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REDUCE 2 for CP⁄M - Printable Version

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REDUCE 2 for CP⁄M - SlideRule - 10-03-2023 07:44 PM

An excerpt from REDUCE 2 for CP/M, Jed Marti, John Fitch University of Bath, pgs 26-37

     Our experiences with the NLARGE system [1] convinced us that some computer algebra was possible on small machines. Since this previous report, improvements in the UOLISP compiler [2] have made it possible to implement a large portion of REDUCE 2 [3] on 64k byte Z8O CP/M microcomputer systems. This short report outlines the capabilities of the implementation and what further progress can be expected.
     Our motive for pursuing this project is to demonstrate the feasibility of a "pocket symbolic calculator". Our experience with CP/M REDUCE has convinced us of the feasibility of such with conventional technology. Some of the small screen CP/M systems available should reduce our "suitcase" system to a more manageable "briefcase" size. Further reductions in size await evolution of appendages with patience to manipulate smaller instruments.

     CP/M REDUCE is a considerable improvement on NLARGE and demonstrates that our early optimism was justified. Our experience with CP/M REDUCE leads us to the conclusion that a small symbolic calculator is possible with conventional technology.
