The Museum of HP Calculators
HP Forum Archive 16
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This is an archive of the HP forum, which is for discussion of HP calculators including usage, repairs,
sources of replacement parts, general information etc.
Message Index
All Messages
(Compressed "Threads Only" Listing)
- 32sii sleepy keys, Bruce Bergman 0 responses
- protecting oneself from paypal, db (Martinez, California) 1 response
- 48sx screen problem, db (Martinez, California) 1 response
- Porting 49G Programs to 49G+/50G, Les Wright 6 responses
- HP Calculator Packaging, Ruben 3 responses
- Anyone know of calorie counting/diet software for HP48G ?, reuben 0 responses
- 42s programming, tech alum 2 responses
- [O.T.] Casio IF-8000, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 0 responses
- *easy* stack commands to get battery level?, J.C. Boco 3 responses
- Modifying character set........and later it defaults. :-(, J.C. Boco 8 responses
- funny math stuff, Don Shepherd 5 responses
- Polynomial Root Finding on the 12C, Les Wright 4 responses
- 82002A Question (nothing to do with that auction website), Mad Dog ebaycalcnut 8 responses
- 42S integration--what does the "uncertainty" quantity really mean?, Les Wright 5 responses
- HP-11C keyboard, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 3 responses
- HP 33s screen shot, Tadeyev 5 responses
- HP 82267B ??, gileno 0 responses
- hp41cv not working after extended storage, mitch brockett 2 responses
- Transparent back calculators, john garza (3665) 2 responses
- HP 17bii+ Solver as a programming language, Don Shepherd 10 responses
- Series 80 modul timing, foellmy 4 responses
- hp 15c bezel reflectiveness/ logo pic request, Robert Jenkins 8 responses
- LED alignment in Classics., Les Wright 4 responses
- Gene W check yer email [NT], Les Wright 2 responses
- Pink HP calculator on eBay, SteveH 5 responses
- A "Classic" Story of Redemption, Les Wright 0 responses
- HP 17bii+ solver equation question, Don Shepherd 5 responses
- HP41 "Tall keys" - why was there such a big fuss?, Gene 16 responses
- Anyone have an english Sharp PC-G830 manual?, Gene 1 response
- 9100A card reader service?, Eric Smith 3 responses
- HP 33s (Fixed decimal point size problem), Grant 3 responses
- Rare HP67 calculator with transparent back ?????, gileno 6 responses
- Is Astech case good for 17bii?, Ashley 2 responses
- 12c vs 17bii+ comparison?, Bruce Bergman 18 responses
- Anything special? (HP67), Tom (UK) 5 responses
- Where to find Humbrol #11 paint / HP 15c restoration ?'s, Robert Jenkins 24 responses
- HP3810A survey instrument , Todd Rockwell 2 responses
- Cleaning older models, Ruben 3 responses
- Spice soldered or no soldered by year?, Ruben 1 response
- Soviet Era Calculators , Sleazey 9 responses
- YOKOGAWA-HEWLETT PACKARD - YHP 25C !!!!, gileno 7 responses
- Calculator Benchmark, gileno 0 responses
- Valentine's Day Mini-Challenges !, Valentin Albillo 97 responses
- [OT] A video for HP nut?, Les Wright 3 responses
- Datafile article by VA, Giancarlo (Italy) 5 responses
- What can I cannibalize for a 48GX display?, Ron 2 responses
- Efficient coding practice for RPN programming, Les Wright 7 responses
- Step aside flat-panel TV. Make room for HP 12c. , MK 0 responses
- OT: Sharp PC-1403, gileno 5 responses
- 50g vs. TI 83?, Tadeyev 5 responses
- Just how many HP collectors are there?, Ron 27 responses
- Increase HP-67 LED brightness ?, JLS 0 responses
- HP-65 without yellow labels for shifted functions, Geir Isene 5 responses
- HP 33s revisited (LONG), Tadeyev 4 responses
- To be, or not to be, with a new HP33?, Grant 6 responses
- New Bench ? :-), gileno 7 responses
- HP 17BII -1E-1, cfh 12 responses
- Custom menus with submenus on HP-49g+?, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 5 responses
- Looking for a F2F, Les Wright 0 responses
- Looking for HiRes Photo of HP80, Les Wright 14 responses
- Hewlett Packard HP 19C !!!! High Price !!!, gileno 2 responses
- CHS and Stack Lift, Les Wright 23 responses
- Value of Forth Module for HP 71B, PeterP 7 responses
- programming the numeric solver, Benny 3 responses
- Exchanging CUSTOM and MODE keys on an HP-49g+, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 2 responses
- Spice battery contact board, Ruben 5 responses
- deep cycling NiCad N cells, db (Martinez, California) 8 responses
- 7470a Self Test procedure, William R. 1 response
- HP Xpander Batteries, Aristotle Spyropoulos 5 responses
- TDS COGO Problem, Farzin 6 responses
- Graphing Calc Plotting Speed Benchmarks, Warren Anderson 2 responses
- Casio FX-720P etc manuals somewhere?, gene 9 responses
- Transfer directories from 48GX to 50G, Nigel Ward 3 responses
- Replacement for HP41CX, Phil Green 20 responses
- Taking Inventory, Les Wright 2 responses
- Sharp EL-5520, Cody Peden 0 responses
- Texas Instruments "Xpander" discovered, Joerg Woerner 3 responses
- Voyager keys -- glossy vs matte, Euler 4 responses
- HP41 XFunctions module, Les Wright 2 responses
- hp50g Getting \->Qpi to work in a custom menu, Rich Messeder (US) 1 response
- What calculator should I get?, bhtooefr 19 responses
- New item found, Matthias Wehrli 3 responses
- Entering commands from the command line ..., Richard Payne 10 responses
- 100-99.99-0.01 in a spreadsheet, Karl Schneider 17 responses
- HP 48GX Ram card problem, Steve Leigh 11 responses
- HP-9845 used to produce footage for "Wargames" the movie, John 1 response
- Classic Cleaning Adventure--or, My Recent Folly, Les Wright 17 responses
- Dave -- Museum CDs being ripped off again..., Wayne Brown 3 responses
- Nice 65 for sale...., Les Wright 3 responses
- Suggestions for making an HP9810/9820 printer platten, Tony Duell 15 responses
- unique new calculator wristwatch..., Bill Wiese 7 responses
- Calculator Benchmark, Xerxes 60 responses
- Value of HP25?, John Polhemus 3 responses
- Differences - Lex 75C, gileno 0 responses
- HP Classic Battery Pack 82001, Don Shaffer 6 responses
- How would _you_ explain the marvels of HP calcs?, Giancarlo (Italy) 21 responses
- HP-25 Calculators, Jim 12 responses
- 33S key press problem, KC 10 responses
- 7 Out Of 10, dbatiz 18 responses
- Voyager marked Brazil, Pat 7 responses
- Speed Comparison., gileno 28 responses
- Errors in Calculators., Vincent Perricone 47 responses
- OT: Compucorp Question, Maximilian Hohmann 1 response
- Newbie 41C question., Paul Beijer 6 responses
- new HP calcs at CES..., Bill Wiese 5 responses
- magnets in 12c 25th anniversary edition case, Don Shepherd 12 responses
- Another cheap offer ( copyright violation?), opotente 8 responses
- Survey: Do you have HPMuseum Site as your Browser starting page?, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 27 responses
- HP 49 or 50 as PC keyboard?, Irwin 0 responses
- Re-attaching a Voyager logo, Ken Shaw 7 responses
- Where to get low priced HP 50g in Europe, cfh 5 responses
- Uploading the HP-28S ROM via Emu48 ?, Jean-Michel 6 responses
- HP 5036A Lab Microprocessor Computer Vintage !!!, gileno 3 responses
- Update on my 41CV not turns on, Dia C. Tran 0 responses
- hp48 and cogo cards, david 0 responses
- 41C - [User / PRGM] Key Cover, Ron 3 responses
- Interesting - Quick - eBay Auction, Tony 3 responses
- How to identify an HP-41C or CV?, Tom Salmon 4 responses
- EMU48 (HP 48GX) prevent auto-shutoff?, Gerard Pinzone 2 responses
- HP41C power problem, Steve Budd 6 responses
- 33S strange behavior.. , James L 10 responses
- HP49g+ inaccurate factoring, Don Shepherd 11 responses
- Commands LEX HP-75C Part - I, gileno 0 responses
- Speed Comparison, Xerxes 47 responses
- Any ideas on what to do with.., wancholo 9 responses
- Which HP Calculator(s) did Steve Wozniak work on?, Dave Jones 3 responses
- 19BII Program Question, Hans van der Drift 3 responses
- tif to GROB, Benny 6 responses
- HP 15C keyboard, Thor Lansen 9 responses
- HP41 card reader weirdness, Les Wright 6 responses
- Good News From TeS, Les Wright 1 response
- HP-41 Keyboard: Cracked Dome?, Tom Salmon 13 responses
- HP71B 82164A Help, Howard Owen 6 responses
- Update on the HP 97 sold for $3250 , gvnelson 20 responses
- HP-85 Playing the William Tell Overture, Vassilis Prevelakis 2 responses
- Welcome Back, MoHPC! (NT), Howard Owen 0 responses
- Root Finding and the 11C, Les Wright 11 responses
- HP-17BII Update Sheet to Manual, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 4 responses
- Help ! ! ! with Zengrange module , Michael Valenti 3 responses
- Looking for J-M Baillard, Les Wright 0 responses
- The Zen of HP Calculators, or Why Do We Do This?, Les Wright 41 responses
- 10C Series Original Prices, SteveH 3 responses
- My Resolution to the Barcode Replication Issue, Les Wright 3 responses
- Unusual praise for hp-calculators :-), Maximilian Hohmann 3 responses
- "Upgrade" HP Museum DVD and then resell the old version, Mike 17 responses
- RLM Calculator Simulators Updates, Namir 3 responses
- A practical application for cube root, Karl Schneider 22 responses
- Followup on the IR Module Issue, Les Wright 1 response
- HP 10C on ebay, Jan 8 responses
- HP-65 and the Paranormal, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 11 responses
- [O.T.] Tokatron calculators, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 5 responses
- HP-25C Forgets steps in memory, John Garza 0 responses
- Ebay rip-off, Anton 6 responses
- HP-71B OUT-register, Klaus 2 responses
- HP-49g+ vs HP-50g, jbssm 4 responses
- Amusing Listing on ebay, Charles 6 responses
- special sale from cob..., 40% off, hurry up !!, Pascal 6 responses
- Graphing Calculator Help: Two-variable Analysis, Amy J 7 responses
- HP integral, Sara Linn 4 responses
- Curious V41 Behaviour, Les Wright 9 responses
- Miss LOGO HP on my HP 16c, Jonathan 6 responses
- My 41CV won't turn on, Chan Tran 14 responses
- What's your favourite root finder?, Les Wright 6 responses
- I Love my 75C - Catalog+ 1.0, gileno 0 responses
- 3 hours to go - HP65 w/box $87, Gene 3 responses
- Hard to use Woodstock keyboard keys, Olivier TREGER 4 responses
- Storing HP Calcs Without Batteries, jacksonconsult 3 responses
- When all else fails ..., Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 6 responses
- Thanls for the repair services, Namir 1 response
- Re: HP 14B -- I'm not the seller, but looks great!, Les Wright 1 response
- HP-01 cutaway view :-(, gileno 1 response
- Two versions of Advantage Pac?, Karl Schneider 4 responses
- An eBay "superdeal"?, Karl Schneider 6 responses
- Where can I send a 32SII for servicing?, Silvio deMorais 3 responses
- A New HP 48GX Graphic for Emu48, James Redford 0 responses
- HP9800E update release 0.23, Achim (Germany) 2 responses
- hp psc2175, sandor galas 2 responses
- HP11C permanently ON, Walter B 3 responses
- HP 19B Business Consultant II Repair, Buck 9 responses
- HP-65 synthetic programming, Don Shepherd 6 responses
- HP49G Keyboard problem, Ricardo Roldan 0 responses
- [UPDATED] Got an original TI-30; Wikipedia article, Karl Schneider 24 responses
- TESTP returns BAD with 82242A IR Printer Module, Les Wright 30 responses
- hp-28s solutions manual #00028-90103, cindy 9 responses
- Care of Shrink-Wrapped Manuals, Les Wright 0 responses
- HOT HP45 sale at ... you know where, Alan Firth 4 responses
- Prof. Kahan Article Query, Warren Anderson 4 responses
- Ideas on fixing my 17BII that had one drink too many, John Hinz 6 responses
- Help...HP-35 Red Dot????, cipo 3 responses
- 82120A battery pack, Paul Beijer 4 responses
- 41CV memory, Paul Beijer 6 responses
- HP 48 SX unresponsive, Bob Purdie 3 responses
- Epson 4490 Scan to HP LaserJet 6P, John Anderson (USA) 1 response
- FAST ! HP75C, GE 12 responses
- HP 41C/CV/CX wand 82153A paper keyboard and scanning method, Allen 3 responses
- 9815A up for auction, Les Wright 3 responses
- Hp-25 needs service, Thomas Radtke 3 responses
- 82143A Battery, Christian Felsing 8 responses
- Re: HP-17BII - trig equations suggestions, Gerson W. Barbosa 2 responses
- 12CP shortcomings?, Jim Creybohm 5 responses
- design "your" HP calculator, Jan 73 responses
- 9114b Backup, gileno 6 responses
- HP67 Wear--the final verdict, Les Wright 7 responses
- Case yellowing - interesting read, Frank Boehm 1 response
- HELP - Stuck function indicators in 48GX., jbssm 2 responses
- Fast and Accurate Trigonometric Functions on the HP-17BII , Gerson W. Barbosa 2 responses
- [OT] Mathematics Calendar, John Smitherman 0 responses
- TI Nspire and Bad Math, Chuck 11 responses
- p->r, xeptoe 12 responses
- HP-85 Emulator change request, John 2 responses
- HP41 Wand Update, Les Wright 13 responses
- Questions about Pioneer series, Han 2 responses
- Automated Synchronization of HP 48GX/HP 50g Clock, John McCormick 1 response
- Question for Dave Hicks, Chad Wagner 2 responses
- Single variable stats, user guide unclear page 18-2, Ron Allen 3 responses
- Question for Dave Hicks, Mad Dog ebaycalcnut 27 responses
- Integration and derivation commands on HP-49g+, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 5 responses
- Casio sells its one billionth calculator, Egan Ford 5 responses
- Anyone heard anything new about the TI NSpire, Namir 8 responses
- How to check verion in HP-71B ?, jbssm 2 responses
- Regular HP12C and HP10C: [1/x] bug?, Vieira, L. C. (Brazil) 17 responses
- Death of a calculator! :-(, gileno 5 responses
- Calculator Love !!!! :-))))), gileno 8 responses
- HP65 Update, Les Wright 13 responses
- 48G+ Case Crunching, Warren Anderson 3 responses
- Manual for HP71B AC Circuit Analysis ROM , Prabhuraj Bhooplapur 2 responses
- Care and Feeding of New NiCads, Les Wright 8 responses
- CMT-110 manual, Matthias Wehrli 1 response
- OpenRPN?, the person formerly known as dot 8 responses
- 50G fonts, hugh steers 1 response
- HP-41C Podcast!, Katie Wasserman 9 responses
- an off-topic TI observation, M. Currie 5 responses
- HP97 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :-), gileno 46 responses
- menu customisation, Rick 1 response
- 48sx all indicators on., joan 12 responses
- CASCMD vs. HELP on 50G, Norris 0 responses
- Differences between Software Library Listings and MoHPC Scans, Les Wright 3 responses
- Hp 50G tear down videos, Will 3 responses
- hp 48 goodies discs, db (Martinez, California) 6 responses
- enter 100 on the 50g, hugh steers 4 responses
- Free42 Integration "Bug", Les Wright 6 responses
- HP9800E update release 0.22, Achim (Germany) 5 responses
- Calc fonts on Mac ?, Olivier TREGER 10 responses
- KC-135 modules for HP-41 , Miki Mihajlovic 5 responses
- HP41C, Paul Marin 1 response
- Reburbished HP-85s with QIC tape drives on eBay US, John 21 responses
- Powering the 82240B IR printer, Les Wright 16 responses
- Zero feedback eBay bidders, Altzone 2 responses
- How to use the "WAIT" command, Jean-Michel 10 responses
- HP-15C Manual Revisions, Warren Anderson 8 responses
- 48GX: ON stuck key, Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 3 responses
- HP-71B Power Supply Question, Maximilian Hohmann 2 responses
- HP-27S Disassembly, Bob Belanger 2 responses
- History behind importation of User Solutions to this site, Les Wright 3 responses
- What is an HP3390 ??, GE 3 responses
- Using Wand to scan Barcodes from PDF, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 10 responses
- Here we go again (Ebay), Dave Hicks 77 responses
- hp 50 g, Mike Rulle 3 responses
- Good Stuff., bill platt 2 responses
- HP Emulators, Jerry 0 responses
- Key Sounds in a 42, Ron 5 responses
- New and exciting version of the HP-11C, Ken Shaw 13 responses
- Kahan's "weird" integral revisited, Les Wright 1 response
- A Legitmate Contribution to the Forum, Les Wright 2 responses
- Someone can make a new black label for HP-67 ?, JLS 0 responses
- Re: Release of HP98xx Emulator, HrastProgrammer 0 responses
- HP Forum and excessive ebay-threads, Patrick R 12 responses
- Goodbye, Mad Dog ebaycalcnut 5 responses
- Updated Calculator Reference Page and HP Packaging , Allen 3 responses
- Nice, huh?, Steve (in europe) 19 responses
- reparation HP25 french, pou 4 responses
- Two things I don't get..., Kilroy 10 responses
- HP50g variables, Hal Bitton 8 responses
- HP 35 on/off switch, Rockie Nagel 1 response
- My Attitude of Gratitude...., Les Wright 7 responses
- HAPPY NEW YEAR!, Gerson W. Barbosa 12 responses
- HP40GS, David 6 responses
- Reading barcode in MoHPC DVD Scans, Les Wright 2 responses
- One of the good guys, Les Wright 2 responses
- HP67 acquisition - how does the wear look?, Les Wright 29 responses
- Reflections on 2006, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 7 responses
- HP-17BII - trig equations suggestions, Gerson W. Barbosa 10 responses
- Does this HP41CX look like it has a card reader attached? (now corrected with site), Jason 0 responses
- Noob question about the stickers on back of HP Classics:, Alan Firth 1 response
- 42S Crinkly Keys, Ron 0 responses
- Petroleum Fluids Pack, David 1 response
- Recovery disk, Nax 1 response
- Do you think a NASA sticker adds value, Mike 9 responses
- Get a life, Bern 13 responses
- Resetting an HP 41C, Mad Dog ebaycalcnut 2 responses
- HP 2225P with DB15 connector pinout needed, Wilhelm Loidl 5 responses
- HP33C - Dot/Comma link, Mike T. 3 responses
- Gotta love creative yet deceptive wording in some auctions , Mike 17 responses
- coburlin: What do you want to bet the printer doesn't work?, Mike 16 responses
- HP-41: Automatic copy of several programs from a module, Geir Isene 3 responses
- HP41 PPC ROM, Les Wright 14 responses
- HP 9830 font, Devon Sean McCullough 7 responses
- Interesting item on eBay (I AM NOT SELLER), Calcfan 7 responses
- Mathematical Tools Collection, Chuck 25 responses
- unusual HP 41CX - photos & questions, netphemera 3 responses
- HP41CV, Ron Terwijn 2 responses
- Merry Xmas to me!, Les Wright 2 responses
- Apology to Hudendai - (not as bad as coburlin), ebaycalcnut 5 responses
- Merry Christmas from Denmark, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 21 responses
- what's the deal with solar calculators?, megarat 4 responses
- Long Live the 33C!!!, Les Wright 14 responses
- HP9800 Emulator Release 0.21, Achim (Germany) 1 response
- What would YOU call this?, Chuck 4 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 28 responses
- still amnesic HP-25 : a last hope?, Jean-Charles Billaud 3 responses
- Buying Calc from UK to USA?, Paul 2 responses
- DIY HP-67 connector ?, JLS 0 responses
- Can anyone help me fix my HP 41CV?, Bob 1 response
- HP 48G calculator repair manual, Ching 2 responses
- New Datafile article online, Valentin Albillo 15 responses
- HP97 Low Power warning, Les Wright 13 responses
- HP Marketing and User Manuals, Grant Henson 14 responses
- xhpcalc, mahn 1 response
- Opening HP67: you suggest?, Olivier TREGER 7 responses
- IR Printer Compatibility, Les Wright 7 responses
- Yet another not quite pi puzzle, Gerson W. Barbosa 14 responses
- HP 48 Connectiion to a PC, Charles 2 responses
- HP-67 Gummy Roller Successfully Repaired, Grant Henson 6 responses
- NEED HP-32S DOCTOR, CaptainZener 16 responses
- Voyageur Rubber Feet, Les Wright 8 responses
- HP-49g+/HP-50g Protection, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 1 response
- Problem with 48G+, Naim 4 responses
- Warren..., Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 6 responses
- HP 22 Power issues, DanStein 2 responses
- Cobubba's Winners, Howard Owen 1 response
- HP-71 Software Application Module, Paolo 2 responses
- HP 41 C, fgaiazzi 4 responses
- charger compatibility, Bram 2 responses
- hp25C STOring numbers in REGister 0, Johannes Thordarson 1 response
- Sure, we're all safe using paypal, Gene 15 responses
- HP-48GX as a remote control, Jean-Michel LECOINTRE 6 responses
- NEW, never opened HP 65 for sale on ebay, Ron 10 responses
- HP 49G Display malfunction, Juan Viera (Uruguay) 2 responses
- HP-33S failures, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 2 responses
- Problems with my HP-49G, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 1 response
- HP 17B II display, Andras 0 responses
- Alpha Numeric Entry , Dean 3 responses
- HP48S doesn't awake, Walter B 4 responses
- Geometric mean and std. dev. on 12C or 12CP, MK 2 responses
- More eBay strangeness, Ken Shaw 10 responses
- 48G polynomial roots to stack, Hal Bitton 8 responses
- hp 50g, Daniel OB 1 response
- Building matrices using "Solve lin sys.." on the 50g., Ken Ratkevich 3 responses
- perfect bridge hands, Ron Allen 8 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 2 responses
- HP 48SX Quick Reference Guide, Charles 1 response
- last args 50g, Shu Y Pong 2 responses
- HP-50g storing equations, Matt Crlenjak 1 response
- Maximum current , JLS 4 responses
- Trying to find Integration Challenge, Les Wright 24 responses
- Graduating engineer - HP all the way through!, Eric Lundgren 16 responses
- HP-33S trigonometric inaccuracy -- new findings, Karl Schneider 17 responses
- Fast & Accurate Trigs (12CP) - Improved Version, Gerson W. Barbosa 2 responses
- Kwartetten, Bram 2 responses
- Battery Coupler, Dan Stein 0 responses
- bad HP41CX?, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 6 responses
- HP48GX Book: Jump Start or Easy Course??, Stinger 10 responses
- Selling calcs to non-US buyers; buying from outside the US, Han 22 responses
- HP 50g in Cleveland Area?, Jeff Smith 3 responses
- HP-49G and HP-49g+, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 16 responses
- Need HP 92 calculator, Marco Roth 2 responses
- Printer Paper for HP97, Les W 10 responses
- HP-12C 25th Anniversary, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 2 responses
- My First Pre-1980 HP has arrived!, Les Wright 13 responses
- hp 20s English Ver. Manual, joshua 9 responses
- HP 9830 maintenance, Petr Horský 28 responses
- PC-based supplement to the 50g?, Ken Ratkevich 20 responses
- HP15C Decimal looks like a comma, Dan 6 responses
- LCD Monitor for 82163A Video Interface:, gileno 3 responses
- Ebay: Want an HP97? Or portion of one?, gene 1 response
- Xpander, Warren Anderson 2 responses
- Oh poor 6Ss..., Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 2 responses
- NIB yet batteries are installed?, Han 13 responses
- Repair the hp 20s, joshua Lee 6 responses
- Overpriced 11C--mea maxima culpa!, Les Wright 6 responses
- Release of HP98xx Emulator, Achim (Germany) 13 responses
- Formatted this one... Scanning anyone? I have some goodies for you!, Gene 5 responses
- Scanning anyone? I've got some goodies for you!, gene 0 responses
- Observations: 2GB SD card with the 50g., Ken Ratkevich 4 responses
- HPs and rally driving, Les Wright 6 responses
- HP 21S (stat/math) Owners Manual, Chuck 2 responses
- PC editor for writing HP49g+ programs, Gour 2 responses
- HP-49g+ and SD card, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 2 responses
- HP-42S/HP-27S One Month Battery Lifetime?, jacksonconsult 10 responses
- Touched by the Mighty Cobubba...., Les Wright 6 responses
- What is wrong with this picture?, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 23 responses
- PC power > HP-calc power, yet... $PC = $HP48gx, ECL 7 responses
- Fast and Accurate Trigs (HP-12C Platinum) - Revised version., Gerson W. Barbosa 9 responses
- HP-49g+ and bad keys, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 2 responses
- Bad HP41 Time module, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 11 responses
- 42S in good shape in Canada--rats!!!, Les Wright 6 responses
- Annotated plot axes tick marks on the 50g?, Ken Ratkevich 0 responses
- Antikythera Mechanism-HP Role Redux, Trent Moseley 15 responses
- HP-34C Programming vs. HP-33C, Ed Look 14 responses
- The Museum of HP Calculators - Original DVD !!! - Sale, gileno 2 responses
- 48GX won't self test..., Ron 3 responses
- Some Hp-67/97 Programs, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 0 responses
- Geometric mean and HP calculators, MK 8 responses
- Interesting paper on calculator limitations..., David L. Jones 19 responses
- HP-49g+ CASCMD command, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 3 responses
- Dumbin' it down..., Anthony L. Mach 7 responses
- OT: Using "DISP" function on Commodore S-61 Statistician, GBarins 4 responses
- What should we get, Part 2, Rodger Rosenbaum 25 responses
- hp 86 and hp87 basic programming, oswaldo 9 responses
- Using complex numbers in EQW on the 50g?, Ken Ratkevich 1 response
- Museum DVD updated?, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 3 responses
- Other batteries for the HP-41?, Geir Isene 5 responses
- One of the best customer service according to JD Power ? Ya right..., Stephane 1 response
- HP-10B repairable?, Mike (Stgt) 3 responses
- Ebay madness $240+ for a 19bII?, gene 21 responses
- HP-65 helped founding Apple, Juergen (CH) 6 responses
- HP 50g Delayed Keystroke, Paul 3 responses
- Help ! Calculation with a constant on HP-48GX, J.M. Lecointre 3 responses
- Rip of CD1 calc CD selling on ebay???, Tom(UK) 44 responses
- Plotting multiple equations on the 50g?, Ken Ratkevich 6 responses
- What should you get?, Rodger Rosenbaum 22 responses
- hp 50g sort order in Filer, Rich Messeder (US) 10 responses
- HP10 (Classic) Paper ?, Olivier TREGER 4 responses
- Advantage Pac for HP 41, Patrick Jamet 5 responses
- Announcement of HP98xx emulator, Achim (Germany) 2 responses
- 50g Manual?, Ken Ratkevich 1 response
- OT- Maths, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 4 responses
- More Ebay craziness, Jim Creybohm 0 responses
- OT: Texas Computer, gileno 4 responses
- HP-49g+ Serial Number, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 6 responses
- HP Connection to Ancient Calculator, Les Bell 10 responses
- Spice Battery, Chapter 3, Dan Stein 3 responses
- Card reader repair in a HP-67, jbssm 4 responses
- Price !!!!, gileno 13 responses
- Keytime in the 50g, Shu Y Pong 2 responses
- HP33s - a true confession, Les Wright 62 responses
- hp50g - solve, iamnew 4 responses
- Most encountered problems on HP97 ?, Olivier TREGER 6 responses
- Simple questions for the 50g, Ken Ratkevich 5 responses
- Thanks, Glen Baker 1 response
- Please, someone phone up James Redin, Frank Boehm 0 responses
- 560 Digits of Pi with a HP-41C, J-F Garnier 1 response
- HP 41CX repair, christophe stubecki 12 responses
- Strange happenings with SUBST on 50g, Chuck 3 responses
- 42S Problem - Switches off straight away., David L. Jones 10 responses
- HP86B and disc drive, Bill Lafferty 3 responses
- O.T.: Twinkies, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 12 responses
- New MLDL2000 production run?, Meindert Kuipers 8 responses
- Lua for the 49g+/50g, hugh steers 4 responses
- Fraction writing in RPN, Shane Warner 6 responses
- HP-41C with gold bearings, Pat 10 responses
- Open Traverse Program (Bowditch), V Green 3 responses
- 50g matrix writer, Shu Pong 5 responses
- Using Conn4x with the 48GX, Bill (Dayton, OH) 2 responses
- 48GX; can this be fixed?, Rainer Wirtz 6 responses
- HP41 picture: the answer from HP, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 21 responses
- HP-41: Polling for interest in programs, Geir Isene 4 responses
- 41Notes Plus with alarms, gileno 0 responses
- Matrices on HP-15C, Patrick Jamet 17 responses
- HP-50g. Cant' create directory on SD-card?, Bent Rosnes 3 responses
- 17BII erases SOLVE menu everytime I change batteries, and itself sometimes., Mutlu 2 responses
-, PJ Brogger 1 response
- Spice Battery Chapter 2, Dan Stein 7 responses
- Math+ card for HP-48GX, jbssm 1 response
- MLDL 20000 - My configuration, gileno 0 responses
- Another Voyager Sighting, Hugh Evans 5 responses
- CMT 41 Simulator ROM, Katie Wasserman 0 responses
- H.P. 80,10-B, 14-B, 17-B, Glen Baker 4 responses
- NCEES calculator update -- 2007, Norris 19 responses
- Spice Battery, Dan Stein 1 response
- Value of shrinkwrapped items, GE 5 responses
- Another math challenge..., Olivier TREGER 2 responses
- Interesting FTC report concerning TI calculator patent enforcement, Eric Smith 2 responses
- Slightly OT, but I Think You'll Enjoy, Les Bell 2 responses
- Question about HP-11C screens, Dave Demers 2 responses
- Skwid, gileno 2 responses
- My collection, Olivier TREGER 23 responses
- HP 50g and roots, Chuck 3 responses
- 15C flashing display, Hal Bitton 1 response
- Always in my pocket, Giancarlo (Italy) 31 responses
- HEPAX with MLDL2000 testing, Meindert Kuipers 2 responses
- HP-97, Bram 2 responses
- A word of precaution on private bidding, Han 12 responses
- The odd serial numbers on an HP48GX, Han 0 responses
- Collecting: An extreme example from "philately", Karl Schneider 6 responses
- Howard Owen ... Thank you very much !!!!, gileno 1 response
- hp 50g string to list conversion, Rich Messeder (US) 2 responses
- Hp recluting engineering, pacoj 4 responses
- New HP50g Calculator - Outside and inside, gileno 0 responses
- Success with MLDL2000 + HEPAX + HP-IL, Howard Owen 1 response
- HP 41 in the site of HP !!!!, gileno 27 responses
- Fwd: RS232 Homebrew for interface from RS232 to Ham Radio, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- HP 39g+ Connect to Mac OS X?, Bruce Baier 0 responses
- HP6S, Thomas Cox 2 responses
- I wish these were available to the HP user community...old programs..., Gene 32 responses
- Repairing a 67 charger ?, Olivier TREGER 10 responses
- HP-01 with untypical serial, Matthias Wehrli 9 responses
- 50g system software, Ron 4 responses
- Victim of Scam - dont make the same mistake, Phil Nolan 2 responses
- MLDL 2000 And Modules, gileno 1 response
- 48GX Repair Question, Ron 3 responses
- Problem with alarms (HP 41CX), Patrick Jamet 4 responses
- Another interesting "coburlin" auction, Mike 17 responses
- Fragmenting in Hepax/NoVram?, Geir Isene 2 responses
- Question on HEPAX RAM persistency in NoV-32, Geir Isene 1 response
- Photos of 39GS, Mike (Stgt) 0 responses
- MLDL 2000 and HEPAX, Howard Owen 17 responses
- HP-41C Commands to RPL, Gerry Schultz (Los Angeles) 4 responses
- 42S: use of VARMENU ?, Curtis Cameron 5 responses
- 41CV, Pat 7 responses
- Another not quite PI puzzle, Paul Dale 14 responses
- UPLE Coupons, Vassilis Prevelakis 0 responses
- Getting input on 28S, Bill (Dayton, OH) 3 responses
- Optimization and Error !!! , gileno 1 response
- How to learn RPL programming, Hal Bitton 4 responses
- What's wrong with my HP25?, Karen 2 responses
- How to Remove Spice Battery Pack, Spice Fan 4 responses
- Burning Question of great importance: Variables before equations or not?, J.C. Boco 3 responses
- Calculator Tips & Routines, gileno 6 responses
- Recent 12c with no serial., Pal G. 4 responses
- Is there anything similar to PDL for the 50G?, Dia C. Tran 1 response
- It Can Be Done!, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 24 responses
- HP-49g+ and HP-50g, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 8 responses
- 49g file header, gc 2 responses
- A little off topic. Where to buy a 50G?, Harald 12 responses
- Those solid block characters in the characters menu., J.C. Boco 4 responses
- What is HP41 Tall Key?, insect 7 responses
- HP-71B problem has me stumped, Mike 12 responses
- Spice charger, Charles Oxford 0 responses
- Sparcom card, Charles Oxford 2 responses
- HP11c showing all eights, won't shut off...., RP 3 responses
- Rubber Feet for 11C, Joe Lorincz (Australia) 7 responses
- OT - recharging NiCad in a Commodore SR4190, GE 12 responses
- bonds, don 2 responses
- leakage/corrosion from lithium batteries?, megarat 0 responses
- Information request on ebayer carrymore, Patrick Jamet 9 responses
- HP-41 Related Repair Questions, Kevin Kitts 5 responses
- Yet another slice of pie, Katie Wasserman 8 responses
- How do i input this using RPN?, Cuppo 55 responses
- Writing directly from a program ti Hepax memory, Geir Isene 3 responses
- Hepax question, Geir Isene 1 response
- NoV-32, Geir Isene 1 response
- "Leibson on I/O" posted on, Vassilis Prevelakis 0 responses
- Greetings from the Allschwil Meeting 06, Matthias Wehrli 16 responses
- Math Challenge, Namir 21 responses
- HP-67 and HP-97 diagnositc programs (long), Klaus 4 responses
- Creating SysRPL library to exchange data between 39G/40G series and 49G series, Marcus von Cube, Germany 4 responses
- Can Debug4x be used for HP 39G/40G development ?, Marcus von Cube, Germany 2 responses
- 50 G compiled local variables, Ron Allen 1 response
- Recovery problem, Adil 0 responses
- HP-32SII SCHEMATIC / PROCESSOR DATASHEET, Eric Sherriff 6 responses
- HP -15C , shoot 2 responses
- mildly interesting at Amazon: HP49g+ $161. HP50g $136, J.C. Boco 2 responses
- Fair use with respect to ROM cards, Han 4 responses
- The Definitive User's Guide to the HP 48g/49g/50g Calculators, Gerry Schultz (Los Angeles) 0 responses
- Voyager Series Presentation Box , Dave(California) 1 response
- Hp-41 : Looking for the Profiset OS documentation, Etienne Victoria 4 responses
- Prime Numbers, Gerry Schultz (Los Angeles) 25 responses
- Solvers in 27S and 42S, Anders 7 responses
- HP15C, or is it an HP11C?, Gerald Waters 1 response
- Charger for Battery Pack (HP-41C), Timothy Rudd 1 response
- Emu42 emulator update, Christoph Giesselink 1 response
- hp 67, Edward Charron 0 responses
- HP-71B Debugger LEX Files,, John Pierce 0 responses
- Sticky on button HP32SII, Leo 1 response
- Hudendai - breaks eBay rules!, shocker 29 responses
- HP-42s question about "Invalid Data", Ross Raymond 4 responses
- O.T. for American and English people, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 17 responses
- New four-fours problem: pi!, Gerson W. Barbosa 8 responses
- Strange HP-67 repair ... Help Please, jbssm 6 responses
- 16C Question, Katie Wasserman 11 responses
- old HP ad in 1974 Scientific American, Don Shepherd 20 responses
- Carly Fiorina Interview, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 3 responses
- How to open a HP-41 wand?, Matthias Wehrli 3 responses
- diagnostic program for hp67/97, mog24 9 responses
- Serial Number Question - HP 12C, Insect 1 response
- the 34c and battery packs, megarat 3 responses
- Some help on schema for electronic equipments, Artur - Brasil 0 responses
- New facilities for getting BarCodes for HP 41, Artur - Brasil 2 responses
- Face panel on 12C, Joe Lorincz (Australia) 5 responses
- Late Model hp 33s Availability, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- Re Bring back the HP15C !, Valentin Albillo 10 responses
- Working HP65 for $475, Les Wright 6 responses
- NoV-32 issue, Geir Isene 12 responses
- Free42/Mod Conversion/HP-41 Pacs, Kevin Kitts 1 response
- Aurora FN1000, don 5 responses
- Interesting auction again ..., Michael Eckstein 1 response
- Graphing troubles hp50g, Mark 0 responses
- HP 17BII+ Solver IF(S( ).. Limitation?, tony(nz) 2 responses
- 48G Quadratic Solver, Craig 1 response
- 82059D power supplies, Arnaud Amiel 0 responses
- hp40g, manhattan 14 responses
- "C" in display--why?, layne howard 4 responses
- HP emulators for Symbian OS, Chris Dean 2 responses
- HP 12C - When did quality go downhill?, Insect 15 responses
- dv5278 processor, Kingleo1 1 response
- HP-41c Enter Button, Timothy Rudd 4 responses
- This has to be a record., John Cadick 4 responses
- MLDL2000 update, Meindert Kuipers 6 responses
- HP Meeting in Switzerland on the 28th, Matthias Wehrli 2 responses
- 71b self test, lloyd konneker 2 responses
- An Updated Version of the 15c Would Make Money, Happy HP User 42 responses
- OT: SHARP PC1600... Help :-(, gileno 11 responses
- HP 41 Advantage Module - Keyboard Overlay?, insect 1 response
- Calculator Manufacturing Locations, Steven Kutoroff 7 responses
- Hudendai, ebaycalcnut 14 responses
- Computing PI -- a simple programming problem, Katie Wasserman 41 responses
- FIX key on HP-12C, karl gruber 10 responses
- HP Portable plus, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 6 responses
- HP 82161A Battery Pack, Terry Burne 2 responses
- HP 32sii, Nick Markov 7 responses
- hp 48 zippered cases, Charlie O. 3 responses
- Got my 50g stuck..., Bruce Bergman 8 responses
- Usability of HP 17B II/19B II vs 12C - tips?, insect 6 responses
- eBay nuttiness, Daniel Baum 3 responses
- How can I set checkboxes before a dialog comes up?, Bruce Bergman 1 response
- How to simplify SUM(k=0,inf,x^k/k!) ?, Marcus von Cube, Germany 1 response
- Open up a HP42s?, Sven Olofsson 2 responses
- Interesting auction, Michael Eckstein 11 responses
- HP50g Graph of 3rd root of x^2, dbatiz 5 responses
- HP 48G coordinate join program, Dan 9 responses
- Defective new hp 12cp 25th aniversary, Paul Estepan 2 responses
- Allschwil Meeting 06, Matthias Wehrli 0 responses
- Call Center moving, Dean 34 responses
- Mathematica challenge, Don Shepherd 27 responses
- Large HP-12 Display Digits in Ebay Photo, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 15 responses
- programing issues.... (33s), Jack 5 responses
- HP49g+ $160 HP50g $132, J.C. Boco 1 response
- 41CX alarm functions, Hal Bitton 4 responses
- 48 series real time clock, unspellable 1 response
- Eighth Order Linear Equation Solver for the hp 33s, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- HP8s learning modules now online..., Gene 16 responses
- An (HP-15C, HP-...) mini-quiz, Valentin Albillo 15 responses
- HP41 Translator Pac for the 71, GE 6 responses
- Indonesian HP 42s, e.young 2 responses
- [Off Topic] DEC Rainbow Problem, Mike T. 2 responses
- 19b II Housing Change Possible ?, Daniel Alvarez 5 responses
- Broken chip, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 3 responses
- HP-41/Clonix/NoVRAM, Kevin Kitts 8 responses
- Half-Dead HP-25, help needed., jbssm 4 responses
- HP 39G connectivity cable, Marcus von Cube, Germany 5 responses
- HP33C repairs, Marco 8 responses
- HP48G ROM K (What exactly was wrong with the port handling?), Han 0 responses
- NCEES calculator update, Norris 4 responses
- Casio calculator trade-in, Bruce Bergman 2 responses
- HP 41 advantage module, Jan 10 responses
- Looks like I might be headed to France again, Mike 0 responses
- HP-19BII Register Arithmetic, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 0 responses
- What do you think of the nerve of this ebay bidder, from Brazil?, Mike 30 responses
- HP 12CP from HHC2006 attracts new RPN user, Matt Kernal (US) 1 response
- unexpected annunciator, Bram 0 responses
- "Bargain" HP-34C in Brazil :-), Gerson W. Barbosa 2 responses
- Factorials on the Free42, Timespace 8 responses
- HP 12C programming, Adele Berger 1 response
- Thanks MoHPC!, Ren Tescher 0 responses
- Hp 41 C, Tom 1 response
- HP 9100A on ebay missing a power lead? , paul 4 responses
- 15c LCD replacement, Mario 3 responses
- RPN could save college students!, Han 9 responses
- This is why people (more precisely, why I) snipe on eBay..., Han 11 responses
- Is this rare?, Daniel Lauzon 6 responses
- Recursion in RPL using local variables, Tom Barber 12 responses
- HP-15C Mini-challenge, Valentin Albillo 32 responses
- Ideas for new HP Business Calculators, Peter A. Gebhardt 2 responses
- HP 8S, Eric Smith 2 responses
- HP in the news, Iqbal 0 responses
- Calculator for real estate license exam, Dia C. Tran 4 responses
- HP71B Basic, Tomas Larsson 24 responses
- HP28S production years?, Yuhi 8 responses
- Disassemble a 48S, How do I do? +Other Q's, Tomas Larsson 6 responses
- Where's the Beef!, Timespace 44 responses
- Can anyone ID these HP non-calculator parts?, barry 5 responses
- HP 67 Scrap parts, Victor J Silva 7 responses
- Series 80 - PRM-85 update, John 0 responses
- Display on 32SII gone mad..., Dag 3 responses
- Residual plots on the 50G/49G+, Nick 0 responses
- How to solve on an hp 50G, Mark 3 responses
- Does anyone have an answer to this challenge?, bill platt 6 responses
- HP machines easter eggs, Easter egger 5 responses
- HP 95LX adapter voltage, Marcus von Cube, Germany 6 responses
- Free42s skins not appearing on Palm Treo 650...ideas?, Gene 7 responses
- HCC 2006 Report?, Meindert Kuipers 61 responses
- Schottky diode in 48g, caribet 0 responses
- HHC 2006 Was Great!, Howard Owen 0 responses
- Quiz-What was the 1st desktop calc with Transcendental functions??, Zeno 12 responses
- 42.4242424242, Gerson W. Barbosa 9 responses
- 48G fraction capability...WOW!!, Hal Bitton 13 responses
- MLDL 2000 Help :-), gileno 2 responses
- 10BII & 17BII+ End of Life soon?, Peter A. Gebhardt 5 responses
- HP17BII+ - L() & G() Revisited, Peter A. Gebhardt 1 response
- L() and G() Manual, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 1 response
- Sixth Order Linear Equation Solver for the hp 33s, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 4 responses
- Speed comparison HP200LX vs. HP17BII+ ???, Peter A. Gebhardt 6 responses
- 48G Infinite Numerical Precision for Integers?, Hal Bitton 4 responses
- Mysterious cross words on HP-48GX, J.M.Lecointre 8 responses
- HP-49g+ ROM update issues, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 6 responses
- Changed Batteries: Now the display looks weird, mel 2 responses
- FYI: Update to my SOLVE/INTEG article (#556), Karl Schneider 3 responses
- Ebay Auction # 300028008900, John Cadick 4 responses
- 48g upgrade...4mb chip instead of a 512k...Work?, caribet 2 responses
- Clonix41, Kevin Kitts 3 responses
- 48g upgrade to 768k but only getting 640k?, caribet 4 responses
- 48g ROM version - Updateable???, caribet 11 responses
- Were any HP32SII's ever made in USA?, jason 6 responses
- hp-48 AURM editions?, Bruce Bergman 1 response
- Short & Sweet Math Challenge #17: The Feast !, Valentin Albillo 32 responses
- HP-39gs and HP-50g, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 0 responses
- Programming Help, Elfo 3 responses
- HP41cv Display, Gordon Locke 2 responses
- Interesting ... ;-), Valentin Albillo 8 responses
- It's soon X-Mas: Free the modules, Geir Isene 26 responses
- Problem, Broidenombres 0 responses
- TI USA Warming up for new TI NSpire Calculator, Namir 4 responses
- 48G vs 48GX Black LCD vs 50G display, Hal Bitton 8 responses
- Controlling emulator w/ actual HP49G?, Jack Forsythe 1 response
- mea culpa, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 1 response
- Simple Entry Question, David Toepfer 4 responses
- Mechanical Engineering Packs for the HP 50G, Jeff Wolfe 3 responses
- Purchasing HP Calculators on EBay, Jeff Wolfe 29 responses
- Excerpts from my book, Tom Barber 5 responses
- 82240a printer, Dan Taylor 1 response
- New edition of HP Calculator Guide in the works!, Guy Ball 1 response
- Woodstock - Battery Charging Indecation, Mike T. 4 responses
- Accidentally purged contents of CASDIR; how can I recover this?, David 2 responses
- SOLVIT or similar program for the HP-41?, Geir Isene 6 responses
- OT ti 59 card reader question, db (martinez, ca.) 7 responses
- pioneer keys, e.young 4 responses
- Rebuilding a 21/25/25C battery pack, Bruce Bergman 1 response
- rar files, david bowers 3 responses
- Even more EduCALC catalogs, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 4 responses
- My favorite short RPL program, Tom Barber 6 responses
- How do I get started with System RPL?, David 3 responses
- Wanted for 41: Solvit, Astro ROM, Forecast, OS-41, Geir Isene 2 responses
- 50g Connect Kit won't work on Win2k box, David 3 responses
- What "type" of contacts are on 71B Modules?, Mike 2 responses
- HHC2006 only a week away in San Jose!, Gene Wright 1 response
- Value of HP "collectibles" heading south?, Katie Wasserman 28 responses
- Square or Round decimal point on the 50g, Timespace 4 responses
- HP-15C speed up, Gerson W. Barbosa 5 responses
- Looking for Mr. David Smith. Was: Expiring EPROM's inHP's?, Wolfgang Miller 3 responses
- HP-41 Advantage Pac AIP function, anyone?, Arne Helme 5 responses
- I miss my pi button!!, Ken Ratkevich 17 responses
- New NCEES testing calculator policy?, John McCormick 5 responses
- Blue HP32SII ?, Han 0 responses
- HP-50G impressions, Daniel Diggelmann 7 responses
- HP 28C graphing bug, Osvaldo Rodriguez 8 responses
- Need references for MiniMax fitting, Namir 2 responses
- HP-12C, Comma in wrong position in dispaly, Adam 7 responses
- OpenRPN *fix core release 0.2, Alain 0 responses
- old hp 32s repair, rasmus 2 responses
- How to transfer HP48GX programs to HP50G, Prabhu Bhooplapur 4 responses
- More EduCALC Catalogs, Katie Wasserman 1 response
- I can not activate the Line Editor in the help screens on 49G+ or 50G, Zeno 4 responses
- reassembling an HP49g, Chris 1 response
- CAS commands don't work, Laurynas 4 responses
- 38C Battery Question, marc Kremers 6 responses
- Statistics, Jac 1 response
- HP-71 case foam?, M G Berberich 2 responses
- hp39gs vs hp39g+, Mike (Stgt) 4 responses
- 48G register arithmatic, Hal 6 responses
- How does one exactly movie a library with File Manager on 49G+???, Zeno 1 response
- Duration Formula / HP 49g+, Thomas 3 responses
- 48G compiled local variable problem, Hal 3 responses
- meeting, Bram 4 responses
- HP 48SX EQ.Library, Ernie H. 1 response
- HP-71B keyboard repair, Klaus 7 responses
- Super accurate Free42, Tommi 2 responses
- Emu48 1.42 and WINE - It Works!, Howard Owen 0 responses
- SMARTROM Card for HP 48, Eric 1 response
- PC to HP42S, AJulio 1 response
- Overflow challenge, Paul Dale 64 responses
- Looking for a 34C, Kiyoshi Akima 1 response
- Powers and roots of phasors on hp 33s ???, Ken Ratkevich 40 responses
- different Woodstocks, Bram 8 responses
- TI84 plus really that clumsy??, Hal 13 responses
- hp xpander, drew baker 1 response
- HP Trivia, Trent Moseley 3 responses
- How to import a matrix from a PC into the HP48?, Dia C. Tran 5 responses
- Getting started on the HP48G, Hal 5 responses
- HP-41 Synth. Progr. Question, Olaf 2 responses
- HP-41 - Byte Grabber / Key assign ??, Olaf 8 responses
- HP calculators power consumption, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 1 response
- HP 42S, e.young 19 responses
- Voyager Cases, Egan Ford 3 responses
- HP41CX emulator and development environment, jyl 7 responses
- HP 50g and SD Memory, Gerry Schultz 16 responses
- Link for Feedback to HP, Steve S 0 responses
- Voyager series, early production numbered 12C, Arne Helme 1 response
- replacement for HP48S, Tom Isenbarger 4 responses
- 12C Platinum Anniversary Edition Questions, Jeff 1 response
- Intro + Graphing Calculator with CAS --- Questions, Hannah Zix 28 responses
- Olympic sales catalog in PDF anyone?, Gene Wright 0 responses
- Circuit Analysis Pac for the HP 71B , Dhondt Robert 0 responses
- When will the revamped 33S be released?, Timespace 18 responses
- Cheap RPN calculator, Will 19 responses
- Memory Teaser, Mike T. 31 responses
- OT Anyone use MathUPro on their Palm Pilot, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- HP-50/49/48G II Differences, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- Introduction + OT TI question, Daniel Baum 1 response
- Moving programs between HP-41's, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 14 responses
- Can 50G do fractions?, Hal 3 responses
- Basic RPN Calculator Market Size, Timespace 5 responses
- HP34C Keyboard Problem, Mike T. 3 responses
- (OT) HP Owner's Handbook Cover Art, Trent Moseley 1 response
- Problem with HP48GX, William 1 response
- HP 15C lost! Can you help me find one?, Mark Paris 12 responses
- Canon Palmtronic LE-84, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 8 responses
- HP19B II / hidden memory, Derivatix 2 responses
- Minor Calcuator Repair/HP 41CV/HP 12C, Kevin 4 responses
- Good alternate cases for the 50g?, Bruce Bergman 14 responses
- My 45 is keyboard/display is separated from the upper bezel, Gordo 0 responses
- 9114B - Help :-(, gileno 4 responses
- need help clearing display, David Price 3 responses
- Problems relearning 48sx, Troy 5 responses
- HP 41CV/Programming, Kevin 5 responses
- HP-15C Mini-Challenge: Impossibly Short !?, Valentin Albillo 33 responses
- Problem: amnesic HP-25, J-C Billaud 11 responses
- HP 50G keyboard review, Gordo 7 responses
- Battery drain on a 32SII, Chris 4 responses
- HP 17bii+: Financial Management Rate of Return (FMRR) Question, e 7 responses
- This collector needs lots of space, Klaus 11 responses
- HP-41C/LCD Crack, Kevin 8 responses
- HP-11C question, John M 1 response
- A(nother) Little Gem, Mike T. 4 responses
- Recommendation for Repair of HP-11c?, Steve Seto 4 responses
- Privileg SR54 NC RPN calculator on eBay, Marcus von Cube, Germany 8 responses
- HP-41 card reader repair, Daniel Diggelmann 2 responses
- HP 33s loose key, e.young 8 responses
- HP 12C Models, Kevin 6 responses
- Anyone have the PINOUT of the Front Ports on the 71B?, Mike 3 responses
- OT: TI-95, gileno 0 responses
- HP 50g First Impressions (from me), Eddie Shore 0 responses
- Free42 for Windows on machines with lots of RAM, Les Wright 3 responses
- Ti 59 unused by Ti engineer, Hal 11 responses
- hp48 gx running slow, david bowers 2 responses
- 42S soft cases, Egan Ford 1 response
- HP-27S Technical Applications, LG 10 responses
- HP 19B II - unique alpha key manufacturing error, Desmond Tang 6 responses
- Display of HP 41CV is weak, Bernd 5 responses
- Hp 49g+ Libs 226 & 227, G.Cook 2 responses
- Pioneer internals, Speck 6 responses
- HP-28S error, aton 2 responses
- HP 42S manual + programming guide, Rob S, 13 responses
- ZenNavPac?, james summers 0 responses
- Layouts again (a bit long - special regards to KS), Walter B 27 responses
- Elek-tek Catalog, Katie Wasserman 16 responses
- HP42S program (Survey-Quik Calc 42), K Kelley 2 responses
- Recharging batteries in a HP75 Pod, GE 3 responses
- What is the number of the HP-97 battery charger?, Matti Övermark 2 responses
- Re: O.T.: HP 9000, HP 9133 programs, Peter Walker 0 responses
- 50g vs 48GX for Lin Alg and Prob/Stat, John McCormick 3 responses
- hp-45, CT 4 responses
- HP-67 Battery Pack, Trent Moseley 11 responses
- Anyone found any interesting 50g SYSEVALS?, Bruce Bergman 4 responses
- HP 49g+ programming question, Anders 4 responses
- Re: GREETINGS, John Smitherman 0 responses
- serial number, don 3 responses
- HP-41C battery shield, Klaus 2 responses
- HP 15C : I think we have a world record here !, Pascal 5 responses
- HP 35 Red Dots List, Michael Eckstein 1 response
- converting ee-pro card to HP49G+, Benny 0 responses
- HP-41, Kevin 2 responses
- hp 50g rom?, Paul 10 responses
- Anniversary 12CP - Ugh!, One of those MBAs you all love! 3 responses
- Free42 + palm + rom2row, Ricardo Guerreiro (Argentina) 1 response
- batteries, Roger Walworth 1 response
- Problem with HP-19C Printer, jbssm 10 responses
- 12C confusion, Egan Ford 4 responses
- HP-41 display problem, Paul S. Natanson 2 responses
- HP 50g?, e.young 13 responses
- What is the 8s calculator, Bruce Bergman 4 responses
- HP 50g: I'm Pleased With Mine, Happy HP User 2 responses
- HP-50g flawed?, Micheal Tsu 59 responses
- HP 48SX, Chris 1 response
- Win a Free Ruggedized HP50G data collector, Tim Wessman 0 responses
- HP 35 Calculator at one time used by NASA personal, gileno 4 responses
- HP replaced 2 dead 49G+ with 2 beautiful 50G, Iqbal 0 responses
- HP16C: Retrieving WSIZE (and a note about CCD ROM), Vieira, L. C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- [OT] I thought the OpenRPN site was supposed to be fixed?, . 10 responses
- HP-41 IR module as remote control?, Geir Isene 3 responses
- Is RPN a pattern of HP?, Timespace 20 responses
- HP-12C Platinum Trigs Program, Gerson W. Barbosa 14 responses
- How do I backup my 42S?, Egan Ford 10 responses
- hp 10bII and 17BII+, mark taylor 1 response
- Are there any "great" calculators being made NOW?, Mike 41 responses
- HP-71B Debugger LEX Files, Mike 0 responses
- HP-65 brochures and Keynotes, t.knight 8 responses
- 50g "RS232" port, James M. Prange (Michigan) 6 responses
- HP USA Web site Announces HP50G, Namir 11 responses
- Equation Libraries, Howie 4 responses
- Anyone interested in HP-15C memory upgrade?, Eric Smith 15 responses
- HP 15C new for $100 !???, Chris Woodhouse 16 responses
- HP-50g on ebay, Geir Isene 2 responses
- HP 48SX, how to open, Georg Lahm 3 responses
- HP 01 Ebay, gileno 0 responses
- Got my HP 50G, Naim 8 responses
- The risks of retro computing, Bruce Horrocks 26 responses
- Integer division on HP 33S, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 22 responses
- HP's Handling of Complex Numbers, Trent Moseley 2 responses
- Zenwand Manual, Prabhu Bhooplapur 0 responses
- HP 100 Ebay !!!!, gileno 0 responses
- HP 19BII/RPN Keystrokes, Steve Donell 1 response
- To Mr. Eric Smith - about HP 9872A plotter, Artur-Brazil 1 response
- What is this template for?, Matthias Wehrli 1 response
- Permutation, Combination and Factoral for the 29C, Hal 2 responses
- HP 3468B , maxpower 12 responses
- HP-95LX Manuals in PDF, Bill - Smithville, NJ 2 responses
- NoV32-related: any news about Diego Díaz?(edited), Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- Saving contents of "extended memory", John Crane (SoCal) 2 responses
- HP41 - check routine Is there any method?, Horacio Etchichury 2 responses
- The HP Way: How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our Company (O/T), james summers 2 responses
- HP-01 Service manual?, Geir Isene 2 responses
- Who Says .., Howard Owen 6 responses
- Interesting Article on Early HP, Les Bell 0 responses
- 12C Platinum Version Question, Jeff 1 response
- Any way to disable ON+CLX on the 41?, Geir Isene 1 response
- Two additional articles online: Minimax & Sudoku, Valentin Albillo 4 responses
- CAS for the HP 48GX, Dia C. Tran 5 responses
- HP15Cs on the auction block, Les Wright 9 responses
- Cinematic Allusions to the HP41, Les Wright 0 responses
- HP unit conversion vs. Google's ! :-), Valentin Albillo 4 responses
- HP 50g First Impressions and photos, Mike Mander 22 responses
- RPN Stack Sort Problem, Katie Wasserman 15 responses
- HP 49g+ / Probability UTPN, Thomas 5 responses
- USB for HP41C - is it time?, mark murphy 10 responses
- About HP-33S integration, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 33 responses
- 86161 Help :-(, gileno 1 response
- HP75C, Prabhu Bhooplapur 1 response
- hp-29c simulator (ok... , almost), Ricardo Guerreiro (Argentina) 6 responses
- A 12CP bug?, Gerson W. Barbosa 14 responses
- Looking for 42s vs 32sii functional comparison., Egan Ford 4 responses
- HP48 overlay, Iñigo Rodriguez 2 responses
- Even Faster and More Accurate Trigonometric Functions on the HP-12C Platinum (Long), Gerson W. Barbosa 8 responses
- Documentation for old HP Calculator Programs, RAW Bits 0 responses
- HP11c bad key?, Marta 0 responses
- Anybody actually bought an HP50G, Naim 8 responses
- HP-97 HELP, me-so-sexy 5 responses
- How do I disassemble HP15C?, Egan Ford 4 responses
- Those lucky Brazilians!, Scuba Diver 6 responses
- 49 g+ won't turn on, martin plass 4 responses
- Anybody needs a 20S?, Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 14 responses
- HP-41C* Halfnut vs Fullnut, Todd Popovich 13 responses
- HP48SX case removal, Ryan 1 response
- hp 32s repair - dead right column of keys, mark rumreich 1 response
- Am I the only one who thinks the HP50g looks ugly?, . 33 responses
- How to store notes on the 49G+ Calc, josephhoang86 0 responses
- New Financial Calculators too?, Peter A. Gebhardt 0 responses
- hp50g, LUIS 20 responses
- HP50G pictures, Paul Guertin 2 responses
- Random simulation (and stimulation?), Kiyoshi Akima 7 responses
- HP-01 The Hewlett-Packard Calculator Watch , Sebastian Badenberg 14 responses
- HP75C service manual or some help to repair, Prabhu Bhooplapur 0 responses
- Ti-89 vs. Hp49G+, Will 0 responses
- HP-GX48 New Model !!! WoW !!!, gileno 1 response
- Internal Precision of HP41 Series, Leslie Wright 1 response
- Hmm... $9.95 for calc, $625 for shipping? :-), Gene Wright 6 responses
- Spice Battery Substitutes, John Bobinyec 2 responses
- HP 9825A Tape driv, Eugene Royer (USA) 8 responses
- HP41C Card Reader Problem, Andreas Callsen 3 responses
- OpenRPN *fix core release 0.1, Alain 5 responses
- HP33s and HP32sII programmation difference, David Boileau 7 responses
- HP 50G WHEN !, Louis 12 responses
- Compute some Eigenvalues first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you all day., Eric Smith 18 responses
- HP 49g+ help, John Bower 3 responses
- HP-11C HELP!!! with Decimal Pts & 1000's Separators, Randy VanValkenburg 2 responses
- HP41CX Clock Anomaly, Jason 1 response
- HP-41CX that gets hot, GuessWho 8 responses
- Value of HP collectibles, Giancarlo (Italy) 14 responses
- ZDNet visits the old HP headquaters, Bruce Horrocks 0 responses
- HP-21 & HP-25 Battery Pack, Jordi Tarda 6 responses
- The HP Way. , Ljad 2 responses
- HP-15C Mini-challenge: Speeding it up !, Valentin Albillo 80 responses
- Engineers without calculators form angry mob, Norris 1 response
- 48gx display problem, Nathan Loden 4 responses
- HP48GX Meta Kernel, Jeff 3 responses
- HP-71B (RPN), Found something interesting, Mike 9 responses
- HP 11C Cogo Program:, Robert Bruce 3 responses
- 12bii?, Katie Wasserman 2 responses
- HHC2006 Attendees?, Gene Wright 4 responses
- Screaming HP41CX , Charles 4 responses
- The story of HPL on the HP 9825, Steve Leibson 7 responses
- Carly and HP, Joe Edwards 1 response
- Dead Math+ Card - Please Help - Backup Needed, jbssm 5 responses
- Searching Scanned HP Manuals, Egan Ford 1 response
- Using 9114 with Series 80 - Possible?, Mike 14 responses
- hp 12C date of manufacture, don 2 responses
- HP-21S Impressions, Juan J 12 responses
- HP-10 Printing Calculator, JeffD 5 responses
- Gift for Gileno. Please :-), gileno 1 response
- Help! Repairing broken plastic casing, Osiris 2 responses
- MLDL2000 status, Meindert Kuipers 1 response
- HP 12c country of manuacture, Jack 12 responses
- Why 58 bids from a single bidder?, Han 5 responses
- Square Roots (OT), Walter B 1 response
- Program 1976, mountain 4 responses
- Old Keys, mountain 4 responses
- HP48GX compatibility, Iñigo Rodriguez 12 responses
- Allschwil Meeting News, Matthias Wehrli 3 responses
- HP-12C models, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 1 response
- Anyone had Jon repair a calc for them?, Gene Wright 4 responses
- Another article about the 12C, Frank Wales 5 responses
- HP-71B JPC ROM News, J-F Garnier 7 responses
- So your HP can INTEGRATE ..., Valentin Albillo 23 responses
- What to add ...?, Matthias Wehrli 2 responses
- Charger for Classic, Giancarlo (Italy) 5 responses
- Need help using solver on HP 19BII, Kim Ragone 8 responses
- HP 50g Release date?, Eddie Shore 26 responses
- 42s hard case, Rob 10 responses
- For the Sudoku crowd, Eric Smith 22 responses
- How to halt green corrosion on HP45 copper battery contacts in battery bay?, Jason 1 response
- HP-40G: Failed or not failed keyboard test., Peter 0 responses
- HP-40G: Failed keyboard test., Peter 0 responses
- Error in Excel Built-in Functions (perhaps OT), Les Wright 5 responses
- MoHPC Forum Discussions in the News, Les Wright 0 responses
- HP-12C Enhanced, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 20 responses
- Hooray to Valentin Albillo!, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 9 responses
- HP48GX and Meta Kernel, Jeff Duff 6 responses
- Spice keys, Luis 0 responses
- HP12, SETTING DECIMAL, RON 2 responses
- Glass for an HP-01 ??, cedric 0 responses
- Statistics for HP-49G+, R Wheeler 4 responses
- Collection Announcement, Walter B 5 responses
- HHC2006 Web Site, Namir 11 responses
- questions about calculator battery and memory, KC 3 responses
- More on approximating the cumulative normal distribution, Les Wright 7 responses
- setting decimal place on hp12c, RON 3 responses
- O.T.: HP 9000, HP 9133 programs, Ed Look 8 responses
- OT SHARP PC-1500A, Trent Moseley 7 responses
- HP-75D POD Diagnostic 5061-7248, John Pierce 0 responses
- opening an HP-71B, Hugo 5 responses
- [OT?] The strangeness of the programmable calculator market, Ivan Nejgebauer 1 response
- Marquadt-Levenberg method., Ron Allen 17 responses
- Emulating L() & G() (HP17/19 origin) on HP49G+, Peter A. Gebhardt 10 responses
- Verifying existence of a variable, James Jones 9 responses
- HP-IB Systems Training with the HP-85 as a controller, Vassilis Prevelakis 0 responses
- Bring Back the HP 15C, Chris Woodhouse 22 responses
- [OT] PC-1360 PC-1600, gileno 5 responses
- Inside Nathan Myhrvold's Mysterious New Idea Machine, Ron 0 responses
- 48sx me vs. machine, Charlie O. 3 responses
- Mini-Challenge: Twiddling the bits, Valentin Albillo 30 responses
- Survey: How do you keep your calculators?, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 18 responses
- HP 7470a manual in pdf, Nick Pashley 6 responses
- Yahoo Series 80 group, Everett Kaser 9 responses
- Emulate the Xpander, Mike (Stgt) 4 responses
- That's too bad..., Han 0 responses
- OpenRPN Servers Online, Hugh Evans 15 responses
- Replacing a dinosaur, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 10 responses
- Replacing a dinosaur, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- Replacing a dinosaur, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- hp 49g+, miliano 2 responses
- HHC2006 Question (to Gene?), Namir 6 responses
- polarization... or Take Me Out to the Ball Game, Richard Z 9 responses
- Rumors about 9G and 9S, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 1 response
- The 67 rides again, Hal 30 responses
- Opening HP-9825 ROM Cartridges, Vassilis Prevelakis 3 responses
- What could have caused this!?, Han 5 responses
- Internal Computation of Cumulative Distributions, Les Wright 15 responses
- HP49G Numeric Solver Soft Key Menu, Les Wright 1 response
- HP28S Battery Cover Preventative Maintenance?, Les Wright 3 responses
- Foreign calculator sales on eBay, eBayCalcFreak (USA) 22 responses
- Data Structure on a 12C/CP -- sorting, median, Katie Wasserman 2 responses
- Numerical integration on the 11C, Gerson W. Barbosa 25 responses
- Another bit of eBay madness, Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 2 responses
- Casio Serial Numbers and date of production, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 2 responses
- Printer always indicate ink error, Melcom 1 response
- Readable barcodes from scanned documents, Karl Schneider 4 responses
- Flow charts for RPL programming, Giancarlo (Italy) 8 responses
- Another query about storage of HP41 programs, Bill Lafferty 1 response
- Help: HP 22S doesn't turn on, Han 0 responses
- 7 ft. Slide Rule, Chan Tran 20 responses
- Spice construction, Hal 13 responses
- Celebrating EMU41 Update 2006, Christoph Klug 0 responses
- An interesting use of the 41, Jim Creybohm 2 responses
- HP-33s keystroke encoding and checksums [long], Ivan Nejgebauer 12 responses
- programmable scientific calculators, cliff 7 responses
- New Photo Gallery on my website (off topic), Matthias Wehrli 2 responses
- Modified Dietz program for 12C, Matt 26 responses
- Excellent HP15c emulator for Mac OSX, gene 6 responses
- ARM emulator, Mike (Stgt) 4 responses
- Someone's even pre-empting him on some ebay auctions..., gene 4 responses
- Slightly OT: Has anyone ever unraveled the "coburlin" mystery, Mike 15 responses
- Creepy Horror calc, Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 6 responses
- program problems with HP67/97, Bob Priddle 6 responses
- FLSORT v.0.4, Geir Isene 0 responses
- Small gears, Vassilis Prevelakis 2 responses
- replacing 49g+, photron (ron) 21 responses
- desperate find a installation card for survey gx 4.0, Pio 1 response
- Strange bidding history, Walter B 6 responses
- RPN vs AOS vs ALGEBRAIC ENTRY, Andy Morales 15 responses
- CCD Module Troubles, Juergen Dornauer 2 responses
- Accuracy and Precision Specifications for Built-In Functions, Les Wright 11 responses
- HP 67P, noel jouenne 2 responses
- HP Journal articles for "landmark" models?, Karl Schneider 2 responses
- I arrived in Toulouse today, Mike 4 responses
- HP41 wiring for AAA cells?, DaveS 8 responses
- HP 33E batteries, Gary Smith 1 response
- repair of psc 2410 photosmart, Peter 1 response
- Copying Private HP41 programs, Bill Lafferty 8 responses
- Getting my R817 camera working again, lynn stein 6 responses
- [OT - a little] Extracting files from HP150 disk images, Mike T. 0 responses
- HP-12C Spain journal article, Albert 1 response
- HP 48G Dont boot anymore, Thom 4 responses
- More 50g (German) info at Dynatech, James M. Prange (Michigan) 12 responses
- HP33S Check digit, Derek 18 responses
- New page at, Steve Leibson 1 response
- HHC2006 information, Gene Wright for Richard Nelson 13 responses
- x^y and y^x, Walter B 19 responses
- Image of 50g, James M. Prange (Michigan) 37 responses
- Re: Astronomy on the HP-39G, Khanh-Dang Nguyen Thu-Lam 0 responses
- HP 9825A with DC 100A tapes, Eugene Royer (USA) 5 responses
- "Calculators of HP" (Wall) Poster, Paul Brogger 2 responses
- Hermes 5700, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 0 responses
- 12CP Cash Flow Bug, Katie Wasserman 15 responses
- Scrolling Messages On HP41C?, jyl 3 responses
- Is this possible?, Han 6 responses
- So...damage is good now?, Frank Wales 2 responses
- Date discussion for Allschwil Meeting 2006, Matthias Wehrli 11 responses
- no display on Hp 48sx, Jone 2 responses
- ROM for HP, loreto 3 responses
- hp12c and Kinpo -- perhaps not totally unholy?, Les Wright 29 responses
- Details of HP48 Repair, Han 6 responses
- Anyone on the forum live near Toulouse, France?, Mike 2 responses
- Rebuked, again!, Han 5 responses
- Need some help understanding the 82164A (HP-IL to RS-232), Mike 14 responses
- 28S - Sniped with 9 seconds!, Les Wright 12 responses
- 48 to 49 object conversion, Les Wright 12 responses
- Please Help Choose - 41C/CV/CX, 48S/SX, 48G/GX?, jyl 16 responses
- IR Printers 82240A vs 82240B, Han 12 responses
- HP-97 Display Mode, jyl 3 responses
- HP49+ Memory--scratching my head, Les Wright 10 responses
- HP34C , Pyerre 14 responses
- HP48SX with black LCD (photos inside), Han 3 responses
- need sofware!!, Demesteb 0 responses
- Is anybody selling good backlabels for HP-65/67/35 ?, jbssm 6 responses
- HP-85 emulator and Games Pac 2, Everett Kaser 15 responses
- HP49G+ and HP49G compatibility, Les Wright 17 responses
- Ebay dictionary, Gene 7 responses
- A Crash leads to faulty key board response!(need help ASAP!)(please give me some segestions), Bling 11 responses
- HP-71B - Understanding HP-IL Protocol, Mike 9 responses
- baterry door for a 15C hand held calculator, Paul Osborne 2 responses
- Vintage Single Board Computers - Now I have a mint HP 5036A MicroProcessor Lab, Mike 5 responses
- HP40GS emulator?, Mike (Stgt) 4 responses
- loose buttons on HP 12C, James Nelis 1 response
- 33s version at, Ivan Nejgebauer 2 responses
- co-dependerlin, db (martinez, ca.) 10 responses
- Looks like a good 41CX auction, Les Wright 0 responses
- TI83 Plus - Can someone tell me why?, Les Wright 44 responses
- QUADMEMMOD, Pedro J. Arias 2 responses
- HP-11c schematic?, Marta 1 response
- HP42S Purchase -- was I soaked?, Les Wright 13 responses
- HP-71B: ShowPort Question, Mike 3 responses
- Changing the header of a *.mod file, Les Wright 3 responses
- Testing Module Functionality, Thor Lansen 1 response
- HP-12C Manual in Italian? Where?, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 8 responses
- 12C Anniversary Edition -- First Impressions, Katie Wasserman 19 responses
- HP 200LX common problems, Han 7 responses
- Mountain EPROM programmer deal, Matthias Wehrli 11 responses
- HP-71B Memory Modules shouldn't rattle, should they?, Mike 3 responses
- CLONIX / User-Code ROM question, Juergen (CH) 8 responses
- HP 49G+ electronic manuals, Chris Dean 6 responses
- Abramowitz & Stegun in PDF freely downloadable, Valentin Albillo 7 responses
- Maybe OFF: Math apps for HP OmniGo 700, Tizedes Csaba [Hungary] 0 responses
- Got a couple of interesting HP-71B items today (2CDCC, 2CCCC), Mike 5 responses
- What's new in emulators?, Les Wright 10 responses
- Hp 12c Platinum 25th Anniversary Edition, HP Calc Lover 5 responses
- hp33sii and hp43s Concepts, Jeff O. 22 responses
- Paper For HP97, jyl 4 responses
- 82240B printer question, M Currie 2 responses
- Help Needed - My strange HP 41CX, jbssm 12 responses
- Cumulative Normal Distribution on HP Solve, Anders 14 responses
- Archives 15 and 16 with fix..., Karl Schneider 0 responses
- Ditto on the short-life batts (HP 33s), ECL 4 responses
- Data recovery, Richard Lovin 2 responses
- How about an HP65 for $651? :-), Gene 22 responses
- I know ebay shipping is getting ridiculous, but really!, Gene 29 responses
- How to know if my 41CV is realy a CV and not a C, Pedro J. Arias 3 responses
- hp 17b II, kyle 1 response
- Rewiring Handheld Products Card Reader RAM, Mike 19 responses
- today i bough my hp49g+, stephany 2 responses
- HP15 C usage question, Gilberto Pontes 3 responses
- Looking for HP-IL to RS-232 Converter Design Solution, Mike 5 responses
- Werner's Question about COND, Rodger Rosenbaum 0 responses
- HP 28C/S equivalent among HP's current products, Daniel Miller 5 responses
- P41CX, gileno 7 responses
- Fuse: I have to plead ignorance on this one, Mike 6 responses
- SD card longevity, Thomas Okken 10 responses
- Sitecom USB-to-Serial adapter, Thomas Okken 7 responses
- Making a LIF image file under DOS?, John 12 responses
- How does ill-conditioning happen? (long), Rodger Rosenbaum 9 responses
- 12C Anniversary Edition, Katie Wasserman 19 responses
- HP97 adapter, Hal 2 responses
- HP 32SII prices, Jan 11 responses
- HP 12C graphic design scheme, Mr. E 2 responses
- *sigh* need help with a new buyer from Ebay, Han 10 responses
- Why is the 28S so cheap?, Egan Ford 12 responses
- Paradise regained!, Les Wright 3 responses
- Astronomy on the HP-39G, Tom Sherman 1 response
- Testing a Woodstock Power Supply, Mike T. 3 responses
- ThinkJet Priner Problems, Mike 2 responses
- CMT-71-P01 EPROM Programmer (5th Update, 32K EPROMS), Mike 0 responses
- Anyone remember these HP "manual" disks?, Mike 17 responses
- Spilled coffee on HP12C, K the A 18 responses
- HP12C Prestige, Vieira, L. C. (Brazil) 10 responses
- 41cx re-assign ON function?, Hal 5 responses
- In case anyone is interested, here's how to open your HP48, Han 5 responses
- HP 33S Impressions, Juan J 13 responses
- Anyone have a photo of a broken HP28S battery cover?, Han 8 responses
- Website update, Matthias Wehrli 0 responses
- OT: Problems shipping items to Italy - Italian buyer wake up!, Mike 22 responses
- Need advice on trading.., Han 2 responses
- HP-33S fumes (?), Voyager85 9 responses
- HP49G+, M 2 responses
- HP 29C for sale, Jon Peterman 3 responses
- Batteries inside the original box..., Han 5 responses
- Casio graphing and programmable calculators, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 2 responses
- How rare is an HP48G+ with black lcd?, Han 3 responses
- HP48 Program Development Link and Proper Fonts, Les Wright 4 responses
- How do you find the time for your passion?, Giancarlo (Italy) 23 responses
- HP48 PDL app files--porting to Emu48 or Power48, Les Wright 4 responses
- HP 40gs, Woody Larkin 13 responses
- Short & Sweet Math Challenges #16: Thinking square !, Valentin Albillo 30 responses
- The strange case of Like Dead HP 41C Series Calculators, jbssm 15 responses
- Hating your calculator or computer, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 15 responses
- use of utility to record I/O activity against logical volumes , Ranjaya Praharaj 1 response
- Looking for Eric Smith, Dia C. Tran 0 responses
- Emu41 and Emu71 updates, J-F Garnier 3 responses
- 200lx 1mb,2mb,4mb ?, Peter Heikkinen 1 response
- repair of HP65, Richard Ask 1 response
- HP-41CY Turbo: How can the RAMBOX be reactivated ?, Marco 5 responses
- CMT-71-P01 EPROM Programmer (4th Update), Mike 0 responses
- 15C keyboard vs today's 12C, Bruno Ferard 13 responses
- HP-Infrared Printer Replacement, Robert Haefele 1 response
- Connecting HP48G to WinXP PC thru USB, Les Wright 10 responses
- My hp 41cv calculator was unstable, Chiu Yiu Wai 2 responses
- MLDL2000 update, Meindert Kuipers 0 responses
- RPL memory management, Alain 0 responses
- Preliminary HP48 guide, Han 0 responses
- Chat HP, Bling 0 responses
- Origins of HP41 numerical routines ot compute statistical distributions, Les Wright 11 responses
- EMU71 JPCROM Image, Howard Owen 10 responses
- 12C Case Opening, Julian 1 response
- Missed opportunities, Gerson W. Barbosa 21 responses
- Transfer of programs between 41CX and Windows XP computer, Prabhuraj Bhooplapur 6 responses
- CMT-71-P01 EPROM Programmer (3rd Update - Photos), Mike 0 responses
- 33s - Please Bring Me Up To Date, Bill 24 responses
- SIG Forth for Series 80 - Assembler source found, John 11 responses
- charger/adapter, Charlie O. 0 responses
- Ad in Newspaper showing HP-35, Juergen (CH) 1 response
- 15C performance question, Egan Ford 18 responses
- 71B DataAcq ROM supplimental disc, Jim Rudnick 0 responses
- HP49G+ USB cable, Steve Dimond 2 responses
- 9825A: bad master clock, Vassilis Prevelakis 15 responses
- Ohio PE Board vs. calculator felons, Norris 7 responses
- A bit OT: Calculators on PCs, Mike (Stgt) 0 responses
- hp42s memory upgrade, Nat 5 responses
- CMT-71-P01 EPROM Programmer (1st Update), Mike 4 responses
- CMT-71-P01 EPROM Programmer (2nd Update), Mike 0 responses
- 16C Value, Andy Mail 3 responses
- Cleaning a keyboard, Anders 6 responses
- Hrast HP41X auto-off in emulated 48GX environments, Les Wright 5 responses
- HP Emulation for Sharp Zaurus and Nokia 770 available, Egan Ford 1 response
- HEX-DEC converter for 33E/33C, Glenn Hayhurst 9 responses
- The different of 2 kind 82120A battery pac, Chiu Yiu Wai 1 response
- HPIB plotting, Stewart Mitchell 3 responses
- HP 17BII+ Flaw - Revisited, Iracildo Luis dos Santos 18 responses
- Need some advice on releasing information..., Han 5 responses
- HP 41cx Survey module, Don Lovett 1 response
- sigh...another sucker ripped off by the bubba, blurdybloop 9 responses
- HP-41 programming language improvements?, Geir Isene 9 responses
- HP 12 Prestige ?, jose goncalves 1 response
- HP11C, joe kinn 2 responses
- Emulators within emulators: HP41E and Power48, Les Wright 4 responses
- Collectors Database Software, Matthias Wehrli 2 responses
- Inimigos da HP ( Enemies of HP ), Gerson W. Barbosa 29 responses
- HP 41 - Missing Commas in display, Jon Boyd 1 response
- HP-15C survey, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 7 responses
- Power48 Question, Palm T|X, Eddie Shore 1 response
- HP48GX origins, Han 0 responses
- 75C Help !!!, gileno 6 responses
- international money transfer WITHOUT paypal, how?, db (martinez, ca.) 6 responses
- Can anyone id this weird 25C box?, Jim Creybohm 19 responses
- Alkaline batteries in HP-21, yagermeister 4 responses
- HP-15C: Quicker identity-matrix program, Karl Schneider 3 responses
- HP-IL connection between 71B and 75C, Roy Fletcher 3 responses
- Three new Datafile articles on-line, Valentin Albillo 15 responses
- wOw! (CMT EPROM Programmer on eBay), Howard Owen 5 responses
- Financial Program for15 C, Gary 4 responses
- Power48 - got the 49G to work - Palm TX, Eddie Shore 1 response
- Sliding rules issuing, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 8 responses
- HP 15C keyboard problem, Alexandre de Souza Faria 4 responses
- WOODSTOCK Dis-assembling, Mike T. 3 responses
- "Printer" behaviour in Free42 and P41CX, Les Wright 12 responses
- More memory to 200lx, Peter Heikkinen 4 responses
- HP 48SX NIB on eBay, Marcus von Cube, Germany 1 response
- HP 25 Power supply Self build, mark 2 responses
- HP15C problem, Mel 2 responses
- Share your luckiest find!, Han 36 responses
- Diwa 601-1 Rietz slide rule dating, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 3 responses
- HP-12C lucky purchase, Ren 0 responses
- WMJ's book - how to get a copy?, Giancarlo (Italy) 11 responses
- HP 12C in Flash, 4 responses
- P41CX, Palm TX, and CPU Speed setting, Les Wright 8 responses
- HP-33s Dropped by local Wal-Mart?, Paul Brogger 11 responses
- 95lx connectivity?, Marcus von Cube, Germany 5 responses
- hp 95lx vs 200lx, Peter Heikkinen 2 responses
- storing a program on ram card, sarkiss 5 responses
- Look at this from TI, Walter B 7 responses
- Help for a Rietz Standard 12.5 slide rule, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 5 responses
- P41CX, Power48, and Palm TX compatibility, Les Wright 6 responses
- Standard Tests for Calculator Accuracy?, Steve S 10 responses
- LX95 card, Rim. ZITKEVICIUS 5 responses
- Toolbox41 QRG? Maybe Manual?, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- HP49G+ Rom update problem, Travallee 1 response
- HP 15C matrix descriptors, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 3 responses
- Free42 on a Palm Z22, Valentin Albillo 10 responses
- HP-92 financial calculator, Ed Sejud 2 responses
- Refurbishing HP41CV, Les Wright 4 responses
- Dating a HP calculator, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 13 responses
- Definitely the wrong place!, Giancarlo (Italy) 9 responses
- 71b EPROM advice, Jonathan Eisch 2 responses
- I got P41CX to support more ROMs !, Vincent Weber 7 responses
- Spice Chargers, John Bobinyec 16 responses
- TDS Survey Problem, Glynn Osburn 6 responses
- 82162A Printer Contrast Redux, Tom F 0 responses
- AECrom register usage, Geir Isene 2 responses
- HP-41 program checksum, JeanMarc 2 responses
- A story about the Hp-35 development., Etienne Victoria 3 responses
- Advices on taking photographs of calculators, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 7 responses
- Strange 41CX failure, John Ioannidis 5 responses
- HP-71 Lockup. Help!, Howard Owen 1 response
- UAC v. 0.6.6, Geir Isene 0 responses
- HP42S Electrical Eng. step-by-step Solutions - front cover?, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- Hewlett Packard Calculator Conference, Eddie Shore 12 responses
- HP-35, Mike Bremerman 2 responses
- Question for HP collectors, Han 7 responses
- ACE 2MB RAM HP95LX, Han 3 responses
- Curve fitting mathematics, Geir Isene 0 responses
- OT - slide rules, Don Shepherd 7 responses
- HP 33S FYI, Trent Moseley 3 responses
- HP-65 Stat Pac (1 & 2) - url for download?, Geir Isene 1 response
- My birthday is arriving my present is. . : -) , gileno 3 responses
- 33S improvements?, Iqbal 1 response
- HP-01 Glass Crystal, Bryan Blackburn 3 responses
- hp48 /sokkia cables and kermit, david 0 responses
- New 12C?, Gerson W. Barbosa 6 responses
- computing chances, Bram 4 responses
- Re: HP-41CX sun position program., Wilhelm Loidl 13 responses
- 71B Print using Help !, gileno 5 responses
- Expiring EPROM's inHP's?, Marta 2 responses
- HP 33S and Wal-Mart, Richard Garner 0 responses
- New programs in UC-41, Geir Isene 0 responses
- hp-01, john n smith 1 response
- OT: Integral PC Backup?, Howard Owen 2 responses
- Lex files Help !!!, gileno 3 responses
- exponents in 14-nybble BCD floating-point representations, Cameron Paine 3 responses
- HP 49G+ Models, Jonathan 3 responses
- batteries for HP32E & 37E, Peter K Mueller 6 responses
- 12C, Ralph Patterson 1 response
- HP-86/87 Service ROMs - whip round request, John 1 response
- RPN as political metaphor, Frank Wales 3 responses
- HP 48SX, sebastien chouinard 1 response
- News from TI, TI 4 responses
- Repair bin stories, GE 6 responses
- Specifications, Matthias Wehrli 1 response
- Dead 15C needs help, PeterP 1 response
- HP48GX and SPICE 48, Cliff Vrla 6 responses
- OT -- Help! Imagine a shallow plastic bowl . . ., Paul Brogger 12 responses
- HP2225B proplem!, Ignazio Cara 12 responses
- Surveys, SteveH 11 responses
- Any NoV32 owner out there? (2nd. call), Vieira, L. C. (Brazil) 12 responses
- Launch of the UC-41 project page, Geir Isene 0 responses
- Keyboard Technology, John Limpert 4 responses
- HP - 67 Help !!, gileno 2 responses
- Question about HP 100/200LX's, Han 4 responses
- OT - Sinclair, Chris Dean 21 responses
- Free42 on a Palm TX, SteveB 8 responses
- Wouldn't be nice if..., Han 0 responses
- Repairing the hp 12c, John Starr 3 responses
- Battery charger, Mike Bremerman 2 responses
- Searching for a PC-Connection-Kit for a HP 38G, Peter Eberlein 3 responses
- 33s solver, Hal 2 responses
- hp-65 serial number location?, erik 1 response
- The arc tan flaw in early HP35 ROM is elucidated, Jacques Laporte 2 responses
- Solar Engineering Solutions book?????, Tom Boldway 5 responses
- HP-38G, Serching for a german manual., Peter Eberlein 2 responses
- HP97 Printer spur gear., Ignazio Cara 8 responses
- Scratches on aluminum bezel, Mike Bremerman 3 responses
- OT - date digit challenge, Don Shepherd 6 responses
- 48S memory Help, Eric Sostrom 4 responses
- [LONG] If you like or *need* Mathematics ..., Valentin Albillo 9 responses
- HP48GX Modifications, John W Kercheval 4 responses
- HP48GX Versions, John W Kercheval 1 response
- HP 33S programming, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 10 responses
- Maybe a late April's fool?, Raymond Del Tondo 11 responses
- HP 20S, Al Goldberg 12 responses
- hp49g+ and vectors, Chelsey 2 responses
- Re: RPN calc 4 Google desktop?, Mike (Stgt) 0 responses
- Alternate link to bypass OpenRPN site problem, Hugh Evans 11 responses
- HP <--> PC ?, Kiyoshi Akima 8 responses
- OT: New Page for Casio Utilities, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- RREF on the HP-49 Revisited, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 28 responses
- RAM cards for HP 95LX, Han 3 responses
- Reset for the 41CV?, christopher morgan 3 responses
- HP33s Keyboard Issues, John Daly 12 responses
- Re: HP-97 Card Reader - Only works sometimes, David Smith 0 responses
- Loose buttons, Bruno 4 responses
- 15c solver, Hal 8 responses
- Anyone running Free42 on a Palm Tungsten T3/T5/TX?, Thomas Okken 2 responses
- HP 17BII+ Flaw, Iracildo Luis dos Santos 6 responses
- Looking for guest articles, Namir 4 responses
- Re: HP-97 Card Reader - Only works sometimes, jbssm 2 responses
- HP 48 Series (Serial Numbers), Han 3 responses
- Re: Twenty-three year battery life in 15c?, Voyager85 0 responses
- HP-41CX back to life using X-Function "PCLPS", Karl Schneider 3 responses
- HP48 Complex Matrices or Simultaneous Equations, Tom 7 responses
- Just Announced: HP To Discontinue 12C!, Jeff 9 responses
- Blinking * on 15C, Voyager85 9 responses
- Problem with HP-67, Judy Klein 29 responses
- WOW! $760.01 Final Price - nt, Howard Owen 7 responses
- Using the SVD to solve linear systems, Rodger Rosenbaum 4 responses
- About the Singular Value Decomposition, Rodger Rosenbaum 4 responses
- Sweet & Short Math Challenges #15: April 1st Spring Special, Valentin Albillo 24 responses
- Enigma -OT, TF 1 response
- Re: Even More Simultaneous Equation Solutions, JasonG 4 responses
- 67 card reader clutch materiel?, Hal 5 responses
- Simultaneous Equation mini-challenge, Rodger Rosenbaum 0 responses
- CHPC meeting held in Split yesterday, Nenad (Croatia) 0 responses
- Round hp invent calculator, Charlie O 5 responses
- Help with Programming a HP 33S, Eric 5 responses
- Curiosities of HP 12 C, Prof. Cristiano Plack de Lima 6 responses
- Half Defective HP 41C, jbssm 3 responses
- O-Rings for HP-67 repair, Dirk Schneemann 20 responses
- To whom it may concern..., Diego Diaz 0 responses
- Re: Even More Simultaneous Equation Solutions, Werner 5 responses
- hp97 red light, wancho 4 responses
- HP 33s Dud?, Peter Hendy 4 responses
- What is best module for 41c?, martin cohen 7 responses
- Re: Free42 for Pocket PC released, Mike T. 1 response
- solder in space, bill platt 8 responses
- Lithium Batteries, John Kercheval 1 response
- HP Palmtop, John Kercheval 2 responses
- Re: screen contrast 41cx, Ángel Martin 0 responses
- [JOKE] RPN vs. Algebraic: The Match !, Valentin Albillo 9 responses
- Allschwil meeting 2006, Raymond Del Tondo 7 responses
- HP-41CX Date Format, SteveH 1 response
- Re: Red abrasive card for cleaning the recording head, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 1 response
- Re: Is it about the box?, Eric Smith 10 responses
- If I knew I could get this much..., Han 0 responses
- Re: HP-97 Card Reader - Only works sometimes, jbssm 1 response
- MathUPro, SteveH 4 responses
- Re: HP 41C Display Window Replacement, mitch sisak 0 responses
- Re: HP 41C Display Window Replacement, mitch sisak 0 responses
- Re: 42s says Machine Reset, Melissa 0 responses
- Re: Even More Simultaneous Equation Solutions, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 12 responses
- Re: HP-97 Card Reader - Only works sometimes, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- Re: LX200, Nelson M. Sicuro (Brazil) 15 responses
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