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Apology to Hudendai - (not as bad as coburlin)
Message #1 Posted by ebaycalcnut on 24 Dec 2006, 2:01 p.m.


I do apologize to Hudendai. Though I maintain my criticisms of the "Lot" ad and the original description of the 41C battery pack, Coburlin seems to be worse.

I saw this ad and he's trying to trick people into buying a pioneer case for an 11C. Booo...


Re: Apology to Hudendai - (not as bad as coburlin)
Message #2 Posted by Les Wright on 24 Dec 2006, 6:31 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by ebaycalcnut


Cosmetically, the thing looks like it was run over by a truck.

Also, he has substituted a Pioneer slip case rather than the original leatherette Voyager case.

I paid $150 for my 11C, and bemoaned the scratches which I have tried to remove with careful buffing. I thought I paid a little too much for mine given the condition, but at least I have the proper case and a manual and I have made the 11C a day to day "work" calculator to make sure I get my money's worth (it works very well and I am inclined to baby my 15C which is nearly mint in comparison). But $190 for the shape of coburlin's offer is scurrilous.

I do agree that Hudendai is in a different class. I think he overcharges on his printers (though he does defend that some people seem willing to pay his prices), and I am more persuaded of this since landing an 82240B with box and manual for only $62. But his pictures are very good and he seems not to flagrantly misrepresent his stuff. FWIW, I think a lot of the prior debate about the definition of "lot" was hairsplitting semantics that should, at best, show sellers like Hudendai to be more specific in use of terminology. I do not think there was any sinister attempt to mislead buyers intentionally.


Re: Apology to Hudendai - (not as bad as coburlin)
Message #3 Posted by Frank Boehm on 24 Dec 2006, 6:33 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by ebaycalcnut

wow, that calc is *junk* I don't think I would even pay 10$ for it 8)

(he sells the sleeve as "HP branded", which is technically correct and seems correct enough...)

Re: Apology to Hudendai - (not as bad as coburlin)
Message #4 Posted by opotente on 25 Dec 2006, 1:59 p.m.,
in response to message #3 by Frank Boehm

perhaps both are the same person...

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all the Forum!

Re: Apology to Hudendai - (not as bad as coburlin)
Message #5 Posted by Namir on 25 Dec 2006, 2:10 p.m.,
in response to message #4 by opotente

No there not the same person. Once lives in VA and the other in CA.

My take on Hudendai vs Coburlin
Message #6 Posted by Mike on 26 Dec 2006, 4:35 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by ebaycalcnut

I don't think coburlin has a clue about HP calculators. I'm not even sure what he's thinking with those prices. He almost never sells anything. And I doubt coburlin knows mint from mushrooms. I have seen him use terms that aren't even applicable to what he's selling. Like "ink" for an HP-97 calculator. Like "doesn't print but might be out of ink".

But Hudendai seems to know HP. If he were to have auctions that were misleading or improperly described items, I think that might be more of concern than someone who doesn't have a clue. I have seen only one auction what was misleading and that was the one with "LOT" but selling only one item. I think his prices are set the way they are because he just doesn't know the real value. Unlike coburlin, he'll likely lower his prices, if they don't sell.

I haven't bothered to read all the posts or check out all the auctions everyone is referring to but one might consider who should know better vs who has no clue.

The one thing I see some trying is to leverage off of higher value items, sold by collectors, who have restored them, or fully tested them and accurately describe them and try to get the same prices, without doing the "value added" that is necessary to get high prices.

Some seem to think, for example, all HP-41CX are alike.

Edited: 26 Dec 2006, 4:44 p.m.

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