Re: HP-41C "W" function, what was it intended for? Message #6 Posted by Dan Grelinger on 21 Dec 2012, 3:30 p.m., in response to message #5 by Ángel Martin
I was going to suggest RCL arithmetic, and it would be possible to use just one of the instruction bytes, I believe, assuming that it could be turned into a three byte instruction; e.g. RCL+01 would be (in decimal) 31,64,01, RCL-T would be 31,65,112, RCL*IND01 would be 31,66,129, and RCL/INDY would be 31,67,242.
Another use for them would be for a random number function, Combinations/Permutations, a Gamma function, a y-intercept / slope function, or a linear estimate / correlation coefficent function. These are all on the HP-15C and are missed on the HP-41C.