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hp35s, In first ine radix (, or .) not visible - Printable Version

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hp35s, In first ine radix (, or .) not visible - umue1 - 08-02-2022 10:22 AM

Dear all,

wanted to ask if some of you faced a similar problem yet
and perhaps there is a solution out there:


When I TYPE in RPN mode into X: 2.3
I SEE in first line 23
Enter does a "lift up" into Y and I SEE 2.3 (or 2,3)
Bottom line in first line the "." or "," is not displayed, which
is super irritating during calculation.
Strange enough, after running automatic self test, once in a while, the "." or "," shows up in first line again. But only during a few calculations and disappears again later.

Use meanwhile FDISP -View as a workaround.
Be aware
Selftest passes OK
Guarantee is long over

Does someone know a solution soft or hardware wise?

Thanks a lot !