Re: Geometric mean and HP calculators Message #2 Posted by Norris on 30 Nov 2006, 1:39 p.m., in response to message #1 by MK
I doubt that any HPs have a convenient "Geometric Mean" function. But you can get the desired result on the HP-48, and presumably on the more recent HP-49 and HP-50, through a series of steps:
1. Enter your raw data as a "list". Store the list for future editing if desired.
2. Hit LOG or LN to transform all of the values in the list. Now you have a second, log-transformed list.
3. Disassemble the log-transformed "list" and reassemble it as an "array". Save the array as "SigmaDAT", which is the reserved name for statistics data.
4. Hit MEAN to calculate the mean of the log-transformed data in the "SigmaDAT" array.
5. Hit the appropriate antilog (10^X or e^X) for the geometric mean.
Probably you could write simple programs to automate this process. There may be other ways to do it.
Edited: 30 Nov 2006, 2:12 p.m. after one or more responses were posted