I miss my pi button!! Message #1 Posted by Ken Ratkevich on 7 Sept 2006, 4:54 a.m.
I have been an Electronics Technician all my working life and have gotten by with a standard TI scientific calculator. I recently decide to upgrade to an AAS degree in Electronic Engineering Technology. So, I figure I should upgrade my calculator also. I decided to go for a top of the line calculator so naturally I picked HP. I went to HPs' website and they recommended the hp33s as the calculator best suited for engineering applications so I went online and bought one.
So now I'm happy as a clam with my fancy hp33s. But, yesterday I went to solve for the reactance of an inductor using XL=2*pi*f*L and - wait - THERE'S NO pi BUTTON!!!!! Jeez!!
I know I can just enter in 3.14 but it's just not the same as hittng the trusty pi button, especially if you're a stickler for accuracy and detail like I am.
Is the pi button missing on other HP calculators?