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Use an HP Prime like it's an HP-28S - Printable Version

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Use an HP Prime like it's an HP-28S - 8031Brown - 05-16-2024 07:00 PM

I posted recently about my finding an old HP-28S and now I'm enjoying using it and my HP Prime side by side.
I downloaded "HP-28 Insights: Principles and Programming of the HP-28C/S" by William C. Wickes, and am benefiting from that gentleman's very fine writing.
In particular I have tried the exercises from the Understanding RPN chapter and have found that the Prime performs these flawlessly and with a couple fewer keystrokes. Who would've thought it?
Quote: "The HP-28 stack is a more thorough implementation of RPN principals than those of its predecessors." I think both of these calculators are very fine devices.

I commend the above cited book to all, as it stands as a good introductory text with explanations that apply to other calculators in the HP family.

Download from https://literature.hpcalc.org/items/1590


RE: Use an HP Prime like it's an HP-28S - carey - 05-17-2024 06:44 AM

When I saw the subject line "Use an HP Prime like it's an HP-28S," for just a moment I got my hopes up that RPL had somehow become available on the Prime. But alas. While it's nice that the Prime can do RPN entry, it's just that I can't recall ever choosing a 28S for RPN, only for RPL, allowing creation of small programs inside French quotation brackets << >> that seamlessly juggle objects, from complex and symbolic matrices to lists, on an infinite stack. Couldn't agree more about the value of Wickes' books -- masterful insights and writing.