The Museum of HP Calculators
HP Forum Archive 18
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This is an archive of the HP forum, which is for discussion of HP calculators including usage, repairs,
sources of replacement parts, general information etc.
Message Index
All Messages
(Compressed "Threads Only" Listing)
- HP 49G+ stopped working. Please Help, Anthony 2 responses
- OT: My favorite HP non-calculator toy: HP4500, Michael Meyer 0 responses
- HP-65 replacement labels?, GanjaTron 2 responses
- HP-25 fails to store programming steps, Alberto Fenini 10 responses
- 12c delete last digit, robert arbon 2 responses
- STO+ STO- STO/ backward behavior on HP50g, David Hayden 4 responses
- Saturday Night Live skit about some of us, Mad Dog ebaycalcnut 16 responses
- Missing Addresses for HP Calc Calendar Recipients - Can You Help? , Jake Schwartz 0 responses
- HP 9825s rebuild, mark murphy 2 responses
- The Oldest Hewlett-Packard IC,s never die. (Two), julio garcia (spain) 6 responses
- Mini Challenge, Egan Ford 13 responses
- HP 75 HPILCMDS, RamLab 0 responses
- HP32SII function?, Wolfgang K. Meister 3 responses
- Graphing Calculators and education, bill platt 39 responses
- HP SmartCalc 300s - How deep...?, Joerg Woerner 10 responses
- Yowser! the 2009 HP Calendar has arrived!, hugh steers 3 responses
- Mathematical problem, Matthias Wehrli 9 responses
- OT: uwatch featured on today's Hack-a-Day!, Ren 3 responses
- Which HP48 to buy for ROM upload, Silvio deMorais 3 responses
- N00P question - how to clear NoV64, PeterP 2 responses
- HP 18C language?, icebox 3 responses
- Hp 48GX Screen, all4abuck 2 responses
- HP 10B - One row of keys unresponsive, Bastian 1 response
- x^2 - N*y^2 = 1 (12C), Gerson W. Barbosa 31 responses
- HP Manual Scans for DVD Version 7, Allen 10 responses
- Problem with my 48gx, Tom Rocks, SC 3 responses
- i41CX MOD loading question, Miki Mihajlovic 5 responses
- And another 12c mini-challenge (phi), Paul Dale 16 responses
- accuracy benchmarks for financial calculations, Kim Hansen 6 responses
- Call for HP71 emulation for iPhone - JFG et al?, PeterP 4 responses
- HHC2008 Conference Video Available, Jake Schwartz 2 responses
- HP50G...should I upgrade?, Ryan McLean 20 responses
- HP 28s display problem, Fred Herring 2 responses
- More x^y y^x fun., Egan Ford 13 responses
- GNU Emacs Calculator, Thomas Klemm 0 responses
- How to clean the buttons on HP 48G?, Denizen 2 responses
- HP 50G or HP 48GX?, Denizen 13 responses
- Tape Drive copy to PC with 71B IL/RS232., Raymund Heuvel 1 response
- HP 35s and Cosine of large numbers, Chuck 6 responses
- hp42 Minehunt, Nacho 2 responses
- The oldest Hewlwtt-Packard IC,s never die., julio garcia (spain) 0 responses
- A reversed numbering scheme of the HP48's RPN stack, Khanh-Dang Nguyen Thu-Lam 0 responses
- HP 97 printer repair manual need, ZOleg 3 responses
- another math curiousity, Don Shepherd 13 responses
- HP48Gii SWAP, V Green 6 responses
- New Icon, Arnaud Amiel 4 responses
- HHC Year-2009 HP Calculator Calendar Is Now Available, Jake Schwartz 1 response
- Free42 Port of HP-42S for iPhone now available, Steve Simpkin 8 responses
- HP 48G repair, Denizen 7 responses
- hp 41 c error, Mark Vandemeulebroucke 1 response
- Super Brains in XXL, Peter A. Gebhardt 0 responses
- How to find a new HP12C+?, Scott Newell 0 responses
- Farey Sequence, Thomas Klemm 2 responses
- Yet another 12C mini-challenge (pi), Gerson W. Barbosa 31 responses
- HP48Gii Decimal Conversion, v green 3 responses
- Programming a clock exercise, mike reed 4 responses
- Some hoorays for the slide rule, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 48 responses
- More HP Manual Scans wanted!, Dave Hicks 11 responses
- TI-83 Plus vs. HP 20B, HP 35S, HP 40G, Joerg Woerner 8 responses
- 2009 HHC HP Calendar To Be Ready Next Week, Jake Schwartz 1 response
- HP35s one-ups the TI-84..., Chuck 2 responses
- HP-41 (limited) available for iPhone *FREE*, Steve Simpkin 9 responses
- HP 48GX - how to check available memory port 2, amberasia 2 responses
- Size of Flash memory in 50g ???, Klaus Boehme 4 responses
- HP-35 Version 1 Red Dot, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- HP 20b logarithm error, Michael Andersson 13 responses
- HP-41 Card Reader NOT gummy wheel problem, Rich Forest 19 responses
- [POT]Another record to be broken..., Olivier TREGER 7 responses
- 10C Gamma and other holiday surprises., Egan Ford 8 responses
- [OT]Web site updated, Olivier TREGER 7 responses
- EMU41 and printing on Networked Laserjet Printer, Prabhu Bhooplapur 0 responses
- Happy 2009!, Walter B 4 responses
- OT: Sharp PC-1280, Saile (Brazil) 11 responses
- OT: The Fifteen Puzzle book, Don Shepherd 0 responses
- 2009 To Celebrate 30 Years Since the HP41C Was Released, Namir 24 responses
- MLDL2000 new firmware and software, Meindert Kuipers 1 response
- L 119, jouenne 1 response
- New connectivity for ISA card via USB, Stephan (Switzerland) 5 responses
- Imposing dimensional consistency, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 3 responses
- OFF topic, lets see photos of your winter where you live!, Geoff Quickfall 9 responses
- HP 20b: and ANS (or CHS and LASTx), Karl Schneider 2 responses
- HP 20b: +/- and ANS (or CHS and LASTx), Thomas Klemm 2 responses
- An old logrithm algorithm, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 8 responses
- question on 12c programming, Don Shepherd 2 responses
- OT: Casio Tape Utilities, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- Kinda Christmas present: Mutiple danish magazines about HP calculators, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 2 responses
- Merry X-Mas: ICEBOX.ROM version 1D, Geir Isene 1 response
- OT: Touch Panel Calculator, DaveJ 11 responses
- Happy Xmas days and an even happier New Year!, Raymond Del Tondo 46 responses
- hp 41 cv manuals, Michael De Rosa 2 responses
- HPCC Datafile Issue V27N6 Hits A Homerun, Jake Schwartz 5 responses
- iPod Touch/iPhone HP Emulators/Simulators, Kevin Kitts 4 responses
- Crimson Research (freeware) Voyager emulators removed from iTunes App Store., Pal G. 8 responses
- Favorites, Geir Isene 18 responses
- Challenge: Mirror bits, Geir Isene 27 responses
- Discoverd interesting feature in HP-71B BASIC, Namir 9 responses
- Help needed (O.T.), Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- New Casio calculator, Bruce Bergman 5 responses
- Factoring Integer into Primes: HP 48GX, John Ferman 8 responses
- WHATS YOUR FAVORITE NON- HP CACULATOR, Howard Lazerson 32 responses
- What's your favorite non-programmable HP calculator?, Jeff Kearns 33 responses
- A small challenge, Paul Dale 7 responses
- Antikythera computer (a little bit OT), Walter B 8 responses
- Calculator, meet Leadholder (drafting pencil), bill platt 1 response
- hp 25 calculator, Tom Harding 1 response
- HP 15c key assignment, Survey Matt 25 responses
- How is Valentin Albillo, KC 6 responses
- x49gp (aka 50g with ARM emulation) Quick Start Guide, Egan Ford 0 responses
- One More HP-67 Program, Stefan Vorkoetter 1 response
- HELP!!! Fixing HP28S (Battery Drain), lsegovic 10 responses
- HP 41C strange model, Damien MATTEI 4 responses
- Free42 port to iPhone looking AMAZING!, Les Wright 30 responses
- OT: FORTH on the Sharp PC-1500, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 4 responses
- 15C Help, Christopher Treen 9 responses
- mental challenge, Don Shepherd 20 responses
- A minor tool for the arsenal., Paul Brogger 1 response
- HP 97 printer slipping paper, paolo gramigna 1 response
- (OT) Message to Klaus, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 3 responses
- ICEBOX.ROM (NOV tool), Geir Isene 5 responses
- HP Solve calculator newsletter, Matt Kernal 24 responses
- NoV64 and Sandbox (and posible other >=8k roms), ZOleg 5 responses
- No HP35s Submissions in the Software Library, Les Wright 28 responses
- A curious output from the HP-35s, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 13 responses
- Another dead Woodstock ?, Olivier TREGER 2 responses
- PPC ROM 2C / Melbourne ROM manual, ZOleg 2 responses
- newbie needs help with HP-25 repair, Stan McFarland 9 responses
- Crimson Research Voyageur Simulators for iPhone, Les Wright 7 responses
- Op-Amp Gain and Offset Design for the HP-67, Stefan Vorkoetter 6 responses
- CCD manual?, Geoff Quickfall 2 responses
- Electri-Calc LT, bill platt 6 responses
- Casio fx-9860G, KC 58 responses
- 50G Num solver data entry, vq 5 responses
- User Manual for Sparcom Drive95 floppy drive , Prabhu Bhooplapur 0 responses
- iPhone/iPod touch 2.2 bug affects i41cx+, Les Wright 22 responses
- I am so sad..., Bruce Bergman 7 responses
- Nixie, nixie, on my wrist . . ., Paul Brogger 4 responses
- Is a 71B math module with manuals worth $225 ?, Marcus von Cube, Germany 6 responses
- HPGCC 2 Tutorial Updated with Vista, OS/X, More Examples, Egan Ford 0 responses
- Vieta Accelerated, Egan Ford 2 responses
- to CHRISTORPH KLUG: your book on Ebay, Patrice 1 response
- Texas developed a RPN calculator in 1970's, gileno 18 responses
- Swap Disk History (looking for), Egan Ford 0 responses
- Driving a relay with the HP-71B, Klaus 1 response
- Extra-ordinary stuff at TAS, Walter B 5 responses
- Restore of HP-41s, Geir Isene 1 response
- OT: R 500/7 T Relay computer, Juergen Keller 1 response
- Source for custom dust covers, kc7gr 0 responses
- HP-41 Books?, John Liu 15 responses
- HP Thermal printer paper, Ronald 3 responses
- Oscillator Design with the HP-67, Stefan Vorkoetter 3 responses
- copyright, Charles Oxford 19 responses
- Expect prices to jump yet again . . ., Paul Brogger 0 responses
- EPROM vs RAM, Keith Beyer 3 responses
- O.T. Pseodo-random noise, designnut 0 responses
- HP-41CV Decimal error, Lyle Beck 1 response
- Better "Fast 3D Plots" for HP-50G? , Luca 0 responses
- HP95LX connectivity software, Prabhu Bhooplapur 1 response
- Autodesk University, Earl Kubaskie 2 responses
- HP 82220A Overlay Kit for 48SX?, Keith Beyer 0 responses
- Thank you Gerson Barbosa!!, Namir 4 responses
- HP-71 41 Translator module : how to use it ?, Pierre Hardy 8 responses
- Atmel ARM7 LCD driver, Michele Signorini 35 responses
- HP-29C Prototype on Ebay, Matthias Wehrli 3 responses
- RPN Question for clearing flags, Sancerre (Phoenix) 3 responses
- Hp 41 DEMO Magnetic cards -> Barcode PDF , Allen 3 responses
- NoV-64: FOCAL access to switching RAM blocks, Geir Isene 0 responses
- The 2 DVD set!!, Don Jennings 0 responses
- HTML glitch in Don Jennings' "Trig questions" thread?, Karl Schneider 5 responses
- HP-34C Questions, Gerry Schultz 3 responses
- SCI-15C question., Pal G. 5 responses
- Removing Calculus features from HP-15C, skroops 24 responses
- 6S, different colour?, Guido Fernandes 0 responses
- Trig questions, Don Jennings 9 responses
- Calling vp - currently down, John AS (UK) 1 response
- HP-35S Printed User's Guide, Thomas Cox 15 responses
- Changing Batteries on HP-42S, Thomas Cox 0 responses
- My First HP-67 Program: Resistor Networks, Stefan Vorkoetter 2 responses
- HP-50g CAS question, Bill Triplett 4 responses
- How common is the HP 41 emulator card for 48SX?, Keith Beyer 4 responses
- NCEES reapproves 33S and 35S, Norris 27 responses
- Case for HP-67, Stefan Vorkoetter 0 responses
- HPCALC.ORG updated, V-PN 0 responses
- hp 33s / 35s - solving simultaneous 2 variable linear equations with complex coefficients, Smalle 2 responses
- Sh__ happens... ;), Matthias Wehrli 7 responses
- Ebay bids on HP41CX, twice., Don Jennings 14 responses
- HP34C Manual - 30 years ago, Ed Austin 12 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 3 responses
- HP 18C book for sale, is it worth it?, Don Jennings 3 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- Book for learning 41/42s programming?, Keith Beyer 8 responses
- HP 41 Perpheral Printer/Ludlum 322, prinsron 2 responses
- HP-86 CP/M 3.5" boot image?, J. Wesley 0 responses
- Thank you!, Michael 2 responses
- A Great HP Calc. Community - thanks Mike T!, Ed Austin 2 responses
- is the new book of christoph klug in english or in deutsch?, Stefano Dini 3 responses
- HP-67 Card Reader Motor, Stefan Vorkoetter 7 responses
- Overview of functions in the Toolbox.rom, Geir Isene 6 responses
- HP 35 first Lab Prototypes (17 made), pearhart 3 responses
- PIL-Box news, J-F Garnier 34 responses
- HP-87 - missing half of a ROM expansion, David Dyte 1 response
- Double MEM module, Daniel Diggelmann 9 responses
- HP12C+, Walter B 88 responses
- An interesting site and a question..., Ed Austin 32 responses
- Hyperbolic Curiousity Revisited, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 2 responses
- HP41 Emulation on HP48 Series, Alexander Wassermann 2 responses
- how to print from MCODE on the 41?, PeterP 1 response
- Emmanuel Compes, Matthias Wehrli 9 responses
- HP-16C - idiot trading Intel 9650 ??, V-PN 34 responses
- How to Make a good looking Overlay image?, PeterP 17 responses
- 15C stuck in user mode, Harold Ash 5 responses
- MCODE multiprecision library for HP-41, PeterP 8 responses
- uWatch Complex Number Support, hughsteers 24 responses
- Program only works when stepping, not when running?, Mark Edmonds 5 responses
- HP 41CX loose screws (no not the posts!)..., Geoff Quickfall 4 responses
- hp49g+/hp48gII advanced user's reference manual, David Dyte 5 responses
- Why the HP 41 instead of an RPL / 50g style machine?, Gene Wright 44 responses
- HP-41 EXT IL PLUS Module, Christoph Klug 1 response
- no way, always invalid card data, nacho 2 responses
- Re: 12c application books (leasing, real estate, ... ?) anyone?, Mvdn 0 responses
- Transistor Needed for HP-67 Charger, David McClellan 7 responses
- 35s loose battery cover--need replacement, Mark W 2 responses
- Woodstock IC voltages-- Tony? Anyone?, Michael Meyer 15 responses
- 34C LED Problem, Ed Austin 3 responses
- OT:Which the oldest calculator than it uses interchangeable rom? , gileno 3 responses
- HPIL to RS232C ( HP 48GX), Nacho 0 responses
- Returned from Allschwil ..., Walter B 21 responses
- uWatch third batch now available, DaveJ 9 responses
- If there is a 35S replacement - please add these:, Mark Edmonds 15 responses
- What would cause a HP41CV to SIZE 000-> REG 63 , allen 3 responses
- HP-29C signs of life... any clues as to the cause?, Michael Meyer 4 responses
- OT: 36mm/1.4" wide thermal paper - where?, Marcus von Cube, Germany 13 responses
- Is a 46 worth 1000 Euro?, Marcus von Cube, Germany 5 responses
- Allschwil's Meeting 2008 arrival, Christoph Giesselink 10 responses
- New HP-41 book edition, Christoph Klug 3 responses
- HHC 2008, Richard Garner 21 responses
- HP 35s ENTER and keystroke skipping, Luis Moreno 12 responses
- OT: Good at eyeballing?, George Bailey (Bedford Falls) 10 responses
- HP95C, Wayne Overbeck 4 responses
- What is the smallest full trig calculator in production?, Bill Triplett 102 responses
- Updating the museum with the "other" machines?, Mark Edmonds 1 response
-, David Dyte 10 responses
- HP 200A Oscillator on eBay, Michael Meyer 0 responses
- 12C Classic Simulator for iPhone version 2.0 released, Les Wright 4 responses
- Beginning programming for HP48GX?, Don Jennings 52 responses
- HP Credibility in the Real world, Ed Austin 4 responses
- Complex conjugate function for the 42s?, Hal Bitton in Boise 2 responses
- OT: After 70 years: ENIGMAs found in Spain, George Bailey (Bedford Falls) 7 responses
- HP 20b capabilities...demo video, Nacho 3 responses
- HP 50G MSLV in RPN, Darin Murphy 3 responses
- Amazing day :-), Geir Isene 4 responses
- The PIL-Box, a new HP-IL <-> PC link solution , J-F Garnier 4 responses
- New Off topic, the Great Wall of China thanks to my HP42S 'break program'! pics, Geoff Quickfall 11 responses
- HP 48GX and Cynox Ram card 128kb ( warning invalid card data...), NACHO 2 responses
- Strange eBay prices lately....., Michael Meyer 8 responses
- The New HP47CX ...., Jim P 32 responses
- external drive for HP 48G, NACHO 1 response
- 1984 micro comp catalog, mike reed 0 responses
- HP50g - Input with default value, vq 4 responses
- Another RPN Convert?, db (martinez, ca.) 12 responses
- Which X/Fs normalize Data?, PeterP 1 response
- 14B & 10B, different models..., Guido Fernandes 3 responses
- 17B/II, different models..., Guido Fernandes 44 responses
- Desktop calcs - residual noise levels?, Mark Edmonds 11 responses
- HP50g Global variables scope, vq 2 responses
- Bill & Dave, DaveJ 1 response
- First HP in Space... 65 or 41C?, Ed Austin 11 responses
- Fake Clonix on Ebay, Patrice 9 responses
- Numerical Integration on the 35S, Kiyoshi Akima 23 responses
- 50G symbolic solver, Hal Bitton in Boise 3 responses
- Problems with 34C, Ed Austin 19 responses
- HP 50g, degree mode, complex polar numbers w/ negative angle, Paul Ozog 5 responses
- 82240 A and B, what's the difference?, Keith Beyer 1 response
- HP-71b – best config ever , Roland Storz 1 response
- HP 37 red led with a card reader !, Pascal 1 response
- ATIME function HP 41CX versus "ATIME" routine for HP42S, Geoff Quickfall 16 responses
- OT: James May's Top Toys, DaveJ 6 responses
- The MOARP (a "concept module"... wouldn't it be nice?), Diego Diaz 22 responses
- Here's what I carted to the HCC in Corvallis, thought it was..., Geoff Quickfall 5 responses
- HP 9100B, Tamas Galosi 3 responses
- Allschwil's Meeting 2008, Matthias Wehrli 16 responses
- Ongoing Pi Programming Contest, Katie Wasserman 42 responses
- Help needed - ATA mode CF Cards & 200LX, Peter A. Gebhardt 5 responses
- Just for Fun...?, Mike T. 4 responses
- Upgrading memory of Pioneer models - other than 42s, Jeff Kearns 3 responses
- I'm just curious, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 4 responses
- More Forth-41 and HHC2008 Challenge Fun, Egan Ford 0 responses
- Lets see your office or lab with the HP stuff in it! I will start..., Geoff Quickfall 48 responses
- Contact info for Chris Coffin or Ted Wadman, Eric Smith 2 responses
- MOD file format differences for V41 vs i41cx/Nonpareil, PeterP 3 responses
- HP 71B Zenwand Manual, Dennis Martin 1 response
- HP doing surveys on vintage calcs, Tom Mathes 11 responses
- Forth-41 rearranged to run into CX's machines, Diego Diaz 13 responses
- HP 50G Cube Root of Negative, Hal Bitton in Boise 8 responses
- Survey active! From ... HP would like to hear about your favorite vintage HP calc!, Gene Wright 51 responses
- hyperbolic curiosity, Bill Triplett 48 responses
- The HP41CX "ATIME" function question, Geoff Quickfall 2 responses
- HP 41cx, CLONIX, cosmic rays? Northern lights? what gives?, Geoff Quickfall 19 responses
- OT: I'm in the paper, George Bailey (Bedford Falls) 7 responses
- mystery X Funtion module for HP-41, Wayne Best 3 responses
- 42s printing, Keith Beyer 16 responses
- HP20B Development Tools / Code, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 2 responses
- For the Collectors (Spot the 35 & 48), Les Bell 1 response
- HP20B low battery warning doesn't work, BobW 12 responses
- ROM file to MOD conversion, PeterP 3 responses
- i41CXp and HEPAX, almost there..., Egan Ford 33 responses
- HP 50g or older HP48, brian healy 16 responses
- 48GX... Black LCD version..., Guido Fernandes 7 responses
- O.T. Need repair advice, designnut 5 responses
- HP 82163 Video Interface, hogelmann 2 responses
- Units Menu - HP48 vs. HP50, Jeff Wolfe 3 responses
- Calculators that have Scrolling Commas?, Hansel 24 responses
- 17bII programming question, Dewdman42 28 responses
- Allschwil's Meeting, Matthias Wehrli 19 responses
- Nice SPIEGEL calculator time-line, Peter A. Gebhardt 1 response
- RPN calculator versus Iphone emulator?, Geoff Quickfall 10 responses
- HP97 Printer, gileno 1 response
- HP calculator - pure RPN only, hpnut 17 responses
- where is 35s cos bug, Andrew Nikitin 3 responses
- R/S key slightly slanted in 35s, Luis Moreno 3 responses
- Young 35S User Unimpressed By Mediocre Complex Number Support, Les Wright 5 responses
- HP 48GX blue / black LCD, nacho 1 response
- 35s filesystem, Andrew Nikitin 0 responses
- HP 50g with doubled keystrokes. , Paul Ozog 2 responses
- 35s: Using STO in EQN in RPN program, Matt Draper 8 responses
- Recomp Computer, Don Shepherd 1 response
- OT: Mathematica/MATLAB in your pocket?, Egan Ford 7 responses
- 35s and SQRT of Negative Numbers, Les Wright 8 responses
- Updates for i41cxp and 12C Classic for iPhone now available, Les Wright 21 responses
- Voyageur Emulators for iPhone now available through AppStore, Les Wright 4 responses
- HP 50g Simultaneous Equation Solving, Erik Lane 10 responses
- hp50g on-line tutorial, mike reed 1 response
- Finally available - Fully Searchable VASM pdfs!, PeterP 3 responses
- Best Curve Fitting the HP-67 ?, gileno 12 responses
- HP 71B AMPI Statistics Module Manual, Dennis Martin 0 responses
- HHC 2008, Patrick Rendulic 49 responses
- fix an HP 41C tall key - fullnut, Damien MATTEI 6 responses
- Improper fractions, George Bailey (Bedford Falls) 13 responses
- HP-41CV Halfnut with serial number beginning 2336, Dan Grelinger 2 responses
- Pipe Sliderule Program (PSR), Bob Haynes 4 responses
- User's Guide for NoV-64 now available., Diego Diaz 0 responses
- 50G solving simultaneous equations with fraction coefficients, Meursault 3 responses
- Need a new calculator / will there be a successor of HP50g soon?, Michael 7 responses
- what about Qonos?, nacho 5 responses
- Vintage 12C w/ REAL GOLD Plating???, H. Conwi (No. Calif.) 8 responses
- Happy stuffing (envy) !, Walter B 4 responses
- HP-41CX Speedup, Jeff Davis 17 responses
- C71 ROM for the HP-71B, Jeff Davis 1 response
- Recalling Last Time Set Time from Time Module, Dan Grelinger 2 responses
- 20b IRR "ON [right-arrow] Stop" Error, Cinealta 6 responses
- Lifetime supply of 19C thermal paper, Michael Meyer 4 responses
- voltage of 9114B disk drive, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 5 responses
- 12C Classic Paid simulator for iPhone rereleased, Les Wright 0 responses
- Any thoughts on calc emulations on the G1?, Bruce Bergman 2 responses
- Doubt on the hp 75D , gileno 1 response
- Chat in Seattle,confer in Corvallis,coffee in Portland, Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz 0 responses
- HHC2008 Programming contest announcement!, Gene Wright 1 response
- Blog Entry on HP 20b, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- Let's talk about the new calcs ?, jose ernesto goncalves 2 responses
- got my HP20B today !, jose ernesto goncalves 1 response
- HP 5061-7246 HP 71B Diagnostic ROM Manual, Dennis Martin 2 responses
- HHC 2008 in Corvallis is 4 days away!, Gene Wright 3 responses
- Updates and strange Finance module behaviour (with HEPAX/NoVRAM), Diego Diaz 14 responses
- NoV-64 is ready! :-) Preliminary info., Diego Diaz 5 responses
- HHC2008 note for organizers, Tim Wessman 0 responses
- HP-71B under the scope., peter a walker (papwalker) 5 responses
- 48g vs. 50g, Chad Wermager 28 responses
- Status of iPhone Ports of Free42 and Nonpareil?, Les Wright 3 responses
- HP-50g DIVIS, Tim 3 responses
- OpenMoko?, Paul Brogger 1 response
- 9114B Charger PCB Repair, Egan Ford 15 responses
- HP-35S: Decomposing a complex number, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 4 responses
- What's happened at CMT?? , Allen 10 responses
- Help! (Programming HP 39gs), Anne 1 response
- HP82165 and HP82166, John Robinson 17 responses
- 20b Firmware Update, Marcus von Cube, Germany 3 responses
- 12c for iPhone full version available, Les Wright 3 responses
- Cube root of negative number (HP 50G), macky 3 responses
- The HP 20b RPN Arcus Cosine Bug, Marcus von Cube, Germany 1 response
- 50G: calling Stat49Pro, Sancerre (Phoenix) 9 responses
- Very Off Topic: Politics, Carly & Dilbert, Britt 6 responses
- 12c application books (leasing, real estate, ... ?) anyone?, Gene Wright 4 responses
- Slightly OT: Reviews of HP-41C & HP-150 in Byte Magazine, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 17 responses
- Kinda OT: Innovation, DaveJ 3 responses
- i41CX+ 1.0.1 Available, Les Wright 1 response
- HHC2008 - Address to HP (Building / Room #) ??, Matt Kernal 0 responses
- iTunes App Store: 12c Lite calculator now available..., Gene Wright 7 responses
- HP50G Emulator, Jan Kromhout 4 responses
- Did someone say that Advantage cannot be loaded in NoVRAM? Was it me?, Diego Diaz 5 responses
- Last Year's HPCC 25th-Anniversary Conference Video Available, Jake Schwartz 0 responses
- HP-16C PIC of the bunch, peter a walker (papwalker) 1 response
- Hepax Emulation under V41, Les Wright 8 responses
- Windows configuration for the Clonix & NoV's , Diego Diaz 1 response
- web server hack for i41CX+, Alain Mellan 2 responses
- HP 20B - 1st impressions, bt_schmidt 30 responses
- Programming the HP-20b, Mark Storkamp 0 responses
- i41CX+ Bug With Mathstat Module, Les Wright 1 response
- Nukenomics, jacksonconsult 0 responses
- Typograpic issue in Urroz sci and eng hp 49g vol 2?, Eric Smith 1 response
- 41CV Math Pack Power Problems, Peter Woysch 4 responses
- library 256 and the HP 50G, Jan Kromhout 5 responses
- O.T.? Carly's in the news again , Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 6 responses
- Woodstock feet-- any good replacement?, Michael Meyer 3 responses
- Please help identify equation, Egan Ford 2 responses
- i41CX+ on iPod touch, Les Wright 11 responses
- HP 3x Series Internal repairs, Frank Barberis 5 responses
- O.T. Chrome locks up, designnut 1 response
- HHC room share, Eric Smith 2 responses
- HP 41 FORTH Manual, Egan Ford 14 responses
- A refreshing change, Hal Bitton in Boise 2 responses
- 1d Rubik's Cube for HP 35s, Andrew Nikitin 2 responses
- HP-IL Video Interface, gileno 2 responses
- What did Steve Wozniak design at HP?, Steve Simpkin 3 responses
- HP-19C Printer Repair Atempt, Alexander Wassermann 3 responses
- Stopwatch program for HP 50G, hpnut 0 responses
- Looking for old PPC Journal Program, Egan Ford 12 responses
- HP 41 CX cardreader problem, Matti Övermark 4 responses
- HP50g plotting question, MikeO 9 responses
- 35s Name plate?, MarkW 5 responses
- HP41 MLDL2000 update, Meindert Kuipers 0 responses
- HP50g Bug - Troubling, MikeO 13 responses
- HP-11c Battery problem, Rangijay 0 responses
- HP Calculator Club, bill platt 0 responses
- i41CX+ available on AppStore, Alain Mellan 14 responses
- our heritage..., Don Shepherd 14 responses
- Christie mini cassette drive, Bill Lafferty 0 responses
- O.T. New browser, designnut 6 responses
- how do I make user defined functions?, Sam Anderson 2 responses
- HP-65 Standard Pac differences?, John Garza 0 responses
- Almost completely OT, Walter B 9 responses
- Hp 9133h disk drive formatting problem, Pascal 0 responses
- HP 34C batteries with AA 1.5V cells, Damien MATTEI 1 response
- copying 20B online manual, JDonley 0 responses
- HP-41C LOG PAC, Muhammad Ahmad 10 responses
- HP 35s - Problem with conversion from polar to rectangular coordinates. , Samir Kopas 1 response
- HEPAX/NoVRAM HOWTO?, Egan Ford 1 response
- HP-33S, $29.95, Norris 0 responses
- Interface card additions to, Steve Leibson 2 responses
- HEPAX Docs, Egan Ford 3 responses
- Blanknut display problem, David Ramsey 7 responses
- HP giving away an sd card with 50G purchase, Iqbal 0 responses
- Who says the HP 17Bii is not programmable?, Don Shepherd 10 responses
- 50g and 82240A printing, MikeO 2 responses
- HP 25 schematics? IC pinouts?, Borja 1 response
- MCODE - anyone interested in a searchable VASM pdf?, PeterP 7 responses
- PPC MODULE, Chris Dennis 20 responses
- Slightly OT: Praise the pocket calculator!, Frank Boehm (Germany) 1 response
- Another query about programming the HP41CX, Bill Lafferty 3 responses
- HP-41 Speed up - How many ways were used to switch?, Dan Grelinger 0 responses
- 17bii Battery Change, Brian H. (Houston) 6 responses
- Programming a HP41CX, Bill Lafferty 7 responses
- 17B, JDonley 4 responses
- Got an HP17bII+ Silver , Walter B 4 responses
- Buy Calculator in Ebay (Germany), gileno 16 responses
- Calculator Design, jonsproject 14 responses
- algebraic simplification on the 50G, Hal Bitton in Boise 19 responses
- HP-71B Card Reader Problem, Jeff Davis 1 response
- Function arc length on 50G, Hal Bitton in Boise 5 responses
- HP-71b memory / chip select access - How is it done?, peter a walker (papwalker) 2 responses
- STO consumes stack?, MikeO 10 responses
- SysRPL - how to start???? (50G), Matti Övermark 3 responses
- HP50G ClockSpeed Adjustment Tools -Overclock, hpnut 1 response
- 29C Charger, Michael Golub 6 responses
- HP-41 Astro ROM - Found one, what is it?, Dan Grelinger 13 responses
- OT-- for Diego Diaz. Madrid - Las Palmas plane crash, JoseL 3 responses
- It Lives !, MikeO 1 response
- MCODE - XF-Module Entry Point Symbol List, PeterP 9 responses
- HP 20b update, Ken Shaw 1 response
- Rarest HP calculator ever????, Joerg Woerner 14 responses
- MCODE - good entry point for RCLPTA or similar to find a file in X-Memory, PeterP 6 responses
- MCODE question - where to savely store an address, PeterP 4 responses
- HP35s Loose Ends, MikeO 19 responses
- HP35s key action problem, MikeO 3 responses
- Arithmetic or Stack on 10B, Bastian 1 response
- why are old HP collectibles?, LLA 18 responses
- How would you mod the HP 20b calculator?, hpnut 0 responses
- New release of HP9800 emulator, Achim (Germany) 1 response
- Stuck/broken keys on HP 48GX..., Alex Trzyna 0 responses
- New HP Calc. , Iqbal 7 responses
- Memory Lost message in HP41CV, Victor Fernandez 3 responses
- Possible to change 20b P/YR default?, Cinealta 11 responses
- Speaking of paper..., MikeO 10 responses
- Our dear friend ;), Matthias Wehrli 1 response
- How to take care of the HP manuals?, Didier Lachieze 14 responses
- HP 50G serial number, hpnut 12 responses
- Norway's largest(?) HP-collection up in smoke, Geir Isene 15 responses
- Hyper HP-41 Speed-Up by Synergistic Design, Dan Grelinger 3 responses
- "HP-97" Does TCP/IP!, MikeO 1 response
- Fully-modified 20b, Eric Rechlin 26 responses
- HP20B back cover, Scott Newell 0 responses
- Maybe the HP15c badge should have been reversed.., Geoff Quickfall 0 responses
- 20b font needed, Cyrille?, V-PN 2 responses
- HP 33S keyboard got worse?, Meursault 0 responses
- HP42s Programming, Mark Harvey 16 responses
- OT: Dilbert - The Knack, Juergen Keller 3 responses
- uWatch, DaveJ 4 responses
- HP97 and HP67 Emulator Updates, MikeO 0 responses
- Black Box Answers, Hal Bitton in Boise 1 response
- 82143 Printer Service manual, gileno 4 responses
- Upper rubber feet on the HP 35s, Ivan Latorre 7 responses
- TI 2550 Battery Packs Revisited, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- HP67/97 Navigation Pac I Update, MikeO 0 responses
- Odd date calc on 20b, Darin Murphy 4 responses
- HP-35S programming, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 10 responses
- 50G, Plot-Table-Printing to 82240 IR printer, George Bailey (Bedford Falls) 5 responses
- Collecting successes, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 2 responses
- HP-45 simulator for the HP-20b, Bruce Bergman 14 responses
- Why chain logic?, Martin Pinckney 27 responses
- HP 20B calculator quality, hpnut 10 responses
- HP-41 User's Library Solution, John Mosand 0 responses
- 20b User Guide and Training Modules, Jon S Canale 8 responses
- HHC2008 HP Conference Hotel Discount Ends 27 August, Jake Schwartz 0 responses
- Units Localisation request for future HPs, Mark Edmonds 24 responses
- HP35s Flag10, Hugh Clement 2 responses
- HP 32S II, ce25593 2 responses
- HP-35 Red Dot (Rare), gileno 13 responses
- Messner article "Fast Learners" debates Calculators in the Classroom, Allen 0 responses
- Antikythera Mechanism Revisit, Trent Moseley 1 response
- INVISIBLE DECIMAL POINT, designnut 5 responses
- HP 20b and CFA exam, Darin Murphy 1 response
- HP 41CX replacement battery foil, Sean Connor 2 responses
- programing Hp-41cx, Dale Ostrowski 0 responses
- How to open battery-cabinets, Karl-Ludwig Butte 0 responses
- OT - Bandwidth usage, Charles Oxford 1 response
- 20b and logs, Mark Storkamp 6 responses
- It arrived, JDonley 0 responses
- HP-16C : re-surfaced keys, Mikhael T 8 responses
- HP is hiering... if you are interested..., cyrille de Brébisson 1 response
- Sharing a Story, Ray Tabler 15 responses
- Four completed projects, Geoff Quickfall 2 responses
- HP 20b SDK, cyrille de Brébisson 27 responses
- Windows installer for Nonpareil nearly ready, Eric Smith 0 responses
- HP 20B calculator bragging rights, hpnut 9 responses
- HP20B mention in Leibson's EDN blog, Scott Newell 3 responses
- hbo1 - can you contact me please, Mark Edmonds 2 responses
- HP20B US availability?, Miguel Saiz 16 responses
- How to Open HP17BII +, retro69 2 responses
- (a + ib)^(x + iy) on HP 15C, Chris Dean 9 responses
- HP41 Mcode Entrypoint for 'high precision numbers', PeterP 3 responses
- HP97 crashing with trig and logs, Mark Edmonds 13 responses
- HP41 Nicad pack and Batteries, Larry Fox 5 responses
- HP 22 recharable batteries, Jeff Edberg 1 response
- Nonpareil progress on 67, 97, and 19C, Eric Smith 0 responses
- HP-67 Black Box for creating Word/Phrase/Graphics !!, gileno 0 responses
- Are 65, 67, 97, 41c reader motors interchangeable?, pespen 0 responses
- Re: Anyone build a ZVC (Zeprom Voltage Converter) Continued - 2, Dan Grelinger 4 responses
- New 33S at auction, designnut 0 responses
- HP-35s financial program, Caspar L 5 responses
- HP 41C Card Reader Metal Strip, Muhammad Ahmad 3 responses
- HP 20b front, Hans de Moor 12 responses
- HP82161A Digital Cassette Drive, Don McCollom 4 responses
- 20b.. so obvious even a 2 year old...., Allen 2 responses
- HP 20B calculator availablity, hpnut 0 responses
- 29c "Error" on power up, then works fine, pespen 3 responses
- HP 48G display comma separator, hpnut 4 responses
- Generic paper in printers and best buys?, Mark Edmonds 5 responses
- 41c* card reader use more power when just plugged in?, pespen 2 responses
- Inverse of Harmonic Numbers (hp 33s), Gerson W. Barbosa 4 responses
- HP emulator for Nokia N95 phone?, Ventura Ferré 1 response
- Open letter, search and plea for Emmanuel Compes - E03_RTN, PeterP 22 responses
- Success, soaked my hp 15C..., Geoff Quickfall 2 responses
- HP 35s Screen Glare, Vern Anderson 4 responses
- HP 48G pdf manuals, hpnut 4 responses
- DVD Orders, MikeO 4 responses
- Wiki for HP-20B hacking, Bruce Bergman 6 responses
- Case for HP20b , Jeff O. 5 responses
- SysRPL question (HP48G-series), Matti Övermark 1 response
- Pioneer LCD problem or feature!, Mark Edmonds 7 responses
- HP Power Supply Unit (PSU) schematics & Pspice simulation , Jacques Laporte 1 response
- HP20b Keys switched, Namir 2 responses
- HP-42s upgrades, Diego Diaz 3 responses
- HP-20B dev: LCD, Scott Newell 0 responses
- Did HP 65 originally include hard case in the box?, pespen 10 responses
- HP-41 User's Library Solutions, John Mosand 4 responses
- HP-20B key matrix, Scott Newell 2 responses
- MCODE - Prime Twin Finder - RFF (Request For Feedback), PeterP 0 responses
- Was the 11c shrink-wrapped when new?, pespen 2 responses
- 82240B Printer Emulation for Windows, Linux, and Possibly Mac, Egan Ford 0 responses
- HP-20B test, Scott Newell 2 responses
- HP20b - Wolf (RPL calc) in Sheep's (RPN Calc) Clothing?, Jeff O. 21 responses
- HP CALCS, designnut 3 responses
- HP 20b Operational Items, Jeff O. 0 responses
- Looking for on-line HP-41 manual, Thomas Okken 14 responses
- ZVC ZEPROM Voltage Converter (continued), Dan Grelinger 21 responses
- HP-20B pics!, Scott Newell 21 responses
- iPhone HP RPN Emulator, Steven R. Staton 1 response
- Control your PC with the 50g, Egan Ford 0 responses
- Best Newer HP Calculator under $40, Jeff davis 27 responses
- Q: What's better than a 15c?, pespen 26 responses
- HP20b Received, Jeff O. 10 responses
- New HP 10bII - No Case Included!, Jeff 6 responses
- I found a HP-46 today, pespen 2 responses
- Does anybody know that module? , gileno 6 responses
- My 20b has shipped!, Manatee 9 responses
- HP67 Emulator Completed, MikeO 18 responses
- 11c, 15c, 16c slip case variations question, pespen 1 response
- HP 100LX, Mike T. 2 responses
- 2GB question, jo 9 responses
- HP-97 in Nonpareil (work in progress), Eric Smith 6 responses
- ZEPROM Auction Problems Explained, Dan Grelinger 0 responses
- Allschwil Meeting 2008 again, Raymond Del Tondo 16 responses
- HP 12/15/16 on new iPhone 2.0, PeterP 4 responses
- OT (Obscurely Tangential): McCain/Fiorina?, Paul Brogger 4 responses
- HP 32s/33s/35s Emulators?, Howard Boardman 3 responses
- HP 20S Self-Test Question, Karen Allen 4 responses
- HP-97 Bug - Do you think they'll fix it?, MikeO 8 responses
- Anyone build a ZVC (Zeprom Voltage Converter), Dan Grelinger 13 responses
- New HP 17bII+ , Jeff 17 responses
- HP41 navigation module question, Muhammad Ahmad 19 responses
- Updated HP41C Simulator from RLM TOOLS, Namir 2 responses
- HP-41CV zebra strips, Tim 7 responses
- Non-HP credit-card-sized scientific, Don Davis 6 responses
- Damn....I really like the Voyagers, Jimi 4 responses
- HP-41 Online Module Database, Juergen Keller 0 responses
- Complex number capability in non-HP machines, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 11 responses
- Problem with tiny HP-16C program - can you debug this?, Richard B 8 responses
- OpenRPN wiki, Alvar Kusma 3 responses
- HP-35 Math Pac, Charles Oxford 1 response
- HP-41 system question, Monte Dalrymple 5 responses
- Race Track Module Help Please???, Jack Russe11 2 responses
- HP 22 recharable batteries, Jeff Edberg 2 responses
- HP 17B II ++ (silver) available, Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) 0 responses
- Small bug in MLDL2000 software found, Meindert Kuipers 0 responses
- Bug in ZEPROM PROGRAMMER code? or HP-41CX?, Dan Grelinger 0 responses
- Producing symbolic derivative on 48G, Roger King 4 responses
- Keys failing on 32S, Bob Kellock 6 responses
- OT, but: Congrats to the Spanish soccer team!, Raymond Del Tondo 9 responses
- 40GS Available in the US, John B. Smitherman 1 response
- A couple of RPL questions, Hal Bitton in Boise 10 responses
- [OT] Texas Instruments TI-2550III battery pack BP3, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 7 responses
- A lecture about the HP28 and the Saturn processor, DaveJ 0 responses
- Calculators still used on the Space Shuttles or ISS?, pespen 1 response
- Wanted: The % Function to Work Properly on Next 50+g, Eddie W. Shore 6 responses
- HP 42s: print to HP photosmart, George Bailey (Bedford Falls) 1 response
- HP calcs for professionals, Marco Polo 3 responses
- HP-41CX & Barcode Wand Problem, Nick Taylor 6 responses
- SPICE power supply board, Joel Setton (France) 2 responses
- Nifty iPhone HP-41CX Template Workaround, Mike 2 responses
- my HP 41cv displays a comma rather than a decimal??, Eric Mann 3 responses
- Very nice HP-95LX book, alternative to the manual, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 0 responses
- HP 20b - you can display your name when it turns on, Gene Wright 13 responses
- HP 20b converted, Walter B 33 responses
- Prime factorization in the 48GX, Hal Bitton in Boise 8 responses
- 41CX on Ipod Touch help, Chuck 4 responses
- HP-42S, 41CX and synthetic programming thoughts, Vincent Weber 0 responses
- IR module slows down 41CX, Egan Ford 14 responses
- WAY OT: programmer's sayings, Mike Reed 19 responses
- 71B card reader problem HELP !!!!, jo 1 response
- A working HP97 Emulator!, MikeO 3 responses
- Went to go buy a 20b, and found this..., Bruce Bergman 9 responses
- 20b on sale?, Ivan Nejgebauer 5 responses
- Is it me or is the HP 41CX the..., Geoff Quickfall 11 responses
- Found flea markets, new and old, Geoff Quickfall 1 response
- HP 48SX Quick Reference Guide, Charles 4 responses
- Why sells a Casio FX-603P for USD 1225.00 ?, Joerg Woerner 6 responses
- MLDL2000 Manual and Specification are available, Meindert Kuipers 0 responses
- CMT Products, Jeff Davis 28 responses
- HP41 on iPhone, PeterP 26 responses
- 41CX + Wand and IR module, Egan Ford 6 responses
- Compiling Nonpareil, Marcus von Cube, Germany 8 responses
- why is HP still selling calculators anyway?, Jan 26 responses
- Automatic HP41CX Program, Bill Lafferty 2 responses
- Var arithmetic on RPL machine?, Hal Bitton in Boise 2 responses
- Solving non-rational expressions on 49G?, Nicolai Sten 6 responses
- U.S. availability of HP 20B calculator, hpnut 16 responses
- Dim 42S display, Michael Larson 5 responses
- When? 20B, JDonley 7 responses
- HP 20b Manual , hpnut 7 responses
- The 20b as a development platform, Bruce Bergman 32 responses
- uWatch now available, DaveJ 6 responses
- Desktop Large Format HP-Almost there.., John Stark 0 responses
- Prognosticating about HP's future plans, Martin Pinckney 2 responses
- HP Gadget..., Giancarlo (Italy) 4 responses
- Non HP RPN, db (martinez, ca.) 4 responses
- HP 20b Business Consultant calculator announced, Gene Wright 66 responses
- 11c hang-up, Fabian H 2 responses
- Iphone and RPN maybe, Chuck 4 responses
- HP 41 Card reader, Victor Fernandez 3 responses
- HP17BII+ Battery Exchange - Tip to succeed!, Peter A. Gebhardt 0 responses
- Formulas for ->HMS & ->HR, Pekis 0 responses
- A little RPL help, Hal Bitton in Boise 4 responses
- To whom it may concern: Clarifying note regarding fake Clonix copies., Diego Diaz 0 responses
- U Watch programming question.., Geoff Quickfall 12 responses
- HP 48G unit conversion, hpnut 2 responses
- EMU71 HPIL error, Sean Connor 3 responses
- 50g flag labels, designnut 2 responses
- Calculator forensics, designnut 1 response
- Problem: 2nd 32k of CY suddenly missing, PeterP 7 responses
- XEQ vs. GSB, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 2 responses
- Calculator Algorithm or Canon F-766S vs TI-89, Joerg Woerner 7 responses
- uWatch next generation?, Donald Williams 7 responses
- Any reputable source that fixes 75C and 71B models?, jbssm 0 responses
- Displaying all roots of a number, Hal Bitton in Boise 2 responses
- Personal Meetings, NDAs, and HHC 2008, Richard J. Nelson 2 responses
- HP 50g successor, Ivan Latorre 10 responses
- HP48G,GX andSX for TDS use, Ian Carmichael (South Africa) 0 responses
- Shooting the engineers?, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 17 responses
- New MLDL2000 Software now released, Meindert Kuipers 5 responses
- OT: new ebook: Build your own programmable calculator, Karl-Ludwig Butte 13 responses
- HPGCC 2.0SP2 C Tutorial Updated, Egan Ford 0 responses
- HP 35SW ?, DaveJ 8 responses
- HHC2008 HP Handheld Conference in September, Jake Schwartz 43 responses
- Quick Reference Card for HP 48G, hpnut 5 responses
- HPILCOM and the 41, Gerry Schultz 6 responses
- MCODE: The insidious AECrom, Geir Isene 3 responses
- The small calculator, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 12 responses
- Non-financial programs for the financial calculator, Kalevipoeg 3 responses
- uwatch, Paul Dale 18 responses
- something new from TI, Don Shepherd 1 response
- Some curious numbers from my HP-67, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 11 responses
- HPILCOM, Jeff Davis 3 responses
- HP28C Flags, Poelmans Bart 2 responses
- HP-71B - Clockdsp Line 23, Roland Storz 7 responses
- A Third Order Linear Equation Solver for the HP 35Sc, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- HP 50g calculator - HELP!, larry boyuno 3 responses
- OT: This guy definitely has no plan of what he is selling, Marcus von Cube, Germany 5 responses
- HP 82153A WAND revision 1E versus 1F, Pierre Hardy 1 response
- She thinks I'M a nerd..., Earl Kubaskie 7 responses
- 32s - statistics, Frank Rottgardt 3 responses
- HP Portable Plus, Stefan Vorkoetter 2 responses
- How to open my HP-32SII, Sören Nilsson 8 responses
- MCODE Timing Allerlei, PeterP 33 responses
- Lovely pictures of a 'cut' Curta on the unmentionable site, BruceH 5 responses
- O.T. Remarkable Mars movie, designnut 4 responses
- Holding memory during battery change, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 4 responses
- 50g strange artifacts, dashes, designnut 0 responses
- uWatch Source code released, DaveJ 18 responses
- OT: There are still deals to be had..., Jeff Kearns 8 responses
- OT: Elektronika MK-52 / dead EEPROM?, Thomas Radtke 1 response
- Old EPROM Images, PeterP 0 responses
- 17B case, Charles Oxford 6 responses
- MCODE (NoV-32): Odd behaviour, Geir Isene 8 responses
- 33s - programming question, Frank Rottgardt 4 responses
- Problem with HP-97 Card reader, jbssm 1 response
- Help with a general LCD problem in HP 11C (Voyager series), Chris Falk 2 responses
- HP-15C: Library of complex-number utilities , Karl Schneider 6 responses
- HP 35s successor?, Kyle Husmann 60 responses
- Desktop HP Model(s), John Stark 6 responses
- HP 48GX Brass Plate, John McCormick 1 response
- Medical statistics - OT, Charles Oxford 7 responses
- RPN scientific Casio Calc watch..., DaveJ 7 responses
- HP 71b Working with LEX files, Sean Connor 1 response
- HP-17B II financial calculator drains batteries frequently, Larry Gagnon 4 responses
- HP-11C LCD display decay, Larry Gagnon 1 response
- hp35 Dead, Victor Fernandez 7 responses
- HEPAX Pictures, PeterP 10 responses
- Charger for HP97, Chan Tran 1 response
- Strange HP48S ?, Math 1 response
- Calculator newsletter, DaveJ 8 responses
- Let and get 17bII+, Darin Murphy 1 response
- Forth on 71B, Xerxes 4 responses
- HP 20b?, Egan Ford 20 responses
- 50G USB cable similarity, designnut 4 responses
- HP-67 and TI SR-52 compared, Marcus von Cube, Germany 16 responses
- hp 41 problems , JaSon 4 responses
- HP-42S without FIX notation. Very strange.. or not?, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 5 responses
- 17B won't start up, Charles Oxford 1 response
- HP 35s:Sys. of Lin. Eq. with Complex numbers, Jamie Slade 11 responses
- A Program for Converting Interest and Discount Rates on HP12C, MacDonald Phillips 0 responses
- NoVRAM RAM to PC .ROM file image... Directly!! ;-), Diego Diaz 4 responses
- accessing tvm in solver for the 17bII+, Darin Murphy 1 response
- An Extension for Stefan's Matrix Multi-Tool Program, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- (OT) Message for Valentín Albillo, Andrés C. Rodríguez 2 responses
- Hp calculator (41CV/71B) startup question, Kou Tadayoshi(United States) 6 responses
- It's Derby Day!, Don Shepherd 1 response
- 50g and programs., Mark Sim. 1 response
- HP12c Financial Questions... yet again!, CaribbeanHP12c 13 responses
- HP-97 Printer repair , Karl-Ludwig Butte 7 responses
- Quick question about the 71b, Geoff Quickfall 5 responses
- O.T. On learning English, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 17 responses
- Revisiting: Poking a value into address 4100 (NoV-32/HP-41), Geir Isene 2 responses
- Hp-97 Service Manual, Joel Setton (France) 3 responses
- For Mr. Diego Diaz, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 1 response
- A "Cadillac" Quadratic Solver for the hp 33s and HP35s, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 3 responses
- ID'ing 2 Overlays and Labels?, barryt 2 responses
- MCODE question - C=-C-1 MS sets carry in MLDL but not in SDK41, PeterP 2 responses
- Worlds Smallest Calculator, Kevin Kitts 7 responses
- Help with an HP-67 Stat Pac I Program, Namir 0 responses
- Learning Basic....and a question about MAKELEX in Joseph Horn's "HP-71B BASIC MADE EASY", Geoff Quickfall 24 responses
- uWatch kits - expression of interest., DaveJ 25 responses
- Finance Formulas, Jeff Maloney 2 responses
- For our readers knowing some German..., Walter B 2 responses
- OT: Gray stains LCD, gileno 0 responses
- MoHPC 9114 repair Manual, PeterP 1 response
- HP-41C Pool Maintenence Programs, Jeff Davis 8 responses
- HP Clamshell In a Video, Ron G. 1 response
- Annotated MCODE listing for Sandbox - Angel Martin, are you around?, PeterP 3 responses
- Which EPROM box to use with two equal length EPROMS, PeterP 2 responses
- HP 50g a few questions, Jonathan Vogel 13 responses
- Iphone RPN, Chuck 31 responses
- MCODE - Hyperlinked SDK41 Manual, PeterP 13 responses
- Wallet Case For 12C?, JT 6 responses
- reading mini cassette tapes, Spencer Rowse 2 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- HP-35S and angle between two segments in the space, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 6 responses
- HP 71B, HP 41CX, clonix and etc and more..., Geoff Quickfall 6 responses
- 35s revision?, Rick Brown 5 responses
- HP 71B With HPIB Disk Drive ?, Sean Connor 1 response
- Hidden functions on the HP-35S ???, Slawomir Bucki 49 responses
- 50G ABS function perplexing, Hal Bitton in Boise 5 responses
- Help Appreciated Identifying Unusual HP-41 ROMS, Dan Grelinger 4 responses
- Humbly, I return to the Gods: HP12c Help!, CaribbeanHP12c 12 responses
- HP 71B HPIL questions and the HPCC!, Geoff Quickfall 12 responses
- HP 71B Service Manual, Dave Frederickson 8 responses
- O.T. I wish to write with members outside the US, designnut 3 responses
- Another viewpoint, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 15 responses
- 10 years ago: Unofficial Emu48 Update, Christoph Giesselink 12 responses
- HP 41CV repair required, Geoff (Wales) 2 responses
- Several HP-Calculator items, Jarle Vik 4 responses
- Computer History Museum, DaveJ 1 response
- HP-25 Repair?, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 5 responses
- AECROM Manual, Jeff Davis 4 responses
- ThinkJet 2225B Battery Pack 82199A Repair, Dan Grelinger 4 responses
- 50G book from Samson Cables, designnut 2 responses
- HP82120A 3 terminal battery pack, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 0 responses
- No 50G instructions update, designnut 1 response
- Received new 12CP Anniversary Edition today, but..., Stephen Easterling 6 responses
- 82161A Cassette Drive, Sean Connor 4 responses
- An idea on HP-35S Keyboard Problems, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 4 responses
- x-41 MacOS updated for Intel architecture, Alain Mellan 0 responses
- Bypassing write protection in HP-67/97 Cards, jbssm 2 responses
- HP-11C display decay, Jerry Natowitz 3 responses
- HP-71B 82161A (Cass. Drive) Emulator, Raymund Heuvel 6 responses
- HP 35s order, Howard Lazerson 4 responses
- a very unscientific survey, Don Shepherd 10 responses
- What do you think about HP calculator development?, Walter Lam 21 responses
- many 50g at auction, designnut 0 responses
- Clonix NoV's (and the like) news and updates., Diego Diaz 3 responses
- BBC article on The Garage, John Keith 7 responses
- Repairing an HP-65, jbssm 5 responses
- HP35 - for your personal viewing pleasure on Friday, Frank Boehm (Germany) 5 responses
- MCODE Triangle Solutions, Jeff Davis 5 responses
- HP Calculator Sale Ending Today?, Dan Grelinger 0 responses
- HP82120A battery pack schematic, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 0 responses
- Is there any interest out there in Topcat tear-bars?, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 0 responses
- HP 20S colour scheme, DaveJ 9 responses
- HP-11c, 15c, 16c emulator for the HP-150, Pascal 2 responses
- 50G self test fail?, designnut 1 response
- HP 35S and 12C Platinum Anniversary Edition, Stephen Easterling 12 responses
- Is there any interest out there in HP-150 source code ?, Valentin Albillo 4 responses
- LOG function or ln, CaribbeanHP12c 21 responses
- 50G at auction, designnut 0 responses
- Programs and number entry, Mike T. 7 responses
- HP-71B on german ebay (not ad), Alejandro Paz (Germany) 15 responses
- HP41 Private Function, Winfried 0 responses
- How to open my HP-32SII, Sören Nilsson 2 responses
- HP35s Programming Help , Chuck 1 response
- Look what I just got! (slightly OT), Mad Dog ebaycalcnut 14 responses
- HP35s price drop on HP Web site, Jon S Canale 8 responses
- hp 41C for a smile!, William L. Drylie 6 responses
- New site, J-F Garnier 8 responses
- HP 28C/S battery doors, Keith Beyer 0 responses
- Ebay reminder, Dave Hicks 0 responses
- ARRGGG HP 41 double x memory experts, help, Geoff Quickfall 2 responses
- HP-29C, Robert Hollyer 7 responses
- MLDL2000 + HEPAX Correct Configuration, Jeff Davis 5 responses
- TI-59 with printer, Frank Rottgardt 3 responses
- HP67 Moon Rocket Lander., Mike T. 7 responses
- The 7x7 Linear Equation Solver for the HP-67 , Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 53 responses
- Fullnut/Halfnut, what do I keep?, Egan Ford 6 responses
- HP-41 Repairs, SteveH 0 responses
- What is that interface? HP97S I/O, gileno 1 response
- HP 200LX - Install DOS Applications based on Zip Files , Roland Storz 4 responses
- Effective Computer-aided Calculator Programming - Part 1 - Voyager, Egan Ford 0 responses
- Define a complex function, Micheal Jennings 1 response
- Short & Sweet Math Challenge #20: April 1st, 2008 Spring Special "Oh So Simple !...", Valentin Albillo 87 responses
- 50G involves too much learning,selling, designnut 7 responses
- Reasons for choosing a 12c Platinum over the 17bII+?, Jorge M. Treviño 13 responses
- HP 150 touchescreen, ffabrizioluga 3 responses
- HP 35s REGY, REGZ ,REGX, Howard Boardman 9 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 9 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- HP 35S Manual .pdf in English, David A. 10 responses
- O.T. want to discuss practical Servos, designnut 1 response
- OT: LCD Repair Question, Maximilian Hohmann 14 responses
- Allschwil Meeting 2008, Raymond Del Tondo 5 responses
- New HP-41C Emulator from RLM Tools, Namir 6 responses
- HP 17bII+ Solver Problems and Workarounds, Don Shepherd 0 responses
- OT: Classpad with "No boot block", Marcus von Cube, Germany 1 response
- Key "bounce", Keith Beyer 3 responses
- hp 35s keyboard issue, jdgc (spain) 3 responses
- OffTopic: MC for Epson HX-20, Juergen Rodenkirchen 2 responses
- OT: HP Jornada 540, Ren 2 responses
- A bug and a related mini-challenge, Rodger Rosenbaum 19 responses
- HP-41 CX MCODE Prompting, Jeff Davis 1 response
- HP 71b repair, Sean Connor 0 responses
- ERAMCO RSU RAMBox - Battery Replacement, Dan Grelinger 9 responses
- Forth / Fortran77 for HP-1000CX, Roland Storz 5 responses
- HP 50g text box menus for functions, Stephane 3 responses
- There's only seven days left, Valentin Albillo 2 responses
- Keystroke Intensive Casio, Hal Bitton in Boise 2 responses
- HP110 Portable battery, Prabhu Bhooplapur 2 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 3 responses
- graphing calculators- basic question, Howard Lazerson 4 responses
- 24K ROM PROGRAMMABLE MODULE FOR HP-41C HP-41CV HP-41CX, gileno 14 responses
- How to capture HP-50g Display-contents, Karl-Ludwig Butte 2 responses
- HP-10 Dis-assembly, Jeff Davis 2 responses
- Which is the best? TI58C x HP67, gileno 56 responses
- NoV-32/HEPAX bug, further research, Geir Isene 15 responses
- OT: Seat-of-the-pants Crank Shaft Physics, Paul Brogger 5 responses
- Vintage calculators, do they need regular occasional use?, wildpig 8 responses
- Clonix via USB, PeterP 9 responses
- HP-41 Modules/battery usage, Kevin Kitts 1 response
- HP 01 Watch repair, Jerry Hayes 4 responses
- HP 32SII "Clicking", Santeh 1 response
- Emulators HP67 & HP12c MacBook, CaribbeanHP12c 3 responses
- HP-41 modules, Matthias Wehrli 9 responses
- New HP non-programmable calc?, DaveJ 25 responses
- It's a Joy: The HP-67 and This Forum, Trent Moseley 1 response
- Voyager Painted Keys- a 16C with triple personality, Allen 1 response
- LXVII: New HP67 emulator (OS X), bt_schmidt 1 response
- State of the art, Walter B 12 responses
- OK to leave AC adapter plugged into wall outlet?, Don Shepherd 18 responses
- Newest project, another restoration..., Geoff Quickfall 3 responses
- HP 17bII+ Silver vs Gold, SCSNOW 5 responses
- Survey of HP35s Owners, Brian Healy 54 responses
- MCODE: NoV-32: WROM/WRITE S&X/040 to address 4100, Geir Isene 5 responses
- HP35s lemon?, ravwalia 10 responses
- HP48 Keyboard Scanning and Electrical Resistance, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 2 responses
- HP-50G CASE FIT, designnut 3 responses
- HP 50g, jpinda 1 response
- Small cover over toggle keys 41 blanknut, Diehl-Peshkur 5 responses
- Can anyone check this strange behavior on HP-15C, Bastian Erdnüß 4 responses
- Lower case alphabet for the hp35s?, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 4 responses
- Double Extended memory module HP41cx.., Geoff Quickfall 11 responses
- HP User Contributed Programs, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 0 responses
- Broken HP-25, Simon Williams 4 responses
- HP 19C..., Luis 6 responses
- How to write HP-9121 floppies from a PC ?, Pascal 4 responses
- Happy Pi Day, Egan Ford 2 responses
- MLDL2000 Update, Meindert Kuipers 5 responses
- Nonpareil for OS/X, Egan Ford 6 responses
- CORDIC Trigonometric Algorithm on an HP17BII, Charles 4 responses
- HP-25 first production dates & quantities, Rob W. 0 responses
- Sudden death of HP33S batteries, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 1 response
- My first programable HP, Howard Lazerson 18 responses
- Ulam's Spiral on HP 17bII+, Chris Dean 25 responses
- HP 41C Display Window Adhesive, Mitch Sisak 0 responses
- HP-10C emulator ?, Valentin Albillo 9 responses
- Texas Instruments - The PET Project, Joerg Woerner 4 responses
- New Article: HP 41C Service/ Diagnostic ROM Versions, Allen 2 responses
- CLASSIC RPN Calculator Simulators - Updated (Again), Mike T. 0 responses
- HP71b - Forth Modul, Roland Storz 2 responses
- Silver 17BII+ - General remarks and a solver example, Marcus von Cube, Germany 10 responses
- 11c questions, Mark W Paris 8 responses
- HP 50g finding the nth derivative, Jonathan Vogel 3 responses
- New (to me!) HP-25, Seth Morabito 6 responses
- HP-71B FORTH/Assembler??, Mike 2 responses
- Where to buy HP calcs in 1974, Don Shepherd 45 responses
- Default "Beep" pitch in HP 49/50, Howard Boardman 0 responses
- HP 15C Self-Test Question, Santeh 12 responses
- OT: iPhone SDK, Alain Mellan 7 responses
- HP 48S Schematic ?, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 1 response
- HP 35S teardown with video, Tom Mathes 8 responses
- Looking for William Doug Wilder, Meindert Kuipers 7 responses
- 50th birthday !, Valentin Albillo 38 responses
- Free calculators, what to do with them?, Brandon McGriff (USA) 4 responses
- HHP 96k module configuration (HP-71B), J-F Garnier 1 response
- 50g, Trig Identities Gone Wild, Hal Bitton in Boise 4 responses
- No luck with HP41CV's, Martin Sonntag 6 responses
- 50G Keys hard?, designnut 4 responses
- OT: Looking for a person who uploaded HP-41E and TI-57E to, HrastProgrammer 2 responses
- Where to find the little red rocker switch for Speed up in HP41, PeterP 3 responses
- What's the going rate for a 15C?, BruceH 4 responses
- hp-9121 floppy disk repair help needed, Pascal 5 responses
- HP48s won't turn on, Alto7 11 responses
- HP 35S replaced (keyboard problems), Tom Mathes 15 responses
- HP17BII+ - Help with writing Solve Equations...!, Will Lloyd (UK) 7 responses
- A compiler for HP-11C, Thomas Klemm 6 responses
- Any separate manual for the Mainframe Labels Rom?, Geir Isene 10 responses
- How do you feel about the 50g?, designnut 42 responses
- OT: Great Texas TI 58/59 Compiler., gileno 4 responses
- 41C to 50g Migration, Egan Ford 6 responses
- HP seven-segment display patent, Eric Smith 0 responses
- 48SX cards in 48GX, John Ferman 26 responses
- wrinkled HP program card wallets, Geoff Quickfall 3 responses
- Plea for HP-41 User Contributed Programs, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 11 responses
- Solving for an Integral: 28S solution, Marcus von Cube, Germany 2 responses
- Picture of silver 17bii+, Walter B 14 responses
- Super News from Randy Sloyer, John Ferman 0 responses
- HP-41C Display Window Replacement, Mitch Sisak 2 responses
- sticking key HP11C, Pete Copeland 4 responses
- hp9815a repair, frankabc 3 responses
- HP 42s display, Hal Bitton in Boise 6 responses
- HEPAX (NoV-32) reproducible error, Geir Isene 13 responses
- HP 9100B magnetic card, Robert Bennett 2 responses
- HP 50 Descriptive Article, John Ferman 2 responses
- EMS ROM doesn't work on HP-85A (note for PRM-85 owners), john as (uk) 0 responses
- Misbehaving 42s Multirow Menu Annunciator?, Dallas Osborne 4 responses
- HP Calculator History , Todd Garabedian 6 responses
- HP67/97 RND Function, Mike T. 8 responses
- Battery Pack for HP 21, Jeff Kearns 5 responses
- Book question???, Mad Dog ebaycalcnut 2 responses
- mini-challenge, Don Shepherd 9 responses
- Advantage Rom Module (Prototype version), Mike Brainard 10 responses
- Number representation, Juergen Rodenkirchen 5 responses
- [OT?] Mini-challenge, Eduardo Duenez 28 responses
- Connectivity Issues Continued, Ed Look 2 responses
- Hewlett Packard HP 82164A HP-IL / RS-232C and 71b, Michael McGrath 4 responses
- How HP Got Its First Calculators: Video Interview with Tom Osborne, Steve Leibson 15 responses
- HP 48 Mac Serial Cable, John Ferman 4 responses
- HHC Conference mailing list, Eric Smith 0 responses
- MICRO SD CARDS IN HP 50G??, MIKE REED 10 responses
- what I did...what do you think?, nacho 6 responses
- NOS Mini Data Cassettes?, Mike 13 responses
- Magiclik question, Mad Dog ebaycalcnut 4 responses
- Proposed rule regarding ebay discussions, Dave Hicks 16 responses
- Windows 1.03 for Vectra valid for HP-150 ?, Pascal 10 responses
- [OT] I'm a Daddy!, Tim Wessman 12 responses
- What is the "best" way to control the #thing#?, Matti Övermark 5 responses
- Elektronika MK-152, Joerg Woerner 17 responses
- HP-41CX MCODE Stack Functions, Jeff Davis 12 responses
- HP19C printer needs service, Prabhu Bhooplapur 4 responses
- Technolust?, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 13 responses
- eBay strike survey, Mad Dog ebaycalcnut 37 responses
- Using Custom (vectored) ENTER, Gerry Schultz 2 responses
- Quote "May a Calculator bring you great Happiness", Jeffrey Davis 4 responses
- Valentine's Day 2008 Mini-Challenge !, Valentin Albillo 37 responses
- Calculator Benchmark, Faster 50g/HPGCC3 results, Egan Ford 7 responses
- Serial Ports - HP48, PC, HP200LX, etc, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 4 responses
- Does anyone know where I can find a green TI-30XB?, Dima Braun 6 responses
- HP 48 Insights Program Disk, Gerry Schultz 0 responses
- Question to Mike T, Namir 8 responses
- Largest number on hp48g, wildpig 1 response
- How to list an HP85 ?, Adrian Godwin 3 responses
- What the heck, it is a calculator and I just restored it...., Geoff Quickfall 6 responses
- HP 50g won't turn on, Kevin Chernoff (Canada) 6 responses
- How to remember all the equations/programs?, ravwalia 2 responses
- HMS+ / HMS- implementation., Alex L 10 responses
- survey, reth 26 responses
- NovRAM/NoV-32 experiences (MLDL2000 users: also for you), Geir Isene 13 responses
- One-week eBay sellers' boycott , Karl Schneider 1 response
- Geometric problem, Hal Bitton in Boise 2 responses
- Lambert's W on the HP-33s, Gerson W. Barbosa 17 responses
- HP 71B adapter and RPN, michael mcgrath 8 responses
- HP 97 restoration, rkellernj 2 responses
- Charging NiMH cells on calculators, Luis 4 responses
- Question from a lazy (lost?) guy, Olivier TREGER 9 responses
- CLASSIC RPN Calculator Simulators - Updated , Mike T. 18 responses
- HP35S automatic renumbering mess, designnut 1 response
- 41CX fixed by fixthatcalc, JDonley 8 responses
- Survey: most used 12C programs, Eric Smith 5 responses
- Sparcom Cards, Abraham L 2 responses
- Victor V12, db (martinez, ca.) 10 responses
- Using equation solver multiple times on HP35s.., ravwalia 7 responses
- Tear Down: Scientific calculator boils design down to two ICs, Miguel Toro 1 response
- HP41 display segments fail, JoseL 2 responses
- Anyone mind if I criticize one ad?, Mad Dog ebaycalcnut 22 responses
- Vintage Technology, gileno 2 responses
- MLDL2000 new software coming soon, Meindert Kuipers 2 responses
- Kinpo: do they make the 35s?, bill platt 4 responses
- Undocumented 35S shortcuts, designnut 1 response
- HP-34C Old vs. New Version Spice, Mike Morrow 2 responses
- HP 35s - The incarnated Commodore C64, Joerg Woerner 7 responses
- how to reset my hp11c, Dirk (Japan) 1 response
- Calculator Benchmark 48GX/hp48xgcc and 50g/HPGCC3 results, Egan Ford 19 responses
- 35s Programming (need help), Chuck 51 responses
- Now where the heck did this calc come from?...a hint, perhaps?, Dallas Osborne 5 responses
- hp 48 4 pin from computer parts, wildpig 16 responses
- Caution, explicit photos...the collection to date! The vintage people will like this!, Geoff Quickfall 27 responses
- Replica HP-41cx, Cumhur NALCIOGLU 5 responses
- Listing for "Star Sight Planner" from Nav Pac for HP-67/97, jbssm 1 response
- 35's screen format, ramb 5 responses
- Thermal Printer Paper for 82143A Printer?, Gordon Hamachi 1 response
- HP 17 BII ++ (silver), Andrés C. Rodríguez 15 responses
- Get A Grip on Calculus, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 1 response
- Money Weighted Return with HP 12C, David Bag 3 responses
- OT: Wii Remote Innovation, Paul Brogger 7 responses
- Article about 35s at, Eric Smith 8 responses
- Backslash on HP-71b, Klaus 2 responses
- office accessories for Voyager calcs, megarat 2 responses
- HP-65 programs on the HP-67, jbssm 1 response
- hp35s missing keystrokes, Brian Healy 19 responses
- HP-35S complex numbers, designnut 2 responses
- HP-71B CMT RAM module question, J-F Garnier 7 responses
- Are Seiko/Epson RAM cards compatible with the HP 48GX?, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 4 responses
- 50g vector or complex arguments in exact form?, Hal Bitton in Boise 2 responses
- HP 41 Plugin Module Problem, Gordon Hamachi 16 responses
- The Unmentionable Auction Website, Mad Dog ebaycalcnut 10 responses
- HP 82929A Programmable ROM Drawer Schematics ..., Jorge Amodio 3 responses
- My brand new HP35 (odd problems), Steve (Australia) 2 responses
- Simple PV ? HP 12C, Matthew Call 2 responses
- HP calculators for everyday engineering, aranda1984 22 responses
- Emu48PPC display resolution, Christoph Giesselink 12 responses
- Strange HP 41C Card reader, jbssm 8 responses
- Kermit K95 ver 2.1.3 GUI and the hp48sx, Mike Reed 6 responses
- Calculator Benchmark: HP-48GX/SysRPL, Thomas Klemm 14 responses
- HP-41 Program conversion to Text files, Jeff Davis 9 responses
- Near, or exactly, rank-deficient matrices., Rodger Rosenbaum 17 responses
- CLASSIC RPN Calculator Simulators - Updated, Mike T. 10 responses
- HP-55, HP-45,HP-35, Jeff Davis 6 responses
- Problem with HP-75C LCD display, jbssm 0 responses
- BASIC to RPL translation., wildpig 64 responses
- Beginners RPN needed, designnut 17 responses
- HP-35S instructions on CD, designnut 5 responses
- [way OT] Casio fx-190, George Bailey (Bedford Falls) 16 responses
- This 11C will drive tears into your eyes..., Raymond Del Tondo 14 responses
- HP 12c Platinum TMV help, Brandony 14 responses
- HP-41C/CV/CX Battery Pack Circuit (burnt diode), Al Snyder 4 responses
- HP41CX XROM, Bill Lafferty 3 responses
- HP 12d Platinum 25th Anniversary Edition Review, Eddie W. Shore 6 responses
- hp 45 conversion to quartz timer, Geoff Quickfall 5 responses
- HP-67 ROM simulator with card reader, Jacques Laporte 1 response
- Just "discovered" Colin Robert Croft website, Peter A. Gebhardt 1 response
- Dead HP41CX?, Gordon Hamachi 8 responses
- A shortcut for running programs on a HP-35s, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 4 responses
- DC100A or similar END OF TAPE problem: fix?, Jose V Gavila (Spain) 1 response
- OK to use 2 CR123 cells in an HP41C ?, Jacques Bilinski 9 responses
- HP 35s Review, Stefan Vorkoetter 0 responses
- Solving a linear system with physical meaning, Rodger Rosenbaum 52 responses
- Preserving / repairing classics boxes, Thomas Radtke 0 responses
- The HP 45 complete restoration with PICTURES!, Geoff Quickfall 12 responses
- MCODE: The significance of a "3" in nybble 3 in register "b", Geir Isene 4 responses
- hp-19bII, Andre W Gaup 3 responses
- hp9815a repair, frankabc 0 responses
- HP 55 and HP 45 restorations, Geoff Quickfall 4 responses
- Testing Stefan's Matrix Multi-Tool Program for the HP-35s, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 4 responses
- Easier way to program 50G, Rolf Dubek 0 responses
- Can the Clonix 41 module be used together other modules?, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 2 responses
- a few hp42s and 42s emulator questions, Mike Reed 11 responses
- HP 12C Platinum - $44.95 Replacement, Joerg Woerner 22 responses
- EXTENLEX for the HP-71b, Klaus 1 response
- HP-41 Skwid ROM manual addendum, J-F Garnier 9 responses
- Availability of new HP 17bII+, Jeff O. 11 responses
- HP 48GX Black LCD on eBay, Nick Nicholas 6 responses
- OT: Business Calculator from, Marcus von Cube, Germany 4 responses
- My New HP 11c and 15c, Chuck 11 responses
- HHC2007 Conf Proceedings Available for Download, Jake Schwartz 3 responses
- HP 35s MEMORY FULL (well, not really!!), EL 3 responses
- HP97 printer paper does not advance, Prabhu Bhooplapur 2 responses
- HP-41 MCODE: Making an MCODE program call another MCODE program, Geir Isene 10 responses
- Extend your 50g with C DRAFT/WIP, Egan Ford 6 responses
- HP85: NOS HP98200A sealed tapes... still useful?, Jose V Gavila (Spain) 5 responses
- HP-71B: HP-IL ISA PC Card, Alexander Wassermann 5 responses
- HP17BII+ enter key, Mvdn 4 responses
- HP 35s vs HP 50, Nick Taylor 16 responses
- HP35s Internal Investigations re: Creation of the PH35sx, Jeff O. 27 responses
- HP-01, Phillippe Gerard 4 responses
- Searching the HP Museum Forum Archives, Gerry Schultz 2 responses
- what about Qonos?, nacho 5 responses
- Large Numbers Revisited (for Jean-Michel), Chuck 4 responses
- Complex numbers HP32SII, ravwalia 9 responses
- HP-85 Port Extender?, Juergen Keller 1 response
- HP 35s (and 42s) Crystal replacement, Lyuka 11 responses
- A simple puzzle (no prize offered :-), Gerson W. Barbosa 3 responses
- What's the best calculator for a college Physics course?, Ron G. 5 responses
- HP 71B - installing memory modules, Rob Lilley 7 responses
- triangle area without trig., Hal Bitton in Boise 30 responses
- HP 71B SHOW PORT, Rob Lilley 1 response
- OT:Texas TI-59/58C make calculations % using HIR , gileno 13 responses
- Tape drives like in the HP 85 - Emulate?, Bruce Blevins 2 responses
- how to 2x speed hp48gX, nacho 5 responses
- Displaying numbers greater than 9.99E499?, Jean-Michel 19 responses
- Hp 41 CX not turning on, wildpig 6 responses
- Displaying calculators -- How do you do it?, Steve (Australia) 6 responses
- Changing display contrast on HP 27s, MitchT 7 responses
- HP 28 Internal Photographs?, Travis Goodspeed 6 responses
- Programming Programmable Calculators, Stefan Vorkoetter 40 responses
- Again about limted stacks (and other limitations), Nick 14 responses
- Next ebay account of Emmanuel Compes, Matthias Wehrli 2 responses
- HP 41CX NULL MESSAGE, Derek G. Graham 1 response
- Comparing Ti 89 Titanium vs. Ti 84+ SE vs. Hp 50g, PhysicsNerd 16 responses
- Changing the positioning of the arithmetic keys -- why?, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 11 responses
- Happy New Year, Matthias Wehrli 28 responses
- Ebay Link:H-P 97 CALCULATOR PLUS EXTRAS, gileno 1 response
- Amazon's price for the 35s, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 13 responses
- 5% Rebate for a 41C Blanknut :-), Jean-Michel 10 responses
- Few Topics. It seems we're all on vacation, isnt' it?, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 5 responses
- 50G summation function., Hal Bitton in Boise 5 responses
- hp 82240A Printer - Sacrilege?, Tito de Magalhaes 4 responses
- HP 10S - a piece of junk or what?, McAllan 6 responses
- hp35s display, Woody Ochs 2 responses
- EDLEX and TEXTUTIL, Jeff Davis 2 responses
- OT: Casio Games Site, gileno 0 responses
- The Future of Hp Calculators, John W Kercheval 0 responses
- Exotic Calculator Modifications, John W Kercheval 18 responses
- Happy Halloween!!!! ;-) OCT 31 == DEC 25, Meenzer 16 responses
- 12C Platinum - Dust in Display, Jeff 0 responses
- Most Expensive Calculator Sale Seen?, John W Kercheval 16 responses
- Windows XP connection to 48SX, Scott Larson 2 responses
- HP 35 Value, Jack Wallace 4 responses
- ZENGRANGE -vs- CMT Eproms:Any Cross-Compatibility?, Allen 0 responses
- Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays, Walter B 11 responses
- The silver HP17 B II + (or is it "HP 17 B II ++" ?), Andrés C. Rodríguez 17 responses
- HP Portable Plus, John W Kercheval 4 responses
- hp 20s self test, Charles Oxford 6 responses
- 48gII: updated?, Ivan Nejgebauer 1 response
- "Power Lost" msg on HP-28S, Jean-Michel 1 response
- HP-97 Flashing Display, Nick Taylor 5 responses
- Changing batteries on 35s, Mark Storkamp 2 responses
- Norwegian television to air program with HP calculator collection, Geir Isene 23 responses
- HP 50G RS-232, Matti Övermark 1 response
- hooking up HP-IL with a Thinkjet 2225D RS-232 printer, Rob Lilley 3 responses
- HP-15C locks up when certain keys are pressed, Greg Gosian 8 responses
- HP-85A calculator, hpnut 0 responses
- HP-71B, RamLab 0 responses
- HP-71 RPN Calculator, Alexander Wassermann 4 responses
- EL: September 1973 Playboy Magazine Vintage Calculators :-), gileno 3 responses
- HP-20S and MEM command, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 2 responses
- Hp 71 program to perform prime factor, wildpig 29 responses
- Nut processor opcodes, Rick Coates 1 response
- HP50G, Rolf Dubek 6 responses
- One step forward, Thomas Radtke 31 responses
- Access (temporarily) not available , Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- HP 95LX, Keith Beyer 3 responses
- HP35s: Interpolate, ChristianB. 3 responses
- HP 01 value, I thought I would resurrect this as a fresh post...., Geoff Quickfall 6 responses
- New-old-stock HP-35 Calculator top in original bag - Ebay Link, gileno 12 responses
- A funny about the TI-83, Fred Lusk 34 responses
- Cleaning HP 15C, Terry Holmes 2 responses
- Where do you use you calculator ?, Ljad 13 responses
- 12c does not display "running" anymore, Don Shepherd 5 responses
- HP49G+. How to erase a directory that contains lots of stuff?, J.C.Boco 6 responses
- HP48 Printing in Trace Mode, Gerry Schultz 1 response
- Is it possible to turnOff HP-41 display?, Matti Övermark 4 responses
- New domain and email address for MLDL2000, Meindert Kuipers 0 responses
- Vintage PROTOTYPE HP Xpander Calculator. MINT CONDITION, gileno 6 responses
- HP-35s : problem with vector input, Jean-Michel 3 responses
- Interesting (Floating Point) Math Articles, Giancarlo (Italy) 7 responses
- Why did this HP-01 fetch so high a price?, Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz 17 responses
- OT: New RPN Calculator, Xerxes 27 responses
- Christmas is arriving. If somebody wants to give me a gift :-), gileno 5 responses
- Man calculates the 13th root of a random 200 digit number in his head in 70 secs!, BruceH 5 responses
- Who Needs a Calculator, Anyway?, Les Bell 2 responses
- 50g for $89.99 US until 12/11 4:00 PM PST (Amazon Lighting Deals), Dave Britten 2 responses
- UTPN in the solver, Benny 5 responses
- Large Cylindrical K&E Slide Rule, Chuck 5 responses
- Any other suggestions for a dead 48GX?, Ron G. 4 responses
- Because the value is high ?, gileno 11 responses
- 50G Programming question, Roger King 5 responses
- OS-41, Geir Isene 1 response
- O/T: Monroe 324G Scientist Programmable, Geoff Quickfall 11 responses
- OT: Texas Instruments SR 52 Programmable Complete! A great opportunity., gileno 19 responses
- HP-15C and beyond, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 8 responses
- OK RPN Purists: Why NOT a big stack?, Brad Davis 49 responses
- New value for a HP41CX !, gileno 2 responses
- HP-41CX (or 41C/CV + Time module) challenge, Geir Isene 3 responses
- HP50g Statistics Application, sam 5 responses
- HP-50G: Graphs from list of data points, Mike 2 responses
- HP 35s Polar to Rectangler in Program mode, Will Hart 8 responses
- HP-35S pdf manual?, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 2 responses
- HP 48SX vs 28S, Keith Beyer 17 responses
- HP-97 Keyboard Problem, Nick Taylor 1 response
- AMP Rom for 71b, PeterP 5 responses
- HP Customer Service, Jeffrey Connor 22 responses
- HP 91 Printer, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 4 responses
- HP35s missing keystrokes?, Brad Davis 16 responses
- HP-25 keyboard problem (4 enters 6), glauber 3 responses
- Slightly OT...four points on a plane., Hal Bitton in Boise 12 responses
- 50G: Max size of SD, Mike 10 responses
- HP-80 Emulator, Paul Bauman 2 responses
- case for TI NSpire, Don Shepherd 0 responses
- TOPCON HA-3 with HP-71B, Jeff Davis 1 response
- 50G: Fix 2, Mike 3 responses
- 50g won't turn on (or, no screen output) !, Al Snyder 7 responses
- Adv+CCD+Games in 41CY or Rambox, PeterP 6 responses
- [OT] (Cos x)^x, Chuck 11 responses
- Timing HP Calculator Programs, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 10 responses
- HP Calculator Manufacturer, Chris 5 responses
- HP 35s: pdf manual in French, Meenzer 3 responses
- Broken 41CV display, Matti Övermark 1 response
- Back to the 42S, Chuck 1 response
- HP-12C family, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 2 responses
- How about a Phoenix 35S?, DaveJ 42 responses
- The short flight of the Phoenix?, Walter B 3 responses
- 35s Using the Equation Solver, Martin Pinckney 1 response
- RPN on TI-89 Titanium, Meenzer 0 responses
- How to find "inverses?", PhysicsNerd 10 responses
- clearing indirect memory in a program on 35s, Don Shepherd 0 responses
- HP 71B: Input LEX files without HP-IL?, Meenzer 8 responses
- How can i solve this kind of linear system, Alexander DeLarge 6 responses
- The R/S key in 35S, kc 10 responses
- Clamshell battery door, Charles Oxford 4 responses
- HP-48sx repair, Carl Mannheim 4 responses
- HP-19C Article on My Web Site, Stefan Vorkoetter 14 responses
- Inside the 35S, DaveJ 2 responses
- Happy Thanksgiving, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- VIEW on HP 41CV, Alfredo (Italy) 7 responses
- HCC2007 programming contest on 17bii, Don Shepherd 8 responses
- Calendar program for 50g, Jeffc 4 responses
- Got the 50g..., Arne Halvorsen (Norway) 7 responses
- fractional powers of negative numbers, Edward McNally 15 responses
- How rare is version B of the HP Solve EQ Libr. Card?, Han 2 responses
- Russian Mk-61, Chuck 7 responses
- Graphing wristwatch, Masao Kinoshita 3 responses
- hardware prototypes, Kevin Kitts 0 responses
- Amazon Sales of the HP 35s, Brian Healy 5 responses
- HP49g keyboard shortcuts , Alexander DeLarge 4 responses
- HP-35 and CORDIC-articles at Dr. Dobb's, Karl-Ludwig Butte 2 responses
- The number of keys..., DaveJ 52 responses
- My entry for the HP35S Programming Contest in HHC 2007 (long), Andrés C. Rodríguez 15 responses
- combine 41c memory modules?, sylvandb 7 responses
- fixing a 41cv worth it?, sylvandb 0 responses
- A french is selling his huge HP calculators collection, David L 7 responses
- HP 01 Battery replacement & back removal tool, Paul OHare 0 responses
- A really universal machine (the calc), Frank Rottgardt 0 responses
- I second Doug´s proposal! (N.T.), Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- HP 41S - 2013, Mvdn 4 responses
- late reply to archived posts, stafford 0 responses
- Yet Another Calculator Project (Sorta), Les Bell 0 responses
- Re: JIMROM, Doug 0 responses
- NCEES approves 33S and 35S for 2008, Norris 56 responses
- Re: Problems with Internet Explorer, Randy 1 response
- Re: Repairing the hp 82104A Card Reader , fred moon 1 response
- Keystroke programming worksheet, Martin Pinckney 5 responses
- Re: New Root Seeking Algorithms, Hans de Moor 1 response
- FYI, Arne Halvorsen (Norway) 3 responses
- Re: Upcoming interview with Tom Osborne, Ren 2 responses
- Re: Who buys HPs these days?, Ren 0 responses
- CATALOG on HP 41CV, Alfredo (Italy) 8 responses
- Re: Phoenix 45s: Software Architecture, Jake Schwartz 13 responses
- Re: I cant remember how I did it on the 50g, Chuck Sommer 0 responses
- HP-71B DIY RAM Modules anyone?, Hans Brueggemann 9 responses
- Linus Pauling exhibit, Karl Schneider 0 responses
- Re: Got my HP-35S, Alfredo (Italy) 0 responses
- Re: HP-35S (Italian documentation), Antonio Maschio (Italy) 5 responses
- Re: Phoenix 45s: Font (for the key labels), Walter B 0 responses
- Re: WOW! Check out this LCD module, Walter B 14 responses
- Hafnium transistors!, designnut 13 responses
- Re: New Root Seeking Algorithms, hugh steers 1 response
- Phoenix project, Jean-Michel 3 responses
- Constants in the HP35S, J-F Garnier 3 responses
- HELP! Wanted, a missing part of an HP85... , Gabriele Zaverio 0 responses
- Open45s: Commitment poll, Meenzer 21 responses
- Re: Phoenix 45s: 2 and 4-line displays, Pavneet Arora 8 responses
- Re: Failing ports on HP-41, Raymond Del Tondo 0 responses
- Re: What a 35s has caused..., Raymond Del Tondo 0 responses
- Re: Phoenix: another view at this name (pretends to be funny), Trent Moseley 2 responses
- Re: Phoenix: another view at this name (pretends to be funny), Walter B 0 responses
- HHC2007 HP Calc Conference Video Now Available, Jake Schwartz 0 responses
- Re: Phoenix 45s: Font (for the key labels), Meenzer 2 responses
- Connector for 82002A AC Adapter, Gerardo Rincon 0 responses
- Re: Phoenix: another view at this name (pretends to be funny), Pavneet Arora 0 responses
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