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How do you download a Python program from a PC into a Casio CG50? - Printable Version

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How do you download a Python program from a PC into a Casio CG50? - StephenG1CMZ - 09-09-2024 01:56 PM

I thought I had cut-and-pasted ztime into ztime.py on the pc, but on the Casio it arrived as ztime~1.py.txt, of unrecognised type.

Investigating, the PC wasn't showing filetypes, and what it showed as ztime.py was in truth time.py.txt.

Old tricks like right-click/rename were ignored, but once the PC was persuaded to show and edit the filetype, it was transferred ok.
Not sure of the exact keystrokes

RE: How do you download a Python program from a PC into a Casio CG50? - StephenG1CMZ - 09-11-2024 11:32 AM

Microsoft help keeps saying right-click/rename, but that is ignored.
What is the secret trick to make a 21st-centrury PC do what a 20th-century PC would do automatically?

RE: How do you download a Python program from a PC into a Casio CG50? - mfleming - 09-11-2024 07:54 PM

(09-11-2024 11:32 AM)StephenG1CMZ Wrote:  What is the secret trick to make a 21st-centrury PC do what a 20th-century PC would do automatically?

Ummm, download Notepad++ perhaps? It does a good job with Python syntax highlighting too.

RE: How do you download a Python program from a PC into a Casio CG50? - StephenG1CMZ - 09-11-2024 08:30 PM

(09-11-2024 07:54 PM)mfleming Wrote:  
(09-11-2024 11:32 AM)StephenG1CMZ Wrote:  What is the secret trick to make a 21st-centrury PC do what a 20th-century PC would do automatically?

Ummm, download Notepad++ perhaps? It does a good job with Python syntax highlighting too.

Does "download [app]" mean a standard PC is unable to name files???
Oh for the good old days when you just switched on and BASIC just worked.