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HP Forum Archive 21

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WP34s IR Printing Update?
Message #1 Posted by Thomas Chrapkiewicz on 24 Feb 2013, 11:49 a.m.


I have a couple questions on the state of IR Printing with the WP34s:

1. Is Prtpgm implemented?

2. What version(s) of the WP34s image support IR printing?

3. Can anyone comment on battery life impact?

Just want to do some homework before I start the hardware tedium.

Thank you, TomC

Re: WP34s IR Printing Update?
Message #2 Posted by Walter B on 24 Feb 2013, 12:10 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Thomas Chrapkiewicz

1. Yes. It's called ⎙PROG and is explained on p.117 in the last v3.1 manual on sourceforge.

2. Every build containing CALC_IR.bin

3. I can't.



Re: WP34s IR Printing Update?
Message #3 Posted by Marcus von Cube, Germany on 24 Feb 2013, 1:53 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Thomas Chrapkiewicz

Impact on battery life should be minimal. The duty cycle is relatively small (less than 20%) and the driving current is only a few mA. In order to reduce the power consumption further, the output is driven by a timer circuit, not the by CPU. This does not waste any CPU cycles for the timing. The calculator draws 20 mA when running in full speed and executing some function or program. Printing may add just another mA of current, not more.

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