Re: (not so) Stupid question...Re: ERAMCO MLDL & NoVRAM & MLDL2000 Message #19 Posted by Diego Diaz on 26 June 2004, 7:57 p.m., in response to message #12 by Gene
Hi all,
Please excuse me for the late reply, I didn't realized this thread turned into such questions on my project.
Gene, you're right in your appreciation, but the list is not comprehensive since the NoVRAM module is intended to be a multi-purpose RAM-Box. Thus allowing to replicate whichever other RAM-Box previouly manufactured.
So it can handle *any* configuration provided:
a) you keep the 24K ROM and 16K RAM limits and...
b) don't make any illegal config such as using modules with the same XROM nr. or exceed the number of pages a 41 system can handle.
In fact I'm now working in two directions, first trying to finish the User interface programming utility to allow free user access to the remaining extra 8K ROM. (Currently I have to program them from "factory"... so speaking :-) and second, trying to build the code for a new NoVRAM-based project that will include a double extented memory module, it will require reducing the HEPAX-like RAM to 8K though.
Further more, considering NoVRAM is *loaded* with non volatile RAM it'll also be possible to built a 10 pages ROM-like module.
Obviously I haven't had time enough to produce all the required code for such a "huge" amount of possibilities, but I thought the HEPAX emulation is, on its onw, a very good first step for offering to the HP-41 community.
Please do not hesitate in mailing me with your questions or comments.
Best wishes from the Canary Islands.
PS: You can have a look at some of the projects development steps at:
Edited: 26 June 2004, 8:09 p.m.