Display tech Message #1 Posted by Jimi on 3 Sept 2010, 11:22 a.m.
I was writing this into another thread I started, but then I sort of thought it deserved it's own.
After playing with this new TI-89 for a few more days, and gone through some tutorials I found for it, I've decided that the main thing that really sucks about it is the screen. To me anyway, it's only readable in bright light conditions, and only in the morning, since my eyes are too tired to read the amazingly small stuff on it in the evening. The screen on my 48s isn't the best either though, but there is nothing on it that is ever too small. Maybe just a better menu font.
In these days with all these amazing devices coming out, ePaper displays, oLED, "retinal" displays on phones, I really wish someone would put some thought into improving the screens on these calculators. While certainly limited in many ways, I loved my old LED HPs (think 34C) for being so readable indoors. Imagine a nice backlit screen even. Sure, battery life would suffer, but it did on older calculators as well. I think in this day, people are used to charging devices every so often. Imagine something like a HP-50 with an iPhone like screen for graphing and display. I'd be waiting in line to buy one.
Just wondering what your thoughts were. Yes, I know that the market for $300 calculators would be limited, but who among us never spent that on one. I've never compared the $300 I spent on my HP-41C when it first came out, but I can only imagine what that is equivalent to today.