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Spreadsheet X Excel formula [Solved] - Printable Version

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Spreadsheet X Excel formula [Solved] - jrozsas - 07-18-2016 12:41 PM

I have a doubt regarding the spreadsheet, in a formula.
Excel , in column "G":
=IF(A2<>"MC";IF(A2<>"PS";IF(E2>F2;E2-F2;" ");" ");" ")
In HP Prime:
Work Fine! OK

But in cell "C3" in excel:

how to make this formula into the calculator?Attached are the two files to excel and Prime hp
I appreciate the help.

RE: Spreadsheet X Excel formula - cyrille de brébisson - 07-19-2016 05:05 AM


Some variation on

Cell(pos(Cell_Range_With_Values, Value), Result_Column)

Should do the trick...
