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HP-67: ROM/RAM 1818-0232 wanted - Printable Version

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HP-67: ROM/RAM 1818-0232 wanted - ww1223 - 08-14-2024 09:35 AM

I’ve recently attempted a restoration/repair of an HP-67 after a couple of years of it sitting on the shelf as a rather daunting and unstarted project.

To cut a long story very short, by observing startup microcode execution with a DSO I’ve diagnosed a faulty ROM/RAM IC, namely the 1818-0232, one of the four 8-pin ROM/RAMs. I should acknowledge the very kind email advice I received from Tony (Teenix) during this process, and also the invaluable startup microcode log at https://www.sydneysmith.com/products/gss-hp67u/downloads/67-startup.txt

So the inevitable impossible/unobtanium question now arises: does anyone have a spare 1818-0232 for sale please? Failing that, I will probably buy another HP-67 for spares/repair and cannibalise that. But I did have a faint hope that someone else might already have gone down that road in order to harvest some other much-needed component. In which case they might then have a surplus 1818-0232?

Many thanks in advance if anyone can help.