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Probs solving sys. of eqs. programatically. - Printable Version

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Probs solving sys. of eqs. programatically. - John P - 10-25-2018 08:33 PM

How do I enter system of eqs using program, ex. PROG(sys_eqs,vars). I try variable as strings with/without curly/square brackets and nothing works. What I do wrong? Strings as arguments to programs used to work with CAS(),EXPR(). Does that changed in the latest beta? I use the latest beta firmware. In the PRGM in CAS I use solve or fsolve.

RE: Probs solving sys. of eqs. programatically. - sasa - 10-26-2018 05:52 AM

Perhaps it is more convenient to work directly with objects.

For instance:


  local n:= size(eq_list);
  local i, eq; 

  print ("");
  print ("There is " + n + " objects");

  for i from 1 to n do
    eq:= eq_list[i];    
    print (i + ": " + eq);    

SZ_T2(eq_list, var_list)
  local n:= size(eq_list);
  local i, eq; 

  print ("");
  print ("There is " + n + " objects");

  for i from 1 to n do
    eq:= eq_list[i];    
    print (i + ": " + eq);    

  print(" ");
  print("Var list: ")

  print(" ");
  print("Solution: ");


SZ_T1( (2*x+3*y)=1, (x+y) = 2 )
SZ_T2([(2*x+3*y) = 1,(x+y) = 2],[x,y])

RE: Probs solving sys. of eqs. programatically. - John P - 10-26-2018 04:42 PM

Thank you sasa.