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object types - Printable Version

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object types - ji3m - 11-11-2015 11:12 PM

Is there any way to distinguish object tyoes in cas/ppl?

using type or CAS.type or TYPE return different cide. That ok but
neither will distinguish a symbolic matrix from a list.

type ({a,b}) and type ( [ [q b] [t 2] ] )

both return DOM_LIST and TYPE returns 6 (list)

The only case is a purely numeric matrix for which TYPE returns 4 but
type still returns list.

Are lists and vectors and matrices all just lists in cas..?.and are they fully interchangeable.

And by the way the help for type refers to 14.7 with the fraction as a cas type. This makes little sense.

RE: object types - cyrille de brébisson - 11-12-2015 06:48 AM


Yes, pretty much everything in the CAS is a list internally...
There is a sub-type to distinguish things, but it's lists all the way down :-)

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