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AMC-OSX Question - Printable Version

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AMC-OSX Question - Sylvain Cote - 02-18-2020 04:17 AM

Hello Ángel & Monte,

There is a file (AMCOSX4.ROM) in the last version of the rom files (rom_files_200130.zip) that is not listed in any of the memory reference files (mem_ref_v5.txt, mem_ref_v2.txt & mem_ref.txt).

If this a version of AMC-OSX (AMC-OSX.ROM) using library 4 (LIBRARY4.ROM) ?


EDIT: I just checked and I it seems that it had been there forever (since 2012) but I never took notice.

RE: AMC-OSX Question - Monte Dalrymple - 02-18-2020 05:04 AM

It's probably an early version, where I didn't scrub it from the directory after a name change.

RE: AMC-OSX Question - Ángel Martin - 02-18-2020 07:21 AM

(02-18-2020 04:17 AM)Sylvain Cote Wrote:  There is a file (AMCOSX4.ROM) in the last version of the rom files (rom_files_200130.zip) that is not listed in any of the memory reference files (mem_ref_v5.txt, mem_ref_v2.txt & mem_ref.txt).

If this a version of AMC-OSX (AMC-OSX.ROM) using library 4 (LIBRARY4.ROM) ?

EDIT: I just checked and I it seems that it had been there forever (since 2012) but I never took notice.

I guess you refer to the "AOSX" ROM image located at 0x092, yes?

That's a modified version of the "CCDX", the CCD_OS/X ROM (located at 0x087).
As such, it's a precursor of the definitive "OSX3", i.e AMC_OS/X Bank-switched module... enough to get your head spin ;-)

In summary, IMHO the AOSX image is a little old but worthwhile keeping there , if anything the slot could be reused later on by a newer module (space in the lower 1MB is at a premium)

RE: AMC-OSX Question - Sylvain Cote - 02-18-2020 02:20 PM

(02-18-2020 07:21 AM)Ángel Martin Wrote:  I guess you refer to the "AOSX" ROM image located at 0x092, yes?
No, I am referring to the AMCOSX4.ROM file not listed in one of the mem_ref*.txt

OSX entries in mem_ref_v5.txt file
0x087; CCD-OSX.ROM;  CCDX;   5; CCD-OSX; ...
0x092; AMC-OSX.ROM;  AOSX;   5; AMC-OSX; ...
0x168; OSXB1.ROM;    OSX3;   5; Lib-4 OS/X Bank-Switched, bnk 1; ...
0x169; OSXB2.ROM;        ;    ; Lib-4 OS/X Bank-Switched, bnk 2; ...
0x16A; OSXB3.ROM;        ;    ; Lib-4 OS/X Bank-Switched, bnk 3; ...
0x16B; OSXB4.ROM;        ;    ; Lib-4 OS/X Bank-Switched, bnk 4; ...

This is what I get when loading both files in MLDL200 Manager. (AMC-OSX.ROM & AMCOSX4.ROM)
ROM Filename    : AMC-OSX.ROM                                 |  ROM Filename    : AMCOSX4.ROM
------------------hex---dec----------------                   |  ------------------hex---dec----------------
  XROM          : $005  005                                   |    XROM          : $005  005
  # Functions   : $026  038                                   |    # Functions   : $027  039
  ROM Name      : -CCD"OS/X                                   |    ROM Name      : -AMC"OS/X
  Pause Entry   : $000                                        |    Pause Entry   : $000
  Program Entry : $000                                        |    Program Entry : $000
  Sleep Entry   : $000                                        |    Sleep Entry   : $000
  OFF Entry     : $2C3                                        |    OFF Entry     : $2C3
  Service Entry : $3C3                                        |    Service Entry : $3C3
  ON Entry      : $2D3                                        |    ON Entry      : $2BB
  MemLost Entry : $000                                        |    MemLost Entry : $000
  ROM Revision  : CC-DD                                       |    ROM Revision  : CC-DD
  Checksum      : $397  CHECKSUM NOT GOOD, should be $2C8     |    Checksum      : $229  CHECKSUM NOT GOOD, should be $292
  NOPs Counted  : 69                                          |    NOPs Counted  : 63
-XROM----ADDR--FUNCTION --------------                        |  -XROM----ADDR--FUNCTION --------------
 005.00   ABEE  -CCD"OS/X   MCode XROM 05.00  "-CCD"OS/X"     |   005.00   ABEC  -AMC"OS/X   MCode XROM 05.00  "-AMC"OS/X"
 005.01   A0EA  ABSP        MCode XROM 05.01  "ABSP"          |   005.01   A0A2  ABSP        MCode XROM 05.01  "ABSP"
 005.02   AAAD  ARCLH       MCode XROM 05.02  "ARCLH"         |   005.02   A0FC  ANUMDL      MCode XROM 05.02  "ANUMDL"
 005.03   AE0D  ARCLI       MCode XROM 05.03  "ARCLI"         |   005.03   AAAD  ARCLH       MCode XROM 05.03  "ARCLH"
 005.04   AEC8  B?          MCode XROM 05.04  "B?"            |   005.04   AEE8  ARCLI       MCode XROM 05.04  "ARCLI"
 005.05   AF65  CAS         MCode XROM 05.05  "CAS"           |   005.05   ACBF  ASG         MCode XROM 05.05  "ASG"
 005.06   A3C2  CDE         MCode XROM 05.06  "CDE"           |   005.06   A29A  ASWAP       MCode XROM 05.06  "ASWAP"
 005.07   AFB2  CFX         MCode XROM 05.07  "CFX"           |   005.07   A241  B?          MCode XROM 05.07  "B?"
 005.08   A9BB  CLA-        MCode XROM 05.08  "CLA-"          |   005.08   AC9C  CAS         MCode XROM 05.08  "CAS"
 005.09   A091  CLB         MCode XROM 05.09  "CLB"           |   005.09   AEEE  CDE         MCode XROM 05.09  "CDE"
 005.10   A054  CLEM        MCode XROM 05.10  "CLEM"          |   005.10   A0EA  CLA-        MCode XROM 05.10  "CLA-"
 005.11   AE8F  CLMM        MCode XROM 05.11  "CLMM"          |   005.11   A3F5  CLB         MCode XROM 05.11  "CLB"
 005.12   AEBE  CVIEW       MCode XROM 05.12  "CVIEW"         |   005.12   A0DF  CLEM        MCode XROM 05.12  "CLEM"
 005.13   AF32  DCD         MCode XROM 05.13  "DCD"           |   005.13   A091  DCD         MCode XROM 05.13  "DCD"
 005.14   A3F7  F/E         MCode XROM 05.14  "F/E"           |   005.14   A0F2  DTOA        MCode XROM 05.14  "DTOA"
 005.15   A067  FC?S        MCode XROM 05.15  "FC?S"          |   005.15   A22C  DTST        MCode XROM 05.15  "DTST"
 005.16   A061  FS?S        MCode XROM 05.16  "FS?S"          |   005.16   A2A8  F/E         MCode XROM 05.16  "F/E"
 005.17   AE29  LKOFF       MCode XROM 05.17  "LKOFF"         |   005.17   AF88  GTADR       MCode XROM 05.17  "GTADR"
 005.18   AE44  LKON        MCode XROM 05.18  "LKON"          |   005.18   A09A  MNF         MCode XROM 05.18  "MNF"
 005.19   AEB6  MNFR        MCode XROM 05.19  "MNFR"          |   005.19   A059  MSGE        MCode XROM 05.19  "MSGE"
 005.20   AC27  PMTA        MCode XROM 05.20  "PMTA"          |   005.20   AC24  PMTA        MCode XROM 05.20  "PMTA"
 005.21   AAF7  PMTH        MCode XROM 05.21  "PMTH"          |   005.21   AAF7  PMTH        MCode XROM 05.21  "PMTH"
 005.22   AB47  PMTK        MCode XROM 05.22  "PMTK"          |   005.22   AB47  PMTK        MCode XROM 05.22  "PMTK"
 005.23   A96F  RNDM        MCode XROM 05.23  "RNDM"          |   005.23   A999  PRD         MCode XROM 05.23  "PRD"
 005.24   AED3  RPLX        MCode XROM 05.24  "RPLX"          |   005.24   A9A8  READPG      MCode XROM 05.24  "READPG"
 005.25   AF7D  SAS         MCode XROM 05.25  "SAS"           |   005.25   A96C  RNDM        MCode XROM 05.25  "RNDM"
 005.26   A961  SEED        MCode XROM 05.26  "SEED"          |   005.26   A05F  RTN?        MCode XROM 05.26  "RTN?"
 005.27   AFB8  SFX         MCode XROM 05.27  "SFX"           |   005.27   ACB4  SAS         MCode XROM 05.27  "SAS"
 005.28   AF96  TFX         MCode XROM 05.28  "TFX"           |   005.28   A95E  SEED        MCode XROM 05.28  "SEED"
 005.29   AF8A  TOGLC       MCode XROM 05.29  "TOGLC"         |   005.29   AFA3  SPEED       MCode XROM 05.29  "SPEED"
 005.30   AF3F  VIEWA       MCode XROM 05.30  "VIEWA"         |   005.30   A2A1  TF          MCode XROM 05.30  "TF"
 005.31   AA9E  VIEWH       MCode XROM 05.31  "VIEWH"         |   005.31   A9AF  TGLC        MCode XROM 05.31  "TGLC"
 005.32   AED9  VRG         MCode XROM 05.32  "VRG"           |   005.32   A3ED  VIEWA       MCode XROM 05.32  "VIEWA"
 005.33   A939  WSIZE       MCode XROM 05.33  "WSIZE"         |   005.33   AA9E  VIEWH       MCode XROM 05.33  "VIEWH"
 005.34   A3E1  XQ>GO       MCode XROM 05.34  "XQ>GO"         |   005.34   A9A0  WRTPG       MCode XROM 05.34  "WRTPG"
 005.35   AAA5  XTOAH       MCode XROM 05.35  "XTOAH"         |   005.35   A938  WSIZE       MCode XROM 05.35  "WSIZE"
 005.36   A9D9  XXEQ        MCode XROM 05.36  "XXEQ"          |   005.36   AAA5  XTOAH       MCode XROM 05.36  "XTOAH"
 005.37   A088  X>$         MCode XROM 05.37  "X>$"           |   005.37   A2B4  X>$         MCode XROM 05.37  "X>$"
                                                              |   005.38   A069  NDGT        MCode XROM 05.38  "NDGT"

(02-18-2020 07:21 AM)Ángel Martin Wrote:  That's a modified version of the "CCDX", the CCD_OS/X ROM (located at 0x087).
I know.

(02-18-2020 07:21 AM)Ángel Martin Wrote:  As such, it's a precursor of the definitive "OSX3", i.e AMC_OS/X Bank-switched module... enough to get your head spin ;-)
About a head spin ... I am currently listing all your ROM files and in the process trying to build the dependency and relationship between them. Wink

(02-18-2020 07:21 AM)Ángel Martin Wrote:  In summary, IMHO the AOSX image is a little old but worthwhile keeping there , if anything the slot could be reused later on by a newer module (space in the lower 1MB is at a premium)
No, keep it there.

I am using your modules in a live demonstration of my HHC2020 presentation on Diego's modules. (teasing: 100+ slides and 2 x 1h sessions)

One of the demo is with a Clonix-D module with unmerged blocks (2 blocks of 24K).
I cannot use 4LIB, WARP & OSX3 at the same time (32K) because it does not fit in the space I have (24K), so I have used 4LIB, WARP & AOSX. (20K)
Bk Pg  File
 1  8  AMC-OSX.ROM
 1  9  WARPB1.ROM
 2  9  WARPB2.ROM
 3  9  WARPB3.ROM
0x120; LIBRARY4.ROM; 4LIB; N/A; Library-4; ...
0x092; AMC-OSX.ROM;  AOSX;   5; AMC-OSX; ...
0x1B8; WARPB1.ROM;   WARP;  21; Warp-core, bnk 1; ...
0x1B9; WARPB2.ROM;       ;    ; Warp-core, bnk 2; ...
0x1BA; WARPB3.ROM;       ;    ; Warp-core, bnk 3; ...


RE: AMC-OSX Question - Ángel Martin - 02-18-2020 03:46 PM

(02-18-2020 02:20 PM)Sylvain Cote Wrote:  
(02-18-2020 07:21 AM)Ángel Martin Wrote:  I guess you refer to the "AOSX" ROM image located at 0x092, yes?
No, I am referring to the AMCOSX4.ROM file not listed in one of the mem_ref*.txt


ah, so it's a .ROM file in the monthly archive folder but it's not an entry in the IMDB, I got you now...

FWIW the latest AMCOSX4.ROM file I have in my local archive is dated May/15/2013, and the latest AMC-OSX.ROM is dated January/20/2012... so it appears the one to keep is the first one of both, my bad for keeping versions with different names!

(02-18-2020 02:20 PM)Sylvain Cote Wrote:  I am using your modules in a live demonstration of my HHC2020 presentation on Diego's modules. (teasing: 100+ slides and 2 x 1h sessions)

OMG, poor little things.... ;-)
Let me know if you have questions but I know you'll do a great show - I'd like a copy when you're done!

RE: AMC-OSX Question - Sylvain Cote - 02-18-2020 04:07 PM

(02-18-2020 03:46 PM)Ángel Martin Wrote:  FWIW the latest AMCOSX4.ROM file I have in my local archive is dated May/15/2013, and the latest AMC-OSX.ROM is dated January/20/2012...
so it appears the one to keep is the first one of both, my bad for keeping versions with different names!
ok, so if I understood you correctly, Monte should change this entry
0x092; AMC-OSX.ROM;  AOSX;   5; AMC-OSX; ...
by that one
0x092; AMCOSX4.ROM;  AOSX;   5; AMC-OSX; ...
and delete the AMC-OSX.ROM file from the archive ?

(02-18-2020 03:46 PM)Ángel Martin Wrote:  OMG, poor little things.... ;-)

(02-18-2020 03:46 PM)Ángel Martin Wrote:  Let me know if you have questions but I know you'll do a great show - I'd like a copy when you're done!
I will send you a copy when it's ready.

RE: AMC-OSX Question - Ángel Martin - 02-20-2020 06:06 AM

(02-18-2020 04:07 PM)Sylvain Cote Wrote:  ok, so if I understood you correctly, Monte should change this entry
0x092; AMC-OSX.ROM;  AOSX;   5; AMC-OSX; ...
to that one
0x092; AMCOSX4.ROM;  AOSX;   5; AMC-OSX; ...
and delete the AMC-OSX.ROM file from the archive ?

Yes, I believe so.

A word of caution: the current Library#4 *should* be backwards compatible to support this older AMCOSX ROM , but there is the possibility to have glitches... let me know if you find any.

RE: AMC-OSX Question - Sylvain Cote - 02-20-2020 04:48 PM

Thank you!
I will send en email to Monte about it.