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Uploading ROM´s for HP41, EMU41, CLONIX, NoVRAM...
Message #1 Posted by Christoph Klug on 27 Sept 2004, 10:35 a.m.

Dear HP41 enthusiasts,

Please refer to HP-Museum article forum item 448. This document gives you some details about uploading ROM-images (plug in modules) from HP41 to EMU41 by using ZENROM or HEPAX or W&W RAM-Box or ERAMCO RAM-Box or MBK-ProfiSET.

Two appendixes gives knowledge about ROM image file format conversion between HEPAX, MBK-ProfiSET and RAM-Box.

A third appendix describes the generation of .rom files which are needed for programming ZEPROM or CLONIX and NoVRAM plug in modules.

Only less really advanced HP41 enthusiasts like Angel or Raymond are able to create mcode solutions for HP41. But by using EMU41 it is easy for you, to create your individual and voluminous user code software application and store them to a 4KByte page. Than transfer your own private ROM application to CLONIX or NoVRAM

Last not least the document gives you some details about creating back up, about storing ROM-image files on tape and about email transfer.

The first version of this article was published in HPCC Datafile Journal, now here you get the enlarged version which also includes the latest development like CLONIX and NoVRAM....

Best wishes - Christoph Klug

Re: Uploading ROM´s for HP41, EMU41, CLONIX, NoVRAM...
Message #2 Posted by Juergen Rodenkirchen on 27 Sept 2004, 1:55 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Christoph Klug

Would be nice to see it published in Datafile too!


Re: Uploading ROM´s for HP41, EMU41, CLONIX, NoVRAM...
Message #3 Posted by DavidY on 27 Sept 2004, 4:37 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Christoph Klug

Very nice article Christoph!

I suspect that Diago's NoVRam module/Hepax emulation could also work for transfering rom images from a module to PC without the need for IL.

The big "ifs": (1) whether the external programmer's software has the ability to upload data from the NoVRAM memory. Specificly the "ram" area as well as the "eprom" area. and (2) whether the hex file can be translated back to binary.

If these conditions are met the using Hexpax commands pages of ram can be mapped out of the "hexpax" memory map and appear as writable module rom. A hexpax command to "copy" rom pages also exists. So: Using the 41 with NoVRAM and the module to be copied one could copy 4k (or 8k pages) to the NoVRAM from the module rom then shut down and remove the NoVRAM. Next couple the NoVRAM module to the programmer, connect the programmer to a PC, powerup and use the programmer software to upload the NoVRAM memory. Finally, break out the hex files data for the copied module code and convert to binary.

So, Diago (or anyone with a NoVRAM) has this been tried??


PS. Damn, after considering this, I got to get a NoVRAM module. Diago, if you read this, what's the easiest way to get you the payment from the US? And what's the cost for NoVRAM in $US w/shipping?

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