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Help asked: systemRPL ^IFMain question
01-27-2016, 09:51 PM
Post: #1
Help asked: systemRPL ^IFMain question

This my first post on this forum, sorry for starting with a rather detailed technical question for help. I hope this is the proper place to ask.

I am working on a simple systemRPL program for the 50g with an InformBox as a UI.

The program works fine but I want to improve usability. What I want to achieve is this:

I have defined a custom menu key to perform a calculation with (the content of) input Fields on the form. How things currently work is that if I enter a value in an input field, I push 'ENTER' to close the edit-line and move the new value to the Field, then I push the custom menu key (F6 in this case) to perform the computation and show the result. This is standard behavior.

What I would like to do is to include the 'ENTER' behavior in the KeyProcNS of my custom menu key. So there would be no separate 'ENTER' required, this would be handled by the custom key implicitly.

The desired result is that after keying a new value of the input field, pushing F6 would do two things: enter the value into the input field and close the command line, then perform the computation, all in one F6 keystroke. I hope this description of what I want to do is clear.

I read the books on systemRPL by Donnelly, by Malinowski and Dominic, and RPLMan. I find the documentation on ^IfMain quite limited in these publications and haven't found a clue on how to achieve what I want. I use Debug4x.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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02-02-2016, 08:19 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2016 08:21 PM by wojtek.)
Post: #2
RE: Help asked: systemRPL ^IFMain question
Nobody will know how to help you until you provide a sample of the code you've written
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02-03-2016, 09:23 AM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2016 09:27 AM by brrm.)
Post: #3
RE: Help asked: systemRPL ^IFMain question
(02-02-2016 08:19 PM)wojtek Wrote:  Nobody will know how to help you until you provide a sample of the code you've written


Here's the code of the message handler.

IfMsgGet3KeysMenu OVER#=case ::
* two other key definitions are not shown here for brevity
      { "\8DREV."  ::  ( KeyProcNS for calculation of REV )
         FLASHPTR IfEnterKeyPress        ( do 'enter' )
         LAM 'Quit ITE ::
            DROP 3DROP                       ( clean the stack )
            FALSE ' LAM 'Quit STO           ( do not quit )
     ; ::
            ( To do: find out how to update the value of the current )
            ( field so only 1 keypress is needed instead of 2 )                            

         #0 FLASHPTR IfGetFieldValue    ( Retrieve COST )
         #2 FLASHPTR IfGetFieldValue    ( Retrieve Margin )
         100. SWAP %- %/ %10* %10*  ( do computation )
         #1 FLASHPTR IfSetFieldValue     ( show value on Form )
       ; } }
       TRUE                                       ( we handled the message )

This works, except that following the IfEnterKeyPress, the current field is not updated with the contents of the edit line, so that the previous value of that field is used in the computation. Only after a second keypress the calculation is performed with all the correct values.

I am looking forward to any info on how to solve this.
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02-04-2016, 01:58 AM
Post: #4
RE: Help asked: systemRPL ^IFMain question
(02-03-2016 09:23 AM)brrm Wrote:  I am looking forward to any info on how to solve this.

Thanks for posting your code snippet, it helped to better understand what you are attempting to do.

It appears to me that you may be running into trouble by making the call to ^IfEnterKeyPress in an effort to simulate the ENTER key while an EditLine is active. I believe that procedure was designed more for other situations where you might want to do some of your own processing as a result of responding to a message, then simulating the effect of the user pressing the enter key. There's a subtle difference in context here.

The following may work better for you:

Immediately after the TakeOver in your menu routine, test for the presence of an active EditLine and take care of storing the current value if there is one. Then proceed with your calculations as needed. Here's a sample of what that might look like (with absolutely no error checking!):

EditLExists? IT ::
   EDITLINE$ DOSTR>                    ( Get the current edit string and parse it )
   FLASHPTR IfSetCurrentFieldValue     ( Set the value obtained as the current field value )
   InitEd&Modes                        ( Clear the current EditLine )

( ... further processing as needed for menu command ... )

This assumes, of course, that I've understood what you're trying to accomplish. I may have misunderstood your intent.

If it helps to see a more complete example, here's the generated source code from an InputForm built using Debug4x. This is about as simple an example as I could think of to show how the code might work. In this case, the "SUM" menu command simply adds the three values in fields 1-3 and places the total into field 4. I'm hoping this works the way you want:

( Inform Box File )  ( Inline Text )   ( Do not modify this line )
* Inform Box  Simple Inform Test  Source Code  
* Generated on 8:50:28 PM 2/3/2016 by HP InformBox Generator  
* Inform Box Designer is DavidM  
INCLUDE Header.h                    ( Include Standard RPL defs )
INCLUDE Informbox.h                 ( Include Definitions )
( Field and Label Definitions ) 
  DEFINE Field1              BINT0   
  DEFINE Field2              BINT1   
  DEFINE Field3              BINT2   
  DEFINE Field4              BINT3   
  DEFINE Label1              BINT0   
  DEFINE Label2              BINT1   
  DEFINE Label3              BINT2   
  DEFINE Label4              BINT3   
( Local Definitions ) 
NULLNAME _Simple_Inform_Test_ 
( Internal Graphical Datas ) 
    $(5)#1202                       % Uncompressed string size 
    $(3)#0                          % Y offset
    $(2)#0                          % Current Field
    $(2)#4                          % Number of labels
    $(2)#4                          % Number of fields
    $(5)#269                        % Offset to fields definition

  % Start of label definitions      
    $11402D01E1002601E10F0F0F                     % Label Label1 definition
    $114026100E1002601E10F0F0F                    % Label Label2 definition
    $11402F100E1002601E10F0F0F                    % Label Label3 definition
    $11402E200E1002601E10F0F0F                    % Label Label4 definition

  % Start of field definitions    
    $1CA02B01143C2801820F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F09       % Field Field1 definition
    $1CA024100143C2801820F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F09      % Field Field2 definition
    $1CA02D100143C2801820F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F09      % Field Field3 definition
    $1CA02C200143C2801820F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F09      % Field Field4 definition
  !RPL FLASHPTR IsUncompressDataString ( Uncompress the string )
  ( Labels graphic, string on the stack ) 
  DUP BINT0  FALSE "Field 1:"             FLASHPTR IfSetGrob3 
  DUP BINT1  FALSE "Field 2:"             FLASHPTR IfSetGrob3 
  DUP BINT2  FALSE "Field 3:"             FLASHPTR IfSetGrob3 
  DUP BINT3  FALSE "Sum:"                 FLASHPTR IfSetGrob3 
  ( Help strings, string on the stack ) 
  BINT0  "first field"                    FLASHPTR IfSetHelpString 
  BINT1  "second field"                   FLASHPTR IfSetHelpString 
  BINT2  "third field"                    FLASHPTR IfSetHelpString 
  BINT3  "output field"                   FLASHPTR IfSetHelpString 
  " Simple Inform Test " FLASHPTR IfSetTitle ( Title String )
  ( Inform Box Message Handler )    
  ' ::                              ( Inform Box Message Handler )
      BINT12 OVER#=case :: ( Configures menu softkeys )
          { { "SUM" ::
              EditLExists? IT ::
                  EDITLINE$ DOSTR>
                  FLASHPTR IfSetCurrentFieldValue
              Field1 FLASHPTR IfGetFieldValue
              Field2 FLASHPTR IfGetFieldValue
              Field3 FLASHPTR IfGetFieldValue
              %+ %+
              Field4 FLASHPTR IfSetFieldValue
              ; }
            { "CANCL" ::
              TRUE ' LAM 'Quit STO
              ; }
            { "OK" ::
                FLASHPTR IfEnterKeyPress
                ; } }
( Field Definitions )             
  ( Field1 definition )             
  'DROPFALSE                        ( Field Message Handler )
  IfFieldTypeText                   ( Field Type )
  { IfObReal  }                     ( Allowed Types )
  BINT2                             ( Decomp object )
  MINUSONE                          ( No choose list )
  MINUSONE                          ( No choose decomp )
  %0                                ( Reset Value )
  %0                                ( Initial Value )
  ( Field2 definition )             
  'DROPFALSE                        ( Field Message Handler )
  IfFieldTypeText                   ( Field Type )
  { IfObReal  }                     ( Allowed Types )
  BINT2                             ( Decomp object )
  MINUSONE                          ( No choose list )
  MINUSONE                          ( No choose decomp )
  %0                                ( Reset Value )
  %0                                ( Initial Value )
  ( Field3 definition )             
  'DROPFALSE                        ( Field Message Handler )
  IfFieldTypeText                   ( Field Type )
  { IfObReal  }                     ( Allowed Types )
  BINT2                             ( Decomp object )
  MINUSONE                          ( No choose list )
  MINUSONE                          ( No choose decomp )
  %0                                ( Reset Value )
  %0                                ( Initial Value )
  ( Field4 definition )             
  'DROPFALSE                        ( Field Message Handler )
  IfFieldTypeText                   ( Field Type )
  { IfObReal  }                     ( Allowed Types )
  BINT2                             ( Decomp object )
  MINUSONE                          ( No choose list )
  MINUSONE                          ( No choose decomp )
  %0                                ( Reset Value )
  %0                                ( Initial Value )
( Group the Field Definitions in a List ) 
  ASSEMBLEM $(5)BINT32              % #8*No fields 
  !RPL {}N                          
  FLASHPTR IfMain2                  
;                                   ( end of form procedure )
% Count for the Message Table  
DCCP 0 _Simple_Inform_Test_MesBase 

( Messages automatically copied by Inform Generator ) 
( Messages added to the Library's Message Table ) 
( Internal Datas: Do not touch! 

Hope this helps!
- David
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02-04-2016, 09:16 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2016 09:41 PM by brrm.)
Post: #5
RE: Help asked: systemRPL ^IFMain question
(02-04-2016 01:58 AM)DavidM Wrote:  Hope this helps!
- David

It certainly does!

Thank you very much!

When I worked on it I ran into another problem.

When I use your code, it works as desired, but ONLY if I enter the decimal separator to force a real (i.e. type '7.' followed by <SUM>) it gives the correct answer.

If I omit the separator (i.e. type '7' followed by <SUM>) then the result is garbage.

I was able to fix this with CK&DISPATCH1.

The final source code is:
' ::
  IfMsgGet3KeysMenu OVER#=case ::
    { NullMenuKey
      { "CANCL"  :: TakeOver FLASHPTR IfONKeyPress ; }
      { "\8DA+B" :: TakeOver                 ( KeyProcNS for calculation of A+B )
          EditLExists? IT ::
            EDITLINE$ DOSTR>                 ( Get the current edit string and parse it )
            :: CK&DISPATCH1                  ( check type and convert to real if necessary )
                                                        BINT1 :: FLASHPTR IfSetCurrentFieldValue ; ( Set the value obtained as the current field value )
                                          InitEd&Modes                     ( Clear the current EditLine )
          Field1 FLASHPTR IfGetFieldValue    ( Retrieve A )
          Field2 FLASHPTR IfGetFieldValue    ( Retrieve B )
          %+                                 ( A+B )
          Field3 FLASHPTR IfSetFieldValue    ( Show result on Form )
    TRUE                                     ( We handled the message )
  DROPFALSE                                  ( We don't handle any other message )

Regards bram
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02-04-2016, 11:38 PM
Post: #6
RE: Help asked: systemRPL ^IFMain question
(02-04-2016 09:16 PM)brrm Wrote:  When I worked on it I ran into another problem.

When I use your code, it works as desired, but ONLY if I enter the decimal separator to force a real (i.e. type '7.' followed by <SUM>) it gives the correct answer.

If I omit the separator (i.e. type '7' followed by <SUM>) then the result is garbage.

I was able to fix this with CK&DISPATCH1.

CK&DISPATCH1 will do the conversion (as will CKREAL), but it also sets some other things that aren't desirable at the point in your code (protection word comes to mind). When I mentioned before that there was no error checking, this is part of what I was alluding to. Storing the value in the field in this manner bypasses the normal validation that IfMain does to make sure that the object is an acceptable type.

It may be a better approach to use the IfCheckFieldtype function that is part of the InputForm API. While I haven't tried all possible combinations of objects and field types, it did at least appear to convert a ZINT to a REAL automatically in this situation. It also returns a boolean that allows you to branch accordingly if the type wasn't acceptable.

When I was playing around with this earlier today, it seems that there's some fragility with this method of obtaining the data directly from the command line. I'm not sure, but I suspect that this comes from having several stacked "environments" active simultaneously. I tried the following code for the form's message handler and found that it was reasonably effective:
' ::
    BINT12 OVER#=case :: ( Configures menu softkeys )
        { { "SUM" ::
            EditLExists? IT ::
                EDITLINE$ InitEdLine
                FLASHPTR IfCheckFieldtype
                    FLASHPTR IfSetCurrentFieldValue
                    # 202 JstGETTHEMSG FlashWarning
            Field1 FLASHPTR IfGetFieldValue
            Field2 FLASHPTR IfGetFieldValue
            Field3 FLASHPTR IfGetFieldValue
            %+ %+
            Field4 FLASHPTR IfSetFieldValue
            ; }
          { "CANCL" ::
            FLASHPTR IfONKeyPress
            ; }
          { "OK" ::
              FLASHPTR IfEnterKeyPress
              ; } }

One of the potential problems that can occur is if the command line contains a string which will compile into multiple objects (ie. "123A" becomes % 123 and 'A' ). Things get a bit messier for that kind of scenario. Whatever you end up with, you'll want to run through a variety of scenarios to make sure it works the way you want.
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02-09-2016, 11:37 AM
Post: #7
RE: Help asked: systemRPL ^IFMain question
(02-04-2016 11:38 PM)DavidM Wrote:  ...
One of the potential problems that can occur is if the command line contains a string which will compile into multiple objects (ie. "123A" becomes % 123 and 'A' ). Things get a bit messier for that kind of scenario. Whatever you end up with, you'll want to run through a variety of scenarios to make sure it works the way you want.

Thanks for your reply. Over the weekend I have tested my code (based on CK&DISPATCH1) thoroughly with all kinds of wrong input in the edit line.

It is all handled correctly, I haven't yet found any undesired side-effects.
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02-09-2016, 02:33 PM
Post: #8
RE: Help asked: systemRPL ^IFMain question
(02-09-2016 11:37 AM)brrm Wrote:  Thanks for your reply. Over the weekend I have tested my code (based on CK&DISPATCH1) thoroughly with all kinds of wrong input in the edit line.

It is all handled correctly, I haven't yet found any undesired side-effects.

...and that's what it's all about! Glad you got it working the way you wanted.

I went back and re-read the documentation for CK&DISPATCH1 and noticed that it doesn't set the protection word like the CKx and CKxNOLASTWD commands. So the only potential problem I was thinking of shouldn't even come up.

Glad to see that there are still some folks plugging away at SysRPL!
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