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HP-41CX & 41CY
Message #1 Posted by Jon on 19 Dec 2004, 5:35 a.m.


Just wondering what is the difference between these models. I can愒 find good information about the 41CY. Probably is has been discussed before but I can愒 find the thread.



Re: HP-41CX & 41CY
Message #2 Posted by Matthias on 19 Dec 2004, 5:47 a.m.,
in response to message #1 by Jon

The CY was a upgraded CX, made by W&W:

- double speed (switchable on the side of the calculator) - internal RAMbox with 64k (2x 32k) - new template

(There was also a CW with only 32k RAMbox)

The CY is extremly rare and I doubt that you find one, cause they are all in collector愀 hand. also do not know, when W&W strated and discounted the HP-41CY. Maybe someone can help us....

Re: HP-41CX & 41CY
Message #3 Posted by Veli-Pekka Nousiainen on 19 Dec 2004, 11:16 a.m.,
in response to message #2 by Matthias

I have and the batteries (NiCd) were flat
Which way the switch is at normal speed?
What models are offered for a X<>Y
I need at least one HP-15C
Now that I think of it: I could send ALL my 41CX and even my 48SX + 28S for one Qonos...or something equally nice


Re: HP-41CX & 41CY
Message #4 Posted by Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) on 19 Dec 2004, 3:25 p.m.,
in response to message #3 by Veli-Pekka Nousiainen

Hi VPN, all;

I'm a 41 devoted fan, mostly because I take it as the most inspiring design for the time it was introduced. Simply astonishing... The HP41CX is something beyond the expectations, and thinking of an HP41CW or CY is a dream... comming true?

Both HP42S and HP15C are actually "top designs" for me as an Electrical Engineer, but when they were introduced the impact was not as strong as it was with the HP41 (Hi, Valentin; I am aware of your HP15C devotion as well, and I love mine t(w)oo, but I intriguingly look at the HP41 yet...).

All of this to say: How I wish I had a Qonos right now... you bet you'd have a deal!

Best regards.

Luiz (Brazil)

Re: HP-41CX & 41CY + 48SX + 28S...
Message #5 Posted by Veli-Pekka Nousiainen on 22 Dec 2004, 5:04 a.m.,
in response to message #3 by Veli-Pekka Nousiainen

I have a 41CY and the batteries (NiCd) were flat 
Which way the switch is at normal speed? 
What models are offered for a X<>Y 
I need at least one HP-15C 
Now that I think of it: I could send ALL my 41CX and even my 48SX + 28S for one Qonos...or something equally nice
41 modules:
I will trade in for the latest mobo+CPU+RAM
Re: HP-41CX & 41CY + 48SX + 28S...
Message #6 Posted by Matthias on 22 Dec 2004, 8:53 a.m.,
in response to message #5 by Veli-Pekka Nousiainen

I would also accept a second CY in my collection... if somebody has one for spare.


Re: HP-41CX & 41CY + 48SX + 28S...
Message #7 Posted by Veli-Pekka Nousiainen on 22 Dec 2004, 9:27 a.m.,
in response to message #6 by Matthias

Batteries are not included I have not used the 41CY at this millenia - condition unknown. How about the rest of the things, at least the 48SX worked (with batteries loaned from my 49g+) and the 28S I used earlier this year.

I also seem to have a 18B + 19CII and 32S + 32SII + 17B + etc...even 16C, I'm willing give up all these in trade for the latest Mobo+CPU+G-card, they all together should be worth more than a thousand USD...

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