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AWK Translator for Keycodes

Posted by bill duncan, ve3ied on 23 Apr 2000, 1:08 a.m.

Reaching Out

I have a number of calculators I can reach for.

I have three generations of the venerable HP-41C (a C, CV and a CX), HP-16C, HP-95lx, and an HP-48GX. (I also used to have an HP-15C, but someone else reached for it when I wasn't looking...)

So which one do I reach for the most? It's the old 80/20 rule. I'm not a "rocket scientist", so I don't spend my days doing much calculus. My trusty old HP-29C does what I need most of the time. It's the oldest design, and the least capable machine I have. I guess I just like the solid feel of the Woodstock series. The HP-41's seem frail by comparison and the HP-48GX is just, well, big.

The Inspiration

While pulling out a pad of graph paper to copy down (yet again) the routines which happened to be in the HP-29C (sort of like a manual backup), I decided that this was silly. I'm surrounded by Linux systems. Why copy the contents of the calculator to paper?

Of course, like all the old "keystroke programmables", the keycodes that needed to be translated back to English. Boring. Why not get the computer to do that too?

The Program

I've designed the following program such that theoretically it can also be used for calculators other than the HP-29C. If I ever get a replacement for my HP-15C, I may even test that theory... (Anyone have a line on one for a good price?)

It was written in AWK which is readily available if you have a Unix or Linux based system. (Some Unix systems will call this "nawk", or you may have "gawk" or "mawk" installed.)

If you are still using a Microsoft or Apple based system, there are versions of AWK available. I recommend "mawk" or "gawk". (And I really recommend switching to Linux... )

There is nothing spectacular about the program. It's fairly simple, and uses a separate symbol table which might be changed for another calculator. I thought that I might improve the program by doing page headers etc., but that's left as an exercise for another day (or for someone else). Email me if you have suggestions or improvements you'd like to make.

The awk script is available here and the symbol table for the HP-29C is available here.

The program will convert simple keycode listings (without the line numbers) such as the following snippet:

# --------------------
# %CH - Percent change
# --------------------
15 13 01
14 73
15 12
13 01

Here is a sample output formatted listing of what I happen to have in my calculator now. The lines starting with an octothorpe (hash mark, "#") are just comments which I placed in the input file and come out the other end unaltered. The program generates the mnemonics and the line numbers, so that if I need to rekey the programs it is relatively easy. Certainly much more fun than looking at keycodes.

# @(#) HP-29C contents as of April 21, 2000
# @(#) $Id: 29c.html,v 1.1 2000/04/23 06:36:42 bduncan Exp bduncan $
# Author:  Bill Duncan (except where noted)

# --------------------
# %CH - Percent change
# --------------------
01   15 13 01   LBL 1
02         21   x<>y
03         41   -
04      14 73   LASTx
05         71   /
06         33   EEX
07         02   2
08         61   *
09      15 12   RTN
10      13 01   GTO 1

# ---------------------
# %T - Percent of total
# ---------------------
11   15 13 02   LBL 2
12      15 74   1/X
13      15 21   %
14      15 74   1/X
15      15 12   RTN
16      13 02   GTO 2

# ---------------------
# ---------------------
# number in both x and y, flashes successive numbers in the series.
# Standard Fibonacci sequence starts x=1, y=1.
# Try y=1, x=3 which is an interesting sequence in that the numbers
# approach integer powers of phi.
17   15 13 08   LBL 8
18         51   +
19      14 73   LASTx
20         21   x<>y
21      14 74   PAUSE
22      13 08   GTO 8

# ---------------------
# parallel resistors
# ---------------------
23   15 13 04   LBL 4
24      15 74   1/X
25         21   x<>y
26      15 74   1/X
27         51   +
28      15 74   1/X
29      15 12   RTN
30      13 04   GTO 4

# ---------------------
# degrees C to F
# ---------------------
31   15 13 05   LBL 5
32         09   9
33         61   *
34         05   5
35         71   /
36         03   3
37         02   2
38         51   +
39      15 12   RTN
40      13 05   GTO 5

# ---------------------
# fib #2
# ---------------------
# related to fib sequence
# phi [(SQR(5)+1) / 2] stored in REG 05 before running!
# key number in X, good approximation out to 35 or so...
# this sequence comes close to phi^n
# simple change to get standard Fibonacci sequence
# just change the last instruction from a "+" to "-" and divide by sqrt(5)
41   15 13 06   LBL 6
42      24 05   RCL 5
43         21   x<>y
44      14 64   Y^X
45      14 73   LASTx
46      24 05   RCL 5
47         01   1
48         41   -
49         32   CHS
50         21   x<>y
51      14 64   Y^X
52         51   +
53      15 12   RTN

# ---------------------
# quadradics
# ---------------------
# from 29c applications book page 6.
54   15 13 07   LBL 7
55      23 00   STO 0
56         22   RDN
57         21   x<>y
58   23 71 00   STO / 0
59         71   /
60         02   2
61         71   /
62         32   CHS
63      23 01   STO 1
64         31   ENTER
65      15 63   x^2
66      24 00   RCL 0
67         41   -
68         74   R/S
69      15 41   x<0?
70      13 00   GTO 0
71      14 63   SQRT
72   23 41 01   STO - 1
73         21   x<>y
74         51   +
75      24 01   RCL 1
76      14 73   LASTx
77      15 51   x>0?
78         22   RDN
79         22   RDN
80   23 71 00   STO / 0
81      24 00   RCL 0
82      13 03   GTO 3

83   15 13 00   LBL 0
84      15 64   ABS
85      14 63   SQRT
86         21   x<>y

87   15 13 03   LBL 3
88         74   R/S
89         21   x<>y
90      13 03   GTO 3

# ---------------------
# H.MS+
# ---------------------
# numbers in x and y both in H.MS format
# LASTx is lost.  Ah well...
91   15 13 09   LBL 9
92      15 72   ->H
93         21   x<>y
94      15 72   ->H
95         51   +
96      14 72   ->H.MS
97      15 12   RTN
98      13 09   GTO 9


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