19B Lease with Advance Payments Annual Debt Service Message #3 Posted by Bob Wang on 29 June 2005, 12:41 p.m., in response to message #1 by barry d.
I thought a little more about your request, and here are 3 approaches. The first one is probably what you are looking for, but it comes with a BIG CAVEAT. You ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY MUST solve for PMT first, before pressing ADS. Otherwise, the ADS you get will be based on the old value stored in PMT. The other 2 alternatives will alert you with an error message:
Option 1: Enter all values, press MORE, PMT, *THEN* ADS:
Option 2: Enter all values, press MORE, ADS, RCL PMT:
Option 3: Enter all values, press MORE, PMT, RCL ADS:
Hope this helps,