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HP-41CX with a high X-Mem reading - Printable Version

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HP-41CX with a high X-Mem reading - Namir - 06-29-2024 03:16 PM

I have an HP-41CX and when I execute the EMIDR command with CATALOG 4, I get 600!! Adding an X-Mem module doe sNOT increase the result of the EMDIR command. That seems to be much higher than the 124 value I get from another HP-41CX which seems to be the expected value. Could the first 41CX been enhanced with extra X-Mem, OR there is an error? I can create files with 600 registers.


RE: HP-41CX with a high X-Mem reading - RPNerd - 06-29-2024 04:20 PM

Maybe a stupid question but could this mystery machine actually be a 41CL? Showing 600 registers of free X-Mem but with no modules installed sounds just like a 41CL.

RE: HP-41CX with a high X-Mem reading - Massimo Gnerucci - 06-29-2024 06:04 PM

Did you open it?
Probably a couple Xmem modules have been installed inside.

RE: HP-41CX with a high X-Mem reading - Namir - 06-30-2024 09:28 AM

I am away for two weeks so I cannot inspect that HP-41CX calculator.