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NOV CHAP XROM Number question - Printable Version

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NOV CHAP XROM Number question - BitWiz - 04-14-2024 05:31 PM

I am making sure I don't duplicate an XROM numbers and when I looked at the NOV-CHAP.ROM file from the Clonix-Nov_Upgr_20201016.zip file the first word of the ROM is 0x01F (XROM 31). I confirmed this with the ROM2RAW program.

However, the NOV CHAP ROM manual (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://github.com/isene/HP-41_NOVCHAP.ROM&ved=2ahUKEwjZtumHncKFAxULk4kEHcbKBQEQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3wPAeZCmdHnJXMGfHuYIPW) says the XROM # is 16. Also the .ROM in that repository also has the XROM # of 31.

Is the manual incorrect or am I interpreting the first word wrong?

As usual, thank you.


RE: NOV CHAP XROM Number question - Sylvain Cote - 04-14-2024 06:43 PM

The manual was written in 2011 and the latest ROM version was released in 2018. (GitHub repository)
So it is possible that Geir decided to change his XROM ID between these dates.

update #1: ... and yes the NOV CHAP XROM ID is 31 (1F)

update #2: after a deeper validation, it seems that the NOVCHAP.ROM was last updated on 2011/05/19, at about the same time as the manual.
Well, what can I say, same reason, different timelines. Wink