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The famous HP-35 - Printable Version

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The famous HP-35 - Matt Agajanian - 06-08-2024 01:10 AM

Hi all. In my archives I have a paper known as ‘A Capability Study on the HP-35 Pocket Calculator. I picked this up years ago. I’m thinking it might be from our Museum on DVD Volume 7.

Anyway, while reminiscing through it, I noticed at the epilogue, “Here’s what 3 distinguished scientists reported after using the HP-35 Pocket Calculator” a quite famous individual (hint, this Stanford University staffer has the initials W K H P, and no, it’s not a radio station).

HP-35 Capability Study

RE: The famous HP-35 - Maximilian Hohmann - 06-08-2024 10:31 AM


I have a german version of this document that came with an HP-35 that I bought on our local flea market (>20 years ago, there are no more HP-35 calculators to be found on flea markets).

It is interesting that HP deemed it necessary to produce such a pamphlet for convincing possible customers of the advantages of a scientific pocket calculator. The target group certainly had access to scientific desktop calculators and pocket calculators had been around since several years. It must have been pretty obvious to anyone that the combination of the two must result in a very useful tool. No need for testimonials!


RE: The famous HP-35 - Steve Simpkin - 06-08-2024 12:12 PM

That is an interesting study. I had not seen that one before.

The hardware and software design of the HP-35 can be found in the June 1972 issue of Hewlett Packard Journal magazine. Page 7 has the same three slide rule comparison problems shown in the above capability study.