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Message #1 Posted by Michel Beaulieu on 16 Nov 2004, 12:38 p.m.

I need to know all these entry method for my students; they all throw away their manuals... They all have differents calculators with differents abreviations on them. Where can i find, on the web, the description and differences between these methods.

This will help me in my teaching of "Les calculatrices et leurs applications" course level...

Thanks Michel

Message #2 Posted by Chan Tran on 16 Nov 2004, 1:31 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Michel Beaulieu

Most of the manuals can be downloaded at the manufacturer's websites. I wonder do you take off points on the students that throw away their manuals?

Message #3 Posted by Mike (Stgt) on 16 Nov 2004, 2:55 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Michel Beaulieu

Is this what you are looking for?


Message #4 Posted by valentino ducati on 17 Nov 2004, 2:48 a.m.,
in response to message #3 by Mike (Stgt)

@Mike: I don't think Michel was looking for a CBT (apart that it IS really interesting for 1st steps).

@Michel: Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I suppose you asked for a comparison table/matrix about the differences of the entry notations. I give an example:


hp RPN (classic) --> 17 ENTER 4 ENTER 3 x -

hp RPN including algebraic notation: hp algebraic notation of newer high end calculators is far away from the classic RPN entry notation. I don't own any 48/49 but have a look at the article about RPL ( here and you will notice the great difference.

hp algebraic calculators (e.g. 17Bx) --> 17 - ( 4 x 3 = [or, if you wish, 17 - ( 4 x 3 ) =] You NEED at least the 1st "(", because this simple algebraic notation has no precedence (^ before */ before +-)

hp solver in calculators (e.g. 17Bx) --> X=17-4x3 The equation solver DOES know precedence and so it works without parenthesis!

hp CAS solver in calcluators (e.g. hp-40G) I don't own and don't know the syntax, but CAS gives you exact algebraic expressions instead of approximated numerical values. See article at

I really too would like to have a comparison table that covers also the input notations of the other most important brands (TI, SHARP...).

Someone else?

Message #5 Posted by Mike (Stgt) on 17 Nov 2004, 4:33 a.m.,
in response to message #4 by valentino ducati

Hi Valentino!

May be you are right. But I assume Michel B. to be a teacher and as such wants a) to show the sources (Jan Ɓukasiewicz) and b) demonstrate the implementation of RPN on a computer with a program that is made for demonstration purpose. I can not give a complete comparison of the different systems, but hope to help a bit if I give some information about RPN.

About Lukasiewicz there are several articles in the internet, about RPN see PPC Calculator Journal V9N5P26b, here an old flyer from HP about RPN, and that RPNdemo.EXE. It is mentioned here (see 13th abstract) and you may download it there, alas I am not able to run it neither on WinXP nor W2kP: Runtime error 200 at 0E6B:0091. On the HP200LX it looks as if it uses colors, so I assume, you need an elder PC for it. IMHO it _is_ worth the effort as for RPN-demonstation it's top. (Anyone here knows about e newer version? There is an RPNdemo for WinCE - know...)


Edited: 17 Nov 2004, 4:36 a.m.

RPNdemo.exe fixed
Message #6 Posted by Mike (Stgt) on 18 Nov 2004, 4:24 a.m.,
in response to message #5 by Mike (Stgt)

I was able to fix RPNDEMO.EXE so it runs now on Wk2Pro, alas much too fast to watch shifting numbers on the stack. What I did: I unpacked the EXE with DIET v.1.45F and applied TpPatch.exe found here. Well, that was a blind hit, as the patch is a fix for "Runtime Error 200" bug of Borland Pascal 7 on fast PCs -- and w/o source code I did not know if RPNDEMO was originaly Borland Pascal 7.


Addendum: The TP7P5FIX in the a. m. link works too (no need to unpack RPNdemo.exe), now I only need a way to slow down execution in the DOS-Box. Who knows a solution for that? Then we would not only have one more HP-41 simulator but a valuable educational tool. - M.

Edited: 18 Nov 2004, 4:57 a.m.

(deleted post)
Message #7 Posted by deleted on 27 Nov 2004, 4:25 a.m.,
in response to message #5 by Mike (Stgt)

This Message was deleted. This empty message preserves the threading when a post with followup(s) is deleted.

Re:ATTENTION (Mrs Maryam Abacha)
Message #8 Posted by Nenad (Croatia) on 27 Nov 2004, 2:24 p.m.,
in response to message #7 by deleted

Congratulations! (almost every old HP manual begins like this)

Finaly we have received a Nigerian scam directly. This proves that our famous Nigerian friends also watch this site, take our E-mail addresses, etc. I have received the same letter a few days ago directly to my E-mail address.

Hopefully, I would recommend Mrs Abacha to buy the slice of cheese sandwich from E-bay (at 14.995 USD only). It would not be a big issue for her and will certainly help a lot.


Re: RPNdemo.exe
Message #9 Posted by Veli-Pekka Nousiainen on 28 Nov 2004, 6:21 a.m.,
in response to message #5 by Mike (Stgt)

Could you kindly send me the patched RPNdemo.exe (plus .ico)

Re: RPNdemo.exe
Message #10 Posted by Mike (Stgt) on 29 Nov 2004, 4:03 a.m.,
in response to message #9 by Veli-Pekka Nousiainen

Yep, when I am at home again <G>


Addendum: did you see that hint at


Edited: 29 Nov 2004, 4:10 a.m.

Re: RPNdemo.exe
Message #11 Posted by Veli-Pekka Nousiainen on 29 Nov 2004, 9:20 a.m.,
in response to message #10 by Mike (Stgt)

Try it out yourself and you will C the...void

Re: RPNdemo.exe
Message #12 Posted by Mike (Stgt) on 3 Dec 2004, 9:08 a.m.,
in response to message #9 by Veli-Pekka Nousiainen

You should have mail, pls confirm - offlist.


Message #13 Posted by Garth Wilson on 17 Nov 2004, 10:48 a.m.,
in response to message #1 by Michel Beaulieu

> I need to know all these entry method for my students; they all throw away their manuals.

I don't know what the course of study is; but if it's engineering, you would probably do such students a favor if you tell them they are not engineering material instead of letting them find out the hard way later. If their personality has such a lack of attention to detail, they probably need to pursue something different.

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