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Decimal to Fraction Function - Printable Version

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Decimal to Fraction Function - Namir - 08-27-2014 06:18 PM

The following function takes the following parameters:

1) x - the fraction to be converted.
2) n - the number of continued fraction terms.
3) toler - the residual tolerance (to prevent divisions by small numbers).

The function returns the following values:

1) The approximation for x.
2) The numerator.
4) The denominator. The approximation for x = numerator / denominator.
4) The difference between x and its approximated value.

Here is the HP Prime listing:


EXPORT Dec2Frac(x,n,toler)
  LOCAL i,numer,denom,aux,resid,y,m,x0;
  // Build continued fraction coefficients
  FOR i FROM 1 TO n DO
    IF ABS(resid)<toler THEN
  // unfold the fractions
  RETURN {numer/denom,numer,denom,resid};

Here is an example:




PS: Many many thanks for Joe Horn who patently pointed out the many errors in the code. I feel a bit ashamed, because I should have done a much better job posting these simple programs. My former Jesuit teachers would have commented that I "did a sloppy job!". Thanks Joe!!