The Museum of HP Calculators
HP Forum Archive 21
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This is an archive of the HP forum, which is for discussion of HP calculators including usage, repairs,
sources of replacement parts, general information etc.
Message Index
All Messages
(Compressed "Threads Only" Listing)
- Photo of my new Prime, Eric Smith 14 responses
- And the collection grows..., Les Koller 1 response
- Prime Emulator Connection Problem , John Colvin 3 responses
- HP Prime Emulator download, John Colvin 2 responses
- HP Prime: SVD, JeffG 2 responses
- HP35s Program Four Slings Lift Calculation, Jean-Marc Biram (Australia) 2 responses
- Does the HP Prime really compiles the user programs?, CompSystems 3 responses
- [HP-PIRME] BUG Pretty Print, Solution: abs => |...|, ABS => ||...||, CompSystems 2 responses
- An amazing day: Giving a talk at HP about their calculators, Geir Isene 9 responses
- Four-Level RPN and the Real World, Matt Agajanian 14 responses
- Last call for 41Z/SandMath Overlays... plus new ones, Ángel Martin 0 responses
- OT: National Semiconductors NSB-3881, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 2 responses
- HP Prime: Baker's Game, Mark Power 0 responses
- Reasonable price for a 41C, Quad Mem, Time, Navigation and Card reader module?, Eelco Rouw 10 responses
- How to copy files from 9114B to hard drive via PIL-box?, Joe Horn 23 responses
- [HP-PIRME] ^ OPERTOR // => SUPER BUG, CompSystems 9 responses
- The new HP forums, Dave Hicks 53 responses
- HP Prime: CAS taylor, Alberto Candel 5 responses
- HP50g: Writing a function that returns a function, Chris de Castro 2 responses
- Broken keys on HP Prime?, Tarcisi C 0 responses
- HP Prime - usbtool.exe, bluesun08 21 responses
- 42S with nonvolatile RAM, Lyuka 5 responses
- MINESWEEPER for the HP PRIME, Tony Gallo 15 responses
- HP Prime Manual Revisions?, Craig Thomas 0 responses
- Anyone here tinker with Arduino/Printbots/etc ?, Chris Pem10 3 responses
- HP Prime finally updated!, Les Koller 8 responses
- makemat on HP Prime, Jeff Nye 9 responses
- OT--Nat'l Semiconductor NS-7100 pics anywhere?, Matt Agajanian 25 responses
- HP Prime Matrices curiosity, bluesun08 0 responses
- HP Prime CAS curiosity, bluesun08 11 responses
- Silly me... I also bought a 12C and 15C, Eelco Rouw 3 responses
- Need help understanding math...., cyrille de Brébisson 9 responses
- Is Linux common among us RPN types?, db (martinez, ca.) 46 responses
- WP-34S (Emulator Program Load/Save), Barry Mead 1 response
- HP 50g : More on best rechargeable batteries , Miguel Toro 1 response
- Google honors Grace Hopper today, Don Shepherd 19 responses
- hp-prime solver and variable name, fabrice48 22 responses
- Sending little images to the Prime (...and Program name bug?), Erwin Ried 19 responses
- hp-67 card reader problem., Marcel Samek 5 responses
- rolinychupetin hp50, lbintz4 3 responses
- HP35s Calculator Max Rope Tension Program , Jean-Marc Biram (Australia) 10 responses
- [WP-34S] Unfortunate key damage with update to V3 :(, svisvanatha 5 responses
- HP-48GX & 50G Question, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- Usefulness of Woodstock Cs without their C, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- HP67 eBay auction, Cristian Arezzini 3 responses
- Prime still frozen, Les Koller 4 responses
- HP9810A and HP9862A - ROM required?, Thomas Falk 0 responses
- Improvements for productivity for the Prime, Stefan Dröge (Germany) 2 responses
- [HP-Prime CAS] "Warning, ^ (Command) Is ambiguous on non square matrices"??, CompSystems 1 response
- Use 82240B as computer printer, R. Pienne 3 responses
- what really is the Prime?, WigglePig 2 responses
- Bought a 16C to compensate a little, Eelco Rouw 23 responses
- F1227A as HP48 case: yes!, megarat 12 responses
- HP Prime Tutorial #6 and #7: Drawing , Eddie W. Shore 2 responses
- Updating Prime, Les Koller 8 responses
- AFTER HP-Prime update, AA1000 DOES NOT CLEAR THE SPREADSHEET, Joseph Ec 0 responses
- Prime Connectivity Kit Suggestion, toml_12953 1 response
- HP Prime: Quite Happy, Helge Gabert 13 responses
- HP48GX - looking for Chotkeh Engineering Review Software MANUAL, giancarlo 0 responses
- HP Prime works from the traditionally TI community..., debrouxl 1 response
- Strange HP 25 Problem (Repair), Onur Ilkorur 5 responses
- HP Prime: complex numbers in CAS., Alberto Candel 1 response
- The Lucky WP34S Cable, eri 7 responses
- AFTER HP-Prime update, AA1000 DOES NOT CLEAR THE SPREADSHED, Joseph Ec 0 responses
- Calculator emulator for Kindle Fire HDX etc., Harold A Climer 5 responses
- ALL The Experts ARE HERE!, Ron Ross 1 response
- A prime failure, Jan 17 responses
- AFTER HP-Prime update, Shift+Matrix CRASHES, Joseph Ec 3 responses
- HP Prime: problem with the memory of calculator during the debug process?, Carlos CM (Mexico) 7 responses
- Strange Battery Icon during updaate of Prime Firmware., Harold A Climer 7 responses
- Calculator collection, Miguel Toro 5 responses
- I can't update HP Prime, JavierLopez 7 responses
- [HP Prime] "Error while checking exact value with approximate value, returning both!", Chris Pem10 13 responses
- Tetris for HP Prime, Mic 2 responses
- WTF? W-here T-o F-ind the original hpmuseum forum?, Alexander Oestert 40 responses
- how to manage formula in prime, fabrice48 5 responses
- HP 50g switching two keys in the user keyboard, Sean Freeman 9 responses
- HP Prime: =f(x):=expression in spreadsheet app, CR Haeger 1 response
- Problem with debug HP prime program, somebody help me?, Carlos CM (Mexico) 6 responses
- [HP Prime] Plots containing complex numbers bug?, Chris Pem10 7 responses
- How to update PRIME Firmware using Files on PC, Harold A Climer 2 responses
- HP Prime: Proper Use of Home View and CAS View, James Williams 9 responses
- HP33C help with display, madjack 3 responses
- [HP Prime] plotfunc() bug in CAS, Chris Pem10 2 responses
- HP Prime Spreadsheet Copy bug, Michael de Estrada 1 response
- HP Prime Fundamental Constants, Timothy Roche 7 responses
- HP-41(CL): The easiest way to transfer FOCAL programs from a Linux PC to the HP-41, Geir Isene 13 responses
- HP-Prime updates, fhub 57 responses
- Remote control your PC thru your HP Prime, Erwin Ried 0 responses
- HP Prime battery status, Chris Pem10 0 responses
- Integration question and "RPN" mode comment, Craig Thomas 16 responses
- HP Prime: Lists in programs, Alberto Candel 7 responses
- Prime: how to detect date format, Giancarlo 1 response
- HP-41 module covers and side port cover, Nate Martin 1 response
- HP-41CL setup troubleshooting, Xavier A. (Brazil) 2 responses
- HP Prime: adding an entry to a vector, Alberto Candel 12 responses
- HP Prime: FLOOR, iPart , and their use in programs, Alberto Candel 6 responses
- EMU41; Dosbox on Linux; Excruciatingly sloooow, Geir Isene 9 responses
- DIY HP 30b WP 34s serial flash/programming cable, Richard Wahl 2 responses
- IFERR function on HP Prime, Mic 2 responses
- HPSWAP Archive and the 9114, Dave Frederickson 0 responses
- Difficulties with IRR Program, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 4 responses
- f'(x) at a specific "x" on Prime, Richard Berler 12 responses
- The HP Prime saga - Part II, Michael de Estrada 21 responses
- [HP-Prime] Tower of Hanoi, CompSystems 0 responses
- HP-80 History, Design and Interesting Facts, BShoring 1 response
- HP 41 Advanced Programming Tips, Michael Fehlhammer 0 responses
- HP prime: derivatives, Alberto Candel 9 responses
- HP 35s polar/rectangular conversion, CD Dodds 6 responses
- HP Prime print terminal, CD Dodds 4 responses
- Programming workaround for "prepend" HP PRIME, Marek Russ 4 responses
- Greetings to all (old and new) MoHPC members!, HrastProgrammer 9 responses
- Battery Holder 41CV, William Mabotja 0 responses
- Proceedings of the IEEE Article, Katie Wasserman 24 responses
- Writing RPL programs on OS X, Sean Freeman 18 responses
- HP Prime - Short "learning" modules, CR Haeger 1 response
- Solver issue with HP 17BII - different from 19BII, Jeff Kearns 13 responses
- HP Prime: Sound and Music, Alberto Candel 4 responses
- Milestones:List of IEEE Milestones -> HP-35, AlbertTocarLoseggs 4 responses
- HP Prime Triangle solver, BruceH 29 responses
- HP Prime: First 4 Weeks -- Suggestions, James Williams 4 responses
- A Reminder of the Forum's Terms of Use, Mark Hardman 20 responses
- HP Prime reset to factory state?, BruceH 3 responses
- HP Prime - incalculable risks for students, bluesun08 12 responses
- [HP-41][HP-71B][HP-75C/D][HP-IL] Found a mother-lode of programs on, rdj 2 responses
- HP-70 simulator updated, Willy R. Kunz 3 responses
- HP Prime: matrices in programs, in need of help, Alberto Candel 9 responses
- [OT] engineering student chalenge, Cyrille de Brébisson 1 response
- HP Prime - This is ridiculous, Michael de Estrada 49 responses
- ARCL ST X on -42S, Chris Rob Johnson 8 responses
- New firmware for HP 39gII, Mic 6 responses
- HP PRIME: APP program code DISAPPEARS !!, Joseph Ec 0 responses
- HP Prime Matrix TERRIBLE bug and question, uklo 19 responses
- HP Prime touch periodic table : new version, Mic 4 responses
- FRAM71 Project, aj04062 1 response
- HP Prime - GETPIX_P Return?, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 7 responses
- MASTERMIND for the HP PRIME, Tony Gallo 6 responses
- HP Prime: Home/CAS?, Alasdair McAndrew 11 responses
- HP Prime documentation, Nate Martin 10 responses
- Touch periodic table on HP Prime - revisited, Terje Vallestad 2 responses
- PRIMEComm 0.5, Harold A Climer 7 responses
- HP-67 charger, Marcel Samek 3 responses
- HP Prime Connectivity software in Virtualbox/wine, Chris Pem10 2 responses
- HP-25, Wayne Selway 1 response
- [OT] Mathematica free for Raspberry PI, BruceH 32 responses
- getkey(), Tony Gallo 3 responses
- A Wonderful Classic HP Calculator, BShoring 2 responses
- HP Prime: password protection for programs, Davi Ribeiro de Oliveira 2 responses
- Gathering USB dumps for Connectivity Kit <-> 39gII communication..., debrouxl 2 responses
- [HP Prime] Tips for Solving Differential Equations More Efficiently, Chris Pem10 8 responses
- HP PRIME: PISERIES without h tail on binaries, Joseph Ec 0 responses
- A fast Bernoulli Number method for the HP Prime, Namir 16 responses
- HP 50g - displaying result in engineering format, Sean Freeman 10 responses
- Another wish for next Prime firmware release, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 0 responses
- HP67/97 M.E. Pac cover , Ignacio Sánchez Reig 2 responses
- HP prime: linear solver app, Alberto Candel 1 response
- HP PRIME: interlinked sequences?, Alasdair McAndrew 4 responses
- HP Prime - Reset methods, bluesun08 3 responses
- 17BII & 17BII+ Discounted Payback Period Revisited, Tom Neudorfl 8 responses
- ProbaSim for HP Prime, Mic 0 responses
- How to add image to HP Forum Posting, Harold A Climer 2 responses
- Simple Tetris. free for you to improve on, cyrille de Brébisson 3 responses
- ROM updates?, Michael Carey 1 response
- HP 41CV Repairs, William Mabotja 3 responses
- Seeedstudio wish, Philippe Caïric 0 responses
- HP Prime: How do I insert/delete a column/row in a spreadsheet ?, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- HP Prime: editing a matrix, Alberto Candel 6 responses
- Polynomial program, Michael Carey 12 responses
- HP prime: logs and roots, Alberto Candel 5 responses
- PIL-box w/o IL cable = paper weight, Joe Horn 15 responses
- Hook-µP software by Rush Systems, Lute Kamstra 5 responses
- Layout of arithmetic keys on early calculators, Walter B 10 responses
- HP Prime - spreadsheet import, bluesun08 1 response
- HP: Dump the predefined variables!, bluesun08 12 responses
- HP Prime ConnKit WinXP, bluesun08 3 responses
- HP 50g - select characters on the stack, copy/paste, Sean Freeman 7 responses
- HP Prime graphing bug, BruceH 1 response
- HP PRIME: derivative at a point, Alasdair McAndrew 2 responses
- Prime: Placing more than 1 item on the RPN stack in a single program?, John Colvin 4 responses
- [HP Prime]How to get Discrete-Time Fourier Transform, uklo 0 responses
- How to clear x, Michael Carey 15 responses
- HP Prime suggestion to avoid Numeric/Symbolic confusion, Chris Pem10 4 responses
- HP Prime pen-using, bluesun08 4 responses
- HP Prime - vector question, bluesun08 3 responses
- OT: Graphing calculator for Android ?, Ivan Rancati 4 responses
- HP Prime equivalent of OBJ-> ?, John Colvin 2 responses
- HP-97 Printer Malfunction, Dan Lewis 17 responses
- Tutorials #5 (STARTAPP, RGB) and #6 (Subroutines) Are Up, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- Prime screen scratches - Use a screen protector, Eelco Rouw 11 responses
- INPUT for HP Prime, Eddie W. Shore 3 responses
- HP Prime... NOT meant to replace HP48,49,50 ?, Chris Pem10 21 responses
- I have written a short introduction to the HP Prime , Michael Carey 7 responses
- Question about transfering programs to the HP Prime, Namir 10 responses
- Prime: Scope of Variable and functions within programs, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 9 responses
- Hart, 3300, Thomas Klemm 12 responses
- HP Prime: the drama of the Apps button, shutdown, formatting, nothing solves, Davi Ribeiro de Oliveira 0 responses
- [Download] libhpcalcs: a toolkit for communicating with Prime calcs..., debrouxl 13 responses
- [Download] PrimeComm: Alternative small utility to upload/download programs to the HP Prime, Erwin Ried 6 responses
- Computing pi with the PC-1300S, Kiyoshi Akima 0 responses
- HP Prime: the drama of the Apps button, shutdown, formatting, nothing solves, Davi Ribeiro de Oliveira 1 response
- HP Prime - definitely no education tool, bluesun08 5 responses
- HP Prime: Dirichlet's eta function recognized but not numerically evaluated, Helge Gabert 0 responses
- Prime: Program size limited to 64K?, Erwin Ried 4 responses
- What exactly is the WP 43S, Harold A Climer 5 responses
- [Prime]Passing lists as arguments, Andy Gryc 2 responses
- [Prime] Shutdown timer bug?, Cristian Arezzini 2 responses
- Trivial news of the 43S (no Prime), Walter B 117 responses
- HP Prime numerical restrictions?, Alasdair McAndrew 4 responses
- Unfreezing the HP Prime?, Alasdair McAndrew 8 responses
- 48G vs 49G+ User RPL Speed Comparison, John Colvin 7 responses
- More Prime problems - lost Apps key again, Michael de Estrada 10 responses
- hp-prime videos , CompSystems 2 responses
- HP-Prime : Extracting elements from a list in RPN, Miguel Toro 0 responses
- HP Prime: Linear Solver app bug, BruceH 0 responses
- Pioneer Variants, Mark Hardman 1 response
- Possible bug with sqrt function in the HP prime, Michael de Estrada 6 responses
- "HexZombie - a tool for real programmers", Thomas Chrapkiewicz 8 responses
- HP Prime : Galton's machine, Mic 0 responses
- Custom Key Asignment, CD Dodds 2 responses
- HP Prime - Revision Suggestion - Setting the Clock, Bill Triplett 5 responses
- [HP Prime] Typo in English Users Guide, Timothy Roche 2 responses
- [HP-Prime] Picking elements from a List in a program, Jean-Michel 3 responses
- HP-Prime firmware update on a Mac, Javier Goizueta 5 responses
- HP 50g - question about matrices arrays vectors etc., Sean Freeman 6 responses
- HP Prime -, CR Haeger 0 responses
- HP Prime Tutorial #4 is up (CASE/CHOOSE/INPUT), Eddie W. Shore 1 response
- HP 50g : Best rechargeable batteries ?, Miguel Toro 14 responses
- Sheet data importer for HP Prime, Marek Russ 4 responses
- HP calculator calendar 2014, Keith Midson 16 responses
- Taking a Prime apart, Tony Duell 4 responses
- [HELP] , CompSystems 0 responses
- Need CAS help, Michael de Estrada 6 responses
- [HP-Prime] - Missing confirmation before deletion, Jean-Michel 11 responses
- Help: HP-41CX and IR module, Marcel Samek 13 responses
- HP Prime numerical precision in CAS and HOME, Javier Goizueta 5 responses
- HP Prime - most favorite command, bluesun08 2 responses
- HP Prime: do not send programs and shuts down by pressing Apps , Davi Ribeiro de Oliveira 1 response
- HP-70 Simulation for iPhone, Willy R. Kunz 2 responses
- HP12c Present Value of $1.. Inaccurate???, Edward Dixon 12 responses
- HP Prime: Recommendation for future RPN Program Mode, BruceTTT 3 responses
- HP Prime: Converting number to Sci notation and back, BruceTTT 1 response
- MS advert shows spreadsheet with obvious error, BruceH 3 responses
- HP Prime: run a program in another program, Davi Ribeiro de Oliveira 6 responses
- HP-35 blind buy but buggy!, Max Stone 7 responses
- Complex Number Entry on Prime, Jeff O. 19 responses
- HP Prime - Imlicit multiplication, bluesun08 3 responses
- HP Prime: Integrate Won't Integrate, James Williams 17 responses
- emu48 - copy stack doesn't work (as expected), Thomas Radtke 2 responses
- HP PRIME: TOUCHSCREEN, Damien 0 responses
- HP Prime - Connectivity kit purpose, bluesun08 2 responses
- 3D graphing planned for HP Prime, Mic 5 responses
- Line Print, Les Koller 6 responses
- Connectivity Kit, Les Koller 1 response
- RPL 32, David Hayden 4 responses
- HP Prime - Spreadsheet lacks, bluesun08 2 responses
- HP Prime - Spreadsheet obscurity, bluesun08 3 responses
- Converting Great Circle Navigation from 41C to 42S, Bill Triplett 11 responses
- HP Prime - CAS functions in Spreadsheet App, CR Haeger 6 responses
- HP PRIME - How to convert TICKS in hours, minutes, seconds, Giancarlo 10 responses
- Hp PRIME - how to send a list to the connectivity Kit, Giancarlo 1 response
- [HP Prime] Calculating Prandtl Number with Units (bug found in USIMPLIFY), Timothy Roche 1 response
- Bricked my Prime, Jerry Petrey 6 responses
- HP Prime - local variables retain their initial type, BruceH 4 responses
- HP Prime - Geometry App Intersection, bluesun08 2 responses
- HP Prime - another cosmetic bug, BruceH 3 responses
- How much faster is the HP Prime than the HP 50g ?, Michael de Estrada 13 responses
- Unable to reassign K_Abc (a b/c) key, Andy Gryc 1 response
- HP Prime - Geometry App inconsistence, bluesun08 4 responses
- My FrankenCulator (wp-34s), FORTIN Pascal 4 responses
- [HP Prime] Using n-root symbol and exponent problem, uklo 7 responses
- WP 34S/43 ?'s, Richard Berler 3 responses
- A few requests for the HP prime, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- hp prime - command syntax, bluesun08 6 responses
- hp prime - programming with lists, Giancarlo 3 responses
- HP PRIME: Hide return value from program and swap Edit with Run, vrrr 2 responses
- [prime] Insert a breakpoint in a program for debugging ?, Olivier Lecluse 3 responses
- Library#4 Modules mass-update and New Overlays, 'Angel Martin 0 responses
- OT--Found!!! An HP reference on 'The Big Bang Theory', Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- HP Prime Stack operations from within a program , John Colvin 1 response
- Another HP 35 Red Dot on eBay, Michael de Estrada 5 responses
- [41CL] New Extra Functions version, Monte Dalrymple 0 responses
- HP Prime - User manual lack, bluesun08 6 responses
- HP Prime - more than a spreadsheet app so far, CR Haeger 0 responses
- WP 34S Owner's Handbook, Walter B 5 responses
- Trig vs hyperbolic handling differences in Prime CAS, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- Another minor Prime hexagesimal issue, Jonathan Cameron 1 response
- 10bii Financial Calculator is on launch sale - 0.99$ only, John 4 responses
- 9014B Sony Part Number Compatibility , aj04062 0 responses
- HP-41 MCODE: The Last Function - at last!, Ángel Martin 0 responses
- How do I decompose a list with the HP Prime., Hal Bitton in Boise 4 responses
- Classic battery polarity, Kiyoshi Akima 2 responses
- wp 34s overlay and programming., FORTIN Pascal 6 responses
- HP-41 Clonix&NoV's SW Update. (For the non-Primer's guys out there... :-), Diego Diaz 21 responses
- [hp-prime] new firmware coming soon?, CompSystems 1 response
- HP Prime - EEX/X/Toolbox-key suggestions, bluesun08 2 responses
- [HP Prime] CAS font problem, Thomas Ritschel 1 response
- HP Prime - Cross product suggestion, bluesun08 13 responses
- PC-1300S, Kiyoshi Akima 10 responses
- Another HP Prime CAS question, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- XCas / Prime "solve" question, Nigel J Dowrick 4 responses
- HP Prime - Variable problem, bluesun08 12 responses
- HP PRIME: Fixed 4 number format 0.001000, Joseph Ec 18 responses
- HP Prime - Grouping Apps, bluesun08 1 response
- HP Prime - Drawing a circle from a program, Jean-Michel 6 responses
- hp41cv memory modules, tim peterson 10 responses
- HP Prime: Long integers (continued), Helge Gabert 2 responses
- Digging for bugs, Stefan Dröge (Germany) 2 responses
- Another Prime crash, Stefan Dröge (Germany) 2 responses
- Rectangular to Polar, Polar to Rectangular – One more time, Jeff O. 0 responses
- Prime feature request, Stefan Dröge (Germany) 0 responses
- PRIME: Memory Map, Harold A Climer 3 responses
- request M.E. pac for HP-67/97 wallet cover scan, Ignacio Sánchez Reig 0 responses
- Cannot delete file, Les Koller 4 responses
- PRIME: re-format the flash drive to recover the operating system, Harold A Climer 2 responses
- HP Prime Programming Tutorial #3: WHILE, INPUT, KILL, REPEAT, GETKEY, Eddie W. Shore 5 responses
- HP30b cable I can borrow?, eri 7 responses
- hp-41 Cards, Marcel Samek 8 responses
- Another Prime curiosity, Michael de Estrada 0 responses
- [HP Prime] My .02 take., Jim Creybohm 14 responses
- Shutdown with the Apps key and more than 10 variables in a program., Davi Ribeiro de Oliveira 10 responses
- Absolute Value and Matrix, BruceTTT 5 responses
- My HP Prime, Les Koller 0 responses
- WP 34s : An old problem coming back, Miguel Toro 2 responses
- HP Prime - programming, bluesun08 2 responses
- flood side-effects (not completely OT), Kiyoshi Akima 6 responses
- HP Prime: Program Editing, Marcus von Cube, Germany 6 responses
- Hp 50g, Jan 2 responses
- There are some things the HP 50g does better than the HP Prime, Michael de Estrada 19 responses
- HP Prime Crash, bluesun08 5 responses
- QPI for HP Prime, Han 16 responses
- [WP 34s] Pressure Conversion Factors, Timothy Roche 8 responses
- Non-Prime question alert: Hp-41 and synthetic instructions, Marcel Samek 11 responses
- More undocumented programming limitations in the HP Prime, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- [Prime] any ideas for a undo function?, Stefan Dröge (Germany) 8 responses
- [HP PRIME] small font bug display, Damien 34 responses
- Grouping programs on the HP Prime, Michael de Estrada 11 responses
- [PRIME] RPN: another attempt at returning more than one value to the RPN stack, Marcus von Cube, Germany 5 responses
- [HP-PRIME prg] 1, CompSystems 1 response
- [HP-PRIME KERNEL] 2 ..., CompSystems 1 response
- [HP-PRIME KERNEL] ..., CompSystems 0 responses
- [HP-PRIME kernel] asin, ASIN, aSin ???, CompSystems 1 response
- [HP-PRIME CAS] inequations, CompSystems 3 responses
- HP PRIME -- How to plot a phase Bode plot ?, dg1969 0 responses
- HP-prime Keyboard, fabrice48 0 responses
- m.dy in display of WP-34S, Harold A Climer 3 responses
- How to create a touch button [HP Prime], uklo 1 response
- Another Prime mystery - templates don't work anymore, Michael de Estrada 2 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 2 responses
- IR printer failure, Andrew Nikitin 7 responses
- More programs for polar-rectangular conversion on HP Prime, Michael de Estrada 4 responses
- HP Prime: Number of external Variables , Davi Ribeiro de Oliveira 0 responses
- 50g battery compartment, Jan 3 responses
- WP-34s ISP (flashing cable) again ;(, Bernhard 16 responses
- Help with PPL., Pal G. 6 responses
- [HP-Prime] Simple Game (Bugs), CompSystems 1 response
- HP Prime: Pass "Long" Integers to a Program, Helge Gabert 6 responses
- HP Prime questions: I/O and Meta programming, Andy Gryc 2 responses
- HP 12C Platinum Programming v. Gold Face, Dean Lewis 10 responses
- HP-41 Plastic Slide, mbrethen 4 responses
- HP PRIME: command to read the SERIAL ?, Joseph Ec 9 responses
- HP PRIME : strange behavior when trying user key capability, Damien 12 responses
- [HP-Prime] - Shortcuts for program writing, Jean-Michel 4 responses
- HP-35s Cos[x] and Tan[x] bugs resolved?, Thomas Windisch 2 responses
- HP-42S celebrates its 25th anniversary today!!! , Yriarte 7 responses
- [HP Prime] Constants Library Values, Timothy Roche 24 responses
- HP Prime variables, Davi Ribeiro de Oliveira 3 responses
- Prime as laptop numeric keypad, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 1 response
- File Format: hpprgm, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 6 responses
- I just installed a firmware update for my Prime, Michael de Estrada 2 responses
- "Packing" syndrome of my HP-41CV, PGILLET 12 responses
- My 2nd and 3rd Prime Programs, Jeff O. 7 responses
- My First Prime Program, Jeff O. 10 responses
- [HP-Prime CAS] Vector Calculus Library, CompSystems 7 responses
- Vintage HP 15C with bleeding LCD display, Michael de Estrada 1 response
- Date/time formats, R. Pienne 4 responses
- Equation Library/App for the Prime, Harold A Climer 3 responses
- Blurred fonts on the Prime, hugh steers 23 responses
- Are HP Prime CAS and TI NSpire CAS the same?, hugh steers 14 responses
- HP-67/97 Mechanical engineering PAC cover, Ignacio Sánchez Reig 0 responses
- Best statistical fit, Richard Berler 8 responses
- HP Prime program: rounding to a fraction, Patrice 3 responses
- How to set the Date.Time etc on a WP34S, Harold A Climer 4 responses
- [HP-Prime] - Please ask for confirmation before deletion !, Jean-Michel 0 responses
- HP Prime - part selection, bluesun08 7 responses
- HP Prime - deleting variables, bluesun08 1 response
- HP PRIME: How to use [a b/c] key from a program, Joseph Ec 4 responses
- Side effects of the HP Prime, Harald 9 responses
- Prime: size display bug when editing large programs, BruceH 2 responses
- HP Prime vs TI : Factoring ?, HP Pioneer 7 responses
- Sandmath/41Z overlays, Bernd Grubert 1 response
- HP Prime polynomial long division, bluesun08 13 responses
- HPprime CRASH and mysterious clepsydra indicator, fabrice48 3 responses
- HP Prime Collect/Factor difference, bluesun08 3 responses
- HP Prime 'where' function, bluesun08 11 responses
- Virtual printer for a virtual 41, Mike (Stgt) 6 responses
- Re: [WP34S] Flashing Issues, Les Wright 22 responses
- Example of an App created for Prime, (schedule program from earlier posting)., Geoff Quickfall 0 responses
- Is the HP 33s the next hot HP collectible ?, Michael de Estrada 12 responses
- HP Prime: CAS Variables - -How to save?, Helge Gabert 2 responses
- PRIME: 5 minutes' use, now $115, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 3 responses
- ENG button (like Casio calculators) on HP Prime, uklo 3 responses
- plotting diff eq's, Richard Berler 2 responses
- [HP-Prime - Geometry App] What is wrong with this ?, Jean-Michel 2 responses
- HP-Prime/Xcas: vector/list indexing, fhub 6 responses
- Line number in Prime program listings, Harold A Climer 3 responses
- Program to change entry mode on Prime, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- Crowdfunding the Prime "engineering" firmware, Eelco Rouw 24 responses
- suggestions for HP prime, dietmar13 2 responses
- HP Prime Programming Tutorial #2: MSGBOX, IF-THEN-ELSE, PRINT, FOR, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- HP Prime: How to use a large array in a program?, HP Pioneer 2 responses
- HP 50g - HP Prime tragedy, bluesun08 28 responses
- Equation Library on the PRIME, Harold A Climer 0 responses
- HP Prime : Angry Birds, Mic 1 response
- HP PRIME - APP Programing question, dg1969 2 responses
- HP PRIME Home settings var lack, Damien 0 responses
- is a 50g worth buying with future in mind, FORTIN Pascal 20 responses
- Printing the HP Prime manual, BobVA 3 responses
- HP Prime: in need of help with defining functions, Alberto Candel 14 responses
- HP Prime : inconsistency with implicit multiplication in CAS, Olivier Lecluse 6 responses
- 50g overclocking, Jan 0 responses
- HP Prime: Rounding error in determinant, Stephan Matthys 3 responses
- HP Prime Error: Summation Upper Bound > 1000, HP Pioneer 2 responses
- Entering,Saving,and Analysis /Fitting X Y Data on the Prime, Harold A Climer 6 responses
- Huh?, Geoff Quickfall 3 responses
- HP Prime Programming Tutorial #1: LOCAL, RETURN , Eddie W. Shore 6 responses
- Loading .prgm files to the Prime, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 8 responses
- HP Prime Save Power Turn Off Not Working, Timothy Roche 12 responses
- HHC2013 HP Calculator Conference DVDs Available, Jake Schwartz 0 responses
- PRIME Spreadsheet RPN Problem, Dougggg 5 responses
- HP41CV, Mike Powell 12 responses
- Prime: Exam mode (possible duplicate after funny response first time), Paul Townsend (UK) 1 response
- HP Prime : Programming and the Comma, Miguel Toro 7 responses
- HP Prime recharging, bluesun08 4 responses
- Tic Tac Toe touch for HP Prime, Mic 6 responses
- 3rd order ODE diff eq, Richard Berler 0 responses
- HP Prime Define: Use with solve, etc., Helge Gabert 0 responses
- HP-80 Teardown with pictures, Max Stone 10 responses
- HP-42S ESD self-test, Yriarte 2 responses
- HP-10C Series Family Photo, max stone 5 responses
- Droid48 Reader 1.2 Released, Chris Dreher 0 responses
- Using the Prime to solve for eigenvalues, Michael de Estrada 28 responses
- Connectivty Kit for HP Prime needs an "Import Program" Command, Eddie W. Shore 3 responses
- Draw with your finger on HP Prime !, Mic 5 responses
- What does the Send menu key in the Apps window do?, John Colvin 3 responses
- Shiny new 16C!, Keith Midson 7 responses
- HP39gii, Richard Berler 1 response
- I went for the hp50 over the prime..., eri 14 responses
- HP Prime Who know how to do that ?, dg1969 4 responses
- Prime Scales and Chords, steindid 0 responses
- HP Prime - Defining a function, bluesun08 5 responses
- HP Prime editor errors, Alberto Candel 0 responses
- Prime Program number of set bits, kris223 3 responses
- Programming examples, Han 11 responses
- HP-80 CHS Exponent Curiosity, Max Stone 4 responses
- An easy course in using the HP16c-wanted-, Frank 4 responses
- HP PRIME - Crash with "REPLACE" cmd ?, dg1969 0 responses
- deSolve how to do this on Prime, Richard Berler 16 responses
- Does RPN entry mode cause the Prime keyboard to lock up ?, Michael de Estrada 14 responses
- Prime Version Check, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 1 response
- HP in China (??), Walter B 4 responses
- Stylus for Prime screen, steindid 6 responses
- HP-65 short circuit, Ignacio Sánchez Reig 2 responses
- Touch periodic table on HP Prime, Mic 30 responses
- Prime Error or Mine?, toml_12953 12 responses
- desolve example, Richard Berler 2 responses
- HP 50g info, Jan 7 responses
- DIY543 pictures, Richard Ottosen (Denver, CO, USA) 93 responses
- [WP34s] Decoding STOM, Dieter 6 responses
- WP-34S (Prime Number Test) question, Barry Mead 3 responses
- HP PRIME - Bode and Black plots - first attempt, dg1969 0 responses
- HP Prime DRAWMENU, Mic 4 responses
- Swiss Micros calcs, Mike Powell 6 responses
- calculatrice hp prime : deception, fabrice48 24 responses
- Prime: Pedagoguery Software pop up banner, Matt Kernal 1 response
- Creating an App, and evolution for the extreme beginner (me), Geoff Quickfall 4 responses
- HP Prime - One thing I can not draw in advanced graphing, dg1969 2 responses
- Proper location for files on the PC for Connectivity Kit ,etc., Harold A Climer 8 responses
- HP-PRIME CAS SOLVING, fabrice48 8 responses
- Euler's Constant Approximation, Namir 0 responses
- Prime emulator number keys, kris223 3 responses
- HP PRIME - What is the fastest way..., dg1969 5 responses
- How to save the definition of a CAS program or CAS function ?, dg1969 3 responses
- Periodic table for HP Prime, Mic 15 responses
- HP Prime: Operations with Large Numbers , Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- Storing HP-42S without batteries, Yriarte 4 responses
- Prime incase anybody missed the clock, Dougggg 5 responses
- [HP-Prime] connector made with printer3D, CompSystems 0 responses
- HP41CV, Bry Sun 11 responses
- comparing numbers on the WP 34S, Kiyoshi Akima 7 responses
- Sending ASCII Characters from or to the PRIME, Harold A Climer 2 responses
- [HP-Prime] off-center [0], ... [9] num keys, CompSystems 1 response
- My first HP Prime PPL Program, Michael de Estrada 9 responses
- Leather case for the HP-Prime, Karl-Ludwig Butte 9 responses
- Prime to Prime Transfer, toml_12953 1 response
- HP Prime Graphic Demos?, toml_12953 10 responses
- Prime 'CONTENT' section not retaining info text, Geoff Quickfall 2 responses
- How would the Prime do on this?, Marcel Samek 2 responses
- HP PRIME NOT Supported., Harold A Climer 2 responses
- setting up subroutines that are called many times..., Geoff Quickfall 4 responses
- HP PRIME: How to change the column headers and reset data, Joseph Ec 5 responses
- Transfering HP-85A Programs, Gerry Schultz 5 responses
- HP Prime Solver Variables Issue, Anibal Morones Ruelas 8 responses
- My new HP calculator, Gerson W. Barbosa 4 responses
- HHC 2013 RPN Programming Challenge - Final Thought, Jeff O. 7 responses
- HP Prime: RANDOM, Alberto Candel 4 responses
- The worst condition 15C?, Keith Midson 8 responses
- Is the Prime a superset of the HP 17bII+ ?, vrrr 3 responses
- RPN bugs both present in Prime Calc and emulator, Eelco Rouw 9 responses
- HP Prime - Home and CAS keys, BruceH 0 responses
- HP-97 Printer Troubleshooting, aj04062 6 responses
- HP Prime: What would be cool, Pete Long 4 responses
- HP Prime: What's wrong with this program?, BruceTTT 6 responses
- OT--Discovery Channel bio on Evel Kneivel, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- Roll-down key in HP-15C, Steve Ross 6 responses
- Explaination on How to Reset Caculator in Users guie: error, Harold A Climer 5 responses
- RESET App from a program., Joseph Ec 0 responses
- [HP-PRIME] More Videos, CompSystems 1 response
- PRIME Lockup after pressing Enter key in Solver., Harold A Climer 13 responses
- HP Prime MOUSE command, Sans 3 responses
- HMS commands, Geoff Quickfall 6 responses
- HP71B Spy Radio Crypto , Donald Ingram 2 responses
- Formatting the app view message with bullets (dots), Geoff Quickfall 4 responses
- HP Prime triangle solver oddity, BruceH 0 responses
- 1984 HP15C rattles, Footloose (Illinois) 4 responses
- HP Prime: MAKELIST in RPN mode?, toml_12953 2 responses
- HP 35S: Resistors in Series or Parallel (Portred from HP-33E), Eddie W. Shore 2 responses
- Interesting Base Conversions - Porting a 1975 HP 25 Program to the HP 35S, Eddie W. Shore 1 response
- Using units in Numeric Solver, Harold A Climer 1 response
- Is my HP Prime broken ?, Michael de Estrada 10 responses
- Prime: sum-of, Paul D. Fox 2 responses
- HP-12C batteries, Yriarte 4 responses
- Extremums on Prime, Richard Berler 2 responses
- hp prime - sending program results to the stack, Giancarlo 6 responses
- Compatibility of new HP PRIME Cable, Harold A Climer 8 responses
- HP Prime Bug, bluesun08 19 responses
- Can someone explain, Mike Powell 5 responses
- Temporary User Mode Key Programs not working in RPN, BruceTTT 7 responses
- HP 67 clear cases, Keith Midson 7 responses
- latest prime software release?, Geoff Quickfall 3 responses
- HP Prime: Is This Really the Drill?, Howard Owen 14 responses
- Does the HP Prime software only work with Win 7/ 8 ?, Michael de Estrada 3 responses
- How to move lexfiles from PC to 71 w/o HP-IL?, Joe Horn 9 responses
- HP PRIME FREEZE, steindid 0 responses
- Repair of HP-34C - Error 0 and Error 9, Jeff Kearns 3 responses
- HP PRIME Function parameters, steindid 2 responses
- Sample variance?, Bruce Bergman 1 response
- App production on Prime, Geoff Quickfall 2 responses
- OT: Jeppesen E6B Wind-Easy Computer (Slide Rule), Eddie W. Shore 18 responses
- Prime: Anyway to refresh stack?, kris223 5 responses
- opening hp 15c for repair, FORTIN Pascal 4 responses
- HP Prime Things I can't figure out how to do, BruceTTT 10 responses
- HP Prime - Parenthesis Play., Chris Tvergard 1 response
- Prime: Shift -> Help, kris223 0 responses
- HP Prime touch button, SanS 3 responses
- WP34s integration trapped in infinite loop, Bernd Grubert 25 responses
- HP Prime: Slow turn off, Paul D. Fox 1 response
- [HP-PRIME] QPI project, CompSystems 0 responses
- New HP Prime causes heavy discounting of 50g, Michael de Estrada 0 responses
- HP Prime vs. 39gII Connectivity Kit , Marcus von Cube, Germany 3 responses
- HP-Prime: new UserGuides available, fhub 6 responses
- The journey of my Prime, Keith Midson 9 responses
- The other PRIME, Fred Lusk 2 responses
- HP-65 Video Tapes - Anyone have a Copy?, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 3 responses
- HP-PRIME How to do ?!!!, dg1969 2 responses
- Very low Price of HP Prime?, Harold A Climer 14 responses
- HP50G early days vs Prime early days?, Mike Powell 7 responses
- HP-42S repair of unresponsive keyboard, Tom Grydeland 1 response
- Directory Structure,if any, on the Prime, Harold A Climer 9 responses
- Prime pinch problem, David Hayden 4 responses
- Prime Program Editor Bug, Dougggg 8 responses
- HP Prime: Edit integer in RPN mode, plivesey 15 responses
- Meltiple Equation Solver PRIME Vs. HP 50G, Harold A Climer 5 responses
- HP Prime spreadsheet, Sans 9 responses
- Too hot for Prime?, calculatethis 11 responses
- Prime: fsolve with [..], Helge Gabert 3 responses
- Mersenne Prime, Gerson W. Barbosa 0 responses
- Using your HP-65 as a clock!, Don Shepherd 24 responses
- HP Prime Programming: LOCAL, Alberto Candel 3 responses
- Prime cant find Memory available, Dougggg 5 responses
- Sending from graph to home or CAS screen, Richard Berler 6 responses
- HP PRIME - Need help for basic program svp., dg1969 4 responses
- HP Prime integration, Richard Berler 1 response
- HP Prime Tutorials, Paul D. Fox 6 responses
- HP Prime complex results, Javier Goizueta 0 responses
- Hp prime list function - indexing into a list, Andy B (Australia) 3 responses
- BATTERIES' SWAP ON HP 48GX, aurelio 7 responses
- Leading 0 change?, Tim Wessman 12 responses
- HP 34s solve f'(x)=0, Richard Berler 8 responses
- Tapping the Advanced Graphing App restarts the calculator, Terje Vallestad 6 responses
- HP Prime - Saved formulas, expressions, CR Haeger 6 responses
- HP Prime data sharing, Alberto Candel 5 responses
- HP Prime Programming options, Egan Ford 8 responses
- HP Prime and Virtuak Desktops, Gerry Schultz 1 response
- HP-Prime File extension, Paul D. Fox 6 responses
- bit manips on WP 34S, Kiyoshi Akima 8 responses
- [HP-Prime] AND, OR BUGs?, CompSystems 0 responses
- Dedicated HP calculator programming-hardware-bug website?, Geoff Quickfall 12 responses
- Serious discussion regarding soft menus, Tim Wessman 24 responses
- HP Prime Comma for Thousands Separator, Michael Gerbasio 3 responses
- Unexpected problem with the real Prime, Javier Goizueta 4 responses
- CASplus Library for HP-Prime, CompSystems 1 response
- NIST Closed!, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 0 responses
- HP Prime can't find how to use partfrac function !, dg1969 3 responses
- HP Prime function APP - Strange limitation ! :o(, dg1969 2 responses
- HP Prime spreadsheet functions, SanS 0 responses
- HP-67 keyboard repair, davorin 1 response
- Prime: Quick and Dirty AXL, Helge Gabert 0 responses
- CAS vs non-CAS, Han 5 responses
- Date/time programs for the HP 35s, R. Pienne 0 responses
- minor visual bug in INPUT, Han 0 responses
- Prime: Debug with Parameters, Helge Gabert 8 responses
- Portable HP Prime Emulator, bluesun08 7 responses
- another app bug (possibly a dupe), Han 0 responses
- Factorial misbehavior, Han 10 responses
- program result display, Richard Berler 2 responses
- HP Prime Program: Sampling Without Replacement, Eddie W. Shore 13 responses
- HP Prime Program: ULAM, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- HP Prime - help desk for novices, CR Haeger 1 response
- Possible graphic/font bug?, Han 2 responses
- Where to safely buy a PRIME, John Stark 14 responses
- desolve, Richard Berler 1 response
- Prime: Another Warm Start, Helge Gabert 0 responses
- HP 50g app for the HP Prime, Martin Paech 3 responses
- Loops in Prime, Geoff Quickfall 4 responses
- Rearanging the "Fixed" sort order of Prime's Apps icons, Joe Horn 3 responses
- HP Prime Tip: Changing the Color of a Function, Eddie W. Shore 3 responses
- CAS vs non-CAS in programming the HP Prime, Han 39 responses
- Programming with CAS commands (e.g., arcLen), Helge Gabert 8 responses
- A place for Prime programs, steindid 3 responses
- [HP Prime] Wolfram VectorPlot?, Chris Tvergard 2 responses
- HP48GX screen replacement, Francisco Quiles 9 responses
- HP 21 - How to troubleshoot?, Adam Vaughn 13 responses
- HP Prime, Units and RPN..., Edthesped 7 responses
- HP15c continued fraction for Ln(Gamma), Tom Grydeland 0 responses
- what can I do with the connectivity kit?, bertopl 9 responses
- HP Prime - RPN stack access from programs?, Mike Mander (Canada) 10 responses
- HP Prime -- App and non-app programming requests, Han 21 responses
- HP Prime (emulator): Zeta function query, Paul Townsend (UK) 7 responses
- HP Prime mods, Han 2 responses
- HP Prime Solving Nonlinear System of Equations for Complex Results, Helge Gabert 11 responses
- HP-71B Cursor Chirp, aj04062 4 responses
- Advanced Graphing App., Jim Johnson 4 responses
- Prime formatting behavior, Camille 0 responses
- HP Prime EVAL function question, Jonathan Cameron 2 responses
- HP 15C missing logo !, FORTIN Pascal 16 responses
- OT--Hyperbolic Polar<-->Rectangular Coordinates, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- HP-41 questions, x34 4 responses
- go41cxt v 1.1, Olivier De Smet 3 responses
- HP Prime 2013 8 13. Rev:5106, bluesun08 2 responses
- HP-Prime: issues in entering expressions, fhub 30 responses
- Asteroid for HP Prime, Mic 7 responses
- HP 35s y^x vs. yrootx, Richard Berler 8 responses
- HP Prime section on to come?, Han 0 responses
- The Rich HP Calculator Library, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- Yes another prime question, Geoff Quickfall 13 responses
- HP Prime SIZE and OBJ-> with matrices/vectors/lists, Helge Gabert 8 responses
- My new HP Prime turned to stone, Jerry Raia 13 responses
- HP-Prime Polynomials: User Guide and Request, CompSystems 4 responses
- Colour scheme?, Geoff Quickfall 21 responses
- HP48GX Interface to a PC, John W Kercheval 7 responses
- HP Prime "Notes" feature request, Charles Bennett 0 responses
- RPN-67 Pro 2.0 is here!, Willy R. Kunz 12 responses
- HP Prime two questions about function app, dg1969 0 responses
- HP Prime Emulator/Conn. kit suggestion, Han 2 responses
- Bad Flash in HP Prime, Han 11 responses
- HP Prime Tip: Setting Up User Keys, Eddie W. Shore 2 responses
- HP Prime reset to factory settings, bertopl 16 responses
- prime programming / great circle formulae, geoff quickfall 15 responses
- HP Prime: Vector field CURL(). How-to..., Chris Tvergard 4 responses
- HP Prime -- app reset bug, Han 0 responses
- Prime Updates (don't get excited yet), Tim Wessman 3 responses
- HP Prime bug in EDITMAT, Han 7 responses
- HP 50g: question about bugs, Miguel Toro 2 responses
- WP34 cable, Mike Powell 9 responses
- Graph3D v2013.09.26 for HP Prime (updated), Han 3 responses
- [HP-Prime] randPoly command, CompSystems 0 responses
- Help me alert regular users to dangers to their calcs, Bruce Larrabee 12 responses
- message for Andreas Grund, Don Shepherd 0 responses
- Updated PPC DVD Version 2.10: HP-41 Searchable Program Files and Scannable Barcode, Jake Schwartz 3 responses
- HP-Prime CAS forum (xCAS), CompSystems 0 responses
- Hp Prime menus, Han 0 responses
- where can I get the HP Prime simulator?, John Ioannidis 4 responses
- So I took a test with my Prime today ..., kris223 12 responses
- Where to the 32-bit version of User Code Utiltiy for HP-41 ?, Olivier (Wa) 2 responses
- PRIME runtime vs. parsing., Chris Tvergard 7 responses
- HP 32sii Fault , Carlos Estinos 9 responses
- HP Prime Questions, Clayton Workman 23 responses
- 3D Grapher and Insufficient Memory, Han 10 responses
- Update of Emu71 to v1.05, Christoph Giesselink 0 responses
- Programming with Matrices, Han 10 responses
- OT - A lucky find - Busicom Handy-LE LE-120A, Cristian Arezzini 2 responses
- HHC 2013 speakers' files, Joe Horn 2 responses
- HP Prime Emulator, Han 4 responses
- HP Prime suggestions, Han 12 responses
- Prime Edit Integer, kris223 8 responses
- help flashing a hp30b to a wp34s, john mantooth 3 responses
- Box left at HHC, Tim Wessman 1 response
- Best way to test HP-71B RAM modules (the 32K/96K ones etc.)?, Philippe Lasnier 4 responses
- Stats functions on the HP34S, Nicholas van Stigt 5 responses
- HHC 2013 Day 2 Highlights, Eddie W. Shore 6 responses
- Voyager keyboard issue, John Richards 2 responses
- HHC 2013 programming contest winners, Brian Walsh 52 responses
- wp34s binomial bug, Andrew Nikitin 4 responses
- Joys of eBay: HP-32S, HP-32SII, HP-42S, HP-16C, ..., Sasu Mattila 7 responses
- HHC 2013: Day 1 Highlights , Eddie W. Shore 28 responses
- Prime Software Buttons, kris223 2 responses
- EOT--TI N-Spire Equation Limit, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- Integral, Richard Berler 32 responses
- Live from HHC2013, Namir 4 responses
- HHC / HP Museum Programming Contest for RPN and RPL machines, gene wright 18 responses
- Calculating Pi, LHH 9 responses
- HP Prime oddity, Richard Berler 5 responses
- Congrats on HP Prime, Erturk Kocalar 1 response
- Repurposing the HP Prime?, John Ioannidis 4 responses
- Nonpareil Rom files, davorin 2 responses
- Message to Eric Rechlin, Etienne Victoria 3 responses
- HHC 2013 room numbers, David Hayden 2 responses
- HP Prime, Richard Berler 1 response
- HP Prime ploting, Richard Berler 2 responses
- Prime B->R(), kris223 5 responses
- Prime user directories, kris223 2 responses
- Prime RPN storing variables, kris223 3 responses
- HP Prime and Strings, Han 6 responses
- HP Prime on ebay :-), Geir Isene 2 responses
- HP16C (NOS !!), Mike Powell 22 responses
- HP 35s, Richard Berler 1 response
- Where is the HP Prime User Guide?, Steve S 34 responses
- [REQUEST] Your "Prime" Conference Questions, Tim Wessman 9 responses
- HP 50G ROM now that HP Prime is out, Han 8 responses
- Missing LCD segments (48 SX), Matti Övermark 2 responses
- Cleaning old slide rules, aurelio 3 responses
- Light spectrum on HP Prime, Mic 2 responses
- Flashing cable for HP 20 / 30B, Stefan Koenig 3 responses
- Does Prime Have a Multiple Equation Solver?, Norman Dziedzic 2 responses
- HP Prime RPN, Matt Agajanian 16 responses
- FYI: HHC 2013 Programming contests are coming, gene wright 0 responses
- HP-Prime Home/xCAS Shortcuts, CompSystems 2 responses
- Good puzzle for kids to solve on 35s?, snaggs 11 responses
- HP Prime available, Richard Berler 27 responses
- slide rule magnifiers, Al 15 responses
- Low power warning for HP-15C LE and batteries, Nick_S 1 response
- Flash Flood Warning: 9/16/2013 (One Week from HHC13), Eddie W. Shore 8 responses
- OT: a math competition site, Pier Aiello 0 responses
- Challenge(?): Intersection curve between two cylinders in a specific position, Pier Aiello 15 responses
- So, latest 41CL / Library 4 config is..., gene wright 4 responses
- Low battery slow mode, Marcel Samek 4 responses
- symb2poly, CompSystems 0 responses
- Equation of the parabola given three points , Gerson W. Barbosa 27 responses
- HP Prime : geometry & curve, Mic 0 responses
- WP-34S: Some operator timings, Marcel Samek 5 responses
- WP-34S: Battery Level - some questions, Marcel Samek 5 responses
- re-recording original cards, aj04062 2 responses
- Sierpinksi triangle on HP Prime, Mic 1 response
- 50g piecewise functions, Kurt Fankhauser 6 responses
- Quadratic & Cubic Regression RPN progs, Matt Agajanian 9 responses
- WP-34S: Speed of y^x, Marcel Samek 1 response
- Trig Functions, Howard Owen 11 responses
- Rides between Denver airport and conference hotel?, Brian Walsh 6 responses
- Fun graphs on HP Prime, Mic 9 responses
- HP-97 card reader pinch roller axle, davorin 2 responses
- HP-97 Service Manual, newer model, davorin 6 responses
- Cleaning exiting library programs, patryk 2 responses
- HP-97 Card Reader, davorin 3 responses
- ACT insights, davorin 1 response
- HHC 2013: One Week To Go, Eddie W. Shore 2 responses
- Yet another benchmark port on the wiki: Savage, Pier Aiello 35 responses
- A HP42S Code Editor, Andreas 9 responses
- HP 35s derivatives/extremums, Richard Berler 16 responses
- HP Prime "Symb" interface (bug?), Han 8 responses
- Question about Simulation, Namir 7 responses
- 32sii manual in German availability, Don Shepherd 6 responses
- HP-97 Printer Head, aj04062 1 response
- memory evolution in graphing calculators, Pier Aiello 0 responses
- HP to be dropped from Dow Jones industrial average, BruceH 21 responses
- HP41CX: Strange serial #..., Stephan Matthys 1 response
- HPCC Mini Conference 2013, hugh steers 6 responses
- "Best of" from HP community's discussion places, Pier Aiello 4 responses
- Any 30b cables left?, patryk 7 responses
- Is it available elsewhere?, Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 1 response
- HP-97 Printer Head, aj04062 0 responses
- A brand new calculator benchmark: "middle square method seed test", Pier Aiello 25 responses
- 3D graphing on HP Prime, Glenn Becker 2 responses
- [HP-Prime xCAS] BUG: Bases and others =(, CompSystems 19 responses
- HP 95LX - will surely become more collectible, Charles C(UK) 9 responses
- New community-maintained version of "Calculators benchmark: add loop", Pier Aiello 20 responses
- hp50g screen weird line, Sok-khieng Chum Hun 2 responses
- In the meantime..using CAS on the 50G, Matt Agajanian 1 response
- HP 2225D+ RAM failure/replacement, Luca 4 responses
- HP-35s , Richard Berler 21 responses
- [HP-Prime xCAS] BUG: string command =(, CompSystems 6 responses
- Digraph and Trigraph for hp-prime, CompSystems 1 response
- Documentation about Hp50g / 49g+ / 48gII and wikis, Pier Aiello 9 responses
- Lat/Lon <-> UTM for HP-42s, Tom Grydeland 0 responses
- ( Parenthetical Issues ) yes, pun intended., Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- OpenRPN, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- HP-30B (WP-34S) Technical Documentation, Barry Mead 3 responses
- [HP-Prime xcas] operations with complex numbers + BUGs + Request, CompSystems 9 responses
- 33s, 35s & 42s--The Timex(R) Factor, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- HP-34C Draining battery quickly, Bill Crowell 2 responses
- HP-Prime article on Wikipedia, CompSystems 4 responses
- USB flashing/Li-po boards, patryk 6 responses
- HP in school..., Bunuel66 13 responses
- HP-97 thermal head movement, davorin 6 responses
- Last HP emulation, 32 & 01, Olivier De Smet 0 responses
- HP's thinking behind the 20b/30b?, John Ioannidis 3 responses
- Bittersweet introduction to WP34S, patryk 11 responses
- [Sigma]DAT on the 50G, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- ANN: A MacOSX Kermit program for HP48/49/50 calculators, Paul Onions 2 responses
- trig scales on the Post Versalog slide rule, Al 12 responses
- September SOLVE Newsletter, Robert Prosperi 4 responses
- HP 300s+: Too expensive !, Dimitri 5 responses
- UTM <-> Lat/Lon for WP-34S, Tom Grydeland 1 response
- [HP-Prime xCAS] Review Polynomial Tools + BUGs + Request, CompSystems 0 responses
- WP-34S: Little issue with program step indicator, Miguel Toro 6 responses
- Problem loading library into emulator, Tom Grydeland 2 responses
- HP Prime on TV, Tim Wessman 20 responses
- WP-34S: Program for vector (3D) manipulation, Marcel Samek 4 responses
- Back to School/Work/Other Calculator Poll, Eddie W. Shore 63 responses
- WP-34S Matrix operations with routine-local registers?, Tom Grydeland 1 response
- HP Prime Cellular Automaton, CompSystems 0 responses
- OT-The ideal calculator, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- [HP_Prime] definition of functions, APPLY command and BUGs, CompSystems 1 response
- WP-34S on German Auction Site, Joerg Woerner 3 responses
- TED Talk: Adam Spencer: Why I fell in love with monster prime numbers, Les Bell 3 responses
- Do You Think a Listing Error Was Made?, Jim Johnson 13 responses
- WP-34S function execution speed ?, gene wright 4 responses
- HP41 Navigation Pac Perpetual Alminac, Dan Pfeiffer 2 responses
- [HP Prime] Request: re-execute history like CASIO classPAD serie 300/400, CompSystems 1 response
- HP-41c display problem, Ignacio Sánchez Reig 6 responses
- [i41CX+] Sandmath 4.4, David Maier 1 response
- Latest 50G Update...?, Matt Agajanian 1 response
- Definitely not a pocket calculator!, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- Product Series and Limit Expressions on the 50G, Matt Agajanian 13 responses
- Oldest HP 41c aka earliest Serial Number, gene wright 23 responses
- [HP-Prime] Request: New command for CAS (EvalStep), CompSystems 4 responses
- OT--'The Big Bang Theory' and RPN/HP--Any connections?, Matt Agajanian 19 responses
- Help with flashing HP30s, John Ioannidis 14 responses
- TI-36X Final Answer, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- OT--TI-36X Algorithms, Matt Agajanian 48 responses
- OT TI-59 for the iPhone, Matt Agajanian 10 responses
- Reversing Sinclair's amazing 1974 calculator hack, MikeO 4 responses
- Concern about Voyager keyboard test, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- OT: Reversing Sinclair's amazing 1974 calculator hack - half the ROM of the HP-35, Egan Ford 6 responses
- Mastermind for HP-42s, Tom Grydeland 12 responses
- Irrationality in numbers....the book, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- Hand Held Products RS232 to HP-IL, aj04062 11 responses
- HP-35S Sizing, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- HP-41CL anyone?, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- [HP-Prime xCAS] My first program, CompSystems 6 responses
- Problems with HP92, Bruce Larrabee 2 responses
- HP 80 emulator, Olivier De Smet 4 responses
- [HP-Prime xCAS] Arrays: Programming Commands (solution to the ambiguity), CompSystems 6 responses
- Flashing at HHC2013, Kiyoshi Akima 1 response
- Los Angeles Times on the HP-12C, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 6 responses
- SandMatrix Released - The trilogy is complete., Ángel Martin 3 responses
- Broken HP-97 to spare?, davorin 3 responses
- [HP 39Gii] - Bug report, Jean-Michel 1 response
- Professional Engineers?, Jonathan G Harris 27 responses
- HP-Prime CAS nice images, CompSystems 9 responses
- Unit circle on HP Prime, Mic 2 responses
- HP-97 Printer parts, davorin 5 responses
- HP-97 Display flickering, davorin 4 responses
- HP-Prime: Solution to ambiguity with [ ... ] & another BUGs, CompSystems 12 responses
- HP 32s LCD part, Trisnadi Sutrisno 2 responses
- RPN-1200 (with pictures), Benoit Maag 12 responses
- (Printer) Roll Call, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- HP 7475 plotter available, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 0 responses
- About changing or deleting content after replies were made, Raymond Del Tondo 1 response
- HP 35 ... 80, Olivier De Smet 6 responses
- HP Prime: Conversion factors, Paul Townsend (UK) 19 responses
- HP PRIME CAS QUICK GUIDE [SPN], CompSystems 0 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 19 responses
- Rounding of 10^x, Olivier De Smet 8 responses
- How do you reply to this? [What are the benefits of a graphing calculator outside of class?], Pier Aiello 12 responses
- Micro Voyagers, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- WP-34S manufacturing, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- HP 55, Olivier De Smet 8 responses
- Trinomial program on HP Prime, Mic 1 response
- TVM again ;-), fhub 17 responses
- RPN-1200 Project, Benoit Maag 0 responses
- How much accuracy does one actually need?, Matt Agajanian 23 responses
- combinations of k bits wp34s, Andrew Nikitin 11 responses
- HP Prime Primer, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- WP34s curiosity..., Stephan Matthys 7 responses
- HP-34C Curiosity, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- [HP Prime] - EXP() or e, Jean-Michel 6 responses
- Availability of scientific HPs, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- SINC function (WP 34S), Gerson W. Barbosa 22 responses
- WP-34S: Subroutines, local registers and hotkeys, Marcel Samek 7 responses
- My new WP34S, Jeroen 4 responses
- Input syntax on the Prime, Gilles Carpentier 6 responses
- [HP-Prime CAS] No pretty print (MathBook), CompSystems 2 responses
- [HP-Prime CAS] list[x,y,z], vector[x, y, z ] ... data type operation?, CompSystems 1 response
- HP-fonts - Where can I found?, Csaba Tizedes (Hungary) 4 responses
- Missing functions on the HP Prime!!!??? :-(, Namir 6 responses
- Input CAS var on HP Prime , Mic 2 responses
- HP Prime emulator: Gamma function, Stephan Matthys 28 responses
- Computer-scientist functions on HP Prime?, Michael O. Tjebben 12 responses
- old HP roms, Olivier De Smet 3 responses
- go71b 'lexs' or 'raws' file format?, Christoph Giesselink 2 responses
- Do you know hp calculators communities on social knowledge sharing sites?, Pier Aiello 2 responses
- Minor suggestions for next edition of WP-34S manual, Marcel Samek 4 responses
- WP-34S: Stack after divide by 0, Marcel Samek 4 responses
- JOT scientific calculator, Richard Berler 4 responses
- HP 15C-LE replacement still available?, Borja 16 responses
- OT: EDSAC simulator, Mike (Stgt) 2 responses
- Matrix Characteristic Polynomial - Reloaded., Ángel Martin 12 responses
- HP-Prime_CAS versus MAPLE_CAS, CompSystems 0 responses
- Paper on the errors in HP Calculators vs some older computer processors, Les Koller 3 responses
- [Video] HP Prime connected to StreamSmart, Mic 3 responses
- Matrix, Richard Berler 3 responses
- HP IL over wifi ... (ILPer & go71b), Olivier De Smet 12 responses
- Slowness on WP-34S, Marcel Samek 3 responses
- How do you print a 'data' file on the HP 71B to the HP 2225B thinkjet?, Geoff Quickfall 3 responses
- [HP-Prime] Bug report: equal == operator, CompSystems 0 responses
- HP Prime : Bezout relation, Mic 7 responses
- hp 39gii lcd clear question, giancarlo 7 responses
- CLASSIC/SPICE KEY LEGENDS, Mike T. 2 responses
- [HP-Prime] Lack of user soft keys, Andy B (Australia) 1 response
- [HP-Prime] AMBIGUITY between Numerical Calculation (HOME) and Numerical/Symbolic Calculation (CAS mode), CompSystems 2 responses
- OT: Does anyone have the new Casio Classpad fx-CP400?, Eddie W. Shore 4 responses
- HP Prime - How to STO in RPN mode?, Javier Goizueta 10 responses
- Visualization of pi, Bruce Bergman 13 responses
- USB Chargers for HP calcs, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- Beal Conjecture, jep2276 3 responses
- HP Prime - transferring between calc and PC, Andy B (Australia) 3 responses
- HHC2013 Conference Closing In, Jake Schwartz 18 responses
- slow calculation, Bill Plaxton 3 responses
- Virtual HP-IL Video Interface ILVideo the 2nd!, Christoph Giesselink 3 responses
- HP-65 to kill..., Benoit Maag 11 responses
- First experience with a slide rule, aurelio 27 responses
- OT: Simulating a TI calculator with crazy 11-bit opcodes, Egan Ford 8 responses
- Advanced User's Manual and solution to the ambiguity of data types [HP-Prime xCAS], CompSystems 15 responses
- HP-11C "horse racing" version, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 2 responses
- New article on a new type of neo linear equations, Namir 0 responses
- New website address for Meindert Kuipers' MLDL2000?, Garth Wilson 2 responses
- [HP Prime CAS] No Pretty Print (Text Book), CompSystems 1 response
- Correct me if I am wrong, Denis Doyon 51 responses
- HP10C series battery door compatibility? , Bruce Larrabee 6 responses
- Advantage/CCD Matrix Challenge, Ángel Martin 1 response
- HP Prime (DVT Prototype) Hardware Details , Adrien Bertrand 7 responses
- A hands-on review of the HP Prime, Adrien Bertrand 7 responses
- [HP-prime] Parallel Processing, vectors, matrices as a only data type =(, CompSystems 1 response
- HP-67 Card Reader Repair Question, aj04062 1 response
- Prime manual, sjthomas 9 responses
- OT: PockEmul has been updated, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 0 responses
- Simple Math Question, Namir 2 responses
- Latest HP Prime "emulator" software available :), Adrien Bertrand 46 responses
- Self-made WP-34s flashing cable?, Victor Koechli 6 responses
- Value of 1981 HP 12C , hctablet1024 1 response
- Battery replacement HP75C, Chris H (UK) 1 response
- It's killing me that the Prime isn't..., Bruce Bergman 4 responses
- [HP Prime CAS] Solve Commands (Bugs and Request), CompSystems 10 responses
- Yet another simulator, Mike T. 3 responses
- Cubic root (-8) = 2 ?, Gilles Carpentier 37 responses
- 48GX Annunciators, Tony G 3 responses
- wp34s flashing successful at last, Glenn Becker 2 responses
- Typo in wp34s PRINTED manual (not pdf), Barry Mead 3 responses
- [hp 50g]Recall quickly a built-in function, Pier Aiello 10 responses
- HP 50G List of Library numbers already in use?, Michael Lopez 2 responses
- Sunday distraction, Keith Midson 0 responses
- wp34s (Why it's so accurate), Barry Mead 22 responses
- [HP Prime CAS] Request: TRUE & FALSE , CompSystems 8 responses
- [HP Prime CAS] Bugs Fixed, CompSystems 1 response
- What is the Gamma approximation you use?, Namir 21 responses
- Best HP calculator for crunching numbers, rpn fan 51 responses
- Linear Optimization/Programming, fhub 14 responses
- Advanced graphing, Gilles Carpentier 1 response
- One thing I really love on HP PRIME..., dg1969 0 responses
- "A Penny for your thoughts" on the HP50g, Tom Grydeland 3 responses
- HPmuseum's Forum RSS, Pier Aiello 1 response
- Why does PEMDAS do multiplication and division before addition and subtraction?, Don Shepherd 12 responses
- 3D printing custom molds, Han 3 responses
- HP-50 on Raspberry Pi? The HP-67 come true?, Matti Övermark 10 responses
- Re: HP Prime: Error reports : Here, Adrien Bertrand 4 responses
- Dynamic Gaussian Quadrature code in Excel VBA, Namir 4 responses
- HP8925A - Continuous BEEP and garbage display, mark stephens 3 responses
- wp34s calc to calc communication, Andrew Nikitin 1 response
- [HP-Prime CAS] Bugs and more Bugs ..., CompSystems 45 responses
- capacitors for wp34s crystal hack, Andrew Nikitin 12 responses
- QR Codes, jerome ibanes 4 responses
- [HP -Prime CAS] List, Matrix, Vector as one Array?, CompSystems 0 responses
- Nibble reverse (HP-48,49,50g), Gerson W. Barbosa 44 responses
- [HP-Prime CAS] Automatic Simplification (Direct Answer), CompSystems 6 responses
- PEMDAS, Les Koller 183 responses
- Building WP 34s emulator on Linux, Eric Smith 3 responses
- [HP-Prime] Bug list and request, CompSystems 3 responses
- wp34s Emulator (-Infinity Difference), Barry Mead 1 response
- Bac 2013 and Prime, Gilles Carpentier 8 responses
- ILPer with "auto-extended addressing", Christoph Giesselink 0 responses
- Is my HP-15C dying?, plivesey 8 responses
- Log Inconsistency, Barry Mead 14 responses
- wp34s Manual Page Reference, Barry Mead 1 response
- Typo in wp34s Manual, Barry Mead 12 responses
- wp34s Emulator (Display Residual), Barry Mead 3 responses
- wp-34s (Inconsistent Behavior), Barry Mead 2 responses
- Prime program examples, Gilles Carpentier 10 responses
- Another non-HP RPN vintage calculator joins the collection, Michael de Estrada 2 responses
- New keyboard desing for HP-Prime, CompSystems 6 responses
- An egg in the Prime, Gilles Carpentier 0 responses
- HP Prime SDK, Chris Smith 0 responses
- 41Z / SandMath Overlays: Ready at last!, Ángel Martin 3 responses
- SVN command to get latest realbuild, Barry Mead 3 responses
- HP41 Functions Address Table (F.A.T.), Antoine M. Couëtte 6 responses
- HP-Prime exponents display, Richard Berler 7 responses
- wp34s pocket reference, Andrew Nikitin 48 responses
- trouble flashing wp34s under Linux, Glenn Becker 8 responses
- Hp 50g Advanced user guide bookmarked, Pier Aiello 9 responses
- How to open 82162A Thermal Printer Chassis?, Ron Fredericks 1 response
- New version of WP34s iOS emulator, pascal_meheut 4 responses
- HP Prime: Error reports : Here, Patrice 111 responses
- HP PRIME EMULATOR!!! From HP China Agency, Waon Shinyoe (China) 55 responses
- HELP! WP-34S (Flashing Issue), Barry Mead 2 responses
- (OT) Pandigital expression (HP-48,49,50g), Gerson W. Barbosa 19 responses
- HP-32S II Expansion, Matt Agajanian 14 responses
- hp 17bii+ dates calculation..., JoePaul 6 responses
- Expon bug in wp34s, Andrew Nikitin 7 responses
- Need service information for HP 82161A Cassette Drive, Peter N1 2 responses
- Bug Bounty Programs Beat Internal Researchers, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 0 responses
- HP41 Barcode ideas, MichaelG 6 responses
- EMU71 on a web page!, hugh steers 13 responses
- [41CL] A couple more rhetorical questions, Monte Dalrymple 1 response
- program print in wp34s, Andrew Nikitin 13 responses
- Another wishlist for 43s, Andrew Nikitin 3 responses
- What About An iOS/Android HP-41 Barcode Reader App?, Jake Schwartz 0 responses
- Questions about building a RAM card for hp 48, Waon Shinyoe (China) 0 responses
- Some random wish list items for the 43s, Marcel Samek 18 responses
- Qestion to Valentin Albillo, Mike (Stgt) 1 response
- Prime on PC Superstore, Ivan Rancati 0 responses
- I am an idiot, Tom Lewis 21 responses
- HP-25/25C Potential, Matt Agajanian 14 responses
- Battery holder for my 33C, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 1 response
- HP 41: new barcode creation tool, MichaelG 50 responses
- Sharp PC-1350 user manual (english), Basil 8 responses
- Inverse binomial, Richard Berler 7 responses
- WP-34S: Alpha lock, Marcel Samek 15 responses
- Classpad II fx-CP400 emulator, Namir 0 responses
- hp prime manuals, giancarlo 0 responses
- Downhill Simplex Method (Nelder Mead) for WP-34S, Marcel Samek 0 responses
- WP-34S: question - Initialization of local registers, Marcel Samek 8 responses
- WP-34S: Bug with STOS command, Marcel Samek 5 responses
- WP-34S: # constant in exponent, Marcel Samek 3 responses
- WP_34S: Patch for, Marcel Samek 0 responses
- wp34s library tool, Andrew Nikitin 3 responses
- WP-34S Overlay - making it a bit more permanent?, Marcel Samek 1 response
- Picture from the Mini-HHC (LA), Geir Isene 11 responses
- WP-34S QT emulator bug: real menus for catalogs, Marcel Samek 8 responses
- HP 20S, Kate Field (Corvallis) 1 response
- News from the 43S, Walter B 78 responses
- Is there a HP50g emulator for Linux?, Matti Övermark 2 responses
- A workaround for the inefficient SUBST command, peacecalc 3 responses
- HP12C Platinum PC software activation fails, Russell Clinton 0 responses
- First HP Prime program + new videos, Mic 3 responses
- Stuck Omnibook 300 pop-out mouse. Ideas?, gene wright 5 responses
- Latest & Last SandMath is released, Ángel Martin 0 responses
- Second Batch of HP-15 LE calculators, Namir 6 responses
- Woodstock, Classic & Spices for iPhone, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- JTAG on HP-12C and HP-15C LE, Ingo 5 responses
- HP-41: CLR & STATUS, Geir Isene 0 responses
- SCIOVR and ENGOVR in FIX mode, Andrew Nikitin 5 responses
- Another wp34s is born, Andrew Nikitin 1 response
- JTAG cable for HP30B?, John Ioannidis 2 responses
- Is the HP-35S bug free?, Matt Agajanian 22 responses
- WP 34s calculator at auction, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 56 responses
- Riemann's Zeta Function update (HP-28S, HP-48G/GX/G+, HP-49G/G+/50g), Gerson W. Barbosa 0 responses
- HP-71b questions, jerome ibanes 6 responses
- Little curiosity: why the fourth stack register is called "T"?, Antlab 34 responses
- Just a lazy solver algortihm, PGILLET 1 response
- HP-12C: Missing Segments, Stefan Ramonat 2 responses
- HP-11C and complex numbers, Antlab 5 responses
- TVM WP34s trouble, JimP 4 responses
- Material for keyboard overlays?, John Ioannidis 9 responses
- Elliptic integrals of 1st and 2nd kind calculated by complex agm, Gjermund Skailand 3 responses
- WP-34S assembler & constants, Marcel Samek 8 responses
- OT: My brain is failing me again. Help with numerical / mechanical problem required., Harald 4 responses
- Patch for wp34s assembler, Marcel Samek 0 responses
- HP-16C simulator, fhub 12 responses
- Connecting 50g to Win7-PC, Victor Koechli 6 responses
- Re: RPN on an iPhone, Pal G. 4 responses
- 30b/34s interfacing?, ross sponholtz 5 responses
- How to use XnView to create .gro4 file as in OpenFire?, arturfeghali 2 responses
- OT: How to get data from WinXP to a full-size PCMCIA SRAM card, gene wright 10 responses
- EMU71 to go71b--is there a way?, Les Wright 12 responses
- PARTFRAC error., Romeu Medeiros 2 responses
- 2-battery 12c keyboard row quit, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 1 response
- Another Emulator, Mike T. 12 responses
- HP-17bII+ emulator problem (TW?), fhub 7 responses
- HP 11C Batteries have lasted 22 years, nink 3 responses
- WP 34S New Build with older GCC , Marcus von Cube, Germany 4 responses
- wp34s ui tweaks, Andrew Nikitin 12 responses
- ELO - Domination Matrix, Kimberly Thompson 0 responses
- Our 11C Scientific Calculator Android app is on launch sale, 0.99$ only , John 1 response
- HP Prime pictures with video !, Mic 55 responses
- 41 SOLVE & INTEG Bank-switched Implementation., Ángel Martin 0 responses
- Emulators, Olivier De Smet 5 responses
- wp34s builds, Andrew Nikitin 20 responses
- Infinity constants on WP-34s, Marcel Samek 4 responses
- HP 15c Unlimited Edition, Michael de Estrada 7 responses
- Trouble dumping Pioneer ROM via IR, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 6 responses
- 10BII LCD Repair, K Gobeski 0 responses
- weird statistics bug in wp34s, Andrew Nikitin 5 responses
- A slide rule to conquer the moon revisited, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 12 responses
- HP-41 New versions of your favorite modules - with an AOS twist :-), Ángel Martin 13 responses
- FLASH? command, Andrew Nikitin 1 response
- who uses programmable calculators?, John Ioannidis 24 responses
- 200LX problem: Insert batteries and get a continuous beep... ideas ?, gene wright 8 responses
- HP50G advanced applications for mathematics, CompSystems 0 responses
- What happened to the SandMath manual page?, Garth Wilson 3 responses
- nav pacs, Al 6 responses
- Getting a ROM dump for 15C, Les Wright 4 responses
- [wp34s] Converting to/from IEEE 754 Binary64 (Double Precision), David Maier 1 response
- Introduction to the HP Prime, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 2 responses
- wp34s, another shutdown situation, Andrew Nikitin 10 responses
- 41CL :TROUBLE IN FILE TRANsFER, aurelio 22 responses
- HP 50G serial port programming, Chris Smith 2 responses
- [wp34s] E24 macro, Nobby K. 14 responses
- 10C, 11C, 12C logos on The Auction Site, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 0 responses
- Vicinno 11C Scientific Calculator app is on Android now, John 0 responses
- Prime Info, davidshenk 0 responses
- [alpha]SR wp34s, Andrew Nikitin 9 responses
- Jacques Laporte's Fantastic Site, BShoring 3 responses
- OT: anyone use the TI BAII Plus calculator a lot ?, gene wright 1 response
- New pictures of HP Prime in hand, Mic 52 responses
- go41cx and forth rom?, John Ioannidis 5 responses
- Land surveying programs have nowhere to go, JJB299 11 responses
- HP 85 Serial Interface; INPUT Example?, inaki 1 response
- WP34s program submission: Quadratic fit, Andrew Nikitin 2 responses
- WP-34s Documentation error, Marcel Samek 9 responses
- another wp34s bug, Andrew Nikitin 8 responses
- HP 67 problems, Manel 1 response
- Identify HP-01 Prototype parts, aj04062 3 responses
- Connecting a 9825A to the outside world, David Ramsey 3 responses
- i41CX for iOS with page addressing, Sylvain Cote 3 responses
- WP-34S Bug Report, Barry Mead 4 responses
- WP-34s feature suggestion: "Follow jump" shortcut, Andrew Nikitin 3 responses
- WP-34s negative shifts, Andrew Nikitin 5 responses
- HP-15 LE Key repair question, Namir 2 responses
- 9815 data cartridge drive (also 9825 / 9845 / 85 / 87, and who knows what else), John Ioannidis 2 responses
- 9815 Service Module, John Ioannidis 0 responses
- New revision of the PowerCL & Manual, Ángel Martin 2 responses
- HP 38 C emulator, Olivier De Smet 2 responses
- New screen on pictures of new Sharp EL-9950, Mic 4 responses
- Fibonacci Friday, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 2 responses
- Case mod, Andrew Nikitin 0 responses
- HP42S and IR printer, matti 9 responses
- WP-34s pocket reference, Andrew Nikitin 4 responses
- New HP 35S Programs posted on my blog, Eddie W. Shore 2 responses
- Pilbox speedup on Mac OS X, Håkan Thörngren 1 response
- WP-34s clock program, Andrew Nikitin 8 responses
- [WP34s] strange behaviour at number entry, Dieter 12 responses
- RPN-67 Pro updated to v1.2, Willy R. Kunz 29 responses
- [OT?]Orthography corrector needed., Diego Diaz 8 responses
- WP34s indirect addressing of alphanumeric labels, Eduardo Duenez 4 responses
- Maciej Bartosiak's iOS simulators..., Pal G. 3 responses
- wp-34s command formatting, Andrew Nikitin 4 responses
- any open source HP 10BII emulators?, John 15 responses
- Great news - Vicinno's HP 15C Scientific Calculator iPhone app is FREE now, John 21 responses
- HP-27S speed compared to HP-42S, Tommi 3 responses
- New graphing calculator by Sharp !, Mic 1 response
- "Plast Aid"?, Paul Brogger 7 responses
- New HP Prime screenshots, Mic 0 responses
- Selftest of HP-15C in 'emulators' of it, Mike (Stgt) 1 response
- TI-BAII plus clone (with emulator), fhub 3 responses
- OT: DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS using the HP-48G/GX, Ivan Rancati 2 responses
- Program for HP-16c..., Leonid 9 responses
- Strange battery leak, Cristian Arezzini 0 responses
- a new variant of the 200LX?, robert rozee 1 response
- HP-9825A I/O, David Ramsey 3 responses
- hp 49g+ and 50g cases, William L. Drylie 16 responses
- HP 35S: Spherical Triangles, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- A slide rule to conquer the Moon, Gilles Carpentier 11 responses
- HP 85A. GET and SAVE commands., inaki 6 responses
- Planar Triangles Program: HP 35S, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- Auction Scam of the Week?, Frido Bohn 4 responses
- OT - Converting 9 track 6250 bpi tapes, Marcel Samek 0 responses
- integration on 39gII emulator, Wes Loewer 29 responses
- WP 34S – Soldering Services, anetzer 0 responses
- Printing HP 9825 data, Norman Pillsbury 3 responses
- The decline of Soviet calculator quality, Michael de Estrada 5 responses
- New infos about HP Prime, Mic 12 responses
- HP-41: ELO, Geir Isene 7 responses
- HP 9845 option 200 power supply, Dave F 2 responses
- [41CL] Another question for users, Monte Dalrymple 28 responses
- HP prime: fractal software, Cristian Arezzini 5 responses
- Party Puzzle: for your amusement, hugh steers 2 responses
- 41-MCODE: Auto XEQ+ALPHA possible?, Ángel Martin 5 responses
- HP cashback in France, Vincent Guilbault 0 responses
- WP-34s manual, Andrew Nikitin 22 responses
- HP50g rebind stat key, Chris Smith 1 response
- HP48 source, Han 0 responses
- HP 86/87 - CP/M, Ph.Théry 3 responses
- hp 35s programs in software library, Andrew Nikitin 7 responses
- Precision DC-50, Mic 3 responses
- OT: RPN calculator/dmm by ESI, Kees van der Sanden 2 responses
- HP 50g: Customize Your Equation Library, Software49g 2 responses
- Perimeter of an Ellipse (HP-42S), Gerson W. Barbosa 16 responses
- HP-41 and your telescope, Geir Isene 2 responses
- OT: Visiting the US (NY & LA) - wants to meet calc nerds, Geir Isene 7 responses
- Hp-67 card reader: tantalum capacitor identification, Ignacio Sánchez Reig 8 responses
- Prime competition on the scene!?, LHH 6 responses
- [OT] Unknown Olivetti calculator?, Cristian Arezzini 4 responses
- Strings inside matrix editor on 50g, Chris Smith 3 responses
- HP-41 CATALOG, Siegfried (Austria) 3 responses
- How much would making a one-off calculator cost?, KoenDV 17 responses
- WP34s contributed programs. Where to send?, Eduardo Duenez 28 responses
- Update of Emu48 to v1.55, Christoph Giesselink 4 responses
- Inexpensive HP 30b, Matthew Richards 23 responses
- Service manual for HP9872C plotter?, John Ioannidis 2 responses
- HP 39gII considered annoying, part 1, Pete Wilson 6 responses
- Emulators for iOS on sale today, Bruce Bergman 3 responses
- HP 15C LE extremums , Richard Berler 29 responses
- Programs for 15C and 35S, Eddie W. Shore 25 responses
- Anyone got a 39gII and doesn't mind memory loss?, bhtooefr 4 responses
- HP charger 82002c for handheld calculators, Dave Burson 2 responses
- NEC 1260(M) Monochrome Monitor, aj04062 0 responses
- HP Prime available?, Ingo 12 responses
- astonishing recurrence, Thomas Klemm 53 responses
- HP-Prime photo, critor 9 responses
- Voyager Self Test, Mike (Stgt) 5 responses
- Poll: SandMath and 41Z Overlays anyone?, Ángel Martin 20 responses
- 3D-printed calculator parts?, John Ioannidis 13 responses
- HP Prime screenshots, Mic 24 responses
- HP65 Prices - have I missed someting?, Harald 9 responses
- HP 32S-II Vertical Curve Program, Ron Cardwell 2 responses
- PPC ROM Price, Fouad M. Kaadou 7 responses
- HP-15C Synthetics, Mike (Stgt) 19 responses
- RPN-67 Pro updated, Willy R. Kunz 8 responses
- [41CL] Updated Manual, Monte Dalrymple 1 response
- Update of Emu42 to v1.17, Christoph Giesselink 1 response
- does WAIT command in userRPL do a busy wait?, Pier Aiello 10 responses
- 98228A 9885/9895 ROM for 9825?, Craig Ruff 4 responses
- wp34s flashing with linux., Thomas Windisch 6 responses
- emulated or virtual?, Mike (Stgt) 6 responses
- Nonpareil + HP10C, Mike (Stgt) 0 responses
- Question For Angel - SandMath 2x2, John Abbott (S. Africa) 6 responses
- HP 9885M disk drive, David Ramsey 0 responses
- A small but colourful bouquet ..., Walter B 5 responses
- Happy Mother's Day!, Eddie W. Shore 1 response
- HP 39GII Undocumented behaviour, Bunuel66 0 responses
- HP lucky dip, Keith Midson 6 responses
- Fun things found by running strings on the 39gII emulator, bhtooefr 11 responses
- The 'Complete' Collection, Keith Midson 8 responses
- Casio fx-CP400 emulator (90 days trial), Mic 2 responses
- HP 41 Mcode related Questions, Michael Fehlhammer 4 responses
- Has anyone purchased an HP Slate?, Bruce Bergman 8 responses
- HP-15C Simulator / Release 3.2.00, Build 5319, Torsten 10 responses
- HP35 Ad. from 1972 with calculation error reused in 2009?, Michael Kathke 46 responses
- HP 50g Takes hours to compute a convergent series, Matthew Richards 10 responses
- wp34sflashcmd Linux problem, Ole Streicher 1 response
- Trading TI Nspire CX CAS for HP Prime, Justin Sloan (Honolulu) 2 responses
- happy fibonacci day 5/8/13, Allen 8 responses
- Catalogs as menus in WP34s Qt Emulator, pascal_meheut 9 responses
- Lost formulas, David Goldstein 5 responses
- Copy/Paste in HP 35s emulator, Ivan Rancati 2 responses
- How I use my HP50G at work. , David Bengtson 7 responses
- Re: Natural display V.S. RPN, which is better?, Waon Shinyoe (China) 2 responses
- Natural display V.S. RPN, which is better?, Waon Shinyoe (China) 18 responses
- Canon F-789SGA calculator, Mic 2 responses
- HP Prime apps, Han 2 responses
- 8/60 -> HMS, PGILLET 47 responses
- OT : searching for a manual for this Toshiba calc, Alberto Fenini 1 response
- Warning - Don't update RPN-67 Pro on your iPad, Michael de Estrada 9 responses
- Update of Emu28 to v1.27, Christoph Giesselink 4 responses
- HP33E how to input numbers, RalfGeiger 6 responses
- Color calculators, Mic 72 responses
- Sharp PC-E500 question, Basil 1 response
- MC and HP Prime, Damir 1 response
- HP 35s - multiple program input values?, Arno 3 responses
- OT: RPN port to Casio fx-cg10/20?, Matt Kernal 4 responses
- HP-41CL & NoV(-64): Race condition?, Geir Isene 11 responses
- HEPAX Revisited: Revision 1E available, Ángel Martin 4 responses
- HELP WANTED ON ALGORITHMS, Joerg Woerner 19 responses
- PPC Rom Barcodes, John Abbott (S. Africa) 7 responses
- "HP RPN Calculator Users" group on LinkedIn, Philippe Lasnier 6 responses
- New HP 39gII firmware, Mic 12 responses
- A good general mathematics reference book?, Chris Smith 11 responses
- How to save WP34s programs to a file?, Harald 9 responses
- [41CL] Memory Reference posted, Monte Dalrymple 12 responses
- HP71B to HP 41 Translator ROM Manual, Michael Lopez 5 responses
- HP Prime dimensions, Han 0 responses
- HP85 Programmable ROM cardtridge 82929A-service ROM not working-, inaki 2 responses
- My calculator prototypes, CompSystems 1 response
- HP85 tape reader; end of tape detection , inaki 9 responses
- HP85 Waveform Analysis, inaki 1 response
- New WP34s Emulators with better display, pascal_meheut 13 responses
- Missing HP Prime introduction, Johnny Bjoern Rasmussen 2 responses
- HP Prime should have higher resolution screen, LHH 5 responses
- Later HP-25C Keyboard Repair, aj04062 2 responses
- C71 Rom for HP 71b ?, Michael Fehlhammer 1 response
- HP Prime and wireless connectivity, Mic 22 responses
- Crate of HP 300s+, Mic 0 responses
- HHC 2013 Website up and running, Joe Horn 4 responses
- [43S] Display and top row, refined, Walter B 20 responses
- HP-17bII+ Solve Compatibility Issues, Robert Prosperi 7 responses
- Binary versus Decimal prefixes, bill platt 22 responses
- OT: My Slide Rule Collection, Eddie W. Shore 18 responses
- For sale: HP 25C and Stat Pac 2 for HP 65, Michae Altmann 1 response
- SpeedBrowser / EQLib Browser for the HP 48S/SX, Raymond Del Tondo 0 responses
- How would you respond?, Matthew Richards 27 responses
- HP prime keys, Mic 27 responses
- HP Prime Marketing Video, Tim Wessman 64 responses
- HP Annouces the HP Prime, Namir 41 responses
- Rather large missed opportunity - a pile of HP71B's, Chris Smith 3 responses
- HP 50g issue, Matthew Richards 4 responses
- USB vs DVD, Han 9 responses
- Previously dead WP 34S is resurrected!, JayV 2 responses
- HP Prime, bluesun08 15 responses
- Update of Emu71 to v1.04, Christoph Giesselink 8 responses
- WP34S ver 3,2 Arrived from Eric, Namir 0 responses
- [wp34s] Minor Issue with Stopwatch on real hardware, RalfGeiger 3 responses
- The HP achievement award, Geir Isene 2 responses
- WP34s displaying text, Steve B (Canada) 3 responses
- A very long HP-17BII equation, Gerson W. Barbosa 22 responses
- Improved debugger on WP34s Qt Emulator, pascal_meheut 0 responses
- HP 50g: Major updates for MLP / OSE / HLP released, Software49g 2 responses
- HP-50G belt clip case, Dan Lewis 6 responses
- SandMath-44_2x2: New version now available, Angel Martin 2 responses
- New version of the WP34s iOS emulator, pascal_meheut 15 responses
- A long WP-34S night , Siegfried (Austria) 10 responses
- Repair my HP 65 motor?, Michae Altmann 1 response
- HP 50G emulation for android, Olivier De Smet 3 responses
- HP-12C Primer, Max Stone 3 responses
- HP on Saturday Morning, Eddie W. Shore 8 responses
- Some trig help, please, Matt Agajanian 33 responses
- Amazon offering 8$ for my HP-30B, Siegfried (Austria) 7 responses
- Repair HP 45, Nanoman 3 responses
- Creeping black pattern on HP-11C screen, Larry Gagnon 6 responses
- Look on Fournier pressure sensor for HP calcs, Mic 0 responses
- hp-30b with free shipping, sjthomas 9 responses
- HHC 2013 location, David Ramsey 11 responses
- HP 10s+ Easter Egg (Statistics), Eddie W. Shore 1 response
- HP 50G Multi Lingual Pack – Polski, Software49g 3 responses
- HP-67 app for iPhone?, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- Convergence Dream Machine, anetzer 11 responses
- HP-25 left on for a long, long, while, Matt Agajanian 12 responses
- Video of Ghost HP-11C keys on HP-12C, Max Stone 2 responses
- Colorful Plots (OT), Eddie W. Shore 4 responses
- Software Library, Eddie W. Shore 1 response
- The HP Graphers 48SX - 50G, Jedidiah Smith 11 responses
- HP 12c Platinum Emulator Activation Server Problem, Danny Farley 5 responses
- Trigonometric Functions (HP-17BII), Gerson W. Barbosa 2 responses
- HP-41C flakiness, John Richards 21 responses
- HP 10s+ hardware, Mic 1 response
- That is how they should sell the HP 30B :), Harald 11 responses
- RPN on other machines, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 4 responses
- HP 39gii Programming Tutorial Part 7, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- Trouble entering a HP35s program line, Arno 2 responses
- HP Spice Legacy in the former CCCP (MK-61), Mike Morrow 17 responses
- HPIB Syntax Error at Status command, inaki 3 responses
- RPN Calculators in Use, rgray 8 responses
- WP 34s Solve, Richard Berler 3 responses
- HP-67 Emulator for Android Tablets, MikeO 7 responses
- Bond duration and convexity, Santiago Estevez 1 response
- Cool math clock, Bruce Bergman 28 responses
- Strange video, Peter Niessen 9 responses
- My Mostek collection is complete, Michael de Estrada 15 responses
- WP34s Programming woes, Frederick Wahl 8 responses
- dx increment on WP 34s, Richard Berler 0 responses
- [wp34s] Say thank you thread, RalfGeiger 11 responses
- HP PRIME-Where there's smoke....., John Stark 19 responses
- NCTM Conference in Denver, Namir 9 responses
- HP 39gii Programming Tutorial Part 6: Interactive Programs, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- [EXCLUSIVE FLASH] Infos about new HP Prime !, Mic 16 responses
- HP-67CX lives!, Paul Townsend (UK) 2 responses
- Another PPC DVD Update: 30th Year of Datafile + HP Conference Index, Jake Schwartz 0 responses
- HP Prime : new graphing calculator ?!, Mic 15 responses
- Stupid idea of the day: 41-compatible watch, bhtooefr 0 responses
- Easter Sunday Basic Trigs (HP-12C), Gerson W. Barbosa 29 responses
- Egyptian Fractions on the WP-34s. Just for the heck of it., Marcel Samek 13 responses
- HP-67 Read Error, Matthew Richards 5 responses
- HP 39gii Tutorial Part 5 Up (finally), Eddie W. Shore 1 response
- HP-94 question, aj04062 10 responses
- Review of the Fourier Hygrometer for HP StreamSmart, Mic 3 responses
- HP-41C Transition to HP-28C book?, Dan Grelinger 6 responses
- Safe charging LED HP calcs, Anoop Sahal 6 responses
- DM-1x Silver vs. DM-1xCC Aluminum quality?, bhtooefr 11 responses
- HP-34C Emulator, BShoring 8 responses
- [41CL] Question for users, Monte Dalrymple 8 responses
- Alignment disk and procedure for 9114A, aj04062 1 response
- HP-42S with Electroluminescent screen and simple I/O port, Jose Poyan 8 responses
- Does IR printing not work on your converted WP34s? Then read on..., Harald 3 responses
- Roms ..., Olivier De Smet 6 responses
- Software for Reverse Polish Notation Calculator, JC Howard 4 responses
- HP-80 Financial Calculator (1973), BShoring 3 responses
- Tunnel game for HP 39gII, Mic 0 responses
- HP 41CX Survey Pac, Keith Burr 7 responses
- Nav Pacs, Al 3 responses
- Simple sample programs for the HP-41CX?, Tom Lewis 5 responses
- HP50g emulator, Richard Berler 1 response
- (deleted post), deleted 2 responses
- PILBox on Mac OS X success, Håkan Thörngren 5 responses
- WP34s iOS emulator now available, pascal_meheut 33 responses
- One for Mr NAMIR, PGILLET 4 responses
- Review of the Fourier Thermometer for HP StreamSmart, Mic 7 responses
- HP35s scientific calculator, GREG W THOMAS 4 responses
- Matrices on HP39gii (Cautionary Tale), Eddie W. Shore 2 responses
- Nothing like passing the time away..., Eddie W. Shore 2 responses
- HP Calc Series, Mic 3 responses
- Getting back to the CL, Geir Isene 6 responses
- Web Equation, Thomas Klemm 3 responses
- OT: Fundraising for the kids school, cyrille de Brebisson 1 response
- The "blue book" and what the figures tell, Walter B 29 responses
- HP 300S+, Erturk Kocalar 2 responses
- HP 39gii Tutorial: REPEAT and WHILE, Eddie W. Shore 6 responses
- 71B Complex User Defined Functions in Calc Mode?, Michael Burr 0 responses
- RPN in primary education, Chris Smith 26 responses
- Testing card reader motor for 65, Michae Altmann 2 responses
- HP-41CV - A Walk Down Memory Lane , Tom Lewis 9 responses
- No luck getting flash disk to work in 95lx, Harald 7 responses
- HP-41 LCDs, aj04062 2 responses
- Decimal/Binary Conversions for the HP 39gii - 3/16/2013, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- 39gii Tutorial: FOR loops is posted , Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- IR Link Problem: HP48 <-> PC, Waon Shinyoe (China) 1 response
- Grapevine Publications still around?, Jedidiah Smith 2 responses
- [41CL] Power_CL: YFNZ or YFNP, Dan Grelinger 5 responses
- NCTM, Denver April 17-20, Tim Wessman 1 response
- Saturn on Android_OS and i-OS, CompSystems 6 responses
- Simple? programming question [WP34S], Shawn Gibson 3 responses
- SandMath routine of the week: Inverse Gamma Function, Ángel Martin 39 responses
- HP Calculator Sales Numbers, BShoring 4 responses
- Ghetto HP Forum, Thomas Klemm 5 responses
- [43s] : How the solver will be implemented, Miguel Toro 3 responses
- OT: Happy Pi Day!, Eddie W. Shore 13 responses
- AME Design Port Extender for the HP41, Dane Spillers 2 responses
- Just added an HP 50G to the collection!, Jedidiah Smith 12 responses
- HP StreamSmart Review, Mic 6 responses
- WP 34S manual, Paul Dale 4 responses
- [WP 34s] How to get the latest version of file xyz, Walter B 3 responses
- Repairing HP 65, Michae Altmann 5 responses
- Does anyone want dead 82001 battery packs?, Michae Altmann 6 responses
- Music for the HP-71B?, Christoph Giesselink 7 responses
- Athana DC100A Tapes, inaki 6 responses
- Updated HP-41 Flex-PCB replacement guide., Diego Diaz 2 responses
- Need manual for HP 44464a (a 3421a I/O board, Alan Sciacca 1 response
- [43S] Display, Walter B 67 responses
- WP 34s emulator, Paul Townsend (UK) 25 responses
- HP-41C Trivia Question, Dan Grelinger 12 responses
- Authentic HP85 color?, inaki 3 responses
- HP-67 Emulators for iPad, BShoring 5 responses
- WP 34S, Richard Berler 22 responses
- Where are older messages hiding?, Harald 2 responses
- Article of interest, Victor Quiros 0 responses
- HP 39gii Tutorials Parts 1 and 2 up, Eddie W. Shore 3 responses
- WP 34S, Richard Berler 2 responses
- Dead 50g after 3 months, Chris Smith 13 responses
- Calculators usable in dim light, Marcel Samek 10 responses
- HP 48gII - , Jedidiah Smith 10 responses
- Square Root Simplifier for HP39gII, Mic 4 responses
- Totally OT ... Pi Day for my car, Maximilian Hohmann 18 responses
- Fresh at this but excited: questions about 71B connectivity, John Stewart 9 responses
- Battery for HO41C?, Waon Shinyoe (China) 2 responses
- On ode to the -41CL; Sometimes its the little things..., Dan Grelinger 3 responses
- From little nerd to calculator enthusiast, Geir Isene 5 responses
- WP-34S Integration, Richard Berler 15 responses
- HP-41C Overlay Generator (by spb), aurelio 0 responses
- A cheaper way to add to your collection, Keith Midson 3 responses
- HP 39gii Stuck Again!, Eddie W. Shore 3 responses
- Mechanical calculator doing calculus, Bruce Bergman 5 responses
- My birthday, so a little commemorative mini-challenge !, Valentin Albillo 43 responses
- HP 35 Pretty Good Purchase Today!, Norman Dziedzic 1 response
- HP-35 and HP-65 Current Requirements, Dan Lewis 0 responses
- Recharging original batteries in HP 45, 65 and 25, Michae Altmann 1 response
- HP 34s f', Richard Berler 15 responses
- Trig Identity question, Namir 13 responses
- HP-50g How to store many equations - help needed, Timo Labrenz 5 responses
- Almost totally OT: Looking for Sharp EL-9900G ROM upgrade, Marcus von Cube, Germany 3 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 15 responses
- HP-71B - thanks to Marcus von Cube for MATH ROM article, Michael Lopez 2 responses
- User Library programs, Michae Altmann 5 responses
- Preparing calculators for sale, Michae Altmann 11 responses
- Limit calculator on HP-39gII, Mic 1 response
- WP 34S flashing problem, Gerson W. Barbosa 15 responses
- How do I upload to programs to HP 39GII ?, Bernd Grubert 1 response
- Tangent's equation program for HP39gII, Mic 22 responses
- Cheap hp32sii in bad condition on sale on Taobao, Waon Shinyoe (China) 1 response
- WP34S Manual is here!, Namir 15 responses
- HP01 on ebay, Michael Fehlhammer 1 response
- Warning: These are NOT Clonix!, Diego Diaz 11 responses
- Review of the HP-40gs, Mic 1 response
- RPN logic question, Victor Quiros 52 responses
- OT: The HP Calculator Cult (HCC), Geir Isene 8 responses
- WP-34s data exchange with PC over IR, Marcel Samek 3 responses
- Laplace Transforms on the 41, Ángel Martin 3 responses
- Good (simple?) calculation for benchmarking?, Jedidiah Smith 28 responses
- HP 41 Advantage module test, RyanM 6 responses
- [hp41] reading the catalog under program control, Wolfgang 3 responses
- HP 75d: pale lcd characters, Michael Fehlhammer 0 responses
- Free HP39gII online note editor, Mic 0 responses
- Voyager reproduction logos ?, John Robinson 2 responses
- HP-39gII speed, Mic 2 responses
- WP34s IR Printing Update?, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 2 responses
- The HP82240B Printer, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 9 responses
- [WP 34S] Printed manual available, Walter B 20 responses
- Unit conversions inside programs on 50g, Chris Smith 2 responses
- New HP39gII programs (snake, minesweeper, ...), Mic 8 responses
- Message to Luiz C. Viera, Peter A. Gebhardt 2 responses
- wp34s reflashing trouble..., Calckidd (USA) 3 responses
- Help me identify this calculator?, cautiousone 5 responses
- ASM on HP-39gII, Mic 2 responses
- WP-34s memory questions, Marcel Samek 7 responses
- Estimating accuracy in finite precision computations, mpi 17 responses
- HP10BII+ question (ROM upgrade is possible?!?), Csaba Tizedes (Hungary) 6 responses
- HP-71B CPU frequency?, Christoph Giesselink 18 responses
- Cheap rare HP35 and HP65 report, Waon Shinyoe (China) 4 responses
- For you serious HP collectors, Fred Lusk 13 responses
- HP19BII Version 2, Frank 6 responses
- Update of Emu71 to v1.03, Christoph Giesselink 6 responses
- HP 39gii: CASE Syntax, Eddie W. Shore 3 responses
- BCD, Binary, ...Binary Coded Duodecimal?, mpi 7 responses
- HP 34S integration, Richard Berler 16 responses
- HP 34S complex # problem, Richard Berler 2 responses
- HP 50g - collect by powers of x, Juraj O. 9 responses
- [41CL] Trouble compiling CLWriter.cs, Dan Grelinger 3 responses
- This is for the German users of the HP 50g, Software49g 13 responses
- HP-65 logic board repair - help required, Alberto Fenini 1 response
- [41CL] Rescue from 'Lost Y Functions', Dan Grelinger 18 responses
- HP-97 suddenly not working, Brad Barton 10 responses
- HP-25 keyboard, Brad Barton 5 responses
- All cables for the WP 34S have been shipped! Still have them available for now, gene wright 4 responses
- HP-71b - what to look for when buying, Marcel Samek 31 responses
- 41CL Routine of the Week - DLD48, Ángel Martin 1 response
- Repaired HP-97 card reader doesn't show any signs of life, jbssm 6 responses
- The answer to the second semi-mathematical puzzle, mike reed 3 responses
- A Non-Graphing Calculator with CAS? Thoughts...?, mr-scorpio 1 response
- Too wide spaces between segments of emulated WP34S?, René Franquinet 3 responses
- HP41 Blank formulars for program documentation?, Wolfgang 3 responses
- Latest Clonix/NoV's SW update., Diego Diaz 5 responses
- Most Famous Calculator?, Max Stone 59 responses
- OT: Google evaluates mathematic expressions (with a twist), davidshenk 4 responses
- Any Southern California HP Calculator clubs left?, Jedidiah Smith 7 responses
- OT: A question about the Sharp EL-8131, Marcel Samek 11 responses
- HP41 display clean up, Wolfgang 4 responses
- Value of plotters ?, agodwin 3 responses
- OT: another photoreal calculator app, hugh steers 7 responses
- First real picture of the new ClassPad 400, Mic 1 response
- Some news for old HP emulator fans! ;-), Olivier De Smet 3 responses
- HP-67 internal function timings, Dieter 3 responses
- HP 39gii Help Wanted: Inputting Strings in a Program, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- HP41cv expiriences of a new user, Wolfgang 28 responses
- [41CL]Updating ROM images with a Clonix, Dan Grelinger 14 responses
- More or less dead HP-67, Bernd Ulmann (Germany) 7 responses
- 20b, 30b not in HP's web store, Eric Smith 3 responses
- Is this from an HP-97s?, Marcus von Cube, Germany 12 responses
- TI-Nspire on iPad, Mic 16 responses
- Answer to Mathematical Puzzle, mike reed 2 responses
- Slightly OT: Remember the extraction of the HP-35 ROM?, Frank Boehm (Germany) 1 response
- Sad news, Eric Smith 7 responses
- Record Mersenne Prime, Howard Owen 10 responses
- Good news for HP-emulator fans! :-), fhub 44 responses
- [43S] Display myth crasher, Walter B 46 responses
- New 15C LE bug?, Paul Dale 3 responses
- OT: a semi mathmatical puzzle 4 u, Mike Reed 6 responses
- hp49 en hp50, qgrdne 1 response
- HP 75C 75D, Olivier De Smet 2 responses
- ClassPad 330 (Plus), LHH 2 responses
- [wp34s] Alternative MIO (allows calculations when entering element values), David Maier 1 response
- HP-15C emulator also free now!, fhub 19 responses
- [wp34s] xtal question, jerome ibanes 9 responses
- Free emulator of the new HP-300S+ available !, Mic 18 responses
- HP 42s programming help for novice, Carl D (new) 4 responses
- HP 41c with white trim instead of yellow, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 2 responses
- A quickie: improve the HP 50g IABCUV function, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 14 responses
- [41CL] Hello from Sweden..., Peter Laur 8 responses
- HP28C/S ROM entry point lists update, Christoph Giesselink 0 responses
- [43s] General questions, fhub 7 responses
- [43S]Top row poll (until Monday, 4.2.13, 13:13 UTC), Walter B 175 responses
- best button cell batteries, JDonley 6 responses
- [RPN] password store, jerome ibanes 5 responses
- [WP 34s] Summation Function (Sigma), Paul C 11 responses
- Elegance?, JimP 15 responses
- HP-65 Morse Code, DanLewis 7 responses
- List processing problem HP 50g, peacecalc 6 responses
- OT: 3D Calculator Remakes, hugh steers 26 responses
- [WP34S] A suggestion about C(x,y), Eduardo Duenez 15 responses
- [WP34S] A funny bug in Pi (prod), Eduardo Duenez 3 responses
- HP-41C Custom Survey Module Identificaiton Help, Dan Grelinger 0 responses
- OT: Beta testers for the dark side of the universe, Joerg Woerner 7 responses
- [WP34s] RSD function, Dieter 11 responses
- New compile-time options for WP-34S, Nigel J Dowrick 15 responses
- New emulators for Android, Olivier De Smet 8 responses
- [43S] For your weekend pleasure, Walter B 87 responses
- ACT CHIP, aj04062 5 responses
- Updated PPC DVD Disk w/HHC2012 Materials, Jake Schwartz 1 response
- Graphing, Gerald Cargo 3 responses
- Riemann's Zeta Function (HP-28S), Gerson W. Barbosa 8 responses
- Snake for HP39GII, Gilles Carpentier 4 responses
- A weekend quickie, Valentin Albillo 64 responses
- Has anyone else had problems with ebay member 'hp71b'?, Dan Grelinger 6 responses
- [41CL] Repairing an image in Flash, Monte Dalrymple 0 responses
- HP 48G -- entering more than one equation into the PLOT application, Randal B 1 response
- Able to set HP 48G axis tick marks at integers?, Randal B 1 response
- O.T. Aston Martin mentions Golden Ratio on their web-site., Pavneet Arora 1 response
- Calculate with handwriting, Mic 24 responses
- Update of Emu48 to v1.54, Christoph Giesselink 1 response
- 41CL - Problems with YFNZ in Page 6, Dan Grelinger 6 responses
- Classic calculator display chip type number?, Juergen Hofstaedter 3 responses
- Help with geometry problem required, Harald 39 responses
- Focus on the HP50g, Mic 13 responses
- Programming CMT EPROM modules for HP-41, Paul Berger (Canada) 4 responses
- [41CL] Problem with PowerCL ... not working, Doug (NYC) 5 responses
- [Clonix/NOV] NoV-64 backwards compatibility, Doug (NYC) 0 responses
- HP 15C LE, Program Display Format Control, Uli 4 responses
- A real physics problem that pays, Egan Ford 0 responses
- Calculator Speed Benchmark (Add Loop), Thomas Chrapkiewicz 2 responses
- Official released of the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, Mic 12 responses
- Disaster: help for a couple of HP97 needed!, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 10 responses
- Looking for scans of a HP-19c Box, ledudu 5 responses
- Physics Test, Howard Owen 37 responses
- OT: when a programmer passed away, Mike (Stgt) 0 responses
- [WP 34s] Taylor Series expansion, Valentin Albillo 3 responses
- New Blog Post: Length of a Polynomial Segment, Eddie W. Shore 1 response
- [OT] Gmail account compromissed., Diego Diaz 7 responses
- hp 50g Programming, David Sgroi 4 responses
- HP15c LE emulator with unlimited number of activations, Nick_S 23 responses
- Mapping HP48 Text to Unicode, Chris Dreher 0 responses
- 17bii failure, db (martinez, ca.) 5 responses
- Newest 41CL ROM Images, Dan Grelinger 2 responses
- HP 12 C simple interest calcuation, sam 6 responses
- Droid48 Reader 1.1 Released, Chris Dreher 0 responses
- An unusual HP 71B - questions, Doug (NYC) 8 responses
- HP35 power on (bug?), Wolfgang 9 responses
- Good deal : HP 12c Platinum for half-price, Mic 1 response
- magnetic strip malfunction, aurelio 7 responses
- Excessive HP-42S battery drain, aj04062 4 responses
- The last WP34s cables, gene wright 27 responses
- [WP 34s] Polar & Rectangular Number Display, Jeff O. 9 responses
- HP-41 ROM Polling Point at FF5, Dan Grelinger 2 responses
- How many of you do this?, Dan Lewis 27 responses
- [WP 34S] Printed manual, Walter B 40 responses
- Still a new colour calc ! When you'll make it HP ?, Mic 10 responses
- HP12C Limited Edition 30 anniversary keyboard, Revan Ng 0 responses
- More emulators, Olivier De Smet 2 responses
- [41CL] Lockup Recovery Procedures, Dan Grelinger 1 response
- shelf life time of a ROM, EEPROM, EPROM vs Mask Rom, Guido (Canada) 6 responses
- Best 41CL Forum?, Dan Grelinger 4 responses
- HP-65 Repair/Restoration (Pictures) :), Dan Lewis 8 responses
- 3D Model - HP 50g 49G+ 39G+ 48Gii, JJB299 3 responses
- Has anyone reported this bug to HP?, Allen L. 4 responses
- has everyone seen this?, db (martinez, ca.) 8 responses
- Electronics in the office, Geoff Quickfall 15 responses
- Dangerous factorization, Juraj O. 2 responses
- Question about trig functions approximation, Namir 8 responses
- good programming software for clonix41, Gonzalo Fernandez 1 response
- The dark side (Ti-59), Cristian Arezzini 18 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 5 responses
- FRAM71 for HP-71B, short update #3, Hans Brueggemann 15 responses
- Trouble with RS-232/HP-IL Interface (HP 82164A), Hans Holzach 9 responses
- [WP 34S] New GCC - Testing required, Marcus von Cube, Germany 3 responses
- How to check / repair a HP 82106A module for HP41C calculator ?, Eduardo Mingo 13 responses
- What didn't you do last year ?, Michael de Estrada 16 responses
- [WP34s] Possible problem with matrix inversion, Dieter 10 responses
- [WP34s] Complex number display, fhub 52 responses
- Complete list of PPC members, Gonzalo Fernandez 0 responses
- Installing Conn4x on Windows 8, Jerry Raia 2 responses
- Math Challenge I could not solve, Meindert Kuipers 22 responses
- Solar Calc Screen resolution comparaison, Mic 0 responses
- Review of the DM-16CC, hpnut 1 response
- Flashing the DM-15CC, Geoff Quickfall 11 responses
- battery test for the HP15c Limited Edition, Guido (Canada) 3 responses
- WP 34S: Remove "m.dy"?, Jim Horn 6 responses
- Germany to ban postal lithium battery shipments?, Randy 9 responses
- Happy New Year!, Eddie W. Shore 8 responses
- HP 34s summation question, Richard Berler 3 responses
- Please, allow me to quote:, Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 2 responses
- HP41 emulator for HP48sx - keyboard overlay needed, Doug (NYC) 3 responses
- World Wide New Year... :-), Diego Diaz 2 responses
- [WP34s] Bug or feature?, Dieter 25 responses
- Review of the HP-10S+, Mic 0 responses
- uRCL* on HP15C, Csaba Tizedes (Hungary) 2 responses
- Review of the HP-300S+, Mic 22 responses
- WP 34S mini-challenge (B), Gerson W. Barbosa 17 responses
- TVM-Solver for the PC, fhub 14 responses
- x swap (I) hp 35s instruction, Denis Doyon 4 responses
- Happy Halloween!, Dave Britten 5 responses
- Silver paint for HP 35 case, Anoop Sahal 2 responses
- HP-39GII, Karl-Ludwig Butte 10 responses
- Brun's constant (WP 34S), Gerson W. Barbosa 3 responses
- Reverse Polish Notation Calculator, Thomas Klemm 1 response
- HP50g and rechargeables , Chris Smith 11 responses
- HP48GII, Thomas Chrapkiewicz 4 responses
- Only slightly OT: HOW TO Setup SVN+SSH on Windows®, Marcus von Cube, Germany 3 responses
- SpeedUI: Version 12.05 Holiday Edition released:-), Raymond Del Tondo 3 responses
- World Premiere review of the new TI College Plus Solar, Mic 8 responses
- Re: Help: HP9825A Power Up Issue, Vassilis Prevelakis 0 responses
- New HP 39gII programs on my web site, Namir 10 responses
- HP-41C "W" function, what was it intended for?, Dan Grelinger 12 responses
- Arithmetic programs for HP39gII, Mic 0 responses
- HP 65/25 shout-out in interview with Paul Lutus , Egan Ford 3 responses
- Flashing a WP34s with a Mac, Philippe Cairic 10 responses
- HP85B and 9133H hard drive, Roe Peterson 6 responses
- Statistical Question, Namir 3 responses
- HP's imminent break-up, hpnut 6 responses
- Maximum number of program steps in HP-42S, 33S, and 35S?, Walter B 3 responses
- Classic Series Enter Key, Dan Lewis 15 responses
- PCB pictures of a HP10B, HP20S or HP21S?, Christoph Giesselink 1 response
- New solar TI calculator, Mic 8 responses
- CAS hp50g non equivalent commands, peacecalc 0 responses
- go41cx emulator questions, Brian Walsh 3 responses
- [WP34s] New TVM-solver version, fhub 43 responses
- HP 48GX with Black LCD - S/N ID, Jeff Kearns 4 responses
- What a calculator geek dreams of?, Pavneet Arora 3 responses
- What are the most popular functions? (Poll until 18.12.), Walter B 62 responses
- A simple question about the HP41C or HP41CV, Antoine M. Couëtte 6 responses
- HP 48G series -> 20 years, Nacho 0 responses
- One parking lot left ..., Walter B 83 responses
- GROBs with hidden data in them..., Chris Dreher 2 responses
- Voyagers width, Gerson W. Barbosa 11 responses
- HP30b to WP34S keyboard pretreatment, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 4 responses
- Gabby Ontology Operated Grader and Linguistical Extrapolator, Thomas Klemm 3 responses
- Happy 12/12/12 Day!, Eddie W. Shore 6 responses
- This is not the yellow press ... , Walter B 101 responses
- New empirical fit for ln(x), Namir 0 responses
- 41Z_4L: a Complex Relapse, Angel Martin 2 responses
- Smart phone emulators, Brian Walsh 0 responses
- Question about X modules for HP41x, Ignacio Sánchez Reig 7 responses
- WP 34s flashing service, Michael Fehlhammer 4 responses
- Why RPN, an anecdote., Sujith Abraham 24 responses
- Operator keys position: why vertical?, Alexander Oestert 23 responses
- 34s for the iPhone?, Jerry Raia 6 responses
- HP 35 #3?, ClausB 5 responses
- Date & Time disappear on WP 34S, René Franquinet 16 responses
- May be a little early ..., Walter B 5 responses
- Mapping HP48 Text to Unicode, Chris Dreher 5 responses
- Series 80 EPROM cards, Paul Berger (Canada) 0 responses
- Christmas tree simulator on HP39gII, Mic 0 responses
- Hp85 PRM-85 board, Roe Peterson 2 responses
- Source for N-Cell NiMh Batteries and Charging adapters, TnC_Products 14 responses
- Error Message/Procedure HP-48SX with TDS Survey SX card, bporter101 6 responses
- HP-9100 used in computer-based education (video), Juergen Keller 5 responses
- Speed comparison: HP 30b vs. WP 34s, Dieter 9 responses
- General remark about the 43S polls, Walter B 2 responses
- OT: Forth on Sharp PC-1500, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 3 responses
- OT: Excel regression modeling using VBA, Namir 0 responses
- OT: to support the polls, Alex S 3 responses
- Full (for now) Numeric CAS section up , Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- Casio fx-CP400 preorder for Europe !, Mic 3 responses
- HP 10S+ order on, Mic 2 responses
- Re: A poll until next Wednesday, 12.12.12, 12:12 UTC, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 2 responses
- Another poll until next Wednesday, 12.12.12, 12:12 UTC, Walter B 35 responses
- A poll until next Wednesday, 12.12.12, 12:12 UTC, Walter B 82 responses
- Riemann's Zeta Function (HP 50g), Gerson W. Barbosa 20 responses
- DM 15CC silver edition arrived!, Hans Holzach 10 responses
- Missing pages in HP-42s manual, Philippe Cairic 1 response
- WP 34S Owner's Manual released for print, Walter B 28 responses
- Running 33S and 35S emulators in Win 8, Ed Look 12 responses
- On calculator preservation (LCD darkening, pouches...), Marc Ferrer (France) 4 responses
- Sharp PC-1500 question (F2 button disabled?), LHH 7 responses
- Default angle mode, Eric Smith 71 responses
- O.T. - but chances are you're gonna like it..., Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 0 responses
- HP-41C Tall Keys Strange ON Behavior, aj04062 3 responses
- I feel like a data miner..., Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 6 responses
- Re-visiting the Great Calendar Race at HHC 2012, gene wright 0 responses
- My Numeric CAS series begins , Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- HP 50g advice, Chris Smith 17 responses
- Swiss clones of the HP Voyager series, Walt Maken 10 responses
- Calculator, for your viewing pleasure, Frank Boehm (Germany) 9 responses
- A new product of Spee Dee Sign d;-), Walter B 180 responses
- All PPC program listings , Meindert Kuipers 3 responses
- OMG : NEW Casio calculator with color !!, Mic 23 responses
- Matte-finished emblem of HP-15C, M Habl 3 responses
- Alternate poll, Paul Dale 14 responses
- Here is a poll again, Walter B 80 responses
- hacking the hp 17bii+, David Griffith 2 responses
- dm-15cc battery life, David Griffith 7 responses
- Celestial Navigation Pacs or "firmware", Al 3 responses
- old wine in new skins, Mike (Stgt) 11 responses
- HP 15C Calculator PC Emulator, Gerardo Rincon 4 responses
- [WP34s et al.] Solving the TVM equation for the interest rate, Dieter 24 responses
- New high def picture of new TI-84 Plus Color SE, Mic 17 responses
- 41 and 71B Overlays, DXF Files?, aj04062 0 responses
- Debug4X and "divide by zero" when attempting build, Joe Veazey 3 responses
- 71B 41 Translator, aj04062 3 responses
- Very fast modified TEA for HP 48 and up!, Raymond Del Tondo 0 responses
- battery life and the 50G, Al 4 responses
- HP 39gii: SUB command freezes, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- HP41 model type, Steve Hunt 11 responses
- HP25C - Australian (UK) Packaging, Alberto Fenini 3 responses
- restoring HP29C - help needed, Alberto Fenini 9 responses
- HP 65 card reader problem, H Fischer 3 responses
- Yet a new TI calculator with color screen ?!, Mic 20 responses
- HP calculators: origin of prefix key labels f and g, M Habl 9 responses
- HP-41 CMT EPROM & ZEPROM Programming, Dan Grelinger 3 responses
- What do you think of this project???, Pierre 1 response
- RPN on an iPhone, Matt Agajanian 27 responses
- HP, quo vadis?, bluesun08 8 responses
- Bllinky's internals, Mike (Stgt) 6 responses
- 12C App kostenlos bei / Android, Frank Boehm (Germany) 16 responses
- Online tribute to Sam (E. Samuel Levy), hpnut 7 responses
- Thanksgiving comes twice this year, db (martinez, ca.) 25 responses
- X-41 on Mac Book, Jean-Michel 6 responses
- Typical misconception?, Marcus von Cube, Germany 3 responses
- HP-85 Display Error on startup, hogelmann 3 responses
- HP-87 power supply repair, philippe_elie 0 responses
- [WP34s] What am I doing wrong?, Dieter 10 responses
- Repair HP35, Kevin B 9 responses
- OT. Linux on a Ti Nspire., Matt Kernal 0 responses
- The Library is Closed..., Ángel Martin 5 responses
- 9114A Drive, aj04062 4 responses
- hp 15c calculator production., William L. Drylie 10 responses
- HP-41cx External battery, Jeff Davis 4 responses
- Archive an HP 50G and Restore on an HP 48GX, Rudy P. 5 responses
- HP calc case thermoplastic types, Duane Hess 2 responses
- is there a printing error in the HP 50G Quick Starrt Guide?, Al 12 responses
- Book on repairing HP calculators?, Dave F 24 responses
- HP-42S Turbo, Juergen Keller 10 responses
- HP-65 "restored?" with extras on ebay, Dan Lewis 10 responses
- Weird behavior from lithium AAs, Dave Britten 4 responses
- complex exponents for e, Ed Look 16 responses
- HP 85 for sale from german company, cdtmbu 0 responses
- HP-46 printer, Ignacio Sánchez 10 responses
- downloading HO 229 v. 2,0 from HP 49/50 Astronomy Programs list, Al 10 responses
- New Blog Entries, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- Seeking DIY4X update, David Griffith 10 responses
- Battery life, John Mosand 2 responses
- Some facts about the USPS module, Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 4 responses
- 12c TVM problems where N is less than 1?, James 29 responses
- Zeta Function [HP 50g], Gerson W. Barbosa 14 responses
- HP Calcs & 'NUMB3RS', Matt Agajanian 1 response
- Zengrange Zeprom Question, aj04062 4 responses
- WP34s-matrix examples, jason foose 8 responses
- Found HP 65 with clear see thru case, davefr 24 responses
- The next Texas Instruments graphing calculator !, Mic 10 responses
- The first periodic table of elements for HP39gII, Mic 0 responses
- DEL. SERV 1 (USPS) module: I didn't see that coming..., Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 4 responses
- Looking for HP-87 service manual, philippe_elie 2 responses
- Apologies on mail delay., Diego Diaz 0 responses
- 33s Decimal Point, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- Need help - HP 48SX bank switching 1MB card, JJB299 1 response
- to be or not to be, matti 9 responses
- Math Question, Namir 0 responses
- Simplify with sci/eng on hp 50g, Juraj O. 11 responses
- Is there a free RPN stack emulator for writing 35s programs, Chris C 6 responses
- HP 11C/12C/15C/16C case, Philippe Cairic 4 responses
- HP200LX Connectivity SW, Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 6 responses
- HP39GII Connectivity, Charles C(UK) 1 response
- Help: Plotting points through a 39gii Program, Eddie W. Shore 2 responses
- [WP34s] Parallel function, Dieter 25 responses
- 41-CL Routine of the week: MMUSWAP, Ángel Martin 3 responses
- Yet another new scientific HP calculator !, Mic 24 responses
- A folding case for the 35s, Chris C 10 responses
- 42S exit key not working, dwsmith 4 responses
- Simple financial problem with a HP-12c Platinum, Lapin 3 responses
- SandMath Manual - at last!, Ángel Martin 18 responses
- HP30b bugs?, Che 27 responses
- NOVRAM 64 / HEPAX bug?, M. Joury 2 responses
- Update of Emu42 to v1.16, Christoph Giesselink 2 responses
- The biggest collection update yet, Keith Midson 2 responses
- HP 71b ZENWAND Barcode Reader - Manual, Michael Fehlhammer 2 responses
- HP 35 Red Dot page, Michael Eckstein 6 responses
- Sell, Cost, Margin for HP41, Alberto Fenini 22 responses
- RPL long vs. short names, peacecalc 5 responses
- New features on HP39gII next coming OS, Mic 0 responses
- Cube root on standard calculator, Thomas Klemm 22 responses
- OT: Review of the iOS App - CalcFxC, Eddie W. Shore 1 response
- New HP scientifc calculator, Mic 24 responses
- Optimization questions - HP-15C, Marcel Samek 49 responses
- William Wickes briefly introduces using the HP 48S/SX, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 11 responses
- I still have wp34s crystal and cap sets, David Griffith 3 responses
- HP calculators for students in Idaho?, hpnut 5 responses
- HP-46 not working, Ignacio Sánchez 1 response
- HP-32S/33S/35S emulator with Stack Overflow sensing/Stack display, x34 3 responses
- HP-46 codename, Ignacio Sánchez 2 responses
- Custom builders?, jason foose 21 responses
- Series 80 UCSD Pascal, Juergen Keller 3 responses
- they build their calculators like they build their words, db (martinez, ca.) 22 responses
- The latest version of Free42 is now a OS X Universal application....., zeno333 1 response
- OT--'NUMB3RS' is our friend, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- Please Help, Kees Bouw 7 responses
- 41 System DEMO Module - Update, Ángel Martin 0 responses
- HP48GX everything works perfectly except the 'ON' key?, Bruce Larrabee 5 responses
- New Blog: Factorials, Eddie W. Shore 6 responses
- TI & RPN, ClausB 8 responses
- HP-48: extract coefficient of power series, Thomas Klemm 3 responses
- TI 2550III project, help me I can help you., watchdoctor 2 responses
- Samson Cables has a few HP 15C Limited Edition, Philippe Cairic 7 responses
- Looking for PLTMX80 program for HP- 41 , Ángel martin 1 response
- HP 15C Labeling, Chris Stephens 10 responses
- 35s refuses to work, Silvio A. Bensi 19 responses
- Including mathematical symbols in forum postings, Nick_S 15 responses
- HP 30b repurposing, Philippe Cairic 12 responses
- Gene, are you out there?, Dieter 8 responses
- Update of Emu28 to v1.26, Christoph Giesselink 1 response
- 28S Pi Functionality, Matt Fegenbush 3 responses
- 41CL and Card reader , Prabhu Bhooplapur 3 responses
- Understanding HP-16C integer division, Jimi 18 responses
- Solving with the built-in equations of the 35s, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 4 responses
- Sparcom Nav Pacs for HP-48/HP-50G calculators, Al 3 responses
- Big ROM - 41 System DEMO ROM, Ángel Martin 5 responses
- I need the last OS X "Universal" version of Free42....., zeno333 0 responses
- Java RPN app for cell phone, Peter Klein 12 responses
- 82143A Gamble Paid Off!, Les Wright 4 responses
- HHC 2012 RPN Programming Contest - 10-Step Way-After-Nashville Solution, Jeff O. 32 responses
- Another technique of HP-33S label saving, x34 6 responses
- HP-41CV power problem, Don Davis 2 responses
- HP-41 takeover ROM with Clonix-D, Sylvain Cote 1 response
- Can the display for a HP32Sii be replaced with the display from another model?, Bruce Larrabee 8 responses
- Help with creating residual plot, Phillip B. 2 responses
- HP-Solver, Mike (Stgt) 2 responses
- Horrible mathematical pun, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 4 responses
- DM-1xC vs. HP Voyager KINOMI, Csaba Tizedes (Hungary) 4 responses
- An old friend powered up after 30 years !!, Peter Charter (Durban) 19 responses
- HP-41 System DEMO, Ángel Martin 4 responses
- Individual HP 41 Keyboard Overlays, Michael Fehlhammer 9 responses
- [hp-48] Jean Michel Ferrard "La Maitrise de la HP48 - Tome 2" programs?, jerome ibanes 0 responses
- Great white shark sighted in CL reef..., Ángel Martin 7 responses
- Go25c Emulator, ClausB 1 response
- [OT] Completely off-topic but couldn't resist, Valentin Albillo 11 responses
- HP financial calculator prototypes, Keith Midson 4 responses
- With a Little Help From My Friends, Namir 2 responses
- Non HP very early LCD Calc? , Ian Phillips 6 responses
- DOCOMB, Werner 3 responses
- Library 4 update on 10/2/2012 ?, Gene Wright 10 responses
- 9114 drive "rod knock"?, BobVA 2 responses
- [WP34S] WP34S firmware on the AT91SAM7L-STK dev kit?, jerome ibanes 1 response
- Is There A 39gII Applet or Program yet which does RPN?, Jake Schwartz 6 responses
- HHC 2012 RPN Programming Challenge Conundrum , Jeff O. 15 responses
- Finding the largest prime factor on the 15c, Evan Gates 2 responses
- Vintage calculators, Kiyoshi Akima 12 responses
- wp34s INC s function, Jeff O. 18 responses
- New 41 model to use rom of "big" program, Olivier De Smet 4 responses
- Idea for a 41C rom of "big" programs, gene wright 7 responses
- Repurposing the HP39GII?, Han 10 responses
- Parts for WP-34s: What would you like to see?, Hugh Evans 29 responses
- HP42S ROM question, Han 2 responses
- New Blog Entry: Honnold Mudd Library, World Series, and a HP 15C Program, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- HP 41 CX, Celso Cipolato 2 responses
- What about prices?, René Franquinet 6 responses
- What power adaptor does an HP-65 use?, Robert Morton 3 responses
- HP41C repair ?, Michael Paul 4 responses
- HP-01 Restoration, aj04062 4 responses
- HP 75 Assembly Language, Michael Fehlhammer 7 responses
- Meg Whitman's Toughest Campaign (New York Times), Eric Smith 1 response
- HP 41 Battery Pack Rebuild, John Ratard 0 responses
- Mini-challenge: HHC2012 RPL programming contest with larger input, David Hayden 14 responses
- HHC 2013, Jim Johnson 22 responses
- My HHC2012 Presentations and Files, Namir 1 response
- Latest SN of HP35, aj04062 1 response
- Help - 50G C programming, BruceH 4 responses
- OT: Apollo 13 checklist/artifacts law, Ethan Conner 0 responses
- HP41 Long term storage, Steve Hunt 6 responses
- So any pics / videos from HHC 2012, bluesun08 6 responses
- Request for HP 30b program to switch to ALG-RPN , Sujith Abraham 1 response
- TI-58C Emulator now does RPN, Namir 2 responses
- SICP video lectures to HP employees from 1986, Nick_S 5 responses
- Eric Smith is a very good sport, Namir 3 responses
- More Slide Rule Stuff... . ...., Thomas Chrapkiewicz 1 response
- HP-41C partially repaired, help with "ROM", alpha glitches, MattMalone 2 responses
- Gong through the older manuals..., Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- Resuming an old post......................while crunching numberes, aurelio 11 responses
- neat project for the HP48, Han 5 responses
- HHC 2012 Programming Contests: annotations, comments ...?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 20 responses
- HHC 2012 Blog Entries, Eddie W. Shore 8 responses
- Bill Smithville NJ please contact me, Don Shepherd 1 response
- New HP-82240B emulator in WP34s distribution, pascal_meheut 6 responses
- Latest DIY calculator news, Eric Smith 17 responses
- Capacitor Value affirmation, 19C: ME needs EE Help!, aj04062 24 responses
- TI-88, lgomez 14 responses
- HHC 2012 RPN Programming Contest, gene wright 73 responses
- HHC 2012 RPL Programming Contest, gene wright 33 responses
- HHC2012 Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Namir 1 response
- Good news :-), fhub 12 responses
- Looking for PRNG for HP-34C, Dave Boyd 3 responses
- Interest in CNC parts?, Hugh Evans 11 responses
- HP 71b Debugger, Michael Fehlhammer 11 responses
- HP50G Equation Writer - What it can & cannot display?, mr-scorpio 12 responses
- HHC 2012 programming contests coming soon (RPN and RPL), gene wright 9 responses
- it's not off topic..., db (martinez, ca.) 8 responses
- HHC 2012 tentative schedule, Joe Horn 0 responses
- Question about a "combinations" algorithm , Namir 9 responses
- HP 32sII with faulty keypad, aurelio 6 responses
- local variables, brooky 9 responses
- The Programming Rules from HP's Garage, Patrice 9 responses
- Update of Emu71/Win to v1.02, Christoph Giesselink 5 responses
- HHC 2012 - to and from airport, Brian Walsh 0 responses
- ebay bargain - NOT !, John Robinson 18 responses
- DIYx flash bootloader, Eric Smith 11 responses
- Problem with HP41CV, Bruce Larrabee 19 responses
- HP-41CV layout vs Voyager's, 35s, Ben Huntsman 17 responses
- HHC 2012 conference fee..., gene wright 6 responses
- Help: HP9825A Power Up Issue, John M (Ottawa) 4 responses
- Nostalgia (HP 65), Olivier De Smet 3 responses
- OT: Casio Fx-702p emulator, pascal_meheut 15 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 7 responses
- [WP34S] Entry? <-CLX, Christopher Johnson 3 responses
- New Blog Entry with HP 50g: Cartesian Coordinates to Pixel (Screen) Coordinates, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- What do you think of this project???, Namir 10 responses
- Books on computing Elementary Functions, Nick_S 4 responses
- New owner of 41c seeks advice, mbrethen 46 responses
- DM-xxCC Default Display Values, Mark Hardman 3 responses
- WP-34S return to HP-30B, Mike Wilson 14 responses
- Virtual HP41 and Virtual HP-IL, Mike (Stgt) 5 responses
- HP-11C Back Screws, John Swisher 0 responses
- HP15C strange complex number behavior, Mike W 5 responses
- Updates to my hillbilly RPN page, db (martinez, ca.) 12 responses
- DIYx flash bootloader, Eric Smith 2 responses
- I got help with my 48S, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 0 responses
- In time for HHC 2012 ..., Walter B 4 responses
- HP-30b discontinued?, Walter B 11 responses
- HP 49G emulator for android, Olivier De Smet 8 responses
- HP 49G print format - Solved, Olivier De Smet 0 responses
- Geir's HP pages moved, Geir Isene 2 responses
- Faulty fullnut 41CV, Paolo Cipollone 5 responses
- CMT RD-128 Manual, Philip Reagan (Texas) 1 response
- Any informal HHC2012 time set aside for WP34S??? , Namir 8 responses
- RAM Card compatibitlity, Ignacio Sánchez 2 responses
- HP 15c LE bugs, Alexander Oestert 11 responses
- HHC 2012 - just over 2 weeks away! Who is coming and when will you arrive?, gene wright 15 responses
- Off topic: Scientist Mob, Frank Boehm (Germany) 6 responses
- Update (Fixed): Problems concerning HP 82104 card reader, Edward Cheng 0 responses
- OT - CALCULATOR MANUAL, Mike Reed 6 responses
- Linear Programming - Simplex Algorithm, LarryLion 5 responses
- Anyone willing to read some HP41 cards?, LarryLion 10 responses
- 15c French manual?, Tim Wessman 10 responses
- HP 71b Assembler, Michael Fehlhammer 2 responses
- getting into 200 lx bios?, wildpig 7 responses
- HP-15C LE, wow! New owner euphoria., Sasu Mattila 16 responses
- 41-MCODE: Breaking the FAT barrier., Ángel Martin 0 responses
- Make PIL-Box ILPer program run on OS X, Juergen Keller 6 responses
- Re: Needing help with my 48s, Reth 0 responses
- Lambert W (HP-41), Gerson W. Barbosa 69 responses
- 39GII bug in complex exponential, Vincent Weber 4 responses
- more question regarding complex operations using complex number on wp34s, wildpig 22 responses
- HP-41 Quiz: How to pack 100k in ROM? (on-line), Ángel Martin 10 responses
- Needing help with my 48s, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 6 responses
- WP34S Fibonacci function, wildpig 3 responses
- HP42s input output of programs and files, aurelio 17 responses
- HP 48SX equation library card transfer, Vincent Weber 3 responses
- Contrast in HP42s flush display , another one...., aurelio 0 responses
- HP35s "MEMORY CLEAR" flashes, Mark Paris 1 response
- [WP34s] last QtGui version not working, fhub 8 responses
- WP34S: New compiler to be tested, Marcus von Cube, Germany 15 responses
- DIY5 calculator progress, Eric Smith 7 responses
- 15C logos, Dallas Osborne 5 responses
- OT: Combination Lock for Calculators, Katie Wasserman 45 responses
- Reflash HP-15C LE, x34 0 responses
- Obtaining More Decimal Digits (50g), Eddie W. Shore 3 responses
- DM-15CC (and other DM-xxCC) ROM V8, x34 0 responses
- Complex number calculation on wp34s, wildpig 13 responses
- HP 30b serial port pinout, xset 5 responses
- Complex exponential connundrum, Tim Wessman 32 responses
- To see ourselves as others see us, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 12 responses
- "The Basic HP-71", Jeff Davis 3 responses
- HHC 2012 - I found what I am going to wear , Eddie W. Shore 19 responses
- OT--Palm & Sharp Wizard need tech care, Matt Agajanian 9 responses
- HP-97 Write Error, Colin Verrilli 6 responses
- About HHC2012, Patrice 6 responses
- x49gp on Fedora, rgray 0 responses
- Equations library on WP34S, Alessandro Castellani (Italy) 2 responses
- Need a relational database for 200LX, Dave Britten 11 responses
- The political calculator, BD 2 responses
- hp 35s not very impressive, wildpig 82 responses
- PCMCIA SD adapter for 200 LX?, wildpig 4 responses
- wp 34s exponent limits?, wildpig 26 responses
- Symbolic limit of a function of 2 variables, HP49/50, Gilles Carpentier 0 responses
- TI58C By Pierre Houbert Updated, Pierre 13 responses
- [hypothetical] adding mass storage functions to a 42S, Eric Smith 12 responses
- Off Topic but Very Relevant, Richard Garner 3 responses
- OT: RIP Neil Armstrong, Ethan Conner 8 responses
- Byte "Literate Calculator", Howard Owen 3 responses
- HP50g LowBat (S), aurelio 0 responses
- Question about WP-34S firmware, Nigel J Dowrick 4 responses
- [WP34s] Latest ZIP package, fhub 2 responses
- What's your worst condition HP?, Keith Midson 15 responses
- Homemade ARM-based Calculator Programming Cable, Katie Wasserman 18 responses
- Take Five (Dave Brubeck would be proud), Matt Agajanian 12 responses
- HP32SII takes 120 to process a command, Bruce Larrabee 2 responses
- HP's Marketing..., Matt Agajanian 35 responses
- Hp39GII available in paris?, Giancarlo 0 responses
- A temporary "fix", the Casio Prism (fx-CG10), LHH 5 responses
- New addition to my collection: 200 LX, wildpig 20 responses
- Ranking HP 17BII, HP 17B, HP 12C against one another?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 7 responses
- Check on mathematical identity, Namir 21 responses
- HP48 GX in "Spiderman", Paulo MO 0 responses
- F/W update for 39gII, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 4 responses
- Old HP Calculators on the SAT, Fouad M. Kaadou 13 responses
- Faulty fullnut 41CV, Paolo Cipollone 3 responses
- HP thinkjet printer service manual, Alan Sciacca 0 responses
- Programming exercise , Gerson W. Barbosa 32 responses
- Celebrating the HP-55 my first HP Calculator, Namir 6 responses
- TI 82 socket, Nick R 6 responses
- Programming the 39GII, Herman T 17 responses
- Problems concerning HP 82104 card reader, Edward Cheng 3 responses
- OT - Elektronika MK-90, Keith Midson 9 responses
- Tricky XP 34 S Enter key, Christophe Dubreuil 2 responses
- HP50G Max SDcard Storage space??, mr-scorpio 9 responses
- Transfering program to Emu48, wildpig 4 responses
- 15c logo, lucano66 6 responses
- If this seller just wants attention, this is a very strange way to get it!, Garth Wilson 13 responses
- [WP34s] A few humble suggestions, Dieter 14 responses
- HP48 Cogo Card - Worth Anything?, JamesT 4 responses
- 41CL 2B + PilBox, robertoataulfo 3 responses
- Android Calculators, Les Koller 15 responses
- Official revival of old calcs, wildpig 7 responses
- A non 20b/30b 34S, Matt Agajanian 22 responses
- Zinc-Air PR44 button cell batteries, Basil 3 responses
- OT - almost. Tiny DIY Forth computer., Cristian Arezzini 4 responses
- 9100 Documentation, Charlie Brett 4 responses
- [WP 34S] Expanded and rearranged manual available, Walter B 10 responses
- Calculator O.T., instead HP related., Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 1 response
- 1/2 HP-11C display, Duane Hess 13 responses
- HP39GII available in Germany, Guenter Schink 0 responses
- 39GII -> 50G idea, bluesun08 14 responses
- Question about magnetic cards for the HP-41C Card Reader, Namir 2 responses
- Estimating Accumulated Rounding Errors, Egan Ford 13 responses
- DM-15cc arrived, Ethan Conner 25 responses
- Virtual HP-IL 40 col. video interface simulation, Christoph Giesselink 10 responses
- Omnibook 300 battery cells, Dave Britten 5 responses
- ArcTan without calculator, PatrickR 8 responses
- OT--AOS vs RPN Quad Requirements, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- Recommend a calculator?, Andrew Davie 7 responses
- Not just slightly ahead of its time., Matt Agajanian 17 responses
- Variation table for HP39gII, Mic 15 responses
- Craigslist find and fix - HP 19C, Matt Fegenbush 12 responses
- DM-15CC ROM grabbing, David Jedelsky 4 responses
- Where is linear regression on an HP-41, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 22 responses
- An old trick rediscovered: combining conditional tests, Dieter 2 responses
- 2013 CES - free registration ends August 31, Eric Smith 3 responses
- 50G ideas, BD 56 responses
- Single Level X^2 for HP-35...Any ideas, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- One owner HP 11c, Ethan Conner 2 responses
- HP39GII GETKEY command, Charles C(UK) 8 responses
- HP 48SX Solve Equation Library Cards, Mike Hein 3 responses
- Voyager battery installation sequence, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 11 responses
- Bug HP39GII....or feature?, Bunuel66 14 responses
- HHC 2012 in Nashville --- Reminder! HHC Hotel discount ends 8/21/2012, gene wright 8 responses
- HP 15C LE On/X ?, Matti Övermark 10 responses
- OT: Panaplex/power issues, Duane Hess 3 responses
- Who cares?, bluesun08 9 responses
- Question to TI-58/59 Programmers, Namir 12 responses
- File transfers over USB, Charles C(UK) 5 responses
- HP50g emulator on Android, Chris Randle (UK) 13 responses
- O.T.-Dinner with Neil Armstrong, Jim Johnson 11 responses
- 42s program question, David Persinger (US) 5 responses
- Glue for HP42S bezel, Basil 0 responses
- O.T. - A pristine machine, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 4 responses
- Testing the water, Ken McPherson 0 responses
- Emu48 15th Anniversary, Christoph Giesselink 3 responses
- HP12C 'complete' collection, Keith Midson 9 responses
- Transfering programs from HP 48G to HP 50G, wildpig 4 responses
- Today's Haul, Les Koller 8 responses
- Trying to calculate max energy that a wind turbine can get, cyrille de brebisson 4 responses
- HP-28S plays "Happy Birthday", Kevin F 0 responses
- e^pi - pi + 9/10^4 + 1/(10^4*ln(2) + sqrt(10)/6)^2, Gerson W. Barbosa 47 responses
- How to Install/Setup PC to HP41CL Serial Transfer Software?, Michael Lopez 15 responses
- Heck Yeah! Mars!, Tim Wessman 45 responses
- Request for a new WP34S Emulator feature, Namir 2 responses
- Bug in WP34S?, Namir 5 responses
- I Feel a Little Dirty, Norman Dziedzic 18 responses
- Question to Eric Rechlin & Gene Wright about HP30b/30b repurposing at HHC2012, Namir 2 responses
- DM-15CC questions, x34 2 responses
- Who uses the HP Demographic, Les Koller 58 responses
- DM calcs arrived, but..., David Ramsey 4 responses
- WP-34S Programming Question, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- A DM-10CC, 11CC, 12CC, 15CC, 16CC Full Monty, Mike Morrow 2 responses
- Good time to buy an HP39GS, Charles C(UK) 22 responses
- HP-67 Shiny Spot on Face, Colin Verrilli 8 responses
- HP 50G battery cover replacement, wildpig 1 response
- What's are the HP-56 and HP-66?, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- The Blue HP 50g has arrived. , Eddie W. Shore 48 responses
- HP-15C LE (Limted Edition) Bug Reports Addition, Dirk E. 0 responses
- Yet another Normal quantile function for the 34s, Dieter 13 responses
- Color Display?, Benoit Maag 12 responses
- Limits of Indirect Addressing on the WP34S, Namir 11 responses
- Two tiny, simple, yet useful functions that I miss on the 34s, Dieter 30 responses
- First Step: BE SURE you have an HP 50G!, Les Koller 10 responses
- For Those Who Have a HP 39gII, Eddie W. Shore 1 response
- Fun with the HP-35, Gerson W. Barbosa 11 responses
- HP35S keyboard, Nick R 8 responses
- HP41 Card Reader won't read and write, Bruce Larrabee 5 responses
- Exotic Clamshell collection, Keith Midson 7 responses
- Where to find the HP 39GII in London, Miguel Toro 10 responses
- HP 35 history, hpnut 14 responses
- CAS beta testers wanted, Oliver Unter Ecker 5 responses
- Article 830 (17bII+ solver differences), Nigel Rowe 2 responses
- OT Nice article on the FFT, Norman Dziedzic 1 response
- Seeking new resources for TI NSpire Programming, Namir 6 responses
- HP41 Card Reader not Pulling Card, Colin Verrilli 14 responses
- 12C in 14 Masterpieces of Gadget Design, Egan Ford 10 responses
- HP 42S Error Messages, Han 7 responses
- WP 34S Owner's Manual released, Walter B 42 responses
- hp clock does not talk to hp 71, Hans Holzach 15 responses
- Introduction and discontinuation dates for HP Calculators, Harald 9 responses
- Programming cable for hp-30b -> wp-34s Open letter to Gene, Nigel Rowe 37 responses
- WP34s shift keys, Paulo MO 20 responses
- WP 34S vs 42S, wildpig 11 responses
- RPN HP39gII : An attempt to summarize our discusion, Gilles Carpentier 18 responses
- HP-97 Weirdness, Nick Taylor 1 response
- Calculators on youtube revisited:OT again, but is this a TI-92, Les Koller 2 responses
- Driving force of HP Calc function sets, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- OT--Manual for Privileg SR54 NC, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- Reference Book, Way Off Topic, Les Koller 21 responses
- [OT] 355/113 and pi, David Hayden 28 responses
- For my next trick..., Dave Britten 3 responses
- HP-28S Mathematical Applications manual errata, Tom Sauntry 2 responses
- The new 39GII and RPN?: Please read and comment., Pal G. 34 responses
- HP-15C LE torture tests, ckelley2 11 responses
- HP-15C/DM-15CC Memory questions, x34 2 responses
- HP 39gII and parallel list processing, Gilles Carpentier 12 responses
- A new firmware beyond 2.15 for 50g ever?, mr-scorpio 3 responses
- Calculator Collection, Les Koller 72 responses
- HP39GII and local functions, Gilles Carpentier 12 responses
- Card Reader Repair, aj04062 7 responses
- 32Sii keyboard problem, Peter Klein 4 responses
- HP42S, John Mosand 5 responses
- Usability of the HP-94, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- HP-39g II Acquistion, Matt Agajanian 54 responses
- New Quadratic Lagrangian Interpolation Method, Namir 2 responses
- No luck with HP25s, Harald 18 responses
- The next big thing..., LHH 15 responses
- HP42S graphics, Han 2 responses
- What did I miss out on?, Les Koller 6 responses
- HP39gII teaching materials online, BruceH 29 responses
- Original DM-15CC batch capacitor patch, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 2 responses
- Cursors on Video Interface HP82163, Christoph Giesselink 4 responses
- Hand-in-Hand (har har), Dave Britten 4 responses
- Fast Quadratic Formula for the HP-41C, Gerson W. Barbosa 21 responses
- Help on HP 35s Program, Kryxena 12 responses
- Going to Nashville!, Eddie W. Shore 36 responses
- HP48SX seems fully functional won't run SELF TESTS?, Bruce Larrabee 5 responses
- PocketGuide in Portuguese / Guia de Bolso *inside* the HP 50g, Software49g 4 responses
- HP41 Upper Screw Well Busted, Colin Verrilli 6 responses
- HP clear cased 38C, Keith Midson 14 responses
- HP-28S Syntax Errors, William N Strew 7 responses
- DM12CC in pictures, Ingo Paschke 0 responses
- (updated)somehow O.T. but chances are some of you might like it..., Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 2 responses
- HP 34 and HP 41 Repairs Needed, matthewx 4 responses
- Saturn based emulators for android, Olivier De Smet 16 responses
- OT--Privilege SR54 NC Help please, Matt Agajanian 15 responses
- 50G Printed Manuals, Les Koller 25 responses
- OT--Privileg SR54 NC Recharger help, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- OT--APF Mark 55 Question, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- Building WP-34S calc.bin from source - long post (sorry!), Nigel J Dowrick 5 responses
- HP Calculators in Youtube, bill platt 22 responses
- HP-100, 200, 300LX & others + Macintosh, Matt Agajanian 12 responses
- A little OT: Blank date fields in 200LX database, Dave Britten 1 response
- HHC 2012 Slow Response, Jim Johnson 2 responses
- WP34S solver question, Reth 22 responses
- HP75D with HPIL, Karel Kupka 2 responses
- DM-16cc arrived, Lincoln R. 0 responses
- HP-29c keyboard dead 2nd row problem, Xavier A. (Brazil) 6 responses
- HP41 post replacement experiment, Bruce Larrabee 14 responses
- Curious SINPLOT behavior on HP71B, Christoph Giesselink 4 responses
- ROOT bug? HP 48S/48G, Eddie W. Shore 8 responses
- Best Keyboard of the HP 28/48/49/50 Series, Eddie W. Shore 9 responses
- What is the best way to replace an older wp34s overlay with a new one?, Michael O. Tjebben 3 responses
- [OT] TI-BAIIplus emulator, fhub 0 responses
- TI58C By Pierre Houbert Updated, Namir 3 responses
- hp-il/hp-ib interface 82169A vs. C, Hans Holzach 5 responses
- HP42S power-on issue, David Persinger (US) 2 responses
- OT manuals for Olivetti Logos 9 & Casio Fx-191, brackett 0 responses
- Programs for HP-48S, William N Strew 4 responses
- dm-12cc, JDonley 1 response
- Killed my 41-CX Halfnut, aj04062 7 responses
- Anybody else has received the new HP15CC, Artur-Brazil 13 responses
- RPL prog for Fibonacci on HP 48G needs minor modification. help., wildpig 68 responses
- Calcs in films: The Amazing Spider-Man, BruceH 6 responses
- HP-42S / HP-48 infrared connection, Kees Bouw 6 responses
- I am back ;) with a problem on HP 41 ;(, wildpig 7 responses
- 82162 printer escape sequences, Hans Holzach 3 responses
- Who cares for a divide key, Paulo MO 63 responses
- HP45/32E Connection, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- Hey, Why the new look?, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- Serial Number Placement, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- 41-MCODE: Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Ángel Martin 9 responses
- HP41 / SY41CL Mini-B USB Power Connector (Module), Matt Kernal 5 responses
- Friday Potluck (orbits, back to school, baseball) (OT), Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- HHC 2012 Website is launched, Richard J. Nelson 18 responses
- HP 39 GII, Bunuel66 54 responses
- I need help diagnosing a HP9100B, Bruce Larrabee 16 responses
- Modfile not working with Win 7 x64, Richard Wagoner 6 responses
- [WP 34S] Final documentation check, Walter B 18 responses
- DM-15CC family is available to order, Jeff Johnson 35 responses
- Calculating Pi , Andrew Davie 6 responses
- HP-35A Production Run Questions, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- [41CL] Alternative serial connector, saving a port, Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 24 responses
- OT and TAS related, but ... What Unisonic Models are shown in this auction picture?, gene wright 6 responses
- HP Key Notes Programmes?, Michael Lopez 0 responses
- SR-52 flaky display, Colin Verrilli 11 responses
- TAS Modules - which are 4K ?, gene wright 2 responses
- Cubic Formula: HP 71B, Eddie W. Shore 8 responses
- Numeric mathematics bessel-functions, peacecalc 12 responses
- [41CL] Image Database, Monte Dalrymple 9 responses
- FRAM71 for HP-71B, short update #2, Hans Brueggemann 9 responses
- Powering the HP82143A printer, Steve Hunt 10 responses
- HP49 PocketGuide in German / Italian / Spanish / French / Portuguese, Software49g 1 response
- off-topic question about linux photo software, db (martinez, ca.) 7 responses
- Beta 41CL --> Best CL UTILs to burn in NoVRAM 64?, gene wright 5 responses
- Recent HP 12c+ with old firmware, ereinaud 1 response
- NoVRAM 64 USB programmer, gene wright 4 responses
- OT-Novus 3-level RPN. What were they thinking?, Matt Agajanian 15 responses
- 41 User Memory vs System Memory, Gerry Schultz 6 responses
- OT-non-HP and non-US RPN calcs, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- [WP34s] Next problem?, fhub 36 responses
- HP-42S Help, William N Strew 18 responses
- Emu41, Richard L. Taylor 6 responses
- Removing WP 34S overlay, JimHorn 6 responses
- I really like the HP-28C keyboard, Eddie W. Shore 13 responses
- The HP Calculator Future, Matt Agajanian 20 responses
- Ebaby alert for non-hp RPNs, db (martinez, ca.) 3 responses
- 41CL auto turbo?, Paul Dale 2 responses
- SpeedUI 12.03 released:-), Raymond Del Tondo 0 responses
- 48G: A little list-processing help?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 10 responses
- Closest thing to a 42S-II, Matt Agajanian 17 responses
- [WP34s] 2 new modulo functions, fhub 19 responses
- POWER_CL Manual now available, Ángel Martin 8 responses
- X, Y Z & T--should there have been more?, Matt Agajanian 20 responses
- The Turing Machine Comes True, Gilles Carpentier 1 response
- I have all of the original(?) graphing calculators, Eddie W. Shore 12 responses
- New HP71B emulation (go71b), Olivier De Smet 9 responses
- HP42s ROM, aurelio 18 responses
- Two PPC ROMs with the same serial#, Michael Craig 10 responses
- What a bargain!, Eddie W. Shore 5 responses
- Using PIL-BOX & ILPer to Transfer Programmes from PC to HP41CX?, Michael Lopez 5 responses
- Another One Bites the Dust, aj04062 23 responses
- HP41 Display Problem, Fouad M. Kaadou 3 responses
- Greetings from an old new guy, Michael Craig 6 responses
- aOT--HP Calculator clubs/pages on Facebook, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- HP-41CV System II, aj04062 1 response
- CP/M on HP-86B, Stephen Pereira 10 responses
- 41CL V2 with V3 firmware, Gerry Schultz 10 responses
- wp34s - Windows ... necessary or not?, Glenn Becker 1 response
- WP34S conversion, yet another but with a difference, Geoff Quickfall 23 responses
- HP-28--better design?, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- Blowing dust motes off 41 display, Ángel Martin 10 responses
- Dave's Gadgets, Mike Reed 1 response
- (OT) Lego Turing machine, BruceH 9 responses
- WP34S yet another newbie layout, Andrew Davie 50 responses
- WP-34S transfer problem, Reth 9 responses
- WP34S donor case from HP20B?, Andrew Davie 6 responses
- OT: functional picture of an ARISTO M27, Mike (Stgt) 2 responses
- HP-41 'Tall Keys'--which ones?, Matt Agajanian 17 responses
- HHC 2012 dates, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 2 responses
- Found on Youtube, comments section of, bill platt 3 responses
- hp 41 series wire-wrapped connector question., Matt Kernal 3 responses
- Guess What? The Bottom Dropped Out of , bill platt 6 responses
- HP-42s vs. HP-34s, Kees Bouw 25 responses
- Examples for matrix operations on WP34S??, Namir 6 responses
- WP34s Flash Question, rgray 18 responses
- Restoring an HP65 (trying to .... few pics), Alberto Fenini 31 responses
- HP15C, Paul Averis ( Australia ) 1 response
- Working on HP's again, Les Koller 49 responses
- Powering the HP41 externally, Les Wright 2 responses
- HP42s WP34S commands, geoff quickfall 8 responses
- [OT] Happy Father's Day!, Les Wright 7 responses
- [WP-34s] Updated: How to install crystal and IR diode, Alexander Oestert 2 responses
- Difficulty Of Obtaining Various Models (And Prices), aj04062 5 responses
- Another stupid WP34S question, Geoff Quickfall 2 responses
- Calc recommendation / 39gII?, PatrickR 17 responses
- OT - Arduino In Space from HP41 Hacker, PeterP 3 responses
- Stupid question number...WS34P, Geoff Quickfall 16 responses
- Backlighting the 41/71 series, John W Kercheval 1 response
- Charging Current in HP97, 82143A, 82162A, Les Wright 5 responses
- Quadratic formula program help, Chris C 18 responses
- [WP-34s] Conversion proposal, Alexander Oestert 19 responses
- 48G problem, KC 3 responses
- USB-41->NoV-64/Clonix-D compatibility, Diego Diaz. 5 responses
- WP34s Stopwatch & statistics, pascal_meheut 4 responses
- Rechargeable 2/3 AAAs in 41C-series, Les Wright 7 responses
- Test HP-41C PPC ROM and STANDARD modules, Robert (Simi Valley) 2 responses
- Formulae or formulas, that's the question (poll), Walter B 56 responses
- USB-41 & ClonixConfig update (130612), Diego Diaz. 6 responses
- 41CV from craigslist, David Persinger (US) 14 responses
- Some errors about NOMAS, (c) of 71B ROM images, Christoph Giesselink 4 responses
- USB41 + 41CL connection to PC (for Linux/Mac). Here goes:, Geir Isene 1 response
- can you identify this HP97-67 book?, Ignacio Sánchez 4 responses
- A physics question, LHH 19 responses
- CLReader.exe, Raymond Wiker 4 responses
- system of equations question, Don Shepherd 19 responses
- OT: Pockemul for Android, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 1 response
- FRAM71 for HP-71B, short update, Hans Brueggemann 2 responses
- USB-41 82143A simulation update: MAN-TRACE modes, Diego Diaz. 0 responses
- HP-97 Key Contact Repair Adventure, LHH 0 responses
- HP-97 Card Reader Repair Adventure, LHH 1 response
- Many Ignorant TI-59 Sellers!!!, Namir 4 responses
- WP34S beginner question, geoff quickfall 8 responses
- HP 41CL version 1 and 2, questions, geoff quickfall 3 responses
- OT: Sinclair Soveriegn disassembly and book., geoff quickfall 0 responses
- 41CL: Linux/Mac connection solution (soon), Geir Isene 28 responses
- Sad, 5.35 USD lesson from a Forum member, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 2 responses
- News for HHC 2012 ?, Patrice 1 response
- WP 34S: IR plotting (revised), Marcus von Cube, Germany 41 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- Help test an iOS calculator, Tod 36 responses
- USB installation guide on SVN now, Harald 4 responses
- Farewell, Ray Bradbury! (NT), Walter B 5 responses
- Things that go bump in the night..., BruceH 1 response
- Help with WP32S programming, Namir 9 responses
- wp34s Emulator suggestion, Damir 25 responses
- held breath, found tapes & drive working, Garth Wilson 9 responses
- Astonishing !, Michael de Estrada 11 responses
- Can We Get a Cable Channel Interested in Vintage Calculators?, Namir 40 responses
- [41CL] CLUTILS HEPAX, Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 3 responses
- How to: EMU71 on an Android Tablet, Guenter Schink 56 responses
- Lovely old catalog picture (Commodore), gene wright 4 responses
- HP-41CV "tall keys" version, Ignacio Sánchez 16 responses
- Keeping a museum in good health, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- Formatting 28/48/50 programs, Matt Agajanian 9 responses
- Some Observations on Geir Isene's ROM Offerings, Les Wright 11 responses
- CLUTILS for XROM #31 YFNS instead of YFNZ?, Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 4 responses
- Working around broken Spice battery connections, Les Wright 7 responses
- Hp 30bII, Eric Delgado 2 responses
- Matrix/Array 28/48/50 Question, Matt Agajanian 9 responses
- OT: Scalene triangles, Bob Patton 2 responses
- HP12C: delta DYS actual/actual convention, stanley neo 0 responses
- 41CL Serial Port Transfer, John Abbott (S. Africa) 8 responses
- [WP-34s] 4 x IR! What about V2? ;-), Alexander Oestert 8 responses
- Can my CV take a CL board?, Les Wright 5 responses
- Survey: Best programming language for next-gen HP?, Oliver Unter Ecker 32 responses
- A cheap HP41C for sale...........999 EURO only, aurelio 4 responses
- HP Leadership, John W Kercheval 0 responses
- Blog Entry: HP 71B , Eddie W. Shore 6 responses
- Source (Online) for 71/41 Programs, John W Kercheval 15 responses
- Survey for Special Math Problem, Namir 7 responses
- Thank you Eric Rechlin!!!, Namir 22 responses
- [hp-48gx] Memory card issues., jerome ibanes 1 response
- hp50g: installing hpgcc3, gjermund skailand 0 responses
- Power_CL: updated CLUTLS module - bank-switched (!), Ángel Martin 7 responses
- NoV-64: Possible to Burn Time Module for Use on a CV?, Les Wright 10 responses
- Weekend programming challenge: Euler's Totient function, Allen 36 responses
- [WP-34S] Unhandled Error? Not sure., Chris Tvergard 23 responses
- OFF TOPIC: Computer to run Windows 95?, Chan Tran 13 responses
- Very OT--What is a TI N-Spire?, Matt Agajanian 36 responses
- WP 34S - Successful installation of infrared port , Gerson W. Barbosa 7 responses
- WP 34S accuracy is excellent, Jeff Johnson 15 responses
- [WP-34S] I/O Error & Save Original 30b Flash ROM?, Chris Tvergard 15 responses
- Care and Feeding of Topcat NiCads, Les Wright 16 responses
- [WP-34S] Upgrade in 10 mins. now v 3.1 2988, Chris Tvergard 12 responses
- [HP-48(g|s)x] Memory card exerciser., jerome ibanes 3 responses
- RPN Simuator for 28/48, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- THE BOOK of Geoff, Walter B 4 responses
- [WP-34S] Micro projector ever?, Chris Tvergard 6 responses
- DM15CC - only a few hours left., Harald 2 responses
- OT: I can't Believe I found this so easily: HBO Intro, bill platt 2 responses
- Re: WP 34S Beginners Guide, David Persinger (US) 1 response
- USB41 :: Linux/Unix version, Geir Isene 16 responses
- Topcat Battery Polarity, Les Wright 2 responses
- [WP34s] Manual, Emulator and Skins, fhub 7 responses
- Emu42 v1.15 available, Christoph Giesselink 3 responses
- 41CL Foolish Blunder, John Abbott (S. Africa) 15 responses
- [WP34S] Speeding up the Romberg Integration, Les Wright 14 responses
- Good calc/math refresher/puzzle book?, LHH 6 responses
- NoV-64: Can't Access RAM Chip 3, Les Wright 4 responses
- HP 15C Limited Edition, LMMT 13 responses
- HP-IL beginners question, John Abbott (S. Africa) 4 responses
- Amelo Consulting ClassicRPN for Android, Ed Wright 2 responses
- [WP-34S] Zero G Milestone. Red Barron Deployment., Chris Tvergard 11 responses
- WP 34S flash adaptors now available, Harald 87 responses
- THANKS to Diego Diaz, aurelio 6 responses
- Unknown battery pack, Nick R 4 responses
- Link for SAMBA v2.10 download, Tom Sauntry 9 responses
- 50G<-->28S SYSEVAL map, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- OT-N cells hide & seek, Matt Agajanian 15 responses
- USB support for the 48GX?, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- ENTER^ is your friend, Matt Agajanian 26 responses
- NoV-64: The Incredible Shrinking HEPAX RAM, Les Wright 31 responses
- [WP-34s] Crystal frequency, jerome ibanes 6 responses
- WP 34S Beginners Guide, Ciaran Brady 4 responses
- HP46 is ALIVE!!!, Keith Midson 2 responses
- Derivation of (HP) Derivatives..., Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- SY-41CL: Hardware Difference Between V2 and V3, Gerry Schultz 2 responses
- OT: primitive mult/div algorithms , Egan Ford 9 responses
- Calculator widow, Brian Walsh 16 responses
- [WP34s] Emulator key assigments, fhub 2 responses
- Sharp PC-1211 update, gene wright 3 responses
- HP Xpander. A good idea that could've worked?, Matt Agajanian 1 response
- Energizer lithium battery update, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 0 responses
- That's a tough nut to crack..., Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- WP 34S overlay installation, Jeff Johnson 4 responses
- After All these Years!, Namir 5 responses
- HP 34S Cable to Flash 30b, George 9 responses
- HP41C: Factorial (kind of) in MCODE, Frido Bohn 7 responses
- A still missing feature in WP-34S (please read on), Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) 9 responses
- [HP-50g] Resizing the screen to 131x64, jerome ibanes 2 responses
- [HP-42s] Plotting a function to screen and 82240B., jerome ibanes 5 responses
- SR-52 vs 15c: more questions of NIMB, nina scholz 6 responses
- [WP 34S] Evolutionary pressure ;-), Walter B 61 responses
- It looks like a calculator's a computer!, Matt Agajanian 26 responses
- WP34s Stopwatch & statistics, message for Matthew Krotzer, pascal_meheut 2 responses
- [WP-34S] HP Office Calculator Model WPM-007., Chris Tvergard 25 responses
- HP 41 CL ROM List, Gerry Schultz 2 responses
- RED HP71, John W Kercheval 26 responses
- WP 34s: IrLED, Gerry Schultz 8 responses
- NoV-64, CLUTILS 2H, and Library #4, M. Joury 24 responses
- The HP Calculator Calendar, Matt Agajanian 9 responses
- Who was that guy (or gal)?, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- OT ti emulator, Olivier De Smet 18 responses
- Hand Held Products Corp, John W Kercheval 12 responses
- Question for Valentin; Identifying Constants, John Abbott (S. Africa) 16 responses
- HP-41: Library#4 has released, Ángel Martin 6 responses
- Thanks...yet again, Matt Agajanian 19 responses
- I think I may havee literally blown it, Matt Agajanian 18 responses
- 50G and Compiled Local Variables, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- SAM-BA v 2.11 for flashing WP34S, Tom Sauntry 6 responses
- 50G variable issue, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- 2K==A lot of place for (HP-28C) stuff, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- New HP-25 Emulator for iPad, iPhone, and iPod, Namir 5 responses
- HP calc emulators for Android, Valentin Albillo 22 responses
- HP48GX Connectivity, John W Kercheval 6 responses
- OT: HP RMBASIC Csub Translator/Decompiler, Rodney W Young (PA-USA) 0 responses
- HP-48G not responding, Walt 3 responses
- Synthetics, John W Kercheval 13 responses
- [WP34S] Underlying format of manual.pdf v3.1?, Chris Tvergard 12 responses
- 17bii case, mario24601 3 responses
- A Woodstock 67, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- Classic (HP-67) charger issues revisited, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- HP67 motor in HP65 card reader - too slow, Harald 4 responses
- HP71 Modified, John W Kercheval 0 responses
- Rebuilt HP-67 Batteries Recharge Cycle, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- Really OT!, aurelio 12 responses
- Weekend Reading, NateB 2 responses
- HP 10S mixed up keys, Iqbal 0 responses
- HP-41C pcb connector upgrade, Hans Brueggemann 6 responses
- WP 34S - A Beginners Guide, Ciaran Brady 48 responses
- Disassemble Battery Pack 82028B (woodstock), Jacques Karensky 0 responses
- HP-35 Charger/Adapter Repair (82002C), LHH 0 responses
- HP-41C clear cased barcode reader, Keith Midson 7 responses
- Advice on using the HP-50G, Matt Agajanian 22 responses
- OT: Old windows and ms/dos on 3.5 disks, Ethan Conner 7 responses
- Cassettes, John W Kercheval 7 responses
- Iterative vs. direct solver, Don Shepherd 12 responses
- OT: HP job cuts, Ethan Conner 28 responses
- 28/48--In perspective please, Matt Agajanian 12 responses
- [WP34S] Inverse F Distribution--Danged "Domain Error" Issue is Back, Les Wright 16 responses
- CMT EPROM Info Sought, Namir 5 responses
- [WP34S] QRG & CCL - Let's do it!, Chris Tvergard 4 responses
- HP7B-CL, John W Kercheval 29 responses
- WP 34S, Paul Dale 3 responses
- SY-41CL v.3 YFNZ-3B Arrived! Amazing!, Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 4 responses
- HP Coprocessors, John W Kercheval 10 responses
- [WP 34S] Backside label contents (>> poll <<), Walter B 11 responses
- 50G precision & accuracy, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- [WP-34s] IR conversion of 20b, Alexander Oestert 3 responses
- Programming HP50G, Tulio Franzini 11 responses
- 41CL Routine of the week: "YEDIT", Ángel Martin 4 responses
- Looking for obscure HP brochure, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- HP-IL: Using 82162A Printer and PIL-Box in Same Loop, Les Wright 12 responses
- [WP34S] Flags in 42S? Backside decals?, Chris Tvergard 21 responses
- [WP34s] console version, fhub 4 responses
- HP 71B arrived, Harald 17 responses
- Stack Replacement for HP 48SX, bluesun08 2 responses
- Female Finance Reporters & Their Calcs, John W Kercheval 0 responses
- can't calculate integral on hp 41, Hans Holzach 12 responses
- [WP34s] Inverse discrete probability distributions, Eduardo Duenez 11 responses
- HP15c LE - highest serial number over 23.000, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 1 response
- HP41 battery installation, pete gianakopoulos 2 responses
- Most Sumptuous Case, John W Kercheval 19 responses
- [WP34S] "Memory Leak" in Integrator?, Les Wright 3 responses
- HP-33S Display Quirk, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- [WP34s] Aliases, fhub 1 response
- 41CL TURBO anomaly?, M. Joury 8 responses
- Sharp PC 1211 display change -- problem overnight -- suggestions? , gene wright 12 responses
- Restoring an HP-55, advice appreciated !, Alberto Fenini 4 responses
- [WP34s] Assembler question, fhub 6 responses
- [WP34S] Improving the Incomplete Gammas, Les Wright 19 responses
- 11C's potential, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- HP-67/97 Mag Cards...Can they be marketed again?, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- [WP34S] Eagerly Anticipating Non-Regularized Incomplete Gammas, Les Wright 6 responses
- THE Garage, John W Kercheval 3 responses
- Re: [WP34S] Beginner's positive thoughts - 1 week in., Chris Tvergard 2 responses
- Another tough integral, Gerson W. Barbosa 59 responses
- HP 41CV defective , aurelio 7 responses
- About Principles, Juergen Keller 12 responses
- [WP34S] LocRm allocation function missing?, Chris Tvergard 10 responses
- [WP34S] Beginner's positive thoughts - 1 week in., Chris Tvergard 7 responses
- HP-80 Series & CP/M, Stephen Pereira 7 responses
- MOMS!!!, John W Kercheval 9 responses
- OT--Teaching RPN, Matt Agajanian 49 responses
- Summary: Normal CDF and quantile function, Dieter 3 responses
- HP-97 Printer Repair Adventure, LHH 9 responses
- Please Enjoy your weekend. , John W Kercheval 3 responses
- HP-29C Counterparts, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- Woodstock/Spice Keyboard Cleaning Revisited, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- Hp-41 structural analysis pac porting to hp49g+, Giancarlo 7 responses
- WP 34S linear regression bug, Nigel J Dowrick 9 responses
- Sudoku 50G, Gilles Carpentier 6 responses
- [WP34s] expert's catalog?, fhub 28 responses
- OT: Canon SX-300 HD3543, Duane Hess 0 responses
- [WP34S] Stack size impact on speed? SSIZE4., Chris Tvergard 13 responses
- HP & TI in the 70's revisited, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 1 response
- HP revamps its calculator lineup, Michael de Estrada 11 responses
- [WP34S] Register use by functions., Chris Tvergard 5 responses
- SY41CL-- Updating YFNZ-2B to YFNZ-3B, M. Joury 11 responses
- Resurrecting an old topic: Batteries for a Commodore 4190, gene wright 8 responses
- [WP34S] Improving the Upper-Tail F and Chi-Square, Les Wright 7 responses
- HP-67 and Synthetic Programming, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- aOT--RPN Computer Languages, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- 15c LE low battery "indication", Ethan Conner 2 responses
- Sudoku Solver for HP-33s, Marcel Samek 3 responses
- [WP34s] new TVM-solver version, fhub 29 responses
- ->H and ->H.MS for the WP-34S, Tom Grydeland 3 responses
- [WP34s] RUN instead of STOP ?, fhub 9 responses
- 48gii discontinued?, David Hayden 9 responses
- Program works in emulators but not on HP-15c hardware, Marcel Samek 32 responses
- Carleton Fiorina, John W Kercheval 16 responses
- HP's Lousy Home and Office Calculators, Jeff 13 responses
- 41CL. "CL" means..., John W Kercheval 13 responses
- SpeedUI 12.02 released:-), Raymond Del Tondo 6 responses
- This is not a calculator, It is an instrument, Christopher Johnson 71 responses
- hp42s serial numbers, Dane Spillers 5 responses
- Sqrt(1 - x^2) & Sqrt(1 + x^2) functions, Gerson W. Barbosa 9 responses
- OT: Cal-Tex, Ferranti, Friden, or...?, Joerg Woerner 3 responses
- Updates to & USB-41 archives. , Diego Diaz 0 responses
- EMU41: A Little Late to The Party, but Loving It!, Les Wright 3 responses
- Cosmetic Modifications, John W Kercheval 4 responses
- Right, thanks to a typo, I am now proud owner of a HP71B, Harald 22 responses
- Another 3-D plastic printer, Dave Shaffer (Arizona) 7 responses
- HIGH END HPs.. Status Symbols??, John W Kercheval 13 responses
- HP-01 Watch, John W Kercheval 6 responses
- Best Calculator Book..., John W Kercheval 1 response
- Help wanted SR-52, nina scholz 29 responses
- Carlie Fiorina & HP & Handhelds, John W Kercheval 21 responses
- HP news in the press, Randy 1 response
- HP-34C Storage Register Arithmetic & Programming, Matt Agajanian 14 responses
- OT: Computer on Antiques Roadshow, Katie Wasserman 0 responses
- USB Chargers for Classics, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- Where can I get the (RPN) goods?, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- Just a challenging hobby, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- Who bought the TI-88?, Howard Owen 21 responses
- [OT] Vintage Coputer Festival East 2012, David Hayden 4 responses
- [WP34S] Once Working TVM Now Broken, Les Wright 6 responses
- OT: Cal-Tex or "How to remove the lid of an old IC"?, Joerg Woerner 7 responses
- How "Green"? , John W Kercheval 13 responses
- OT/FYI: another very useful resource for the "big HP calculators", Martin Paech 1 response
- PIL-Box Still Obtainable?, Les Wright 4 responses
- HP48G Series Connectivity in a USB World, Les Wright 3 responses
- Qama calculator, quick review, Don Shepherd 16 responses
- O.T. (somehow): why bother?, Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 6 responses
- 71B vs 41CL The HP "Certainty Principle", John W Kercheval 12 responses
- WP 34S: Simplification to the Assembler, Marcus von Cube, Germany 2 responses
- Flashing of WP34S, entering SamBa via keyboard, Harald 4 responses
- go67c - cannot input "LBL a" in W/PRGM mode, Federico Hanssen 7 responses
- OT: Calculator as a plot device, Ethan Conner 11 responses
- OT--HP & TI in the 70s, Matt Agajanian 12 responses
- Great Forum, John W Kercheval 2 responses
- HP71B News??, John W Kercheval 19 responses
- HP65 program cards compatibility, aurelio 2 responses
- Nov-64: Complete Newbie Needs Help, Les Wright 16 responses
- OT: Is a nonfunctioning TI-66 of interest?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 9 responses
- I still have wp34s crystal and cap sets, David Griffith 0 responses
- HP 85 Tape., robertoataulfo 1 response
- [WP-34s] How to install crystal and IR diode.pdf, Alexander Oestert 27 responses
- The cable to the wp 34s, JosefJ 3 responses
- Thank you, Geoff Quickfall, Geir Isene 8 responses
- Jörg's TI-88 at precisely R$1,888.88, Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 25 responses
- WP-34s: Crystal and capacitor instructions?, W. Bruce Maguire II 2 responses
- WP-34S Version Display, Nick Taylor 7 responses
- [WP-34s] can't flash with calc_ir.bin, Alexander Oestert 11 responses
- HP71B Maths Module, John Abbott (S. Africa) 25 responses
- Has anone seen the 'other' TAS?, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- Please help us to identify this logo from 1973, Joerg Woerner 12 responses
- [WP34S] Chi-Square Functions Broken in 2935, Les Wright 7 responses
- Keyboard Cleanup for a Spice (or any other HP), Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- $9,999.99 for HP-12C, Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 10 responses
- A longstanding HP-34C mystery, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- Most worn out HP65 ever, Harald 7 responses
- Why is the 19BII faster than the 17BII(+)?, Timo Labrenz 8 responses
- HP-41's ARCL on the 32S-II, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- HP Solve Newsletter April 2012 arrived, Karl-Ludwig Butte 10 responses
- Back with my DEG<->DMS formulas !, PGILLET 5 responses
- Documentation bug in original 15C manual, BruceH 6 responses
- HP-15C Advanced Functions Handbook available., David Hayden 8 responses
- OT: CASIO SL 110, aurelio 3 responses
- [WP34S] Curious Bug in Inverse Normal Function, Les Wright 61 responses
- HP 9100 display trick, Juergen Keller 4 responses
- WP-34s: Strange programming/stack BUG, W. Bruce Maguire II 14 responses
- HP 67 Calculator Battery Terminal plus/minus , Steve E. 6 responses
- Rapid Reverse Branching & Label Searches, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- [WP34s] Pauli, is this serious?, fhub 33 responses
- OT: Radio Shack EC-350, Joerg Woerner 8 responses
- [WP34s] 2 possible shortcuts, fhub 14 responses
- 50G CASINFO & CASDIR Question, Matt Agajanian 17 responses
- CORDIC, Sok-khieng Chum Hun 3 responses
- OT: Jörg is auctioning a TI-88, Marcus von Cube, Germany 79 responses
- Need a 15c-LE Incentive, Matt Agajanian 9 responses
- WP 34S Printing, Harald 15 responses
- HP-15C User Mode Features, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- WP-34s: Speed benchmark, W. Bruce Maguire II 13 responses
- wp 34s: enable 8-level stack? [Solved], Eduardo Duenez 6 responses
- HP-71B: Trying to run 2CDCC on a 1BBBB machine, Hans Brueggemann 12 responses
- [WP34s] undefined OP-code, fhub 21 responses
- [OT] Sharp PC-1212 and CE-121, Alexander Oestert 9 responses
- WP 34S USB flash adaptor arrived, Harald 53 responses
- 65 Notes...Are they still around?, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- (OT?) Buying new calculators from "third party sellers" (aka: calculator non-warranty), Eduardo Duenez 5 responses
- WP-34s: Project donation page, W. Bruce Maguire II 5 responses
- OT: The first 4,000,000 digits of Pi, visualized in a single image, Jeff Kearns 36 responses
- OT: Sharp Programs, John Abbott (S. Africa) 11 responses
- hp49g ADDTMOD Error, gary king 1 response
- WP 34S Complex trig/hyperbolic bugs?, Eamonn 35 responses
- use cases for USB OTG port on calculator?, Eric Smith 16 responses
- Difference between new HP-49G+ and HP-50G, x34 7 responses
- 42S program review, Bill Colisch 4 responses
- math question, Don Shepherd 22 responses
- OT--TI's SR-60, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- aOT--Battery/battery contact care advice needed, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- My 29C's even more bizarre behaviour, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- Let's see if HP helps out, Matt Agajanian 13 responses
- Video Review: Casio fx-115ES PLUS (OT), Eddie W. Shore 10 responses
- OT: Florida drops CS for football, BruceH 14 responses
- WP 34S: IR printing - update, Marcus von Cube, Germany 79 responses
- HP50g Programming, Rudi Gerber 3 responses
- WP34s: Complex AGM (Bug...), Eduardo Duenez 33 responses
- WP34S: Fractions (Bug?), Eduardo Duenez 1 response
- f'(x) on WP-34S, Thomas Scott 21 responses
- USB-41 status update: Upgrade available v3.0, Diego Diaz 2 responses
- Double-shot Molded Keys, Jeff Dinkins 4 responses
- HP-50G Matrix/Equation Editing, Matt Agajanian 18 responses
- Received a beautiful HP-12C Prestige, Kees van der Sanden 11 responses
- 15C LE self tests / how?, db (martinez, ca.) 1 response
- WP-34S and Macintosh OS/X, Matt Agajanian 19 responses
- First post here: something fun..., Jeff Dinkins 4 responses
- HP-35S..Not so bad, Matt Agajanian 19 responses
- Picture of HP41C from "The Dream is Alive", Christopher Johnson 0 responses
- HP-50G Equation Editing Logic, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- WP 34S: Beware!, Marcus von Cube, Germany 25 responses
- RPL/2 under HP-UX, Martin Paech 2 responses
- OT: Pioneer anomaly, Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove 4 responses
- 49/50 PC Development Tools Under Linux, John R. Graham 1 response
- Who uses a graphing calculator, and for what?, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 24 responses
- Advice needed, John Abbott (S. Africa) 15 responses
- Newer shaped calculators disappear from the HP lineup, DeboT 18 responses
- HP-67 wall charger, Wytnucls 2 responses
- OT: Mechanical CPU clock, Ethan Conner 1 response
- WP-34s: Flash using Linux?, W. Bruce Maguire II 9 responses
- Read any good (HP-48) books lately?, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- HP-35 ('72) Bug Fixes & Variations, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- SUM function on WP-34S, Thomas Scott 11 responses
- HP 35s - No Firmware Update?, Stephen Panarelli 10 responses
- Calculator but not HP, Paul Dale 18 responses
- REM Statements on the 33S & 35S, Matt Agajanian 10 responses
- New variant for the Romberg Integration Method, Namir 8 responses
- wp34s vs calculator group (food for thought), Tim Wessman 57 responses
- HP 19Bii Market Value, Celso Lima 1 response
- [WP34S] Inverse t CDF throws "Domain Error" for probabilities close to 0.5, Les Wright 10 responses
- The new HP39gII has arrived!, Jose Gonzalez Divasson 28 responses
- WP-34s: Exponent display, W. Bruce Maguire II 18 responses
- Re: WP-34s: TVM questions, Marcus von Cube, Germany 1 response
- WP-34s: TVM questions, W. Bruce Maguire II 54 responses
- WP-34s: Manual omission? (ATTN: Walter), W. Bruce Maguire II 2 responses
- (OT) Discovery over DC, David Tellet 9 responses
- 41-MCODE: SOLVE & INTEG - 4k ROM, Ángel Martin 9 responses
- The Great Debate of '76, Matt Agajanian 19 responses
- Subroutine tactics for the HP-25, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- HP-67 won't run on batteries, David Ramsey 5 responses
- [WP34S] VIEWalpha not working as documented, Les Wright 4 responses
- Math Help!!, Namir 10 responses
- [WP 34S] Stopwatch again, Walter B 1 response
- (somewhat) OT: smbc-comics on calculator prices, John Ioannidis 3 responses
- WP-34s: Missed key strokes?, W. Bruce Maguire II 12 responses
- HP48 Arrays..., Bill Zimmerly 14 responses
- Financial Calculations for the HP41: another enhanced version, Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 0 responses
- wp34s crystal kits -- don't worry, David Griffith 7 responses
- OT: ebook on Sharp G850, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 2 responses
- 30b rant, Timo Labrenz 28 responses
- Controllability Matrix on HP50G and CAS exemples, Gilles Carpentier 0 responses
- Best 12C models and how to identify them, Timo Labrenz 7 responses
- Hard or wanted CAS stuff, Oliver Unter Ecker 9 responses
- [WP34S] Bug in Inverse CDF for F-distribution, Les Wright 19 responses
- HP-41 keyboard issue - help from the hardware gurus here, Geir Isene 7 responses
- If the 50g has one, does the 35s have one?, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- HP-82240A Module for HP-41CV, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- Interesting TI Nspire CAS CX programming features, Namir 5 responses
- USB-41 status update., DiegoDiaz 7 responses
- 25C rememberss data only, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- Buying in TAS outside US, Fabricio 14 responses
- HP82104A Card Reader Repair, Jim Johnson 6 responses
- 16 out of 30. Well, we're half way there, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- 95C--Seemed like a good idea at the time, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- My DM-15CC has arrived!, Gerson W. Barbosa 5 responses
- [WP34s] Stopwatch, fhub 28 responses
- HP Jornada 800 - OmniSolve, Mike T. 1 response
- A Guide for the Restoration of Hewlett Packard Calculators, Jim Johnson 8 responses
- HP Pioneers?, Matt Agajanian 16 responses
- New version of the WP34s Qt Emulator, pascal_meheut 11 responses
- 15C LE still in stock, Steve Fennell 8 responses
- Replacing Rechargeable Batteries on TDS/SMI RAM cards, aj04062 2 responses
- aOT--PCs of the 70s, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- One production calculator and five prototypes, Eric Smith 20 responses
- HP-67 standard pac, Wytnucls 3 responses
- HP-35--then and a wee bit later, Matt Agajanian 1 response
- Need an experts advice: which is currently best CAS?, Mike (Stgt) 18 responses
- HP-67 Battery door latch, Matt Agajanian 23 responses
- Do you know this book?, Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 2 responses
- NCEES and Computer Based Testing, Richard Garner 2 responses
- HP 50G Electrical Engineering is available now, Software49g 1 response
- Change of Power, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- HP-28S Battery Cover, Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) 2 responses
- Re-engineered AA Woodstocks, Matt Agajanian 14 responses
- HP48 Type Ins, gdeldago 9 responses
- 200LX -- can't seem to access A: drive, Glenn Becker 6 responses
- HP41 Cleaning Advice, John Abbott (S. Africa) 5 responses
- HP 45 versions, james summers 18 responses
- Classic battery contacts, james summers 2 responses
- aOT--Coolest thing I saw today, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- [WP34s] Accurate Clock, Katie Wasserman 1 response
- thoughts about HP-35S P<-->R, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- HP 15C LE Owner's Manual comments, Rich Messeder (US) 43 responses
- Half & Half Recharging, Matt Agajanian 21 responses
- HP 50g pivot output from command "rref", peacecalc 0 responses
- WP-34S Flashing-Help?, Sam Backus 0 responses
- [WP34s] Build error on linux 64bit, Nobby K. 9 responses
- [WP-34s] number display in program mode, Alexander Oestert 19 responses
- x root y on hp42s, David Griffith 14 responses
- 32E's Normal & Inverse Normal Distribution, Matt Agajanian 27 responses
- End of my 32SII?, kc 2 responses
- Bedtime for the 32E, Matt Agajanian 10 responses
- Changing radix mark on a 32E, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- TI CC40 cartridges ... names of programs on them?, gene wright 3 responses
- WP34S rev. 2668 bug report, Harald 12 responses
- HP-41CX and Financial Decisions Module, Cheyenne Whitley 22 responses
- O.T. Sinclair Scientific, Lars Bergström 14 responses
- HP65 related: I know it belongs in the adds, but I need advice., Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 2 responses
- belated april first. look what I found!, Geoff Quickfall 9 responses
- HP-51G: Back to the honorable roots!, Martin Paech 24 responses
- [WP-34s] Key-debouncing problem?, Daniel Vollmer 5 responses
- Hp 12C replacement bezel, James Nelis 0 responses
- USB-41 Module, project status update., Diego Diaz 8 responses
- [WP34S] Documentation for Advanced Programming Commands and Techniques, Les Wright 4 responses
- HP41 barcodes: this one called my attention, Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 6 responses
- I just Got my DM-15CC, Gerry Schultz 12 responses
- What's your de-facto calculator?, Matt Agajanian 105 responses
- Advice with HP41 Card Reader, John Abbott (S. Africa) 11 responses
- 15C LE bug: p124: momentarily display the imaginary part of the number, Rich Messeder (US) 8 responses
- [WP-34s] CAT documentation, manual printing DRAFT , Alexander Oestert 10 responses
- WP 34S programming question, Nigel J Dowrick 35 responses
- HP 34C display problem, james summers 11 responses
- Spices--Were they a hot spicy repair number?, Matt Agajanian 25 responses
- My new kid has arrived! It's a 45!, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- PDF File of Short & Sweet Math Challengers, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 10 responses
- The 45 with a 15C twist, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- aOT (almost Off Topic)--HP Stat Apps Question, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- Emu28 v1.25 and Emu48 v1.52 update, Christoph Giesselink 2 responses
- WP34S program question, Mike Maiorana 12 responses
- OT: To All Number Crunchers: Don't miss this VBA numeric library, Namir 0 responses
- Errors reading with a HP 82153A Barcode Optical Wand , aurelio 22 responses
- I like Atmel, Harald 2 responses
- OT: Space ship , Michael Eckstein 18 responses
- [WP 34S] Complex calculations (poll), Walter B 41 responses
- Another Red Dot Auction, Michael de Estrada 7 responses
- copyrom.lib on hp48gx, David Griffith 0 responses
- [WP34S] Creating My Own calc_full.bin, Les Wright 14 responses
- I still have wp34s crystal and cap sets, David Griffith 0 responses
- 29C/25C question., Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- A thank you to all!!, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- Got my 55 today, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- RPL, Logo and virtual screen, Gilles Carpentier 3 responses
- Paint job (not for a car but for my 25C), Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- HP-50G Internal help?, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- A blue HP-50G Has Arrived, Namir 9 responses
- My very schizophrenic 29C, Matt Agajanian 9 responses
- Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus review, robertoataulfo 82 responses
- HP 15 C LE in Sweden, Lars Bergström 2 responses
- Li-Ion powered WP34s, Mike Maiorana 19 responses
- HP programming cables, where can I purchase them?, Kevin Douglas (Ireland) 1 response
- Location of + - X / keys, Gerardo Rincon 11 responses
- A cure for 28S death, Ed Bacon 11 responses
- The Family Tree, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- HP-55 had potential, Matt Agajanian 15 responses
- And what's your name little fella?, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- Drivers fixed my Emu48-HP48GX communication problem., Matt Swain 1 response
- OT: Pockemul 0.9.4 Beta is out, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 3 responses
- HP 20S with very high "off" current, Neil Hamilton (Ottawa) 2 responses
- New version of the WP34s Qt Emulator, pascal_meheut 30 responses
- Help!! My 29C may need a doctor., Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- That's definitely a Classic!, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- How does the HP-97 printer paper feed work?, Harald 5 responses
- HP20B Development Kit, Andres Capdevila 6 responses
- Anyone want a case for a 67?, M. Joury 6 responses
- HP 97 charger, Harald 2 responses
- HP-71B HP-IL module question, J-F Garnier 9 responses
- Updated TI-58C Emulator by Pierre Houbert, Namir 6 responses
- Keyboard fix for the HP 15C LE, Jeff Raines 2 responses
- New run of 15C LE, Chuck PNW 16 responses
- HP 50g store/recall with only 2 keys, daniel4 9 responses
- Truncating to Integer & Fraction--HP-35A/21A, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- Problem building calc.bin?, Ed Wright 9 responses
- HP 15c question about [ENTER], nina scholz 5 responses
- HP 15c LE low power anomalies, Nick_S 21 responses
- OT: Tactile Touch Screen, Ethan Conner 2 responses
- Entry Methods, dbatiz 44 responses
- HP-35A/21 D.MS<-->Decimal degrees routines, Matt Agajanian 9 responses
- UserRPL local variables not available to algebraics?, John R. Graham 33 responses
- HP-67's Flag 3 to HP-41/42 Equivalent, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- HP-50g Syntax Question, Daniel Greenidge 5 responses
- [DM-15cc] Flashing - worked!, Katie Wasserman 5 responses
- WP34S derivative and solver reset, Alessandro Castellani (Italy) 6 responses
- [OT] Casio PB-2000C info request., Diego Diaz 21 responses
- Does this HP-32E from eBay sound legit?, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- 15C keyboard question, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- 15c LE back at HP, Neil Carlson 4 responses
- 15C programming question, Eric Zoob 7 responses
- Woodstock parts compatiability?, Russell Dobson 7 responses
- Got my DM-15CC, Keith Midson 11 responses
- OT: cursor randomly jumping aroud on laptop, bill platt 6 responses
- HP 32 S repair, TomT 4 responses
- 15C LE finally arrived!, Mark Scheuern 2 responses
- Elastic Collisions Program: HP 50g, Eddie W. Shore 9 responses
- 17bii unit conversions, Dave Britten 12 responses
- A BIG one ..., Raymund Heuvel 11 responses
- Just a thought I had--a 35S Trig fix, Matt Agajanian 62 responses
- 30B TVM slightly different results, Bill Platt 5 responses
- Using loops and SOLVE together, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- HP entry methods--please enlighten me, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- Romberg Integration for 33s, 35s, Matt Agajanian 9 responses
- What's your flavour?, Matt Agajanian 15 responses
- HP-41 Memory chips info (for those HW guys out there :-), Diego Diaz 3 responses
- HP 38c Battery Door, Joel Braun 1 response
- help with mysamba, Nigel J Dowrick 6 responses
- WP34S, first impressions, Andres Capdevila 27 responses
- HP 67 vs. HP 65 display, Harald 4 responses
- HP vs TI's SR-50, Matt Agajanian 15 responses
- Accuracy of Woodstocks, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- If the 21 came after the 45...?, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- HP-25, aj04062 13 responses
- 41CX was 95% working - now 100% working, Russell Dobson 5 responses
- Where does the 17B-II fit in?, Matt Agajanian 22 responses
- The Timex(R) Test, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- Klotz hp48 card docs, David Griffith 0 responses
- 21, 45, 32E--which should be next?, Matt Agajanian 14 responses
- 19BII replacement recommendations/decision making help needed, Timo Labrenz 20 responses
- Can't turn on HP 15C, Laci 4 responses
- [WP34s] serious bug in QtGui version, fhub 10 responses
- WP 34S adding own conversions, Lourensk 4 responses
- Keyboard fix for the HP 15C LE?, Jeff Raines 4 responses
- LASTx for the 35, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- [WP34S] Mac OS Flashing Tool Won't Flash, Les Wright 2 responses
- Complex results acceptance 32sII/33s/35s, Matt Agajanian 9 responses
- HP-35 Accuracy Threshhold, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- [WP34s] console version, fhub 6 responses
- 41CL & EMU41 & IL2000 interface system, Christoph Klug 0 responses
- Help/Opinions appreciated, John Abbott (S. Africa) 16 responses
- New Blog Entry: Elastic and Inelastic Collisions, Eddie W. Shore 0 responses
- I just received a package from Switzerland, Michael de Estrada 17 responses
- [WP34S] Problem Running in Mac OS X, Les Wright 17 responses
- OT: RPN calculator for Garmin GPS , hpnut 3 responses
- Expected lifetime and failure modes of vintage 15C?, Eric Zoob 30 responses
- [WP34S] Bug in Mac OS X Emulator, Les Wright 13 responses
- Which charger for a35, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- [WP34S] OT - Fonts in Manual on OS X 10.7.3, Les Wright 43 responses
- Emu48 communicaton on Win7, Matt Swain 5 responses
- HP-32E missing digit, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- a new book on irrational numbers, hmmm, Don Shepherd 16 responses
- HP-42S Manuals, Kees van der Sanden 3 responses
- Package lost-stolen, Artur-Brazil 12 responses
- WP-34S Questions, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- TOS offline? , Meindert Kuipers 21 responses
- Playing with the DM-16CC!, Cristian Arezzini 23 responses
- O.T. Ain't science grand?, Palmer O. Hanson, Jr. 32 responses
- 15C-LE Overdue for a fix?, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- HP-41C: +3V inner battery contact, AlbertTocarLoseggs 3 responses
- OT: Sharp PC-1600 Cassette Files, Bill (Smithville, NJ) 0 responses
- 49? What about 99 (or even 98)?, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- Infix interpretation, Matt Agajanian 19 responses
- HP-85 Keyboard Repair, aj04062 1 response
- HP41CV drains battery. Schematics?, Harald 15 responses
- Bad News for 33S: a bug shared with 35s, bill platt 20 responses
- Speed comparison WP34S and other HPs, Harald 18 responses
- Several New Emulators for iOS , Sid Cave 4 responses
- Getting 71B Lex files, ebsanford 4 responses
- Seeking hp48 2MB and 4MB card schematics, David Griffith 1 response
- HP-67 versatility, Matt Agajanian 11 responses
- New stuff, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- About HP71 swap disks, Olivier De Smet 5 responses
- Is this right? 33s ALG mode quirk, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- 41-MCODE: a weekend challenge, Ángel Martin 3 responses
- Tips & Programs for the 32S, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- Sleek approach to Register Exchange on HP-29C, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- Vintage logarithm round up, McAllan 9 responses
- HP 41 / 71 SWAP Disks, Richard Wagoner 4 responses
- WP34S solver , Alessandro Castellani (Italy) 15 responses
- Yes, it's here! and it is not a 35!... nor the granma´!, Fabricio 6 responses
- Seeking Beta Testers..., Tim Wessman 0 responses
- 67 Card Reader, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- HP-67 curiosities, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- New Blog Up: Projectile Motion, Eddie W. Shore 15 responses
- hp48 cards, David Griffith 3 responses
- 30b if I had more time, I'd dig in!, bill platt 13 responses
- HP-41CV Doesn't go into PRGM or USER mode, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- Yes, it's here!! and it is not a 35 classic!!, aurelio 14 responses
- HP9815A manual and schematic, behrooz 2 responses
- Legible version of 29C Curve Fitting program, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- Happy PI Day from Europe, Raymund Heuvel 22 responses
- An interesting riddle, Don Shepherd 15 responses
- HP 32sII Integration Error of Standard Normal Curve, Anthony (USA) 4 responses
- ODS Data utilities (HP-75), Raymond Wiker 2 responses
- WP34S x=? in integer mode, Harald 8 responses
- [WP34s] QtGui version, fhub 6 responses
- HP desk calculators in a microcontroller, David Griffith 3 responses
- RPL: STO removes tags, Chris Randle (UK) 11 responses
- Updated PPC DVD Disk Available, Jake Schwartz 3 responses
- Successful running EmuXY under Wine 1.4, Christoph Giesselink 0 responses
- HP-41CV dilemma, Matt Agajanian 41 responses
- I no longer feel bad..., David Ramsey 12 responses
- Merged prefixes on the 65, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- HP-65 / HP-35 Dutch version?, Kees Bouw 0 responses
- A great addition to the museum & DVD, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- OT: Commodore PR-100 manual, Bart (UK) 4 responses
- LCD repair tip: Missing segments on heat seated ribbon, McAllan 7 responses
- OT: Toshiba BC-1412, fascinating vintage technology, Juergen Keller 14 responses
- A Sunday Programming Challenge, Allen 61 responses
- WP34S - Flashing Limits, Les Wright 13 responses
- Just how tough is a 32S-II ?, Matt Agajanian 12 responses
- Classic repair - ghosting digits - What's your experiences?, McAllan 11 responses
- American Surveyor Magazine reviews the HP 50g, Peter Murphy (Livermore) 1 response
- running hp200lx solver on kindle fire, william egan 4 responses
- 30b feedback on HP product review page, bill platt 15 responses
- Where should I post new HP35s bugs , Andres Capdevila 33 responses
- Directories on the 50G , Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- Pioneer serie, Olivier De Smet 5 responses
- Editing HP-50G SD Card elements on a Mac, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- Updated TI58C Emulator by Pierre Houbert, Namir 14 responses
- Very different limited editions..., Maximilian Hohmann 1 response
- Order HP39GII in Europe, Timo 4 responses
- "Prompt with an input string" Glitich in 50G, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- 50G SD Card port problem, Matt Agajanian 7 responses
- The other 50G port?, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- New HP39gii U.S. availability?, Carey 17 responses
- Crystals and caps for WP34s, David Griffith 0 responses
- Where does the 38G fit in?, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- Problems building WP34s, Harald 7 responses
- DIY4X/DIY5 progress!, Eric Smith 6 responses
- How did the 28 work?, Matt Agajanian 14 responses
- HP-50G Functionality with Macintosh, Matt Agajanian 4 responses
- HP 15C LE in Sweden, Lars Bergström 3 responses
- HP35s Internal Investigations - new processor?, stefan 5 responses
- 2nd version HP-35 with Finnish manual and back label, matti 8 responses
- CCD and Advantage Pac Matrix Functions, mark brethen 2 responses
- Editable PDF Docs for HP-41 Program Documentation?, Namir 8 responses
- WP34s Comms, John Abbott (S. Africa) 6 responses
- Advertisement pictures, Luiz C. Vieira (Brazil) 4 responses
- TI Programmable 88 - What we missed..., Joerg Woerner 22 responses
- Still problems flashing WP-34S, Tom Grydeland 6 responses
- Digitized Fonts Of HP7470a?, Mike (Stgt) 6 responses
- OT: "The Big Bang Theory" actress visits the Datamath Calculator Museum, Joerg Woerner 8 responses
- Interesting patterns for HP-42S, Tom Grydeland 6 responses
- Return of the HP 50g RS-232 serial cables, Eric Rechlin 3 responses
- 50G--End of the HP calculator era? Say it aint so, Joe!, Matt Agajanian 15 responses
- HP82143A printer font question, Christoph Giesselink 2 responses
- HP 33s out of production?, bill platt 36 responses
- Re: more HMS, aTIME, 34s display, 41c bugs?, Christopher Johnson 0 responses
- Still Looking for HP Manuals!, Dave Hicks 5 responses
- 41-MCODE trivia: backwards or forwards?, Ángel Martin 3 responses
- WP34S - Bug Report, Les Wright 7 responses
- Solver for the HP-15C, Thomas Klemm 0 responses
- Raspberry PI - something for us?, Geir Isene 29 responses
- WP34S - Worth The Time and Cost?, Les Wright 13 responses
- WP 34s Hotkeys, Roman P Flesch (Berlin) 3 responses
- Hp 50g too young for the hp-museum? , peacecalc 44 responses
- Vinegar and classic repair, McAllan 0 responses
- GNU PC Connectivity Kit 3.0 and Windows 7, matti 4 responses
- Entering 34s SAM-BA bootloader without Erase button., Harald 4 responses
- WP 34S bug report, Harald 4 responses
- Program Coding Sheets for 33s/35s, Matt Agajanian 6 responses
- HP-33s Battery Switching--What's the gag?, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- HP-42S - Time to drain a horizontal cylindrical tank, Gerson W. Barbosa 2 responses
- HP50g glitch, Crawl 10 responses
- 33s/35s Checksums paradigm, Matt Agajanian 25 responses
- Dave has posted lots of new programs in the software library, Don Shepherd 1 response
- 35S I & J registers, Matt Agajanian 5 responses
- Clamshell Battery Contact Repair, aj04062 6 responses
- HP-33s bugs--Please clarify, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- Flip Flap--15C battery bay flaps, Matt Agajanian 3 responses
- HP-15C LE available in Germany, Christoph Giesselink 6 responses
- (deleted post), deleted 1 response
- HP41CV batteries, John Abbott (S. Africa) 3 responses
- HP-01 wristwatch calculator, hpnut 0 responses
- Is this another bug for the 35s?, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- 33s/35s Branching questions, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- 33s, 35s Clear All--How safe is it?, Matt Agajanian 2 responses
- Help with RPN programming, hpnut 36 responses
- Has anyone retrofitted their older calcs?, Matt Agajanian 12 responses
- Is my HP-38G a keepper?, Matt Agajanian 10 responses
- HP-35s f/g keys Inquiry, Matt Agajanian 15 responses
- HP-42S Manuals, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- Re: Spares for vintage calculators HP-25, HP-27?, McAllan 0 responses
- Re: Spares for vintage calculators HP-25, HP-27?, McAllan 1 response
- WP34s low battery shut down?, Harald 9 responses
- WP34s, has it become slower?, Cristian Arezzini 15 responses
- Success: Flashing a 30b on Windows 7/x64, Ingo Paschke 2 responses
- Supplemental PDFs for HP-35s, Matt Agajanian 8 responses
- hp design influence, db (martinez, ca.) 5 responses
- OT: Looking for 'ENTER' book, Matt Agajanian 9 responses
- HP manuals, the way they used to be, Don Shepherd 23 responses
- riddle in the spirit of Feb. 29, Don Shepherd 19 responses
- Strange HP-45, Michel Beaulieu 4 responses
- Emu28 v1.24 available, Christoph Giesselink 4 responses
- Lost parcel?, Matthias Wehrli 12 responses
- Post disappeared!, Ignazio Cara (Italy) 3 responses
- OT: RANT - Sharp EL-9900 variables accept complex numbers, but not the program "Input" command!, Bart (UK) 2 responses
- HP-41 USB-82143A info released., Diego Diaz 4 responses
- HP-12C spiral bound Owners Handbook, Ron S 3 responses
- HP-71B and the HP-3421A, Vassilis Prevelakis 5 responses
- Re: Maintenance and Durability: From NIB to abused calculators, McAllan 1 response
- Re: 33s, 35s or 15cLE--which to buy?, Matt Agajanian 0 responses
- Somehow I can't get it to work, Harald 5 responses
- Re: RPN Programming exercise (HP-42S), Gerson W. Barbosa 1 response
- Re: OT: 28S prices, Bart (UK) 5 responses
- Re: OT: 28S prices, Jeff Johnson 0 responses
- Re: 33s, 35s or 15cLE--which to buy?, Dominic Richens 0 responses
- Re: Richard Nelson's pictures of the 4 HP 15c versions, Frido Bohn 0 responses
- HP 50G Electrical Engineering, Software49g 0 responses
- Re: Richard Nelson's pictures of the 4 HP 15c versions, DaveJ 1 response
- Re: Richard Nelson's pictures of the 4 HP 15c versions, uhmgawa 0 responses
- WP34s - CLP Problem, John Abbott (S. Africa) 7 responses
- Re: HP-41 Navigation PAC question, Timo 0 responses
- Re: HP calculator prototype?, David Griffith 1 response
- Re: recent HP 35 "Red Dot" on Ebay, JoeGeller 1 response
- Re: New Blogs Are Up, Joerg Woerner 5 responses
- Classic label reproductions?, McAllan 4 responses
- Re: recent HP 35 "Red Dot" on Ebay, aj04062 5 responses
- Re: 33s, 35s or 15cLE--which to buy?, Eddie W. Shore 26 responses
- Re: 33s, 35s or 15cLE--which to buy?, Eddie W. Shore 20 responses
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