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DB48X now available online - Printable Version

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DB48X now available online - c3d - 06-29-2024 01:17 AM

The web site for DB48X is up.

It includes a live demo of the firmware that you can run from within your browser. Let me know if you run into problems running it.


RE: DB48X now available online - Steve Simpkin - 06-29-2024 06:37 AM

This is great! Thank you for officially supporting this option.

One problem I am having is that I have to click on the upper-left area of each key to register a keypress. Clicking anywhere else on the key does nothing. Tested in Chrome on Win PC, Chrome on Android tablet (Kindle Fire) and iPhone Safari.

Also I can't quite fit the entire calculator vertically in one page on my iphone. I have to scroll up slightly to see the top of the display and down slightly to see the bottom of the keypad.

Edit: Added vertical fit issue on iPhone and fixed typos.

RE: DB48X now available online - mahi - 06-29-2024 09:45 AM

Thank you Christophe!

I can confirm the button click issue mentioned by Steve: The area in which mouse/touch clicks are registered is much smaller than the actual buttons. For many only the upper left half of a button registers clicks (tested in Firefox and Edge).

Another (minor) issue I noticed is that key repeat does not work. Not by holding the mouse down, and not by keeping the keyboard button pressed. It's also not possible to trigger the help feature by holding a key.

When using the keyboard, key presses appear to register on the key up event, whereas with mouse input they register on the mouse down event (down event makes more sense).

I have my browser (Firefox) set to interpret the backspace key as back in history (as was the default until 2021). DB48X uses backspace for text input and stack manipulation. When I press backspace in DB48X, the browser returns to the previous page. In this case, DB48X should intercept backspace and prevent the browser from performing the History action.

Similarly, pressing / opens the quick find in Firefox instead of dividing the stack items.

Lastly, would it be possible to open the calculator on a dedicated page without further text around it (like the original attempt by sunpazed)? On a device with touch input, it's very easy to scroll the calculator out of view by accidentally sliding on a button instead of tapping, and on my PC I seem to have a habbit of pressing the down key to edit a stack item or using space to enter multiple items in one go, which also scrolls the calculator.

RE: DB48X now available online - EdS2 - 06-29-2024 10:48 AM

I haven't yet managed to run this... in Chrome 126.0.6478.127 I'm seeing
Quote:wasm streaming compile failed: TypeError: Failed to execute 'compile' on 'WebAssembly': Incorrect response MIME type. Expected 'application/wasm'.
Quote:falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation
which might be the same thing, or a different thing.

I think I saw the same on Firefox (127.0.2). Both on Mac.

RE: DB48X now available online - dm319 - 06-29-2024 10:22 PM

I'm afraid I can't seem to get this to work on Firefox on android. Just showing a blank screen.