I have most of that info Message #20 Posted by Mike on 23 Sept 2006, 4:52 p.m., in response to message #19 by Tomas Larsson
you say
I guess that if I buy a DVD from here, all stuff should be in there, as well as needed info to design a HP-IL2USB/RS232 interface
If you have about a year to devote to it. Designing an HP-IL interface, from scratch is a major undertaking. If you found an HP-IL controller chip, the task is a bit easier. But you'd likely have to scrounge them from some old equipment. They are available, if you want to go through some Hong Kong exporters at about $30 a pop + shipping. But dealing with them isn't easy either.
you say
I guess. I don't bother to reprogram the eeprom, but I also had a thought, that it can't be that difficult to read the eeprom, just build an eprom reader with a PIC, dump the contents to a PC.
my reply
I am currently working on a custom memory interface controller, for one of my projects. But you can read the EPROM with a pic. In fact, I'm testing that very thing tomorrow. But you will have to understand the Saturn Bus to do it. It's not rocket science but it's also not trivial.
If you'd like to send me the EPROM, I can unprotect it and write it back to your EPROM.
BTW, what is the program you are trying to unprotect?
Edited: 23 Sept 2006, 5:11 p.m.