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HP-41C package - Printable Version

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HP-41C package - Kelvinretro - 05-13-2024 07:48 PM

Does anybody know how the HP-41C Option 001 was originally packaged for sale by HP, and what documentation came with it? Was there an Option-001-specific manual and/or box? Or was there an addendum to the regular HP-41C/CV/CX manual? Or was the calculator just packaged the same way as a regular HP-41C/CV/CX with the same documentation?

RE: HP-41C package - Sylvain Cote - 05-13-2024 09:19 PM

I do not know if the blanknut was delivered without manuals or delivered with a special version of the manuals, but my guess would be that the standard documentation was included in the box.
TMK, two blanknut box version were made, one for the fullnut (HERE) and one for the halfnut, I have seen both.