric Smith 15 responses
- Hormel finds calculator parts in chili , H. John 8 responses
- HP41 rechargeable pack repair, Giuseppe Marullo 5 responses
- HP-33S -> 42S, Erwin 2 responses
- HP 42s square/nth root, Robin 13 responses
- More ROM dumping photos, Eric Smith 0 responses
- HP 41 battery terminal block?, Jim Creybohm 1 response
- Temporarily out of order (sorry.), Diego Diaz 0 responses
- HP 28S, Ricardo 0 responses
- Wal-Mart's new "Release Date" for the HP-33s, Paul Brogger 33 responses
- Why it's so hard..., Luis 3 responses
- Voyager Key Wear, bill platt 1 response
- HP-41 and HP-11, Bernardo Vargas 24 responses
- HP-15C Calculator Program (Surveying, Danny 0 responses
- Calculator memory sizes, Eric Smith 18 responses
- Melbourne ROM image for 41C, Miki Mihajlovic 0 responses
- Pioneer memory upgrade, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 15 responses
- HP-41C unusual serial number, Marc 3 responses
- repairing common woodstock problem - hp 22, Robert Bennett 6 responses
- Reference wanted for 32sii seller, Paul 3 responses
- Voyager speedup, Eric Smith 2 responses
- hot to test hp65 card reader and ..., linter 5 responses
- HP-3421A and HP-75C control, Steven Kutoroff 8 responses
- HP-45 digits entering problem, Michel Beaulieu 15 responses
- different hp-45 versions?, linter 6 responses
- Forecast 1 module for HP 41cv, raze 2 responses
- 41CX Memory Loss, Ron 14 responses
- HP-IL Diskdrive, Stephan (CH) 0 responses
- Is it possible to edit the Meta Kernel?, Marc 2 responses
- HP-41 damaged OS ROM recovering., Diego Diaz 3 responses
- HP-15C with display problem, Robert Graulich 9 responses
- Son of ROM dumping, Eric Smith 9 responses
- Scanning progress, David Ramsey 3 responses
- how to best take pix of my hp's!, linter 11 responses
- about this 16C I got ..., ferd 0 responses
- about this 16C I got ..., ferd 10 responses
- HP12C Platinum "curiosities", Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- Those who can't write, write manuals, Ernie Malaga 3 responses
- More ROM dumping, Eric Smith 10 responses
- ROM 1.23, Arnaud Amiel 1 response
- HP 35 1st. Edition torturing me, raze 3 responses
- Got a new HP toy today, Mike 6 responses
- HP32SII, David Foote 3 responses
- We can build a better calculator, John L Shelton 14 responses
- I am so happy, found a spare HP-41, Walter 4 responses
- Impossible to fry 67 without battery inserted?, Andreas 5 responses
- Sharp PC-1260 information [slightly OT], Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 2 responses
- dumping ROMs, Eric Smith 5 responses
- HP 21 battery door, not battery pack (Sorry for confusion and thanks for advance guidance), raze 0 responses
- Question for Luiz Vieira and other Spice fans, Randy Sloyer 5 responses
- "Staticide Power Pen" Opinions?, James 0 responses
- HP 21 changing batteries, raze 8 responses
- HP-32E Battery Pack, Gerry Katz 0 responses
- Aleph, what about your MetaKernel? (no text), R Lion (España) 4 responses
- Looking for Stephen John, John Robinson 1 response
- Beware of this eBay seller: mushroomcathy [OT], Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 12 responses
- Raymond Del Tondo Speed module, Marc 2 responses
- Surveying Programs for 41-cx, Danny 2 responses
- HP 49g Keyboard, Felix 7 responses
- 33e/c corrosion, John Garza 1 response
- HP17Bii - L() and G() functions , Rei Vilo 1 response
- criminal spam, db(martinez,california) 27 responses
- 48sx instructions, J Lustig 1 response
- HP-9114A Drive Problems, Jeff 2 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 5 responses
- dead row of keys hp-15c, Chris Howard 3 responses
- Wanted! Your best HP-42S programs!, Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 0 responses
- Question about HP 49G Solver , Felix 6 responses
- What about HP48 speed module, Marc 3 responses
- Looking for Palm OS based HP-15 emulator, Jeffrey_G 2 responses
- New release of CASMSIM, Eric Smith 0 responses
- 32s and 41cv repairs, J Lustig 0 responses
- HP17BII memory structure, Tizedes Csaba ICQ#347034200 2 responses
- Flakey Keys, David Seeboo 3 responses
- HP-49G+ Connection to PC, Jeff 3 responses
- Need advice from successful HB eBay Sellers!, linter 39 responses
- HP-41CX "Halfnut" Internals (image), Mike Mander 4 responses
- Rambox, Matthias 3 responses
- Installing MetaKernel on 256K card, Aleph Mobius 6 responses
- Which calculator, eliztest 2 responses
- HP 82162A Thermal Printer - Help Needed, Wilson (Bill) Holes 2 responses
- lss pow-r-rom1, ty 0 responses
- No more HP-41C, no more shuttle..., NH 38 responses
- HP 41C, guenter Sass 2 responses
- HP 49g+ is it the Ford Edsell of HP?, Benjamin 8 responses
- HP-IL module trouble, Stephan 7 responses
- HP-10, seller 7 responses
- Another live one!, rsenzer 8 responses
- New 49g+ training aid at HP's website: Using SD cards, gene wright 0 responses
- HP-35 keyboard technology, Joerg Woerner 22 responses
- hp-71b Anyone using RPNLEX ?, Terry Ingram 1 response
- HP 21S Manuals, Walter B 10 responses
- hp 49g+ stack swap, Andy Widrig 1 response
- Pocket 16C just released, Vincent Weber 0 responses
- HP-33S Introduction, Joerg Woerner 0 responses
- HP41 Bank Switching question, Meindert Kuipers 2 responses
- Many Thanks!, Trent Moseley 5 responses
- To HrastProgrammer, they are selling your emulator!, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 1 response
- [expletive] heat stakes, GG 1 response
- Voyager series display test, Luis 1 response
- Possible Aurora FN-1000 Bug, rsenzer 4 responses
- 15C Value, M. Anthony 8 responses
- ROM Upload of Clamshell & High End Pioneer, Christoph Giesselink 0 responses
- hp71b calc mode fix statement, Terry Ingram 4 responses
- MLDL2000: Basic functions work!, Meindert Kuipers 9 responses
- Clonix battery consumption, Claudio Maccioni 3 responses
- HP 48GX 'ON' button sometime-ish, Naim 3 responses
- 49G+ equation library, AK 5 responses
- Serial number, Arnaud Amiel 1 response
- How to dump your own ROM on a 41CX, Giuseppe Marullo 6 responses
- Want some 38G calculators? how about 100 of them?, Gene 3 responses
- Calculators banned by NCEES, Dave 39 responses
- HP T 40/E 82090B for which HP calculator ?, Till 0 responses
- What printers work with HP-18c?, John L Shelton 1 response
- HP-41: **BANNED** by NCEES, CME750 10 responses
- HP-9114B PC driver, Michel Beaulieu 2 responses
- HP's Defense of Outsourcing, Bradley 13 responses
- Frustrated by transition from HP41 to HP48, Walter 39 responses
- Neat TI calculator coming, too., Joerg Woerner 29 responses
- calculator for FE, Gary 3 responses
- HP-IL cable, Michel Beaulieu 1 response
- Problems with an HP 9825A, Fabrizio 1 response
- ROM 1.23 for G+.., JasonG 4 responses
- hp-01 calculator, Karsten Korpus 0 responses
- NASA Calculator Sighting, Larry Corrado, USA (WI) 3 responses
- 3 New TI calculators for spring..., Michel Beaulieu 7 responses
- Carly Fiorina in the News ..., NH 28 responses
- Defect HP-42S, Victor Koechli 10 responses
- HP65 batteries, John Herrington 2 responses
- Question about 82143 printer battery pack, Jim Creybohm 3 responses
- HP 25 malfunctioning keys , Emmanuel Verbeeck (Belgium) 5 responses
- HP multimedia keyboard , remle 0 responses
- HPIL PC board: works but test keeps failing, Giuseppe Marullo 4 responses
- Past HP quality and 41 emulators (long), Marc 5 responses
- Deal with, Matthias 2 responses
- Sulphide during delivery?, Matthias 36 responses
- HP9825A, Fabrizio 0 responses
- tvm calculations, hugh steers 0 responses
- Eramco 64K Ram Storage Unit on ebay, Emmanuel, France 3 responses
- HP-32E Battery Pack, Gerry Katz 7 responses
- Drive belt for HP-85 (HP85), Sylwester 0 responses
- Clonix-41 software upgrade, Diego Diaz 5 responses
- LASTARG Disabled, PJ 2 responses
- AECROM, Matthias 2 responses
- HP-75D made for ATT, Steven Kutoroff 4 responses
- HP 33s, Dave 3 responses
- 49g+ is not as good!, john doe 15 responses
- HP 82143A versions, Frank B. (Germany) 7 responses
- HP 80, Jim Rathbone 2 responses
- HP-Palm communication by infrared?, Deilson Elgui de Oliveira 0 responses
- Did HP relaunch the HP48GII, Namir Shammas 3 responses
- Red LED HPs, Trent Moseley 1 response
- Update for "HP41UC" utility (v1.22), Leo Duran 3 responses
- 42s2html - Convert HP-42S RPN programs to HTML listings, Erik Ehrling (Sweden) 0 responses
- Some people are nuts really, Naim 5 responses
- Off-Topic (sort of): Monroe calculator, Mike 1 response
- HP-41 moelcular, Michel 3 responses
- HaPpy New Year and HP82973, Giuseppe Marullo 6 responses
- HP-67/97 Personal Pac, Juergen (CH) 0 responses
- Tracking the Specs On an Older 12C, Kane Brolin 0 responses
- "Expensive" HP 48GX, Neil 4 responses
- Happy New Year, Emmanuel, France 1 response
- For 49g+: 32MB Lexar SD card $14 + shipping!, Gene 0 responses
- Now THAT is a full auction description!, Gene 5 responses
- Calculator programs and documents, David Ramsey 3 responses
- MLDL2000 Update, Meindert Kuipers 1 response
- hp15c, Herbert 5 responses
- EQ for algebraic solvers, Rick Mave 8 responses
- Integrating "program" expressions on RPL machines?, Karl Schneider 1 response
- Dave: More HP Museum Photo (from the other Mike), Mike 6 responses
- HPILCOM and HP-41 via RS232c, Emmanuel, France 2 responses
- hp49g+ - keyboards, Dave Feustel 2 responses
- Help needed for displaying strings with INFORM, Karl-Ludwig Butte 6 responses
- Installing modules in a HP41C, Dave 4 responses
- HP48G for >$175?, Gene 5 responses
- Manual 32S II, antonio 3 responses
- HP-41 ERAMCO Compact RAM Storage Unit (RSU) Schematic , Jeff 0 responses
- HP-31E Battery Pak, Trent Moseley 8 responses
- hp 49g+, Jim Rudnick 7 responses
- HP 80 repair needed, Jim Rathbone 0 responses
- Checking hp adapter/chargers, Charlie O. 1 response
- HP-41CX 'Halfnut' on ebay, Emmanuel, France 1 response
- Trying to contact James Lynch, Jon 0 responses
- Trans41, Miki Mihajlovic 1 response
- Need to contact William Drylie, Iqbal 0 responses
- Display problem on 34C, Steen 7 responses
- CMT 64K RAM strange behavior (HP-71B), Mike 5 responses
- HP-41C, Barry Seymour 3 responses
- HP-25 dots and dots..., Cedric F 2 responses
- Reminder: HP67 word/phrase magnetic cards available..., Gene 3 responses
- Topcat restorations, Randy Sloyer 10 responses
- Happy XMas, Matthias 14 responses
- HP Portable Plus, Episode III, Emmanuel, France 2 responses
- HP-41 Clonix Adapter Clarification (hope so ;-), Diego Diaz 7 responses
- HP Portable Plus instead of HP-IL/PC card, Emmanuel, France 4 responses
- Grandma's calculator, Michael Meyer 19 responses
- ROM Images from your own programs (long), Miki Mihajlovic 1 response
- Conn4x (for 49g+ et al.) installation problems., James M. Prange 1 response
- Christmas cracker joke, Bruce Horrocks 10 responses
- HEPAX ROMbox, Matthias 3 responses
- DAT files from a 41 using 82164A, Giuseppe Marullo 14 responses
- BROKEN HP41 where to repair it ?, Franky 1 response
- PAM menu with HP Portable Plus, Emmanuel, France 0 responses
- Anyone have an uglier HP-15C, Mike 11 responses
- What do you think of this then?, Larry 2 responses
- 12C's sold, writergirl 8 responses
- Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus, Mark Hardman 3 responses
- 11c Power Supply Capacitor, Lunn Sawyer 2 responses
- HP-17BII+ "review", Scuba Diver 0 responses
- HP-48GII / HP-49G+ display oddity, Tony Thimet 10 responses
- Editing HP-49g+ files on PC, Karl-Ludwig Butte 5 responses
- 42S and 4CV repairs, Charley Schram 1 response
- Upgrade Memory HP48G+ with 128kb Ram card, Marc 0 responses
- 33s Time Table, Bill 3 responses
- Creating a ROM Image of Personal Programs, Richard Garner 1 response
- *** Message to everybody who is interested in getting my items in ads***, Emmanuel, France 6 responses
- CH136 - Chess program for HP41 now on Internet, Claude Roeltgen 1 response
- Clonix module real price., Diego Diaz 13 responses
- W&W-RAMBOX II and HP-41CY Issues (very long) , Werner (Germany) 2 responses
- Request for Diego Diaz, David 3 responses
- 48GX - Need a Display, gifron 9 responses
- Keyboard overla for Voyagers, Miki Mihajlovic 1 response
- RAM-Box, HEPAX, 41-CY... Power requirements., Diego Diaz 3 responses
- Ok Start the Timer on this eBay auction, Mike 3 responses
- rom , sherman 2 responses
- New Conn4x & USB driver kit for 49g+ et al. with "ASCII" support, James M. Prange 1 response
- 48sx Keys Not Working!, Sanjeev 1 response
- HP-75C and HP il printer, Michel Beaulieu 1 response
- What are these pads for on the HP49G+ circuit board?, Bruce Horrocks 7 responses
- painted keys voyager, tom 7 responses
- HP-01 repair/sevice, nathan wheeler 1 response
- [Off-Topic] How to restore old magnetic tapes?, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 5 responses
- W&W RAMBOX II emulation, J-F Garnier 10 responses
- Printing with the 49G+ over the infrared port, Dudenman 1 response
- HP-82143A vs HP-82162A, Michel Beaulieu 7 responses
- HP-41 printer strap :-(, Michel Beaulieu 0 responses
- repair hp48sx, sherman 5 responses
- Cassette drive (Looking for Pascal), Stephan (CH) 1 response
- Jeff, Computer Crash, Jeff 0 responses
- [VPN] Fix USB from M£ for Win98SE (still supported), Veli-Pekka Nousiainen 0 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- HP VINTAGE PRINTERS, Wendy Dworken 2 responses
- Comment to "Racy Machines" in the Memories Forum, Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) 0 responses
- Curta Calculators, Steven Kutoroff 4 responses
- Pre-Order of HP33S on eBay, Namir Shammas 13 responses
- Printing from 49g+, Jeff Lastofka 2 responses
- Neko temporarily offline, David Ramsey 1 response
- Will the real "mikesdavis" please stand up?, Mike 10 responses
- Inside the HP 110 Portable Plus, Emmanuel, France 4 responses
- ROM image convertor ?, Pavel Korensky 5 responses
- Paname application manual (free to download), Emmanuel, France 1 response
- Reparing a HP18, Kevin Johnson 2 responses
- Sandbox ROM question for Angel, David 2 responses
- HP 71B and the HP-IL, William LaPier 2 responses
- RAM-Box schematic., Diego Diaz 9 responses
- Where May High Quality Capacitors Be Purchased?, Larry M. 1 response
- HP-15C strange key click sound, Miki Mihajlovic 2 responses
- HP-12c emulators for Palm IIIc?, Dan M 1 response
- HP-19C/HP-97 printer, Tony Thimet 2 responses
- Many old programs via FTP, David Ramsey 9 responses
- BidPay (Western Union Auction Payments) Contact Number, Mike 27 responses
- HP-41CX SHUTS OFF, Ken 1 response
- Buyer Beware At CalcPro, J.C. Randerson 9 responses
- New SANDBOX 8k Version available, Ángel Martin 11 responses
- internationalaggregate "fraudulent", mark hyer 0 responses
- HP "fraudulent", Mark Hyer 4 responses
- 48GX to 49G+ transfer, adem ordna 9 responses
- HP41 CMT-200 Data I/O module, Christoph Klug 5 responses
- Repair of HP32SII, Brian Markey 7 responses
- How to create a HP41 ROM image from a set of programs, Miki Mihajlovic 20 responses
- Need I/O Utilities for HP-75C , Mark Cartwright 0 responses
- are there any real voyager emulators, hugh steers 12 responses
- HP-IL floppy disk commands ?, Pavel Korensky 4 responses
- Calculator service, David Ramsey 4 responses
- Talking HP-34c, Pascal 0 responses
- HP-49G+ -- Some Looks Inside . . ., Paul Brogger 0 responses
- Painted or Moulded Keys., Marc 9 responses
- Really, really small HP-15C Mini-Challenge, Valentin Albillo 19 responses
- Son's friend killed(?) his TI..., gifron 1 response
- LED/LCD Calcs to collect and play with, William J LaPier 5 responses
- HP10BII from a "friendly lurker", Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- HHP Portable EPROM set and Overlay, Jeff 0 responses
- my 32s "creaks." Is this common?, Josh P 2 responses
- Christoph Klug, Christoph Klug 0 responses
- Name that calculator, Glen Henshaw 15 responses
- ebay: Eramco ram storage unit for HP-41C -- how much ram, 64 Kbyt?, Ray 5 responses
- cassette drive, Stephan (CH) 2 responses
- Re:compaq presario 2500 (2505EA) with windows 2000 has no proper video drivers, Andy 0 responses
- Palm KK-12C Updated for 320x480 (T3 etc), Patrick 21 responses
- Old Calulator Cleaning, Gordon Dyer 7 responses
- converting 41 program to Palm OS, Jim 12 responses
- How to recover a screwed HP-41CY / RAMBOX-II. Fortunately it is working again !, Werner 4 responses
- Clearing HP49G+ screen, Andy 1 response
- Powered from USB?, Sergei Frolov 3 responses
- Zeprom & BankSwitching, Emmanuel, France 2 responses
- Zengrange HP-41 emulator card, J-F Garnier (France) 2 responses
- KB of HP 20s, 48 compare to casio's, Suzanne Lo 1 response
- HP 18C, Kevin Johnson 0 responses
- What manuals came with a 48S?, Scuba Diver 9 responses
- HP-41 Rom Pacs -> PC, Diego Diaz 4 responses
- Casio ClassPad 300, Joe Edwards 8 responses
- What to do? Long Lfie for 48GX, Marc 12 responses
- How do I attach a 15c Logo onto another 15c?, JW 3 responses
- HP-IL Mass storage - progress report, Pavel Korensky 0 responses
- Ebay seller comes through, Larry Corrado, USA (WI) 0 responses
- 41 Translator for 71B, William J LaPier 2 responses
- HHP Portable EPROM, Philip 13 responses
- Clonix, Pavel Korensky 1 response
- Is it possible to Plot a SIN or COS Graph in a 19Bii?, Marc 0 responses
- HP49G+ vs HP49G, Curtis Quist 2 responses
- Collecting calculators..., Michel Beaulieu 30 responses
- batts, don alexander 3 responses
- Whether there are calculators, which can work on a frost? -20 oC, -40 oC (0..-40 F), Sergei Frolov 10 responses
- Translation quality (HP manuals, etc.), Chris Durban 8 responses
- Power48 1.4 Beta Released, Patrick 1 response
- hp49G+ operation, Dave K 1 response
- Oh no!, Brandon Del Bel 4 responses
- 33S Schedule Updates, CME750 2 responses
- Replacing RAM, Rick Nash 0 responses
- How many calcs do you have. (curious), Marc 23 responses
- How many calcs do you have. (curious), Marc 48 responses
- hp33e, Paul Marin 2 responses
- HP-41 Clonix module. Info available., Diego Diaz 17 responses
- Eurocharger specs, Giuseppe Marullo 7 responses
- HP11C - Delimitters, Russ Prior 4 responses
- batteries life, kw 1 response
- Phil Condit, Paul Brogger 4 responses
- Re: HP 33s, Sunny 8 responses
- Side question about Valentin's Challenge, Brent 0 responses
- I know it's a TI-59, but over $500? wow!, Gene 6 responses
- Math Humor, Michael Meyer 3 responses
- HP48GX with Speed-up modul goes well?, Marc 6 responses
- HP-97 PRINTER, Jon 3 responses
- Recall of the HP48GII, Sergei Frolov 12 responses
- Quadratic Equation solved in ONE step., Angel Martin 0 responses
- Yippiee !!! My new HP-48G+ w/1280K & SpeedUp arrived :-), Raymond Del Tondo 8 responses
- HP48 equation library, Hugh Wong 3 responses
- My new web site, Emmanuel, France 8 responses
- HP-48Gii internal serial number., r. d. bärtschiger. 1 response
- Hyperbolics with the Advantage, Ángel Martin 17 responses
- HP19Bii Upload ROM?, Marc 3 responses
- Re: HP 33s, Ken Emmens 2 responses
- Cassette drive "media error", Frederic 4 responses
- HP-IL mass storage, progress report, Pavel Korensky 6 responses
- Absolutly offtopic - You've Got Mail, Tizedes Csaba 0 responses
- HP made in china sucks, Luis Suarez 24 responses
- Chess on HP41C, Claude Roeltgen 9 responses
- HP49G+ CHINA SHEET, HP fucked 6 responses
- Re: HP49G+ EMULATOR, Luis Suarez 0 responses
- Hercules, Mike (Stgt) 8 responses
- Missing 'program E' in 'Partial Derivative...', Tizedes Csaba 0 responses
- HP42S, Michael 6 responses
- 82161A HP-IL Digital Cassette Drive, Jim Chumbley 3 responses
- Thanks Gordon, Dave Hicks 0 responses
- HP-15C - are they all exactly same, Miki Mihajlovic 4 responses
- Re: HP-85B internal information?, Vassilis Prevelakis 3 responses
- Need to replace stolen HP, Russ Prior 9 responses
- 17B display cleaning, Pepe 0 responses
- HP48GII Quality ??, Bob 5 responses
- Re: HP49G+ EMULATOR, Raymond Del Tondo 1 response
- Re: HP49G+ EMULATOR, HPMANIAC 1 response
- Not really, Mike 0 responses
- Wanted: HP28S, Terje Kydland 2 responses
- Sanyo Cadnica N-50AAA, Juergen (CH) 4 responses
- My solutions & Comments [LONG], Valentin Albillo 9 responses
- Re: Whoops! 10 Steps, hugh 0 responses
- Re: Other tests, Joerg Woerner 1 response
- Re: Green LED's?, Joerg Woerner 0 responses
- Re: Tubing is too large, Katie 0 responses
- A catty comment from a fan of HP calc's of the the '80s, Karl Schneider 23 responses
- Re: Where I got my stuff from, Gene 0 responses
- Re: HP-10 NIB??? on eBay, Mark Hardman 0 responses
- Many times faster..., Raymond Del Tondo 7 responses
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