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HP Prime Connectivity Kit Doesn't Recognize Beta Software - Printable Version

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HP Prime Connectivity Kit Doesn't Recognize Beta Software - Eddie W. Shore - 10-27-2019 05:44 PM

I am running Windows 10 software. The 10/23/2019 Connectivity Kit won't/can't recognize the 10/23/2019 firmware. The 32 bit version doesn't work, the 64 bit doesn't work. I have tried various folders. Please see the attached.

RE: HP Prime Connectivity Kit Doesn't Recognize Beta Software - Eddie W. Shore - 10-27-2019 05:51 PM

Update: I reinstalled the Connectivity Kit from last year 10/16/2018. The 10/23/2019 firmware is not recognized.

I don't remember having this difficult of time updating firmware.

Is there a way to update an HP Prime outside of the Kit?

RE: HP Prime Connectivity Kit Doesn't Recognize Beta Software - Joe Horn - 10-27-2019 07:00 PM

Eddie: Delete the "Firmware" from the end of your "Working folder" setting. The path to the "working folder" must end with "HP Connectivity Kit".