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WP 31S RCL function - Printable Version

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WP 31S RCL function - mikemo - 10-19-2015 04:12 PM

I wonder if someone could give me some pointers on using the RCL function on my newly built WP 31S. I'm running version 3801.

I start with the stack like this:

t: 4
z: 3
y: 2
x: 1

I press "RCL" and it waits for input from me. I assume at this point that the keyboard is in "transient alpha mode" (from the manual). I press the "3" key to recall the Z register. Instead of the x register containing the number 3, it has a zero.

t: 3
z: 2
y: 1
x: 0

Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong? I can recall from registers using "CATREG" and that seems to work normally.

Thanks in advance!
Mike M.

RE: WP 31S RCL function - Dieter - 10-19-2015 05:26 PM

(10-19-2015 04:12 PM)mikemo Wrote:  I press "RCL" and it waits for input from me. I assume at this point that the keyboard is in "transient alpha mode" (from the manual).

?!? Why should it be in transient alpha mode?

(10-19-2015 04:12 PM)mikemo Wrote:  I press the "3" key

You press "RCL" and "3", so you obviously want to recall register 3. ;-)
And that's what's displayed if you hold down the key: "RCL 03".
Why should the 31s do something different and execute a RCL Z instead?

If you really want to do so you have to make that clear:

(10-19-2015 04:12 PM)mikemo Wrote:  ...to recall the Z register. Instead of the x register containing the number 3, it has a zero.

Sure – register 3 obviously was empty, so you get a zero.

If you want to access the stack registers (i.e. get a "Z" instead of the "3") simply press ENTER: RCL ENTER displays "RCL s" (= "stack"), and pressing the "3" key (or "Z") now yields a RCL Z.


RE: WP 31S RCL function - mikemo - 10-19-2015 07:06 PM

(10-19-2015 05:26 PM)Dieter Wrote:  ?!? Why should it be in transient alpha mode?

My interpretation from info in the Preliminary Owner's Manual, pages 29-30.

Your explanation was very helpful and works perfectly. It just wasn't clear to me from the document how it was supposed to work.

Thanks and regards,
Mike M.