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HP 12C manual - Printable Version

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HP 12C manual - Francois Lanciault - 06-11-2024 01:56 PM

Hi group,

There was a version of the HP-12C spiral bound manual that was comming with an additionnal promotional booklet describing HP calculator accessories (for the 41C and 71 and possible others). Maybe the booklet was also included with other product than the 12C.

Was that insert included with the original 12C manual only ? Or subsequent print also had it ?

How many print run were made for the 12C spiral bound manual ?

Any info on this ?

(I am trying to determine the print date of my still sealed HP 12C manual I found at the flea market, and I hope the presence of that booklet might be a clue)


RE: HP 12C manual - rprosperi - 06-11-2024 04:47 PM

I have no specific and I suspect that it's really hard to answer all these questions as the 12C has been in continuous production since 1980, produced in 6 more countries, with many different manual printings, bindings and formats.

Any booklet containing '71 accessories cannot be before late 1983 so this is certainly not from original 12C production if that's all you're asking.

Also, most brochures have a date printed on the bottom back page; the date of the brochure is almost certainly very close to the manual's date, they did not print huge qtys of manuals to set around in warehouses waiting for the next production run, they were continuously printed and packaged.
