Re: HP41 post replacement experiment Message #15 Posted by Bruce Larrabee on 16 July 2012, 6:51 p.m., in response to message #4 by Geir Isene
Hello Everyone,
Well the Delrin posts seem to be working quite well so far.
Here are my final specs for this case, a HP41C tall key model with the tall cylindrical extrusions inside the case back lower section.
Delrin posts:
0.176" dia. 0.250" length, drilled and threaded all the way through for 4-40 NC screws
Post holes milled out to about 0.065" deep
4-40 NC Brass screws shortened to about 0.200" of thread. Heads turned
down to 0.160" dia.
Tried epoxy first but one failed. Tried super glue next to much better effect.
I trimmed about 0.010" off the top of the posts to achieve the final fit between case, motherboard, elastomeric connector and keypad board.