The Museum of HP Calculators
HP Forum Archive 19
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This is an archive of the HP forum, which is for discussion of HP calculators including usage, repairs,
sources of replacement parts, general information etc.
Message Index
All Messages
(Compressed "Threads Only" Listing)
- F1011A AC/DCAdapter, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 2 responses
- The lost formula, designnut 5 responses
- a challenge related to the 15 puzzle, Don Shepherd 15 responses
- Update:9100A with no display, Richard Wilder 0 responses
- HP-67 advice needed, Alberto Fenini 6 responses
- hp-41C: Statistic pac overlay??, Ignacio Sánchez 2 responses
- programming HP35s in algebraic mode, please., Kip Hopkins 10 responses
- Printing quality on HP-97, Christophe Dubreuil 3 responses
- OT - Collecting: calculators, ... and what else? , Nenad (Croatia) 11 responses
- Green LED HP 45?, ClausB 23 responses
- HP 17BII Dropped!, Mike D 6 responses
- Running an HP7475A plotter on the HP-IL Loop, Richard L. Taylor 3 responses
- nano gloat or nanny goat?, Ren 1 response
- Mechanical BRUNSVIGA calculator, Jean-Michel 2 responses
- Multimeter HP 3468A, CMOS RAM battery replacement, Frido Bohn 7 responses
- Calculators as amusement, designnut 13 responses
- OT Just for fun, Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- HP65 (card reader) magnetic head, Alberto Fenini 0 responses
- Can I assume a Spice Calc with S/N 22xxxx is soldered?, Ernst Fueloep 1 response
- OT: Canon Pocketronic rebuild advice, Michael Meyer 4 responses
- OT: Most sophisticated 99cent calculator, Mike Ingle 14 responses
- Power management and deep sleep, Tim Wessman 7 responses
- HP-67 battery questions, Thomas Okken 2 responses
- OT but leds are leds ..., Alberto Fenini 3 responses
- enduring market for high end calculators-, db (martinez, ca.) 20 responses
- Repairing HP82066B charger, Timo 7 responses
- HP-41cx battery connection, Ignacio Sánchez 1 response
- HP35 for $9K?, Wilhelm Taylor 8 responses
- Charging times for HP-41 rebuilt battery pack, Timo 2 responses
- a new challenge, Don Shepherd 85 responses
- HP 65 & HP 67 Program Cards, Clayton 2 responses
- 200LX F1021, casalgado 1 response
- OT: Canon X Mark I Premium Calculator, Matt Kernal 12 responses
- Strange HP41 battery pack, Alberto Fenini 5 responses
- Thank You Tony Duell, Namir 14 responses
- 9100A with no display, Richard Wilder 11 responses
- $9000 HP-35 on TAS, Mark Henderson 21 responses
- Is that an HP 9100 in the 1970 version of the Andromeda Strain movie?, gene wright 1 response
- OT: 2011 and european trip, Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) 8 responses
- The Fibonacci Triangle - HP-38/39/40 GROB Question, Marcus von Cube, Germany 9 responses
- Re-celling, ClausB 3 responses
- 11111011011, Walter B 34 responses
- 30b Learning Modules PDF?, Norman Dziedzic 6 responses
- HP 65 programmable, designnut 4 responses
- HP 35 ... top row buttons, Jeff Kearns 3 responses
- What's special about this one?, Keith Midson 14 responses
- Help solving equation, Geir Isene 59 responses
- Thanks to our numerous supporters ..., Walter B 8 responses
- Conformal Coating, aj04062 0 responses
- Merry Christmas , Iqbal 0 responses
- HP-41 Ohms Law Program, Jeff Davis 45 responses
- O.T. XP won't use all RAM, designnut 7 responses
- Really OT - with video link, Ken Shaw 2 responses
- Really OT, Walter B 10 responses
- OT: Is his a real Red Dot? :-), Again, XYZT 3 responses
- Firmware update for new HP-12C+, Ernst Fueloep 1 response
- HP-97 Printer Gear Replacement, XYZT 3 responses
- RIP 46, Keith Midson 9 responses
- HP 27s - How to set # decimal places displayed?, M Tulloch 4 responses
- How to identify 12C 25th Anniversary Edition, Frank Gifford 2 responses
- x^Y vs. y^X, Gerardo Rincon 2 responses
- Classic (and other) Keyboard Layout Musings, Mark Henderson 18 responses
- M2kM Software manual updated, Meindert Kuipers 0 responses
- HHC MMC Programming challenge inC code, David Hayden 8 responses
- A little Christmas game, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 35 responses
- HP-67 Emulator for the iPad???, Namir 13 responses
- Casio Prizm screenshot, Don Shepherd 1 response
- everything old is new again, db (martinez, ca.) 5 responses
- HP-41CX Extended Memory, Jeff Davis 1 response
- OT: Sharp PC-1270 BASIC Compiler V3.3, XYZT 1 response
- OT: Is his a real Red Dot? Again :-), XYZT 4 responses
- Program not working with V2.15 for HP50G, Iqbal 2 responses
- Blue HP 50G, Iqbal 8 responses
- Is his a real Red Dot?, Mark Henderson 11 responses
- Emulators from HP, Mike (Stgt) 17 responses
- praise for the 32sii, Don Shepherd 28 responses
- Ebay: Comedy or Tragedy?, uhmgawa 10 responses
- ME PAC HP-97, aj04062 0 responses
- HP 41c . don't touch if you don't know, aurelio 21 responses
- First Impression of the New Caso Fx-CG10, Namir 27 responses
- ILXA ROM for HP-41, Jeff Davis 20 responses
- HMS+, HMS-, HMS, HR: LEX files , geoff quickfall 2 responses
- OT: New incredible shuttle video for space (and LED) nerds, Egan Ford 3 responses
- November 2010 Issue of HP Solve is out!!!, Namir 14 responses
- HP 15C, Robert Love 21 responses
- HP-41C Time Module: Calendar Routines, Thomas Klemm 0 responses
- About squaring a number on my HP..., Michel Beaulieu 31 responses
- RPN and students, Michel Beaulieu 11 responses
- 41CX-X, say what?, Ángel Martin 16 responses
- HPIL, HPGL, Mike (Stgt) 4 responses
- Generating Permutations, Norman Dziedzic 2 responses
- Intesting Auction Site Practice!!!! Read and Learn, Namir 8 responses
- How should I clean my hp-15c, JJDietrich 3 responses
- HP-65/67 keys not tight anymore after reassembling, Juergen Keller 1 response
- Replacement for HP-35S, Jean-Michel 19 responses
- HP15C LCD dust - any way to remove?, JJDietrich 2 responses
- Hrast BASIC-4X Discussion, HrastProgrammer 6 responses
- Re: hp-15c: From my museum to yours.., uhmgawa 0 responses
- HP-97 keyboard sudden failure, BobVA 0 responses
- NoVRAM / HEPAX MCODE Question, Jeff Davis 2 responses
- RPN for Kids and Poor Guys, Joerg Woerner 2 responses
- OT: Can you identify this calculator?, Joerg Woerner 4 responses
- 82143A printer roller replacement, James Grenert 4 responses
- How to clean a 20B ?, Karl-Ludwig Butte 4 responses
- HP-12c, November 25, 4046, answer, Don Shepherd 2 responses
- Ángel Martin's 13 digit OS routines up on HP-41 MCODE wiki, Geir Isene 1 response
- Jean-Michel Lecointre (and news about me...), Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 7 responses
- Benefits from programming in vintage HP machines, Namir 10 responses
- Qunestion about extending the HP-71B BASIC, Namir 14 responses
- Evolution of the HP17B - prototype to current in pictures, Keith Midson 10 responses
- Which calcs have click-and-rotate keys?, Jim Yohe 14 responses
- Which calculator passes the first test?, Tommy 79 responses
- Some interesting Calculator items, Allen 3 responses
- hp 82175A thermal paper, Marcelo Vanti (Brasil) 1 response
- HP-41 MCODE wiki: Mainframe entry points, Geir Isene 1 response
- The HP71B Program That Caused Some Tech Queries, Namir 4 responses
- (Trivia?) Display setting, Kiyoshi Akima 5 responses
- Look what I found d8-), geoff quickfall 19 responses
- uCalc Video, DaveJ 9 responses
- HP-IL 71B to 71B via HPIL, Geoff Quickfall 11 responses
- HP-41 MCODE: Compilation of routines for custom modules?, Geir Isene 0 responses
- HP-41 MCODE: System calls - a cataloged/priotitized list?, Geir Isene 17 responses
- 13: Unlucky number for some..., Angel Martin 5 responses
- Free42 for Android, first alpha, Thomas Okken 17 responses
- Classic Plastic cases, aj04062 3 responses
- Caveat emptor :(, Walter B 8 responses
- Important MLDL2000 update, Meindert Kuipers 1 response
- Question about programming the HP-71B, Namir 27 responses
- NOAA tour at HCC2010 (video) just added two more!, Geoff Quickfall 0 responses
- Restoring a card reader from an HP65, Alberto Fenini 1 response
- Deteriorating pouch (case), Ernst Fueloep 16 responses
- HP-41: Buffers (creation & managing), Geir Isene 11 responses
- Happy Thanksgiving!!!, Namir 5 responses
- Forum Opinion Sought on Early HP-65, aj04062 15 responses
- David Yerka? & updated ICEBOX user manual, Geir Isene 2 responses
- HP-41: Sail boat parameter program, Geir Isene 0 responses
- Telesensory Systems - any connection to HP?, Maximilian Hohmann 7 responses
- Hhp 32k EPROM box, PeterP 2 responses
- HP 21 keyboard problem, Yvan Van Hoof 2 responses
- HP Solve Newsletter?, Norman Dziedzic 14 responses
- Surface soldered chips (HP71B), Alberto Fenini 4 responses
- HP 20S recurring key identification, Andrew 5 responses
- HP-41: Backup and restore of complete HEPAX RAM across the whole NoVRAM, NoV-32 & NoV-64 modules, Geir Isene 1 response
- Android HP Calculator, Steve S 1 response
- Reversi reconstituted, David Hayden 4 responses
- Updated DATA management (STAT & DATA), Geir Isene 10 responses
- Can you do this with a HP calculator?, Joerg Woerner 9 responses
- HP-41C/LCD Display Problems, Kevin Kitts 12 responses
- OT - Tower of Hanoi, Chuck 5 responses
- Getting younger people involved - HHC Scholarship?, David Hayden 10 responses
- Emulators from HP, Mike (Stgt) 6 responses
- 41 MCODE Question, Ángel Martin 22 responses
- Updated HP-41 ftplugin and syntax files for VIM, Geir Isene 0 responses
- Physical dimensions of old HP calculators, Ernst Fueloep 6 responses
- Unisonic 811 with HP LED, aj04062 3 responses
- Brain dead, need help with program, briggleman 7 responses
- Statistical analysis galore, Geir Isene 9 responses
- Future of HP-IL with PIL-Box and TCP/IP?, Christoph Giesselink 1 response
- HP-41 File management system, Geir Isene 4 responses
- Bobby Schenk Yacht Module; Answer from Bobby himself, Geir Isene 17 responses
- Cell types for Pioneers, Martin Pinckney 1 response
- Update to UC-41: Libraries to handle XM and HEPAX files, Geir Isene 0 responses
- 15c calculator , jim mac 7 responses
- HP 15C emulator for Ipod touch, Jeff Fontaine (Canada) 10 responses
- TOMSROM manual in pdf?, Geir Isene 7 responses
- Calculator Sacrilege.., uhmgawa 13 responses
- Robotic Programming for 35s?, David Hayden 9 responses
- Why the resistance to make a true pocket Sci RPN calc, Gerardo Rincon 10 responses
- plastic glue, aj04062 1 response
- HP 12c+ and HP 50g - initial impressions, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 44 responses
- 35s printed User's Guide, David Hayden 17 responses
- ERAMCO ROM BOX Info, PeterP 2 responses
- I think my collection is complete..., Mark Henderson 23 responses
- 12c date range, Don Shepherd 43 responses
- Windows site registry cleaner, designnut 9 responses
- OT: Vintage Gaming, Egan Ford 0 responses
- 41Z - Just got POLARized..., Ángel Martin 9 responses
- HP-25C ACT Chip?, Mark Henderson 0 responses
- How to use a formula in a post, Thomas Klemm 4 responses
- Finally, Matthias Wehrli 3 responses
- Duplicate Submission! error, Ernst Fueloep 3 responses
- HP-33C dead after connecting Charger witout batteries, Ernst Fueloep 6 responses
- decimal point, budlor 3 responses
- ANS vs LAST-X, Jim Yohe 2 responses
- HP 30B Keyboard Overlay ... really?, Jim Yohe 19 responses
- OT - Age restricted audience - 50+: KIM-1 / SDK-85, Joerg Woerner 12 responses
- HP-82059B Charger What's it for, Captainsimos 2 responses
- Suggestion for improved physical design, David Hayden 14 responses
- HP75C 82713A plug-in module simulator, aj04062 1 response
- HP-35s current production line question, Jaime Morales 9 responses
- HP75C Display (was zebra connector), Alberto Fenini 8 responses
- Looking for availability of HP 30B near Austin TX, Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) 20 responses
- Bug in 12C iPhone App, Andrew H. 1 response
- Towers of Hanoi in RPN, Kiyoshi Akima 24 responses
- current draw from CR2032 coin cells, Eric Smith 5 responses
- HP calculators feature on UK Import/Export Tax website, DeboT 11 responses
- Old geeks miss their HPs, Juergen Keller 10 responses
- HP28S - made in Indonesia?, Keith Midson 1 response
- Happy anniversary to HP-42S and HP-14B, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 10 responses
- Faceplate separation repair, Jim Yohe 3 responses
- HP 9865a cassette tape drive, Keith Lueck 2 responses
- Wire Gauge in Classics, aj04062 2 responses
- Plans to build Babbage's Analytical Engine, Thomas Fänge 1 response
- HP75C Restoration (zebra connector ??), Alberto Fenini 5 responses
- Looking for schematics, Monte Dalrymple 2 responses
- Calculator Related Math/Science Fair Project, Tim Wessman 3 responses
- 200lx question, Bill Smith 2 responses
- Long Live RPN... and Go Giants! (somewhat off topic), Eddie W. Shore 7 responses
- PIL-IO board, J-F Garnier 4 responses
- English manual for the Bobby Schenk Yacht module, anyone?, Geir Isene 112 responses
- Sunrise and Sunset, Thomas Klemm 17 responses
- EMU71 in my pocket and on my pad., Egan Ford 10 responses
- Time Travel?, Bruce Bergman 11 responses
- latest 12c firmware version, Ryan 2 responses
- HP-65 makes All-TIME 100 Gadgets list., Alex L 32 responses
- HP10C enulation, PeterP 5 responses
- HP-41CX, Captainsimos 7 responses
- HP-35 chip images and schematics, Peter Monta 5 responses
- One year 'anniversary' of VA's most-recent post, Karl Schneider 6 responses
- a > $600 module, Gonzalo Fernandez 1 response
- Contribution: User interface for the ASTRO2010 module, Geir Isene 11 responses
- Pie Recipe, Chuck 1 response
- HP 35s. FIX affects precision, Pablo P (Spain) 4 responses
- Short Quadratic Solver (HP-42S), Gerson W. Barbosa 35 responses
- Best way implement an RPN stack?, Håkan Thörngren 38 responses
- Bright Light From The Dark Side, Joerg Woerner 29 responses
- Factorials and the 35s, Dieter 2 responses
- HP71 zebra connector, Alberto Fenini 6 responses
- HP 15-C has odd flashing display, dougo51 5 responses
- 12c packaging, PeterP 6 responses
- Navigation Module, Jeff Kearns 14 responses
- voyager R2D2 documents?, uhmgawa 3 responses
- hp-15c: From my museum to yours.., uhmgawa 11 responses
- was: A little programming chalenge: My solution, the principle, Patrice 3 responses
- Mandelbrot Moves on ... :(, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 1 response
- Was: advice needed to visit USA, Patrice 3 responses
- 4-space anyone?, John Mosand 13 responses
- 30b repurposing status revisited, Walter B 0 responses
- Re: HP12c repurposing project, uhmgawa 6 responses
- HP-41 Time Module question, Monte Dalrymple 7 responses
- How does one add a third-party program to Droid48?, Michael Frick (California) 3 responses
- HP71, ins't something missing ?, Alberto Fenini 4 responses
- Conductive Epoxy, Kevin Kitts 4 responses
- HP-300s cannot do nCr for many allowable values, DeboT 21 responses
- OT: TI-57 Memory Map, HrastProgrammer 1 response
-, Howard Owen 6 responses
- HP-45S ? Is there a new model ?, Karl-Ludwig Butte 1 response
- Hp12c+ - where can I buy one ?, PeterP 5 responses
- AGM (HP-33S & HP-15C), Gerson W. Barbosa 37 responses
- was: A little programming chalenge, Patrice 6 responses
- HP-15C Software, Gerry Schultz 4 responses
- HP-48gII ROM..., M. Joury 2 responses
- 9100 B on TAS goes for $5600.00, Donald Williams 10 responses
- Anniversary Editions, Webunit 9 responses
- New model HP 50g Blue, Pablo P (Spain) 36 responses
- 10/10/10 Happy 42 day!, Hugh Evans 7 responses
- Emulator CPU usage, Martin Pinckney 6 responses
- hp50g- can't connect to pc through usb after running gpssurvey, Matthew Krotzer 0 responses
- Production Dates HP41CX Fullnut vs. Halfnut, Frido Bohn 5 responses
- [OT] New Casio Grapher, Tim Wessman 40 responses
- Some interesting reading about the time when the HP-28s hit schools, Frank Rottgardt 0 responses
- 41C Memory Module 82106A Check / Test, AlbertTocarLoseggs 6 responses
- Batteries for 9114A/B, M. Joury 0 responses
- Function Tree for HP48/et al., Thomas Chrapkiewicz 3 responses
- can anyone post to comp.sys.hp48?, Han 5 responses
- Need help evaluating results of implicit differentiation., Hal Bitton in Boise 3 responses
- Dead HP 200LX, Chuck 2 responses
- XKCD e^pi - pi comic revisited, Gerson W. Barbosa 0 responses
- OT: Men and Volts book, Pavneet Arora 4 responses
- OT: HP200LX Mass Storage, Gerry Schultz 4 responses
- 41C Card Reader Repair, AlbertTocarLoseggs 1 response
- So leaving the board in one piece takes 5 minutes?, Egan Ford 10 responses
- Charging 'classics' from a USB port, Katie Wasserman 16 responses
- Repairing HP-67 display, Xavier A. (Brazil) 2 responses
- Parsing Object Oriented Expressions with RPN, Howard Owen 4 responses
- I/O vs. Input only, David Hayden 17 responses
- RealCalc: a very nice RPN calc for Android, LucaPCP 11 responses
- Scan quality of "Manuals on CD/DVD", uhmgawa 9 responses
- HP65 which magnetic cards ?, Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- HP65 two different Standard Pacs ?, Alberto Fenini 1 response
- Viewing card record tracks, Ed Sowell 0 responses
- HP30b in Japan, Andreas Grund 2 responses
- HP 97 Card not fully ejected, Ed Sowell 16 responses
- HP-35 Microcode-level Emulator (in JavaScript!), Ashley Nathan Feniello 4 responses
- New revs of 41 Games Library, Ángel Martin 1 response
- HP9100B available on TAS, Frank Boehm (Germany) 7 responses
- Global search of archives.., uhmgawa 9 responses
- Challenge: Are costs for air travel & hotel higher/lower/the same before/after September 15th , gene wright 9 responses
- Infinity, John Mosand 103 responses
- 30b repurposing Status, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 57 responses
- New HP41CX listed on Ebay, Nigel Bamber 2 responses
- A pretty good month for collecting, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 10 responses
- Mathematica code with C + HPGCC, Sujith Abraham 3 responses
- HP-65 card reader "saga", aj04062 1 response
- HP 97 data Card 2, Ed Sowell 3 responses
- Calculator article in Circuit Cellar, Monte Dalrymple 7 responses
- Error HP 11C, Hannes, Switzerland 1 response
- Forum admin question.., uhmgawa 6 responses
- Book, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 3 responses
- restoring plastic colour, adrian godwin 1 response
- HHC2010, John Cadick 28 responses
- Kaprekar numbers, Thomas Klemm 0 responses
- HP 35s case change?, Morse 36 responses
- HP97 Card Reader adjustment, Ed Sowell 0 responses
- HP-30b key assignment trick -- Sudoku helper revisited, Katie Wasserman 2 responses
- MLDL2000 update, Meindert Kuipers 5 responses
- Sad repair job on HP48, Han 6 responses
- Repair/Replacing an HP 11C LCD, Jerry 2 responses
- HP-41CY emulation for NoV-64 (also for Halfnuts), Diego Diaz 4 responses
- Programming Challenge, Namir 16 responses
- HP 35s - Choosing Initial Guesses for SOLVE problem, Pablo P (Spain) 3 responses
- HP 9820A, Conny A 10 responses
- Mini-Challenge: Zip Code, Thomas Klemm 18 responses
- IR Link to PC, Eddie Goodridge 7 responses
- There will be limited seating at this years HHC :-), Egan Ford 4 responses
- HHC Early Arrivers and gauging Interest in RMNP Trip?, Tim Wessman 3 responses
- Any substitute for HP 41C series????, Larry Estatico 36 responses
- HP Calc chips and parts - who needs them?, Jim Horn 11 responses
- Mathcad user guide, Maarten Ambaum (Reading, UK) 1 response
- OT: CP/M-68K for HP 9000 Series 200 computers, Juergen Keller 5 responses
- 50g and Windows 7, John Cadick 5 responses
- [OT] "Space" symbol on a keyboard, Tim Wessman 15 responses
- optimized prime factor finder for 12c+, Don Shepherd 2 responses
- HP50g and GPS reciever, Matthew Krotzer 11 responses
- HP-41 in the dark; A home made Porta-Lite, Geir Isene 8 responses
- Searching for a 9120A drive belt, Richard Wilder 1 response
- Back to the question of 0 as a power or divisor, John Mosand 14 responses
- HP-21 sells for nearly $400 on TOS!, Michael Meyer 14 responses
- Voyager hp-15c logo gone missing.., uhmgawa 36 responses
- hacked?, Han 4 responses
- Green Ride vs Super Shuttle, Bruce Bergman 5 responses
- hp50g stack, Sok-khieng Chum Hun 3 responses
- HP 50g in full-page newspaper ad, Eric Rechlin 5 responses
- HP-35 red dot confirmation, Giovanni Jimenez 3 responses
- Fake HP calculators on eBay?, Peter Matthews 34 responses
- PI ?, Donald Williams 2 responses
- Yes!, Michael Meyer 8 responses
- hp 30b LCD Rainbow mark, JoeGeller 5 responses
- HP 30b full pdf manual, Ujval 8 responses
- HP-97 Aluminum Printer Gear, aj04062 4 responses
- A little programming chalenge, Patrice 10 responses
- Emu48 skins, Martin Pinckney 7 responses
- For the calculator nuts: Free42, Geir Isene 11 responses
- 12c+ Firmware, Michael Bromm 13 responses
- Contacting the HP-15C site administrator, Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz 0 responses
- Ideas for new 41 roms, gene wright 26 responses
- Corvallis Division - DIV.39, Joerg Woerner 3 responses
- HP-IL Chips (1LB3-0003) and other goodies - what to do with them?, Jim Horn 2 responses
- has anyone had any luck repairing calculator keys?, hpnewbie 2 responses
- New to HP, RPN and Rotate and Click., Sujith Abraham 23 responses
- HPCC UK Mini Conferrence today, johnny bjoern rasmussen 6 responses
- Is there any trend to HP calc release dates?, ravwalia 3 responses
- OT: Ti-01? (RF microcontroller watch), Matt Kernal 7 responses
- What is your Holy Grail, and do you own it?, Michael de Estrada 71 responses
- "While supplies last.", Jon S Canale 3 responses
- Did I miss something durimg Labor Day Weekend?, Joerg Woerner 7 responses
- Re: PIL-Box - communication with external HP71B, Roland Storz 1 response
- A perfect stranger gave me a HP-41CV today., hecube 11 responses
- Sudoku, KC 10 responses
- HP-67 Auction, aj04062 3 responses
- HP30b, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 4 responses
- HP-71 matrix methods (LU decomp?), Karl Schneider 6 responses
- (Another) HHC 2010 kind request, please., Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 5 responses
- How to fix vintage 12C enter key?, Peter Matthews 5 responses
- HHC Carpool to/from Denver, PeterP 0 responses
- Display tech, Jimi 8 responses
- advice needed to visit USA, Patrice 33 responses
- Seller's Hyperbole, Michael de Estrada 21 responses
- HP-35 Microcode-level Emulator (in JavaScript!), Ashley Nathan Feniello 1 response
- HP-35 Manual Online, Ashley Nathan Feniello 0 responses
- HP 28C - horizontal bars across display ?, Kao_Tai 0 responses
- sad news, db (martinez, ca.) 7 responses
- Have to shout out - I have a 41 again!, Norman Dziedzic 4 responses
- Rarity and Value of the 82184A Plotter Module, DavidShenk 3 responses
- HP30b Naming programs, M. Joury 2 responses
- Backed into corner on HP48GX, Don Jennings 17 responses
- Question for Tim Wessman, Namir 6 responses
- Organizer 1.1 on HP 50g, Gil Gutierrez 0 responses
- Estate sale calculators, Michael Meyer 6 responses
- Why No Solar Calculators?, Jeff 13 responses
- Forced to buy a TI-89 for school....I feel dirty, Jimi 23 responses
- Am I the only one?, Donald Williams 21 responses
- Recommended Oscilloscope, aj04062 8 responses
- When was 1 a prime number?, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 51 responses
- HP-15C for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, Torsten 3 responses
- Design contest ;), Walter B 9 responses
- Jean-Marc Baillard is a (HP-41) Genius!!!, Namir 4 responses
- Labelling HP41/67/97 magnetic cards, Dieter 4 responses
- HHC 2010, David Hayden 2 responses
- New HP 12C Platinum - 2 Batteries???, Jeff 7 responses
- OT: Which non HP Scientific calculator?, ravwalia 28 responses
- Symbolic math with the 35s (well.. sort of), Dieter 4 responses
- Reverse Polish notation calculator, Thomas Klemm 0 responses
- Scientific, Financial Calculator, Gerry Schultz 0 responses
- HP 35s, Brian Healy 24 responses
- Calculator watch returns, Bruce Bergman 12 responses
- 30b, Reviews, HHC2010, Tim Wessman 6 responses
- HP35 exp(ln(x)) bug, a new number found., Kiwi Geoff 4 responses
- HP 41 to PC possible?, SpeedyVV 4 responses
- The equals sign again, BruceH 0 responses
- Only slightly off-topic, Dusan Zivkovic 3 responses
- Woodstock battery tip, Michael Meyer 0 responses
- Can the HP 41 Read HP 65 Programs, aj04062 2 responses
- HP71B (Ver. 1BBBB) Date Bug?, M. Joury 9 responses
- 12C Key Problem, Jeff 0 responses
- 30b - Not Impressed, Jeff 75 responses
- Surveryor needs help with HP 35s program entry, Stefan Vorkoetter 17 responses
- 30b programming tips, Don Shepherd 0 responses
- Need help finding info from ace math folks, Namir 16 responses
- HP-97S External Printer?, Katie Wasserman 6 responses
- HP 9845A vs 9845B vs 9845B/A, Mike 1 response
- HP71B Demo Program, Jerry Raia 7 responses
- HP 50g SD card reader problem, JJB299 3 responses
- Poking a string directly into the 71B as a lex file problems, Jerry Raia 3 responses
- Some 30b Routines, Jeff O. 15 responses
- Interesting idea for a calculator (non-HP, non-RPN), Bruce Bergman 4 responses
- 11C Keyboard Rattle, Dallas Osborne 3 responses
- Unit conversion on the 50G, Jim Creybohm 2 responses
- Why engineers need both scientific and business calculators, Martin Pinckney 17 responses
- HEPAX manual Vol. 2 reprint., Diego Diaz 9 responses
- 30b Built-In Functions, Jeff 6 responses
- HP-12C Clone, New?, Katie Wasserman 14 responses
- 48GX, Robin Shelton 8 responses
- How to install/ru​n this program in an Hp 50g., Vasheer 2 responses
- display compatibility, alessio136 2 responses
- HP82069B charger, weird ..., Alberto Fenini 11 responses
- HP45 - internal pics, Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- Loops of Addition benchmark for the 41CL, Monte Dalrymple 8 responses
- HP71b - which power supply, Alberto Fenini 6 responses
- HP 35s - scratched screen, Matt Schilling 7 responses
- Oldies and goodies?, Egan Ford 7 responses
- Office Depot - HP30b & HP 12c, Joe Burwell 18 responses
- Where are the Internals for the 50g?, Jerry Raia 2 responses
- Thank you Dave!, Katie Wasserman 12 responses
- HP Hurd 40 million parachute, designnut 3 responses
- Still in awe over HP50g, Glenn Shields 4 responses
- HP 30b finally arrived, Hubert Weikert 12 responses
- HP 9101A Memory Unit, Rick Bensene 0 responses
- Bowling Challenge Variation, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 8 responses
- HP 'boffin' claims million-dollar maths prize, BruceH 2 responses
- 70% of US students don't understand the equal sign, DavidShenk 48 responses
- an interesting challenge, Don Shepherd 49 responses
- How to repair my HP 9100A calculator ?, Jonathan 14 responses
- PIL Box - communication with an external HP71B , Roland Storz 4 responses
- Identifying equations on HP 35s, Richard S 4 responses
- Nice price?, matti 3 responses
- P!=NP, Frank Boehm (Germany) 2 responses
- More FPGA progress, Olivier De Smet 4 responses
- Canon's X Mark I Mouse, Martin Pinckney 5 responses
- HP 9845A Printer Problem, Mike 3 responses
- Miss the print key on my HP 46, Jonathan 3 responses
- Mark Hurd resigns, Bruce Bergman 19 responses
- OT: The five trillionth digit of Pi is...... 2!, Egan Ford 53 responses
- on nicads, db (martinez, ca.) 3 responses
- Something for the insomniacs, BruceH 4 responses
- Homebrew graphing calculator, Bruce Bergman 4 responses
- HP thermal printer differences, Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- HP-30b available at Office Depot.....soon, Don Shepherd 9 responses
- TI-30 durability testing (slightly off topic, BTW)., Michael Meyer 4 responses
- Jazz 50G v1.20 release candidate, Han 0 responses
- First impressions HP30B, bt_schmidt 1 response
- Does the HP 10B calculator not support Order of Operation?, David Adams 22 responses
- 9-figure 10b, Gerson W. Barbosa 5 responses
- OT: Casio fx9850g Slim on Sale, Katie Wasserman 12 responses
- HP-65 sensor chip failure, aj04062 14 responses
- RPN Programming, hpnut 20 responses
- ADV or STD HEPAX?, Diego Diaz 7 responses
- HP 32S Successor, ka6uup 10 responses
- New versions of Emu28 and Emu48 available, Christoph Giesselink 3 responses
- The most annoying feature on the 35s, Tommy 8 responses
- The mother of all distributions with HP SOLVER?, Peter A. Gebhardt 4 responses
- HELP with programming the HP50G, Namir 3 responses
- HP-10 repair, strange piece of plastic., Kees van der Sanden 2 responses
- HP-35s that does not exhibit LOCKUP DEMO bug, NateB 5 responses
- HP-65 repair, aj04062 10 responses
- finding Df and variation and calculing limite but ... , wassims 0 responses
- HP-28C ROM checksum addresses?, Christoph Giesselink 0 responses
- HP-45 board swap, kubla 2 responses
- New Version of the 41Z, Angel Martin 11 responses
- new book on the Apollo Guidance Computer, Don Shepherd 38 responses
- 3421: any tips on calibrating?, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 3 responses
- HP-71b DTH$() and HTD() commands, Don Shepherd 3 responses
- 1996, Eric Smith 1 response
- Do you have to "help" cards through the 97?, Keith Beyer 9 responses
- HP 31, 32 ,33, etc Battery covers, aj04062 4 responses
- Searching the Database, aj04062 6 responses
- Thermal paper for the HP-10, Kees van der Sanden 2 responses
- OT: TI Calcs Cartoon, DaveJ 2 responses
- Back on the Forum, Trent Moseley 1 response
- 48gx Memory Cards, Hugh Evans 4 responses
- Another dumb HP-41 question, Monte Dalrymple 13 responses
- Stupid question re HP-41 Sigma key..., Jim L (OHIO) 5 responses
- TI bash - and HP too?, Jim Horn 16 responses
- Chewing gum for the 50g, Glenn Shields 2 responses
- almost RPN, db (martinez, ca.) 0 responses
- NoV-64 SW update (RAM2ROM4), Diego Diaz 0 responses
- HP 41 System I and II, Casey Drew 0 responses
- COMPU-LS and COMPU-DC, Mike 6 responses
- A Most Unusual Number, on the 10c/11c/12c/15c, Katie Wasserman 8 responses
- HP-35 Manuals, aj04062 10 responses
- [OT] FC5025 USB 5.25" Floppy Controller, Gerry Schultz 7 responses
- Sinclair Calculator Repair, John Robinson 4 responses
- Amazing RPN calculator discovered, Joerg Woerner 33 responses
- HP11C, Dominique Deprez 2 responses
- Mostly OT: What's your experience with LED flashlights?, Paul Brogger 39 responses
- HP 27S - Adjust screen contrast?, M Tulloch 2 responses
- Arrested and charged with "calculating.", Bill Zimmerly 6 responses
- HP 67 card reader error, Mark Puscas 3 responses
- HHC2010 Web Page Is "Open for Business", Jake Schwartz 8 responses
- a new challenge!, Don Shepherd 80 responses
- HP-41CX halfnut speedup, Theo Kas (Australia) 4 responses
- Replacing dead screen on my HP17BII with one from HP27S?, John Hinz 10 responses
- My First Red LED Machine (HP 45), Norman Dziedzic 8 responses
- Optimizing programs: Writing a number VS calling a variable, Pablo P (Spain) 4 responses
- HP 50G says the SD card is write protected, Daniel Perry 4 responses
- How would a new HP 15c+ affect 15c market value?, megarat 5 responses
- Self tests: what do they actually do?, megarat 14 responses
- HP 9120A Printer Platen Gone Gooey, Rick Bensene 0 responses
- optimized prime factor finder for HP-32s, Don Shepherd 6 responses
- HP-11C - Amazing Battery Life, Bill Zimmerly 12 responses
- An Agilent patent on a calculator, Eric Smith 9 responses
- CFA Exam and calculators, Joe Burwell 1 response
- Valuing of Calcs and Related Stuff?, Woody 14 responses
- Happy 4th. of Jully, folks!, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 31 responses
- MLDL2000 update, Meindert Kuipers 5 responses
- HP-41 Games Library near completion, Ángel Martin 3 responses
- DIM LCD HP-11, aj04062 11 responses
- Russian mathematician turns down $1 million prize, Don Shepherd 12 responses
- HP 85 power failure, Claudio Perottoni (Brazil) 2 responses
- HP Solve Issue 19 available - has several articles by museum forum contributors!, gene wright 17 responses
- 97 printer paper not advancing, Keith Beyer 5 responses
- Es un milagro, Michael de Estrada 2 responses
- HP 35s. Base conversions, fast way, Pablo P (Spain) 0 responses
- hp 41 register swap, Sok-khieng Chum Hun 3 responses
- uCalc, DaveJ 6 responses
- Sting curiosity, Alberto Fenini 12 responses
- Help with RPL programs, N.Bressanin 2 responses
- exponential function on hp 12 c?, Gene Hoelscher 5 responses
- Blanknut differences, Casey Drew 1 response
- Woodstock collectors: electrical care/prevention tips and practices?, megarat 10 responses
- Was that an HP50G in a commercial?, Han 1 response
- Protective layer of the aluminium part on voyager series., jbssm 7 responses
- Re: HP-41CY emulation for NoV-64., Antoine M. Couëtte 5 responses
- Funny Museum Posts From The Past..., DavidShenk 3 responses
- slip cases for HP 35S, Gerardo Rincon 4 responses
- Owner's Manuals, Don Shepherd 24 responses
- 82240B vs 82240A, Alberto Fenini 4 responses
- TI-58 Slimline, ClausB 13 responses
- Dave Britten, please contact me (NT), Don Shepherd 0 responses
- number of calculators built of each model, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 2 responses
- OT: HP 5036A lab kit, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 0 responses
- How many non-HP RPN calculators do you own?, Michael de Estrada 32 responses
- "First Light", Monte Dalrymple 23 responses
- HP-42S display, Dick 4 responses
- Warning regarding a TAS auction, Michael de Estrada 10 responses
- HP-32s doesn't turn on, Giovanni Jimenez 4 responses
- HP 35s Day of the week program, Pablo P (Spain) 3 responses
- Nice Step by Step 50g (49+/48gii) Tutorial Videos, Norman Dziedzic 3 responses
- HP-35S, display settings for entry line, Mike (Stgt) 6 responses
- New HP-15C simulator, Greg Hewgill 29 responses
- Another PILBox ..., Juergen Keller 1 response
- June issue?, Glenn Shields 1 response
- non hp RPN, db (martinez, ca.) 10 responses
- hp 41, Sok-khieng Chum Hun 1 response
- OT: Blackberry LifeScan barcode capture, hpnut 3 responses
- What it’s got in its nassty little pocketses, Norman Dziedzic 42 responses
- Jazz 50G and SysRPL debugger, Han 4 responses
- 30B - On The Way - from USA !, John Stark 32 responses
- LIF file viewer for windows ?, John Robinson 5 responses
- Interchanging IC´s in Spices, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- Interesting HP-32E with comma for decimal point, Michael de Estrada 2 responses
- Loops of addition, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 7 responses
- HP-32Sii, jweisskohl 38 responses
- Msg to Vieira, Luiz C, Jean-Michel 1 response
- 41 SWAP disk documentation?, Ángel Martin 0 responses
- Re: Hoping my 41CX Found a good home, Norman Dziedzic 0 responses
- Another auction to lust over, Michael de Estrada 4 responses
- Newbie w/ Relay Actuator on HP-IL with 71B, Miles Willmek 6 responses
- HP 30b pdf manual, hpnut 7 responses
- Excellent purchase! (not mine, what a pity), Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 6 responses
- HP 12c Platinum, Joe Burwell 43 responses
- HP 41 batteries, Peter Creyf 11 responses
- 6114A power supply initial price (sorry, slightly OT), Marc Ferrer (France) 4 responses
- Autistic HP-65 needs help!, Michael Meyer 8 responses
- HP-25C needs chips to come back to life, Jean-Michel 2 responses
- HP-15C program to compute 3x3 complex matrix determinant, Karl Schneider 8 responses
- Chalkboard Math, Chuck 4 responses
- The Astro2010 module, Geir Isene 6 responses
- HHC 2010 - Look's like we've got a date and a place! :), Bill Zimmerly 5 responses
- OT: Jornada 680 communication problem, Karl-Ludwig Butte 1 response
- HP Calc Repurposing, Gene Dorr 6 responses
- 16C display problem, John Robinson 3 responses
- HP-41 FOCAL to .ROM for Clonix/NoV's (or any other ROM-box), Diego Diaz 6 responses
- The CMOS memory has died in my HP-25C, Michael de Estrada 1 response
- Knocking on HP-41s back door :-), Juergen Rodenkirchen 3 responses
- Any information about Canon f-788dx?, Manolo Sobrino 4 responses
- HP-35 Case, aj04062 1 response
- HP12C programming primer?, PatrickR 1 response
- 41C - Fun Stuff modules soon available, Ángel Martin 9 responses
- Windows7 calc, Glenn Shields 6 responses
- HP 9830A mentioned in recent book "The Quants", Scott Newell 0 responses
- HP12c repurposing project, TomL 10 responses
- DIY Calc Hardware Platform, Donald Williams 0 responses
- Why hyperbolic functions are critical !, gene wright 14 responses
- Carly runs for the Senate, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 7 responses
- 7470A Plotter Programming Examples, DavidShenk 2 responses
- hp-80 behaving badly, kubla 2 responses
- hp 50g, Sok-khieng Chum Hun 2 responses
- 36-year-old calculator ad, Don Shepherd 13 responses
- Why HP Really bought Palm, Norman Dziedzic 1 response
- Loop of + benchmark now in Articles section, gene wright 10 responses
- HP 30B not in blister pack, hpnut 16 responses
- "OFF g ENTER ON" on 12c platinums, tony(nz) 4 responses
- I knew TI were evil but I never saw it actually advertised, Norman Dziedzic 4 responses
- HP 50g PARTFRAC, INTVX Error/Problem, Sean Kane 1 response
- New addition speed test (updated with results as of 20100602 1pm CDT) ...add machines / methods --- new champion Casio FX-9860g Slim, gene wright 47 responses
- sum of the first n integers, Gerson W. Barbosa 18 responses
- I must be misssing something, Namir 5 responses
- Publisher of HP-related books, JJB299 17 responses
- New addition speed test (updated with results as of 5pm CDT 20100530) ...add machines / methods not yet included..includes 42s FAST mode, Gene Wright 35 responses
- HP 49g+ USB question, Guido 1 response
- Brute force addition speed test - various models - results?, Gene Wright 39 responses
- pleas help me to send "txt" file to 48sx by usb irda from the computer, samiroch 9 responses
- Was there a 62059D charger?, John AS (UK) 2 responses
- I know it doesn't make sense but ..., Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- 10bII, 12c, 12cp, 17b2+ ... these are the ones I about you?, Gene Wright 23 responses
- Voyager display swapping - any advice ?, John Robinson 5 responses
- Leather case recommendations for HP 48?, megarat 1 response
- 1LG9 ROM chip tech info?, Eric Smith 2 responses
- Some news (HP85 now A and B), Olivier De Smet 3 responses
- Battery problems with an aging 12c, Peter Schweitzer 0 responses
- Hp48G top plastic cover bent?, Luis Moreno 3 responses
- US$30k? Well, it does have Nixies ..., megarat 9 responses
- HP 15C+ - when?, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 49 responses
- Trying to revive an HP-25C, Mark Henderson 2 responses
- Archaeology attack: Rubik's Cube on the 41, Ángel Martin 17 responses
- HP-21 Rides again, Namir 5 responses
- removing alluminium bezel (was restoring an HP11C), Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- Martin Gardner dies at age 95, Don Shepherd 13 responses
- HP prototypes, Keith Midson 3 responses
- Help request for someone with a real HEPAX, Eric Smith 12 responses
- Interesting analogue calculator on that other site, Bart (UK) 11 responses
- Complex Matrix Determinant on the 15C, Andrew H. 8 responses
- More advertising for HP products, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- Commodore PR 100 , Nigel Bamber 1 response
- 9815A manual, Joel Setton (France) 0 responses
- Go to Google, BruceH 4 responses
- HP-41 2*X-MEM emulation for NoV-64 & Clonix-D, Diego Diaz 6 responses
- HP-34C Excitement, Mark Henderson 9 responses
- Where to find a printed copy of HP 48G AUR, ferroburak 1 response
- O.T. look into your computer, designnut 2 responses
- HHC2010?, Bill Zimmerly 20 responses
- changing the language in an HP18C, Alberto Fenini 3 responses
- HP related with still a bit on-topic, Frank Boehm (Germany) 0 responses
- restoring an HP11C, Alberto Fenini 0 responses
- HP 41 Family Service Manuals, Gerry Schultz 4 responses
- HHC 2009: Guessing, Etienne Victoria 4 responses
- Early calculators that could do x! for x > 69 ?, Gene Wright 24 responses
- Thanks, again!, J Grim 2 responses
- HP 50g newbie question, Bob Patton 4 responses
- Need advice on HP-41C Accessory, Jeff Kearns 5 responses
- O.T. RAM uce in XP OS, designnut 5 responses
- Stephen Hawking's voice. Would he want it back?, Michael Meyer 7 responses
- GRADs in use?, Tim Wessman 32 responses
- HP35s Stopping a program, help!, Pablo P (Spain) 17 responses
- Needed - a little help with my HP-19BII, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 30 responses
- Where can I find vintage Sharp and Casio calcs in Tokyo?, Egan Ford 15 responses
- NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, Eric Smith 6 responses
- HP 97 card reader clutch shaft repair, Ed Sowell 6 responses
- Electronic design - 1978 - calculators article , Didier Lachieze 0 responses
- on the trail of the 12c+, hugh steers 5 responses
- 42s upgrade, Paul Dale 22 responses
- 1972 HP-35 With Bug, aj04062 2 responses
- OT: Continuously Variable Gear Transmission, Norman Dziedzic 12 responses
- Sex and the City Laptops, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- HP 12c as a basic scientific calc for the RPN newbie?, nick lidakis 40 responses
- HP-41CY emulation for NoV-64., Diego Diaz 14 responses
- Dead Calculator, Peter Geiser 2 responses
- HP 20B Prediction weirdness?, Joao S Veiga (Brazil) 22 responses
- are we becoming zombie-people?, Don Shepherd 7 responses
- ARM Assembler Help Requested..., Bill Zimmerly 10 responses
- Jazz 50G, Han 3 responses
- Sir Clive Sinclair - OT, Nigel Bamber 9 responses
- HP-49G as PIM, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 3 responses
- OT:RadioShack, Egan Ford 7 responses
- NoV-64 (ver. 08r) update re-updated., Diego Diaz 0 responses
- OT: Casio fx-603P, Jean-Michel 8 responses
- A brief history of programming languages, db (martinez, ca.) 7 responses
- Replace HP-67 head, kubla 9 responses
- 'New' RPN Windows Calculator, Martin Pinckney 0 responses
- HP10 problem when printing, Ignacio Sánchez 2 responses
- NUT processor NOP's (beginner's question), Diego Diaz 5 responses
- HP9820A, Dave Rand 4 responses
- HP-50G - Documentation for the Filer Application?, Bill Zimmerly 2 responses
- Surveying Pacs for HP-48, Jeff Kearns 2 responses
- HP-71B FRAM Extension, Hans Brueggemann 4 responses
- How did this happen?, Wilhelm Taylor 18 responses
- HP-41 Programs, JMBaillard 28 responses
- HP app. for Android Phones, Sören Nilsson 0 responses
- For the HP-41 M-coders out there: NoV-64 update... (you'll love it!) ;-) , Diego Diaz 4 responses
- New issue of HP Solve Newsletter posted...with some changes ... new editor is Richard Nelson, Gene Wright 2 responses
- Mini HP meeting, Art Litka 3 responses
- I'm thinking to sell my Red-DOT!!, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 9 responses
- HP-25 update and thank you, J Grim 2 responses
- 15C short battery life, paul spiro 2 responses
- CST, SEL, MAR operations (OT ?, maybe), Alberto Fenini 5 responses
- Suggestion for the Next HP-50G ROM..., Bill Zimmerly 2 responses
- HP71B - Bus , Raymund Heuvel 8 responses
- Finally, Paul Dale 3 responses
- Replacing HP35s batteries, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 0 responses
- Ex HP Calculator PR Guy on Corporate Leaks and Apple, Howard Owen 11 responses
- IBM 5100 book, Don Shepherd 22 responses
- Reverse engineering the 12C+, Scott Newell 3 responses
- What is wrong with this HP-19C, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- MBK-04 EPROM Box, Juergen Keller 5 responses
- Small Sunday Afternoon Mini-Challenge, Gerson W. Barbosa 20 responses
- Unit conversion Module Reloaded, Angel Martin 2 responses
- OT - PC's: a tool in search of a need, David Hayden 34 responses
- NEWT?, Paul Dale 8 responses
- ILPer/Emu41/Transferring Files, Jeff Davis 5 responses
- The least rare vintage HP, Michael de Estrada 6 responses
- HP 30b - Thanks Gene and Katie, Joe Burwell 4 responses
- HP 12C+, Joe Burwell 0 responses
- HP41C nuts - how tight ?, John Robinson 6 responses
- HP-19C issue, Giovanni Jimenez 1 response
- cleaning the dust from an HP12C display, Alberto Fenini 1 response
- OT: A Turing machine in the classical style, Juergen Keller 3 responses
- Repair of Woodstock keyboard register problems, Kees van der Sanden 0 responses
- Is this from someone here?, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 12 responses
- HP purchases Palm, Inc., Seth Morabito 10 responses
- old computer comercial, db (martinez, ca.) 22 responses
- HP 30b numeric integration program, Gene Wright 10 responses
- OT: Ed Roberts obituary, Ken Shaw 1 response
- 12c firmware, Paul Dale 18 responses
- HP Calculator Colors, aj04062 24 responses
- Repairing a HP41 Printer?, Dimitri Simitas 4 responses
- HP 25 Woodstock, timw 2 responses
- Some progress (HP 85B), Olivier De Smet 3 responses
- 25 and/or 25c Repair, J Grim 10 responses
- Spare Part Needs - Spice Series Battery Cover - More, aj04062 11 responses
- HP-12C+ source in the US?, Scott Newell 3 responses
- Question about HP-50Gs and Battery Life..., Bill Zimmerly 4 responses
- TI-83 Plus IS> and DS< program commands, Don Shepherd 3 responses
- OT: recurring decimals!, Nigel J Dowrick 9 responses
- OT:iDisk For the Apple II, Gerry Schultz 1 response
- Is there something going on out there? (or Getting Back to My Roots...), Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 22 responses
- HP 9810A: It's alive, Thomas Falk 3 responses
- HP20b's 1-variable weighted function, Ric Lombardo 6 responses
- x49gp updated, Egan Ford 2 responses
- WAS: HP vs. TI on eBay auctions, Joerg Woerner 21 responses
- HP 82240B. Infra red printer for HP 42---HP 50g, Stuart Sprott 20 responses
- HP97 batteries?, Keith Midson 9 responses
- Faint HP-11 LCD , aj04062 7 responses
- TI NSPIRE vs HP50, fabrice 19 responses
- Pre-built Windows version of NutStudio tools for HP-41 available, Håkan Thörngren 5 responses
- Wolfram Alpha for iPhone rebate available., Pal G. 0 responses
- Is the HP 30B for sell or not?, Gerardo Rincon 2 responses
- Yahoo! Finally got me a HP-70, Michael de Estrada 13 responses
- I'm excited, Dimitri Simitas 2 responses
- Multiple business model RPN calculators and not many scientific ones?, ravwalia 38 responses
- 35s Modification, Hugh Evans 19 responses
- Problem with HP 110+ / Portable Plus battery charging (+workaround), John AS (UK) 2 responses
- Anyone seen the 10Bii graphing calculator?, Keith Midson 2 responses
- total solar eclipse Corvallis 2017 !, hugh steers 7 responses
- unable to plot UTPN, stroran 3 responses
- HP-48SX Repair - Diode, aj04062 3 responses
- HP 97 clutch repair methods compared, Ed Sowell 13 responses
- Rebuilding an HP 41 battery pack, DavidShenk 12 responses
- HP vs. TI on eBay auctions, Joerg Woerner 25 responses
- Somewhere in the PPC Journal...Richard Nelson said..., Gene Wright 15 responses
- Emu71 updated for the PIL-Box, J-F Garnier 15 responses
- 15C Spotted on National Geographic Program , Jeff O. 0 responses
- RPNCalc Pro for Android, palmheads 0 responses
- challenge, Don Shepherd 31 responses
- HP-620LX, Jeff Davis 1 response
- Best HP-15C emulator for the iPod/iPad, Namir 20 responses
- Calculator like HP10BII but scientific and RPN, Gerardo Rincon 24 responses
- 5.25 --> 3.5 Floppy Disk migration, Giovanni Jimenez 7 responses
- A new 19BII variant..., Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 3 responses
- 17BII+ wobble, Ryan 10 responses
- HP-41 Flat top N cells, Xavier A. (Brazil) 2 responses
- Pure Horror, Patrick Rendulic 22 responses
- Note for NoV-64 users., Diego Diaz 4 responses
- Pocket Professional Math-Pro, Norman Dziedzic 1 response
- Determining HP 48sx ROM version by SN?, megarat 27 responses
- Low-bat indication continuously on, Johannes Trepte 1 response
- Message output capability of HP35s?, John H (UK) 16 responses
- hp20b hacking: SW reset problem, hugh steers 21 responses
- HP-67 keyboard restoration, Pierre Brial 4 responses
- PICS OF A HP-41C HALFNUT , Philippe Pizzaferri 5 responses
- 9114B Battery Replacement?, Ángel Martin 4 responses
- OK - Who just paid $987 for an HP-70?, Michael de Estrada 29 responses
- MLDL2000 V2 update, Meindert Kuipers 9 responses
- HP 48gII displays division as a fraction, Peter Klein 5 responses
- Virus on ????, Philippe Pizzaferri 2 responses
- HP97 box restore project (you may remember), Alberto Fenini 5 responses
- OT: Zero feedbackers, DaveJ 10 responses
- HP-67 Battery Pack, Robert Hollyer 1 response
- HP-19C Paper, Wingman54 10 responses
- More work in progress, Eric Smith 3 responses
- Wanted: Online database for displaying collection, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 8 responses
- Ram card, John Mosand 2 responses
- HP82165A and HP82169A, Willy Janssens 1 response
- Got that? [off topic], Paul Dale 2 responses
- HP45 Original Price, Bon 12 responses
- Funny demotivational pic about HP calculator fans, bhtooefr 3 responses
- TI Selling new TI NSpire Touchpad, Namir 9 responses
- HP 82104A card reader, fork-shaped brass tongues, REPAIR PROBLEM, Markus Sanke 15 responses
- HP 67/97 card reader: O-rings vs. vinyl tubing, Ed Sowell 10 responses
- 48SX Soft Menu Key Problem, J Grim 3 responses
- 41C - Curve Fitting Revisited, Ángel Martin 6 responses
- HP-10 Adding Machine, aj04062 21 responses
- Test card for HP 97, Ed Sowell 21 responses
- New MCODE tools available for the HP-41, Håkan Thörngren 10 responses
- Some people have lost the sense of reality..., Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 4 responses
- My Calculator Collection, Gerardo Rincon 5 responses
- keyboard labels and colors, Han 1 response
- Interesting Blog Post (Sci Am, Sept 77), Les Bell 1 response
- First impressions of new TI-NSpire CAS, Don Shepherd 13 responses
- keys to Woodstock security cradle?, megarat 14 responses
- HP 65 Repair Effort, ClausB 2 responses
- Ed Roberts: 1941 - 2010, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 0 responses
- Math Software that supports BCD?, Tim Wessman 16 responses
- OT: iPhone/iPod Touch WolframAlpha now $2, Egan Ford 3 responses
- Did HP suspend selling the HP-30b?, Namir 16 responses
- HP 65 Service Manual, ClausB 10 responses
- HP-85 cover all yellow, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 5 responses
- A new wiki: HP in 10 words , Allen 13 responses
- Battery Cover for HP-38C, Gerardo Rincon 0 responses
- What's the auction world coming to? A 32S sells for more than a 16C, Bart (UK) 15 responses
- HP-01 stylus, Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- Idea for high-end scientific (but not graphing) HP, bhtooefr 23 responses
- Pi wrong?, Bruce Bergman 13 responses
- HP font used in collateral, Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- HP 34C - which way round are the batterys fitted?, Jon Duke 6 responses
- Looking for details on 82033A battery pack, Clark H Lewis 2 responses
- i41CX draws sine curve, Egan Ford 4 responses
- The Future of Graphing Calculators, bill platt 20 responses
- What Would a 30bII Look Like?, Andrew H. 11 responses
- New update for Clonix and NoV's users., Diego Diaz 4 responses
- Does HP Advertise Their Calculators?, Jake Schwartz 28 responses
- Tastronics TAS012, Rik Bos 0 responses
- The square root of ten revisited, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 2 responses
- Grey Carrying Case, Classic Calcs, aj04062 5 responses
- HP 32SII keyboard - dead column of keys fixed, Jeff Johnson 2 responses
- HP-67/97 cards, Ed Sowell 4 responses
- Mini Challenge from comp.sys.hp48, Egan Ford 21 responses
- MCODE - Unit Conversion, Ángel Martin 17 responses
- [OT] useful feedback search tool for the infamous auction web site, Pascal 2 responses
- Office Max Catalog now features HP 50g, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- HP 48GII keyboard, Han 1 response
- HP.45 Keyboard - Dead Row, John Stark 3 responses
- Significant variation in Woodstock keyboards?, Michael Meyer 2 responses
- HP41 models and susceptibility for cracked posts, Nigel Bamber 2 responses
- HP 97, OK I cracked the print head.., Ed Sowell 11 responses
- Hawkeye Bendix: Remember this one ? (2/?) [Long + pictures, Sorry], Etienne Victoria 4 responses
- HP-67 not displaying decimal point, Etienne Victoria 3 responses
- OT: For Sale: Bill Hewlett’s 1987 Chevy Suburban, Steve Leibson 5 responses
- 33s or 35s or casio fx-5800 for electronic engineering, Pablo P (Spain) 35 responses
- HP-41 draws sine curve, Juergen Keller 18 responses
- Does this look familiar to any one?, Gerardo Rincon 4 responses
- worth it or not worth it ?, Alberto Fenini 4 responses
- New HP-41 Skin for the free HP-42S!!!, Namir 0 responses
- What is the best financial calculator made by HP, Jeff Kearns 17 responses
- How to transform an HP-25 into an HP-25C ?, Giovanni Jimenez 5 responses
- hp 30b keyboard issue, Gerardo Rincon 8 responses
- Curta calculator, Bruce Bergman 2 responses
- odd serial number on HP97S, Alberto Fenini 1 response
- Running executable on HP 95LX, B Jong 4 responses
- TI-58/9 Case Bottom, ClausB 1 response
- HP 41C and CV boards with some piggy backing from the factory, Geoff Quickfall 0 responses
- Is peace of mind worth $150 ?, Michael de Estrada 7 responses
- Sick HP40G, Nicholas Cole 0 responses
- Thoughts on HP 30b, Eddie W. Shore 51 responses
- Sick HP42S, Chuck Galloway 2 responses
- 4 PPC CDs Combined into Single DVD, Jake Schwartz 2 responses
- New Classic Battery Cover Latches For Sale, aj04062 10 responses
- work in progress, Eric Smith 16 responses
- HHC2010 Schedule???, Namir 28 responses
- O.T. Solar System Formation, designnut 0 responses
- HP 95LX FAQ, Dan Eicher 2 responses
- HP 41C data storage integrated circuit swapping: Maybe Eric could answer this ;-), Geoff Quickfall 19 responses
- Further to an earlier posting, Method to the madness!, Geoff Quickfall 6 responses
- OT, but where better to ask?, P.Hart 8 responses
- Happy square root of 10 day!, Gene Wright 9 responses
- HP48 One Minute Marvels, Mark Henderson 3 responses
- Re: N cell alkaline batteries, inexpensive, ClausB 0 responses
- HP-97 Card reader reassembly, Ed Sowell 2 responses
- Did We Miss The 20th Anniv. of the HP48SX?, Jake Schwartz 6 responses
- Adjusting card reader eccentric screw, Ed Sowell 3 responses
- HP-34C switch problem, Giovanni Jimenez 6 responses
- Geodat, any info about the ic's and unit?, Geoff Quickfall 5 responses
- Is the HP49G+ that bad?, Han 7 responses
- Happy Pi Day, Egan Ford 13 responses
- Hurray: Just got an HP-85, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 5 responses
- Shirt pocket plotter for HP41, Wilhelm Taylor 3 responses
- i41CX+ gets another plus (CAS with editor) [micro review], Egan Ford 4 responses
- OT: TI-Nspire 2,0 arrived, Joerg Woerner 13 responses
- Repair of HP 11C, Don Steele 4 responses
- Repaired 41C, ClausB 5 responses
- HP41 faster after crash and reset?, Timo 2 responses
- New ILPer version for the PIL-Box, J-F Garnier 4 responses
- HP 30b Business Professional, Gerardo Rincon 2 responses
- Adjusting HP-97 card reader, Ed Sowell 1 response
- One HP-35 back to life, Jean-Michel 0 responses
- Cleaning the goo off card reader, Ed Sowell 11 responses
- Reduce fraction on HP50G, olivier scalbert 2 responses
- HP 19B, Keith Midson 3 responses
- Economical replacement for 42s, fiveolddogs 29 responses
- Gaussian Primes, Gerry Schultz 1 response
- Scientific American Magazine Article, ClausB 13 responses
- Sparcom manuals somewhere?, matti 2 responses
- Latest crazy auction - HP-70 for $660, Michael de Estrada 16 responses
- HP 50G...the last graphing calc from HP?, juan demin 5 responses
- Residuals in HP41 BatteryCompartment, Timo 1 response
- Apollo Soyuz HP 65, ClausB 4 responses
- Graphing Calculator Innovations, Eddie W. Shore 12 responses
- Comparason of Old Computers and Calculators ...., Dimitri Simitas 11 responses
- fair Value on HP-35, aj04062 2 responses
- OT: New Version of TI-Nspire, Gerry Schultz 8 responses
- Query re. HP 82973A HP-IL Interface card and 82161A Digital Cassette Drive, John AS (UK) 8 responses
- Why no relative pointer in RPL, David Hayden 5 responses
- Battery pack for an HP-35, Jean-Michel 5 responses
- is more valuable a 41cx broken calculator than a good one?, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 4 responses
- 16c case refurbishment, Dan Eicher 5 responses
- HP41c rechargeable battery (82120A) circuit diagrams ?, John Robinson 0 responses
- H-P on TV, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- Reading and writing text files from/to LIF-files: Two new scripts, Geir Isene 1 response
- Classic USB power cable and replacement connectors, Mark Henderson 9 responses
- Here's a rare HP48GX, Han 5 responses
- Mildly amusing and relevant, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 1 response
- HP-35S : do the battery last that long?, Jean-Michel 5 responses
- identify old calculator?, randy bozarth 6 responses
- Applied Stats Solutions 1 and 2 documentation, David Airey 1 response
- USB Logic Analyzer, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 7 responses
- HP50g SigmaDat, Chris 7 responses
- An update on Carly, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 13 responses
- Classic Calculator Feet/Latch, aj04062 0 responses
- Wild hack: Synchronize your HP-41 with your mobile phone calendar, Geir Isene 2 responses
- LIF file specification, Geir Isene 2 responses
- Transformer Source? 82002A Charger, aj04062 0 responses
- db: Double wide ENTER key spotted in the wild, Joerg Woerner 23 responses
- The HP 50G could have been given a large ENTER key, Han 2 responses
- HP-97 printer paper feed cam shaft, Ed Sowell 7 responses
- LogicDart help needed (probes), Hrvoje 3 responses
- How sweet it is!, Namir 2 responses
- FDIO - floppy drive utility, John AS (UK) 1 response
- A viable vintage data aquisition system?, Timo 9 responses
- Sick HP42S, Chuck Galloway 4 responses
- That old auction business of "disclosure", bill platt 6 responses
- MLDL2000 Disassembler to SDK - Help, PeterP 1 response
- OT: Bid War, Egan Ford 1 response
- HP owners actually use them?, Dimitri Simitas 36 responses
- There seems to be a very recent bull market..., bill platt 5 responses
- Capricorn CPU microcode, Olivier De Smet 6 responses
- Notes on installing EMU41P on Portable Plus, John AS (UK) 0 responses
- Kitchen timer on 17B/17BII/17BII+/19B/19BII/27S, y.miyata 1 response
- New MLDL2000 Disassembler function, PeterP 3 responses
- 30b can be ordered, Don Shepherd 18 responses
- HP41 bugs - testing, John Robinson 6 responses
- HP41 Rechargeable Battery Pack - three pins ?, John Robinson 2 responses
- Repairing a HP 82033 Battery Pack, Dimitri Simitas 7 responses
- Somewhat OT, but not really. Screwy cursor behavior., Martin Pinckney 11 responses
- HP35s zip cover, DurbanGuy 25 responses
- HP-41 / EMU41P emulator query, John AS (UK) 4 responses
- Parametric and Polar functions on 50G, Ben 2 responses
- N cell alkaline batteries, inexpensive, Garth Wilson 8 responses
- Why are Serial Ports so Annoying? 49G But sort of Off Topic, bill platt 5 responses
- hp48, factorization, Sok-khieng Chum Hun 15 responses
- HP-41: Read/Write XM file from a LIF-file?, Geir Isene 6 responses
- HP-41, HP-71, HP-75, HP-IL or all of the above?, Dan Grelinger 10 responses
- Finally found a new 12C at Fry's; firmware version, Eric Smith 2 responses
- 48GII Specifications?, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 4 responses
- OK, Fess Up, Who's the lucky winner? :-), bill platt 4 responses
- old HP67/97 programs for satellite communications, Don Shepherd 2 responses
- hp 50g won't find 2-line intersect on graph, Noah Magnuson 5 responses
- HP-41: Manual for the ChemUser ROM?, Geir Isene 2 responses
- Off-Topic: Who can solve this?, Matthias Wehrli 13 responses
- Problems with my 40G, Tanya Poz 3 responses
- Power switch repair, aj04062 3 responses
- EMU41 2.50 released as open source!, Egan Ford 2 responses
- Programmable ?, Gilles Collas 5 responses
- HP-41: Nirvana Setup, Geir Isene 1 response
- 82059B/D, Egan Ford 6 responses
- After my two fauxpas; re the HP41C below, here is the book, Geoff Quickfall 36 responses
- HP 30B, JDonley 1 response
- HP67-97 Space Systems User's Guide, aj04062 5 responses
- HP-55 Value, 3 complete calculators, aj04062 0 responses
- If you could...., Dimitri Simitas 14 responses
- HP-Emulator 64 bit program versions, Christoph Giesselink 4 responses
- Celestial Navigation softwarer for HP, juan demin 4 responses
- 9815 A/S displays available!, Joel Setton (France) 0 responses
- HP11c - Swapping Internals Between Two, DavidShenk 6 responses
- HP70 original box, Alberto Fenini 8 responses
- Card Reader motor - doesn't spin smoothly, John Robinson 23 responses
- HP-35 Bug: highest serial number?, Mark Henderson 5 responses
- Curious question (OT): Green LEDs?, Maximilian Hohmann 14 responses
- non-scientific LED calculator worth more than HP35 red dot?, Bart (UK) 6 responses
- HP-41CX Memory Registers, Prabhu Bhooplapur 9 responses
- HP-41 CX at ebay - reasonable price?, Timo 5 responses
- 10BII Display Problems?, JT 1 response
- Sign of a new HP calculators prices inflation? , Xavier A. (Brazil) 9 responses
- Almost a Red-Dot. It seems only to lack the hole!, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 9 responses
- Hardest part about doing taxes, Michael Meyer 26 responses
- HP-41C with unusual serial number ?, Marc Ferrer (France) 3 responses
- HP-41CV with HP82106A, Dimitri Simitas 7 responses
- [OT] Future Calculator Nut?, Tim Wessman 13 responses
- HP-41CX beeps when turned on !!, Giovanni Jimenez 7 responses
- The HP-71B “Math Machine” 25 Years Old, Marcus von Cube, Germany 1 response
- Website update, Matthias Wehrli 1 response
- Lagrangian Interpolation for the HP-67 and HP-41C, Namir 3 responses
- HP200LX Connectivity Pack under Windows 7, Mike (Stgt) 6 responses
- OT: Computer Archeology 2010, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 7 responses
- Interesting HP41CV?, Dimitri Simitas 2 responses
- HP logo upside down = DY, happened a long time ago, Don Shepherd 2 responses
- HP-97 Print Intensity Mystery, Michael de Estrada 4 responses
- Squaring the circle: all-MCODE Bessel functions, Ángel Martin 13 responses
- Better fitting case for a HP-41C?, Dimitri Simitas 7 responses
- Heinz Haber and his 35 / german TV show, Thomas Radtke 0 responses
- Serial no of HP48GX, matti 4 responses
- In praise of dirty calculators-- again., Michael Meyer 34 responses
- xThink Calculator, hpnut 8 responses
- Cleaning HP48 keys NON-INTRUSIVELY, Angus 6 responses
- Barcode generator for Optical Wand?, Timo 2 responses
- HP41 Optical Wand - how to open plug ?, John Robinson 2 responses
- Pictures of Time Module for HP 41 series?, Timo 2 responses
- HP38G/39G/48SX/48GX./49G Emulator now availble for iPhone/iPod Touch, Steve Simpkin 6 responses
- Random Number Generation Challenge (sort of), Namir 9 responses
- Woodstocks - the new gold standard?, Michael de Estrada 33 responses
- Classic display segment intermittent - cause?, Mark Henderson 3 responses
- Calculator sale value-- will it persist?, Michael Meyer 15 responses
- HP41 MLDL2000 new version of M2kM, Meindert Kuipers 2 responses
- So I got the printed HP35 manual, Dimitri Simitas 13 responses
- For the Door That Has No Equal, db (martinez, ca.) 6 responses
- New Article: HP 41c translator overlay for 71b, Allen 0 responses
- HP-29C Behavior that is odd!, Jeff Davis 1 response
- Any sightings of the 30b yet? (n/t), Peter A. Gebhardt 0 responses
- Suggestions for HP41C, Dimitri Simitas 12 responses
- Feeling older, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 50 responses
- 32s won't power on, Dave Britten 9 responses
- HP29C strange behavior, Alberto Fenini 14 responses
- Mysterious HP-19C power-on behavior-- solved with interesting cause., Michael Meyer 16 responses
- HP-15C Enter Key Behaviour, Timo 2 responses
- Interesting Pairing, Norman Dziedzic 7 responses
- Hp 41C in excellent condition, Nigel Bamber 7 responses
- Plexiglas replacement, Alberto Fenini 5 responses
- Early (Buggy) HP-35 - Insides, Mark Henderson 3 responses
- HP - Quo vadis?, Frido Bohn 49 responses
- Look what I found for $50 USd; off topic but I think you will like the photos., Geoff Quickfall 11 responses
- SandMath - Reloaded, Ángel Martin 2 responses
- Collection display, Michel Beaulieu 1 response
- PIL-box <- EMU41 <- Dosbox <- Linux, Geir Isene 1 response
- HP gee-whiz question (batteries), megarat 8 responses
- Symbolic Calculus 50g, Shu Y Pong 1 response
- O.T. runaway car, designnut 28 responses
- OT: Apple iPad, Don Shepherd 36 responses
- Metric vs. US model of HP 50g, Eric Smith 77 responses
- HP41 Mcode: SELPF arguments, Meindert Kuipers 3 responses
- HP-27S Successful LCD transplantation, Lyuka 0 responses
- OT: Retro programmable makes comeback., Egan Ford 2 responses
- TI RPN Simulator, db (martinez, ca.) 3 responses
- special characters on hp71b + hp-il + 82162a ?, John Ioannidis 1 response
- Future Value Problem, right?, Anthony Baldwin 10 responses
- 30b Repurposing Concept, Jeff O. 23 responses
- Refurbished HP calcs?, DaveJ 1 response
- HP-42S work-around for sticking to low contrast LCD problem, Lyuka 2 responses
- "The Swiss Army Knife for nerds", David Hayden 26 responses
- emu42 on Win7-64bit, Mike (Stgt) 2 responses
- Keyboard Complaints, Tim Wessman 41 responses
- Calendar withdrawls, Bruce Bergman 5 responses
- Another 30b program!, hugh steers 3 responses
- OT: Canon X-07, Saile (Brazil) 2 responses
- HP41C strange display behaviour, Alberto Fenini 1 response
- example of 30b program, Don Shepherd 14 responses
- the 35s pol<>rec program, db (martinez, ca.) 5 responses
- HP-35s in Hex mode, Joel Setton (France) 8 responses
- 32sii: FLOOR function, Dave Britten 21 responses
- The forensics algorithm for the 10s, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 4 responses
- TI-59 LED intensity, Michael Meyer 15 responses
- 48G series ROM question, Ed Look 2 responses
- Almost O.T.: rarity and prices..., Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 21 responses
- HP 97 keyboard and more issue., Ignazio Cara (Italy) 6 responses
- MCODE (what else?): Creating a new ROM from the 41 --> Transfer?, Geir Isene 16 responses
- Hypothetically - How would you flash a 35s?, JJB299 26 responses
- = key on HP 33s, Don Shepherd 2 responses
- MCODE tools: Asking for your opinion, Geir Isene 3 responses
- 30b missing the mod function?, hugh steers 19 responses
- Ok... Own up! Who amongst you put this 15c description on eBay?, Mohammed Hadi 13 responses
- HP-45, strange key response, Thomas Radtke 8 responses
- OT: Sequential Boolean Analyzer, Katie Wasserman 4 responses
- HP 12C Questions, Randy Wood 11 responses
- HP 35S --- 2*2 lin. solve bug, Maarten Ambaum (Reading, UK) 17 responses
- Which HP calc emulator? Which phone? , vq 7 responses
- HP 35s Hardcase Issue, Luke Hoffmann 12 responses
- HP 34c battery voltage voltage, Hiawatha Wheelwright 5 responses
- HP-41: Has anyone used the Laitram rom?, Geir Isene 13 responses
- SandMath 6 -> NoV: Error, Geir Isene 3 responses
- HP-IL a summary QRG/top 10 commands, Geir Isene 10 responses
- 48sx compared to 50g, Hiawatha Wheelwright 29 responses
- OT: Dennis (db) - Your bid is welcome!, Joerg Woerner 2 responses
- ICEBOX version 1H released, Geir Isene 2 responses
- A tribute to Diego Diaz and Ángel Martin, Geir Isene 3 responses
- OT but topical: Youtube and Maths, bill platt 1 response
- 30b programming environment, Don Shepherd 21 responses
- HP9830A, Dylan Watkins 2 responses
- HP-35s: Better in ALG mode?, Silvio A. Bensi 37 responses
- HP 35s keyboard weirdness, Hiawatha Wheelwright 6 responses
- Mysterious HP-19C power-on behavior, Michael Meyer 7 responses
- HP-35 and HP-80: Flashing display differences?, Mark Henderson 3 responses
- MLDL2000 Manager software: new BETA version, Meindert Kuipers 10 responses
- 48G keyboard weirdness, Lincoln 5 responses
- New 41Z Manual available at last, Ángel Martin 8 responses
- HP-41 turn-on behavior, Paolo Cipollone 13 responses
- Opening HP41C, Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- A humble request, if I may..., Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- Simulate "load" (or whatever) of batteries in classics hooked to chargers?, Paul Brogger 14 responses
- OT: Thommen altimeters, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 0 responses
- classic chassis with a crack, Alberto Fenini 7 responses
- My HP 35s keyboard improvements, kiril t 25 responses
- OT: The uCalc is born, DaveJ 21 responses
- Two Interesting BigNum Stories (Via Slashdot), Les Bell 4 responses
- HP Viper board spotted on ebay, john as (UK) 1 response
- MK-161, KoenDV 2 responses
- MCODE: Where these last posts are heading: A function called "NSG", Geir Isene 12 responses
- HP300s smartcalc error, Scott Smith 8 responses
- Fix Spice with unsoldered chips?, Paul Brogger 9 responses
- HP41CV Warranty, Just keep your receipt ..., Raymund Heuvel 1 response
- OT: Phosphor Watches - E Ink Displays, Gerry Schultz 14 responses
- First Pocket Calculator with LED Display?, Joerg Woerner 9 responses
- HEPAX VASM listing?, Geir Isene 9 responses
- HP-01 stylus, Alberto Fenini 1 response
- HP97 restore project, Alberto Fenini 9 responses
- MCODE: Bright idea for executing an address instead of a GOTO ADR (h1E0)?, Geir Isene 10 responses
- HP12C - SST in RUN-Mode doesn't work correctly, twanke 11 responses
- Dropped HP41CX (carpeted floor), no longer working, jim540 29 responses
- The 20s is apparently faster than the 32sii, Dave Britten 48 responses
- Old brochure from 1982, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 0 responses
- I got jinxed: Need help from an Mcode/NoV pro, Geir Isene 6 responses
- Happy 2010, Walter B 19 responses
- ICEBOX.ROM version 1G released + Happy New Year, Geir Isene 1 response
- The best way to save a HEPAX block to mass storage?, Geir Isene 1 response
- 50g easter eggs, Glenn Shields 6 responses
- HP nut CPU and illegal instruction sequences, Håkan Thörngren 9 responses
- HP50g switch between USB to SERIAL, fabrice 8 responses
- NiCd Lady Company Review (battery rebuild), Egan Ford 1 response
- HP 42S simulators on ipod touch--I answered my own question, bill platt 5 responses
- HP-41CX motherboard, Michel Beaulieu 3 responses
- O.T. What kind of math?, designnut 3 responses
- HP 12-C on the Android, Dale Wyckoff 4 responses
- Series 80 site disruption , Vassilis Prevelakis 1 response
- Back to MLDL2000: I did it again..., Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- Where can one get new three-pronged plugs for Classic series chargers? >>, tim m. 7 responses
- OT, Mad Dog eBaycalcnut 14 responses
- How to get a txt file on the stack (50g), ferroburak 2 responses
- MCODE: Using the HP-16C as a tool, Geir Isene 6 responses
- Meindert, guys: I think you´re gonna like this!, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 4 responses
- Woodstock Security Cradle - Keys lost, Alberto Fenini 5 responses
- knockoffs, JDonley 15 responses
- HP30b - leapfrogging the competition ..., Peter A. Gebhardt 10 responses
- O.T. planned obsolescence, db (martinez, ca.) 9 responses
- Mathematician of the day, Bill Zimmerly 4 responses
- To Luiz Vieira, R Lion (Spain) 0 responses
- SmartCalc 300s, Matthias Wehrli 1 response
- HP Classic with new electronics (a la uCalc/uWatch?), Mark Henderson 26 responses
- The best and faster and more sophisticated calculator of the world :-), Saile (Brazil) 4 responses
- OT: Holes in Stainless, Paul Brogger 25 responses
- hp motherboard, Karen Smearsoll 4 responses
- OT: uCalc proto, DaveJ 52 responses
- 630 USD for a 15c on Ebay!, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 13 responses
- Use of Armor-All?, tim m. 10 responses
- hp50g grobs, Glenn Shields 7 responses
- 41Z Keyboard Overlay - The Final Cut, Ángel Martin 5 responses
- Display technology, David Hayden 5 responses
- Really really OT, Don Shepherd 9 responses
- Regarding MLDL2000 'cosmetics' & more, Jeff Davis 1 response
- HP 85B tape drive, Leonard Adcock 2 responses
- OT: basic arithmetic functions, Thomas Klemm 2 responses
- Restoring Classics: 409 removed some lettering!, Mark Henderson 12 responses
- My concept for a 20b repurposing project, Jeff O. 31 responses
- SpeedUI - Important update to v. 9.08, Raymond Del Tondo 1 response
- Advice on HP-25 repair, please., Michael Meyer 3 responses
- TVM bug in HP 20b?, Daniel Castro 11 responses
- hp 35s Odd Behaviour: Fractions in Complex Numbers, Mohammed Hadi 10 responses
- OT: Do 12 yrs old kids need graphing calcs?, Frank Rottgardt 37 responses
- OT: uCalc Processor, DaveJ 9 responses
- Not Clueless, Doug 2 responses
- Wristwatch Gadget [OT ish], MikeT. 2 responses
- HP ALERT for HP49G+/HP50, Mike Reed 1 response
- Faulty disk drive in 9114B ?, inaki 6 responses
- Broken Rom/Ram switch on RAMCARD, bill platt 5 responses
- OT: Objectified, Egan Ford 24 responses
- 42s Statistics Problem, Norman Dziedzic 11 responses
- [O.T.] A collector's question , Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 2 responses
- HP97 restore project, Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- A little gem in the DVD 7, J-F Garnier 0 responses
- Cosine for fun, Chuck 6 responses
- HP-38E chips layout, Alberto Fenini 3 responses
- HP50G SD card is popping out, Patrick Rendulic 7 responses
- HP17b & it's offsprings - Random Number Generator - How?, Peter A. Gebhardt 29 responses
- Deoxit: now that I have it, how do I use it?, Michael Meyer 3 responses
- Upgrade to HP Museum DVD Set Version 7.0, Gerry Schultz 1 response
- HP 42S - intermittent rows nonfunctional, Rob Welch 2 responses
- An HP-42S fix success, and a contrast problem, DavidShenk 19 responses
- In Praise of Dirty Calculators, Michael Meyer 2 responses
- HP41 system ROM related - versions and compatibility, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 14 responses
- HP-25 erratic behaviour, Alberto Fenini 23 responses
- Machine accuracy behaviour of the hp-35s and other models, Mohammed Hadi 42 responses
- Dosbox + EMU41 problem, Geir Isene 3 responses
- HP 34C repair, aurelio 19 responses
- Meeting held yesterday in western Denmark, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 3 responses
- Why the theta choice for complex number display in polar form on the HP35s ?, Mohammed Hadi 11 responses
- Topcat HP-97 with very dim LEDs, Michael de Estrada 9 responses
- All rightmost keys on HP 22s not working., gerry martinez 2 responses
- 17bII german manual?, Tim Wessman 9 responses
- Are HP and TI cables interchangeable, ferroburak 5 responses
- HP42S battery failure, Colin McKenzie 0 responses
- Happy Thanksgiving, David Hayden 3 responses
- Max degree of polynomial a hp 50g can solve?, ferroburak 1 response
- HP-25 battery pack, Steven Green 11 responses
- How to work Hp50g programs on computer?, ferroburak 30 responses
- ON key worn out on an HP32S2 - is there still hope?, Mike (Stgt) 4 responses
- 2012 - Is this the End?, Joerg Woerner 28 responses
- HP calculator electrical engineering, Frank Boehm (Germany) 1 response
- OT: Texas eZ430-Chronos WiFi, Saile (Brazil) 3 responses
- MLDL2000 'cosmetics' & more, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 10 responses
- Will a micro sd card fit Hp 50g?, ferroburak 6 responses
- 50G bug in SEQ command?, David Hayden 0 responses
- #2 key problem, china mfr, hp12c, and/or others, stephen levine 7 responses
- Another University of Houston calculator contest, David Hayden 5 responses
- HP41 ROM images related: I didn´t see that comming..., Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 7 responses
- 7470A Plotter Pens/Paper?, Egan Ford 3 responses
- HP 17BII+ Financial Calculator simulator available for iPhone, Steve Simpkin 2 responses
- Rounding errors, BruceH 4 responses
- The new DVD Set Version 7, Namir 9 responses
- Wrist-PDA for Dave, bill platt 1 response
- HP 71B Zenwand Manual Prease, Saile (Brazil) 2 responses
- HP41 ROM module versions: anyone?, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 22 responses
- Heft, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 15 responses
- 41Z Red Shift taking shape., Ángel Martin 13 responses
- TI calculator collection, Michael Meyer 30 responses
- Must be my lucky day., Stuart Sprott 35 responses
- Hoping my 41CX Found a good home, Norman Dziedzic 5 responses
- For those that did the NIST tour at HHC2009, BruceH 4 responses
- Pioneer series internal photo (17BII, 27S, 42S) , Lyuka 4 responses
- [OT] A couple Casio "Slim" calcs available (for RPN apps), Matt Kernal 4 responses
- HP 42s Stack Save/Restore Tool, Dave Britten 2 responses
- 41 MCODE: RCL Math Summarized, Ángel Martin 3 responses
- An idea for repairing Spice series machines with keyboard problems, Lincoln R. 17 responses
- New (Cheap!) Voyager Emulators For iPhone, Anders Peterson 7 responses
- uCalc, DaveJ 126 responses
- HP41 Coconut: LCD blanks in Standby mode, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 3 responses
- HEPAX chain broken - and fixed, Geir Isene 8 responses
- RPN-like STO/RCL on RPL calculator, David Hayden 4 responses
- Is the HP33S is the only game in town?, John Noble 28 responses
- 32s problems, Lincoln R. 4 responses
- A happy buyer :-), Saile (Brazil) 5 responses
- alternate documentation for 50G, Glenn Becker 1 response
- Forth Day, Eric Smith 1 response
- Update to m48 HP48GX emulator for the iPhone, Steve Simpkin 2 responses
- A useful HP-50G program to keep the DIRs clean..., Bill Zimmerly 4 responses
- HP17b Solver Function, Roland Storz 5 responses
- 16 segment Led display would mimic a HP-41 display?, Giuseppe Marullo 3 responses
- Form factor for calculators, David Hayden 58 responses
- [Completely OT] Capeesh, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 15 responses
- HP 75, Charles Oxford 2 responses
- HP-200lx, Geoff Quickfall 10 responses
- OT -- Ulimate Calculator Design Artcile, Katie Wasserman 1 response
- Why not 49g+?, ferroburak 19 responses
- Direct current circuit analysis program, ferroburak 3 responses
- General Electric CE 93 RPN calculator - and more..., Joerg Woerner 0 responses
- Indefinite integral calculation with 49g+/ 50g , ferroburak 7 responses
- 42S on iPod Touch: OFF function behavior (bug?), Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) 18 responses
- Decimal to octal conversion for the HP-12C, Kalevipoeg 0 responses
- Laplace transforms, ferroburak 6 responses
- OT CASIO FX-5400P $$$, Saile (Brazil) 3 responses
- Lambert W (HP-12C+), Gerson W. Barbosa 10 responses
- Need help with HP 48sx file transfer, Martin Pinckney 16 responses
- Do other brands also have buggy calcs?, Jean-Michel 30 responses
- University of Houston Calculator Contest, David Hayden 12 responses
- Free42 for iPhone/iPod Touch just landed, Dave Britten 13 responses
- HP67 doesn't turn on without battery pack?, Gabriele Zaverio 21 responses
- HP 41CX release date?, Egan Ford 1 response
- Plugger challenge, BruceH 7 responses
- blowin' shite oop, db (martinez, ca.) 10 responses
- O.T. Are you a plugger?, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 25 responses
- HP 9810A - current value?, DavidShenk 12 responses
- CEO of Royal Bank of Scotland uses an HP, Nigel Bamber 9 responses
- Question about how HP Math pacs calculate Bessel Functions!, Namir 5 responses
- HP-41 Bar Code Printing, Gerry Schultz 8 responses
- MLDL2000 update, Meindert Kuipers 1 response
- Trying to contact Michel Beaulieu, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 0 responses
- Opening a Woodstock external charger?, John Garza 9 responses
- HP 33S Advanced uses of logarithmic functions, Naseer Norris 17 responses
- PIL-Box meet DOSBox, Egan Ford 3 responses
- Need help with HP82164A HP-IL/RS232 Interface, Ilyas B. 11 responses
- DeSoldering SMD Components easily!!! - Chipquik, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 1 response
- HP-15c/12c for google android?, palmheads 4 responses
- OT:Cronus 3-S, Saile (Brazil) 0 responses
- My Collection has Reached the Century Mark, Michael de Estrada 12 responses
- Early HP-80 number keys and front label, SteveC 0 responses
- Repainting silver trim on a 35?, tim m. 3 responses
- Cases for 38E/C, Peabody 10 responses
- a hammer is only a tool, Don Shepherd 6 responses
- OT: I wish all companies listened and responded like this!, DaveJ 8 responses
- HP42s / HP35s Schematics, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 29 responses
- 41 "Second Shift", Ángel Martin 7 responses
- The perfect HP for the kitchen?!, Mark Edmonds 6 responses
- HP9835 system, Bo in Lund (SE) 2 responses
- HP38C "6" key repair, Peabody 6 responses
- the future of programmable calculators?, Herbert Crepaz (UK) 9 responses
- It's come to this . . ., Martin Pinckney 13 responses
- HP-20S Manual?, Tom McCaffrey 1 response
- hp 9815a/s program tapes, frankabc 3 responses
- What calc for my 7 years old son?, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 22 responses
- uBASIC, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 4 responses
- Score one more for the 33s, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 1 response
- In Need of Calculator Advice, Anders Peterson 33 responses
- IR link for HP 28s, Frank Rottgardt 7 responses
- MLDL2000, Clonix/NoVRAM/NoV32, PILBox ... Users/Owners? New stuff?, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 6 responses
- How you know you're getting older..., Michael Meyer 6 responses
- Totally off-topic but still calculator related, hecube 2 responses
- David Shenk´s 'Soldering Upgrades in my 42s': any success?, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 5 responses
- Circuit Cellar: HP20B, repurposing a development platform, Hubert Weikert 7 responses
- OT: Tutorials for R statistical language, Namir 8 responses
- How about a poll to liven things up (some more!), Martin Pinckney 19 responses
- Very OT, but calculator anyway, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 17 responses
- New book on HP published by Chuck House, Steve Leibson 0 responses
- 41: All that HYPe about..., Ángel Martin 13 responses
- HP 17BII+ BUG, Nacho 3 responses
- The solution to the quartic equation on the HP50g (long), Crawl 5 responses
- Testing an HP82242 IR Module with a digital camera (or...), Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 7 responses
- At least some companies listen (or check the auctions), Jonathan Eisch 58 responses
- HP-12C mini-challenge (e^pi), Gerson W. Barbosa 30 responses
- Soldering Upgrades in my 42s, DavidShenk 15 responses
- HP20b repurposing, hugh steers 7 responses
- >-->-->-->--> HP17BII+ disassembled and...surprise ( at least for me ), Nacho 3 responses
- Fibonacci Sequence, Mike T. 29 responses
- W&W RAMBOX 64K with DIP-Switches, Christoph Giesselink 2 responses
- HP 42S sells for < $100 H**l freezes, Michael de Estrada 25 responses
- Questions about speeding up 48sx, Martin Pinckney 9 responses
- HP42S upgrade and opening... pictures ;-), geoff quickfall 3 responses
- FSl164A hp-il/RS232 Interface Power Supply, Andy Delano 5 responses
- restoring an HP-01 keyboard, Alberto Fenini 7 responses
- 41 RCL MATH - 30 years later..., Ángel Martin 2 responses
- Another iPhone/iPod Touch HP-48GX emulator, Steve Simpkin 1 response
- Ignorant TAS Seller!, Michael de Estrada 5 responses
- Connecting HP-110 to a 9122D floppy drive, John AS (UK) 4 responses
- Silver line above on-off swiths Classics, Ronald 1 response
- Programming HP-42S, Howard Jones 2 responses
- Help with credits in the book, please., Geoff Quickfall 17 responses
- Programming with the 200LX, R.J. Soto 10 responses
- Happy day - Triple speed 15C - after 22 years, Lyuka 15 responses
- Topcats, HP82143A and HP82161/82162 Battery Pack, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 7 responses
- HP95LX and IrDA / SIR Interfaces, Thomas Radtke 4 responses
- HP 48GX connection to Laptop, Aubrey (South Africa) 6 responses
- Spec of dust in a 16C LCD screen, R.J. Soto 4 responses
- A few more pictures: Spice series, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 4 responses
- Relying on old technology, Juan J 29 responses
- OT sort-of: Reverse Engineering Calculator OS, Chuck 4 responses
- 41CX Startup Program?, Egan Ford 12 responses
- How do you sell your HP calculators?, R.J. Soto 82 responses
- Pil Box ... works like a charm !, Sean Connor 17 responses
- HP-01 adjustable bracelet, Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- 10C batteries, John Mosand 0 responses
- HP-01 help needed, Alberto Fenini 7 responses
- HP50G related: is it just me or this is new?, Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 2 responses
- HP20 and USB as showed at HHC, cyrille de Brebisson 7 responses
- HP-35 screw dimension, Andreas Grund 6 responses
- Need advice: 48SX battery leak repair, Scott Newell 3 responses
- The HP-01 of our time, hecube 11 responses
- HP-IL 2009, Egan Ford 23 responses
- Low tech HP calculator on eb**, Martin Pinckney 3 responses
- I'm back! (...and HP stuff, of course...), Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) 8 responses
- Is an HP-10 worth $700?, Michael de Estrada 16 responses
- HP 42S Programming, Howard Jones 3 responses
- HP-67 Battery Pack, AlbertTocarLoseggs 5 responses
- Off topic but still electronics..., Geoff Quickfall 6 responses
- Woodstock feet replacements?, Michael Meyer 6 responses
- compiled local variable, DK2ZA 5 responses
- A great HP Watch (15C) replacement?, artur - brazil 13 responses
- Accuracy by chance, Javier Goizueta 13 responses
- HP41C issue: beeps, but the display does not work , Nenad (Croatia) 12 responses
- HCC2009 and the NIST tour, Geoff Quickfall 1 response
- WOW talk about your retro calculator HP 9100A, Donald Williams 8 responses
- LCD displays life expectancy, hecube 10 responses
- Profanity free iPhone calculator application, BruceH 8 responses
- Connecting HP 48GX with PC via!!!, juan demin 19 responses
- Spice question, Paul Dale 3 responses
- RPS, Paul Dale 3 responses
- 9830A Repair, Sebastian Kelz 4 responses
- Warning: GRiD cards ad for 48GX, Richard Reed 3 responses
- Live from HHC2009, Namir 15 responses
- Thought experiment:: creating great hardware assuming software will follow, Hugh Evans 23 responses
- HHC 2009, sjthomas 8 responses
- HP 41CX locked in program mode, Steve Leibson 7 responses
- 200LX date format in filer - What determines it's format?, Peter A. Gebhardt 0 responses
- Proposed Small Calculator, Ron Kok 36 responses
- HP 49g+ unit conversion problem, T.M. Baxter 10 responses
- HP-25 Battery Pack, Andreas Grund 17 responses
- Classic LED displays, John Robinson 5 responses
- Tipoff: HP-41 stuff , Martin Pinckney 2 responses
- Well my boss is in space now..., hecube 2 responses
- HP-IL interface cables, John Pierce 1 response
- Say with me: "Natural Complex Entry", Ángel Martin 5 responses
- [resolved] HP49G+ doesn't turn on, k.mart 21 responses
- If I own a software am I allowed a backup copy , Charles Oxford 3 responses
- Texas HP Module $$$$, Saile (Brazil) 18 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 0 responses
- Navigation module, juan demin 0 responses
- 12C+, Charles Oxford 1 response
- Spice series issues, Kevin Manley 9 responses
- MCODE Keith Numbers, PeterP 0 responses
- HP 34C, Howard Jones 7 responses
- Mini review: m48, another 48GX for the iPhone, Egan Ford 12 responses
- INFORM, Jan Kromhout 13 responses
- Things that surely will condemn us to HP Hell, Sean Connor 15 responses
- HP-41 I/O Circuit Strip, Stephan Gloor 0 responses
- HHC 2009 only 1 week away...who is coming?, Gene Wright 18 responses
- Hp 71b power fault, Sean Connor 1 response
- OT: BA 2 Plus TI , Nigel Bamber 3 responses
- HP-97 diagnostics, Bruce Bergman 6 responses
- Trivia: Which HP can't display its own programs?, Mark Edmonds 2 responses
- hp 9815a/s repair, frankabc 33 responses
- Why is x^2 shifted?, Frank Rottgardt 25 responses
- gamma approximation in 48/49/50?, Eric Smith 19 responses
- N-type Zinc Battery, Gerson W. Barbosa 2 responses
- TI Aims Lawyers at Calculator Hackers, jacksonconsult 10 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 2 responses
- silver band rubbing off..., juan demin 11 responses
- HP 42S what can we do with a 2nd rom?, nacho 3 responses
- 32sii Quality over time..., Michael Plant 6 responses
- "Why Rechargeable Batteries Are Rarely Cost Effective", Egan Ford 11 responses
- db: You miss an important non-HP RPN calculator!, Joerg Woerner 4 responses
- RPN, db (martinez, ca.) 18 responses
- HP-41Z module ready (at last), Ángel Martin 7 responses
- Collection Redundancy, Michael de Estrada 16 responses
- Program speed from sd card, Iqbal 4 responses
- Hotel room sharing at conference?, Eric Smith 0 responses
- What type of caps are used in Classic power supply?, Dan W 8 responses
- Are there any calculator manufacturers out there..., hecube 20 responses
- Latest HP-35 with the "bugs"?, Michael de Estrada 1 response
- A ridiculous idea: what if HP sells calculator hardware & software seperately, KC 36 responses
- Working on a 9114B HP-IL Disk Drive, Gerry Schultz 5 responses
- 'Begin' message in display, Stacey Bower (Oregon) 2 responses
- HP ALERT for HP49G+/HP50, Mike Reed 2 responses
- Travelling to HHC2009 from outside the US, Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz 0 responses
- Mystery calculator - not a calculator?, Joerg Woerner 22 responses
- Classic Series Logic Board - Desoldering Temp ?, John Robinson 7 responses
- Question about HP-IL Printer, Namir 9 responses
- HP simulator for Nokia smartphones?, Jim P 2 responses
- "Hard Problems" Moves to Television, Egan Ford 3 responses
- Help - broken HP-25, Paul Dale 12 responses
- HP-21 simulator for iPhone/iPod, Steve Simpkin 7 responses
- 32SII SQRT(NEG), Marnus Malan (RSA) 20 responses
- HP's "Blue Mauritius" up for auction, Rainer Wiedemann (Germany) 10 responses
- Restoration of an HP-15C, Karl-Ludwig Butte 7 responses
- Complex Gamma Function... revisited, Angel Martin 13 responses
- If I do this..., hecube 19 responses
- replacement for nylon balls in HP97 card reader, Alberto Fenini 6 responses
- 41-MCODE: IND/ST/MATH in prompting, Ángel Martin 5 responses
- Nestler slide rule, Peter Klein 0 responses
- Dirk Dykson of H-P?, Karl Schneider 9 responses
- O.T. Timers, designnut 4 responses
- HP-41CX in Space SpaceLab Exhibit (hecube take note), Dan W 17 responses
- Woodstock LED Cover Replacement?, Michael de Estrada 5 responses
- Slide Rule Apps for the iPod/iPhone, Howard Owen 15 responses
- Breaking news., Pal G. 4 responses
- Chess on the HP-200LX, Xerxes 1 response
- Toward a more user-friendly Forum, Martin Pinckney 9 responses
- HPGCC, Jan Kromhout 0 responses
- Old School Calculators Still Do It For Some, Egan Ford 13 responses
- HP48SX accuracy questioned., Pal G. 3 responses
- High-end calculators in the WSJ, J-F Garnier 15 responses
- spice battery contacts repair (or replacement), Alberto Fenini 1 response
- Searchable PDFs/HP41 manual/Slightly Off Topic, Kevin Kitts 13 responses
- HP 50 as a stop watch., Stuart Sprott 3 responses
- Out of curiosity, HP calculators in movies or TV series?, hecube 6 responses
- HP50g - very inaccurate clock?, Mark Edmonds 13 responses
- HP 48 serial cable but no serial port in laptop, juan demin 10 responses
- HP 35s modification: Matte LCD cover (and LCD re-alignment), Dallas Osborne 3 responses
- Help with HP 29C, George 5 responses
- Designing a calculator housing, Thomas Radtke 5 responses
- Prototype serial numbers, Keith Midson 3 responses
- HPGCC and Steamtable Calculations (IF97), Jan Kromhout 7 responses
- 41C external power options?, Egan Ford 11 responses
- HPAPINE, Jan Kromhout 3 responses
- Mystery calculator, hecube 5 responses
- HP 48G vs HP 50G, Mendl Lategan 17 responses
- Update: ICEBOX 1F, Geir Isene 3 responses
- Challenge: Open-ended Dice on the HP-41, Geir Isene 2 responses
- HPGCC.ORG ??????, Jan Kromhout 1 response
- Has anyone ever seen this? ASTP HP-65 checklist, hecube 6 responses
- Challenge: Keith numbers, Don Shepherd 13 responses
- HP41CX x Psion LZ64., Saile (Brazil) 7 responses
- Origin of the beep melody, hecube 0 responses
- Need to contact Ed Austin, Giovanni Jimenez 0 responses
- HP71B mains adaptor, P.Hart 5 responses
- HP71B LEX files, P.Hart 2 responses
- Vintage Computer Festival East, David Hayden 0 responses
- For those who are interested in : i59 available on Appstore, Jean-Michel 8 responses
- HPAPINE, Jan Kromhout 7 responses
- HP-42s Memory Upgrade, DavidShenk 13 responses
- To Étienne / Pour Étienne, hecube 3 responses
- On the missing comma as thousand-separator, Luca 1 response
- Women in the Forum? , Saile (Brazil) 16 responses
- HP-75C Magnetic Cards read by HP-71B card reader, Giovanni Jimenez 2 responses
- In praise of hard-copy manuals, Luca 40 responses
- PIL-box connectivity, Juergen Rodenkirchen 1 response
- An addition to my collection, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 1 response
- Completing my collection, Michael de Estrada 14 responses
- Does anyone, in all earnest, still use slide rules for work?, hecube 34 responses
- HP 33s much better IMO than the 35s, Luca 8 responses
- Your choice of calculator at work, hecube 35 responses
- Getting items posted from the US to UK, Richard Reed 10 responses
- Lab-Volt (348?) cpu trainer, peter a walker (papwalker) 0 responses
- HP-71b used for fire calculations, Klaus 3 responses
- Slide Rules Back in Production, Les Bell 8 responses
- Anyone have an Android phone?, Tim Wessman 6 responses
- HP 41 X module, juan demin 1 response
- Emu28, Alexander Wassermann 7 responses
- HP 33s display, Peter Klein 6 responses
- HP-35S Case, Juan J 27 responses
- What is this?, hecube 1 response
- HP-01 and iPhone, hecube 10 responses
- what's wrong with this program? / STO error, hpnewbie 21 responses
- World statistics in a new light, designnut 4 responses
- Error message in Hpapine, HPGCC,XP, Jan Kromhout 2 responses
- Extend your 50g with C (HPGCC 2.0 SP2), Jan Kromhout 1 response
- HP38G Hardware - HC74/ HC112 , Connector, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 7 responses
- Science & Vie Article, John Cadick 12 responses
- So the 50G can print by IR but not link to a 48GX?, Mark Edmonds 7 responses
- My Los Alamos Lab HP-97 looks like Gort, hecube 12 responses
- I got a 33s, Peter Klein 3 responses
- HP-48 Connectivity Kit, Karl-Ludwig Butte 9 responses
- Another 12C+ Bug, Katie Wasserman 32 responses
- HP 67 with some dim leds, juan demin 10 responses
- Who can help me to purchase a HP 12C+?, Walter Lam 3 responses
- Removing the private status of a file (HP-71b), Klaus 4 responses
- PIL Box Success Stories, Jeff Davis 3 responses
- Young collection growing..., hecube 33 responses
- OT: RPN Casio Guys , Chuck 6 responses
- Challenge: Maximum Partition Product, Kiyoshi Akima 21 responses
- hp 42s restoring, Antonio (Spain) 0 responses
- HP-65 goes for $250,000, Don Shepherd 3 responses
- Before I had HP calculators, I had Sharp calculators, hecube 7 responses
- Halcyon Calc for iPhone/iPod Touch : a clone of an HP-28S ?, Jean-Michel 4 responses
- HP 48G Statistics question, Ren 3 responses
- PScalc95 (48SX sim) on 200LX: Abnormal program termination, Dave Britten 3 responses
- The other side..., Marnus Malan (RSA) 1 response
- fixing my newly acquired HP-48sx, Hugh Evans 0 responses
- Need help with test, hecube 2 responses
- Why do so many sell old HP calc to US users only?, jotne 30 responses
- De-allocating memory locations on HP-35s, Paul Kleinkramer 7 responses
- How do you organize the collection?, Saile (Brazil) 7 responses
- Other brands of calculators in space, hecube 5 responses
- HP and Kinpo - Are you Listening ? [HP-01 Inspiration], John Stark 10 responses
- Profound saturday afternoon question, hecube 13 responses
- Brown leather pouches history question, hecube 5 responses
- NutIP, a web server and TCP/IP stack for HP-41, Khanh-Dang Nguyen Thu-Lam 8 responses
- 42S for iPhone v. 2.2 in App Store, Les Wright 6 responses
- Complex number in HP35S, KC 9 responses
- Knows physics. Knows no fear. Has accurate calculator., Peter Klein 3 responses
- After the HP-67, I didn't plan on buying anything else for a while but..., hecube 6 responses
- HP 41CV repair - constant Memory Lost message, Nigel Bamber 2 responses
- High precision calculator in Windows 7, jotne 41 responses
- The HP-10BII, Larry Smith 7 responses
- A simple 11c/15c mini-challenge (phi), Gerson W. Barbosa 28 responses
- Touch Up Paint Pen -Silver Paint, Alberto Fenini 1 response
- Has any HP calc model ever been sold under another brand?, hecube 7 responses
- HP71B Assembler - references , John Robinson 5 responses
- EMU41 BIN files, Gerry Schultz 1 response
- Emu48 v1.49 / Emu48PCC 1.18 released, Christoph Giesselink 0 responses
- I scored a HP-67 for 93 dollars on eBay..., hecube 39 responses
- HP19BII - how to fix the battery compartment, eddieuk 3 responses
- HP 41 high-pitch noise, Frido Bohn 7 responses
- HP-41C tall nut, full nut 2025Axxxxx close up pictures., Geoff Quickfall 4 responses
- Bug in SIMPLIFY? (hp 50g), Luca 6 responses
- Print in textbook format, Marcelo Vanti (Brasil) 2 responses
- HP 32SII, Marnus Malan (RSA) 79 responses
- How to prevent automatic substitution during SIMPLIFY, Luca 2 responses
- Help: how to get the hp-50g to work on expressions., Luca 2 responses
- How to compute the value of symbolic expressions in HP-50g?, Luca 2 responses
- ROM version C-2.15 for HP-50g: what is the benefit?, Luca 2 responses
- 41Z Breakthrough: 4-level Complex Stack, Ángel Martin 26 responses
- HP48SX LCD problem..., Geoff Quickfall 4 responses
- the cost of memory, juan demin 19 responses
- Another days between dates challenge for 11c, Don Shepherd 22 responses
- HP-IL/RS-232-C Interface, Bill Lafferty 2 responses
- HP-10bII, hecube 1 response
- HP 65 / 67 magnetic cards, Juan demin 2 responses
- HP-67 with clear (transparent) back cover, Giovanni Jimenez 2 responses
- Weird Voyager Behavior and 12C+ issue, Katie Wasserman 3 responses
- Trivia Question, Mark Edmonds 24 responses
- Days between dates - another solution, Bart (UK) 10 responses
- HP-50g Calculator Tutorial, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 1 response
- Fun with the Casio fx-180p / fx-3600p, Thomas Radtke 8 responses
- Kepler Orbits for the 42S, Les Wright 5 responses
- 41C mcode, Doug 1 response
- Improved Internal Accuracy in Newest Version of Free42, Les Wright 2 responses
- HP42S Addendum card., Javier Goizueta 1 response
- HP48G ROM transplanted in a HP38G, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 0 responses
- OT: "Dekadische Nummerierung" - english translation, Mike (Stgt) 4 responses
- Heat staked keyboards with sticky, bouncy or corrosion present keyboard PCAs, Geoff Quickfall 12 responses
- All We Wanted For Christmas...., Joerg Woerner 7 responses
- HP 42S - Problem, Michel Lahcem 13 responses
- HP-41cx "plastic film" in battery contacts, Giovanni Jimenez 2 responses
- HP-41 question, Monte Dalrymple 1 response
- HP 48 & HP 49...1999 and 2003 releases, juan demin 17 responses
- Days between dates challenge for 11c and 34c, Don Shepherd 32 responses
- HP-11 book , Larry (Ohio) 2 responses
- Anode and cathode driver chips interchangeable on Classics?, Dan W 0 responses
- HP 925 main body color, mark murphy 3 responses
- I'm a bit new around here (the forum anyway)..., hecube 15 responses
- Classic HP SuperCharger, Dan W 0 responses
- Forum Search - help!!, Mark Edmonds 18 responses
- Modified HP-67 Bendix Flight Computer, Michael de Estrada 1 response
- Complex numbers - ideal display representation?, Mark Edmonds 15 responses
- Memory problem on 48G+, Iqbal 1 response
- early HP-80 restoration and Tallnut HP-41C question., Geoff Quickfall 20 responses
- Looking for Dan McDonald, Michael Eckstein 1 response
- Medical Pac 1 for HP-65, Matthias Wehrli 2 responses
- Geoff Quickfall That is for you !, Saile (Brazil) 7 responses
- Cases, especially for 200LX, P.Hart 3 responses
- What's so special about this 71B?, Keith Midson 15 responses
- Early HP-41C PCA picture as well as memory problem... , Geoff Quickfall 15 responses
- EMU41, Hdrive1 and a 9114, Gerry Schultz 11 responses
- Hypothetical calculator with USB ports, hecube 26 responses
- Los Alamos HP-97: what do you make of this cable?, hecube 1 response
- Thermal Paper - blue print?, Dan W 0 responses
- 16C Manual - different version?, Mark Edmonds 3 responses
- Strange 15C behavior, cyrille de Brébisson 22 responses
- Open up HP12cp?, Mike (Florida) 8 responses
- hp100lx, Charles Oxford 2 responses
- 48GX - screen is all black - please help!, Kath 3 responses
- free42 for the HTC touch pro 2, hugh steers 2 responses
- Good programming environment for a 200LX?, Dave Britten 14 responses
- HP 33e repair, Lincoln R. 2 responses
- Question on MLDL2k Bankswitching, Ángel Martin 3 responses
- Curve fitting question (OT), Walter B 13 responses
- HP 12C/15C emulators for iPhone by HP, Peter Heberer 5 responses
- HP or Texas? The difficult decision., Saile (Brazil) 14 responses
- RPL: Binary to "long ints"?, Mark Edmonds 2 responses
- Voyager series, logic PCA and keyboard PCA, Geoff Quickfall 7 responses
- HP-41cx 'Memeory Lost' for Stefan Vorkoetter, Steven Benedict 3 responses
- HP17bII+ Solver - Payback Period formula, RMIER 6 responses
- Voyager HP-10C restoration and bezel replacement. and the book., Geoff Quickfall 11 responses
- BATTERY LONGEVITY, Howard Lazerson 7 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- Repaired HP41CV hangs on error., Dan Koller 2 responses
- HP-IL I/F Card on a New(er) PC - Part IV - SUCCESS!!, Gerry Schultz 3 responses
- Government surplus HP-97, hecube 10 responses
- More 41 birthday fun., Egan Ford 98 responses
- smartassed ebaby seller, db (martinez, ca.) 3 responses
- Two questions: 38g/39gs aplets and HP ODU, bbeamer 3 responses
- More on the new 12C, Katie Wasserman 28 responses
- New SandMath-5 Module available, Ángel Martin 0 responses
- Here is something to port to a 41, Frank Boehm (Germany) 2 responses
- SPAM, Howard Owen 0 responses
- (O.T.) Happy Pi Approximation Day! 'e*XROOT(12,e^(-3*4)+5.6789)' (N.T.), Gerson W. Barbosa 6 responses
- Where do all the manuals go?, Mark Edmonds 15 responses
- Is this a 97S on ebay?, Mark Edmonds 1 response
- The meaning of "Mint" in Portugese, Michael de Estrada 17 responses
- I41CX - new version 3.0, Nigel Bamber 0 responses
- 20b keys, Paul Dale 0 responses
- Technical question; HP-41CV logic PCA, Geoff Quickfall 11 responses
- Hawkeye: Remember this one? (1/?), Etienne Victoria 1 response
- In what year was your HP lust kindled?, hecube 17 responses
- HP classic latches, Tim 10 responses
- Printing statistics calc // 46, Walter B 3 responses
- Sanmath-5 ?, Geir Isene 5 responses
- What company now embodies the qualities of the HP of old?, hecube 4 responses
- the top programmable calculators, juan demin 38 responses
- Either he was swindled or he's trying to swindle someone..., hecube 3 responses
- HP calculators and space exploration, hecube 22 responses
- The 43c? :-), Egan Ford 2 responses
- HP calculators / space flights, hecube 0 responses
- Happy Birthday, HP-41C !!!, Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 2 responses
- How much will this Red Dot sell for?, Michael de Estrada 36 responses
- NEWT processor update, Klaus 2 responses
- Rounding Revisited, Rodger Rosenbaum 5 responses
- I'm back!, Dan W 14 responses
- Odd sign problem with HP-97, Dan W 0 responses
- Key presses and running programs, Mike T. 2 responses
- integrating on the HP35s, ezoob 5 responses
- 20b - Observations, Thomas Radtke 12 responses
- LINUX LIF tools error, Sean Connor 1 response
- 20b display problem, Paul Dale 4 responses
- HP-25 turns itself off, Des McPherson 1 response
- HP-41CV retiring / HP-20b entering active duty, hecube 4 responses
- Emu48 update v1.48 / v1.17, Christoph Giesselink 0 responses
- Appcelerator could bring iphone Calculator emulators to T-mobile G1 phones..., Allen 2 responses
- Piezoelectric transducers and the 41C, Geoff Quickfall 4 responses
- HP-IL I/F Card on a New(er) PC - Part III, Gerry Schultz 19 responses
- PILBox initial testing. HP-IL Lives!, Egan Ford 4 responses
- rubber bands hp 41, ulisse-quadri 1 response
- OT: Casio FT-7, Saile (Brazil) 0 responses
- Is this Ebay auction breaking any copyright?, Mark Edmonds 75 responses
- HHC2009 Conference Update, Namir 0 responses
- White spirit for cleaning?, Mark Edmonds 16 responses
- OT: Keyboard with potential, Egan Ford 1 response
- Free42 for Mac OS X, Les Wright 0 responses
- Saving i41cx+ states and configurations--what's the difference?, Les Wright 1 response
- Hey hey what can I say? FACEBOOK!, Mad Dog ebaycalcnut 2 responses
- Math module d´ont works, Marcelo Vanti (Brasil) 6 responses
- Mental juggling: Calculating the day of week, Thomas Klemm 8 responses
- a question of cases ..., Glenn Becker 5 responses
- How do I disassemble a hex number with Jazz?, Matti Övermark 2 responses
- OT: Integrated Circuit 50th Birthday, Egan Ford 1 response
- Hp50g Serial Number, Quan 3 responses
- HP-67 Power trouble, benitoprat 3 responses
- HP 71B versions, Keith Midson 8 responses
- HP-12c Windows emulator shortcut keys, Don Shepherd 0 responses
- Any other non-HP published "How To" books out there?, Larry (Ohio) 4 responses
- 41C 30th Birthday Game, Egan Ford 32 responses
- (O.T.) Happy 'XROOT(9,10561572*EXP(2))/sqrtLN(pi)' ! (N.T.), Gerson W. Barbosa 8 responses
- hp 45 charger, asher levy 6 responses
- HP-35s simulator: Alternate skins?, Dan Greil 0 responses
- Rounding conventions, Wayne Best 38 responses
- 20b - ABS?, Thomas Radtke 1 response
- Proprietary HP Brand 15C and 12C iPhone emulators, Les Wright 4 responses
- Upgraded iPhone Simulators in App Store today, Les Wright 7 responses
- OT: Value of a desire II, Saile (Brazil) 5 responses
- HP 50g Programming, Brian Wort 1 response
- HP75 Accessories as new - any value or should I just use them?, Tony de Groot 0 responses
- WIP: hp12c iphone skin., Pal G. 1 response
- The HP Restoration Guide, progress report, Geoff Quickfall 3 responses
- HP-IL I/F Card on a New(er) PC - Part II, Gerry Schultz 15 responses
- Popularity of the HP-41C Calculator, Gerry Schultz 5 responses
- Surveyors in LA?, Doug 2 responses
- HP calculators on sale - HP 20b excluded, Joerg Woerner 1 response
- Happy Birthday, HP-41C !!!, Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 12 responses
- Now this is really ridiculous!, Michael de Estrada 7 responses
- Some collecting questions, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 2 responses
- HP 35s: Killed by software?, Peter Niessen 3 responses
- HP calculators on sale w/free shipping., Martin Pinckney 34 responses
- HP 50G LCD problem, macbxx 2 responses
- Exporting Table Values to Stack, Hal Bitton in Boise 1 response
- OT: Mathematica Home Edition, Howard Owen 3 responses
- Spice - asterisk in serial - means?, Mark Edmonds 9 responses
- Nominal power supply for an HP-75D and question about batteries, Tomás (España) 7 responses
- HHC2009 Change of venue, BruceH 18 responses
- To Dave Hicks -- others, please ignore, Thomas Okken 0 responses
- SPICE question - repost, Michael de Estrada 5 responses
- Seeking 42S Inspiration, Mark Edmonds 26 responses
- HP SmartCalc 300s customer complaint, hpnut 20 responses
- HP48s/x connectivity, bbeamer 9 responses
- 12C+ Gamma, Gerson W. Barbosa 8 responses
- Which came first? 19B or 27S?, Mark Edmonds 2 responses
- HP-41CX Frozen Up, Jeff Davis 4 responses
- Torsten Manz 15c emulator errors...?, McBenney 1 response
- HP releases multiple emulators for PCs, iPhone, iPod touch, Steve Leibson 70 responses
- a strange '35, Dana Bingham 2 responses
- 28/48 used to validate scientific library, Egan Ford 6 responses
- Casio - nice on-line calc, worth looking at, Mark Edmonds 1 response
- HP-IL I/F Module and a New(er) PC, Gerry Schultz 7 responses
- The Dumbest Generation: AOS vs RPN , Joerg Woerner 32 responses
- HP 16c - needs cleaning?, Glenn Becker 8 responses
- SmartCalc 300s manual, hpnut 6 responses
- Spice type 2 question, Michael de Estrada 0 responses
- HP 15c COMLEX MODE, David Stone 2 responses
- HP17bii+ v HP12CP, Paul 14 responses
- HP70 transgenic , Alberto Fenini 1 response
- UPDATE: FOCAL coding standard, Geir Isene 1 response
- UPDATE: HP-41 VIM filetype plugin, Geir Isene 0 responses
- OT: Casio fx-9860g updates, Katie Wasserman 7 responses
- HP 50G Matrix Writer, Benning 4 responses
- HP 8S ?? What's this? Australia only?, Mark Edmonds 14 responses
- Voyager - opening up - small questions please, Mark Edmonds 12 responses
- i41cx+ Time and Date, Les Wright 3 responses
- HP49 with 48series KB..., nacho 0 responses
- iPhone 3.0 OS update does not seem to break 42s or i41cx+, Les Wright 8 responses
- Does the HP-IL module for the HP-41C break the loop?, Klaus 2 responses
- pet peeves: documentation and thermal printed receipts, Don Shepherd 10 responses
- need help from surveyor or property laywer..., cyrille de Brébisson 18 responses
- 82143A Printer Output Confirmation Requested, Egan Ford 2 responses
- HP-41: Release: ICEBOX.ROM version 1E: News for NoV Users :-), Geir Isene 5 responses
- HP 46080A HP-IL Extension module, ZOleg 2 responses
- Another way to restore the silver trim?, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 4 responses
- Byron Foster's 42s for iPhone v. 2 upgrade in App Store, Les Wright 35 responses
- HP 35s checksum repeatability observed, JJB299 0 responses
- HP48G Problem, Jno. Greenslet 7 responses
- HP-97S Pod Schematic, Katie Wasserman 7 responses
- HP 92198A video interface problem, Ilyas B. 2 responses
- A tribute to the old manuals (again :), Geir Isene 9 responses
- OT calculator vidio, db (martinez, ca.) 1 response
- Missing keystrokes, Quan 7 responses
- Brand new HP-35 for sale on eBay $1489, jotne 9 responses
- 82104A card reader current measurements?, Eric Smith 7 responses
- SpeedUI units bug?, Mark Edmonds 2 responses
- Help with Free42 + T3 + Ehrling42sm = cut off image? , htom trites jr 11 responses
- HP-15C Mini-Challenge: Magic squares !, Valentin Albillo 12 responses
- HP-41 w/NoV-64: Funny module conflict, Geir Isene 1 response
- Symbolic integration, Valentin Albillo 6 responses
- New Iphone & Itouch calculator - Access RPN and Active RPN, Nigel Bamber 1 response
- HP cassette mass storage device..., Geoff Quickfall 7 responses
- Byron Fosters 42s for iPhone version 2 submitted to Apple App Store, Les Wright 14 responses
- HP-12C+ .... the mistake is back on the back!, Katie Wasserman 23 responses
- HP41CV with missing registers, Jorge I. Rodriguez (Pasadena, CA) 4 responses
- HP48 I/R comms with PC?, Mark Edmonds 8 responses
- 35S for $32.95 at, Jeff O. 4 responses
- HHC2008 HP Calc Calendar for 2009 Is Now Half Price , Jake Schwartz 0 responses
- HP-41CX Bug?, Namir 8 responses
- Why is complex number support so essential to some of you?, Mark Edmonds 16 responses
- Hp 42s memory upgrade, Raul de Roux 1 response
- HP-15c Powering on, Giuseppe Marullo 6 responses
- O.T. XP RAM utilization, designnut 1 response
- Discussion on RPN in French forum, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- hp 35s emulator, Michele Signorini 15 responses
- Celestial Observations: A Brief History of Elgin, Knowles & Senne and their Ephemerides , Robert Haefele (AUT) 3 responses
- HP "Virtual Tech Museum" contest, Eric Smith 10 responses
- OT: Gratuitous non-HP calculator picture , hugh steers 4 responses
- New HP 41CX, Nigel Bamber 9 responses
- The xth root of y on the hp 35s, Quan 3 responses
- the experience of programming: old vs. new, Glenn Becker 27 responses
- HHC2009 HP Conf Attendance 20 and Counting, Jake Schwartz 0 responses
- Restoration Guide, ideas, help, suggestions and etc...., Geoff Quickfall 33 responses
- Configurable Keyboard, Paul Brogger 8 responses
- HP spy photo?, Pal G. 2 responses
- HP71B Entry points, Raymund Heuvel 6 responses
- Troubles connencting Conn4x <--> HP48G, Matti Övermark 6 responses
- HP-41 MLDLs, Garth Wilson 6 responses
- Spice restoration continue, or, how to open a spice without damage!, Geoff Quickfall 7 responses
- The peculiar arithmetic of the SmartCalc 300s, Javier Goizueta 5 responses
- HP 41C LCD/Display, Damian Rios 10 responses
- A coincidence, really, but I just finished restoring this HP 34C!, Geoff Quickfall 11 responses
- HP-34C Spice series keypad, Robert Hollyer 1 response
- Charting Pioneer Differences..., Mark Edmonds 0 responses
- Fast editor for 48SX/GX??, Mark Edmonds 16 responses
- 128k Ram modules for HP-85B, Jeff Davis 3 responses
- Matrix software for the 41, Geir Isene 8 responses
- OT: Math question, KC 14 responses
- HP 35 red-dot prototype case, wohooo!!! and other pictures...Had to tell someone!!!, Geoff Quickfall 6 responses
- uWatch2 Front Panel, DaveJ 3 responses
- PPC vs. CCD vs. ZENROM module, Nik Brem 4 responses
- 41SIMON [The Game], Saile (Brazil) 0 responses
- Found a use for a dead 10-B (doing happy dance), htom trites jr 4 responses
- Video Instructions, designnut 1 response
- HP34C Black Scholes Model, Ed Austin 2 responses
- Did everyone miss this? Wolfram Alpha now LIVE., Pal G. 12 responses
- HP LED displays, Richard Ottosen 12 responses
- Where the new HP 12C+ ?, Jose Ernesto 1 response
- Atmel ARM7 LCD driver: alphanumeric display, Michele Signorini 4 responses
- HP-71 trouble, ZOleg 0 responses
- OT: DIY Oscilloscope, Egan Ford 12 responses
- Bug in article 893? (HP 35s Triangle solver), Dave Britten 0 responses
- Checking my daughter's homework, Sancerre (Phoenix) 5 responses
- i41CX+ 2.0 Released., Egan Ford 9 responses
- OT: Add to the Recommended List, Paul Brogger 3 responses
- 50g integration oddity, dbatiz 15 responses
- Where to find HP200LX ROM files ?, bloo 8 responses
- OT: uWatch firmware v1.6.0 Released!, hugh steers 7 responses
- HP 41CV Key Issues, Michael Lopez 7 responses
- HP BASIC for HP86B, Bill Lafferty 8 responses
- HP32E Hardware Question, Mike T. 2 responses
- HP35s Program Memory Quirk, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 45 responses
- HP 100LX and CF cards, Chris Foley 6 responses
- Nice "bug" in one HP-41C Users' Lib, J-F Garnier 0 responses
- how to tell my 12c's manufactured date , mateo999 8 responses
- Spice Type 1 vs 2 parts interchangeability?, Michael de Estrada 1 response
- HP-41 Flex-PCB (improving replacement), Diego Diaz 0 responses
- New 12C availability, Charles Oxford 1 response
- Disks for 9114B ?, Sean Connor 11 responses
- My new traction system for Topcat printers., Ignazio Cara (Italy) 3 responses
- Faulty LED's on HP 55, Michael de Estrada 8 responses
- HP71B PCB interconnection strip, Tony de Groot 2 responses
- A few questions 42S Global Labels, Egan Ford 4 responses
- And finally - a simulator for the HP32E., Mike T. 4 responses
- What do the following have in common, other than they are used to calculate?, Geoff Quickfall 15 responses
- BASIC 45th anniversary, Don Shepherd 5 responses
- CLTKTD or CLKT Status ?, Saile (Brazil) 1 response
- Rattling 9114B, Steve (Australia) 1 response
- 17bII+ keypad problem, Dewdman42 4 responses
- HP-41: how to extract name of current XM-file?, Geir Isene 3 responses
- HP-41C with Tall Keys?, Dan Grelinger 10 responses
- Advice on buying a HP67, Nigel Bamber 4 responses
- HP-97 Printer Motor keeps spinning, Gil Gutierrez 6 responses
- hp 20B keypad, JDonley 2 responses
- HP35s how to recall last expression?, hugh steers 3 responses
- Customized HP-67, What is it?, Michael de Estrada 14 responses
- COMIC, Chuck 1 response
- Lucky Day, Chuck 5 responses
- uWatch2 128x32 option, DaveJ 14 responses
- New HP-12C Review, Katie Wasserman 55 responses
- The curta Calculator., Stuart Sprott 4 responses
- HP / Mark Hurd in New York Times today... . ...., Thomas Chrapkiewicz 0 responses
- OT: Math Joke, John B. Smitherman 46 responses
- Plug for the MoHPC forum: 72 hours in a day, DaveJ 10 responses
- Obscure 41 Module - FAC/WC, Angel Martin 3 responses
- Looking for a tester for Free42 on 1st generation iPod touch, Thomas Okken 2 responses
- Scientific notation on 50g, skroops 7 responses
- And now for something completely off topic:, Geoff Quickfall 9 responses
- HP 27S on Christophe Giesselink's Emulator, bill platt 2 responses
- New HP12C (ARM) SDK availability ?, bloo 8 responses
- HP75 HPIL IO, Tony de Groot 6 responses
- HP calculator tattoo?, Bruce Bergman 6 responses
- TVM Program for the 42s, Jeff Kearns 10 responses
- HP-42S faulty keys, wesjones 16 responses
- Proposed Additions to the DVD Version 7, Allen 0 responses
- HP48GX: lost tactile responce in F keys, Harold A Climer 11 responses
- HP50g ROM Version 2.15, Mike Morrow 24 responses
- HP-25C strange behaviour, Alberto Fenini 14 responses
- 41c keyboard overlay templates, Sean Connor 12 responses
- Free backpack when you buy the HP 35S calculator, hpnut 4 responses
- OT: Build your own book scanner from trash & cheap cameras, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- The HHC2009 HP Conference Web Site Is Open, Jake Schwartz 4 responses
- HP 41 post repairs, yeah been done before but this is simple and it works.....;-), Geoff Quickfall 7 responses
- OT: Calling all front panel calculator designers..., DaveJ 60 responses
- New 12C question, Charles Oxford 4 responses
- Zenith, the Trans-Oceanic, and some "food for thought", Karl Schneider 0 responses
- HP-41C on Cover of CQ Magazine, Jeff Davis 16 responses
- Nothing important (my first little hw mod), Geir Isene 6 responses
- What was the Earliest Touchscreen Handheld?, Jake Schwartz 8 responses
- Old Fan Software, Ed Look 0 responses
- New HP products on the horizon?, Michael de Estrada 15 responses
- HP 41CX Auto power-off problem, Jose Poyan 5 responses
- OT: uWatch MK2, DaveJ 15 responses
- I love my HP-35, Michel Beaulieu 1 response
- Purely Synthetic PCAT 1, PeterP 1 response
- HP 41CV intermitent fault, Nigel Bamber 3 responses
- TI-84+, a humbling experience, Egan Ford 7 responses
- OT: uWatch new look, hugh steers 2 responses
- Let's build a calculator..., robert rozee 33 responses
- CR2032 coin cells 20 for $5, designnut 2 responses
- HP 35 Milestone Event at HP Labs, Steve Leibson 3 responses
- HP 50G user manual, hpnut 3 responses
- OT: My EEVblog, DaveJ 6 responses
- I have an HP-70 vintage calculator for sale, rebecca yurkanin 15 responses
- L() and G() sample, Sancerre (Phoenix) 7 responses
- It is worth this calculator more than $2500?, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 25 responses
- I just couldn't resist, I mean how long does one have to wait, Geoff Quickfall 8 responses
- OT: Pental number system?, Michael de Estrada 9 responses
- OT: Vintage Calculator, SteveH 17 responses
- 35s next to a Pioneer?, Dave Britten 4 responses
- Does anyone know L. Lirpa from Finnland?, PeterP 1 response
- Does anyone own a HP-45 Version 1?, Michael de Estrada 2 responses
- Clearing the menu line, Lawrence Hare 11 responses
- Start EMU48 instead of calc.exe in XP - possible?, George Bailey (Bedford Falls) 7 responses
- Wow, Michael 6 responses
- Reclaimed HP41CV calculator - picture, Nigel Bamber 4 responses
- keypad on 20B, JDonley 0 responses
- HP-41 a M-Code question, JMBaillard 9 responses
- Who and How Much for a Red Dot in Poor Shape, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- HP28S battery cover, Keith Midson 19 responses
- HP 41CV Battery Question, Chuck 3 responses
- Broken Woodstock Question, Michael de Estrada 2 responses
- HP41CV calculators with embossed label, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 1 response
- HP35 IEEE Celebration 4/14/09, Jake Schwartz 17 responses
- A visual quiz! What is it?, Geoff Quickfall 5 responses
- Anyone else find this HP-41CX strange?, Dan Grelinger 17 responses
- 2 More Years of HPCC Datafile Issues Available on Compilation CD, Jake Schwartz 1 response
- Looking for Users Library Programs, Dave Hicks 7 responses
- Woodstock glue?, james summers 4 responses
- Whether to buy a "reclaimed HP41CV", Nigel Bamber 45 responses
- evolution of computer power/cost, db (martinez, ca.) 8 responses
- So you thought only HP still makes RPN calcs, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- TDS 500K dead battery, pictures of the inside of the card and the battery., Geoff Quickfall 4 responses
- Left handed HP-15C :), Marcus von Cube, Germany 1 response
- hp 48SX repair success!, Geoff Quickfall 3 responses
- 48GII USB adaptor for serial cable, Carl 17 responses
- OT: Casio FP-200, Marcus von Cube, Germany 3 responses
- Which scientific calculator?, M Manning 32 responses
- Organic Display Technolgy - Don't miss TI's latest Four-Banger!, Joerg Woerner 6 responses
- HP 20b: test-menu, Thomas Klemm 6 responses
- Bug in HP 20b: nCr with non-integer r, Thomas Klemm 19 responses
- HP 48 PC Software??, Bob Macklin 1 response
- A pair of 21S with sticky keys, Peter Klein 8 responses
- Fun with a 17bii, Dave Britten 2 responses
- LCD Failure?, Bob Macklin 4 responses
- HP Calcs on Sale. 15% off, and free shipping on everything., Dan Grelinger 5 responses
- Chess on the uWatch !, hugh steers 9 responses
- HP41C x-ray, Thomas Klemm 13 responses
- Is It Possible to "Overload" HP-48G+ Memory?, Ed Look 2 responses
- HP41/42 Unit Conversion, Egan Ford 36 responses
- HP50g Units Conversions, Elliott W Jackson 13 responses
- Thermal paper size for HP 19C?, Michael de Estrada 5 responses
- Computing Square Roots, Thomas Klemm 11 responses
- HP 50g listed at $99 on HP site, designnut 4 responses
- How to enter 2E-3 on a HP-19B2, Mike (Stgt) 11 responses
- HP41 - Programmable CAT1?, Howard Owen 28 responses
- others interests of hp calc users, Iqbal 42 responses
- HP 67 Calculator emulator for PC., aranda1984 3 responses
- OT: Interesting Website, Chuck 3 responses
- Strange X-Functions Module, Juergen Rodenkirchen 4 responses
- Another calculator with RPN (Corvus 500 RPN), Saile (Brazil) 7 responses
- New Release of HP9800E, Achim (Germany) 1 response
- Buzzer in HP-01 watch: how to get a replacement, Ronald 1 response
- Recommendations for storing calculators, Michael Lopez 25 responses
- Calculators STOLEN today..., Phil K 4 responses
- Mini challenge - coin toss, MikeO 33 responses
- Survey about convergence of iterations, Namir 3 responses
- Searching for the HP-71B Zenwand manual, Philippe Lasnier 1 response
- Screen comparison and annunciator question, Marcus von Cube, Germany 17 responses
- Another Red Dot Auction - Very Bad Condition, Michael de Estrada 13 responses
- HP50g beta ROM version 2.14, Mike Morrow 3 responses
- OT: Fun use of maths in advertising, bill platt 4 responses
- OT: Does anyone own an APF mark 55?, Michael de Estrada 25 responses
- managing director of talk about HP, Michel Beaulieu 1 response
- HP 50g users guide printed, spiral bound, designnut 2 responses
- RPN or algebraic, designnut 0 responses
- HP SmartCalc 300S - on its way!, Joerg Woerner 25 responses
- Signed Logic PCB, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 4 responses
- Another RPN calculator program for the Casio FX-9860!, Nigel J Dowrick 3 responses
- OT: For the (oops!) AOS lovers among us, Frank Rottgardt 17 responses
- OT: New national record, Walter B 3 responses
- HHC 2008 Programming Contest revisited, David Hayden 6 responses
- HELP: Solver routine for original principal loan amount?, Phil K 47 responses
- Maybe the Recession is Affecting Old HP Calcs, Dan Grelinger 1 response
- Dirty 31E, Hal Bitton in Boise 0 responses
- OT: slide rules still in use, Frank Rottgardt 25 responses
- Basic questions about Clonix41 & Nov32/64?, Michael Lopez 11 responses
- HP 41CV gone nuts, Richard Carter 2 responses
- Happy Pi Day, Egan Ford 9 responses
- HP41 Virtual Memory - Terabytes?, Raymund Heuvel 8 responses
- Latest Version of EMU41, Gerry Schultz 33 responses
- OT: Dude Puts a Pipe in a TI-83 Calculator; Calculator Still Works, Egan Ford 3 responses
- HP OfficeCalc 200 selling for $97!!, Bruce Bergman 7 responses
- 80 column HP-IL interface, Egan Ford 2 responses
- Friday the 13th Challenge, "Make 13 on the 13th", Egan Ford 11 responses
- HP9100A back to , paolo 1 response
- HP-3468 HP-IL and HP questions, Michel Beaulieu 3 responses
- hp42s owner manual PDF pleeeease ......., manudo 2 responses
- HP 48GX or HP 50G?, Chris Foley 11 responses
- HP48 Series RAM Cards (potentially) available., Thomas Chrapkiewicz 0 responses
- 7470A Plotter Purchasing Assistance Required, Egan Ford 25 responses
- Restoration Help, Egan Ford 4 responses
- HP-75 HP-IL software/hardware needed - Trade?, Walt Devaney 4 responses
- TDS 512k RAM CARD acting up, Geoff Quickfall 0 responses
- IL Cassette Drive, Oscar Bowman 1 response
- HP SmartCalc 300s , Frank Rottgardt 4 responses
- HP20b Log error , Jeffrey Herrington 8 responses
- HP-67: The Red Dot Low Battery LED almost always lighting, Albert Tocar Loseggs 2 responses
- Solving Exponential Equations, Hal Bitton in Boise 8 responses
- 35s strangeness, db (martinez, ca.) 32 responses
- HP-41 I/O Circuit Strip, Bob Pedigo 5 responses
- Motorola NiMH Batteries, Juan J 5 responses
- HP-49g+ and SD Cards, Ed Look 4 responses
- OT: TI-95 Manuals, Egan Ford 5 responses
- Daylight Savings Time, Peter A. Gebhardt 19 responses
- 41 RPN LBL GTO rules, Egan Ford 8 responses
- Credit Card Size RPN calculator?, Elliott W Jackson 20 responses
- Ren, you asked for keystroke calculations, designnut 0 responses
- 82176A Mini Data Cassette equivalent?, jotne 16 responses
- Is it possible to load documentation onto an sd card onto the hp 50g, hpnewbie 7 responses
- OT: 4.1 Billion Mobile Phones and Counting., Egan Ford 12 responses
- Seriously; You are the best, Geir Isene 28 responses
- Reckon 1.0 beta released, hugh steers 21 responses
- Is a HP-15C worth 810 bucks? , Rainer Wiedemann (Germany) 28 responses
- What's the place of a handheld calculator?, David Hayden 21 responses
- Happy Square-Root Day, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 7 responses
- sigma function in solvers, Don Shepherd 16 responses
- A little survey among HP's calculator collectors., Ignazio Cara (Italy) 11 responses
- Restoring the colour of ABS plastic, Steve (Australia) 5 responses
- Assistance for the new, Bill Payze 1 response
- Still Looking for new scans, Dave Hicks 8 responses
- HP-41 Rom 82500A-E13, Rik Bos 0 responses
- HP65/67/41 card reader gears, John Robinson 4 responses
- HP-42S ROM download to HP-48G?, Thomas Okken 2 responses
- Problem sending data via IR from HP48 to HP50g, Michael de Estrada 12 responses
- Can an HP 50g print via IR port?, Michael de Estrada 8 responses
- Some kudos for HP, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 2 responses
- Can we beat the 5.81 hours on the TI95 with the HP71B? Gene, Yes we can!, Egan Ford 12 responses
- Next HP scientific calculator, Elliott W Jackson 22 responses
- MoHPC Version 7 DVD release date?, Michael de Estrada 1 response
- N cells revisited, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 2 responses
- Printing on a 82143A with HP-75C, Giovanni Jimenez 1 response
- Questions for the HP-01 restorers..., Maximilian Hohmann 1 response
- OT Weekend Challenge, Chuck 12 responses
- Military 41C for auction, Marcus von Cube, Germany 5 responses
- dot matrix in crayon, db (martinez, ca.) 1 response
- An HP48GX that makes a buzzing sound. HELP!!, Namir 5 responses
- 4915 digits of pi - MCODE 41 (19660 digits optional), PeterP 6 responses
- HP 95LX prototype PCB, Frank Boehm (Germany) 0 responses
- MathU RPN calc for iPhone, Bruce Bergman 4 responses
- 512K Memory Card, Farz 5 responses
- HP 17BII, Peter Leyssens 27 responses
- HP-97 card reader woes, GanjaTron 5 responses
- OT: uWatch's available again, DaveJ 2 responses
- Insufficient Memory, Farz 12 responses
- A Replacement Calculator for Casio's with RPN!, hugh steers 22 responses
- Got a 32s, musing about the 33s, Peter Klein 6 responses
- OT: Tee-shirt for the maths type, bill platt 4 responses
- Interesting observation about Circuit City, Martin Pinckney 7 responses
- HP-35s Stat Pac Free to download!!, Namir 11 responses
- In defence of a 4 stack, designnut 6 responses
- HP-71B with a dead piezo speaker - repairable?, Philippe Lasnier 21 responses
- HP-41 broken plastic display - how to fix?, Geir Isene 1 response
- Symbolic differentiation on HP35s, Peter Niessen 0 responses
- New member - HP41 link, Nigel Bamber 9 responses
- How to care for 9114 batteries?, Steve (Australia) 0 responses
- OT: Binary marble adding machine, DaveJ 3 responses
- New method of typing numbers?, Saile (Brazil) 9 responses
- Elektronika MK-61 Russian Manual Translation?, Michael de Estrada 6 responses
- Synthetic Programming and the HP-41C, Trent Moseley 12 responses
- The HP Calculator Calendar for 2009 Still Available, Jake Schwartz 0 responses
- HP48 compatible SRAM memory cards, Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) 4 responses
- What happened to William Wickes?, David Hayden 9 responses
- How to HP-71B and HP-41CX via HP-IL?, ZOleg 8 responses
- How do I glue the back label of an HP-16C back on? (or of most Voyagers, for that matter), Philippe Lasnier 4 responses
- The history of my calculators, SteveH 5 responses
- HP-41 HP-IL Issue, Gerry Schultz 6 responses
- HP-35 x^y key, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 3 responses
- INIT-Module for ERAMCO RSU-2 Rambox, PeterP 3 responses
- Emu42 v1.11 is available now, Christoph Giesselink 1 response
- Aristo M16 (HP parts), Stefan Hauschild 3 responses
- Calc Benchmark - HP41 MCODE - 11.05 seconds, PeterP 7 responses
- HP-71B Math RAM Article, Marcus von Cube, Germany 2 responses
- HP41 - fill HDRIVE1, Roland Storz 5 responses
- OT: Siftables, the toy blocks that think, George Bailey (Bedford Falls) 6 responses
- Any love for the 28's?, Steve Keeley 24 responses
- Yikes! $630 for a HP-42S, Michael de Estrada 5 responses
- HP-41 Software Package 'ZEWIDAT' by TU Sigmaringen, Juergen Keller 0 responses
- LCD darkening, Peter Klein 2 responses
- Belated Valentine's Day Fun, Egan Ford 4 responses
- HP 35s Bubble Sort, Elliott W Jackson 1 response
- HP 35s Gnome Sort, Elliott W Jackson 0 responses
- Can the HP 38G do Binary, Hexadecimal, or Octal base, kmaciej 2 responses
- HP-32s Engineering Applications Manual, Hansel 40 responses
- Average Age in hpmuseum forum, Nacho 133 responses
- My calculator, my self?, Peter Klein 6 responses
- HP-29c malfunction symptoms, Xavier A. (Brazil) 5 responses
- HP 49g+, Fernando 2 responses
- OT: TI-89 (Dumb Question), Juan J 5 responses
- UCODE programs in MCODE modules, PeterP 1 response
- Worth of HP 41 Accessories?, Howard Boardman 2 responses
- RPN is an addiction, Peter Klein 27 responses
- HP48 gx Connectivity Tips, JJB299 2 responses
- ERAMCO MLDL OS - other version?, PeterP 2 responses
- HP-29c Power (?) problems, Xavier A. (Brazil) 11 responses
- HP-29C , Jorge Sanchez 1 response
- HP-67 clutch rebuild problem, Michael de Estrada 2 responses
- My review, HP 35s, Elliott W Jackson 40 responses
- HP-71B sunk key, Marcus von Cube, Germany 2 responses
- Update on my 9114 repairs in 2000, Steve (Australia) 0 responses
- HP 35s "Low footprint" Linear Interpolation, Elliott W Jackson 2 responses
- HP 29c power requirements, Todd Rockwell 7 responses
- How to get rid of the period on HP50G?, Chan Tran 1 response
- IBM 360 is 45 years old!, Don Shepherd 20 responses
- HP-65 reads but does not write, Michael de Estrada 7 responses
- HP50g Problem with KEY, SAME, DK2ZA 4 responses
- Card reader pinch roller dimensions?, GanjaTron 3 responses
- HP-41C Card Reader, Roy Welch 12 responses
- HP 41CV card reader, John Bjornholt 7 responses
- Cheap Batteries for HP41CX, Prabhu Bhooplapur 19 responses
- HP-27 Woodstock Thermal Problem, Robert Hollyer 2 responses
- Custom menus, Ian Stanley 0 responses
- O.T. Gigaspan photo of Inauguration, designnut 11 responses
- Re: OT: My favorite HP non-calculator toy: HP4500, BruceH 2 responses
- More Challenges, Chuck 7 responses
- OT: Casio VX-4, Saile (Brazil) 1 response
- Removing rubber feet from HP27S, Strath Clarke (Sydney, Australia) 4 responses
- BASIC comparison sheet updated again, Marcus von Cube, Germany 1 response
- Re: HP-25 fails to store programming steps, Alberto Fenini 0 responses
- Scans of old french computer magazine !, Pascal 1 response
- HP 65 - top row of keys not working, Frank Balzer 3 responses
- MatLab, Maple, MathCAD, Martin Pinckney 3 responses
- challenge for a snowy day..., Don Shepherd 23 responses
- Casio FX-9860G Slim available again..., Bruce Bergman 3 responses
- A webserver running on a HP-41 and HPIL patch for nonpareil, Khanh-Dang Nguyen Thu-Lam 10 responses
- HP-97 Card Reader NOT gummy wheel problem, ZOleg 3 responses
- Gamma (and Factorial) for 12C/12CP, Les Wright 9 responses
- HP-41CX Zengrange: remove rubber fragments, Rainer Wiedemann (Germany) 0 responses
- HP-46 find, GanjaTron 9 responses
- Re: Graphing Calculators and education, Martin Pinckney 0 responses
- HPLink, DOSLink, Trans41 etc, Roland Storz 1 response
- Just ordered a what?, Ryan McLean 9 responses
- Re: Saturday Night Live skit about some of us, Karl Schneider 0 responses
- Re: Mini Challenge, Thomas Klemm 1 response
- Gamma and Factorial for 10C/12C/12CP (thread hijack), Les Wright 1 response
- Re: HP-25 fails to store programming steps, Mike Morrow 1 response
- Nicotine stains on Woodstock keyboard, Xavier A. (Brazil) 2 responses
- Which HP series are the best hardware built?, Nacho 14 responses
- Re: HP-65 replacement labels?, GanjaTron 0 responses
- Re: HP 49G+ stopped working. Please Help, reth 1 response
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