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Finance App TVM - Printable Version

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Finance App TVM - KeithB - 09-17-2024 02:42 PM

Just what is "Group Size"? I see no mention of it in the Help.

RE: Finance App TVM - Albert Chan - 09-17-2024 04:48 PM

Group size controls how amortization table look like. 1 ≤ size ≤ N
It is the same amortization table, just shown differently (say, per year summary)

if size = 1, amortization table show it all in details, 1 line per period.
if size = N, only 1 line shown, total principle paid, interest paid, and balance.

RE: Finance App TVM - KeithB - 09-17-2024 04:55 PM

Thanks, so the default of 12 shows 1 line per year.