The Museum of HP Calculators

HP Forum Archive 16

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HP48 overlay
Message #1 Posted by Iñigo Rodriguez on 23 July 2006, 2:51 p.m.

Hi all Can anyone tellme where can I find blank overlays for the HP 48gx?


Re: HP48 overlay
Message #2 Posted by Eric Smith on 23 July 2006, 5:13 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Iñigo Rodriguez

eBay, if you're lucky.

Re: HP48 overlay
Message #3 Posted by Tomcee on 24 July 2006, 2:36 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Iñigo Rodriguez

These are long out of production and very hard to come by.

There was someone (a few years ago) that was making his own (I purchased several); they are not quite as neatly cut as the originals, but workable. If you're interested, I can scan one in and email to you. Regards, Tomcee

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