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(SR-52) Cased Oil Wells cement sheath thickness - Printable Version

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(SR-52) Cased Oil Wells cement sheath thickness - SlideRule - 02-22-2020 01:09 AM

An extract from The Acoustical Determination of Cement Sheath Thickness In Cased Oil Wells, The University of Oklahoma, Doctorate of Engineering Dissertation, 1978

"     The Cement Bond Log has normally been proposed. In the current lliterature as a refraction analysis in which formation signals along with amplitude attenuation of casing signals are a determination of good bond between casing and formation walls.
     This paper presents a different approach which also takes into account reflection analysis due to the peculiar geological configuration affecting cased well measurements in South Louisiana.
     Ray theory and wave theory interact to present a solution to the travel time path required to attempt an acoustical determination of the cement thickness. The Wavefront Angle was also taken into account in the analysis since it Is a major factor involved in the delay times related to the travel path,
     A program was developed and implemented to be easily used in field interpretation at the well-site. The Texas Instruments programmable SR-52 with a PC-100 thermal printer, the open hole sonic log, and the CBL seismogram are all that is required to make the measurement …

     A true mud angle program was implemented on the Texas Instruments SR-52 calculator to compute a cement thickness measurement based on a mud/casing interface angle of incidence required to cause either a critical or a reflection angle in the cement …

                    APPENDIX IV

Documentation? It's a doctoral thesis!
