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hp-65 card reader repair o-rings - Printable Version

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hp-65 card reader repair o-rings - isanchez - 04-14-2014 11:03 AM

Hi everybody,
are the hp67/97 card reader o-rings suitable for the HP65 card reader?
Many are offered in ebay as 67/97/65 compatible, but I am not sure they fit in hp65 card reader.

Kind regards


RE: hp-65 card reader repair o-rings - aj04062 - 04-15-2014 02:05 AM

Yes, they are all the same.

RE: hp-65 card reader repair o-rings - isanchez - 04-15-2014 07:43 AM

I have checked this and for the HP65, it is around 9mm diameter; for the 67 it is quite smaller, around 6 mm diameter. At least in my hp65 version.

Kind regards


RE: hp-65 card reader repair o-rings - ignazio - 04-15-2014 08:02 AM

What j04062 has told is correct.
I want confirm that the o-rings are the same for all 65, 67, 97, 97S and 82104A (HP-41 card reader). Does not exist other kind of reader for the HP-65.


RE: hp-65 card reader repair o-rings - isanchez - 04-16-2014 08:59 AM

I thank you very much for your information!
It is of great help for me.
Probably I was thinking in the TI-52 card reader I repaired some months ago. There is my confussion.
Kind regards

RE: hp-65 card reader repair o-rings - aj04062 - 04-17-2014 12:02 AM

No worries, this forum will keep all of us straight!

Adam J