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(TI-57) Stack Particulate Tests - Printable Version

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(TI-57) Stack Particulate Tests - SlideRule - 06-18-2024 05:56 PM

An excerpt from Pollution Engineering, Hand Calculator Programs for Stack Particulate Tests (pgs. 24-27), volume XV, number 1, January 1983

  Those familiar with particulate stack testing understand that a great deal of number-crunching is necessary to generate end results. Two hand calculator programs, one designed for a Texas Instruments Programmable 57 and the other for a Hewlett-Packard 33E, have been developed to ease this workload and provide quick turnaround when results are required in a hurry. These two programs calculate all the variables surrounding a stack test except isokinetics. As such these programs are intended to be used as a supplement to, and not a replacement of, more advanced computer programs that calculate all the variables and provide hard copy documentation of the raw data and end results.
  Each calculator program has been divided into two parts. The first part uses the equations presented in EPA's Reference Method 5 - Determination of Particulate Emissions from Stationary Sources to calculate particulate concentration, dry and wet gas volumes and moisture content. The second part use the results of the first part and equations presented in EPA Reference Method 2 - Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate to calculate volumetric flow rate, emission rate and velocity.
  For each program and for each part of each program, details are provided for the following:
1. Preliminary calculations required,
2. Program algorithm
3. Entering the program, and
4. Using the program.

         Texas Instruments Programmable
                        57 Calculator
                               Part I

Preliminary work

Program algorithm

Entering the program

Using the Program

TABLE 1. TI—57E Program Listing for Part I

TABLE 2. TI—57 Program Listing for Part II

                       Part II

Preliminary work

The Program Algorithm

Entering the program

Using the program

With the information generated, it is possible to report particulate concentration and volumetric flow in units other than those reported by using the conversion factors in Table 5.
