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DM-41L Modules - Printable Version

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DM-41L Modules - knife31 - 07-29-2024 03:17 AM

I was looking for a thread that allows you to download RAM Modules to the DM41L. Not sure if it can be done.

RE: DM-41L Modules - rprosperi - 07-29-2024 03:30 AM

No, the DM41L cannot have ROM modules, or extra Extended memory modules added or installed. The DM41L is compatible with a CX, but it is limited to the way it ships. Which is one of the reasons the DM41X was created, to remove such limitations, and give it back a more 41-friendly keyboard design.

RE: DM-41L Modules - Dave Britten - 07-29-2024 12:11 PM

I faintly recall looking into this shortly after getting my 41L, and I think the verdict was that there just isn't enough ROM/RAM space on that hardware platform for any meaningful module support. Would have been nice if you could at least fit one in there, though. The Advantage module would have gone a long way!