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HP calculator user websites: Mortality planning?
Message #1 Posted by Gene on 11 May 2004, 2:31 p.m.

Sorry to bring up this subject, but I'd like to encourage the user community to consider a subject that will hit us sooner or later.

What if Dave Hicks passes away tomorrow? (May it never be!)

What happens to all he has here on the museum site?

What if something happens to Viktor Toth's site? Or Joerg's site? Or ____ 's site of HP material?

I think it wise if the owner of each of these sites (and you if you have a site) to determine some way for the materials on your site to live on in case something happens to you.

Dave, I would encourage you to find a backup person who could still pay the bills for the site if something happened to you.

Viktor, the same.

Everyone should plan. It's simply insurance against horrible events.


Re: HP calculator user websites: Mortality planning?
Message #2 Posted by Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) on 11 May 2004, 4:39 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Gene

Hi, Gene;

I completely agree with you. And I'd even add the fact that some younger guys, like Ben Salinas (anyone else that's also so young?), that has proven to be one of the possible ones to go ahead. I'm not telling that older guys, like many of us (passed the 40's) are not electable, just want to think that having youngers to go ahead will also call youngers to join them. And what is a good site for if no one even knows what is it for? Let the young people "touch" RPN and take care of it, if applicable.

Also, I think that mirror sites would be another plausible achievement. If the original site fails, the "mirrors" may take each their own way ahead.

I think I'm finding a definitive place to hold my files, and if so, I'll add links to other sites. And having a copy of their contents, like the CD packs, would make it easier to allow data to be "spread around". As you mentioned, building a mirror or an original site if the ones above fail, is not gonna be hard IF their "legacy" is made available for those who want to keep them "alive".

Would that be possible?

My 2ยข (I hope it wort)

Luiz (Brazil)

Edited: 11 May 2004, 4:42 p.m.

Re: HP calculator user websites: Mortality planning?
Message #3 Posted by bill duncan on 11 May 2004, 5:43 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Gene

Actually, others besides the obvious should think about it. I know that if anything happened to me, my wife wouldn't have a clue what to do with all the equipment, documentation, newsletters etc. She has suggested in the past that it would all possibly just get thrown out!! (This is usually when she just wants to get my goat..) And what if we both go at the same time in an accident? (We're "empty-nesters", so wouldn't have anyone to "leave them to" really..)

Nevertheless, it is something I've been thinking about for awhile. How to ensure that it all finds a worthy home? I think I'd prefer that it not just end up on Ebay. Maybe an HP Calculator scholorship program? <g>

Anyway, it's more than just an "academic" issue..


Thanks, Dave! ( . . . and to All!)
Message #4 Posted by Paul Brogger on 12 May 2004, 10:26 a.m.,
in response to message #1 by Gene

Quite apart from whatever arrangements any of us may or may not make, I will reinforce what I think is an underlying sentiment: I'm grateful for what all of the community's participants have helped to build, however long it may last.


Such achievements must last longer than us... (N.T.)
Message #5 Posted by Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) on 12 May 2004, 12:02 p.m.,
in response to message #4 by Paul Brogger

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