The Museum of HP Calculators
HP Forum Archive 20
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This is an archive of the HP forum, which is for discussion of HP calculators including usage, repairs,
sources of replacement parts, general information etc.
Message Index
All Messages
(Compressed "Threads Only" Listing)
- New Blogs Are Up, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- recent HP 35 "Red Dot" on Ebay, D. Taylor 6 responses
- WP 34S x-hat bug, Nigel J Dowrick 1 response
- HP calculator prototype?, Michael Eckstein 2 responses
- more HMS, aTIME, 34s display, 41c bugs?, Christopher Johnson 2 responses
- opening HP 30B, Harald 6 responses
- Dm-15c case?, Giancarlo 8 responses
- 33s, 35s or 15cLE--which to buy?, Matt Agajanian 17 responses
- HP-35 Field Case?, Michael Gasperi 1 response
- [OT] Free42 on the BlackBerry PlayBook, Les Wright 1 response
- HP-67 not working, Vassilis Prevelakis 0 responses
- Spares for vintage calculators HP-25, HP-27?, Samo 4 responses
- RPN Programming exercise (HP-42S), Gerson W. Barbosa 71 responses
- Meet at Embedded World Nuremberg?, Meindert Kuipers 2 responses
- HP 95LX to PC connection, John West (UK) 3 responses
- Clamshell Battery Contact Repair, aj04062 11 responses
- 15C LE Availability Update, Bob Cortopassi 4 responses
- When is exact mode not so exact?, hugh steers 7 responses
- 41CL and the Time Module, Gerry Schultz 2 responses
- Flashing a 30B from Linux or Mac?, Tom Grydeland 11 responses
- DM-15CC always/frequently turns on in case, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 5 responses
- HP-41 Navigation PAC question, Diego Diaz 7 responses
- Complete 12C collection, Keith Midson 3 responses
- HP 50g User's Manual, Luke Hoffmann 8 responses
- HP-12C program, Gerson W. Barbosa 5 responses
- HP42S freeze after "Fast mode", Tom Grydeland 3 responses
- [DM-15cc] Flashing - worked!, Alexander Oestert 5 responses
- Display_hp41c, Armin Rösch 6 responses
- Richard Nelson's pictures of the 4 HP 15c versions, gene wright 17 responses
- wp34s capacitors, David Griffith 6 responses
- 42S Hope it' not dying, Chuck 4 responses
- 35s - find roots of 3rd and higher order equations, Chris C 11 responses
- 64 = 65 ???, Erturk Kocalar 6 responses
- HP-94!, Geir Isene 5 responses
- calc cases, JDonley 1 response
- WP34 S: Fonts (a bit OT) , Marcus von Cube, Germany 18 responses
- Maintenance and Durability: From NIB to abused calculators, Fabricio 14 responses
- $1000 for a vintage HP 97 printing calculator , aurelio 5 responses
- HP28S screen noise generator, Keith Midson 7 responses
- DM-15CC? THIS is a calculator for real men!, Joerg Woerner 21 responses
- (Not so) successful crystal installation on my wp 34s, Gerson W. Barbosa 2 responses
- A show review of the SmartCalc 300s..., Jose Gonzalez Divasson 3 responses
- Help building WP34s calc.bin, Ed Wright 11 responses
- wp 34s vs 41c hms+, Christopher Johnson 9 responses
- HP-42S displaying Runic alphabet, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 13 responses
- EXIT key reassigned on 42s, Charles Mones 12 responses
- HP-IL SCSI Interface, Richard Wagoner 15 responses
- An HP-97 sacrificed to the altar of the knowledge., Ignazio Cara (Italy) 3 responses
- Swiss 15C "Clone" has arrived, Richard J. Nelson 7 responses
- HP42s - deal?, Cristian Arezzini 26 responses
- Is the HP35s reliable?, Chris Smith 26 responses
- Interesting Book with lots of HP info, Dave F 2 responses
- Can't seem to flash 30b, Matt Fegenbush 14 responses
- It's tax time in the USA again..., Michael Meyer 1 response
- The story of HP's Logic Analyzers, Steve Leibson 3 responses
- After Cuts, HP Labs Vows Return to Glory Days, Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 1 response
- go41cx V1.4.0, Olivier De Smet 2 responses
- Flash Cable for WP-34s, Fritz Wostbrock 4 responses
- DM-15CC Extended Memory, Mark Hardman 4 responses
- Followup to HP 12C keyboard problems, Eric Rechlin 4 responses
- HP-41 > USB printer simulation (82143A), Diego Diaz 25 responses
- HP-10BII+ Price calculation bug?, Thomas Radtke 0 responses
- Reminders/notes to help recall variable meanings in equations, Chris C 11 responses
- HP-41 Expandability Then and Now… TI?, Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 4 responses
- Replies verified by the moderator?, MichaelG 2 responses
- WP 34S - Pics of blue slant overlay on real calculator, Bob Cortopassi 10 responses
- HP-41 Focal Compiler/Decompiler, MichaelG 0 responses
- 35s prompt for multi-character variables in program like "low footprint" root finder, Chris C 8 responses
- Professional applications for the HP 50g, Software49g 12 responses
- Using SAM-BA on Linux and flashing WP34s, David Griffith 8 responses
- [Function] Google Plotter, robertoataulfo 2 responses
- HP30b design choices, David Griffith 1 response
- Calculators on Standard Tests, Norman Dziedzic 18 responses
- HHC 2012 location, Andrés C. Rodrķguez (Argentina) 30 responses
- WP 34S: New release on SF, Marcus von Cube, Germany 5 responses
- Scientific version of 30b by HP?, kc 26 responses
- HP-85 Keyboard Repair, aj04062 0 responses
- The smallest ever LED RPN calculator, Michael de Estrada 11 responses
- HP-17B Language selection disappeared., Kees van der Sanden 10 responses
- HP 48 Meta Kernel card for sale?, bluesun08 5 responses
- HP-41 NUT Assembler question, MichaelG 6 responses
- DM-15CC, Benoit Maag 34 responses
- HP 15C LE programming, does CPU run fast?, designnut 1 response
- HP-41C bad display - where to start from ?, Alberto Fenini 8 responses
- Classic cleaning tips?, Kees Bouw 5 responses
- Making the wp-34s label glossy, Jose Poyan 5 responses
- HP-41 Wand: scanning from monitor?, MichaelG 10 responses
- DM-15CC - got it !, Andy Lamming (UK) 4 responses
- HP 39gII plot speed, Alex Mark (Greece) 5 responses
- HP 15C LE now on UK HP web site - SRP £120, Antonio Petri (UK) 1 response
- 32-bit MCODE tool chain for the HP41 incl. D41 now, MichaelG 4 responses
- Seeking DIY5 update and webpage, David Griffith 1 response
- Most Error Free HP Calculator Models, Sid Cave 3 responses
- is it possible to "merge" an HP-42s into an HP-97 ?, Giovanni Jimenez 19 responses
- the end of the world as we know it...., troy 1 response
- My 15C LE has finally arrived..., Antonio Petri (UK) 34 responses
- it's here !!! (and this is not a Red Dot ...), Alberto Fenini 6 responses
- [WP-34s] 30b for 18,99€ in Germany, Alexander Oestert 9 responses
- 12C has keyboard problems, too, Eric Rechlin 6 responses
- HP's Tired Basic Calculator Line, Jeff 4 responses
- Sleath UK has started dispatching 15C LE orders, Antonio Petri (UK) 1 response
- HP-80 Function Question, Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 10 responses
- OT - Vintage Computer Festival May 5,6, Wall NJ, David Hayden 0 responses
- New Blog Entry (repeated functions) is now up, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- Choices, choices, Geir Isene 0 responses
- Spice repair - dilemma & opinions, please, McAllan 1 response
- HP 12C Production nmrs, Dominique Deprez 1 response
- devolution of the wp34s label---or fun with colors, troy 19 responses
- Limited run of blue key slant WP34S overlays, Bob Cortopassi 34 responses
- The Condition Number of a Matrix, Namir 2 responses
- HP 15C LE: keyboard problems, dietmar13 4 responses
- hp 30b -> wp 34s, Christopher Johnson 6 responses
- HP28S battery door trouble, David Griffith 23 responses
- it's here !!!, Alberto Fenini 17 responses
- DM-15CC launched, Andy Lamming (UK) 43 responses
- WP34S nested error, Alessandro Castellani (Italy) 4 responses
- HP-71B: fastest memory copy? , Hans Brueggemann 5 responses
- HP Calculators in 2025, As Predicted In 1978, hpnut 8 responses
- My wp 34s V3, troy 29 responses
- Information that may be of interest to HP-75 users posted, Paul Berger (Canada) 1 response
- Non-HEPAX configurations for NoVRAM/NoV-32, Diego Diaz 1 response
- 32-bit version of User Code Utiltiy for HP-41 , MichaelG 4 responses
- Help with HP 41CX - 95% working, Russell Dobson 6 responses
- Prices on 15C., Paulo MO 18 responses
- You're kidding me ?, Christopher Johnson 8 responses
- WP 34S bitwise logical operations bug?, Nigel J Dowrick 4 responses
- go41cx overlay Math module, Alexander Oestert 12 responses
- HP-15C Bug with MATRIX 5 , Thomas Klemm 17 responses
- HP Solve issue #26 is posted..., Richard J. Nelson 4 responses
- WP34s Parts List, Barry Reeves 21 responses
- HP15C LE Price Lowered by HP, Namir 23 responses
- accuracy of integration and solve routines HP 15C LE, Jan 3 responses
- Sourceforge, Paul Dale 8 responses
- HP joins the price gougers, Michael de Estrada 38 responses
- Need help identifying a few components., Bruce Larrabee 2 responses
- Emu71 for Win v1.01 available, Christoph Giesselink 3 responses
- HP15C LE Pause Operation not as expected, Russell Dobson 13 responses
- HP 18C Frankencalc, Keith Midson 9 responses
- HP Printer paper... any worries?, Greg Swartz 6 responses
- HP-30b unknown options, Christopher Johnson 3 responses
- Update: HP 50g with HELP for *all* commands integrated into the O.S., Software49g 0 responses
- WP34s Stopwatch, Hans-Peter Bieger 3 responses
- I Wish HP Higher End Calcs Were Solar-Powered!, Jeff 3 responses
- Installation of Sparcom NavPac on 48GX, Timo 8 responses
- WP34S: "Domain error" when running a program, Cristian Arezzini 19 responses
- HP 30-B size Question, Jeff 1 response
- New release of go41cx, Olivier De Smet 6 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 0 responses
- modern HP-41 "supermodule" choices on the market, Garth Wilson 9 responses
- WP34S Overlay, Patrice 2 responses
- HP Viridia Wave Viewer Card (palmtop 200LX), aj04062 0 responses
- What is that white stuff in the battery compartment?, Kees Bouw 4 responses
- Capacity of the CR2032 Batteries as used in the 15c LE, Jeff O. 16 responses
- 15c / 15c LE Hard Case?, bluesun08 14 responses
- Another bug in the HP15C LE manual, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 2 responses
- Getting HEXEDIT to work on the HEPAX itself, Įngel Martin 1 response
- WP34s complex matrix functions, Ed Wright 2 responses
- TI Speak and Spell History article - good reading -- enjoy, gene wright 0 responses
- new convert?, db (martinez, ca.) 11 responses
- Sandbox ROM vs Childish Prank, Howard Owen 5 responses
- HP-41 printer interface question. (To the M-code gurus out there), Diego Diaz 2 responses
- NoVRAM-M and NoV-32-M, cgh 6 responses
- HP raises MSRP on 15C LE, Michael de Estrada 9 responses
- Android HP67 - v1.1 posted, MikeO 14 responses
- Is a new model of the HP-50G available???, Bill Zimmerly 3 responses
- Resurrecting a shattered HP 19B, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 5 responses
- HP 15C LE firmware and memory questions, Lode 10 responses
- WP 34S overlays, Gerson W. Barbosa 1 response
- (deleted post), deleted 0 responses
- My HP 15C LE has just arrived! Wow!, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 16 responses
- Vintage HP15C Key Clicks but Doesn't Register, Bruce Zastera 15 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 3 responses
- Wrong answer when evaluating log(10^-12), Daniel Greenidge 4 responses
- RedDot or no?, Matthias Wehrli 10 responses
- Some Vintage HP15Cs Faster than Others?, Bruce Zastera 16 responses
- HP 17BII bug video on youtube, hpnut 6 responses
- HP67 Emulator for Android, MikeO 23 responses
- Latest update for Clonix & NoV's modules (includes DISASM patch for 41CL), Diego Diaz 9 responses
- go67c loss of data, Vincent Weber 5 responses
- HP-35 powers with negative numbers, Dan Lewis 26 responses
- OT: looking for pic of an ARISTO M27's backside, Mike (Stgt) 7 responses
- Emulators on iPod touch, Mike (Stgt) 22 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 3 responses
- HP 15c LE Case, Brandon Poindexter 12 responses
- HP-21 displays all zeroes, Barry Smith 5 responses
- Port of ilper for PILBox under Linux & *BSD, cgh 10 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- Interest in 32-bit version of User Code Utiltiy for HP-41 , MichaelG 16 responses
- HP15C-LE European deliveries, Derek Walker (UK) 8 responses
- WP 34S - indirect addressing issue, Gerson W. Barbosa 8 responses
- Re: Voyager 1xC emulation in the same unit?, uhmgawa 4 responses
- Meet @ Embedded World Nuremberg?, Meindert Kuipers 5 responses
- CL_UTILS 2H now available - Library#4 is next., Įngel Martin 2 responses
- WP34s V3 - Build Number recommended?, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 27 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 4 responses
- HP 34C and 67 for Android, Vincent Weber 16 responses
- The HP 15C LE has little appeal to youngsters, Michael de Estrada 25 responses
- HPTalx and HP48S, Cristian Arezzini 2 responses
- HP15C-LE firmware, Antonio Maschio (Italy) 3 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 13 responses
- HP 41CX unusual display, Bill Kleinsorge (Austin, TX) 5 responses
- Integration, Marcus von Cube, Germany 27 responses
- Couple of new HP-17bii solver programs in Articles, Don Shepherd 27 responses
- [WP34s] Assembler problem, fhub 2 responses
- HP-41CL & NoV-64 (or its siblings), Geir Isene 22 responses
- Preservation of Vintage Boxes, aj04062 4 responses
- IBM 1620 computer, Don Shepherd 17 responses
- [WP 34s] Changing the overlay, Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove 0 responses
- HP-41 MCode Assembler/Linker 32-bit version, MichaelG 19 responses
- WP 34s Re-Flashing, Jim Johnson 0 responses
- WP 34s Overlay, Jim Johnson 5 responses
- HP-65/67 back label, Kees Bouw 9 responses
- Looking for HP calculators... I´m frustrated, Fabricio 25 responses
- HP-35S - Time Since Memory Reset, Ilia 0 responses
- A Very Early HP Calculator Connection, Les Bell 2 responses
- Looking for more HP documents to scan, Dave Hicks 0 responses
- Tiny Challenge: significant digits, Werner 70 responses
- Speed of the HP-41CL, MichaelG 2 responses
- OT: Not your everyday TI-59, Joerg Woerner 12 responses
- wp34S timing crystal, Peter Mansvelder 30 responses
- HP 39GII, NateB 31 responses
- strange classic power supply (pics), Alberto Fenini 4 responses
- 15C LE keyboard fixed, plus: about the feet, Dale Reed 2 responses
- 82182A Time Module question, Monte Dalrymple 14 responses
- Credit Card Sized DM-16CC, Mark Hardman 3 responses
- Romberg Integration, Paul Dale 6 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 0 responses
- 48GX touchup paint, David Griffith 4 responses
- HP 82165A HP-IL/GPIO Interface VS HP 82164A HP-IL/RS-232C Interface VS HP 82166A HP-IL Converter , Fouad M. Kaadou 9 responses
- eBay Impertinence (well, only close to), Juergen Keller 9 responses
- Slow LCD display - fixable?, Cristian Arezzini 0 responses
- GETROM doubt, robertoataulfo 7 responses
- HP48GX : faulty Port 2 ? any way to repair it ?, Antoine M. Couėtte 4 responses
- HP-15c+ Firmware, Matthias Wehrli 5 responses
- LiPo rechargable for 41 pack rebuilding?, Craig Ruff 2 responses
- OT: TI Dataclip (TI1700) project, Alberto Fenini 1 response
- CCD OS/X SAVEROM and GETROM doubt., robertoataulfo 2 responses
- HP48S, different hardware construction, Cristian Arezzini 5 responses
- N batteries for HP 41's, WaltMaken 17 responses
- Odd looking 41cx, Chris Woodhouse 1 response
- [WP-34s] V3 overlay and flashing process - Questions, Alexander Oestert 6 responses
- Eric Rechlin - Overlay, robertoataulfo 3 responses
- HP-15C LE : Workaround for the high current spike, Lyuka 14 responses
- OT: TI-88 not Y2K compliant (!), Joerg Woerner 9 responses
- HP-15C LE: why emulate?, Eric Zoob 19 responses
- How a little HP-50g program mutated into an iPhone app, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 6 responses
- Homebrewed HP48 cards, David Griffith 1 response
- CL-UTILS revision 2G released, Įngel Martin 4 responses
- Emulators for old HP, Olivier De Smet 24 responses
- [WP34s] About SKIP and BACK, fhub 8 responses
- RPN programming exercise - Fibonacci numbers, Gerson W. Barbosa 43 responses
- HP41 emaluation, Eric Foers 1 response
- [OT] Pens for SHARP CE-150 printer/cassette interface, Miguel Toro 4 responses
- Custom Made Leather Cases for Voyager Calculators, Juergen Keller 8 responses
- New TI-PPP discovered!, robertoataulfo 14 responses
- WP 34S Overlay Available For V3, Mark Hardman 19 responses
- Available now: HP 50g with HELP for *all* commands integrated into the O.S., Software49g 28 responses
- Calculator natural language user interface , Donald Williams 12 responses
- Very relevant to the HP-15C LE power usage, Seth Morabito 1 response
- [OT] Texas TI-88, robertoataulfo 7 responses
- 17BII+ vs 19BII Business Consulatant II, Jeff Kearns 18 responses
- 15c vs. 15cLE keyboard, Ethan Conner 1 response
- For those in UK: 15C LE available for pre-order at Sleath's, Bart (UK) 10 responses
- Digital watch wars, Howard Owen 0 responses
- OT: HP goes green, Juergen Keller 8 responses
- WP34s build compiler, David Griffith 19 responses
- I had a dream - HP's next calculator, Michael de Estrada 6 responses
- 15C In The News, Paul Brogger 1 response
- Most usable keystroke calculator?, Sid Cave 32 responses
- Happy 40th Birthday, HP35, Jake Schwartz 8 responses
- OT: FYI...Red dot HP 35 with rom bug on TAS, gene wright 7 responses
- HP 9826A key switches, David Ramsey 3 responses
- DIY4X, DIY5 update, Eric Smith 5 responses
- Never make a dime of profit..., Kees Bouw 19 responses
- ILPer v1.41 published, Christoph Giesselink 1 response
- New Devil for 2012, Įngel Martin 0 responses
- HP12c Anniversary Seft Test, Nick Mihiylov 2 responses
- A propos battery life, John Mosand 0 responses
- SOLVED !!! (was : Running EMU41 16-Bit MS-DOS Programs on new 64-Bit Windows 7 Laptop), Antoine M. Couėtte 6 responses
- HP41C "Power Module", Frido Bohn 10 responses
- Battery life of HP 15c LE?, Brandon Poindexter 29 responses
- HP41 Card Reader repairs, Steve Hunt 3 responses
- Science Project with HP41CX and Arduino?, Fouad M. Kaadou 9 responses
- HP Time Module+Overlay! 82182A for HP41c, robertoataulfo 1 response
- Hp 50g finance program, peacecalc 0 responses
- HP 15C Clone, Gerardo Rincon 10 responses
- [WP34s] XROM routines, fhub 32 responses
- Happy New Year 0111.1101.1100, Marcus von Cube, Germany 10 responses
- HP35S solve problem, Alessandro Castellani (Italy) 5 responses
- Repurposing the HP20b in an engineering class, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 4 responses
- OT but interesting; a new calendar proposal, Don Shepherd 12 responses
- HP-75 CATALOG 2.8, robertoataulfo 0 responses
- Dave Ramsey et al with early HP 41C conversions to CL, geoff quickfall 4 responses
- Read the letter that brought down HP CEO Mark Hurd, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 4 responses
- WP34S V3: Question about wp34s_asm.exe, Miguel Toro 36 responses
- tapping heat stakes, David Griffith 5 responses
- Circuit for HP3421A Data aquisition, Barrie Carruthers 4 responses
- WP34S V3 : STATUS questions, Miguel Toro 4 responses
- [41CL] CLUTILS.MOD, robertoataulfo 7 responses
- HP-15C LE received in Hong Kong, From Hong Kong 12 responses
- Martians can come!, robertoataulfo 1 response
- HP 200LX Solver program in HP Calc, Ken Chevy 9 responses
- 41CL installation on machine with zebra strip, David Ramsey 14 responses
- [41CL + ILPer] Help, robertoataulfo 8 responses
- Some 41CL Questions, Gerry Schultz 14 responses
- [WP34s] Not working anymore, fhub 32 responses
- Reply from HP on 15C LE Availability, frank Knight 5 responses
- 15C LE finally arrived, Hal Bitton in Boise 25 responses
- Thank you WP34s team, JimP 15 responses
- HP-75 CATALOG 2.7, robertoataulfo 0 responses
- WP 34S - INC X and RCL L (LASTx), Gerson W. Barbosa 10 responses
- WP 34S Overlay?, robertoataulfo 0 responses
- HP 12C Prestige, Keith Midson 6 responses
- WP 34S: Double precision registers - What are your feelings?, Marcus von Cube, Germany 16 responses
- i41CX+ Load Modules to Odd Pages, Howard Owen 0 responses
- [WP34s] The ultimate polynomial rootsolver is here ;-), fhub 5 responses
- OT: Reducing omega, NateB 0 responses
- HP50g Advertisement, NateB 24 responses
- CES Attendees will meet...., Richard J. Nelson 0 responses
- [WP34S 41CL] Important Update !, robertoataulfo 9 responses
- HP-41CL & TIME module (extending time keeping), Diego Diaz 2 responses
- 41CL Flash Update Question, Howard Owen 10 responses
- 15C LE just arrived, Keith Beyer 33 responses
- [WP34s/QtGui] What is qextserialport?, Nobby K. 4 responses
- Polynomial roots again ..., fhub 13 responses
- Calculator from a smoking environment: What is to be done?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 18 responses
- Coburlin Is No More!, Dan Grelinger 10 responses
- Calculator Market, Benoit Maag 1 response
- YFNS vs YFNZ, Howard Owen 3 responses
- Return of the 15C with Bad Zebra?, aj04062 3 responses
- 15C back in stock at, sjthomas 8 responses
- Thimet index for 15C LE, Jeff Johnson 2 responses
- HP-75 CATALOG 2.6, robertoataulfo 0 responses
- SpeedUI 11.11 available, Raymond Del Tondo 0 responses
- HP-41CL & NoVRAM/NoV-32 issue fixed... ;-), Diego Diaz 8 responses
- 14b is not calculating PMT correctly, Eric Peltier 11 responses
- 15CLE disassembly / reassembly recommendations?, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 3 responses
- 41CL - Shut Off that Auto-Turn Off, Frido Bohn 17 responses
- 41CL - HEPAX DISASM non-functional?, Frido Bohn 1 response
- has 15c-le again, David Griffith 24 responses
- Serial port communciations on the CL?, Geoff Quickfall 2 responses
- Unabashed CL user promotion or why the 41CL?, Geoff Quickfall 8 responses
- CL-UTILS Manual now available, Įngel Martin 21 responses
- Video: talk on HP Calculators by Randall Neff, Ed Spittles 2 responses
- Message to Katie Wasserman: thanks!, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 2 responses
- [WP34s] About the Perl tools, fhub 8 responses
- Vintage HP71B Calculator HP 71B RARE CLEAR CASE! in TAS, robertoataulfo 4 responses
- OT: planimeters for sale, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 1 response
- Wikipedia on the 15C LE, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 0 responses
- HP 15C Tutorial Posted (Memory Exchange, MISO), Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- Impressive TI NSpire CX CAS Multiple Integration, Namir 43 responses
- [ilper] Expert in "C" Please, robertoataulfo 2 responses
- HP won't fix PSE bug on 15CLE?, MK-52 14 responses
- Paging Gene, David Griffith 0 responses
- Hack a 15C-le into a 16C?, David Griffith 20 responses
- OT: Number Pad Watch Nerdier Than Calculator Watch?, Egan Ford 8 responses
- New Year's resolutions ?, Michael de Estrada 7 responses
- Calculator Clear Case, Joerg Woerner 7 responses
- HP 9826A HPL ROM board part number, David Ramsey 2 responses
- Time module !!!1, robertoataulfo 2 responses
- Really pocketable 15C clone, Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 21 responses
- HP41CV faulty, Steve Hunt 6 responses
- HP-75 CATALOG 2.5, robertoataulfo 0 responses
- [WP34s] New flash handling?, fhub 11 responses
- Emmanuel Compes, Matthias Wehrli 3 responses
- Unable to start and run EMU41 on new 64-bit Processor Laptop running with Windows 7, Antoine M. Couėtte 6 responses
- What's special about it?, robertoataulfo 7 responses
- The best way to order a 15C LE in German, Timo 3 responses
- 9100Bs obtained, David Ramsey 17 responses
- HP41CL Backup of Flash Contents, Frido Bohn 1 response
- HP-75 CATALOG 2.4, robertoataulfo 0 responses
- Problems activating HP15C LE emulator, Nick_S 11 responses
- Do you know these 2 functions ?, PGILLET 17 responses
- OT: This is Inevitable!, Namir 0 responses
- Preview of the 'Full Command and Function Reference' inside your HP 50g / HELP for *all* commands., Software49g 1 response
- OT: Casio FX-720P, robertoataulfo 1 response
- Dr Z Beat the Racetrack module document pages, Mark 1 response
- OT - Length of day question, Cristian Arezzini 20 responses
- HP SMB 15C LE ship date, Scott Newell 9 responses
- HP15C-LE available at, Dave Mabry 28 responses
- Any DIY5 pics out there?, Įngel Martin 64 responses
- Defective HP-41CV for 41CL?, Ernst Fueloep 3 responses
- HP-75 CATALOG 2.3, robertoataulfo 0 responses
- OT: Cosine curio, Bob Patton 3 responses
- HP41 emulator for PC, Bill Lafferty 2 responses
- HP 15C Programming Tutorial Posted, Eddie W. Shore 2 responses
- HP49g+ keyboard replacing, AdrianT 1 response
- a bunch of brand new 71b's on Ebay, Don Shepherd 7 responses
- OT: Math, magic and shuffling cards, Randy 0 responses
- 41CL Usage Notes: Clock Mode and Turbo Interaction, Craig Ruff 1 response
- HP70 - cosmetic side, Alberto Fenini 0 responses
- OT: WebOS, Katie Wasserman 1 response
- anyone recognize these pics from old HP manuals?, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 3 responses
- On-line collection updated, Keith Midson 12 responses
- 15c LEs Replaced, Gerry Schultz 8 responses
- Another Red Dot for sale, Michael de Estrada 5 responses
- HP-15C Zebra, aj04062 8 responses
- OT: Nasa's Voyager 1 in 'cosmic purgatory' on verge of entering Milky Way, Egan Ford 11 responses
- 41CX-MCODE: Digit Sum function, Įngel Martin 17 responses
- HP-75 CATALOG 2.2, robertoataulfo 0 responses
- Patricia Dunn (1953-2011), BruceH 0 responses
- OT: Vintage Typewriters, Egan Ford 18 responses
- HP-15C LE available in Switzerland, Juergen Keller 10 responses
- Totally useless trivia... 41, Įngel Martin 2 responses
- 9100A with no display now working!, Richard Wilder 5 responses
- WP 34S version 2.3 (corrected), Eddie W. Shore 33 responses
- HP-41 Card reader 82104A, aj04062 5 responses
- OT: Not only calculators that need care., robertoataulfo 2 responses
- Anyone have ideas for batteries for these type of calculators? Edmund Scientific?, gene wright 9 responses
- Google’s now It’s a Graphing Calculator!, robertoataulfo 4 responses
- Hp-41 time module options, Raymond Wiker 20 responses
- You shared my grief..., cbuhmann 4 responses
- What advantage does Wp34s have ove the HP50g?, Bernard Rochlin 10 responses
- [wp34s] Incomplete Gamma on the wp34s, Les Wright 18 responses
- HP-15C - useless today?, Reth 106 responses
- Howard Owen request, robertoataulfo 1 response
- [wp34s] Romberg Integration on the wp34s, Les Wright 2 responses
- I think it is my HP71B (TAS), Miguel Toro 11 responses
- HP-70 erratic behaviour - first results, Alberto Fenini 0 responses
- HP 41CL; requirements and thoughts about donor shells, geoff quickfall 11 responses
- HP 25 programming issue, Fouad M. Kaadou 4 responses
- HP-IL ftp files, robertoataulfo 4 responses
- Meindert's MLDL2000, robertoataulfo 7 responses
- [HP-75] Cat$ doubt, robertoataulfo 9 responses
- What is this?, robertoataulfo 3 responses
- HP-75 Catalog 2.1, robertoataulfo 0 responses
- [wp34s] A Short Wish List, Les Wright 4 responses
- more HP97 card reader followup., Dave F 4 responses
- Latest HP 12C+ F/W Version, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 2 responses
- Quote symbol in Alpha mode on 41C?, Mojo88 3 responses
- AC Power Adapter for HP 67, Phil Hochstetler (Portland, OR, USA) 3 responses
- OT: The Math That Saved Apollo 13 Just Sold for $388,375, Egan Ford 4 responses
- [wp34s] Using FAST and SLOW, Les Wright 5 responses
- (OT) Heathkit and Nixie Tubes, Gerry Schultz 27 responses
- anyone recognize these pics from old HP manuals?, Don Shepherd 14 responses
- WP 34S: Beware of new builds, Marcus von Cube, Germany 6 responses
- [WP34s] Romberg Integration, Les Wright 9 responses
- Printed copies of HP-15C Advanced Functions Handbook, Eric Rechlin 0 responses
- HP-15C LE listing back on, Dan Grelinger 2 responses
- XEQ vs GSB - what am I missing?, Thomas Radtke 9 responses
- MoHPC - 15C | 15C LE update?, DigiGal 3 responses
- OT: AA Lithium Battery Tests, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 5 responses
- HP 20 series European versions, Fouad M. Kaadou 0 responses
- Which Model HP-41C For the 41CL Transplant?, Mark Hardman 11 responses
- [HP 15C LE] Prophecy on bug fix?, Alexander Oestert 94 responses
- HP-15C Turing Complete?, Marcel Samek 24 responses
- Opening a 100LX, David Ramsey 4 responses
- Just got my HP41CL board! , M. Joury 4 responses
- [WP34S] Cheap Overlay Solution Courtesy of Kinkos, Les Wright 5 responses
- HP-75 Catalog, robertoataulfo 2 responses
- HP-01 "bargain", Joerg Woerner 7 responses
- HP 71B : How to input RPNLEX in EMU71 for Windows?, Miguel Toro 3 responses
- RPL Tutorial Uploaded , Eddie W. Shore 9 responses
- Execution Speed of Early HP Programmables, Nigel Fraser Ker 9 responses
- 9120 printer paper, Dave Brown Christchurch NZ 5 responses
- [WP34S] SLV returns "Failed" when it finds a root just fine., Les Wright 6 responses
- HP-18C User's Manual in German, Karl-Ludwig Butte 0 responses
- serial numbers of international HP-17b's, Don Shepherd 11 responses
- HP-71B Rom Stuck in Port, Jeff Davis 2 responses
- OT: Manual for Casio FX-3900P needed, Matti Övermark 5 responses
- Interesting AT&T hp-15C, Gerardo Rincon 13 responses
- HP-15C LE in Washington?, marais 18 responses
- [wp34S] PSTO Won't Write to 6 thru 9, Les Wright 5 responses
- OT - casio fx-750p manual, Giancarlo 5 responses
- [WP34] Poor Person's Overlay, Les Wright 6 responses
- Hp 97 Card Reader issues, Fouad M. Kaadou 2 responses
- Lambert W functions on WP 34s, Hans Milton 11 responses
- WP 34S: Keyboard Layout Change, Marcus von Cube, Germany 20 responses
- HP-15C LE Bad Button >>> easy fix, Reth 1 response
- HP-41 Translator Pac for the HP-71 (HP 82490A), robertoataulfo 3 responses
- A new record price for an HP 15c LE, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- HP97 card reader followup, Davd F 14 responses
- OT Wang Calculator 360 SE, aj04062 0 responses
- 9100B restoration progress, David Ramsey 6 responses
- Some Sharp brochures in PDF - enjoy, gene wright 31 responses
- [OT] Google's Lem doodle, Valentin Albillo 11 responses
- 41CX for $2K !! - he must be dreaming !!, John Robinson 13 responses
- [WP34S] Numeric Integrator Has Max Iterations Set?, Les Wright 6 responses
- HP 67 and 97 odd behavior- HELP, Fouad M. Kaadou 4 responses
- Cursed Card Reader, Fouad M. Kaadou 3 responses
- WP34s Development under Linux?, Nobby K. 28 responses
- Rehabilitating mushy keys, David Griffith 4 responses
- [WP 34S] MySamBa, robertoataulfo 4 responses
- WP34S Flashing Success, Les Wright 11 responses
- 15C emulator display bug, Thomas Radtke 9 responses
- Numerical Integration, Namir 8 responses
- HP 97 card reader, Davd F 13 responses
- 48gii on USB???, William Graves 6 responses
- Deep Drawn Aluminum Sources, Hugh Evans 11 responses
- WP34S Under WINE, SteveH 12 responses
- HP 15c searchable Adv Fun Handbook (link) - done by Joe Horn, gene wright 19 responses
- Strange HP41CX Problem - HELP!, Fouad M. Kaadou 2 responses
- An interesting challenge, Don Shepherd 10 responses
- HP-41C PCB Repair Question., Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 10 responses
- Idler gear used in HP-97 printer, Gary Robert Bosworth 4 responses
- Immediate algebraic expressions in RPL+, Oliver Unter Ecker 8 responses
- NEW!!! HP Calc FAN Page On Facebook!!!, Kristine 5 responses
- WP34s Ready to Flash My 30b, but no cable., Barry Reeves 10 responses
- Multivariable Interpolation, Namir 0 responses
- 15c LE - Another Flashing Display Issue, Jeff O. 3 responses
- WP34S: Valentin Albillo's Polynomial Root Finder, Miguel Toro 28 responses
- How to register new HP 15C LE?, hpnut 8 responses
- calculator nspired students, Don Shepherd 22 responses
- [WP-34] New Overlay Version 3.0 Eric Please !, robertoataulfo 9 responses
- Hp 42s soft keys, Paulo MO 10 responses
- 41-MCODE Vector Calculator (3D), Įngel Martin 0 responses
- Just got my Museum DVD Set..., Raymond Wiker 4 responses
- use rpl for deriving rpl functions, peacecalc 14 responses
- Interpolations for Two and Three Independent Variables, Namir 6 responses
- Best new 12C flavor?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 9 responses
- Talking to HP, David Griffith 29 responses
- HP70 project - cosmetc and electronic issues, Alberto Fenini 11 responses
- Public apology to Valentin Albillo, fhub 16 responses
- Static and HPs, Fouad M. Kaadou 2 responses
- HP 34s: Three financial routines, Miguel Toro 3 responses
- HP-15LE: Anybody else see double key registrations?, BobVA 5 responses
- Bench Power Supply , aj04062 1 response
- HP 41: a documentation odyssey , Miguel Toro 7 responses
- Re: [finally here!] Problems with International shipping of HP15c LE, Nick_S 0 responses
- The HP12c Anniversary edition has finally arrived to Europe, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 1 response
- Best documentation for different features?, David Hayden 1 response
- HP-15C LE replacement shipped, Dale Reed 43 responses
- New TI-PPP discovered!, Joerg Woerner 6 responses
- HP-15C (& LE!) 11-11-11 Mini-Challenge, Valentin Albillo 28 responses
- My HP 33S came in yesterday, Eddie W. Shore 4 responses
- Algorithm for fitting a logistic curve?, Tim Wessman 5 responses
- 9100B progress, David Ramsey 11 responses
- 200LX Ram cards compatible with 48GX?, mr-scorpio 6 responses
- Flashing 34s via USB--Prolific ruled out entirely?, Les Wright 10 responses
- Question about Numerical Integration, Namir 8 responses
- HP 67, 97, 97+ emulator, Olivier De Smet 8 responses
- 30b Probability Bug? Or Feature?, Les Wright 6 responses
- WP 34S: Memory Allocation - New Document / Testing, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- Somewhat OT: Casio calculator reccomendation, M. Joury 5 responses
- HP-15c LE Out of Stock, Jeff Johnson 13 responses
- Question about MROOT function, Namir 15 responses
- 9100 Keyboard Rebuild (with pics!), David Ramsey 4 responses
- Any expert for polynomial roots here?, fhub 20 responses
- I'll be without my 41CL :-(, robertoataulfo 12 responses
- Share my grief...., cbuhmann 12 responses
- [WP34s] Bugs in V3.0, fhub 67 responses
- (O.T.) Calculators with CAS not allowed during examinations :-), Gerson W. Barbosa 8 responses
- 9100 printer paper, David Ramsey 2 responses
- Please, let this forum be free of religion and politics, Alexander Oestert 32 responses
- Emerson E12 (rebranded Corvus 500) pics, Cristian Arezzini 4 responses
- HP41 battery pack, Cristian Arezzini 1 response
- HP classic calculator battery cover tabs, Fouad M. Kaadou 0 responses
- a tad pricy thermal paper source, Duane Hess 7 responses
- Thanks Tim for blue HP50g's keyboard colors, Carey 4 responses
- Wang 360 RPN calculator, aj04062 8 responses
- Question about Hungarian Sellers on TAS, Namir 22 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 27 responses
- WP 34S Programming Cable (UK), SteveH 12 responses
- HP 9100A/B Transistors, Richard Wilder 1 response
- WP 34S: CAT on version 3.0, Miguel Toro 1 response
- OT: NO IC's :-), robertoataulfo 35 responses
- My two latest HP calculators, Michael de Estrada 26 responses
- As far as I am aware, nobody has done this before, Dusan Zivkovic 8 responses
- [WP 34S] New Overlay Version 3.0 ?, robertoataulfo 3 responses
- 9100B progress, David Ramsey 6 responses
- Design for a simple, entry-level RPN calculator, Eddie W. Shore 84 responses
- 15C in Wikipedia: Update, anyone?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 36 responses
- HP48 open/repair guides back online, Han 2 responses
- Aristo M85 -- What charger?, gene wright 9 responses
- [WP34S] Version, robertoataulfo 2 responses
- Integration, Paul Dale 13 responses
- HP-71B Forth Module, Nick Taylor 9 responses
- No more Cobubba?, Massimo Gnerucci (Italy) 34 responses
- Interesting find: HP 9875A dual cassette drive, David Ramsey 16 responses
- Happy Birthday HP9810A, Achim (Germany) 6 responses
- WP 34s: UP and Down key in program mode, Miguel Toro 13 responses
- Emu42 for IoS / Android, Vincent Weber 9 responses
- wp34s - Maybe dumb question, John Abbott (S. Africa) 5 responses
- Auction Disaster, Nick Taylor 18 responses
- 41-CX with 'Creeping LCD Disease', Tim C 12 responses
- HP-01 Band and Crystal Questions, Ron G. 1 response
- ILPilbox (HP-IL Interface - PIL-Box Bridge) v1.1, Christoph Giesselink 5 responses
- Another Red Dot on TAS. Is it or is it not ?, Michael de Estrada 8 responses
- 32Sii mushy keys, David Griffith 12 responses
- TFF update; Įngel's on a roll, Geir Isene 8 responses
- HP-65 card motor screws, Kees Bouw 10 responses
- Need a US proxy for a battery for an HP Portable Plus, Geir Isene 5 responses
- WP34s -- not turning on after flash, David Persinger (US) 10 responses
- phoenix 35sx happenings?, David Griffith 7 responses
- Images of my 9100B, David Ramsey 31 responses
- [WP 34] keyboard overlay ?, robertoataulfo 2 responses
- Modular exponentiation with a noninteger base, Oliver Unter Ecker 12 responses
- {WP34S] Minor stats bug, Nigel J Dowrick 25 responses
- HP80 doesn't work without the battery charger, aurelio 21 responses
- Mini challenge. CEIL / FLOOR in RPN, M. Joury 47 responses
- Cleaning keys on a Woodstock (HP-27), Geir Isene 2 responses
- Changing battery in 42S, Keith Beyer 17 responses
- HP-25C Repairing, aj04062 11 responses
- Thank god for Leo Apotheker ..., bluesun08 0 responses
- HP 15C LE will there be more?, Keith Beyer 29 responses
- HP 10bII+ vs. 10bII first impressions, Kevin Colville (S. Africa) 6 responses
- [WP34s] Questions about extended precision, fhub 7 responses
- Stopwatch function implemented on WP34s, pascal_meheut 18 responses
- Simple RPN, JDonley 13 responses
- Local variables in RPN programmable?, David Hayden 19 responses
- HP anounces keeping PSG...., Ethan Conner 12 responses
- [WP34S] Crystal, robertoataulfo 11 responses
- HP41 Barcode generation, Raymond Wiker 18 responses
- Future I/O capabilities in WP-34S v3.x, Andrés C. Rodrķguez (Argentina) 7 responses
- HP-15C LE -- endless loop in SOLVER, Gerson W. Barbosa 9 responses
- 12c won't turn on --- options?, gene wright 8 responses
- SAM-BA protocols and operating principles, Andrés C. Rodrķguez (Argentina) 4 responses
- MySamba and Linux: (easy) success!, Cristian Arezzini 3 responses
- non-HP RPN knockoffs - the good, bad and ugly, Michael de Estrada 14 responses
- [wp 34s] wp 34s picture and scan, Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove 2 responses
- HP-41: TFF update, Geir Isene 1 response
- Need An Intro to WP34S, Les Wright 18 responses
- Looking to borrow an HP 9100a/b for a technology gallery in NYC, Keenen Thompson 0 responses
- MySamba/Samba does NOT work with Vista - Problems again, Eddie W. Shore 10 responses
- HP-97S, aj04062 3 responses
- WP 34S: Release Planning, Marcus von Cube, Germany 3 responses
- Emulator updates & HP82240B printer simulation, Christoph Giesselink 14 responses
- R.I.P. John McCarthy, Howard Owen 3 responses
- wp34s - Possible bug??, John Abbott (S. Africa) 3 responses
- HP 39gII spécification , Gilles Carpentier 8 responses
- Canon Pocketronic - Power Supply, Joerg Woerner 3 responses
- FOCAL old factory ..., Olivier De Smet 22 responses
- Re: Does anyone have 15C LE dissection pics?, uhmgawa 4 responses
- Create empy list on 38g/39g/40g, Kiyoshi Akima 4 responses
- MySamBA execution level, Masaki Adachi 6 responses
- The FOCAL Factory: Lend, Lease Savings, Geir Isene 4 responses
- Acrilic Support for the HP-2225 printer, dinamarco 0 responses
- TI's "fake weight", Cristian Arezzini 18 responses
- Steve Jobs meets the 9100a, Howard Owen 0 responses
- 15C-LE Blinking, dbatiz 17 responses
- [WP34s] Question about ERR, fhub 6 responses
- WP34S flashed on Linux, with SAM-BA 2.10, Hubert Weikert 15 responses
- How to go full RPN on the cheap, Michael de Estrada 5 responses
- WP 34S: Power saving revisited, Marcus von Cube, Germany 7 responses
- NY Times article - a school without "technology", Don Shepherd 26 responses
- WP-34S: HP20B vs HP30B keyboard, Rob Willett 3 responses
- Tools for exploring the 41cv?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 5 responses
- Free42 ?, fhub 24 responses
- HP's chief strategy officer to retire next month, won't have a successor, designnut 2 responses
- WP 34s: Trying to understand SLV, Miguel Toro 31 responses
- WP 34s: comments and a suggestion, Nigel J Dowrick 8 responses
- [WP34S] Latest update ?, robertoataulfo 1 response
- FORTH on the Sharp PC-1500, Ph.Théry 8 responses
- WP 34S: trouble with CLSTK, Miguel Toro 4 responses
- The FOCAL Factory proudly presents 2 new modules, Geir Isene 16 responses
- Need a new toy. 48g or 50g?, JamesT 11 responses
- It's ALIVE!!!, David Hayden 0 responses
- Unusual non-HP RPN (red led display) to restore..., Cristian Arezzini 11 responses
- HP 71B Zenwand Manual, Ph.Théry 1 response
- New version of 41Z - adds ZSTO Math, Įngel Martin 0 responses
- HP 50g: Full Command and Function Reference incorporated into the O.S., Software49g 2 responses
- User RPL Question, Paul Berger (Canada) 4 responses
- HP-65 strange card writing error, John Garza 3 responses
- Any 9100 owners out there?, David Ramsey 15 responses
- "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" - John Keats, Gerson W. Barbosa 4 responses
- graphing/solving with 50g, Robin Shelton 2 responses
- What would you prefer: RPN or RPL?, Hugh Evans 90 responses
- An "Open" letter to "DIY" and "Repurposed" calculator projects, Ethan Conner 40 responses
- [WP34s] Firmware<>Layout wish, Alexander Oestert 36 responses
- [WP34s] Bug?, fhub 19 responses
- WP 34S and 'dead' HP20B, Rob Willett 17 responses
- Nigel Peters, Nigel Peters 9 responses
- [WP 43S] Another newborn, Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove 10 responses
- A Simulator for a Stack Machine, Thomas Klemm 0 responses
- Fully testing HP 41, Le Babou 7 responses
- 38E/C, 12C, 12CP date arithmetic bug, Katie Wasserman 26 responses
- Corrosion ... best way to remove?, gene wright 6 responses
- HP50g - High power consumption, Frido Bohn 2 responses
- A coincidence about the kilometer / mile discussion, Andrés C. Rodrķguez (Argentina) 0 responses
- wp34s low battery threshold Increased to 2.7V , Jeff O. 8 responses
- Matrix Library, John Abbott (S. Africa) 6 responses
- 48G mod. after 15 years., Lyuka 12 responses
- 48g - is there a CAT command?, Liord 6 responses
- 3rd Installment of the RPL tutorial is up, Eddie W. Shore 2 responses
- OpenRPN Prototyping In Progress, Hugh Evans 19 responses
- Complex Cubic Equation - 41Z Version, Įngel Martin 3 responses
- HP 15C LE back in stock at HP H&HO, Michael de Estrada 12 responses
- HP41c+ : i still prefer it , Michel Beaulieu 40 responses
- FWIW - km to miles conversion factor on a four-banger calculator, Gerson W. Barbosa 37 responses
- 41CL and PPC ROM, Gerry Schultz 4 responses
- A simple (and useless) digital circuit for the fans of the HP-15C (and two other HP calculators), Gerson W. Barbosa 7 responses
- OT: ATTN: Matt Fegenbush, Hugh Evans 0 responses
- Am I a bad person ?, Michael de Estrada 39 responses
- Problems with International Shipping of HP15c LE, Nick_S 9 responses
- Thank you HP!, Graham D. Wilson 3 responses
- 15C LE Diagnostics., robertoataulfo 1 response
- OT weird cursor behavior, Martin Pinckney 10 responses
- Different keyboards on ARM 12c, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 6 responses
- The ISENE.ROM, Geir Isene 22 responses
- HP17BII+ Hardware - Atmel processor?, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 4 responses
- R.I.P. Denis Ritchie, Dominic Richens 27 responses
- Can anyone identify these keys?, Bruce Larrabee 9 responses
- 15c LE thoughts, kc 20 responses
- Re: 15c logos for sale.., uhmgawa 0 responses
- [WP 34S] A-D double duty suggestion, Dominic Richens 19 responses
- Another reference to hyperbolic functions in a movie, gene wright 2 responses
- [WP-34s] alpha entry?, Alexander Oestert 20 responses
- Finding extremums of function with complex derivate, Lukas K. 7 responses
- New HP15c LE manual - good!, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 3 responses
- 34S without Windows, Egan Ford 5 responses
- 34S Matrix Questions, Egan Ford 9 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 24 responses
- What is the SVN version of 34S that does NOT need a keyboard change?, Egan Ford 8 responses
- Finally, 34S flashed, Egan Ford 0 responses
- HP keyboards, past and present, Cristian Arezzini 4 responses
- WP34s: number display and rounding, Dieter 4 responses
- Thanks Eric!, Eddie W. Shore 5 responses
- WP34S JG1582 / JG1752, M. Joury 11 responses
- HP-15C LE Error 5 in simple loop, Eric Zoob 4 responses
- O.T. Reading computer internals, designnut 1 response
- Why hp-20b more expensive than 30b?, Masaki Adachi 9 responses
- hp12C capability, Todd Israels 8 responses
- Another couple of practical speed tests for the 15c, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 16 responses
- Re: [WP 34S] New keyboard layout (poll), Walter B 108 responses
- HP Business Website - HP 15c, Brandon Poindexter 15 responses
- hp 15c EL, Jan 7 responses
- WP34s and complexity, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 9 responses
- [WP-34S] Flashing/chaining and assembler problems, Cristian Arezzini 6 responses
- WP-34s Users' Guide - looking for writers/editors, Dominic Richens 2 responses
- Anyone Updated (re-flashed) a 12C 30th AE?, linear 13 responses
- Navpac manual anyone? (HP-41. Not HP's Navigation Pac), Geir Isene 0 responses
- The French TI, Namir 4 responses
- The solution to the quartic equation on the HP50g, revisited, Crawl 0 responses
- TI 58 / 59 Master Library Survival Guide booklet, gene wright 13 responses
- 15C Warranty in Canada - Resolved, Jim Creybohm 2 responses
- Photo of my HP 15c | 15c LE, DigiGal 2 responses
- WP 34S: Some testing required, Marcus von Cube, Germany 27 responses
- [WP34s] Matrix M.xx vs. M-xx, fhub 5 responses
- hp-15c LE firmware update HOWTO?, Eric Zoob 4 responses
- HP Calculator Communications - USB -> RS232/Serial on Win7/64?, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 10 responses
- [WP34s] 0=-2*10^(-15)???, Alexander Oestert 30 responses
- Second Installment of RPL Tutorials (beginners), Eddie W. Shore 2 responses
- Best friends! (DataMath), robertoataulfo 1 response
- Swap meets at HHCs?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 1 response
- 27S display - a show stopper?, Thomas Radtke 13 responses
- WP34S : How many flash regions available, Miguel Toro 6 responses
- The most abused phrase "Check Back Soon", Michael de Estrada 8 responses
- [WP34s] a) Input position and b) units and c) reminder plate, Alexander Oestert 11 responses
- WP 34S: Changes on the integration wrapper, Miguel Toro 0 responses
- Some 30b routines, revisited, Harry Jacobson 4 responses
- HP15c new and old - pictures, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 12 responses
- Warning if you have a calculator shipped outside the US. No warranty., Jim Creybohm 8 responses
- Repair HP41CV. Help needed., Kees van der Sanden 4 responses
- Eric's overlays, Han 1 response
- when is a red dot a dot, and when not? and if not, then what?, robert rozee 18 responses
- HP-19C with a strange S/N, Ernst Fueloep 1 response
- HP-35 red dot - real or fake?, Keith Midson 6 responses
- WP 34S matrix operations, Paul Dale 5 responses
- HP 15 LE: Errata list for Owner's Handbook, Felix Gross 0 responses
- Re: [WP 34S] New keyboard suggestion (NT ;-), Walter B 43 responses
- HP-50G CAS Sums problem, x34 4 responses
- 15c logos for sale.., uhmgawa 11 responses
- WP34S: An integration wrapper, Miguel Toro 10 responses
- 42s repair.., uhmgawa 1 response
- Old Datamath quirk: anyone remember?, Glenn Shields 6 responses
- calculator longevity, bill platt 30 responses
- WP34s: SLVQ implementation, Dieter 2 responses
- HP15C- LE bad button, Djj 22 responses
- WP 34S: a litlle matrix helper to enter and review matrices, Miguel Toro 11 responses
- Hp 97 needs to be repaired (Ciao Ignazio), aurelio 6 responses
- HHC 2011 on YouTube, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 12 responses
- Manual for vintage Russian MK-61 RPN programmable calculator?, Cristian Arezzini 14 responses
- Nerdvana & mass production of FOCAL rom images, Geir Isene 11 responses
- HP-46 faulty keys - to Katie, Juergen Keller 4 responses
- HP-15c LE arrived in Madrid, Spain, Joaquin Herrero 3 responses
- 15C LE - arrived!, Thomas Radtke 2 responses
- 41-MCODE Question, Įngel Martin 3 responses
- A real 15C ..., Keith Midson 13 responses
- OT: Does anyone have access to rapid prototyping?, Hugh Evans 21 responses
- HHC 2011 / O.S. Extension Pack, Software49g 1 response
- Curciut or Circuit ? :-), robertoataulfo 1 response
- Battery Contact Needed, Fouad M. Kaadou 1 response
- Slide rule, BruceH 27 responses
- I keep getting a Fatal error with SAM-BA v.2.10, Eddie W. Shore 30 responses
- Choosing an HP-48 - Thanks, E.Lub_EU 8 responses
- HP15C LE arrived today in Austria, Europe, Peter HOFMANN 3 responses
- [WP 34S] New keyboard layout anybody? - Edited, Marcus von Cube, Germany 168 responses
- First four parts of the Beginner RPL Tutorial up, Eddie W. Shore 4 responses
- Recent 15LE orders on hold?, Scott Newell 7 responses
- Restoring silver trim: solution found >>, tim m. 2 responses
- SAM-BA 2.10 for Linux not working., Egan Ford 5 responses
- OT: Hrast Programmer's Cool Music, Namir 3 responses
- HP-41 barcodes... via the web browser, Raymond Wiker 6 responses
- "How to" for WP-34s Poisson distribution, Dominic Richens 19 responses
- HP 15C LE....It's a calculator.....not a finger massager, Ethan Conner 32 responses
- HP 15C LE Error 9, does it exist?, Michael de Estrada 9 responses
- Matrix operations -- WP 34S, Paul Dale 5 responses
- R.I.P. Steve Jobs 1955-2011, aj04062 20 responses
- Memory lane: A 1976-1977 catalog with calculators from Olympic Sales Company, gene wright 21 responses
- Matrix functions on the WP 34s Build 1685: in a word "incredible", gene wright 78 responses
- HP 15C : Good grief it's good to see these again !, John Henry 0 responses
- What to do with mushy voyager snap domes?, Nicholas Winterer 7 responses
- 56 HP-41CX's Sold At Government Auction, John M (Ottawa) 6 responses
- Scalpers. HP 15C old is now cheap and rare.., bill platt 1 response
- Crystal to my 30b, robertoataulfo 6 responses
- wp34s decals?, Evan Gates 4 responses
- update 12C ?, robertoataulfo 11 responses
- Modified Flash Tool for WP 34S, Marcus von Cube, Germany 5 responses
- Could wp34s influence HP to offer 30b in different firmwares?, Harry Jacobson 4 responses
- Sandmath-II and 41Z - questions to Angel, Vincent Weber 19 responses
- HP15C LE Keyboard Issues (...and 3.5 Years Ago), Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 9 responses
- missing segments on 20b running 34s, db (martinez, ca.) 4 responses
- Test WP34S (Hardware)?, robertoataulfo 1 response
- Mapping HP-15C LE faulty keys, Reth 5 responses
- hp15c LE firmware problem, keys rough, Brackett 14 responses
- HP 12cP25thAE Self-Test Result?, Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 5 responses
- More talk of cults at HP, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 2 responses
- 15c LE production, Peter Kim 21 responses
- Attention collectors!, robertoataulfo 3 responses
- Replacement for HP15c LE with problematic key?, Jesse Dodd 19 responses
- WP34s: new build with Matrix functions?, fhub 2 responses
- HP50G innards (for Eric), Han 1 response
- 100!, Walter B 32 responses
- HP 15c LE - pre-release firmware available?, Alexander Oestert 0 responses
- *sigh*, Howard Owen 17 responses
- HP IP for sale, hpnut 6 responses
- SpeedUI 11.10 available, Raymond Del Tondo 2 responses
- WP-34S build problems on Linux, Eric Smith 5 responses
- WP-34S Revision 1653 Feedback, svisvanatha 6 responses
- WP34-S Flashing Cable Repair?, svisvanatha 5 responses
- HP 15c LE vs HP-15C dimensions - BOTH ARE HUGE!, Joerg Woerner 4 responses
- 15c LE box -- just for the record, John S. Miller 9 responses
- HP-41CL, M. Joury 2 responses
- HP 30b firmware, Miguel Toro 5 responses
- Another HP-15C LE bug?, Benoit Maag 58 responses
- HP15C LE arrives in Singapore, Prabhu Bhooplapur 1 response
- Facebook page created for Hewlett Packard Calculators, gene wright 15 responses
- HP-71B Card Reader 82400A, aj04062 9 responses
- HP-15C LE : fastest selling ever ?, Donald Ingram 7 responses
- 12C ARM Firmware?, Lincoln R. 0 responses
- 30b power on key codes (Q for Katie Wasserman), Harry Jacobson 2 responses
- Anyone want an XServe?, David Ramsey 0 responses
- Use HP serial interface to save/restore programs?, Harry Jacobson 5 responses
- HP 15C LE Manual corrections, Marcus von Cube, Germany 3 responses
- HP 15c LE Display timing issues?, Michael Kussmaul 5 responses
- 34S SUM PROD change request ccccc >= fff, Egan Ford 6 responses
- What is your holy grail?, Keith Midson 40 responses
- HP-15C LE Serial # vs. LE #, Steve28 6 responses
- HP12c 30th AE keyboard, Paulo MO 4 responses
- So any pics / news from HHC 2011, Han 15 responses
- HP 15C and 15C LE not the same dimensions?, Derek 16 responses
- wanted: high-resolution photo of 50g internals, Eric Smith 9 responses
- Determinants of the AM1 matrix, gene wright 64 responses
- Which program do you use the most, David Persinger (US) 19 responses
- 15C Keyboard Issues [UPDATE- DO NOT EMAIL ME], Tim Wessman 16 responses
- WP 34S Up & Running, John Abbott (S. Africa) 0 responses
- RPL Basics Tutorial is now up on my blog, Eddie W. Shore 3 responses
- HP 15c LE - Extended PSE Functionality?, Alexander Oestert 18 responses
- Anyone know anything about this HP41C RAM / EPROM ROM SIMULATOR?, Bruce Larrabee 11 responses
- HP48 - WHY where were they made so difficult to open up?, mr-scorpio 12 responses
- Photo of Voyager and HP 35s, Brandon Poindexter 7 responses
- hp-12c from arrives with dead batteries, Masaki Adachi 4 responses
- HP 11C low battery indicator, Onur Ilkorur 8 responses
- Flashing HP 20b for WP 34S, Steve Brenton 10 responses
- Advance handbook 15C, Michel Beaulieu 7 responses
- HPGCC questions, Steve Fennell 3 responses
- Unable to register the 15c LE, Neil Carlson 3 responses
- 34S suggestions, David Hayden 70 responses
- HP-15c data storage, Michel Beaulieu 6 responses
- HP 15C LE in Berlin (Germany), Frido Bohn 45 responses
- Choosing an HP-48, E.Lub_EU 23 responses
- HP 15C LE - a personal review, Alexander Oestert 8 responses
- Which quadratic formula is use?, Michel Beaulieu 7 responses
- WP34s bugfix, fhub 4 responses
- OpenRPN and the 41CL, snaggs 11 responses
- Solving a cubic equation using trigonometry, but with a2 term?, snaggs 1 response
- WP34S overlay, Masaki Adachi 10 responses
- Spiral Binding, db (martinez, ca.) 13 responses
- Prime Factorization for the HP15c?, JamesT 2 responses
- HP Solve #25 available, David Hayden 6 responses
- HP15C LE Keyboard Survey Results, M. Joury 23 responses
- Case for 20b/30b/34S?, David Hayden 1 response
- Why does solver "iterate" when using S() function?, JamesT 2 responses
- [edited] from the HHC email list, what is the proper answer to 8 ENTER 3 divide 2 divide on 10 digit calc, gene wright 10 responses
- WP-34s library program usage, David Persinger (US) 2 responses
- 15c LE - PSE works and doesn't! Please explain!, Alexander Oestert 6 responses
- Problem with too-pristine calcs..., Cristian Arezzini 10 responses
- WP-34S Battery Questions, svisvanatha 9 responses
- Who Needs TAS When We Have Samson Cables?, Les Wright 13 responses
- Find the hidden path game for HP-32sii, Don Shepherd 0 responses
- "Smooth Scaled Deciduous Trees of the Southern Nordic Countries", Geoff Quickfall 33 responses
- Free42S - Android 3.2 Scaled to full screen, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 0 responses
- Is HP tech support clueless ?, Michael de Estrada 30 responses
- HHC 2011 was an absolute blast!, Eddie W. Shore 7 responses
- HP41 Battery Holder, made by additive manufacturing, Ian Phillips 1 response
- RPN FLOOR and CEIL, Werner 4 responses
- 41CL Version of HP15C+ muscle-flexing exercise, Įngel Martin 17 responses
- HP 12C 30th AE arrives in Malaysia, hpnut 1 response
- WP 34S Amtel SAM-BA download broken, Howard Owen 6 responses
- 15C-LE and 1981 12C in one day, Keith Midson 1 response
- HHC2011 News, Namir 44 responses
- I wonder what "Limited Edition" means, j beede 20 responses
- Another order of 15c LE for me!, jonathan G harris 2 responses
- HP 15C LE back in stock at HP Home Store, Michael de Estrada 25 responses
- Original 15C Keyboard Test Works With 15C LE!!!, DigiGal 5 responses
- [WP34S] HP cable vs USB adapters compatibility question, E.Lub_EU 4 responses
- HP 15C LE Price Reduction at HP S&M Business, Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 5 responses
- # digits displayed by HP 15c LE, Masao Kinoshita 6 responses
- HP's "Calculator Club", megarat 4 responses
- Profit and TAS, Joerg Woerner 5 responses
- Re: 34s: TVM problem?, Dominic Richens 3 responses
- Praise for the 34S, Egan Ford 23 responses
- Can't this forum's outdated format be updated?, mr-scorpio 10 responses
- Nothing says I Love You like a 15C LE!, Todd Garabedian 2 responses
- are the keys of the HP15C LE molded?, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 10 responses
- [WP34S] [Manual] Date - Day functions, E.Lub_EU 2 responses
- H to HMS Bug in HP 15C LE?, Eddie W. Shore 2 responses
- Update from HHC2011?, Jim Johnson 0 responses
- 15C LE arrivals in Europe?, Thomas Radtke 33 responses
- HHC 2011 Programming Puzzle SPOILERS, Paul Dale 77 responses
- New Calculator Newsletter Up on, Norman Dziedzic 7 responses
- How Is the 15C LE Emulator Activatied?, Ed Look 3 responses
- HP15C LE Keyboard Survey Take 3 (last round), M. Joury 33 responses
- 48GX Erable etc ever to be updated /revised etc?, mr-scorpio 9 responses
- HP 12C 30th Anniversary Bugs?, Kevin Kitts 1 response
- Lunar Lander for HP-15C?, Gerardo Rincon 3 responses
- 15C LE: Emulator runs on Mac, too! :-), Juergen Keller 3 responses
- My small tribute to the HP-15C LE, Juergen Keller 7 responses
- Repairing HP 41C screw posts, Fouad M. Kaadou 7 responses
- RPN Tutorial, Eddie W. Shore 10 responses
- More 15C LEs appearing on TAS, Lincoln R. 25 responses
- HHC2012 programming challenge??, Pal G. 28 responses
- Anyone 'tweeting' from HHC2011?, Pal G. 20 responses
- Hp48 mechanical engineering card, Giancarlo 1 response
- Cleaning HP97 body, Olivier De Smet 1 response
- Cleaning HP-97 Print Head, Fouad M. Kaadou 4 responses
- Original HP15C article from HP Journal, May 1983, JamesT 9 responses
- HHC--- be patient tomorrow please, Gene wright 11 responses
- HP12C Article in the Financial Times, Charles 4 responses
- Doom and Gloom, Howard Owen 3 responses
- HP-15c LE Bad Keys, Gerry Schultz 6 responses
- HP200LX's Calc under Win7, Mike (Stgt) 22 responses
- Error in wikipedia article on HP-35s (Solver), x34 6 responses
- HP-41 Card Reader Error, aj04062 2 responses
- Opening the HP49g+, AdrianT 2 responses
- Whitman Is Named Hewlett-Packard Chief, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 21 responses
- (sigh) I don't understand (TAS revisited), Jim Johnson 10 responses
- Equivalent generic part # for HP cold-cathode displays..., Nick de Smith 0 responses
- Best wishes for a great HHC 2011!, Seth Morabito 0 responses
- Meg Whitman announces stunning strategy shift at HP, Howard Owen 16 responses
- Hp 97 faint printer, Fouad M. Kaadou 6 responses
- HCC2011 and some 15LE observations, geoff quickfall 4 responses
- Re: Free42 - A Complex glitch?, fhub 3 responses
- Another 15C LE speed test, Katie Wasserman 14 responses
- Credit card and 15C, Mark Storkamp 23 responses
- Who has the highest 15c LE number?, MBlount 20 responses
- Android: 15C Scientific Calculator, Howard Owen 4 responses
- Offer of rides between SD airport and conference hotel, Brian Walsh 3 responses
- More drama at HP, Michael de Estrada 20 responses
- First honest true auction on TAS for an HP 15C LE, Michael de Estrada 19 responses
- 15C LE Synthetics, Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 11 responses
- WP34S : RMDR remark in the manual, Miguel Toro 2 responses
- Current Consumption and Program Performance HP15CLE, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 4 responses
- New -to me- Calculators, including WP-34s, Dan M (Vermont, USA) 4 responses
- HP 15C ; keys not registering, Miguel Toro 10 responses
- Crossing my fingers, David Ramsey 15 responses
- WP34S complex RCL, John Abbott (S. Africa) 7 responses
- Pictures of the HP15C LE and HP 12C 30th Year Anniversary Edition, Eddie W. Shore 1 response
- HP-19c battery pack replacement (again...), Xavier A. (Brazil) 8 responses
- HP 50g - Good tutorials, Franēois Vanzeveren 2 responses
- HP 15C LE Engraving, Russ Dill 12 responses
- Old habits, Ed Look 4 responses
- Does anyone have 15C LE dissection pics?, Hugh Evans 32 responses
- [WP34S] [Manual] Units conversion question, E.Lub_EU 9 responses
- HP 15C LE Keyboard Survey Redux, M. Joury 57 responses
- 12c LE - same calculator as original?, Frank Rottgardt 4 responses
- Rationale for 15C L.R. result order?, Mike Fikes 9 responses
- HP 15C LE available as of 9/20 at ..., Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 7 responses
- Instructions for building WP-34s loads., Dominic Richens 27 responses
- HP Forum HHC Programming contest idea / possible rules, gene wright 30 responses
- Experience (Learning) Curve Program for HP-41C/CV/CX, Chris Catotti 1 response
- HP 11C suddenly won't turn on, Antonio Petri (UK) 2 responses
- [BUG] HP 50g SOLVE/SOLVR menu does not display unknown var, Franēois Vanzeveren 3 responses
- OpenRPN: How about a desktop HP-42S?, Dan W 2 responses
- 15C LE - weird self-test behavior, Katie Wasserman 0 responses
- A program for Normal Distribution on the 42s, snaggs 5 responses
- Unusual HP 15C on TAS, Michael de Estrada 14 responses
- Re: Who has the lowest 15C LE Limited Edition Number?, Rene Wachter 30 responses
- Some pictures of anniversary 12c, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 14 responses
- Day Late, Dollar short., William L. Drylie 13 responses
- HP 15C LE selling at $349, hpnut 25 responses
- 15c: "GSB I" bug?, Dave Britten 58 responses
- HP97 charger, Olivier De Smet 5 responses
- I waited 25 years for this?, Casey Drew 16 responses
- HP 67 Black Box, Fouad M. Kaadou 9 responses
- First post & a question re:20b/30b, E.Lub_EU 10 responses
- 14 flash cables mail today and a moratorium please? :-), gene wright 11 responses
- HP 15C LE on HP Web Site is OoS, Namir 4 responses
- Two new blog posts of interest to members of this forum, Steve Leibson 8 responses
- Inmates at the hpmuseum?, hpnut 14 responses
- Integration in a program on 42s?, snaggs 2 responses
- Does it really have to have keys?, Oliver Unter Ecker 16 responses
- HP 71B LE?, Keith Midson 8 responses
- Needing more advice with my HP-48S, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 3 responses
- 15C Keyboard Issues [EMAIL ME - INFO BELOW], Tim Wessman 9 responses
- HP-15C LE Order Page Has Gone Live, Steve S 5 responses
- Hp-28S Does not Turn On, aj04062 10 responses
- That NIB 15C (LE) went for $356, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 12 responses
- OpenRPN Reboot Interest?, Hugh Evans 40 responses
- Ride or Room Sharing to San Diego for HHC2011, Jim Horn 0 responses
- PSE bug also in Integrate and Solve, Namir 0 responses
- WP 34S : issue disassembling with latest version, Miguel Toro 10 responses
- HP15C LE Keyboard Survey, M. Joury 50 responses
- HEPAX Focal program "Jump", Jeff Davis 1 response
- HP-15C LE Available in UK?, jacksonconsult 3 responses
- Can we make'em like Bill and David? An open RPN?, snaggs 23 responses
- Some HP 97 Questions, Fouad M. Kaadou 10 responses
- 42s questions and 42s vs 35s, snaggs 13 responses
- HP 15C LE COS key, troy 6 responses
- HP Home shopping site has 15c in stock now, sav 21 responses
- 33S times off in 4 seconds, designnut 4 responses
- More 15C Manual Errata, Lincoln R. 3 responses
- Made in China, 50G, 35S, 33S, designnut 11 responses
- Most sophisticated 15c games?, Dave Britten 16 responses
- Re: Free42 - A Complex glitch?, Thomas Okken 23 responses
- It has nothing to do with China, From Hong Kong 54 responses
- Confused simple accountant: TMV HP17 v HP12, Paul 4 responses
- HP 50g trilogy. The new HP 50g Blue (and II), Pablo P (Spain) 18 responses
- HP 15C LE: For anyone who intend to keep theirs unopened in box, Miguel Toro 7 responses
- OT: Who knows me better..., kc 1 response
- Any relation between 15C LE numbers and serial numbers?, Howard Owen 14 responses
- Classic HP LED failure diagnosis , aj04062 2 responses
- Any good way to take pictures of calculators?, Eddie W. Shore 11 responses
- 15c LE sqr and sqrt problems, CAD_Jockey 61 responses
- USB to Serial Cable for WP-34S, Dan W 0 responses
- It had to happen sooner or later revisited, Martin Pinckney 12 responses
- What other retailers will get 15c LE?, MBlount 11 responses
- Process For Getting a Flashing Cable for WP 34S, Dan M (Vermont, USA) 31 responses
- HP-15C LE Bug Reports, Katie Wasserman 28 responses
- HP15C Presentation box, M. Joury 0 responses
- Simple TVM Routines for HP-15C, Chris Mccormack 1 response
- After the 15c LE, better chance of a basic RPN calc from HP now?, nick lidakis 80 responses
- No complaints about the HP-12C AE?, From Hong Kong 21 responses
- 15c finally available from HP for $129.00 US, Quan 4 responses
- HP-15C LE - Two bad keys, Dan Grelinger 11 responses
- Such a beautiful sight, Eric Rechlin 16 responses
- 15c(LE): Will the display flash for reasons besides overflow, SF9?, Dave Britten 19 responses
- Updated my Calculator Collection Website, Gerardo Rincon 6 responses
- Sampson Cable HP-15C Arrived Today, Dan W 3 responses
- Battery-less 128K ram card for HP 48GX, mr-scorpio 3 responses
- Reminders: If you're coming to HHC 2011..., gene wright 26 responses
- Cost Central shipping HP15C LE?, M. Joury 8 responses
- 15C LE: Will 10K units get sold quickly?, Howard Owen 24 responses
- Re: HP 15C LE at price skyrockets!, Jim Johnson 2 responses
- 15c: Need good programs for Mod, nCr, nPr, Dave Britten 55 responses
- 15c LE in europe?, Bart K. 14 responses
- 15c LE Now listed at $199.99 on, NateB 13 responses
- HP-65 clear body!!, robertoataulfo 4 responses
- WP 34S: New Release on SF, Marcus von Cube, Germany 16 responses
- 15C LE Wobbly F/G Keys, DaveJ 21 responses
- Message concerning shipment from Samson Cables, kc 6 responses
- 15C package, Quan 13 responses
- HP12C 30th Anniversary, Keith Midson 2 responses
- Shipment, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- 15C re-release may be a good time to remind.., Pal G. 7 responses
- 15C LE -- fun with the PSE, Katie Wasserman 6 responses
- Some 15c files from HHC 2010, gene wright 5 responses
- Annunciators on the 15c LE, troy 2 responses
- Re: HP 15C-LE Pause (PSE) Command Bug, Graham D. Wilson 0 responses
- It had to happen sooner or later, Michael de Estrada 42 responses
- Hp-67 Power life, Fouad M. Kaadou 15 responses
- hp 15C LE, William L. Drylie 7 responses
- 35S vs 30b Stack, Alex Mark (Greece) 45 responses
- Requesting HP30b firmware, Harry Jacobson 0 responses
- 15C LE current draw issue, Katie Wasserman 36 responses
- HP 15C LE Manual Erratum, Howard Owen 10 responses
- A New Prototype at the HHC?, Dan W 13 responses
- HP 15C LE - review wanted, Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove 12 responses
- 15C-LE has "Buy" button at HP, Howard Owen 2 responses
- 15C LE & 12C AE, somewhat disappointing, Katie Wasserman 20 responses
- My HP 15C is here! IT DOES EXIST!!!!! , jonathan G harris 0 responses
- Screenshots of the HP-15C LE emulator?, Torsten 17 responses
- ADV HEPAX goes for $1,000 at TAS !!!, Įngel Martin 17 responses
- Found in a rubbish bin., Stuart Sprott 7 responses
- Auctions Vintage HP-15C, Jim Johnson 5 responses
- SOS- Did Not Succeed in Flashing 30b!, Ed Look 15 responses
- To buy or not to buy..that is the conundrum, bill platt 16 responses
- HP-15C LE emulator skin change issue, M. Joury 1 response
- HHC2011 Registration List Now at 80, Jake Schwartz 1 response
- Thank you HP!!!, Namir 12 responses
- How to keep up regarding WP-34S?, Michael O. Tjebben 13 responses
- Thanks to HP folks in this group, Don Davis 0 responses
- HP-9825, Paolo Cipollone 2 responses
- Tim, Help! 15C LE emulator activation not working, M. Joury 16 responses
- HP-15C LE box specs for SC please!, Juergen Rodenkirchen 5 responses
- 15C LE expanded a bit on SOLVE & INTEGRATE?, Namir 6 responses
- HP 15E Bach Company, Eddie W. Shore 3 responses
- Firmware updates for the 49g, 12C+ etc, Tommy 4 responses
- HP-15C LE Emulator Problem, Namir 26 responses
- Sort of OT: Dice odds, Dave Britten 9 responses
- WP 34S : Numeric integration * EDITED*, Miguel Toro 9 responses
- HP12C 30th AE available from HP Home & Home Office, M. Joury 0 responses
- hp 67, battery, Sok-khieng Chum Hun 11 responses
- Long term storage question on 15C LE, nick lidakis 4 responses
- OT:Yes! We have our Corbulin!, robertoataulfo 3 responses
- Plotting Direction fields on the HP48, snaggs 1 response
- Dr Bills Quadratic solver for 35S, snaggs 6 responses
- Who has the lowest 15C LE Limited Edition Number?, Jandro Kirkish 28 responses
- 9/11, Jean-Michel 4 responses
- SC ships 15C LE on 9/13, Thomas Radtke 32 responses
- 15c manuals, Paul Dale 8 responses
- New Interface for HP-28S ?, robertoataulfo 10 responses
- Cleaning HP41C keys, Rob Willett 4 responses
- HP 15C-LE Pause (PSE) Command Bug, Mike Morrow 67 responses
- HP-15C LE calculator forensics?, Joel Setton (France) 19 responses
- HP 28S saw 36V versus 4.5V, damage and repair?, Joshua Keena 4 responses
- Hp15c LE on TAS, Ethan Conner 18 responses
- Hp-15C, Bach has them too, Katie Wasserman 1 response
- Secret prototype of the next generation HP calcs, Michael de Estrada 8 responses
- The *REAL* Self Tests For the 15C LE, Mike Morrow 15 responses
- Does the 15C LE have a 6-pin JTAG connector?, Pal G. 23 responses
- HP15c LE -- Where Are Canadians Ordering?, Les Wright 6 responses
- HP 15C LE Memory Corruption After Self Test Performance, Mike Morrow 16 responses
- I do not understand :-), robertoataulfo 11 responses
- How many HP 15c do you plan to order?, Gerardo Rincon 25 responses
- HP12C 30th Anniversary Edition on TAS, M. Joury 3 responses
- WP 34S : Reopening last catalog called - Revisited, Miguel Toro 3 responses
- OT: Limited Ed., Egan Ford 16 responses
- Thread for 15c LE delivery reports, gene wright 104 responses
- Free42 - A Complex glitch?, Įngel Martin 23 responses
- Amazon is selling HP-15C LE now, From Hong Kong 7 responses
- HP 15c LE - U.S. versus European version, Michael Kussmaul 16 responses
- HP's Dennis Harms to "visit" HHC2011, Jake Schwartz 3 responses
- Response from, M. Joury 29 responses
- HHC2011 Conference Presenters: Please Prepare Your Papers, Jake Schwartz 18 responses
- 15C (LE) Retailers in Germany, Lukas K. 3 responses
- 15c available at, Jurrie Lulofs 0 responses
- USPS, hpnut 9 responses
- HP 15C Available at, M. Joury 77 responses
- Received HP 12C 30th Anniv. , Gerardo Rincon 19 responses
- Guessing game - non-HP RPN calculator "Made in Germany", Joerg Woerner 17 responses
- TOS Confusion for newbies, Dave Hicks 13 responses
- has 30th Anniv 12c for $69, MBlount 7 responses
- My First HP Calc to Fail, Jandro Kirkish 4 responses
- need the reprogramming cable for the 30b..., stacy_k 15 responses
- WP 34S : Reopening last catalog called, Miguel Toro 1 response
- HP 12C, Bruce Wells 1 response
- Updated SandMath-II and 41Z modules, Įngel Martin 6 responses
- Programming RPN on the 48? , snaggs 58 responses
- Test post, Martin Pinckney 4 responses
- My least favorite words: "Coming soon", Allen 12 responses
- Trying to get hold of Eric at, Geir Isene 0 responses
- Help with 41CV - memory problem ?, timw 7 responses
- has 16C memory increased?, designnut 4 responses
- TI Minimath would be 40 this year :-(, Joerg Woerner 0 responses
- Connecting the HP-41 to the HP-71... Why? How?, Geir Isene 8 responses
- Tribute to the 12C, Keith Midson 0 responses
- What do you like most about the HP-15C?, Gerardo Rincon 20 responses
- HP 12c Prestige, Brandon Poindexter 6 responses
- Finding prime factors on a "non-programmable" calculator, Don Shepherd 6 responses
- Removing 9810 printer snap rings (circlips), David Ramsey 5 responses
- The big bang, bluesun08 4 responses
- 41CX with bad row of keys...., Jimi 7 responses
- Searching for a modern solution, Mark Storkamp 12 responses
- HP-41C SKWIDBC Barcode Generation ROM, aj04062 27 responses
- HP 12c 30th Anniversary listed on HP's website for $104.99, Joerg Woerner 4 responses
- HP 71b soft case decomposing..., Giancarlo 3 responses
- Has this ever happened to you ? :), Michael de Estrada 13 responses
- New Version of the HP-39GII, Mark Hardman 30 responses
- Just a thought (WP34S and 15C LE), Andrés C. Rodrķguez (Argentina) 4 responses
- Fixing the bezel on a 10C, Keith Midson 8 responses
- The calculator is dead - viva la HP 15C Limited Edition, Joerg Woerner 38 responses
- HP 12C30th anniversary Available 9/1??, Gerardo Rincon 1 response
- HP-15C Software - Part II, Gerry Schultz 2 responses
- Has something happened to the forum?, BruceH 3 responses
- How many of you bought HP's 15C app for iOS?, Howard Owen 13 responses
- Large pic of 15c LE and 30th anniversary - you can download these too, Gene Wright 17 responses
- Updated HP Web Page for the HP-15C LE, Namir 52 responses
- HP-15c LE Batteries, Michel Beaulieu 2 responses
- PPC DVD HP-Calc Archive Disk "Slightly" Updated, Jake Schwartz 26 responses
- WP34S : is this result "zero" enough ?, Miguel Toro 4 responses
- Is there anything the 15c can't do compared to the 35s?, snaggs 156 responses
- HP 12c Video and HP 15c questions, Brandon Poindexter 13 responses
- Samson price drop, Ethan Conner 1 response
- 15c LE quantities?, Rav Walia 1 response
- CMT-300 Owner's Manual, Juergen Keller 1 response
- Correct 15C information, Tim Wessman 35 responses
- Updated: Some press articles about the new 30th anniversary 12c, gene wright 13 responses
- 12c Users Invited to Join HP and Dennis Harms for Dinner tonight in San Francisco, Laura (San Diego) 3 responses
- HP Press Release about the 30th Anniversary 12c and 15c LE, gene wright 27 responses
- Calling on the Spirit of Comedian Sam Kinison, Namir 0 responses
- By the way, talking about bugs..., Miguel Toro 2 responses
- Say what? HP restarts tablet production, Brian Walsh 5 responses
- HP 15c Limited Edition Calculator on now, gene wright 33 responses
- HP a 40 billion dollar start up, Ethan Conner 2 responses
- WP 34S : Operation with complex numbers, Miguel Toro 19 responses
- HP-35: once working, now only one dim segment on display, elmwood 10 responses
- Darn! 15C preorder relisted at Samson. $129, Borja 57 responses
- 3V Power Supply, Lode 3 responses
- Degrees conversion for trigonometric function, Beth Snipes 2 responses
- Confirmed sellers of the 15C LE?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 14 responses
- HP41 battery holder, are there any CAD drawings?, Ian Phillips 9 responses
- Strange HP-10 Printer behavior, aj04062 7 responses
- WP 34S: Emulator has learned new tricks, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- Hey, the forum got mentioned on cnn's money website!, gene wright 3 responses
- Cruel Doubt :-(, robertoataulfo 8 responses
- Solar powered 41cx !!, John Robinson 1 response
- HP's One-Year Plan (WSJ), Eric Smith 8 responses
- HHC is less the 4 weeks away, David Ramsey 4 responses
- Gummy wheels for 41 series card readers, William L. Drylie 5 responses
- What can you do with the HP IR printers on a 42s?, snaggs 2 responses
- hp30b SAMBA questions, Lode 4 responses
- Immersing in alcohol, David Ramsey 21 responses
- LA TIMES HP ARTICLE, HOWARD Lazerson 3 responses
- Triangle solver for WP34s, fhub 38 responses
- HP-41 resource allocation registry?, Håkan Thörngren 2 responses
- Isn't it time to update the museum?, Graham D. Wilson 33 responses
- OT: Interesting Documentation - Sanyo Calculator, Katie Wasserman 6 responses
- HP48G purchase from "that list site", Ethan Conner 2 responses
- HP Touchpad crazy prices 50,000 EUR!!!!, Keith Midson 0 responses
- Card Reader pressure roller diameter?, Ian Phillips 6 responses
- [WP34s] suggestions, Lode 12 responses
- HP-41 Beer Brewing Computer, Juergen Keller 7 responses
- HP-41 Unknown Interface, Juergen Keller 7 responses
- Bought a 42s, need a case, snaggs 7 responses
- Times have changed, Nick R 3 responses
- HP41/71b Formatted Media, Gerry Schultz 7 responses
- In class today, Tommy 4 responses
- WP 34S : [->] command question, Miguel Toro 6 responses
- Victor V12 (HP-12c KIRF) on sale today $8.77, Bruce Bergman 4 responses
- WP 34S: New Release in the Works, Marcus von Cube, Germany 22 responses
- question for lyuka and the Ostrowski method - bumped!, hugh steers 7 responses
- WP 34S Cable, robertoataulfo 2 responses
- Apple to Focus on Printers*, Howard Owen 6 responses
- [WP34s] DIY overlay laminated, Alexander Oestert 2 responses
- Thanks for a simple, easy to use forum, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 20 responses
- The HP35S, Nick R 113 responses
- OT: What Your Old Graphing Calculator Says About Technology, NateB 3 responses
- HP Caesium atomic watch, BruceH 4 responses
- What's the best way to re-assemble a Voyager?, jbssm 5 responses
- [WP34s] Emulator: Where does it get its rom?, Lode 10 responses
- [WP34s] Flashing with USB adapter successful, Alexander Oestert 26 responses
- The week of repairing calculators, David Ramsey 6 responses
- 15C Reissue is actually a carefully disguised printer?, Lincoln R. 38 responses
- 1 calculator : LED or LCD, snaggs 5 responses
- WP34s with custom finish :), Lode 9 responses
- 41 halfnut character question, Eric Smith 5 responses
- TDS-GX/ Surveying, aj04062 1 response
- 9810a display question, David Ramsey 1 response
- Need technical specs for HP 17b calculator display, Ken H 4 responses
- RM mode and its effects on RRM determinant of AM1 matrix, Gene wright 1 response
- Alpha prompts in the WP34S, Namir 2 responses
- Now this *really* makes me feel better about HP's moves, Howard Owen 10 responses
- Display of Complex Numbers on wp34s, Jeff O. 15 responses
- Results of new root-seeking methods, Namir 3 responses
- HP 48GX Memory Card ON/OFF switch, Morten Nygaard Åsnes 2 responses
- HP Touchpad Fire Sale, Namir 25 responses
- What's this HP leather case for?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 10 responses
- Questions to the HP calculator group/community about HP 40gs/50g successor, bluesun08 44 responses
- HP-30b successfully re-flashed to a WP-34s in Vista with SAM-BA 2.10 & USB-RS232 converter, Bart (UK) 4 responses
- Sharp PC-1211 strange, robertoataulfo 23 responses
- Why dont people like the 28s as much as the 42s?, snaggs 47 responses
- HP's next move?, Earl Kubaskie 0 responses
- hp97, Anthony Allen 5 responses
- hp 39gs/40gs applet setup on hp-50g, Erturk Kocalar 5 responses
- Comments on HP status, Tim Wessman 14 responses
- HP-41 strange Memory Module found. , Diego Diaz 0 responses
- µWatch2 Back Again, DaveJ 12 responses
- HP 30b bricked when repurposing, scalpa49 13 responses
- Perhaps if HP gives up on calculators..., Mark Henderson 1 response
- Lyuka and the Ostrowski method's for Root Seeking, Namir 1 response
- OT: I would like to understand, robertoataulfo 5 responses
- WP34s "resources", Bruce Bergman 1 response
- Does wp34S Have A "MANT" Function?, Jake Schwartz 47 responses
- Concerns about HP's new direction, Namir 25 responses
- Pioneer keyboard quality discrepancies?, Lincoln R. 0 responses
- Re: Interesting overview of the HP-15C limited edition , uhmgawa 7 responses
- HP Getting out of the PC market?, Richard Garner 32 responses
- So what will a 15C LE be like?, snaggs 27 responses
- The first victim, Walter B 4 responses
- Cool article on HP website, gene wright 2 responses
- A nice trade, Chuck 3 responses
- OT: Hrast Programmer's Cool Music, Namir 2 responses
- 9830 tape drive question, David Ramsey 6 responses
- HHC 2011 is 5 weeks away --- bring your 20b/30b to be flashed and the programming contest..., gene wright 27 responses
- Strange HP-35 auction on TAS, Michael de Estrada 7 responses
- HP41 Card Reader 1E, Richard L. Taylor 1 response
- question for lyuka and the Ostrowski method, hugh steers 14 responses
- A Math Challenge (kind of), Namir 17 responses
- Should 34S go off-list?, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 53 responses
- wp 34s Overlay, Morten Nygaard Åsnes 4 responses
- (wp34S) Am I Using alphaRCL Correctly?, Jake Schwartz 7 responses
- Google onlinecalculator conversions etc., designnut 2 responses
- 34s: Matrix success!, gene wright 51 responses
- And they say that a sale value of a hp 41cx is high., robertoataulfo 7 responses
- Re: WP34s: a small request, Paul Dale 0 responses
- OT, but interesting, Don Shepherd 5 responses
- 9815 Keyboard Disassembly, aj04062 3 responses
- WP34s: Which donor?, Dan W 8 responses
- HP 41 key assignment file and x memory, Geoff Quickfall 13 responses
- A design rule for WP34s library software?, Dieter 10 responses
- WP34s: linear equation system, fhub 21 responses
- My IR-printer 82240A doesn´t print right, Matti Övermark 2 responses
- WP34S Symbolic preprocessor online, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 8 responses
- WP34S Refurbishing project, Tim 6 responses
- Source for 3M 8242-8 Cold Shrink, David Ramsey 3 responses
- An Attempt to Challenge the Bisection method for root findin, Namir 6 responses
- Problems with repurposing the HP20b/30b, Namir 17 responses
- Re: Voyager Re-Engineering, was: Re: 15C LE - official statement?, uhmgawa 1 response
- OT:A HP-01 for a person like me with no money :-), robertoataulfo 1 response
- rounding, from another posting, a question..., geoff quickfall 6 responses
- The OTHER guys calculators, Earl Kubaskie 3 responses
- 34s work-around for 41c quirk, gene wright 6 responses
- WP34s: a small request, fhub 45 responses
- A few WP34s questions, Cristian Arezzini 8 responses
- HP 12C Platinum CHS bug?, M. Joury 23 responses
- Desperate For HP 17BII Help, Michael Roback 4 responses
- Talking about the WP 34s at the internal HP calculator forum, gene wright 34 responses
- WP34s: flash problems, fhub 3 responses
- HP 41C display problem, Alexander Oestert 4 responses
- Your opinion about this custom USB charger for vintage Calculators, Namir 3 responses
- CostCentral (Erie) update on HP-15C LE, Mark Henderson 13 responses
- Interesting overview of the HP-15C limited edition , From Hong Kong 4 responses
- HP 35S keyboard problem, Nick R 26 responses
- [alpha][space] in WP34S, fhub 23 responses
- Why complain about the 35s? I love it!, snaggs 99 responses
- Frozen HP-71B, aj04062 4 responses
- WP34S: Alpha Labels and Alpha Catalogs, Didier Lachieze 9 responses
- 10 or 12 digits?, Kiyoshi Akima 2 responses
- Guess who wrote this?, robertoataulfo 5 responses
- Issues with the SLV command in WP34s, fhub 1 response
- Been a while since I looked..., jimi 18 responses
- HP 35 Keyboard Malfunction, aj04062 1 response
- Little help about 17bII+, Horacio R 2 responses
- My collection on local TV, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 12 responses
- Extended TVM-solver for the WP34s, fhub 28 responses
- HP-15C Close to perfect, Tommy 11 responses
- SAMBA flashing, Lode 13 responses
- Not even a mention of the 41C, Iqbal 6 responses
- the HP-65 required more from the user, Don Shepherd 10 responses
- Nonpareil stuck, Arnaud Amiel 3 responses
- Hits awful close to home!, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 3 responses
- HP 15C LE: "Discontinued", Peter Murphy (Livermore) 130 responses
- WP34S: cpx DROP & CLx ?, fhub 17 responses
- WP 34S: Another poll about single letter labels, Marcus von Cube, Germany 31 responses
- HP-28S/Clamshell Keyboard Test, aj04062 2 responses
- YouTube demonstration of the 41CL , Geoff Quickfall 8 responses
- Amazing! An HP-32SII is faster than an HP-35s, Michael de Estrada 24 responses
- A speed comparison of the 41CL versus the 41CX (and my first YOUTUBE video), Geoff Quickfall 6 responses
- Įngel Martin, my Open Source Hero, Geir Isene 7 responses
- HP7470A plotter with the HP-IL interface, Richard L. Taylor 2 responses
- HP 41CL update from a user, Geoff Quickfall 0 responses
- Message to Diego Diaz about HP 41 flex PCB, Alexander Oestert 0 responses
- WP34 S 2.1 released on SourceForge, Marcus von Cube, Germany 1 response
- OT: Help with Testing Random Number Generators, Namir 5 responses
- Reviews about loose keys: Is it really that bad?, Lode 19 responses
- VINTAGE SHARP CS-4800 , robertoataulfo 0 responses
- Merged Steps?, Tim Wessman 31 responses
- WP34S: more direct LBLs and XEQs, fhub 14 responses
- 15C LE - official statement?, Thomas Radtke 70 responses
- Is this what an HP 35 may have looked like????, Geoff Quickfall 0 responses
- SpeedUI 11.07 supports RainEQ, Raymond Del Tondo 2 responses
- HP19C printer head...yeah! I know!, Geoff Quickfall 5 responses
- OT:Retiring an old friend :-), robertoataulfo 16 responses
- HP-41 cryptography, Geir Isene 7 responses
- HP-71B package, fhub 12 responses
- 41 MCODE Question - Page #4 Library, Įngel Martin 5 responses
- Woodstock LED question, Mark Henderson 9 responses
- which HP desktop is this for us$50 buy-now?, robert rozee 7 responses
- Chinese Calculator Prices, DaveJ 16 responses
- Undocumented 50g shortcuts ?, Glenn Shields 3 responses
- Clear case 65 - fess up!, Keith Midson 3 responses
- Not HP but I want one, Paul Dale 7 responses
- 34s: TVM problem?, gene wright 63 responses
- Project Euler Problem 39: Statistical Mode on the HP 48GX?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 3 responses
- So I bought a Casio 115ES and an HP Smartcalc 300s, Brian K 6 responses
- OT: You know a smaller calculator?, robertoataulfo 24 responses
- WP34S: ALL n mode, Didier Lachieze 5 responses
- HP15C Redux in Canada?, Les Wright 5 responses
- WP34S Program Labels, M. Joury 11 responses
- HP 19C continuing!!!, Geoff Quickfall 3 responses
- HP calculator model unknown, Guzzi850 7 responses
- OT: The Tau Manifesto, Howard Owen 8 responses
- HP 41 magnetic cards, Giancarlo 9 responses
- Did CostCentral remove the HP15C page?, Cristian Arezzini 28 responses
- Useless HP-41 observation of the day, Eric Smith 6 responses
- WP34S: how to delete a program?, Didier Lachieze 37 responses
- Switched from 48G to 50G and need shortcut to RAND function, Travis (Kansas) 3 responses
- Outstanding collection of HP-01, Pascal 5 responses
- Question about HP calculator traces., Geoff Quickfall 6 responses
- WP34S bug, fhub 7 responses
- How many HP-15C will we buy?, Reth 33 responses
- WP 34S Power Requirements, Marcus von Cube, Germany 9 responses
- WP 34S Assembler bug fix and doc update, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 0 responses
- 34S broken build :-( - Please update!, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- Working HP-70 sells for $123.50 on TAS, Michael de Estrada 4 responses
- HP-28S Keyboard, aj04062 4 responses
- 55 already registered for HHC 2011 in San Diego! Sign up today, gene wright 7 responses
- HP-25, robertoataulfo 4 responses
- Already forgot how to use a normal calculator..., Brian K 13 responses
- Corrected command to build WP 34S assembler tables, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 0 responses
- HP-15C clone?, Joel Setton (France) 3 responses
- Wp34s unit conversions, Cristian Arezzini 4 responses
- New HP15C Priced at $129, DaveJ 69 responses
- Card reader bug, Eric Smith 7 responses
- HP-41CV "HFF" ROM set, Eric Smith 4 responses
- Xpander, Geoff Quickfall 3 responses
- Interesting article in August 2011 Scientific American, Don Shepherd 10 responses
- OOT: connector for ribbon cable, PeterP 5 responses
- CORDIC in Degrees vs. Radians, Mike Fikes 5 responses
- HHP-16K EPROMS on HHP PE, Prabhu Bhooplapur 0 responses
- WP 34S: missing vector cross product, fhub 15 responses
- HP 41CL UTILS rom listing of functions, gene wright 2 responses
- Happy Pi Day! (again), Gerson W. Barbosa 8 responses
- Did HP or any 3rd party make a 64K card for the 48 series?, mr-scorpio 2 responses
- 12c 30th Anniversary Spec Sheet, NateB 8 responses
- HP wants to hear your 12c stories..., Gene Wright 15 responses
- The Babbage Engine ?, Patrice 2 responses
- WP34 again, Paul Dale 86 responses
- WP 34S - Getting connected..., Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- How to ? hp41 + advantage, Patrice 0 responses
- Latest HP Solve issue posted, gene wright 13 responses
- Introducing Emu71 for Windows, Christoph Giesselink 27 responses
- 34s: Anyone have an instruction timing table?, gene wright 15 responses
- Xpander article, Egan Ford 12 responses
- 34s builds 1249 and 1250 crash on real hardware, gene wright 16 responses
- HP 50g - Make menus more like HP48g, Brian K 1 response
- Which cold shrink kit for 9810 printer platen?, David Ramsey 1 response
- 48GX - Silly question?, mr-scorpio 9 responses
- HP 41C - connection missing?, Alexander Oestert 8 responses
- Serendipity, Bob Patton 20 responses
- WP 34S - major changes!, Marcus von Cube, Germany 18 responses
- new HP15c released in Japan, NateB 110 responses
- A question on old calculator prices, Cristian Arezzini 14 responses
- 41 HP-IL: How to reset?, Įngel Martin 8 responses
- 34S - Problem With CLx, Jake Schwartz 6 responses
- Goodbye!, George Bailey (Bedford Falls) 16 responses
- Good HP calculator for middle school child?, Brian K 9 responses
- HP45A cleaning out battery mess, Fred Lester 2 responses
- A little brother for the WP 34s? Any need for that?, George Bailey (Bedford Falls) 26 responses
- HP 41 battery Shield - what is it ?, John Robinson 2 responses
- Online WP 34s assembler now available, Bruce Bergman 7 responses
- OT: Sharp PC-1246S, robertoataulfo 8 responses
- wp34s program, Gerson W. Barbosa 23 responses
- Fair Interview Question?, Norman Dziedzic 20 responses
- 34s - stack lift with PI compared to 15c - difference - anyone else able to repeat this?, gene wright 39 responses
- WP 34s lockup with [y-hat], Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 4 responses
- The WP 34s - Where to get it and how to do it?!?, George Bailey (Bedford Falls) 32 responses
- Board Stacking Connector HP-9815, aj04062 2 responses
- WP34S - possible to correct RTC in SW?, BobVA 11 responses
- WP 34S overlay feedback, Eric Rechlin 45 responses
- wp34S TICKS Command: How Much Time?, Jake Schwartz 5 responses
- HP-48G IR connectivity, Thomas Radtke 4 responses
- WP34S files - dumb question, fhub 18 responses
- Unresponsive HP-42s , aj04062 2 responses
- Thomas Okken and free42 ?, sylvandb 5 responses
- HP50g emulator package, fhub 2 responses
- 34C display problem, Daniel CLEMENT 8 responses
- (Almost) amusing WP34s bug(?), Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 4 responses
- WP34s - Verifying Flashing, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 6 responses
- A suggestion for easy improvement of the HP17bII+, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 1 response
- Adding a crystal to the wp34s - how?, Cristian Arezzini 5 responses
- Stand-alone version of WP34s assembler available, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 9 responses
- Can't quite indentify this calculator, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 1 response
- 50G has stopped plotting?, Glenn Becker 2 responses
- 9810 works, briefly, David Ramsey 37 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 0 responses
- Calculator Business, back then, Frank Boehm (Germany) 5 responses
- HP 50G - ROM upgrade under Linux, Glenn Becker 6 responses
- Project Euler Problem 11 on the HP 48GX?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 13 responses
- HP 15C Clone, Bunuel66 51 responses
- 10bii+ Trig Bug, Katie Wasserman 5 responses
- HP-42s Bad Screen?, aj04062 2 responses
- HP-48G IR Test Failure, aj04062 7 responses
- June's over - No new calcs :) - Interesting TI product, John Stark 5 responses
- Question about random number generators, Namir 20 responses
- HP-41CL, robertoataulfo 13 responses
- Difference in design for 25 and 25c, exschr 2 responses
- My attendence to HHC 2011, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- A few simple HP 35s programs, Lode 3 responses
- SpeedUI 11.06 released!, Raymond Del Tondo 6 responses
- Is there an easy way to determine how many factors a number has?, Don Shepherd 7 responses
- Changing the ROM of a HP-35s?, Lode 10 responses
- Emu48 problem with BEEP patches, fhub 4 responses
- Draft WP34s Assembler/Disassembler document online, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 1 response
- HP-48GX SpeedUI problem, Tom Sauntry 2 responses
- Curious Sticker on the Back of an HP-35, Katie Wasserman 19 responses
- wp34S Flag Table via STATUS, Jake Schwartz 4 responses
- 9810 on TAS, David Ramsey 25 responses
- Update of ILPer, the HP-IL peripheral simulator, Christoph Giesselink 33 responses
- Obscure 41 Custom Modules: SNEAP, Įngel Martin 1 response
- 15C Logo - Finally done!, Dallas Osborne 4 responses
- HP 15C, jonny brice 9 responses
- Woodstock plastic yellowing, db (martinez, ca.) 1 response
- WP 34S - SAM-BA boot gone?, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- Going to the ASEE conference this week, Eric Rechlin 3 responses
- Ode to the calculators I have used...and the 41C, Geoff Quickfall 19 responses
- WP34s feature question, fhub 43 responses
- HP-67 AC Charger, Įngel Martin 6 responses
- WP 34s and USB, Marcus von Cube, Germany 9 responses
- 48GX + Meta Kernel + Erable + ALG48 all at once?, mr-scorpio 8 responses
- HP7470A Plotter calibration with an HP-IL interface, Richard L. Taylor 3 responses
- Is there a ref doc/place for 34S how-to?, Mark Henderson 24 responses
- What's the deal with expensive battery packs ?, Michael de Estrada 17 responses
- Unreleased models, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 1 response
- The Prime Factors Kata, Thomas Klemm 2 responses
- Shocker! Nice HP-70 sells for only $260, Michael de Estrada 7 responses
- Possible bug in WP34s with big integers, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 5 responses
- Input wanted, Paul Dale 30 responses
- What is the trick to..., Geoff Quickfall 2 responses
- HP41CL physical ports -or- how many physical ports do you require with the HP41CL?, Geoff Quickfall 18 responses
- EMU41, Richard L. Taylor 2 responses
- Advantage Pac Curve Fitting, mbrethen 9 responses
- Adding a Crystal to a WP34s, Gerry Schultz 6 responses
- Idea for WP34s emulator, fhub 1 response
- "fake" 12C, robert rozee 3 responses
- SpeedUI Bug with Unit Conversion?, Timo 1 response
- Evolution of the 30B, Keith Midson 11 responses
- HP-41CL Calculator Benchmark, Juergen Keller 17 responses
- Mismatches in opcode tables from WP34s "calc a a", Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 1 response
- Happiness - Calculator P0rn, Paul Dale 1 response
- I don't understand why anyone would need this, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- WP 34s manual pointer incorrect, Jim Yohe 24 responses
- Eric's overlay - my experience and suggestions, Cristian Arezzini 5 responses
- SR-60a manuals available, David Ramsey 16 responses
- A new WP 34s is born, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 10 responses
- JavaScript calculator, Lode 2 responses
- Why I like the blank overlay option for the 41C, CV, CX & CL and my 41CL final configuration, Geoff Quickfall 1 response
- Trying to understand Spice ROM/RAM Layout, Michael de Estrada 4 responses
- WP34S assembler/disassembler in the wild, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 15 responses
- 82161A Tape Drive - O-Ring Question, Įngel Martin 4 responses
- "WP 34S", "WP 34s", "WP-34S", or "WP-34s"?, Eric Rechlin 8 responses
- HP41c Printer 82143A connector details, Prabhu Bhooplapur 2 responses
- WP-34S "PRIME?", Jim Horn 12 responses
- black HP17bII, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 5 responses
- Emu48+ for HP-39gs/40gs?, fhub 0 responses
- HP 28S - Better than You Thought, Howard Owen 4 responses
- Just some Classics eye candy, Geoff Quickfall 4 responses
- 41Z Overlay For 41CL, Mark Hardman 14 responses
- Unabashed HP 41CL promotion (with pictures)!, Geoff Quickfall 21 responses
- Problem with Interest entry, Don Griffith 3 responses
- To Monte : 41CL next batch, Marc Ferrer (France) 3 responses
- Any 15c news?, Dave Britten 46 responses
- HHC2011 and wp34s, Marcus von Cube, Germany 24 responses
- How's this for an early HP 41c?, Gene Wright 4 responses
- HP-55 odd behavior revisted, Martin Pinckney 0 responses
- WP 34S experience (cable, flashing, overlay, etc), JayV 2 responses
- HP 41CL, 1 (new pinout cap picture), Geoff Quickfall 21 responses
- N Size Cell Charger, Gerry Schultz 3 responses
- Numeric integration on 34s, Gene Wright 24 responses
- Would you take a chance on this auction?, Michael de Estrada 10 responses
- TI people have more fun, Don Shepherd 7 responses
- HP9815A SOFTWARE, Mary Santoro 2 responses
- Wp 34s awaiting overlay., Etienne Victoria 14 responses
- Wp34s STAT and PRG doubts, Cristian Arezzini 5 responses
- A simple wp34s mini-challenge, Gerson W. Barbosa 29 responses
- HP-41 Advanced Matrix Pac Question, mbrethen 13 responses
- 34s conversions, gene wright 20 responses
- Programming tools for HP49g, HP50g, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 9 responses
- Interesting European market HP-32E, Michael de Estrada 15 responses
- Newest Wp34s ROM and backwards compatibility, Cristian Arezzini 38 responses
- 34, db (martinez, ca.) 3 responses
- WP34s STATs Prediction Question, Norman Dziedzic 3 responses
- CCD OS/X Revisited, Įngel Martin 0 responses
- A new 6-problem challenge (free42 or 42s), Allen 22 responses
- Wp34s beta 2: possible serious bug in integer mode, Cristian Arezzini 3 responses
- Suggestions for WP-34s overlay installation, BobVA 10 responses
- HP 19C horror show!, Geoff Quickfall 17 responses
- wp34s 2.0 Beta Release, Marcus von Cube, Germany 39 responses
- Disassembly of HP41C ROMs , Prabhu Bhooplapur 3 responses
- HP 31E buttons not responding, Adam Vaughn 5 responses
- wp34S Spelling Out Function Names?, Jake Schwartz 23 responses
- wp34S IEEE Floating-Point Conversions, Jake Schwartz 12 responses
- Ok, the hunt is on... Nimh charger solution for N-cell batteries in the USA, gene wright 34 responses
- having fun with the HP-17b, Don Shepherd 12 responses
- re-release of the voyager with matrix, solve, integrate & complex numbers, exschr 17 responses
- Please help! HP-55 odd behavior, Martin Pinckney 11 responses
- HP 9127A with 85/87, David Ramsey 4 responses
- WP34S: Power consumption, exschr 6 responses
- Wp34s Flash backup/restore, Cristian Arezzini 2 responses
- wp34S - 16C Compatibility #7 - MASKL, MASKR, Jake Schwartz 1 response
- WP-34S, Andrés C. Rodrķguez (Argentina) 4 responses
- WP 34S 2.0 is going to come, Walter B 12 responses
- HP-41CL & Battery, Geir Isene 23 responses
- Another poll, Walter B 20 responses
- WP34S functions missing in action? (LJ, RJ, RL, RLC, RR, RRC, etc.), Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 14 responses
- WP 34S Version 1.18, Gerry Schultz 11 responses
- What is the celestial cycle for Red Dots on TAS?, Michael de Estrada 10 responses
- Speaking of CAS: CAS48 or Erable?, mr-scorpio 1 response
- HP 28S - Partial CAS?, mr-scorpio 11 responses
- question about calculator auctions, Gonzalo Fernandez 1 response
- Envisioning how I might use my HP 41CL, gene wright 12 responses
- OT: looking for Dave Shaffer (AZ), Meindert Kuipers 2 responses
- Another approach - shucking the clamshell, further. Book?, Wanderley Navarro 8 responses
- 41-MCODE: Updated AECROM w/ 13-digit Math, Įngel Martin 8 responses
- Somewhat OT: WOIM, Geir Isene 2 responses
- WP34S key 'SHOW' ?, fhub 9 responses
- Need Info on HP-82905B Printer, Įngel Martin 2 responses
- Accepting some orders for WP 34s overlays, Eric Rechlin 47 responses
- HP 35 charger/case questions, Adam Vaughn 6 responses
- Original Box Pictures, aj04062 7 responses
- Updated list of ROM images in the 41CL - help needed with links to quick reference guides for any!, Gene Wright 1 response
- Calculator Buyer's Guide, Joerg Woerner 3 responses
- HP-15C stuck in USER mode , Tom Ligon 3 responses
- HP 12C, 12C Platinum & 15C iOS App, Walter Lam 2 responses
- HP 16C - loose keys, Antonio Petri (UK) 2 responses
- HP 28S: shucking the clamshell, further. Book?, Geoff Quickfall 8 responses
- HPGCC Documentation, Clint Weathers 1 response
- My HP 12C+ impression, Walter Lam 6 responses
- HP-41 Repair Parts, aj04062 2 responses
- Idea for the WP34S PC-emulator, fhub 10 responses
- wp34s EXIT key during number entry, Cristian Arezzini 6 responses
- wp34s: Version 979 Crashed 20b and 30b, Jake Schwartz 2 responses
- HP 10B continuous memory, hpnut 8 responses
- Card reader gear lubrication - do or don't ?, John Robinson 2 responses
- What is going on?, Keith Midson 6 responses
- Clamshell, shucking the clamshell, any thoughts!, Geoff Quickfall 13 responses
- Emu41, Richard L. Taylor 5 responses
- Classic keyboard re-lacquer ?, John Robinson 17 responses
- HP15c as a financial tool - ended!, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 1 response
- NutStudio tools goes RPN (HP-41), Håkan Thörngren 5 responses
- a cute little challenge, Don Shepherd 20 responses
- HP41E question, Dwight Sturrock 0 responses
- OT: New Hand-Written Math Solver, Steve S 0 responses
- HP-41 module: NOV CHAP update, Geir Isene 3 responses
- ATTENTION 41CL Early Adopters, Monte Dalrymple 6 responses
- HP-41CV & CX Halfnuts?, aj04062 1 response
- HP-41 + card reader = "Malfunction" ?, BobVA 12 responses
- Documentation for ROMs in the 41CL ... link needed, gene wright 4 responses
- HP41 MLDL2000 add-on wins Distinctive Excellence award, Meindert Kuipers 4 responses
- 34S Keyboard help, Andrés C. Rodrķguez (Argentina) 7 responses
- 34S keyboard layout, Andrés C. Rodrķguez (Argentina) 4 responses
- Some minimal information about roms in the upcoming 41CL library..., gene wright 6 responses
- 41CV Fullnut shows "Memory Lost" consantly, John Robinson 7 responses
- Wp34s: word size lost?, Cristian Arezzini 5 responses
- WP34S 956 crashing in wine, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 4 responses
- Engineering done right: Gene Kranz, Don Shepherd 2 responses
- Polynomial Derivative and Integral for the HP 35S, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- WP34S running here at 34S, Andrés C. Rodrķguez (Argentina) 20 responses
- Wp34s - my flashing experience, Cristian Arezzini 5 responses
- HP 20B Now Accepted By GARP For FRM Exam, bink 13 responses
- 34s Vinyl Overlay Second Attempt, Eric Rechlin 78 responses
- Multiple Period Percentage Change Program for the 30b, Mark Harman 0 responses
- HP 10bii+ Sighting, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- HP 9114 disk drive battery charging, David Ramsey 8 responses
- Numerical Integration: HP, TI, etc., Chuck 30 responses
- Unidynamics, Howard Owen 0 responses
- CAB 41, J . Bauscher 1 response
- wp 34s: DSE vs. DSZ (poll), Walter B 40 responses
- HP9800e emulator, Tim 6 responses
- Nspire CX available?, David Ramsey 8 responses
- Testing functionality of older HP calculators, Pat Slattery 2 responses
- matrix element operation, Sok-khieng Chum Hun 8 responses
- HP15c for financial duties - I and II, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 10 responses
- Before you ask - new feature in wp34s, Marcus von Cube, Germany 21 responses
- HP17bii+ solver vs. HP17bii/HP19bii/HP27S, M. Joury 5 responses
- i41CX Reduce, Jack Nolan 8 responses
- Sparcom SPICE48 card for HP 48G, skip cons 0 responses
- 34s/16C Compat. #6, Jake Schwartz 1 response
- Artist of HP Manuals, Csaba Tizedes (Hungary) 17 responses
- EMU 48 for Linux, J Grim 2 responses
- EXIT in wp34s, Jeff O. 16 responses
- hp19c value?, ais 6 responses
- HP RPN stack permutations graph, Xavier A. (Brazil) 14 responses
- Wp34s base mode question, Cristian Arezzini 7 responses
- HP-41 Permanent broken Post Fix, aj04062 8 responses
- WP34s 1.17 Build 874 possible SETTIM bug?, BobVA 9 responses
- Questions about "flashing" a 30B, Andrés C. Rodrķguez (Argentina) 15 responses
- Rebuilding a HP41 battery pack, M. Joury 10 responses
- 12C, Diehl-Peshkur 2 responses
- Geoff Quickfall, Diehl-Peshkur 11 responses
- Has anyone seen the 10bii+ in the office stores yet?, Eddie W. Shore 6 responses
- HP67 for the Android, MikeO 17 responses
- HP 10bII+ self test, hpnut 32 responses
- HP-41 Advanced Matrix Pac, Įngel Martin 8 responses
- HP-41CVs will not turn on, aj04062 2 responses
- ebay 380123273833 wtf ?, John Robinson 6 responses
- HP-67 Error message, aj04062 3 responses
- Cell leakage in my 48S, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 2 responses
- HP-67 - polarity of wires to keyboard/display board?, BobVA 6 responses
- hp 41 synthetic programming, Sok-khieng Chum Hun 7 responses
- 34s Vinyl Overlay First Attempt, Eric Rechlin 11 responses
- HP 10bii+ "soft" reset, Jim Yohe 3 responses
- HP9810A, aj04062 2 responses
- Bezel exchange hp 12C, Diehl-Peshkur 2 responses
- m48 for iPhone is brilliant, Dave 3 responses
- OT: Collecting, Egan Ford 2 responses
- BASIC BEEP, Howard Owen 5 responses
- 34s / 16C Compat. #5 - DBL/, Jake Schwartz 8 responses
- HP45 Battery Pack Disassembly, Eric_G 4 responses
- WP34S Build 874 Possible HEX entry bug?, M. Joury 9 responses
- 9825A use 9121 disk drive?, David Ramsey 0 responses
- Simulation vs Emulation, Carl Utter 12 responses
- OT: New Commodore PC coming out, Namir 6 responses
- 15C re-release questions., Pal G. 18 responses
- wp34s Version 1.18 Rev 875 Backup and Restore, Jeff O. 17 responses
- Adding a crystal to a 20b or 30b, Marcus von Cube, Germany 7 responses
- 16C Compat. #4 - LASTx, Jake Schwartz 2 responses
- hp48gx pc cable, tim peterson 2 responses
- HP 32S style ridgid case, Anoop Sahal 0 responses
- Too Long With No New Calculators!, Jeff 12 responses
- wp34S V.865 - Can't Fill up Full Word in Comp Modes, Jake Schwartz 8 responses
- wp34S "last catalog" function, Jake Schwartz 2 responses
- New 15C - Greed and Hoarding, John Stark 42 responses
- HP20b inert - how to get it working again?, Jim Horn 23 responses
- wp34s / 16C Compatibility Items #2 and #3, Jake Schwartz 13 responses
- OT - Vintage Computer Festival East, David Hayden 1 response
- OT ->Tim Wessman: TI-Nspire current draw, Joerg Woerner 1 response
- HP-9114A Drive, aj04062 9 responses
- 34s Keyboard Overlays, Eric Rechlin 27 responses
- HP-15C mini-challenge (Project Euler - problem #1), Gerson W. Barbosa 14 responses
- Hp15c (limited edition) june? and a new product?, miguel saiz 1 response
- wp34S 838 x=0? or x=1? Locks Up in Run Mode, Jake Schwartz 3 responses
- wp34s 1.17 Build 838 SLV, Norman Dziedzic 20 responses
- Woz at HP, ClausB 0 responses
- [OT] Raspberry Pi, MikeT. 1 response
- Flashing WP-34S Image to an HP-30b, Gerry Schultz 2 responses
- Better Late Than Never--VAL() in HP-71B BASIC, Namir 25 responses
- NaN issue in Hercules, Mike (Stgt) 0 responses
- cheap power for the HP41C (while at desk with cardreader), exschr 3 responses
- wp34s Release 1.17 is now online, Marcus von Cube, Germany 3 responses
- Vintage Computer Festival East 7.0, May 14-15, Evan Koblentz 1 response
- Default switch settings for HP-87 HP-1B, David Ramsey 3 responses
- wp34s Integer Word Size versus 16C, Jake Schwartz 7 responses
- Custom HP 45, Jim Gossett 4 responses
- wp34s - New features in the SVN repository - now released!, Marcus von Cube, Germany 13 responses
- Apple advertises HP12C emulator on iPod, Mike (Stgt) 1 response
- Free42 Android Tablet, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 7 responses
- HP-67 battery question, Csaba Tizedes (Hungary) 3 responses
- The Bug, Michael de Estrada 4 responses
- Voyager Series, aj04062 3 responses
- HP41CX - Strange turning-on behaviour, Frido Bohn 8 responses
- 12C mention in WSJ, Scott Newell 9 responses
- HP-15C Original UK Purchase Price, SteveH 5 responses
- Did anyone here buy this? Seems a bit high., Michael de Estrada 2 responses
- Collection Data, SteveH 5 responses
- Atherton HP-85, David Ramsey 9 responses
- Instructions from HP for disassembling calculators, Eric Smith 9 responses
- Collection is online 2, Keith Midson 1 response
- HP 30b programs Interest Rate conversions Negative Periods per Year and Fractional Periods per year, gene wright 1 response
- wp34s Adding decimals to fractions, Norman Dziedzic 11 responses
- HP-41 Programming, SteveH 8 responses
- HP-49G Connectivity Kit, Paolo Cipollone 3 responses
- CMT-300 Programmable Measurement System, Jeff Davis 0 responses
- HP 82037A reserve power pack, Gonzalo Fernandez (Spain) 2 responses
- Odd Bringslid HP 48SX, aj04062 1 response
- HP-IL RS-232 (a-may-be too-)"techie" questions., Diego Diaz 6 responses
- Free42 for Windows Phone 7, Thomas Okken 15 responses
- Just out., Katie Wasserman 22 responses
- Getting sucked in, David Ramsey 0 responses
- [OT] Casio PRISM Current Draw?, Tim Wessman 8 responses
- RPN hp20s and lcd hp34c proposals, Jose Poyan 11 responses
- Alternate wp34s Keyboard Arrangement?, Jeff O. 16 responses
- Proposal - wp34s GETKEY semantics and other input functions, Marcus von Cube, Germany 21 responses
- HP-01 Calculator Watch Parts Info, aj04062 1 response
- OT: TI 36X Pro and Wishes for a solar RPN calculator, Eddie W. Shore 15 responses
- 9121 or 82901?, David Ramsey 17 responses
- HP-71B Dice Games, Howard Owen 6 responses
- different LCDs used in HP41C?, exschr 2 responses
- A first estimate for Student's t quantile (not only) on the WP34s, Dieter 30 responses
- wp34S TIME Function, Jake Schwartz 35 responses
- WP34s quadrature, hugh steers 4 responses
- WP34S, geoff quickfall 31 responses
- WP34 base page view, Cristian Arezzini 6 responses
- something interesting in early computer history, Don Shepherd 26 responses
- Help! HP-19C printer gone mad - fixed :-), Philippe Lasnier 1 response
- HP 30b RND function, Sujith Abraham 6 responses
- The Sigma Function on the WP34, Eddie W. Shore 7 responses
- Submissions, Paul Dale 0 responses
- Important SpeedUI update to 11.05, Raymond Del Tondo 0 responses
- wp34s SLV questions, Norman Dziedzic 16 responses
- HP 10BII+ Battery removal warning, Jim Yohe 19 responses
- Overwriting 41C module internals, spb 12 responses
- Does anyone have a copy of this keyset font PDF from Luiz?, gene wright 6 responses
- HP 41CX Decimal Point restore, Joseph Banki 5 responses
- Help with flashing HP30 ROM / WP-34s , BobVA 6 responses
- HP 10bii+ Review, Eddie W. Shore 6 responses
- Simple Math Dilemma Revisited, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 7 responses
- A fast and compact algorithm for the normal quantile, Dieter 13 responses
- What brand / name / type were the Original 12c batteries?, gene wright 7 responses
- free42 runs on Curtis KLU LT8025??, Mike Reed 2 responses
- If you always envied the young look of your collleague's Casios and Texas..., Jose Gonzalez Divasson 0 responses
- wp34s stability update, Marcus von Cube, Germany 10 responses
- HP75 Plug-Module Simulator Manual pdf, Jake Schwartz 2 responses
- Another WP-34S overlay option with costs, svisvanatha 19 responses
- Interesting news about the HP 15C, Paul Guertin 35 responses
- Symbolic Integration, Continued, Austin W. 6 responses
- Any suggestions for cleaning a calculator?, Eddie W. Shore 1 response
- Added the HP 10BII+ to the collection website, Gerardo Rincon 3 responses
- OT - Pi used in a symphony now in court, DavidShenk 1 response
- HP 15C Displaying Incorrect Values!, Ian McParland 13 responses
- HP-71B FRAM Extension: an update, Hans Brueggemann 5 responses
- Repairing a cracked Spice case, Jeff Kearns 3 responses
- wp34s Overlay Interest, Norman Dziedzic 24 responses
- 20b/30b flashing question, sjthomas 2 responses
- casio fx-cg10 topless!, hugh steers 4 responses
- Voyager key repair?, Nicholas Winterer 1 response
- HP 20b/30b programming cable eats on batteries!, Marcus von Cube, Germany 5 responses
- dealing with 20b/30b/wp34s power drain, hugh steers 13 responses
- HP41 Blinky or Red Eye, Mike (Stgt) 6 responses
- HP75D AT&T Version, Alberto Fenini 6 responses
- Anyone have a copy of this?, gene wright 3 responses
- Angular modes (another poll), Walter B 23 responses
- Free42/Android skin handling change, Thomas Okken 12 responses
- HP71B ROM PAC "UDL-71*" by Viewtronics, John Pierce 6 responses
- The legend lives on: Two new 41 Modules announced, Įngel Martin 11 responses
- HP65 vs HP67 card reader, Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- Can you identify this soft case?, Michael de Estrada 1 response
- HP 10bII+ first impressions, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 18 responses
- Refurbished HP-85, David Ramsey 23 responses
- *NEW* WP 34S bug list, Walter B 50 responses
- First WP 34S R&D Meeting Central Europe, Walter B 5 responses
- HP 41C Forecast 1 Module, Jeff Kearns 2 responses
- HP-41C Overlay Generator, spb 26 responses
- HP 10BII+ available for sell, Gerardo Rincon 18 responses
- Y/N MCODE Routine, Jeff Davis 5 responses
- 11c Badge Touch Up, Matt_12c 6 responses
- wp34S ALPHA, Jake Schwartz 3 responses
- wp34s Gallery, Marcus von Cube, Germany 15 responses
- Slightly OT: simple math dilemma, Chuck 14 responses
- Link to 34s overlay..., Gene Wright 11 responses
- 12C with sticky keys, David Osborne 2 responses
- OT: Sorting algorithms as dances, Thomas Klemm 2 responses
- 30B/34s - adding more RAM, robert rozee 11 responses
- 50g won't plot summation function, but emulator will., Hal Bitton in Boise 2 responses
- HP41CX power consumption, Egan Ford 6 responses
- 34s bug reports, gene wright 98 responses
- 34s screen shots running on a 20b, gene wright 17 responses
- HP 75C, Joerg Woerner 0 responses
- Funstuff roms and the 41CL ... questions?, gene wright 6 responses
- Foot Pads for 12c, Matt_12c 1 response
- CELESTIAL NAVIGATION, robert coles 1 response
- WP 34S Top Left Key Poll , Walter B 41 responses
- Can this actually work?, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- Free42 for Android, Thomas Okken 25 responses
- OT : Seiko Worldtime, Alberto Fenini 0 responses
- HP41C overlays, Art Leyenberger 10 responses
- OT: What is so special with the Casio fx-602P, Joerg Woerner 15 responses
- Ebay, Matthias Wehrli 6 responses
- HP 75 memory repair assistance request, Greg Angelow 9 responses
- New Updated Version of The "PPC DVD" of HP Handheld Calculator Materials Available, Jake Schwartz 2 responses
- A comparison of three Hp 17bII generations, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 9 responses
- 82240B / HP48 Interaction poorly documented, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 0 responses
- 'New' HP10bii+, Michael O 54 responses
- Is there a self-test program for the HP 25 or 29c ?, Michael de Estrada 1 response
- wisdom from old Carl Sagan book, Don Shepherd 3 responses
- HP brochure from 1975, Marcus von Cube, Germany 1 response
- Light Scratches on 12c Bezel - Steel Wool?, Matt_12c 4 responses
- HP-71B slower with HP-IL, scalpa49 5 responses
- To the Atmel ARM gurus: Problems with OpenOCD, Marcus von Cube, Germany 5 responses
- OT: The Dream, Bob Patton 23 responses
- HP-41: New release: The NoV CHAP rom, Geir Isene 2 responses
- Buy, Sell or Neutral?, Michael de Estrada 5 responses
- HP-48/49/50 software sites?, x34 3 responses
- TDS-256k RAM Card, aj04062 8 responses
- 17bII+ available for $72.99, Jeff O. 6 responses
- HP32s Relative GTO, Mike T. 4 responses
- Free Calculator Day, Chuck 4 responses
- Battery pack rebuild, Dane Ericksen 4 responses
- HP-01 Back Cover Tool, aj04062 8 responses
- RPL+, Oliver Unter Ecker 11 responses
- New update for Clonix, NoV's and configuration utility., Diego Diaz 6 responses
- HP 25 Battery Cover Stuck?, M. Pollock (Canada) 7 responses
- WP-34s Functionality Poll, Paul Dale 102 responses
- Reciting digits of pi, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 14 responses
- Invisible message passing, Jim Yohe 4 responses
- Cleaning up the collection, Michael de Estrada 0 responses
- A more useful standard display format, Dieter 19 responses
- HP42S, Dwight Sturrock 4 responses
- HP-75 EPROM programmer, Jeff Davis 10 responses
- Worthy successor of the HP 41C secretly revealed!, Joerg Woerner 16 responses
- OT but neverthess interesting: A 12 year old takles Einstein's theories, Marcus von Cube, Germany 4 responses
- AA NiCad battery cells are now 1100 mAh rated, Michael de Estrada 11 responses
- Calculator Historical literature unearthed... . ...., Thomas Chrapkiewicz 2 responses
- Calculator key mechanics - Which design is more durable?, Timo 3 responses
- Olympic Sales Club - catalog with calculators? Anyone have a copy to scan?, gene wright 16 responses
- Interesting Avionics HP-67 on TAS, Michael de Estrada 4 responses
- Weird 28S keyboard on Anniversary model, Keith Midson 4 responses
- Another collecting success, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- Date calculations on the 35s, PeterP 5 responses
- HP-42S Repair and Color Match, aj04062 0 responses
- An Encounter at WAL-MART, Namir 7 responses
- HP IL Video interface 82163A, dinamarco 0 responses
- not bashing an ebay seller, db (martinez, ca.) 5 responses
- Summing Function, Jim Yohe 6 responses
- HP 15C Batteries (Update), BrianDH 7 responses
- New HP-45 Emulator for iPad, Namir 4 responses
- 10 Key Calculators vs RPN, Matt_12c 6 responses
- Navtronic Navigator Calculator, Jeff Davis 1 response
- HP 25c Apps Review: GO 25 SCI, rpn 25, Eddie W. Shore 14 responses
- Moldy Oldies, Michael Meyer 9 responses
- HP-27S "Technical Manager" vs. "Scientific", Jim Yohe 9 responses
- How to identify the 'new' HP-12C, Jeff Kearns 17 responses
- major number theory discovery, if you can translate, Don Shepherd 31 responses
- Dennis, Even HP pimped their calculators, Joerg Woerner 2 responses
- wp34s - New Release, Marcus von Cube, Germany 76 responses
- Calculator blog, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 6 responses
- TI introduces new calculator! Takes world by storm! HP quits business and asks forgiveness!, gene wright 4 responses
- HP-12C mini-challenge - Heegner numbers, Gerson W. Barbosa 19 responses
- Solving a cubic equation using trigonometry, Thomas Klemm 10 responses
- Calculator for CFA; HP 12C Platinum or TI BA II Plus Professional, Sujith Abraham 23 responses
- Collection is online, Keith Midson 17 responses
- HP 71B, lurking, thanks and other stuff, geoff quickfall 2 responses
- HP-97S with a bad BCD interface: help me!, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 3 responses
- There's a new RPL kid on the block, Oliver Unter Ecker 7 responses
- GO-25 An HP-25C Emulator for the iPod and iPad, Namir 12 responses
- Rebalancing my RPN portfolio, Michael de Estrada 16 responses
- Can anyone Identify this HP-41 Overlay?, aj04062 16 responses
- New hp-01 in the making?, PeterP 2 responses
- Yet another pocket RPL idea..., bhtooefr 15 responses
- OT: Help with Logic Dart AC adapter, Donald Williams 9 responses
- Chip-Level Question, Jeff 9 responses
- WP-34s Demostration, Paul Dale 130 responses
- [OT] TAS continues to screw sellers, Michael de Estrada 28 responses
- [OT] Casio fx 98 on TAS, Manolo Sobrino 14 responses
- Comparing HP and Dell, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 5 responses
- HP 95LX - New Batteries But Still Shows "Main Battery Low", Anthony (USA) 6 responses
- offtopic: is HPCALC.ORG dead?, x34 2 responses
- This is it!, Joerg Woerner 49 responses
- LCD fading, not only in the calcs, Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- Pi Day's ramblings, Valentin Albillo 30 responses
- Pi Day Rematch: Apple II vs. HP-41C, Egan Ford 2 responses
- Happy Pi Day -- date formats, Katie Wasserman 14 responses
- Putting n stack levels into a string, Bart (UK) 0 responses
- Important SpeedUI update to 11.04, Raymond Del Tondo 1 response
- HP-41 MCODE breakpoint/trap instruction?, Håkan Thörngren 4 responses
- Symbolic Complex Linear System Solver (HP-28S, HP-48G/GX and HP-50g), Gerson W. Barbosa 0 responses
- [RPL] ROLL Challenge (tricky), Oliver Unter Ecker 31 responses
- HP clear cased prototypes, Keith Midson 4 responses
- Another Day Dreamer on TAS, Namir 13 responses
- ARM-based 12c compared to the old one, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 14 responses
- restoring an HP11C, Alberto Fenini 12 responses
- 29C needs help!, Dieter 7 responses
- Help! HP-19C printer gone mad, Philippe Lasnier 12 responses
- "Dispute" oder HP-48GX SN, Timo 16 responses
- Equation library w/ units, Eric Smith 21 responses
- /0, n00b!, Egan Ford 0 responses
- 48sx Numerical Integration Question, svisvanatha 4 responses
- How many versions of the HP-35 are there?, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- 9815A/S option ROM, Joel Setton (France) 0 responses
- A beautiful HP-70, Michael de Estrada 7 responses
- Mardi Gras Basic Trigs (HP-12C), Gerson W. Barbosa 10 responses
- Mike Sebastian's Calculator Forensics, Joerg Woerner 15 responses
- HP 42s -- "TOP.FCN", Anthony (USA) 11 responses
- 12c+ vs 12cp, Erturk Kocalar 7 responses
- Looking for TTF font for HP41 Printer Output, Egan Ford 1 response
- New -21 and -25 apps for iPhone, Eric Smith 14 responses
- [OT] TAS selling fee shock, Michael de Estrada 6 responses
- DeoxIT & Zebras, aj04062 2 responses
- HP12C with a "funny" ENTER key, Cristian Arezzini 15 responses
- HP41 MLDL2000 V2 demo, Meindert Kuipers 7 responses
- HP 50G eating batteries, Iqbal 3 responses
- Introducing myself... and a question on a weird 48G, Cristian Arezzini 12 responses
- Interesting book, Don Shepherd 1 response
- Pioneer series: scratched display, Jim Yohe 4 responses
- Finally an HP-02?, Eric Smith 7 responses
- Which Calculators Should I Keep?, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 55 responses
- HP 15C Water Damage?, BDee 4 responses
- Very impressive aucton on TAS, Namir 18 responses
- Hp 50g multi-page INFORM, Erturk Kocalar 4 responses
- New Crash Recovery Function for NoV-64., Diego Diaz 6 responses
- HP-41CV Display, aj04062 1 response
- HP Line is Getting Kind of Stale, Jeff 33 responses
- 41c repair, Paul Dale 12 responses
- [OT]TI-Nspire CX, Manolo Sobrino 62 responses
- Repairing an HP33E with springs, Alberto Fenini 0 responses
- it's nice, it works, but what it is ?, Alberto Fenini 3 responses
- Box for HP 82143A printer, dinamarco 2 responses
- IR communication between HP-39gs and HP-39G, Marcus von Cube, Germany 0 responses
- Free42 extended "SHOW" fun, Glen Sanft 14 responses
- Hp-42s display problem, aj04062 9 responses
- LIF Utilities for linux, Christoph Giesselink 7 responses
- Voyager Platform for the 21st Century, Norman Dziedzic 24 responses
- Looking for Luiz Vieira!, gene wright 0 responses
- In Homage to Peter Henrici, Namir 3 responses
- Sandmath Mod Question, mbrethen 12 responses
- Another non-HP RPN calculator in my collection, Michael de Estrada 34 responses
- adding time segmetns (HMS+)?? with 41CX?, Sam Samaha 15 responses
- Windows 7 and HP 48GX, Nico Tak 12 responses
- TI-NSPIRE calculator plays DOOM, gene wright 12 responses
- Photos of some of my calculators, bbeamer 5 responses
- Why?, Michael de Estrada 10 responses
- Repairing a 82022B charger (with P.S. to Geoff Quickfall), Karl-Ludwig Butte 3 responses
- restoring an HP71 (old post), Alberto Fenini 2 responses
- HP-15C, an interesting question, robert rozee 21 responses
- Searching within forum archives, Jim Yohe 9 responses
- HP-35S hung in "Memory Clear" loop?, Scott Newell 2 responses
- HP Classic Models Battery Pack Rebuild, ben ong 5 responses
- SpeedUI 11.02 released, Raymond Del Tondo 2 responses
- HP IL video interface, dinamarco 26 responses
- I/O subsystem not working on HP-41CV?, Philippe Lasnier 5 responses
- 1st Gen HP-35, aj04062 3 responses
- HP-30B Fun (HP-45 Simulator...), svisvanatha 5 responses
- 41CL, Monte Dalrymple 9 responses
- HP policy on source files, Raymund Heuvel 50 responses
- Facebook Gallery of some of my collection, Les Wright 3 responses
- WP34s, Paul Dale 49 responses
- 32SII-FAIL 8, Jim Yohe 15 responses
- Are calculators held in the hand?, designnut 20 responses
- HP-48GX RAM Cards - Better with or without built-in battery?, Timo 7 responses
- another old stuff museum site, db (martinez, ca.) 2 responses
- Backing up several HP48G/G+/GX via HP50, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 4 responses
- HP-33S, Michael Mulé 42 responses
- What is the CCD Plus module?, gene wright 2 responses
- Woodstock HP-22 calculators for repair, Xavier A. (Brazil) 1 response
- Capture the flag - HP-12C programming contest, x34 10 responses
- HP-12C erase program steps, x34 7 responses
- HP-25, aj04062 1 response
- HP-22, brummybird 9 responses
- POLL: Who killed the beast?, Joerg Woerner 32 responses
- cute little challenge, Don Shepherd 2 responses
- j operators, Dwight Sturrock 9 responses
- HP82164A HP-IL/RS-232C interface, dinamarco 6 responses
- GolfScript versus RPL, Allen 0 responses
- Still a few good deals..., Michael Meyer 4 responses
- HP-41 internal construction, Monte Dalrymple 2 responses
- HP-12C ARM Repurposing Project - Status?, Malcolm 0 responses
- Hands on the 20b SDK, Marcus von Cube, Germany 16 responses
- OT: new emulator, Olivier De Smet 22 responses
- Why not repurpose HP-50G?, x34 9 responses
- HP 48GX Squeaky, Anthony (USA) 3 responses
- Reading this makes me weep., Michael de Estrada 32 responses
- Just found another HP durability story, Paul Gaster 0 responses
- HP 17B ==> 17BII, Martin Pinckney 7 responses
- Looking for Geoff Quickfall, Jeff Davis 1 response
- ULAM Bizarre #2 - The power of HP 42S STO/RCL arithmetic, Allen 7 responses
- HP-15C Sticky Keys, aj04062 8 responses
- SpeedUI 11.01 released, Raymond Del Tondo 0 responses
- HP-41C/CV/CX Eigenvalues/Vectors help, mbrethen 2 responses
- HP97 troubleshooting, Prabhu Bhooplapur 2 responses
- HP 12C Platinum Screen, Anthony (USA) 3 responses
- Is the HP-50g bug free now?, Jim Yohe 9 responses
- Self tests in the HP12C Platinum+, jose ernesto 3 responses
- Trying to contact Luiz C. Vieira, Iqbal 6 responses
- HPIL-Devel BUFFER Question, Įngel Martin 7 responses
- HP 41CX, Forrest Butler 9 responses
- 82240B IR Printer Runs Sluggishly, then Doesn't, Les Wright 0 responses
- Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Users Solutions, Jeff Davis 4 responses
- 35s Quadratic Regression, J Noėl 11 responses
- 48sx repair help, svisvanatha 7 responses
- Storage and recall arithmetic with the HP35s, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 10 responses
- Who passed away?, Paul Gaster 5 responses
- DVDs, Fred Lusk 4 responses
- A little help from my friends ..., Meindert Kuipers 2 responses
- Do the Ebay sellers check the merchandise?, Gonzalo Fernandez 35 responses
- N-queens benchmark and the HP-17BII, Thomas Klemm 62 responses
- HP 50g stack depth, Jim Yohe 13 responses
- HP-35S ROM ?, x34 6 responses
- 42S reincarnation is possible?, Csaba Tizedes (Hungary) 23 responses
- HP-35S solver questions - extremum, x34 8 responses
- min(a,b) and max(a,b) equation for HP-33S/HP-35S, x34 2 responses
- HP 21 calculator, Chris Stam 0 responses
- My New Geeksite (including Bowmar), ClausB 14 responses
- Decimal point before an operation, Jim Yohe 5 responses
- Why was the HP-15C dicontinued and not the HP-12C, Gerardo Rincon 77 responses
- Decimal Key is Loose, Anthony (USA) 1 response
- HP30B/20B Repurposing Project - Status?, svisvanatha 60 responses
- How about a pen that calculates..., Egan Ford 5 responses
- How about a pocket / hand held RPL calc? , Michael de Estrada 54 responses
- HP42s sticking key, William Maidment 4 responses
- Is there any need for just another HP calculator (JAHPC)?, Frido Bohn 12 responses
- HP65 in Nonpareil, Harald 4 responses
- Preprogrammed EPROMs for HHE PE unit for the HP41CX, Prabhu Bhooplapur 3 responses
- About HP calc serial numbers, Ernst Fueloep 3 responses
- HP 48GX Interface Cable Dilemma, Anthony (USA) 5 responses
- 30b Dead 5 Key, Norman Dziedzic 10 responses
- Re: HP 17BII Dropped!, Csaba Tizedes (Hungary) 1 response
- Re: HP 17BII Dropped!, Mike D 1 response
- Re: HP 17BII Dropped!, Mike D 0 responses
- No new scientific calculators from HP?, Ivan Latorre 46 responses
- New HP12C that uses 2 batteries, and is blazing fast., jwhowa 30 responses
- Re: Printing quality on HP-97, Christophe Dubreuil 5 responses
- Re: Green LED HP 45?, Les Bell 0 responses
- Green LED HP 45 revisited, Martin Pinckney 11 responses
- transistor equivalence, Alberto Fenini 6 responses
- Happy National Pie Day, Mark Hardman 2 responses
- Font for HP-25 "Continuous Memory" logo, Steve Lidie 3 responses
- HP-25 displays "Error" when trying to input numbers, Harald 2 responses
- OT - Adding Roll & pitch to sat dish pointing, Giuseppe Marullo 0 responses
- 41 MCODE: PANAME ROM Bugs, Įngel Martin 8 responses
- Re: Green LED HP 45?, Michael de Estrada 1 response
- HP's best scientific calculator?, Jim Yohe 66 responses
- Re: Power management and deep sleep, uhmgawa 0 responses
- HP Solve Newsletter Jan 2011: Article about LOGs, Frido Bohn 7 responses
- Re: a challenge related to the 15 puzzle, Don Shepherd 0 responses
- Re: Printing quality on HP-97, Christophe Dubreuil 0 responses
- Re: Printing quality on HP-97, Christophe Dubreuil 0 responses
- Five-minute challenge, David Hayden 43 responses
- HP Solve article on thousands separators, Martin Pinckney 11 responses
- Re: The lost formula, Csaba Tizedes (Hungary) 5 responses
- New HP Solve issue now posted at HP site, gene wright 9 responses
- iDOS Lives! Get it while you can (IOW, EMU71/EMU41 on iPad/iPhone)!, Egan Ford 32 responses
- Re: a challenge related to the 15 puzzle, Don Shepherd 0 responses
- Re: a challenge related to the 15 puzzle, Don Shepherd 1 response
- 41 MCODE: Alice in Bufferland, Įngel Martin 6 responses
- Re: Green LED HP 45?, Ron G. 0 responses
- Microsoft Mathematics is now free., Egan Ford 7 responses
- Kip Hopkins?, db (martinez, ca.) 2 responses
- Re: Power management and deep sleep, Monte Dalrymple 0 responses
- Re: a challenge related to the 15 puzzle, Allen 1 response
- Dead HP-31E, where do I start?, Paul Gaster 12 responses
- Re: a challenge related to the 15 puzzle, Allen 0 responses
- Classic Chargers, Alberto Fenini 8 responses
- Re: HP-67 advice needed, Alberto Fenini 3 responses
- Re: The lost formula, John B. Smitherman 11 responses
- Re: F1011A AC/DCAdapter, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 0 responses
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