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HP9815A, S, and peripherals, possibly for sale - Printable Version

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HP9815A, S, and peripherals, possibly for sale - John Ioannidis - 07-20-2015 06:26 PM

Before I post on ebay...

I have three HP9815 machines that I need to part with (a Manhattan apartment is no place to stockpile calculators). I believe at least one is an A, one is an A converted to S, and at most one is a real S. There is also an assortment of tapes, an HPIB, and a BCD interface.

I think I paid some $500 for each one.

I'm not going to throw them out, but I'll consider reasonable offers. If you can pick them up in Manhattan so I won't have to ship them (shipping alone would be $100 for each one of them) a deal can be reached more easily.

I'd rather they go to someone who will value them, rather than put them on The Auction Site and have them go to someone who will stockpile them and sell them at a profit later.

If this kind of post violates community standards for what's acceptable in a classified ad, please tell me and I'll take it down.

RE: HP9815A, S, and peripherals, possibly for sale - Namir - 07-23-2015 03:13 AM

How well does each of these machine work?
